Established 1914 - Burma Library · 7/17/2012  · On the occasion, Daw Kyi Kyi Mya and family...


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Established 1914

Volume XX, Number 88 14th Waning of First Waso 1374 ME Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Our Three MainNational Causes

* Non-disintegration ofthe Union

* Non-disintegration ofNational Solidarity

* Perpetuation ofSovereignty

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The fourth regular session of theFirst Pyidaungsu Hluttaw continued for the second day atPyidaungsu Hluttaw Building, Hluttaw Complex, here,attended by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U Khin AungMyint, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann and616 MPs.

At the session, U Ba Shein of Kyaukpyu Constituency,U Aung Sein of Manaung Constituency, U Tha Sein ofKyauktaw Constituency, U Shwe Maung of ButhidaungConstituency, U Thein Nyunt of Thingangyun Constituency,U Khaing Maung Yi of Ahlon Constituency and U Htay Winof Rakhine State Constituency No. 7 discussed in supportof the declaring of the State of Emergency with ordinanceNo (1/2012) of the President.

Approval was sought from the Hluttaw about theordinance and the Hluttaw approved it.

Next, with regard to relating to establishment ofdiplomatic relations with foreign countries presented bythe President, U Nyunt Tin of Yangon Region ConstituencyNo. (2), U Win Swe of Nyaungshwe Constituency in theirdiscussions, suggested that it was appropriate to establishdiplomatic ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malawi,Bhutan, UAE, Luxemburg, Latvia, Estonia, and DominicanRepublic and such establishment would be fruitful forMyanmar.

Today’s session came to an end at 3.55 pm and the thirdday session is reported to resume at 1 pm tomorrow.

At today’s session, State of Emergency declarationwith the ordinance No (1/2012) of the President was discussed

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July— According to the 12:30 hrM.S.T observation today, the water level of ChindwinRiver at Hkamti is 1220 cm. It may reach its danger level1360 cm during the next 48 hours commencing noontoday, announced Meteorology and HydrologyDepartment.—MNA

YANGON, 16 July— Theconcluding ceremony of2012 FIVB, VCP RefereeCourse, jointly organizedby Ministry of Sports andMyanmar VolleyballFederation was held atNational-Sports Gym-nasium No.1 Thuwunnahere yesterday evening. Itwas attended byresponsible persons fromSports and Physical

Fourth regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw continues for second dayFourth regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw continues for second day

and approved and establishment of diplomatic relationswith foreign countries proposed by the President wasdiscussed.—MNA

Flood warning

Volleyball referee course concludes

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives signing the

attendance book.—MNA

Noteworthy amounts ofrainfall (16-7-2012)

Hkamti (1.66) inches

Maungtaw (1.50) inches

Ye (1.50) inches

Bilin (1.46) inches

Toungoo (1.42) inches

Education Department,Vice-President of MVF UThein Win and executives,Chairman of TatmadawVolleyball Committee Lt-Col Saw Win Thaung anddirector of volleyballrefereeing course andinvited guests. On theoccasion, Vice-President U

YANGON, 16 July— Cash and kinddonation ceremony for locals of RakhineState who lost their property and possessionsdue to various reasons occurred in RakhineState took place at Fire Services Department(Head Office) in Mayangon Township, herethis morning.

On the occasion, Daw Kyi Kyi Mya andfamily donated K 300,000 and one bale ofcloth, U Tin Tun Thet- Daw May San Myintand family four baskets of plates, two bale ofclothes, one bale of blanket, one tea set, Dr

Donation of cash and kind for locals ofRakhine States continues Thein Win of MVF

presented completioncertificates to the trainees.

Course DirectorMr Songsak Chareonpongmade a concluding address.

On behalf of MVFpresident, Vice-PresidentU Thein Win gave a gift tocourse director.—MNA

Thein Tun- Dr Than Toe and family K 100,000and one basket of plates, two bale of clothes,Ma Khine Thazin Oo K 15,000, U Myo NaingOo- Daw Ohnma and sons Maung AungMyat Thu, Maung Thant Zin (Singapore)and family K 100,000, Dhamma YadanaSayadaw U Nyakawbhatha from Bago K50,000 and five sets of robe. Director-GeneralU Tin Moe and officials of Fire ServicesDepartment accepted the donation and spokewords of thank. So far, the donation hasamounted to K 291,320,523.—MNA

Union ministers hold round-table discussion with EITI


China’s Lenovo inchescloser to a global

tech titlePAGE 4

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012


Children and toysTuesday, 17 July, 2012

With the advent of a variety of toys, safetyshould be the first priority when selecting atoy, especially for children under five who maybe curious but unable to sense the danger fromtoys.

A safe toy is the one that cannot get stuckin the mouth, nose or ear. Sharp edges shouldbe avoided. Artificial colouring can also causeharm as the children often suck or swallow thetoys and their wrappings, so parents shouldmake sure that the toys are free from harmfulsubstances and, preferably, are made fromnatural products.

Parents should select toys according to theage and developmental stage of the children inorder to maximize the beneficial effects onemotions, social skills, intellect and imagination.A good toy should also allow multiple playersor let the parents participate in some way.Board games and guessing games offer chancesfor interaction with other family members,something crucial to child development.

Some expensive toys may have benefitsthat are worth the price, but many can often besubstituted with less costly options. Someparents can even make toys themselves, whichcan impress their children. Parents shouldremind themselves that price does not equalquality, love or parental understanding.

Meanwhile, parents should not give in totheir children’s whims too often, by buyingtoys as that could spoil them. On the otherhand, they should not be too strict either, or anunhealthy distance can be created. And don’tbe more indulgent towards your children.

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Union ministers and high-ranking officials of the Union ministries of the governmentof the Republic of the Union of Myanmar had round-tablediscussion with Mr Jonas Moberg, Head of Secretariat ofExtractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) ofNorway at the Ministry of Industry this evening.

Union Minister for Industry U Soe Thein delivered anopening speech and Mr Jonas Moberg explained reforms tobe carried out for establishment of good governance andadoption of strong policies, and transparent approaches ofthe EITI for economic performance and poverty reductionof the nation through exploitation of natural resources.

Next, Union ministers, and representatives of the EITIexplained ways and means for Myanmar to join the EITI,reforms to be undertaken by the country to be globallyrecognized as an EITI member, systematic spending of

Union ministers hold round-table discussion with EITI

revenues from natural resource, work plans for establishingsocial contract between the people and the government andbuilding lasting peace in the country through future normsfor transparency of the country and taxation procedures.

The round-table discussion was attended by UnionMinister for Industry U Soe Thein, Union Minister forMines U Thein Htaik, Union Minister for Finance andRevenue U Hla Tun, Union Minister for National Planningand Economic Development U Tin Naing Thein, UnionMinister for Energy U Than Htay, Union Minister forEnvironmental Conservation and Forestry U Win Tun,Union Minister for Electric Power No. 2 U Khin Maung Soe,Deputy Minister for Electric Power No. 1 U Myint Zaw, andpersonnel of Myanmar Investment Commission and relatedministries.


NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The Myanmar delegationled by Deputy Health

Myanmar delegation led by Dy healthminister back from Cambodia

Minister Dr Daw Myat MyatOhn Khin attended themeeting on Lower MekongRiver Basin gender equalityrights of women and policyon authority of women heldin Siem Reap of Cambodiafrom 12 to 13 July.

The deputy health

minister participated indiscussion of genderequality rights and healthmeasures. The meetingaimed at exchanging viewsbetween women from LowerMekong River Basincountries for adoptingpolicies for gender equality

and authority of women andinitial cooperation forLower Mekong River Basincountries that include fourbasic principles—education, health, environ-mental conservation andinfrastructural sectorsorganized by the US.

Myanmar delegationcomprised Deputy MinisterDr Daw Myat Myat OhnKhin, Chairperson ofMyanmar Women AffairsFederation Dr Daw Thet ThetZin, Legal Advisor toPresident Daw Khin MyoMyint, Director-GeneralDaw Yin Yin Myint andDeputy Director-GeneralDaw Maw Maw from theMinistry of Foreign Affairsand Deputy Director-General Dr Wah Wah Maungof the National Planning andEconomic DevelopmentMinistry.

The Myanmar dele-gation arrived back here byair on 14 July evening.


Deputy HealthMinister DrDaw MyatMyat Ohn

Khin attendsmeeting on

lower MekongRiver Basin

genderequality rightsof women and

policy onauthority of


Unionministers andhigh-ranking

officials ofthe Unionministries

hold round-table

discussionwith MrJonas

Moberg,Head of

Secretariat ofExtractiveIndustries



NAY PYI TAW, 16 July— Organized by Kachin Stategovernment, the donation ceremony of stationery, schooluniforms and personal goods of Kachin State government,state level departmental personnel, departmental officialsfrom Bhamo District, NGO and wellwishers for displacedpersons was held at Bhamo Town Hall on 13 July morningwith an opening address by Kachin State Minister for SocialAffairs Daw Bauk Jar.

