Establishing Reciprocal Partnership for Curriculum ... paper/apec2015/Hiroyuki Kuno... ·...


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Establishing Reciprocal Partnership forCurriculum Implementation:

Lesson Study as a Mediator for Connecting between Classroom and National Curriculum

Hiroyuki Kuno, Nagoya University,

WALS 2015, 24th November 2015, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Student learning from recent research lessons

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Partnership to sustain Lesson Study

Teacher-Teacher Partnership …….. Learning Community (PLC); Collegiality

School-School Partnership …….. Public Open Lesson; “Teaching School”

School (teacher) to University Partnership ……. AR; Research Project

School to Community Partnership

……. Community school; Community-based learning

School to (local) Government Partnership

…………. Curriculum Implementation

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1. Dialogical Learning and Learning Outcome

2. New trend of learning?: Competency-based learning

3. “Integrated Learning (Sogo-gakushu)” as innovated curriculum developed by school

4. Partnership for Curriculum Implementation through Lesson Study


1. Dialogical Learning and Learning Outcome

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“The 21st Century is the age of the knowledge-based society in which new

knowledge, information and technology grow in value in every social field including

politics, economics and culture.“

◦ (Preface, national curriculum, MEXT 2008)

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National academic ability survey

- Date: April 21, 2015 (since 2007)

- Participation: Primary 6 (ca. 1,104,000 pupils)Secondary 9 (ca. 1,122,000 students)

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[Ref.: MEXT 2015]

Jap. A Jap. B Math A Math B Science Jap. A Jap. B Math A Math B Science

Survey for teacher: “Did you introduced learning activities in your class in previous years such as to set their tasks by themselves, to discuss to solve the tasks and to show their learning outcome to others?”

Frequently introduced; Relatively introduced; Almost ; not introduced

Roughly +3 %

Roughly +5 %

Primary Secondary

Type A: Basic knowledge and skills / Type B: Applied knowledge and skills

Survey for teacher: “Do you think that your students are able to deepen or extend their perspectives in your class or group discussion?”

[Ref.: MEXT 2015]

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+15p+8~+10p +12p+11p

Jap. A Jap. B Math A Math B ScienceJap. A Jap. B Math A Math B Science

1) Yes, almost. 2) Relatively, yes. 3) Relatively no. 4) No at all.





2. New trend of learning ?Competency-based learning

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Student Talk & Listening in classroom (P1)

Talk & “Ranking” on “most favorite place in our school” (P1)

No 1 Jungle JimNo 2 SwingNo 3 Sandbox

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Learning to drawingstructure of featuresin “concept map” (P2)

Plus (P)Minus

(M)Interesting (I)

“PMI-Chart” for thinking of - multi-faceted viewing- Evaluating- Determination- Decision making

“PMI-chart” totrain thinking ability: Evaluation

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Integrated Learning (Sogo-gakushu)Topic: Evaluate whether we were success to tell to people

“values of our town” at music festival (P4)

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Dialogical Mathematics in text book (P5)

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Tom KateBrad

YumiMiho Taku

[Ref.: Tokyo Shoseki, 2012]

I suppose that Tom made line between J and M and …..

Dialogical Mathematics in text book

Teacher invites Miho to explain Tom’s solution in her own words.

Setting “Basic Thinking Skills” in Lesson Plan





Concept framework of New National Curriculum

(in discussion)

1) Basic Knowledge & Skills- To acquire minimum knowledge

2) Thinking, decision making and expressing ability- To use knowledge & skills for

Problem Solving

3) Attitude for continual & Lifelong learning- To relate learning with society

and one’s better life

[Ref.: Central Education Committee 2015]

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How do you think about such a change of teaching (learning) manner and its meaning?

Have you ever discuss or observe these lessons with your colleagues?

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How can we bring such new Curriculum model into our classroom?

One more question

………. Lesson Study may give us a solution.

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How teachers can transit smoothly from “contents-based” curriculum to “competency-based” curriculum in the 21st


What is necessary procedure and treatment by government in order to bring new curriculum into reality?

What is more effective way to implement curriculum into school and to deliver its concepts to teacher?

How Lesson Study can contribute to effective Curriculum Implementation into practice?

Major questions on Lesson Study in Curriculum Implementation

[Ref. Kuno 2014]

3. “Integrated Learning (Sogo-Gakushu)” as innovated school developed curriculum

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“Problem Solving means engaging in a task for which the solution is not known in advance.”

