ETCBULLETIN - ETC Corporate...ETCBULLETIN News from the European Travel Commission Summer-Autumn...


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ETCBULLETINNews from the European Travel Commission Summer-Autumn 2015

About ETC 2

ETC partnerships 3

ETC marketing activities 4• Bloggers explore Europe’s cultural

routes• Food emerges as Europe’s next

gateway experience

ETC Operations Groups 5• European cinema travels to Canada• New York rediscovers Europe

ETC research & development 6-7• MICE decision-making revealed• Tomorrow's consumer profiled• Improving access to tourism statistics• European Spas Association congress

ETC agenda 2015 8

List of ETC member organisations 8

Contact details 8


New StrategicPartnerships andInternationalRelationsETC continues to expand itsnetwork of strategic partners in theEuropean travel and tourismsector, with the aim ofstrengthening the competitivenessof the tourism industry in Europeas one of the main engines ofeconomic growth and employment.

At the General Assembly of Eurail,held in Ghent on 17th June, ETCand the Eurail Group signed aMemorandum of Understanding.The areas of cooperation includeknowledge and information sharingand collaboration in selectedresearch projects. Eurail Groupwas established in 2001 as anorganisation dedicated to themarketing and management of theEurail Pass. The organisation isowned by, represents and acts forthe 30 European railwayorganisations that make up itsmembership.

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As the world’s number one touristdestination, Europe is on a promisinggrowth path in 2015 and the region isexpected to record a positive increase ininternational tourist arrivals for the sixthconsecutive year.

Tourism has a crucial role in Europe’seconomies. According to WTTC, thesector’s direct and indirect contributionrepresented 9.2% of the total EuropeanGDP, supporting more than 35 million jobsin 20141. For the current northernhemisphere peak season – whichaccounts for more than a third ofinternational tourist arrivals recorded in a

year – prospects for European tourismremain optimistic. This is despiteapparent shifts in international travelflows influenced by continuing politicaltensions, struggling economies and fiercecompetition.

ETC research shows that long-haulmarkets continue to be an importantdriver of growth in 2015 with travelsentiment in major source marketsremaining upbeat for the peak travelseason (May-August 2015)2. In particular,

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A Firm Footing for European Tourism


What Is The European TravelCommission?The European Travel Commission (ETC) isthe non-profit organisation responsible forthe promotion of Europe as a touristdestination in long-haul markets.

ETC’s mission is to strengthen thesustainable development of Europe as atourist destination and to increasecompetitiveness, through knowledgegathering and sharing amongst membersand lobbying, as well as by establishing aprofessional marketing platform for thesuccessful promotion of membercountries in overseas markets.

Since When?ETC was established in 1948 to promotethe importance of tourism in revitalisingEurope’s economy after World War II.ETC’s core task has remained unchangedsince its foundation more than 60 yearsago.

Who Are Our Members?ETC’s members are the National TouristOrganisations (NTOs) of 33 Europeancountries, including 24 EU member states.The NTOs of all sovereign states in Europeare eligible for full membership of ETC.

European Union: Austria, Belgium,Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

Others: Iceland, Monaco, Montenegro,Norway, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland,Turkey.

How Does ETC Function?ETC has its headquarters in Brussels,where its Executive Unit is based. Theorganisation is headed by a presidentelected from the directors of its memberorganisations.

Vital to ETC’s activities are its MarketIntelligence Group (MIG) and MarketingGroup (MKG). The MIG commissions andproduces studies, handbooks onmethodologies and best practice, andfacilitates the exchange of Europeantourism statistics. The MKG provides theorganisation with strategic advice onmarketing related aspects.

The work of all the above-mentionedgroups is carried out by experts frommember NTOs.

Where Does ETC Operate?ETC currently promotes and markets theEurope – a never ending journey brandand the portal in fourmajor overseas markets: Brazil, Canada,China and the USA. ETC’s focus will shiftgradually towards emerging markets inthe coming years.

The representatives of the European NTOsoperating in these markets join together toform an ETC Operations Group (OG) and electa Chairperson. They decide on a programmeof joint activities for the promotion of Europefor the year ahead, propose a budget, andseek local industry support.