At the ceremony, wellwishers donated exercise books,pens, umbrella, slippers, medicines and school uniformsworth K 26,400,000, Region Head U Kyi Tha of Relief andResettlement Department K 513330, Myanmar MotionAsiayon twenty-nine bale of cloth,700 dozens of exercisebooks worth K 15,445,000 for displaced persons throughofficials.—MNA

Stationery and school uniformsdonated for displaced persons

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The outstanding studentswho passed thematricultation examinationfor 2011-2012 academicyear were honoured inconjunction with grantingstipends for the students of2012-2013 academic yearof Thaton Township WarVeteran OrganizingCommittee of Myanmar

War Veteran Organizationat the committee hallyesterday morning,attended by Chairman ofTownship War VeteranOrganizing CommitteeCaptain Khin Maung Shwe(Retd).

Next, the Chairman ofTownship War VeterianOrganizing Committee andtownship level

departmental personnelpresented K 20000 per onedistinction and stipends forthe students throughresponsible persons.

At the ceremony,awards for outstandingstudents K 120,000 andstipends for 2012-2013academic year studentsK 4,140,000 were presented.


Stipends, prizes presentation held

YANGON, 16 July—Myanmar U-22 footballteam which sailed through the Asia U-22qualifier from Group G was honoured at SedonaHotel yesterday evening.

Chairman of Myanma OlympicCommittee and Myanmar Natioanl SportsCommittee Union Minister for Sports U TintHsan presented US$ 20000, Patrons ofMyanma Football Federation U Aung Ko Winand U Tayza US$ 30000 and US$ 20000,Chairman of Myanmar Football Federation UZaw Zaw US$ 30000, CEO U Kyaw Oo onbehalf of Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw FC FootballTeam U Phyo Ko Ko Tint Hsan US$ 20000,MNL Club owners and donors US$ 250,000to the team through Yangon Region MinisterU Myint Swe and Yangon Mayor U Hla Myint.

Myanmar U-22 Football Team honouredNext Union Minister for Sports U Tint

Hsan delivered an honouring speech. Andthen Chairman of Myanma FootballFederation U Zaw Zaw spoke words of praise.

The qualifier matches played by Myanmarteam were showed video slides. Afterwardsthey posed documentary photos.

Manager U Than Toe Aung spoke wordsof thanks on behalf of Myanmar U-22 FootballTeam.

The responsible persons from MyanmarFootball Federation presented certificates ofhonour and presents to Yangon Region PoliceForce, Myanmar Football Fun Group andMyanmar Youth in Action Children ourFuturei Digicel Cheering Group.

This was followed by a dinner.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 3Two police officers standon duty on the footbridge

to the shopping centreadjacent to the Olympic

Park in Stratford, thelocation of the London

2012 Olympic Games, ineast London on 15 July,


No games security threat despite guards fiascoGames presented anattractive target.

While senior officials saythere is nothing to indicateany attack is being planned,holes in the securityapparatus have beenhighlighted before thousandsof athletes and officials startarriving on Monday.

The Observer news-paper on Sunday cited anunnamed senior borderofficial as saying thatsuspects on governmentwatch lists were being allowedinto Britain without properchecks because inexperienc-ed recruits were being used toman borders.

John Vine, theIndependent Chief Inspectorof Borders, has warned thatstaff who have only basictraining and ask fewerquestions have been draftedin to deal with huge queues atpassport control at Heathrowairport.—Reuters

LONDON, 16 July—London’s Olympic Games isnot threatened by a majorsecurity contractor’s failureto find enough staff, ministersand the head of the city’sorganizing committee said

contractor G4S admitted it wasunlikely to train the guards ithad promised under its 284billion pound contract in time.

The news, two weeksbefore the start of the Gameson 27 July, prompted

concerns over the safety ofathletes and spectators, andraised fears that those tryingto get into venues would facelong queues to get throughsecurity.

“(Security) has not beencompromised,” SebastianCoe, chairman of the LondonOlympic organising committee(LOCOG), told BBC radio.

“This is not aboutnumbers. This is simply aboutthe mix. We will have a safeand secure Games. Would Iprefer not to be dealing withthis two weeks out? Theanswer of course is yes.”

Safety has been at thetop of organizers’ list ofconcerns ever since fouryoung British Islamists killed52 people in suicide bombattacks in the capital the dayafter London was awardedthe games in 2005. Last monthJonathan Evans, the head ofthe MI5 domestic intelligenceagency, warned that the

on Sunday, seeking to quella political storm ahead ofathletes’ arrival.

Three days ago, thegovernment announced itwould draft in 3,500 extratroops as cover after

Bogard Felipe Lugo de Leon (R) is escorted by policemenduring his presentation to members of the Press at theFederal Police Command Centre in Mexico City, capital ofMexico, on 15 July, 2012. Bogard Felipe Lugo de Leon hasbeen linked to the homicide of 3 elements of the FederalPolice during a shootout at the Benito Juarez International

Airport on 25 June.—XINHUA

Back in Russia flood zone, Putin triesto protect image

Russia’s PresidentVladimir Putin attends a

meeting with his Ukrainiancounterpart Viktor

Yanukovich in the BlackSea resort of Yalta,

on 12 July, 2012.—REUTERS

KRYMSK, 16 July—Vladimir Putin flew tosouthern Russia on Sundayfor the second time in eightdays to meet survivors ofdeadly floods, determined todispel an image of leading aweak state two months afterreturning to the presidency.

Dressed casually in ablue-and-white check shirt,Putin chatted with residentsof the town of Krymsk whosehomes were damaged infloods that killed 171 peoplein Russia’s traditional “breadbasket” area known as theKuban on 7 July.

“We need to help peoplein the true sense of the word—to help them clear theirhomes and lands,” Putin said,promising to send 5,000

“Putin visited our streetbut didn’t talk to us. He didn’ttalk to any of the people here.He was surrounded by guardsand they didn’t let anyonenear him,” Galina Matsko, ashop manager in her early 40s,said outside her one-storeyhome - two of its walls ruinedand a wardrobe propping upthe roof.—Reuters

servicemen to the region tohelp provide food, water,medicine and tents for theneedy. Lines of military truckswere already parked outsidethe mountain town of 57,000people near the Black Sea,where most of the deathshappened.

In the centre, white tentshave been erected to treatand shelter survivors, andbulldozers were still clearingmud and debris shortly beforemidnight.

Television footage of thevisit was beamed acrossRussia, and was clearlyintended to depict Putin as incontrol and playing the roleof the nation’s leader.

Local authorities havebeen accused by residents of

failing to issue proper floodwarnings, and Putin wants todeflect any blame after beingaccused of reacting too slowlyto disasters soon after he wasfirst elected president in 2000.

Putin often goes to thescene of big natural or man-made disasters but it isunusual for him to go twice insuch a short time, underlininghis nervousness about hisimage following oppositionprotests that haveundermined his authority.

Just how effective hisvisit was remained unclear.He had met only officials andnot flood victims during hisfirst visit a few hours after theflooding began last week. Butsome residents remainedunimpressed on Sunday.

About 150,000 children die ofpreventable disease annually

in Indonesia

PUL-E-ALAM, 16 July—At least 18 people were woundedSunday morning in twin bomb attacks in eastern Afghanprovince of Logar, the police said.

“Our report said that a total of 18 people with majority ofthem civilians were injured in two back-to-back bomb blastsin provincial capital Pul-e-Alam this morning,” deputyprovincial police chief Rahis Khan Saddiq told Xinhua.

He said the first blast occurred at round 8:40 am local timenear the Red Crescent office in the province 60 km south ofcapital Kabul. A second explosion ripped through the sceneof the first blast after people and security forces gathered toevacuate the victims, the source said.

Some injured were in critical conditions, he added.The attackers seems to have followed old tactics which

depends on creating initial blast to attract security forces andpeople, then they set off another blast to get higher casualties.

A total of 14 civilians were killed and nine injured in similarbomb attacks in southern Kandahar Province on 8 July.

Violence has been on the rise since Taleban launched anannual spring offensive on 3 May.

In a separate incident, five militants were killed when anImprovised Explosive Device (IED) detonated prematurely inKoh-e- Safi district of Parwan province, 55 km north of KabulSaturday night, a provincial official said on Sunday.

The Taleban insurgent group, who launch massive IEDattack against security forces, has yet to make comments.


18 wounded in twin blasts inE Afghanistan

JAKARTA, 16 July—The Unicef has reported that nearly150,000 Indonesian children under five die of preventablediseases every year, a media reported here on Monday.

