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Ethics, Science, and Society, have you ever thought of the link between these three words. Do you have any doubt that they are all related and do complete each others. In this magazine we will try to give account of these major three aspects of our life, trying to illustrate the way in which they are connected together through stating facts from history, incidences, different ideas and relating them to science. Those three aspects when connected together form a three equally edged triangle in which all its sides are complementary to each other. If we imagine that science is on a bank and each of society and ethics are on other banks you will definitely find bridges that connect all of them together as they all meet at a midpoint so that the maximum benefit is obtained for the humanity. As science without ethics is bad science, and science without society means lack of science implantation. If society lacked science and ethics it would turn into a jungle and a place with no future as science is the future. The authors of the magazine wish that you would enjoy the topics and issues

covered by the magazine. Wish you all good times.







"" "GET INTO IT ….



SCIENCE """"""""""""""


""BY: MALAK MEHREZ"           Ethics  is  the  way  of  doing  the  right  thing.  It  refers  to  the  well-­‐funded  standards  of  right  and  wrong.  But  here  comes  the  question  “who  is  supposed  to  decide  the  right  thing  from  the  wrong  one?”  We  all  have  different  point  of  views  depending  on  our  nature  as  well  as  nurture.  We  have  different  personalities,  different  characteristics,  different  way  of  thinking  therefore  we  have  different  decisions  and  different  opinions.  But  when  it  comes  to  other  people’s  lives  we  all  must  have  the  same  opinion  which  is  saving  their  lives;  this  is  bioethics.  The  bioethics  is  an  activity  which  is  concerned  with  applying  the  ethics  in  the  Fields    of  science,  health  and  medicine.     Bioethics  reserves  people’s  rights  concerning  using  them  is  researches  or  taking  decisions  on  behalf  of  them.  We  have  questioned  random  people  for  their  opinion  in  three  different  bioethical  situations:    A  policeman  and  a  thief,  both  in  a  dangerous  situation  and  need  blood  transmission.  Which  one  will  you  choose  to  give  the  blood  to?  with  knowledge  that  if  you  gave  to  the  thief  there  is  a  probability    that  the  policeman  will  live  but  if  you  gave  to  the  policeman  ,  the  thief  will  die  100%.  Do  you  agree  or  disagree  with  the  scientists  that  make  use  of  poor  people  in  their  research  without  their  knowledge?  A  new  born  twin  with  one  heart.  will  you  leave  them  both  or  kill  one  and  leave  the  other  with  a  heart?  


""""""" "

" "

"""""""" " """"""""""""""

Hala, 19 years old!Applied Arts Student, GUC.!""

The thief, i still don’t know if he is guilty or not." Disagree, they are human beings. It is unethical to harm them." Kill one, because if we let both alive they will live in misery.

Amal, 74 years old"unemployed""

The policeman, the thief does’t deserve to live." Disagree, immoral." Kill one inorder for the other to survive.

Khaled, 57 years old.!dental and oral surgeon.!"

The policeman, he deserves more to live." Disagree, unethical action."Kill one, because otherwise both won’t live happily.

Heba,48 years old!Professor of Endodontics Faculty of Oral

and Dental Medicine.!"The thief, because it is the more dangerous situation. Disagree, because they are making use of the weak people who do not have voice. Kill one, because in the longterm both won’t survive.


As  we  saw  here  in  this  survey,  every  one  had  his  own  opinion  due  to  the  fact  that  each  one  of  them  had  his/  her  own  mentality,  age  ,  gender,  way  of  raising  up  and  

way  of  thinking.  However,  we  can  also  see  that  they  all  disagreed  in  the  second  situation.  This  is  what  i  am  talking  about,  that  when  the  situation  comes  to  making  use  of  the  necessitous  people  and  their  need  for  money  and  food,  all  the  people  must  totally  disagree  with  it  for  the  sake  of  those  needy  people.  



