Ethereal Engineering Part 1


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8/7/2019 Ethereal Engineering Part 1 1/6

Ethereal Engineering Part 1


Mario Jones


I have recently learned about a concept known as Sympathetic Vibratory Physics(SVP) that has

expanded my understanding of the physical plain we live on to such a degree that it is alarming

to me. Alarming only in that it has to some degree taken a chunk of what was left of my

innocence away, and at the same time seems to be leading me back to original innocence or

the mind of God, if you will. It is based on the simple premise that everything manifested is


Now, if you are the new age spiritual type, you will know that sound or music and light or color,

are very important in the reading and balancing of the chakras and to your health in general,

but for the lay people out there, sound and light are both vibration at differing rates. Now a

question that many out there have probably neglected to ask as I had before my recent

discovery is, what is vibration? Most would not ask this question as we are all pretty sure we

know the answer, if in no other way but intuitively. However, I challenge you to take a moment

to think of a definition for this phenomenon...

Anything yet? If not don't worry, most people have difficulty with this question. Let us look at

what conventional wisdom tells us. Merriam-Webster defines vibration thusly: 1 a : a periodicmotion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from the

position of equilibrium when that equilibrium has been disturbed (as when a stretched cord

produces musical tones or molecules in the air transmit sounds to the ear) b : the action of 

vibrating : the state of being vibrated or in vibratory motion: as (1) : OSCILLATION (2) : a quivering

or trembling motion : QUIVER.  And for the New Agers 4: a characteristic emanation, aura, or

spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or

experienced —often used in plural b : a distinctive usually emotional atmosphere capable of 

being sensed —usually used in plural. in the first definition, some may have noticed another

word which most equate to vibration: oscillation. In fact isn't that exactly what Meriam-

Webster is saying here, that vibration and oscillation are one and the same?

So, how would a person that deals with this phenomenon on a daily basis define these terms?

like say, a physics professor. Well, according to the McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science &

Technology, vibration is the term used to describe a continuing periodic change in the

magnitude of a displacement with respect to a specified central reference. The periodic motion

may range from the simple to-and-fro oscillations of a pendulum, through the more

complicated vibrations of a steel plate when struck with a hammer, to the extremely

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complicated vibrations of large structures such as an automobile on a rough road. Vibrations

are also experienced by atoms, molecules, and nuclei. Again, is the encyclopedia of sci-tech

saying here that vibration and oscillation are the same phenomenon or are they just saying that

oscillation is a form of vibration?

Well, according to what proponents of SVP, amongst which I now count myself, believevibration and oscillation are similar but not the same phenomenon. In my own words, and as I

understand it, they differ in that vibration is a periodic motion within a body and oscillation is

the periodic motion of the entire body itself. To further clarify; oscillation is where a body

travels back and forth from two alternating positions. if this body is surrounded by a medium

that makes up a larger body, or is somehow attached to a larger body so that it has some

influence on that body, the oscillations of the smaller body will cause the larger one to vibrate.

Dale Pond of (a site dedicated to translating this rediscovered knowledge into

modern English) uses this example: a simple illustration is a child on a swing. The swinging back and forth ( translation or 

" rhythmically recurring translatory movement

In this case vibration and oscillation are not coupled or locked together. In another example,

that of a violin, they would be coupled. As a string is[bowed causing it] to oscillate the body of 

the violin vibrates correspondingly. Another example of coupled motions is that of planets

orbiting (oscillating) around the Sun while rotating (vibrating) on their axis.

" from one position to another   ) is rightfully 

termed an oscillation. At the same time the child's heart is vibrating within the oscillating body.

The heart may also be considered to be oscillating along with, the same as, sympathetically or 

concurrently with the oscillations of the body as a whole. But the swinging motion is NOT a

vibration. If the swinging were to stop the oscillation of the body would cease but the vibration

of the heart would continue.

Now that we have a clear understanding of how these two phenomenon differ the questioncomes to mind "why does it matter?" It matters because when one is trying to explain the basis

of everything in the physical universe one must be precise in the definitions of the terms he/she

uses so that the details are not lost. In this case we are speaking of cause and effect. The cause

of oscillation is different than the cause of vibration therefore the resultant effects are also


Now, having established the possibility that vibration is the fundamental basis of all that is

physical, and having a good understanding of what vibration is, we now need a means by which

to study this phenomenon and prove our hypothesis. This is fairly easily accomplished as there

is a discipline that has been around since before recorded history which is dedicated strictly tothe study and use of both vibration and oscillation: Music. Physics would be the choice of most

contemporary scientists as it includes the study of these phenomena, but physics is a young

science, (created by Isaac Newton in the 1600's) and has to cover a broad range of topics.

Whereas, Music has been around forever, and covers one topic; Sound and how it is produced

transmitted and received.