Edward Carwardine, the Head of UNICEF’sCommunication and Partnership Cluster for Indonesia blamedthat low awareness of basic preventable healthcare amongeconomically weak and under- educated people, and a lack ofbasic health services and health facilities in a number of areas,especially in more remote parts of the archipelago, contributedto the alarmingly high number of deaths.

“The preventable diseases are closely related to personaland environmental healthcare,” Carwardine was quoted bythe Jakarta globe as saying.

The head of the Unicef noted that awareness of basicpreventable healthcare among economically weak and under-educated people is still low.

Consequently, many children under five are susceptibleto diseases caused by poor sanitation, such as diarrhea,dengue fever, and other communicable illnesses, he said.

“In fact, the diseases can be prevented if they have agood knowledge and awareness of healthy lifestyles,” saidCarwardine.

UNICEF also said around 10,000 Indonesian women diedue to complications following childbirth each year.


Dead fish float at thesouth lake in Wuhan,

capital of central China’sHubei Province, on 15

July, 2012. Large amoutof dead fish showed up atthe south lake of Wuhan

recently. For severalyears, the dumping of

sewage water andgabage made the

environment of the lakeworse and worse.—XINHUA

BAQUBA, 16 July—Twopeople were killed and 16others injured on Sunday inseparate gunfire and bombattacks in Iraq ‘s easternprovince of Diyala, aprovincial police source said.

Gunmen using assaultrifles shot dead a civilian nearhis house in the town ofKhalis, just north of theprovincial capital city ofBaquba, some 65 km northeastof Baghdad, the source toldXinhua on condition ofanonymity.

In a separate incident, ayoung girl was killed bygunmen in front of her housein the town of Muqdadiyah,some 40 km northeast ofBaquba, the source said.

In addition, a home-madebomb went off near the houseof a leader of the government-backed Awakening Council

Two killed, 16 injured in Iraq armed attacksgroup in northeasternBaquba, wounding 15 people,the source added.

Some of the 15 woundedwere inside their houses asthe powerful blast damagedsix surrounding buildings, hesaid, adding that the groupleader himself survived theattack unharmed.

The Awakening Councilgroup, also known as Sons ofIraq Movement or Sahwa,consists of mostly anti-USSunni insurgent militantgroups, who turned their riflesto fight al-Qaeda networkafter Sahwa’s leaders becamedismayed by al-Qaeda’sbrutality and religiouszealotry in the country.

Also in Diyala, anunidentified gunman threw ahand grenade on a police patrolin al-Tahrir area just south ofBaquba, injuring one

policeman, he added.Diyala Province, which

stretches from the easternedges of Baghdad to theIranian border east of thecountry, has long been astronghold for al-Qaedamilitants and other insurgentgroups since the US-ledinvasion of Iraq in 2003.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Science & Technology Science & Technology Science & TechnologyChina’s Lenovo inches closer to a global tech


The logo of Lenovo is seen on acomputer monitor during a

news conference in Hong Kongon 27 May , 2010.— REUTERS

HONG KONG , 16 July —Lenovo Group Ltd is on trackto overtake Hewlett-PackardCo as the world’s biggest PCmaker by sales as soon as thisyear, making it the first Chinesecompany to grab the top spotglobally in a technology sector.The ThinkPad maker’s risehighlights the advance ofChina’s technology firms onthe world stage in recent yearsthanks to a combination ofaggressive pricing, overseasacquisitions and their takingadvantage of a fast-growinghome market. Analysts,however, also warn thatLenovo’s rapid gains in marketshare have come at the expense

of profit margins, while thecompany faces slowinggrowth in the market forpersonal computers andtough rivals in the tablet PCspace.

“It’s just a matter of timebefore Lenovo becomes No 1and it won’t be surprising at allif it happens later this year,”said Frederick Wong,executive director at AvantCapital Management (HongKong) Ltd, which owns sharesin Lenovo. He added,however, that competition inthe tablet sector and a weakPC market outlook could putpressure on Lenovo.Lenovo,which became the world’s No

2 PC vendor in the third quarterof 2011, had a 14.9 percentglobal market share in theApril-June quarter this year, amere 0.6 percentage point awayfrom HP’s 15.5 percent,according to research firmIDC’s latest data. Figures fromindustry tracker Gartner showan even narrower gap, withLenovo just 0.2 percentagepoint from HP.

In another technologysector, China’s HuaweiTechnologies Co Ltd, theworld’s No 2 maker of telecomequipment, had been expectedto surpass Sweden’s Ericssonin 2011 sales. But slow telecomspending, stiff competition inthe handset market anddifficulties in tapping themassive US market held itback.Lenovo’s rise has beenhelped by its purchase ofGermany’s Medion and a jointventure with Japan’s NECCorp last year, as well as itsacquisition of IBM Corp’s PCbusiness in 2005.Investorshave rewarded Lenovo for itsmarket share gains, sendingits stock up by around 16percent this year and

outpacing rivals HP, third-ranked Dell Inc and No 4 AcerInc, whose stocks havedropped over the same period.

Lenovo currently tradesat a multiple of 12.5 timesforward earnings, the second-highest among the top-fivePC makers and well above the4.6 times multiple for HP,Thomson Reuters Starminedata showed.But profitmargins have suffered.Lenovo had a 1.4 percentoperating margin in the latestquarter, lower than HP’s 7.4percent and Dell’s 6.2 percent,the data showed.

“HP, Dell and Acer haveswitched lanes in the PC raceand passed the baton toLenovo in terms of focusingon sales rather than margins,”said Dickie Chang, an analystat IDC in Hong Kong. Anotherrisk is slowing growth in thePC market as the globaleconomy, including Lenovo’shome turf and strongholdChina, eases. China accountsfor about 42 percent ofLenovo’s total revenue, withthe bulk of that coming fromPC sales.— Reuters

Microsoft, NBC dissolve joint venture

In this 14 Dec, 1995, file photo, Robert Wright,president and chief executive officer of NBC, speaks in

New York with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates,displayed on screen, speaks from Hong Kong, during anews conference announcing that NBC and Microsoft

would form a joint venture to start a cable newschannel and related online service called

MSNBC.Microsoft is pulling out of the joint venturethat owned so it can build its own onlinenews service. The breakup, announced late on 15 July ,

2012, dissolves the final shred of a 16-year marriagebetween Microsoft Corp. and NBC News, which is now

owned by Comcast Corp. — INTERNET

SAN FRANCISCO, 16 July— Microsoft is pulling out ofthe joint venture that, freeing theworld’s largest software makerto build its own online newsservice. The breakupannounced late Sundaydissolves the final shreds of a16-year marriage betweenMicrosoft Corp and NBCNews, which is now ownedby Comcast Corp Therelationship began to unwindin 2005 when Microsoft sold

its stake in MSNBC’s cableTV channel to NBC. NBC isbuying Microsoft’s 50percent interest in theMSNBC website for anundisclosed will berebranded as,and readers who logged late Sundaywere automatically redirectedto

The website will move itsheadquarters fromMicrosoft’s corporate

campus in Redmond, Wash.,to NBC News’ longtime homein New York. The onlinedivorce stemmed from the twopartners’ desire to gain greatercontrol over their digitaldestinies as the Internetbecomes an increasinglyimportant part of theirbusinesses. The inherentconstraints of being lockedinto a joint venture sometimeshandcuffed Microsoft andNBC. Microsoft, in particular,had grown frustrated bycontract terms requiringit to exclusively content onits own websites. Thatexaspera-tion was exacerbatedby the MSNBC cablechannel’s strategy to counterFox News Channel’s appeal toconservative viewers bytailoring its programming foran audience with a liberalviewpoint. The strategy fed aperception that material fromMSNBC’s website waspolitically slanted, too. “Beinglimited to MSNBC.comcontent was problematic to usbecause we couldn’t have themultiple news sources and themultiple perspectives that ourusers were telling us that theywanted,” said Bob Visse,general manager of that it has shed thoseshackles, Microsoft ispreparing to launch its ownnews service this fall.Although he declined to

provide many details aboutthe operation, Visse said thenews staff will be about thesame size as the roughly 100people who createdoriginal content for hiring itsown news staff to feed materialto its websites, Microsoft isembracing the same strategyas the owners of two othermajor Internet companies,Yahoo Inc and AOL Inc.