What Are ETC’s Activities?ETC undertakes three basic activities:consumer advertising, market researchand advocacy. ETC initiates marketingactivities to promote pan-Europeanproducts and themes, which arecomplementary to the individualmarketing actions of its members. Itprovides members, industry partners andother interested parties with material andstatistics regarding inbound tourism toEurope and best practices.

ETC also provides a forum for the directorsof the European NTOs to meet regularly andexchange ideas, and it is in constant liaisonwith international organisations such as theWorld Tourism Organization (UNWTO), theEuropean Commission’s Tourism Unit (DGGrowth), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) and theEuropean Tourism Association (ETOA).

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TeodoraMARINSKAHead ofFinance andAdministration

MiguelGALLEGOHead ofMarketing andCommunication

StefanieGALLOBHead ofResearch

IuliaNICULICĂAdministrationProject Manager

GüneşVURALProject Manager- Online Marketing

JenniferIDUHResearchProject Manager

Who is Who at ETC?

Our three interns are Zuzana Helikova (King's College London), Yasemin Volders (University of Antwerp) and Johannes Siter(University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna).

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Joint Position on Open Skies by ETC and ACI Europe

A week later, on 25th June, EduardoSantander and Olivier Jankovec,Director General of ACI Europe,committed to pursuing policy alignmentbetween the two organisations andrelated joint initiatives in the benefit ofboth parties.

A key focus is increasing theconnectivity of European airports andattracting more passengers, with theaim of facilitating international tourismarrivals in Europe. ACI EUROPE andETC join forces on all issues impactingtourism and air transport, such aspassenger facilitation, airportconnectivity, airport capacity,intermodality and access to airports,and promoting European destinations.

ACI Europe represents over 450 airportsin 45 European countries and its memberairports handle over 90% of commercialair traffic in Europe, welcoming morethan 1.7 billion passengers, 16.8 million

tonnes of freight and 20.8 million aircraftmovements each year.

In order to enhance tourism cooperationacross the Atlantic, ETC and theEuropean Tourism Association (ETOA)met with Brand USA and the US TravelAssociation to exchange strategies and

visions with the aim of increasingtourism flows in both directions. Sincethe beginning of this year, the USmarket reacted positively to the ongoingeconomic recovery and strong currency,and outbound trips from the US toEurope are expected to increase byaround +6% in 2015.

On the occasion of the 25th ACI EUROPEAnnual Assembly which took place inPrague on 25th June, Arnaud Feist,President of ACI EUROPE and CEO ofBrussels Airport, announced the releaseof a joint position on Open Skies by ETCand ACI EUROPE.

The statement underlines the need tosupport connectivity by expanding OpenSkies beyond Europe. The priority isreplicating the benefits achieved by the2006 EU-US aviation agreement with theEU’s main trading partners - includingASEAN, China, the Gulf countries, Indiaand Turkey. These EU-negotiatedagreements should aim at liberalisingmarket access on international air routesfor both passenger and freight services.

Eduardo Santander underlined thatEuropean tourist destinations areincreasingly tapping into the growingmiddle-classes of emerging markets withthe expectation of attracting a growingnumber of visitors in the future. In this

context, air connectivity has acquired anew strategic relevance for the Europeaneconomy.

The greatest EU connectivity gains havebeen in the Middle East, reflecting theincreased importance of the Gulf States astrading partners for the EU and the roleplayed by the Gulf airlines - especiallyEmirates, Etihad Airways and QatarAirways - in the growth of the EU-MiddleEast aviation market. This performance isalso linked to the increasing role played byGulf airlines in connecting the EU to Asiavia their hubs.

Eduardo Santander commented:“Connectivity goes beyond Open Skies.The EU’s new Aviation Strategy shouldaddress a range of issues, such as moreliberal and tourist-friendly visa policies,enhancing airport capacity, abolishingaviation taxes, reducing regulatory drivencosts and implementing the Single EuropeanSky. In the future, the major growth intourism arrivals will come from theemerging source markets located outsideEurope, and a good aviation strategy will bean important prerequisite to keep Europe asthe world’s number one tourist destination.”