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Music could be described as the organization of vibration and oscillation into pleasing melodies.

And if it were even possible to put this in any less passionate terms, one might say Music is

simply, the study or the science of vibration and oscillation as they relate to sound. That being

said, let us not get too hung up on the sound or auditory aspect of this science, as this discipline

has a much greater potential than what it has been used for up to this point.

The effects of vibration and oscillation, as even physics has shown us, are many times more far

reaching than just sound or the feeling of a hum or pulsation. contemporary physics agrees that

radio waves are an effect of vibration or oscillation in fact all waves in all forms are the effects

of vibration or oscillation. This fact is illustrated below.

As is apparent from this illustration light is another effect of vibration or oscillation, and as we

can also see from the same, all the effects are all termed waves. So, could it be that anything

that is termed a wave is in fact the effect of vibration or oscillation? The answer is a resounding

YES! Which means that even our thoughts are the effect of one or both of these phenomena.

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Those of you who have read my previous article titled "Singularity" might be wondering to

yourselves if this new information renders that article obsolete, but one must consider that in

that piece, I was explaining my thoughts on the likely basic structure of things, where as SVP

goes a step further to explain the substance out of which that structure is formed. I am aware

that it seems strange to use the word substance when referring to vibration or oscillation as

these are considered to be movement, but this just speaks to the point that movement ormotion, stillness or the lack of motion, and the contrast between the two, is indeed that of 

which matter consists as does all else in this physical universe.

Let us use the blades of an old fashioned airplane propeller to illustrate the point of this; you

know, the kind that had to be started by hand and with the announcement "CONTACT!" When

the prop is at rest you see the two distinct blades extending out from the spindle or fulcrum.

However, when the prop is moving one can make no such distinction between the blades. It

seems as though both blade meld together to form a ghostly wheel, and if you were to try and

say, throw an apple through the apparent semi materialized wheel it is doubtful that it would

make it to the other side intact. Also it is almost intuitively known and is indeed a fact that as

the prop spins faster the apparent wheel begins to lose its ghostly quality, seemly becoming

more and more solid. And if one follows this logic through to its conclusion, there is a

hypothetical speed of the prop where if you were to throw another apple at it, the apple would

smash up against it as it would if you were to throw the same apple at brick wall. While in fact

the wheel consists of very little in the way of actual material, as its speed increases it at least

appears to us, and not just visibly, to become very substantial.

The previous paragraph would be an example of oscillation (as described in Dale Pond's

example illustrating the difference between vibration and oscillation). The blades of the prop

revolve around its fulcrum as the planets revolve around the sun.

Below is an illustration of my concept of the Singularity. I believe it will help to clarify how

particles of matter are formed from high speed (frequency) oscillations of smaller particles.

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If one has taken note of the smaller singularities/particles inside the larger one you have

probably also taken notice of the paths drawn for those particles in red and blue. Now, I want

to make the reader aware that these paths drawn here are just conceptual to impart some

general idea of how the particles travel in a singularity. In reality each successive ring of the

spiral path of the smaller particle would be so tight to the previous that the difference in the

circumference or radius of it would be almost imperceptible, if the illustration were actual size.

This, in conjunction with the speed at which the particles traverse their paths; meaning it leaves

the center of the singularity, travels out in a tight spiral pattern away from the center gradually

escaping the repulsive influence of the singularity’s radiative center and just as graduallycoming under the influence of one of the singularity’s two vortices it travels back down the

funnel and into the area of low pressure, where it is loaded, cocked and ready to be fired again

and again. imagine that the smaller particles traverse this path so fast that they will have done

so several thousand times in under a second, also imagine several thousand of these particles

being fired from the singularity; one immediately after the other. In this case as in all cases,

what is in reality of little substance appears to be quite substantial.

The point being made in the last paragraph that it is not so much solid material that gives

matter its mass but motion. And in the case of a singularity/particle which consists of the basic

structure of things the basic motion is vibration and oscillation.

So, we have now seen vibration and oscillation from a different perspective than most of have

since the advent of contemporary physics. I hesitate to call it a new perspective as I am sure

that it has been around since man became self aware, but for some reason it shrank from the

collective consciousness of humanity into the consciousness of a only a few; some who were

unwilling to share with the rest and others, willing to share, who's voices were mostly ignored.

And so this ancient wisdom is new to most of us.

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The implications of being able to manipulate all the effects of vibration and oscillation from

matter to mind using the principals of music, are unlimited and opens the way for an entirely

new (to us) discipline one could call "Ethereal Engineering"; designing things from nothing but

vibration and oscillation. It is the advent of this New Science that I would like to document and

explore in this series.

Next, I would like to explore the history of SVP and some of its past applications.

Until Then I Bid you Peace and Good Fortune,

Mario A. Jones