"   Bioethics  is  just  a  segment  from  a  large  whole  concept  of  ethics;  which  we  all  must  have  with  the  same  ground  and  basics  even  if  our  opinions  differ.  The  only  thing  that  that  must  control  our  decision  making  is  our  humanity  as  well  as  our  ethical  and  moral  thinking.  """



By Raghda Ashraf: The upcoming articles are meant to show the relation between science and religion. using scientific evidences to support certain religious beliefs , demonstrates that science plays an important role in our society.this is because religion represents a huge part of our community. "First Miraculous Discovery:

Fertilization occurs in the outer third of the channel uterus Fallopian Tube consists fertilized egg Zygote, which is the first cell in the human life. At the end of the first week of fertilization implantation happens and regards the fetus inner lining of the uterus, and feeds on the blood of the mother and elongates becomes transformed into three layers make up the later more than 200 kinds of specialized cells of the members of the fetus, then it turns into the shape known as “chew-like embryo”. Afterwards, the skeleton starts to appear and then the muscles. This was explained clearly in the Quran as

stated in (Surah Al Mumenoon) “Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay) Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (fetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create!”  (Dodouh)  


•Second Miraculous Discovery:

Edwin Hubble concluded then that the universe is expanding constantly and rapidly increasing. He also discovered that the galaxies that were born away from the first center of the explosion, as well as moving away from each other. This discovery led some astronomers to other scientists to wonder then about the validity of this discovery, most of them thought that the Hubble has made a mistake. The whole idea seemed hard to believe because it requires a lot of change in the way of thinking, which was followed by scientists at the origins of the universe and that the universe is static. Amazingly, it was stated in the Quran in ( Surat Adh-Dhāriyāt ) “And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.” The second guide is the (Cosmic background Radiation), which was monitored and considered as the afterglow of the big bang. This claim has been stated in the

Quran in (Surat Fussalit) “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? (El Hamed) "


Third Miraculous Discovery:

The great truth that reported in this verse is what scientists call today the principle of relative motion to the effect that the thing what seems to the observer finger may not be the case, but on the other side , objects which seems like they are moving at slow speed are actually moving at a massively high speed. This applies for mountains which seems like they are static, but in fact they are on

continuous motion. As stated in the Quran in ( Surat Al Naml ) “And you see the mountains, thinking them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds. [It is] the work of Allah , who perfected all things. Indeed, He is Acquainted with that which you do.”     The universe cannot be stable and even if that happened , immediately objects will be attracted to the nearest ones. That is why God has chosen the circular motion for the safety of satellites around planets, planets around suns and suns around the centers of galaxies. And God chose the linear movement to save the galaxy from the attraction to each other as they move in straight lines in all directions beyond Center of the Big Bang. Which has been stated in the Quran in ( Surat Yassin ) “And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. And the moon - We have determined for it phases, until it returns [appearing] like the old date stalk. It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.” (El Abady)





""1) Producing more responsible citizens: "

""""""2)Building a stronger economy : "


""3) Contributing to informed choices that impact the world : "



Behind the Use of


By:Rowan Bahaa

Have you ever thought why we do science, or what it is the aim of

more can science become a source using science or even

of harm for every and each one of us. First of all, we should

know that the aim of science is building knowledge and

understanding the nature around us in order to solve and

explore problems of the nature affecting us. So, do people

think of while doing science to harm others and even kill

groups of people? Can we even call this as science ?

Exploding carbon mines

" From my point of view this should be classified as harmful science.

There are lots of ways. in which science is used for

destruction. Some other forms of science was done to help

people and to facilitate their work but it was subject to

human abuse, Which turned it to a way of torturing than

helping. An example of human abuse of scientific inventions

is the dynamite. Early at the beginning, dynamite was firstly


invented to facilitate the work of the workers in exploding

the coal mines, but unfortunately, it was then abused in the

war to kill innocent people.

Dynamite used in war

" If we go a little bit backward into history you would find

disasters done by science, the most famous one is the first

nuclear bomb which was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.During

the final stages of World War I atomic bombings were

conducted by the United States on the two Japanese cities,

which caused massive destruction and the backward

radiation that could be detected until recent previous years

causing mutations and health disasters for the Japanese


Biological war is a way of using science and biology in

specification in war instead of using bombs and guns. It is a

way of causing destruction and death but with longer term

or you can even call it slow death. It involves the use of any

organism or a toxin as a weapon to kill or injury people. This

form of harmful science is majorly used in assassinations.