Microsoft has leaned onits lucrative franchise sellingpersonal computer softwareto pay for massive Internetinvestments that have rarelypaid off, much to the frustrationof its shareholders. Thesoftware maker initiallyinvested $220 million in theMSNBC joint venture. It’sunclear if Microsoft ended upmaking any money on thealliance. As a whole, thecompany’s online operations,which include the Bing searchengine and MSN portal, havelost more than $10 billion in thepast seven years. Even as itsets out to compete againstNBC News, Microsoft willcontinue to highlight the topstories from its former partnerfor the next two years underterms of the split. NBC News,in turn, believes it will be ableto attract more traffic to itsstable of websites by forgingother partnerships that wereoff limits when it was tied toMicrosoft.—Internet

Viewers turning to YouTubeas news source

NEW YORK, 16 July — Anew study has found thatYouTube is emerging as amajor platform for news, oneto which viewers increasinglyturn for eyewitness videos intimes of major events andnatural disasters. The PewResearch Centre’s Project forExcellence in Journalism onMonday released theirexamination of 15 months ofthe most popular newsvideos on the Google Inc-owned site. It found that whileviewership for TV news stilleasily outpaces thoseconsuming news onYouTube, the video-sharingsite is a growing digitalenvironment whereprofessional journalismmingles with citizencontent.”There’s a new formof video journalism on thisplatform,” said Amy Mitchell,

Indian gov’t likely to give nodto Mars mission soon

NEW DELHI, 16 July —India’s state-owned spaceagency, the Indian SpaceResearch Organization(ISRO), has said that thegovernment is soon going togive its nod to the country’sMars mission, local mediareported.

“India’s much-awaitedmission to Mars is in the finalstage of approval,” said ISROchief K Radhakrishnan,quoted by The Times of Indianewspaper. The mission islikely to be launched fromSriharikota in the southern

Indian state of Andhra Pradesheither in November 2013, 2016or 2018, the newspaper said.

“Many studies havebeen done relating to thismission,” Radhakrishnansaid.The ISRO chief also saidthat India’s first dedicatedastronomy satellite, Astrosat,will be launched in 2013. “Allthe instruments are goingthrough their final evaluationand it’ll be a nationallaboratory available toscientists both in India andabroad,” he said.


This file image of a screengrab provided by GoogleInc on 1 Dec, 2011 shows

the YouTube website.INTERNET

deputy director of the PewResearch Center’s Project forExcellence in Journalism.

“It’s a form in which therelationship between newsorganizations and citizens ismore dynamic and moremultiverse than we’ve seen inmost other platforms before.”More than a third of the most-watched videos came fromcitizens. Than more half camefrom news organizations, butfootage in those videossometimes incorporatedfootage shot by YouTubeusers.The Japaneseearthquake and tsunami wasthe most-viewed news eventduring the length of the study,which spanned January 2011to March 2012. The top videosfrom Japan included footagefrom surveillance cameras, anews network and a JapaneseCoast Guard vessel — atypical variety of sources.Such dramatic events wereoften among the mostwatched videos. Otherpopular news events includedthe Russian elections, unrestin the Middle East, thecollapse of a fair stage inIndiana and the crash of anItalian cruise ship.

“One of the things thatemerges here is the power ofbearing witness as a part of anews consumption process,”said Mitchell.—Internet

Our friends’ weight influencesour weight gain and loss

NEW YORK, 16 July — People who hang out with friendsheavier than they are tend to gain weight. Those who socializewith leaner friends tend to maintain their weight, or even losea few pounds. But why?Is it that friends influence our behavior?Or do we simply tend to have friends that resemble ourselves—the birds of a feather flock together effect.

To find out, researchers looked at students from two highschools. One school is rural and mostly white. The other isurban, with a racially mixed student body. The researchersanalyzed the students’ body mass and social networks.

They found that overweight students who had lean friendshad a 40 percent chance of dropping weight within a year,versus only a 27 percent chance of gaining weight during thattime.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 5

Business & Health Business & Health Business & Health


New Zealand to clamp down on ‘legal’ highsWELLINGTON , 16 July —

New Zealand announcedplans on Monday to ban theuse of drugs offering so-called ‘legal’ highs unlessmanufacturers can provideclinical evidence that they aresafe.

Associate HealthMinister Peter Dunnedescribed the move as aknockout blow to the marketfor products such assynthetic cannabis and legal“party pills”, which mimic theeffects of drugs like ecstasywithout using illicitsubstances.

Dunne said currentlegislation was failing

This file illustration photoshows an automated robotarm picking up a bottle of

prescription pills at anautomated pharmacy.

New Zealand announcedplans on Monday to banthe use of drugs offeringso-called ‘legal’ highs

unless manufacturers canprovide clinical evidence

that they are safe. INTERNET

because as soon as regulatorsbanned a synthetic drug,manufacturers simplytweaked its formula slightlyand relaunched it in themarketplace.

“The new law means thegame of catch-up with thelegal highs industry will beover once and for all,” he said.

At the moment,authorities must prove asynthetic drug is harmfulbefore ordering it off theshelves.Dunne said thatunder the new law, allsynthetic psychoactivedrugs will be illegal until theirproducers can provide clinicalproof, such as toxicology

reports and evidence fromhuman trials, that they aresafe.

“Companies wishing tosell these products will needto apply to this regulator withscientific data similar to thatwhich is required for theassessment of newmedicines,” he said.

The department of healthestimated that carrying outclinical tests would costmanufacturers up to NZ$2.0million ($1.6 million) for eachsynthetic drug, effectivelydeterring them from trying tosell such substances in NewZealand.


eBay’s hottest business bringsbenefits, risks

SAN FRANCISCO, 16 July —“Neither a borrower nor alender be” is a well-knownwarning from Shakespeare’s“Hamlet.” PayPal, eBay Inc.’sonline payment service,heeded that advice for muchof its existence, charging feesfor processing transactionsrather than lending money thatmay not be repaid. But Bill MeLater, one of eBay’s fastest-growing businesses, ischanging that. BML, as it’sknown, offers credit to onlineshoppers, letting them paytypically a few months afterpurchases. EBay bought thebusiness for almost $1 billionin the midst of the 2008 financialcrisis. Last year, BMLaccumulated $2.3 billion inloans, up 64 percent from theprevious year. Wall Street willbe looking for the unit to keepup its hot growth streak wheneBay reports second-quarterresults on 18 July.

BML is a potentiallyjuicy new source of profitgrowth for eBay. The businessalso helps other parts of thecompany — for example, itcould make PayPal moreprofitable by reducing fundingcosts, analysts say. “This isone of the most prominent andfastest-growing businesseseBay has, and I think it becomesmore prominent goingforward,” said Gil Luria, ananalyst at Wedbush Securities.“BML is very importantbecause it allows eBay toexpand PayPal into a truefinancial product, as opposedto a purely transactionalservice,” Luria added.

“But PayPal will take onmore credit risk as BMLexpands,” Luria warned. IfBML gets big enough andPayPal’s growth slows, thatcould pressure eBay’svaluation, he added.


Visitors chat next to the Ebay logo at the CeBITcomputer fair in Hanover on 2 March, 2011.— REUTERS

Scientists see AIDS vaccine within reach after decadesCHICAGO, 16 July — At

an ill-fated press conferencein 1984, US Health and HumanServices Secretary MargaretHeckler boldly predicted aneffective AIDS vaccinewould be available within justtwo years. But a string offailed attempts - punctuatedby a 2007 trial in which a Merckvaccine appeared to makepeople more vulnerable toinfection, not less — cast ashadow over AIDS vaccineresearch that has taken yearsto dispel. A 2009 clinical trialin Thailand was the first toshow it was possible toprevent HIV infection inhumans. Since then,discoveries have pointed toeven more powerful vaccinesusing HIV-fighting

antibodies. Now scientistsbelieve a licensed vaccine iswithin reach.

“We know the face ofthe enemy,” said Dr BartonHaynes, of Duke Universityin Durham, North Carolina,and recent director of theCenter for HIV AIDS VaccineImmunology (CHAVI). Theresearch consortium wasfunded by the NationalInstitute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases (NIAID),founded in 2005 by theNational Institutes of Healthto identify and overcomeroadblocks in the design ofvaccines for the humanimmunodeficiency virus,which causes AIDS. NIAID’sfunding of CHAVI ended inJune.

Unlike many virusesbehind infectious disease,HIV is a moving target,constantly spitting outslightly different versions ofitself, with different strainsaffecting differentpopulations around theworld. The virus is especiallypernicious since it attacks theimmune system, the verymechanism the body needsto fight back.“The virus is farmore crafty than we everthought,” said Haynes, whowill outline progress in vaccineresearch at the InternationalAIDS Society’s 2012conference being held inWashington from 22-27 July .

Thanks to drugs that cancontrol the virus for decades,AIDS is no longer a death

sentence. New infectionshave fallen by 21 percent sincethe peak of the pandemic in1997 and advances inprevention — throughvoluntary circumcisionprograms, prevention ofmother-to-child transmissionand early treatment —promise to cut that rate evenmore.Still, as many as 34million people are infectedwith HIV worldwide. And with2.7 million new infections in2010 alone, experts say avaccine is still the best hopefor eradicating AIDS.

Teams have beenworking on a vaccine for nearlythree decades, but it wasn’tuntil RV144, the 2009 clinicaltrial involving more than16,000 adults in Thailand, thatresearchers achieved any hintof success.