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New Strategic Partnerships and International Relations

From left to right: Raf de Bruyn (Visit Flanders), Eduardo Santander (ETC), Peter De Wilde (ETC& Visit Flanders), Chris Thompson (Brand USA), Anne Madison (Brand USA), Tom Jenkins(ETOA), João Cotrim de Figueiredo (Turismo de Portugal), Malcolm Smith (U.S. TravelAssociation), Greg Staley (U.S. Travel Association), Line Vreven (Visit Flanders)

Eduardo Santander (ETC) and Olivier Jankovec(ACI Europe) signing the MoU between the twoorganisations

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Eight International BloggersExplore Europe’s Cultural RoutesFood Emerges as Europe's

Next Top Gateway Experience Food represents one of the most competitive advantages ofEuropean destinations. Europe's diverse gastronomy andhigh-quality food produce is in itself a major tourismattraction.

With the aim of helping to enhance the management quality ofthe public sector within the gastronomic tourism field, ETCwas invited to participate in the 1st UNWTO World Forum onFood Tourism which took place in the Donostia-San Sebastián,Spain, between 27th and 29th April. Miguel Gallego, ETC’sHead of Marketing and Communication, presented the currentprofile of the foodie traveller visiting Europe from differentoverseas source markets.

ETC’s research identified that North American travellersinterested in history and culture themes also show higherinterest in experiencing traditional local cuisine. The US andCanadian consumer speak favourably about the quality,diversity and cultural aspect of food, beer and wine on offer inEurope.

Food occupies a disproportionately large share of Braziliantravellers’ accounts of their trips, not least to Europe. It isespecially the traditional food that is of interest, and spendingtime in restaurants is seen as part of the fun of travelling.Russian travellers equate Europe with excellent cuisine,whether it is immersing themselves in local culture byattending gastronomic festivals or markets or experiencing itsvariety by sampling regional specialities. Finally, Chinesetravellers in Europe like to sample the local cuisine, butbeyond that the preference is for Chinese food, especially forbreakfast.

All this research led ETC last year to launch the, the official portal of food and gastronomytourism in Europe, offering extensive information on food fairsand festivals, traditional local products and a vast range ofunique travel experiences related to cuisine and gastronomictraditions in Europe.

ETC will be also presenting the portal atthe European Food Tourism Week, organised by the EuropeanCommission in conjunction with EXPO Milan 2015, between28th and 30th September.

Miguel Gallego, ETC’s Head of Marketing and Communication, takingpart in a panel discussion during the 1st UNWTO World Forum onFood Tourism.

An international group of popular professional travel bloggers andphotographers explored the European Cultural Route of theHuguenot and Waldensian Trail in July as part of the first VisitEurope Blogger Experience.

Starting in Stuttgart and finishing in Zurich, the group of eightbloggers from USA, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and theUK toured for five days guided by local experts to discoverUNESCO World Heritage sites, ancient fortresses and fairy-talevillages while enjoying the nature and traditional localgastronomy, beers and wines. The chronicles of their trips alongthe cultural route can be followed on and insocial media with the hashtag #VisitEurope as well as on theplatform and on the individual blogs andsocial networks of all eight bloggers. In its first two weeks online,the content generated by the travel bloggers reached a potentialaudience of twenty-two million.

The Visit Europe Blogger Experience was part of the joint activitiesbetween the European Commission and ETC to promote thematicand sustainable transnational tourism products to overseasmarkets. The activity was possible thanks to cooperation from theinitiative Crossing Routes–Blogging Europe of the EuropeanInstitute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, workingclosely with the local partners of the Cultural Route of theHuguenot and Waldensian trail. There are currently 33 officialCultural Routes in Europe.

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The European Travel Commission, throughits Operations Group in Canada, is bringingCanadians a selection of the best Europeancinema during the 11th European UnionFilm Festival. The Festival will take placefrom 14th to 28th November in Toronto.

The EU Film Festival has a 10 year-longtradition. It is a unique collaboration of EUConsulates and Cultural Institutes inToronto striving to reflect the excellence,innovation and diversity of Europeancinema. Last year’s event showed filmsfrom 28 European countries at the RoyalCinema. Most of the films were Canadianpremieres.