After searching some examples of biological weapons use

were found :

"o Attempts to use biological warfare agents date back to

antiquity. Scythian archers infected their arrows by dipping them in decomposing bodies or in blood mixed with manure as far back as 400 BC.

o During the battle of Tortona in the 12th century AD,

Barbarossa used the bodies of dead and decomposing soldiers to poison wells. During the siege of Kaffa in the 14th century AD, the attacking Tatar forces hurled plague-infected corpses into the city in an attempt to cause an epidemic within enemy forces. This was repeated in 1710, when the Russians besieging Swedish forces at Reval in Estonia catapulted bodies of people who had died from plague.

o Allegations were made during the American Civil War by

both sides, but especially against the Confederate Army, of the attempted use of smallpox to cause disease among enemy forces.

o During World War I, the German Army developed anthrax, glanders, cholera, and a wheat fungus specifically for use as biological weapons. They allegedly spread plague in St. Petersburg, Russia, infected mules with glanders in Mesopotamia, and attempted to do the same with the horses of the French Cavalry.

o In 1942, the United States formed the War Research

Service. Anthrax and botulinum toxin initially were investigated for use as weapons. Sufficient quantities of botulinum toxin and anthrax were stockpiled by June 1944 to allow unlimited retaliation if the German forces first used biological agents. The British also tested anthrax bombs on Gruinard Island off the northwest coast of Scotland in 1942 and 1943 and then prepared and stockpiled anthrax-laced cattle cakes for the same reason.

o During the Vietnam War, Viet Cong guerrillas used

needle-sharp punji sticks dipped in feces to cause severe infections after an enemy soldier had been stabbed.



In 1979, an accidental release of anthrax from a

weapons facility in Sverdlovsk, USSR,

killed at least 66 people. The Russian

government claimed these deaths were

due to infected meat and maintained this

position until 1992, when Russian

President Boris Yeltsin finally admitted

to the accident.(BiologicalWarfare)


"Another form of harmful science is the chemical war which

involves the use of toxic properties of chemicals as an effective

weapon to kill people. It is totally different from biological war

as it uses the chemicals directly on innocent people.

"After all this do you believe that this should be classified as bad

or harmful science or not. Is science done to harm people or to

help solve their problems and wonders. Science is totally

innocent from what some scientists and people are implementing

it as weapons and torturing ways. Those kind of research and

implementations should be banned and stopped and international

agreements should be signed by

the countries which carry on

those researches because even

carrying such hazardous

research can be disastrous if a

leak or spread of a virus or

chemical took place even if this

was without intention.


"Chemical warfare suits




By Noha Saad

Many people do not agree about the role of government when it comes to funding scientific research. They believe that there are

various reasons why it's wrong for government to fund scientific research while it should be funding other important matters that are not funded by the

society. A number of reasons to support this belief are listed in this paper. Many of the reasons that the government should not be involved in funding research

considerably make sense.

Research is used to encourage new sorts of business, and to enhance everyone's daily lives. It’s a part of our infrastructure, just as much as streets and extensions seem to be. Providing for infrastructure of different sorts has been thought to be one of the responsibilities of the government for a considerable length of time , and for good reason:

There are various types of research that fall into the general class outlined above for distinctive reasons:

Government funds research which includes biomedical work and falls into category of high-risk and high-gain research. Many turn out to have no practical or profitable application after all. Government is not able to fund a large number of projects because it becomes a disadvantage as both time and money are wasted in most of these projects. There are other types of research which includes a lot of basic physics which has no commercial benefit. When we fund such type of research,

abundance about the universe we live in is minimized and new knowledge about different technologies show up. Third type of research that should

constantly funded is environmental research which may have short term effect on businesses. Such research has possible long-term

effects that are commercially beneficial. Our government is an imperfect means for dealing with funding scientific

research. Government’s the worst way to fund basic scientific research except for

everything else we’ve tried.



falsifying a claim










" warnH012_biological_hazard-e1357682474871.jpg Warfare_456px.gif

Dodouh,  Mohamed.  The  quran  miracles  encyclopedia.  25  April  2014.  5  november  2014  <>.

El  Abady,  Mansour.  The  quran  miracles  encyclopedia.  21  june  2010.  <hDp://quran-­‐>.  

El  Hamed,  Hamed.  The  quran  miracles  encyclopedia.  4  May  2012.  <hDp://quran-­‐>.  