(Takahashi, Nov. 24, 2015)

3.1 What is Integrated Learning (Sogo-Gakushu)?

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- School-based curriculum development (P3 to upper Sec.) - Learner-centered curriculum & practice-Teacher as “facilitator” not as “instructor”

I. OVERALL OBJECTIVES:- To enable pupils to think in their own way about life through cross-

synthetic studies and inquiry studies, while fostering the qualities and abilities needed to find their own tasks, to learn and think on their own, to make proactive decisions, and to solve problems better.

- They acquire the habits of studying and thinking, cultivating their commitment to problem solving and inquiry activities in a proactive, creative and cooperative manner.

[MEXT 1998]


1. Objectives:

Each school should establish its own objectives for the integrated studies based on the Overall Objectives listed in Subsection I.

2. Content:

Each school should determine its own content for the integrated studies based on the Overall Objectives listed in Subsection I.

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[MEXT 1998]

…….… OK, but HOW?

3.2 Lesson Example

“Integrated Learning”

Topic: Let us plant “black bean” and open our

black bean market (P3)

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1. Harvesting

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2) Exercise to explain of nutrients and recipe of black bean

3)Preparing black bean products

4) Demo shop at Open Lesson

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5) Feedback from local (black bean) expert

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6) Harvesting black bean for shop on street

7) Opening black bean shop in down town

3.3 Scheme of Integrated Learning curriculum(Developed by school)

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Dimensions Contents

Life & HealthLearning about Life and care of human beings

and livings things

Growth & selfLearning about our development and careers in

our future

Living inventions &


Learning about inventions for daily life and own

safety in school and kindergarten


Learning about how people co-exist in society

as well as understanding international relations,

and welfare

Local community

Learning about people’s way of life and

situations, problems and co-operation in our

local community around school

Natural environment

Learning about desirable nature and

environment in relation with local people around


[Ref. Kuchiyokawa ES, 2004]

3.4 Aims of the Lesson Unit

Dimension 1: Life & Health

Through concrete activities of facing lives, Students are able to notice wonder and values of LIFE; and try to cherish all of living lives

Dimension 4: Local community

A) emotional domain: to have interests in local history, tradition, culture, life style and industry; and considering its relationship with our life and notice the values of society

B) cognitive domain: to know various activities of local people; and to realize their minds and wishes

Dimension 5: Natural environmentA) emotional domain: To communicate with local natural environment; and to notice importance of nature

B) cognitive domain: To understand relationship between nature and our life; and to realize current situation and problem of local environment

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4. Partnership for Curriculum Implementation through Lesson Study

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4.1 looking back Introducing process of “Integrated Leaning”

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1998 National Curriculum decided by Central Committee- “Largest reform” from Teaching school to Learning school- Reduced 30 % of subject contents & lesson hours - Introducing “Integrated Learning” 3h/week at all schools

2001 National Curriculum has lauched into all schools

Three years transition programme

Handbook for teachers

Qualified text books

Pilot schools

Seminar by Supervisor

New school programme

Case sharingvia Lesson Study

4.2 Partnership in Curriculum Implementation

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New Curriculum



Subject Inspector


Support for practice

(Not as evaluator, but advisor)

Not for InstructionBut for partnership

4.3 Partnership in Curriculum Feedback

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SchoolPractice for New Curriculum LSLS


Feedback from practice (Curriculum Assessment)

Not for evaluationBut for partnership


4.4 Framework of Curriculum Innovation through Lesson Study

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I: Introducing New National Curriculum

III: Curriculum Assessment

II: DevelopmentPractice

VI: Curriculum Revision



LSV: Curriculum


Government as partner to schools

① Setting Transition Period for 3 years(?)

② Editing teachers guide book with detailed examples

③ Lesson study at Pilot school and sharing research lesson

④ To establish Feedback system from school to government

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Schools as partner for society and ensure new curriculum

① Understanding new national curriculum correctly

② Writing & sharing common goals as whole school framework under leadership of principal

③ Developing Lesson Plan accord. to common goals

④ Sharing results from Research Lesson and improvingnext lesson (reflection according to common goals)

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Not only “Partnership to sustain Lesson Study”,

Lesson study “to sustain Curriculum Innovation & Implementation for better students’ & teachers’ learning”

Hiroyuki Kuno, Nagoya University,

Establishing Reciprocal Partnership forCurriculum Implementation:

Lesson Study as a Mediator for Connecting between Classroom and National Curriculum

Thank you for attention!