The test of a combinationof two vaccines followedseveral big failures, includingthe stunning news thatMerck’s vaccine may haveincreased the risk of infectionamong men who were bothuncircumcised and had priorexposure to the virus used inthe vaccine.

“It had an extremelychilling effect on the wholefield,” said Colonel NelsonMichael, director of the USMilitary HIV ResearchProgram at the Walter ReedArmy Institute of Research,which led the RV144 trial.


About 2880 candles are seen lit during a World AIDS Day event in Jakarta on 1 Dec,2009.— REUTERS

GSK in weekend talks to buy HumanGenome: sources

LONDON, 16 July —GlaxoSmithKline is holdingtalks this weekend with HumanGenome Sciences to agree adeal to acquire it for some $2.6billion, after pursuing the USbiotech company for threemonths, sources familiar withthe situation said on Sunday.

The British phar-maceutical giant couldsweeten its previous $13 pershare offer for Human Genomewith a small bump and a dealmay come as soon as Monday,one of the sources said.Anagreement has yet to be

reached and the talks couldstill fall apart, the sourcescautioned. They asked not tobe identified because thematter is not public.HumanGenome, which rejectedGlaxoSmithKline’s $2.6 billionoffer in April as too low andlaunched an auction process,has come under pressure frominvestors to try and strike adeal with the British drugmakerin the absence of anyalternative bids.

The US company—anearly pioneer of gene-baseddrug discovery—has set itself

a 16 July deadline for findinghigher bids, but interest hasbeen limited because GSK, itslong-time partner, already hasmarketing rights to itsdrugs.US biotech companyCelgene Corp was at one stageconsidering whether to bid andconducting due diligence,according to a separate sourcefamiliar with the matter, butnegative analyst and investorreaction when news of thosediscussions broke deterred theUS group.Without alternativebids, Human Genomeshareholders have beenpressing the company’smanagement to engage withGSK before 16 July to avoid ashare price collapse —andthat argument has been atrigger for the weekenddiscussions.

Human Genome, whichhas been trying to find anotherbuyer in a separate auctionprocess after GSK took its offerdirectly to shareholders,reached out first to its hostilesuitor to negotiate a deal,according to one of thesources.


A GlaxoSmithKline logo is seen outside one of itsbuildings in west London, on 6 Feb, 2008.—REUTERS

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US Air Force tests biofuel at $59 per gallonWASHINGTON, 16 July—

The US Navy angeredRepublicans by spending $26a gallon for biofuels for thisweek’s Great Green Fleetdemonstration, but the AirForce received little attentionwhen it paid twice as muchper gallon to test synthetic jetfuel last month.

The Air Force bought11,000 gallons of alcohol-to-jet fuel from Gevo Inc, aColorado biofuels company,at $59 a gallon in a pro-gramme aimed at provingthat new alternative fuels canbe used reliably in militaryaircraft - once, that is, theirpricing is competitive withpetroleum, which now costs$3.60 a gallon.

The cost of the Air Forcedemonstration — $639,000—was far less eye-catchingthan the $12 million the Navyspent for biofuels to power acarrier strike group onalternative energy for a day.

But it was part of thesame Pentagon push, whichhas escalated under theadministration of PresidentBarack Obama, to adopt greensolutions to rising fuel costs.

Some Republican

An A-10C Thunderbolt II flies over Florida’s Gulf Coaston 29 June, 2012, marking the second flight of an

aircraft powered solely by an alcohol-derived jet fuelblend. Gevo Inc recently sold the US Air Force 11,000

gallons of fuel at $59 per gallon to completecertification testing to ensure it can be used in military


11 killed in high-rise collapsein Egypt

ALEXANDRIA, 16 July— An apartment tower underconstruction collapsed on adjacent buildings in theMediterranean city of Alexandria, killing 11 people, Egypt’sHealth Ministry said on Sunday.

The ministry said five other people were injured and thatsearch teams were searching for survivors buried underrubble. The 11-story building in the poor Alexandrianeighbourhood of al-Gomrouk collapsed late on Saturdayonto three adjacent buildings, reducing much of the structuresto rubble. All the dead and injured lived in the three smallerbuildings.

Building collapses are not uncommon in Egypt, whereshoddy construction is widespread in shantytowns, poor cityneighbourhoods and rural areas. With real estate at a premiumin big cities like Alexandria and Cairo, developers seekingbigger profits frequently violate planning permits and exceedthe number of stories allowed.—Internet

Rescue workers use heavy equipment to remove rubbleand look for survivors buried under debris of damagedbuildings following the collapse of an 11-story buildingunder construction onto three adjacent buildings that

killed at least 10 people in the Gomrouk neighbourhoodof Alexandria, Egypt, on 15 July, 2012.—INTERNET

lawmakers have criticizedthe high price-per-gallonpaid by the Navy as wastefulPentagon spending at a timeof significant budget cuts anda shrinking fleet.

They have also blastedObama for making greenenergy a cornerstone of hisagenda, with federal fundsflowing to alternative energycompanies that may not makeeconomic sense, as in the caseof bankrupt solar-panel makerSolyndra.

Jeff Scheib, Gevo vicepresident for fuels, said thealcohol-to-jet fuel made forthe Air Force was expensiveas it came from a smalldemonstration plant inSilsbee, Texas, which makesonly 7,500 to 8,000 gallons ofbiofuel a month.

Once the companybuilds a commercial-scalerefinery, expected around2015, “we believe we can becost competitive on an all-inbasis with petroleum jet fuel

over the life of a contract,”Scheib said.

Pentagon officials sayalternative fuel developmentis strategically importantbecause the United Statesrelies too heavily on fossilfuels from foreign sources,leaving it vulnerable to priceshocks and disruptions.

The Air Force spendsabout $10 billion a year onenergy, with nearly $9 billionof that being for jet fuel, KevinGeiss, Air Force deputyassistant secretary forenergy, said recently.

Planning is done twoyears in advance, so officialsin 2009 were expecting jet fuelto cost about $2.37 a gallon in2011. Instead, prices rose ashigh as $3.96 a gallon.

“What that results in, forthis year, was about a billiondollar shortfall from what wehad budgeted for in fuel,”Geiss said. Geiss said AirForce work on biofuels wasfocused on ensuring thatproducts likely to achievecommercial-scale productionare formulated correctly foruse in aircraft engines. TheNavy’s mission is muchbroader, he said.—Reuters

Waterfall-like rain eases in Japan, but 27 deadTOKYO, 16 July— Most

of the quarter-million peopleforced to flee massiveflooding in southwest Japanwere able to return home byMonday, but weather officialswarned the danger had notfully passed from the recordrainfall that left at least 27people dead over theweekend.

Thousands of homesand hundreds of roads weredamaged, and hundreds oflandslides were reported. Themilitary airlifted food byhelicopter to strandeddistricts.

A road along ariver is

partiallycollapsed in


Prefecture,Japan, on 15July, 2012.Heavy rain

triggered flashfloods and

mudslides insouthern

Japan thisweek, killing

over twodozens ofpeople.


Polio campaign troubles imperil 350,000Pakistan children

PESHAWAR, 16 July—Pakistan on Mondaypostponed a polioimmunisation campaign inparts of its tribal belt,jeopardising the health ofmore than 350,000 childrenafter the Taleban bannedinoculations.

Local Taleban andPakistani warlord Hafiz GulBahadur, whose followers arefighting Western troops inAfghanistan, banned thevaccinations in thenorthwestern region ofWaziristan to protest againstUS drone attacks.

They have condemnedthe immunisation campaign,which began nationwide onMonday, as a cover forespionage. Pakistani doctorShakeel Afridi was jailed for33 years in May after helping

File photo shows ahealth worker

giving polio vaccinedrops to a child at a

roadside poliovaccination camp inPeshawar, Pakistan,in 2007.—INTERNET

The rain “was like awaterfall,” Yoko Yoshika saidin Yamaguchi prefecture(state). “It was horrible.”

Yoshika, wife of anaward-winning Hagi-yakistyle potter, said workersscrambled to carry out abucket relay with plastic pailsto get rid of the water flowinginto their shop.

In Yame, a city of 69,000in Fukuoka prefecture, 74people in three separate areaswere stranded by the flooding.

“Our region gets hit withheavy rain every year, but Ihave never experienced

the CIA find Osama bin Ladenusing a hepatitis vaccinationprogramme as cover.

Fighting betweengovernment troops and localwarlord Mangal Bagh alsomade it difficult to innoculateall children in Khyber district,officials said.

“The campaign has beenpostponed in North and SouthWaziristan and Bara (district)of Khyber,” Mazhar Nisar, incharge of the polio monitoringcell at the prime minister’ssecretariat, told AFP.

Officials in Miranshah,the main town of NorthWaziristan, said a meeting oftribal elders to discussimmunisation had beenpostponed due to a militarycurfew.