The EU Film Festival provides theopportunity to build brand awareness ofEurope in Canada by showcasing thecultural diversity of its destinations to anaudience of potential visitors and advocates.Over two weeks, up to fifteen short videosshowcasing different pan-European regionswill be screened before each festival film. Inaddition, promotional material and travelinformation will be distributed to the festivalaudience. In one of the most multicultural

city in the world, this unique combination ofexcellence and openness is well-receivedamong Torontonians.

A majority of ETC member destinationshave reported a promising growth fromCanada in the first half of the year. Many ofthese destinations have seen visits and

overnight stays grow by double digitfigures. Falling world oil prices caused theCanadian dollar to depreciate against itsUS counterpart, making US holidays lessappealing. At the same time, the Canadiandollar appreciated against the Euro,making European destinations moreattractive.

Visit Europe brings the best European Cinema to Canada

The ETC Operations Group inthe USA, together withTravel+Leisure, hosted around-table between Europeandestinations and experttraveller advisors with a uniqueperspective on what ishappening in the travelindustry today. The event tookplace in New York City on 9thJune. Under the title EuropeRediscovered, the USAOperations Group presented tothe audience of 23 travelexperts and A-list agents newdevelopments, along with newservice launches andmarketing initiatives in theirdestinations.

ETC’s President and the CEO of Visit Flanders, Peter de Wilde,and Eugenio Magnani, Chair of ETC’s USA Operations Groupand Director North America of the Italian Government TouristBoard, welcomed the group travel advisors and addressed theaudience during an interactive discussion. The aim of the

debate was to get advisors’feedback on the challenges andopportunities for enhancingtravel from USA to Europe. TheQ&A session was followed by aspeed dating session betweenall OG members and the traveladvisors on the most effectivestrategies in terms ofmarketing to them and theirclients.

The USA remains as the majoroutbound travel market toEurope. Macro-economicindicators in the USA point to asolid recovery with GDP growthexpected to reach +3% in 2015according to the WorldEconomic Outlook report, in

addition to favourable financial conditions, an increase inpower spending and business and consumer confidencebeside low oil prices. A weaker Euro is supporting an upturnin demand for European destinations pointing at solid growthover the summer months.

New York Rediscovers Europe

ETC’s Participation in Industry Events


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strong growth is expected to comefrom Europe’s largest long-haulmarket, the USA. The solidrebound of the US economy,supported by a strong dollar,contributed to the attractiveness ofmany European destinations.Although a mature market, travelfrom the US to Europe is expectedto increase by almost 10% in 2015.

In addition, ETC destinationsrecorded increased demand fromother intra-European markets.Outbound flows from the largestEuropean source markets –Germany, Netherlands, France,Italy, and the UK - have gainedmomentum in the first months of2015 contributing to the resilienceof the European tourism sector.This resurging appetite forEuropean destinations is key inbalancing the decrease in Russiantourists - Europe’s third largestsource market - that continues toaffect traditional hotspots. With astruggling economy, foreign travelcontinues to be costly for Russianvisitors, making a short-termrebound of the market unlikely.

The question, therefore, remains -to what do European destinationsowe their success? A balancedguest mix and targeted marketingactivities made Europeandestinations less vulnerable tomarket downswings and crises.Targeting a mix of markets withhigh growth and volume potentialis an optimal combination tostrengthen flows of visitors fromoverseas. In addition, effectivemarketing strategies that placeexperiences at the forefront,contribute to truly inspire, exciteand engage the increasinglysophisticated potential traveller.

1 WTTC (2015)2 ETC, ETOA, & Eurail Group G.I.E. (2015),Long-Haul Travel Sentiment Survey & Index

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A Firm Footingfor EuropeanTourism

Do You Understand the Decision-makingProcess of Meetings Organisers?

As one of the fastest-growing segments inthe tourism industry generating millionsin revenue, the meetings industry hasreceived increased attention fromcountries and cities alike. With newdestinations making way into this sector,competition for market shares in Europeand worldwide has become fierce.Consequently, an in-depth understandingof the key factors that influence thedecisions about where to hold meetings,congresses and conventions has becomecrucial.

