ETHIOPIA True Missions Story - AG Web


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True Missions StoryETHIOPIA

Lesson 9: ETHIOPIA

A Miracle of Life

(Picture 1)

Assefa and Terefa prayed and prayed for months that God would open doors for them among the Muslim people in a little village of Ethiopia. For a long time, the doors seemed to be shut. But then one day they heard the sound of cry-ing. They looked out their window and saw a crowd heading to the graveyard, weeping as they went. A man in front held a little girl in his arms, covered with a sheet.

Assefa and Terefa knew the little girl. Her name was Khadija. Assefa said to Terefa, “This is God’s moment of opportunity! Let’s rush into the funeral and pray that Jesus will raise Khadija from the dead!”

Terefa said, “You’re crazy! What if Jesus doesn’t raise her? They’ll kill us!” But before he could stop him, Assefa ran to the funeral. Terefa ran into the bushes. He covered himself with leaves, dirt, and branches to hide himself. He called out to Jesus to do something to help them.

Assefa made his way through the crowd until he was walking side by side with the father, who was carrying the dead girl. Assefa held out his arms, and the father allowed him to carry the girl.

(Picture 2)

After a short time, Assefa stopped and began to pray that Jesus would raise Khadija from the dead. The people became very angry. They lunged at Assefa.

(Picture 1)

(Picture 2)

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238 2007 BGMC Missions Manual, Vol. 9

But at that moment, a little arm came out from underneath the sheet, then fell back again. The people were stunned. But after a moment, they grew angry again and again lunged at Assefa.

Then Khadija sat straight up! The sheet fell off her face. She looked at her father and cried, “Father!” At that moment, all 214 Muslims at the funeral dropped to their knees and confessed Jesus Christ as Lord!

(Picture 3)

A few months later, all 214 Muslims, plus Khadija herself, came to a Pentecos-tal church to be baptized in water. But that day there were 216 people in the crowd. Another man, Alemeyehu, who was a Muslim witch, had come to curse the new believers and to cause them to stumble in their faith. As he heard the gospel preached, and as he heard all 215 testimonies of salvation, his hard heart began to soften.

At the end of the preaching, at the altar call, Alemeyehu ran to the front to re-ceive Jesus! Before the day ended, 216 Muslims had been baptized and openly confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Information for this story was provided by workers in Ethiopia and is used with permission from Assemblies of God World Missions.

(Picture 3)

239Lesson 9: ETHIOPIA

Assefa walked with the father, who was carrying the dead girl. Terefa ran into the bushes.

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Assefa began to pray that Jesus would raise Khadija from the dead. The people became very angry.

241Lesson 9: ETHIOPIA

At the altar call, Alemeyehu ran to the front to receive Jesus!