In Khyber, administrationofficial Irfanullah Wazir toldAFP that the target was tovaccinate 200,163 children, butconceded the campaign wouldbe affected in parts of Bara andthe Tirah valley, where 111,556children need the drops.


Bus falls into Nepal river killing nine

KATHMANDU, 16 July—Abus swerved off a road incentral Nepal before dawn onMonday and plunged into ariver, killing nine people,police said — the latest in a

Local residents watch as a rescue team searches for thebodies of Hindu pilgrims after a bus fell into an

irrigation canal near the pilgrimage site of Triveni,Nawalparasi some 100km southwest of Kathmandu, on


string of deadly accidents onthe country’s highways. Theincident came less than 24hours after at least 39 pilgrimswere killed when anovercrowded bus taking them

from India to a Hindu festivalin southern Nepal fell into acanal.

Police said on Monday’sdeaths occurred when thenight-bus fell 200 metres (650feet) down a cliff after the driverwas thought to have fallenasleep.

“A passenger bus on itsway to Kathmandu from Katarislipped off the road atKrishnabhir and fell into theriver,” police sub-inspectorNarayan Prasad Chalise said.

“We recovered six bodiesfrom the accident site and threeseriously injured died inhospital in Kathmandu.Another 17 people are injuredand are undergoing treatment.”

Accidents are relativelycommon on Nepal’s highwaysbecause of poor roads, badlymaintained vehicles andreckless driving.—Internet

anything like this,” cityemployee Kumi Takesue said.

“Rice paddies and roadsall became water so youcouldn’t tell what was what,”she said, adding that she hadto wade in knee-high water,even near her home, whichwas not as hard hit as otherareas.

Killed in Yame city wereKatsutoshi Matsumoto, a 70-year-old who died whencaught in a landslide while hewas out looking at his ricepaddies, and Shinobu Fueta,83, whose home was buried inmud.

Weather officials warnedpeople to be careful even inareas where rain had subsidedbecause the land was stillmushy and prone tolandslides. Rain could startagain later on Monday,further endangering the area,they said.

Even as some of the watersubsided, homes and farmson the southern island ofKyushu, hardest hit by thedownpour, were still gettingfood shipments, althoughmostly by land, local officialssaid.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 7

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Union Ministerfor Agriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaing,accompanied by Deputy Minister U KhinZaw, Mandalay Region Minister forAgriculture and Livestock U Myint Than,inspected construction of sand-disposalsluice gate of Samar Diversion Weir in MyithaTownship yesterday.

The sluice gate has been completedby 98 per cent, it is reported. The Unionminister called for establishment of modelfarms in and around Myitha for interests ofthe local farmers.

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The MonState Hluttaw Speaker has asked throughthe Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker to theConstitutional Tribunal of the Union tointerpret the following: whether thelegislation of the State Hluttaw inaccordance with Schedule (2) of Section188 of the Constitution under Section 326(b) of the Constitutional Tribunal of theUnion Law is against the Section 446 of theConstitution or not, or whether thelegislation shall be done without violationof the Section 446 of the Constitution; incase some existing laws and some provisionsin the existing laws are different from and/orambiguously confused with provisions in

Constitutional Tribunal of the State hears enquirySchedule (2) of the Section 188 of theConstitution, whether these laws andprovisions shall be still in effect as they arenot revoked or amended yet; if some existinglaws and some provisions in the existinglaws are different from and/or ambiguouslyconfused with provisions in Schedule (2) ofthe Section 188 of the Constitution,proceedings can be made only afterrevoking or amending in accordance withSection 446 of the Constitution.

The tribunal comprising Chairmanof the Constitutional Tribunal of the Unionand all its members heard the documentNo. 3/2012 at Room No. 1 at 10 am thismorning.—MNA

Union A & I Minister inspects SamarDiversion Weir, Kinda Dam

The Union Minister then inspectedthe irrigation area of the left canal of KindaDam near Yitkan Village. The left canal isreported to be irrigating 13000 acres offarmland beside it.

Thanks to sand-disposal sluice gateof Samar Dam, water of Panlaung River willbe controllable as desired, preventing floodagainst Myitha and its surrounding regions,clearing debris in Kathaung Creek flowingthrough Myitha, and effectively preventingabout 1000 acres of cropland downstreamSamar Diversion Weir from flood.—MNA

PADDY SEEDS SOWN: The paddy seed sowingceremony was held on 12-acre research farm near

irrigated area of Khabaung Dam in Padaukkhin Villageof Kyettet Nyaungbin Village-tract in Ottwin Townshipof Toungoo District on 7 July. Deputy Commissioner

U Hla Min Htut of Toungoo District GeneralAdministration Department, officials of District

Agricultural Coordination Committee and local farmersview sowing of paddy seeds.—DISTRICT GAD

Books and TV donated to rurallibraries in Myaungmya Township

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The Vehicle Import SupervisoryCommittee of the Ministry of Commerce issues importpermits to the people to be able to import the vehicles as of11 May 2012. Up to 12 July evening, import permits havebeen issued for 4115 vehicles.

The Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement on7 May that it will allow the citizens who have opened theforeign exchange accounts at the Myanmar Investment andCommercial Bank to import vehicles of above 2007 models(except buses) regardless of right and left drive.

Although the original announcement stated a point“except buses”, at present, the ministry allows imports ofbuses and wagons. However, import permits for over 4000vehicles included saloons and private cars, and the citizensare not yet to import buses and wagons.

Before issuing the import licences, the programme isbeing realized for substitution of overage vehicles with newmodel cars. From 20-9-2011 to 12-7-2012, import permitshave been issued for 46987 vehicles.

According tot eh individual vehicle import programme,every citizen of above 18 has the opportunity to import oneeach of car. If those wishing to import the cars do not haveany foreign exchange, they may open the foreign exchangeaccounts without difficulty after buying foreign exchangeat money changers in Yangon.—Tin Htwe (MNA)

MYAUNGMYA, 16 July—With the aim of ensuringsocial economicdevelopment of rural peopleand widening of scopes, aceremony to donate booksand equipment to Tun LinLibrary was held inThayetkon Village inSakamya Village-tract inMyaungmya Township on5 July.

At the ceremony,Township Administrator UKo Ko Latt made a speech.Next, Staff Officer Daw HlaKyi of Myaungmya DistrictInformation and PublicRelations Departmentexplained the durability ofthe library. AssistantLecturer U Kyin Soe (MaungHline Thit-Chitsayamyay) of

Myaungmya EducationCollege gave talks onknowledge in literature.

After that, TownshipAdministrator U Ko Ko Lattdonated one set of 15-inchLCD TV, Head ofMyaungmya TownshipIPRD Daw Yi Yi Lwin andU Than Win family books,library committee memberU Myint Kyaw one drawersof chestnut and local peopleK 70,000. Members of thelibrary committee acceptedthe donations.

The library was built at acost of K 1.5 millioncontribution by local peopleand K 900,000 by U ThanWin and family in addition tothe capital of the State.

District IPRD

School uniforms provided tooffspring of vendors

DANUBYU, 16 July—A ceremony to provide schooluniforms to students of vendors from Myoma Market undercontrol of Danubyu Township Development AffairsCommittee was held at the office of the in-charge of themarket in Danubyu on 10 July.

The ceremony was held for 2012-2013 fiscal year.At the ceremony, Executive Officer U Htay Hlaing of

Danubyu Township Development Affairs Committeepresented one set of school uniform to 11 offspring ofvendors.—Myanma Alin

Over 400 vehicles allowed to beimported under permissions

Kawthoung Township observesMyanmar Women’s Day 2012

KAWTHOUNG, 16 July—At Hantahwady Hall ofKawthoung TownshipGeneral AdministrationDepartment on 3 July morning,the Myanmar Women’s Day2012 was observed with anaddress by Chairperson ofDistrict Women’s AffairsOrganization Daw Cho ChoThein.

Secretary of DistrictWomen’s AffairsOrganization Daw San Myintread the paper on health sector,Chairperson of TownshipWAO Daw Khin Mar Kyi onenvironmental conservationand Headmistress Daw Mi YiYi of Basic Education HighSchool No. 1 on culture.

After that, officialspresented prizes to Ma Wai

Wai Lwin who secured onebronze medal in the sailingevent of the XXVI SEA Games,Daw Nay Za Htay who wonthe model trainee award in theSpecial Refresher CourseNo. 75 for Basic EducationTeachers, 56th time blooddonor Daw Gandama and 20th

time blood donor Daw LwinLwin Oo, the aerobic teamthat stood third in the regionaerobic contest, one four-distinction winner and twothree-distinction winners inthe 2011-2012 academic yearmatriculation examination,three winners in the highschool level essay contest tomark the Myanmar Women’sDay and three in the middleschool level.

Myanma Alin

MADB disburses agriculturalloans to farmers of IngapuINGAPU, 16 July—Myanma Agricultural Development

Bank of Ingapu Township in Hinthada District held a ceremonyto disburse agricultural loans to local farmers at the hall ofTownship General Administration Department on 6 July.