In response to this, ETC, together withUNWTO, commissioned a brand new studyto provide an improved understanding ofthe meetings, congresses, conventionsand incentives industry. This study

provides an exhaustive segment overviewand insights into the decision-makingprocess of meetings organisers. The studyalso showcases best practice examplesfrom selected National TourismOrganisations (NTOs), public conventionbureaus, and city and regional touristboards. It features relevant examples thatallow for deeper understanding ofpractices and key players within theindustry.

To support the launch of this publication,ETC and UNWTO, in collaboration withVisitFlanders, organised an internationalseminar in Antwerp in June. The eventfollowed a long tradition of sharingknowledge with the wider tourism sectorinitiated by the ETC Market IntelligenceGroup and UNWTO’s Tourism MarketTrends Programme. The ETC-UNWTOInternational Seminar was aimed athelping tourism professionals take fulladvantage of the opportunities provided bythe meetings, congresses, conventionsand incentives industry. The seminar wassupported by the participation of keynotespeakers Martin Sirk, CEO of ICCA(International Congress and ConventionAssociation), Tom Hulton, Director ofInternational Relations at IMEX, and BruceRedor from Gaining Edge, the consultantresponsible for the preparation of thislatest piece of ETC research.

Martin Sirk, CEO of ICCA, addressing theaudience during the ETC-UNWTO MCCISeminar in Antwerp.

ETC was invited to speak and make apresentation at the 20th AnnualEuropean Spas Association (ESPA)Congress, in Sopot, Poland. This marksa continuous collaboration betweenESPA and ETC. The European SpasAssociation is an umbrella organisationrepresenting 20 members from 19European countries. Its main objective isto promote spas and balneology inEurope, and to provide access to thesenatural resources and remedies.

The 20th Annual ESPA Congressfocussed on themes such as the AgendaEurope 2020 discussion of opportunitiesfor European Health & Spa resorts,insights into trends, and innovation ofspa destinations in terms of product

development and services, marketing,sales and quality. In addition,discussions during the congress lookedahead into the future of the industrytowards 2025.

ETC representative, Jennifer Iduh,provided research insight into productdevelopment in the sector. Herpresentation focussed on tourismproducts for destination marketing anddisclosed key elements to success. Shealso discussed tourism productdevelopment challenges spanning frompolitical, economic, technological andsocio-cultural factors as well as theopportunities offered by the industry.Lastly, Ms Iduh underlined theimportance of collaboration and

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Understanding consumers is an essentialcomponent of the intelligence activities ofevery business and more so in thedynamic tourism sector where theconsumption of goods and services isinstrumental in living an experience. ETChas an established track-record ofgathering frontline market intelligence onkey long-haul travel markets that unveiltravellers’ preferences and behaviourwhen visiting Destination Europe.

In today’s volatile tourism climate, thesector is confronted with constantlychanging consumer behaviour. The speedof change, the blurring of traditional

ImprovingAccess toEuropeanTourismStatisticsTourMIS is a marketing decisionsupport system that helps thetourism industry by collecting,storing, processing anddisseminating tourism-relatedinformation. It provides access totourism indicators on Europeantourism.

These indicators include bednights, arrivals andaccommodation capacities intourism destinations, such ascountries, regions and cities( With thesupport of ETC, TourMIS isconstantlyundergoingimprovementsto includemoresophisticatedand usefultools for bothtourismprofessionalsand users ingeneral.

To further support the effort,ETC, together with MODULUniversity, is committed toconstantly improving the tool’susability. A new manual providesdetailed guidance and informationon how to enter tourism statisticsinto TourMIS and basic informationon how to retrieve data from thedatabase. The manual can bedownloaded from ETC’s website

Uncovering the Travel Preferences ofTomorrow’s Consumer

geographic boundaries, the growing powerof the consumer and the nature ofglobalisation are all calling for a forwardthinking approach and fact-findingendeavour to uncover the long-termbehavioural and attitudinal trends thatultimately shape and impact travelpreferences.

Focusing on lifestyle trends, ETC hasrecently commissioned a study to takestock of the kaleidoscope of trends goingbeyond an analysis of macro-trendsinfluencing consumers’ purchasingbehaviour. The study will identify andexamine lifestyle trends from a global andmarket-specific perspective and tosubsequently provide a meaningfuloverview that is relevant for the Europeantourism sector. The ETC Study onConsumer Trends & Tourism also aims toprovide sufficient understanding of theopportunities that can be exploited bytourist destinations. In addition, it seeks toprovide strategic and tacticalrecommendations and insights which canbe used practically by European NationalTourism Organisations or NationalTourism Authorities and DestinationManagement Organisations. A portfolio ofcase studies will provide further insightson the select trends that impact on theEuropean tourism sector. positioning under the umbrella of a

common European approach which iscrucial among European TourismOrganisations at all levels. Suchcollaboration should be fostered throughjoint-initiatives of public-privatepromotion of Europe as a touristdestination.

Calendar of Webinars 201514th October Tourism Economics European Tourism – Trends &

Prospects (Quarterly Reports) (TBC)

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ETC MEMBER ORGANISATIONS• 11th TourMIS Users’ Workshop &International Seminar on MonitoringSustainability: International Seminar onEnvironmental and Social TourismIndicators for Measuring TourismDevelopmentMODUL University Vienna, Austria on10th - 11th September

• 1st ETC Marketing Group MeetingBrussels, Belgium on 21st - 22ndSeptember

• 90th ETC General Meeting and 78thETCBoard of Directors’ MeetingBelgrade, Serbia on 7th - 9th October

• Destination Europe Summit 2015London, United Kingdom on 29thOctober

• The Impact of improved VISAregulations on European tourism WTM London on 3rd November

• Festuris Tourism Trade ShowGramado, Brazil on 5th - 8th November

• Digital Tourism Innovation Campus2015Barcelona on 19th - 20th November

Disclaimer: whilst every care has beentaken in the compilation of this publicationand the information and statementscontained in it are believed to be correct atthe time of going to press, the publishersand promoters of this publication are notliable for any inaccuracies.

Editorial Credits:Page 1: Tatyana Vyc / Page 6: Oscity /



EUROPEAN TRAVEL COMMISSIONRue du Marché aux Herbes 611000 Brussels – BELGIUMtel: +32 2 – 548 9000fax: +32 2 – 514 1843

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• AustriaAustrian NationalTourist Office (ANTO)

• BelgiumFlanders:Visit Flanders Wallonia:Wallonie-BruxellesTourisme (WBT)

• BulgariaBulgarian Ministry ofTourism

• CroatiaCroatian NationalTourist Board (CNTB)

• CyprusCyprus TourismOrganisation (CTO)

• Czech RepublicCzechTourism

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• EstoniaEstonian Tourist Board -Enterprise Estonia

• FinlandVisit Finland - Finpro ry

• GermanyGerman NationalTourist Board (GNTB)

• GreeceGreek National TourismOrganisation (GNTO)

• HungaryHungarian Tourism Plc.

• IcelandIcelandicTourist Board

• IrelandFáilte Ireland Tourism Ireland Ltd.

• ItalyThe Italian GovernmentTourism Board

• LatviaLatvian TourismDevelopment Agency (TAVA)

• LithuaniaLithuanian StateDepartment of Tourism

• LuxembourgLuxembourg NationalTourist Office (ONT)

• MaltaMalta Tourism Authority(MTA)

• MonacoMonaco GovernmentTourist and Convention Office

• MontenegroNational TourismOrganisation of Montenegro

• NorwayInnovation Norway

• PolandPolish Tourist Organisation(PTO)

• PortugalTurismo de Portugal,I.P.

• RomaniaRomanian NationalAuthority for Tourism

• San MarinoState Office forTourism

• SerbiaNational TourismOrganisation of Serbia (NTOS)

• SlovakiaSlovak Tourist Board

• SloveniaSpirit Slovenia,Slovenian Tourist Board

• SpainTurespaña - Instituto deTurismo

• SwedenVisitSweden

• SwitzerlandSwitzerlandTourism

• TurkeyMinistry of Culture andTourism