After making speeches, Township Administrator UHlwan Moe Han and Manager of Myanma AgriculturalDevelopment Bank U Mya Kyaing presented agriculturalloans to the farmers.

At the ceremony, the bank disbursed K 82450000 for1649 acres of farmlands to 231 farmers from two village-tracts.—Township GAD


YANGON, 16 July—Witha view to ensuring smoothtravelling of pilgrims duringthe rainy season, members ofthe Sangha and people, three-yard plastic carpets are placedon platforms of ShwedagonPagoda as of June.

The Pagoda Board ofTrustees and wellwishersdonated 150 sheets of plasticcarpets at K 22000 each forpreventing slips of walkers.There needs about 350 moresheets of plastic carpets onthe platforms.

In the past, roles ofcarpets made of coconut fibre

Plastic carpets placed onplatform of Shwedagon Pagoda

were placed along theplatforms during the rainyseason but these facilitieswere not in conformity withthe image of the pagoda.Moreover, the coconut firecarpets soaked water with badsmell.

Thanks to plasticcarpets, the pilgrims can visitthe pagoda conveniently andpleasantly.

The Pagoda Board ofTrustees makes arrangementsfor visitors to donate three-yard plastic carpets perK 22000.

Pwint Oo (Yangon)

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Pyithu Hluttawcontinues...

(from page 16)be taken to handle the cases of most of hefarmers turning to the jobless, partnercompanies of government committinglawless acts, educating companies tounderstand confiscation of farmland forK 35,000 compensation per care is out ofLand Confiscation Act; if there is any planto let farmers who lost their farms in modelmechanized farm special zone in DagonMyothit townships to register as tenantfarmers in line with law and if the Uniongovernment has any plan to let farmers whohave lost the farms re-run the farms, DeputyMinister for Agriculture and Irrigation UOhn Than replied that complete explanationwas given about the reclamation of modernfarmland in Dagon Myothit townships atthe previous Hluttaw sessions. The farmerswho primarily owned those farms could getrelevant wages now, working at themechanized farmland based on their skillswith their job opportunities and incomesgetting improved.

Region/State governments can handleregional issues on the ground under the law.Currently, farmland bylaws have beenformulated to enforce the enacted FarmlandAct and the by-laws can be promulgatedsoon. Those issues can be handled in linewith Farmland Act, farmland by-laws, basedon objective conditions, in the long-terminterests of the State.

Regarding the question of U Tin MaungOo of Shwepyitha Constituency about thestrategic food management measures forfood security of the State, the deputy ministerreplied that the Ministry of Agriculture andIrrigation and Ministry of Commerce aretaking care of rice production and riceexports based on daily consumption of thepeople. The Commerce Ministry keeps ricereserve in support of the farmers. TheAgriculture and Irrigation Ministry isworking in partnership with private sectorfor establishing modern rice mills forincreased production of rice in millingprocess. It is targeted to put 19.31 million ofacres under paddy this year, the second yearof the fifth five-year plan, and to put 19.46million of acres on 2015-2016.

Only the surplus is exported abroad inline with trading policies ensuring food

security. Mobilization is made at strategiclevel to call for active participation of theprivate sector for boosting rice productivity.In addition, Myanmar Rice Association andCentral Cooperatives Association purchasemonsoon and summer rice directly fromfarmers to ensure there is no shortage of rice.In addition, rice dealers and farmers areworking in cooperation for a switch to high-yield monsoon paddy.

Deputy Minister for Construction USoe Tint replied the questions of two Hluttawrepresentatives.

Regarding the question of U Kun TheinPe of Hopong Constituency about if thereis any plan to upgrade Kyuntaung-Kyauktalone-Saikaung-Honan-Maukmeroad into road of the Public Works orUnion Highway, the deputy minister repliedthat the road in Shan State (south) is 88miles and one furlong and its nine miles andone furlong Loisaung-Saikaung section wasundertaken by the Ministry of BorderAffairs. But, the Construction Ministry hasproposed to take over the road from theBorder Affairs Ministry.

In 2010-2012 financial year,maintenances of roads and bridges wasundertaken with the revenue maintenancesfunds. In 2012-2013 financial year, it wouldbe carried out with the Shan Stategovernment’s fund. That road has been puton the road lists of Public Works managedby Union Government. Funds would besubmitted in 2013-2014 financial year.

With respect to the question raised byU Nyan Win of Hlinethaya Constituency onbehalf of U Tin Maung Win of MingaladonConstituency, on “there is a plan to repairNyaungdon road between mile post 1 mileand four furlongs and mile post two milesand six furlongs, in Hlinethaya Township,Yangon Region”, Deputy Minister forConstruction U Soe Tint replied : This roadsection includes in Aungzeya Bridgeapproach road (three miles and two furlongslong) implemented by Ministry ofConstruction. And Asia World Co has beenallowed to build it through B.O.T systemand had completed tarmacking of it on 18June. Ministry of Construction is pushingB.O.T entrepreneurs for following thedesignated instructions.

Regarding the question of U Myint Kyiof Latha Constituency on “there is a planto abolish the notorious expense-sharinghealth system from which the benefits have

to be shared to lower staff and repaid intothe government budget in the name of otherincome, Deputy Minister for Health Dr WinMyint replied:

Sharing of income that comes from thecurrent expense-sharing health system tothe lower level staff does not exist. Incomesof separate patient room, Lab, X-ray roomand pathology departments in People’sHospitals have to be paid as government’srevenue income, used in Hospital’smaintenances and in providing needyhospitalized patients with medicine.Ministry of Health is scrutinizing andsupervising monthly reports of sending tothe government as revenue and allocationsent by respective hospitals.

To provide health care coverage to allcitizens, especially the needy people,Ministry of Health conducted the researchon the probabilities of township-basedhealth care expenses protection programmein Yedashe and DaikU Townships in BagoRegion in 2011. Based on these researchfindings, township-based social health careguarantee system that will be ideal forMyanmar will be tested.

On behalf of Dr Nay Lin of SeikkanConstituency, U Han Sein of TeikgyiConstituency raised the question on“According to the health care programme,projects on reducing the mortality ratesof pregnant women and children underfive are being implemented. I would liketo know the current conditions from 2000to date and the objectives for 2015.”

Under the programme of Myanmar

health care programme, projects on reducingthe mortality rates of pregnant women andchildren under five are being implemented.From 2000 to date, the mother mortality ratein 100,000 live births was 300 in 2000; 230in 2005, 200 in 2010; and is expected to be130 in 2015. Death toll under five per livebirth was 66.1 percent in 2003; 46.1 in2009; and is expected to be 43.3 percent in2015. Ministry of Health is makingcooperation with World HealthOrganization (WHO), UNFPA and UNICEFso as to get necessary health care expenses.And the Ministry is also cooperating withInternational organization Aus Aid.Coordination is being made to prescribenecessary laws and by-laws.

At the proposal-submitting session, UThan Nwe of Budalin Constituencysubmitted the proposal on “ with the aimsof ensuring the restoration of naturalenvironment and eco-system stability andlong-term extraction of timbers and forestproducts, special emphasis should be pacedon perpetuation of natural forests” and DrThan Win of North Okkalapa Constituency,on “urging the Government to formMyanmar Traditional CulturalConservation Commission and lay downthe projects for promoting the standard ofnational culture”.

The date on which the above-mentionedproposals are discussed will be announcedlater. Those representatives who want todiscuss it are to submit the name lists by12.30 pm on 17 July. The meeting came toend at noon and will go on at 10 amtomorrow.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Union Ministerfor Environmental Conservation and ForestryU Win Tun looked into establishment ofarid-zone greening forest plantations,conservation of old plantations andconservation and greening of mountainranges in Mandalay and Magway Regionson 14 July.

The Union Minister inspectedconservation in Kogway reserved forest inYamethin Township near mile post No. (251/1) on Nay Pyi Taw-Mandalay Expressway,village-used plantation in KyaukpadaungTownship near Natmauk-Mahlaing district-to-district road, 25 acres of plantation and 25acres of watershed plantation in MeiktilaTownship.

Yesterday, the Union Minister lookedinto forest plantations in Kyaukku proposedprotected forest in NyaungU Township,

Plantations inspected in Mandalay,Magway regions

which is jointly implemented by ForestDepartment and JIFPRO, greening tasks inthe eastern part of Mt. Tankkyi in Pakokku

Township, river water supply for agriculturepurpose and conservation of the remainingforest in the protected forest.

He also inspected firewood plantationsfor greening of Seikpyu-Kazunma region andYenangyoung plain.—MNA

Union Minister for Environmental Conservation and Forestry U WinTun inspects plantations for greening of easten part of Mt.Tankkyi in

Pakokku Township.—MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Han Sein of Taikkyi Constituencyon behalf of Dr Nay Lin of SeikkanConstituency puts question.—MNA

Deputy Minister for Health Dr WinMyint replies to questions.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 9

(from page 16)The Health Department has not yet

planned to construct the building for thestation hospital in the 2012-2013 fiscalyear. However, the department will givetop priority to construction of the buildingin the 2013-2014 fiscal year.

Regarding the second question, thedeputy minister replied that in-servicedoctors can pursue the medical diplomacourses, master courses and post-graduatePh. D courses while post-graduate diplomacourses are conducted for out-servicedoctors.

The issue of allowing out-servicedoctors to attend post-graduate medicalcourses have been discussed at meetings ofthe Management Committee of the Ministryof Health and today, the courses cannotprovide enough seats even to in-servicedoctors due to training capacity.

To promote the capacity of out-servicedoctors who are working at private hospitalsand clinics, the hospital they are workingfor will take responsibility for theirsustainable learning opportunities. Theywill be accepted to attend the post-graduatecourses when an opportune situationhappened.

Regarding the third question, thedeputy minister replied that the old ECGmachine at Taninthayi Township Hospitalwas replaced with the new one about fourmonths ago and the hospital spent its fundsto get the new one. The 50mA X-ray machine

Amyotha Hluttawcontinues...

is being repaired at the Central Medical StorageDepartment in Yangon on 6 July, 2012, and itthe machine is beyond repair, the ministry willprovide a new machine to the hospital.Concerning surgical operations, the townshiphospital will provide surgical operations thatit can perform and it will transfer patients whoneed to receive treatment given by specialiststo a People’s Hospital. Meanwhile, in anattempt to gain trust from patients, medical

staff would explain the patients until theyunderstand why they are sent to the People’sHospital.

Still, there is no plan to assign a surgeonto Taninthayi Township Hospital due to itsorganizational set-up as it is the 50-bed one.However, one assistant surgeon and onetownship health officer will be assigned tothe hospital when the number of patientsincreases in the future.

Regarding the fourth question, thedeputy minister replied that the HealthDepartment has already issued an order dated13, January, 2011, to construct a 16-bedhospital in Hpakant Township, Kachin Stateand work on construction of the building forthe hospital will start in the 2013-2014fiscal year.

Union Minister for Rail TransportationU Aung Min replied to the query raised byRepresentative Dr Myat Nyana Soe ofYangon Region Constituency (4) on“whether or not there is any plan to takeaction against the bus lines running intown and expresses that break the bus linelaws and fail to meet the standard of apassenger bus”, and by Representative UMyint Tun of Bago Region Constituency(10) on “when will the required gravels tobe used in repairing the remaining sectionsof Latpadan-Tharawaw railway sectiondelivered to the site”. He said that RoadTransport Administration Departmentissued a license to a passenger bus only if ithas acceptable capacity. But some busowners added more seats than usual in theirbuses so as to get more profits. TheDepartment did not give green light to suchowners. For most of the buses plying in townwere Japan-made, the department issuedlicenses to them in accord with their typeapproval. Officials from the departmenttogether with officials from the TransportPlanning Department and the Traffic PoliceForce continue inspecting buses at highwayterminals and bus-stops before those buseswere in operation. Effective actions wouldbe taken against the buses that are not inconformity with the set standards with the

notifications of the representatives and thepublic are to inform the department.

Regarding the query raised byRepresentative U Myint Tun of BagoRegion Constituency (10), the UnionMinister said that Myanma Railway wascarrying out the maintenance of railwayssections with the use of 19 gravel coaches.Filling of gravels on Yangon-Mandalay up/down (771 miles) and Yangon round railroad

up/down (59 miles) are on top priority. ForYangon-Pyay railroad section, only1374.80 suds of gravel had been filled fromJune, 2011 to date. Latpadan-Tharawawrailroad section would be supplied withgravels before the last week of August.

The meeting came to an end at 11 amand continues at 10 am tomorrow. At thetoday’s session, six questions were raisedand answered.—MNA

Students in Mandalay get knowledge on revenueMANDALAY, 16 July—

Office of the Revenue De-partments in Mandalay un-der the Internal Revenue De-partment of the Ministry ofFinance and Revenue dis-seminated knowledge on rev-enue to students in the re-spective schools on 11 July.

Assistant Director UAye Min of Township Rev-enue Department gave talkson the subject to over 1350teachers and students led byHeadmistress Daw ThanThan Win at No. 27 BasicEducation High School inPyigyitagun Township; ADU Nyi Nyi Lwin to over1000 teachers and studentsled by Headmistress DawTin Tin Win at No. 13BEHS in Maha Aungmye

Township; Staff OfficerU Sai Htay Aung of Town-ship Revenue Departmentto over 1500 teachers andstudents led by Headmas-ter Dr Than Htaik Soe atNo. 26 BEHS in ChanmyaThazi Township; ADU Aung Tun Oo of Town-ship Revenue Departmentto 580 teachers and stu-

dents led by TownshipEducation Officer U Ne Winand Headmistress DawKhin Nyo Aye at No. 1BEHS in Amarapura Town-ship.

After the talks, studentswere provided with books,pamphlets, comic books de-picting knowledge on rev-enue.—Tin Maung (Mdy)

Course (1/2012) for TownshipHealth Department heads opens

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—A ceremony to open course(1/2012) for township heads of Health Department of Ministryof Health, was held at Ministry, here, this morning, with anaddress by Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin.

In his speech, the Union Minister said that Myanmarneeded to promote health care system on a wider effectivescale. As part of its effort to promote the health care system,it needs to employ more qualified health staff, conduct thecourses and provide the hospitals with medicine and medicalequipment, thereby contributing to harmoniousdevelopment of health care.

Township Health Department heads are the key leadersfor promoting the health care of people in Townships and ruralareas. He urged the trainees to make strenuous efforts toachieve the objectives of the Ministry and to provide morehealth care to the national races. A total of 34 trainees fromRegions and States are attending four-week course. The coursecovers knowledge on health care system, health policy,management, health economics, social dealing.—MNA

Czech delegation led by DeputyPrime Minister and Foreign

Affairs Minister arrives in YangonYANGON, 16 July— A goodwill delegation led by Deputy

Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of the CzechRepublic Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg arrived Yangon byspecial flight at 2:45 pm today.

They were welcomed by officials concerned of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs at Yangon International Airport.

The guests paid homage to Shwedagon Pagoda in theevening.—MNA

Ayeyawady Region ChiefMinister addresses higher pass

rate of the matriculationexamination ceremony

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Ayeyawady Region ChiefMinister U Thein Aung on14 July delivered an addressat the ceremony for higherpass rate of thematriculation examination,held at Kanthaya Hall ofPathein University inPathein.

He said, in his speech,that there had got anincreasement pass rate ofthe exam last year that wasrecognized as a banner year.The fruitful results came outon account of openingteaching method learningcourses for townshipeducation officersespecially subject teachers.He emphasized that the

teachers taking that coursesneed to pay fullconcentration on learningtheir respective subjects sothat they would be able togive clear teaching tostudents in the regions andstates where they areassigned, citing that in spiteof improving in pass rate ofthe matriculation exam at

region level, the pass rate ofthe exam is decreasing attownship level. Inconclusion, he urged those

present to promote pass rateof the matriculationexamination higher andhigher.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—A donation ceremony forlocals who lost their propertyin recent riots in Rakhine Statewas held at the hall of RakhineState Chief Minister on 14 Julymorning.

At the ceremony, UAung Thu and wife Daw LiSwe Lant of LotayaTaungtaya Gems Companydonated 500 bags of rice worthK 8,250,000, officers/stafffamilies of officiating regionalcontrol head (Sittway) 224

Rakhine State Chief Ministerattends provisions ceremony of

locals in Rakhine Statebags of rice worth K 3,700,000and U Kyaw Myint of Kan TarOo Gems Company, U KyawLwin and family 181 bags ofrice worth K 3,000,000.Rakhine State Chief MinisterU Hla Maung Tin acceptedthe donations. The regionChief Minister attended themeeting for uplifting of tradein July 2012 of Border TradeDepartment (Sittway) held atRakhine State Merchants andIndustries Association Halland left the necessary

instructions. Next the RegionMinisters for Planning andEconomic and Security andBorder Affairs discussedboosting of trade and securitymatters.

Afterwards, the DeputyDirector of Border Trade Camp(Sittway) and members of OSS,responsile persons fromRakhine State Merchants andIndustries Association andentrepreneurs held dis-cussion on booming oftrade.—MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw representativeU Than Myint of Taninthayi Region

Constituency (10) puts question.MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw representativeU Mya Ohn of Kachin State

Constituency (8) asking question.MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Trees grown asmonsoon activity

in BokpyinBOKPYIN, 16 July—The

monsoon tree growingceremony was held at PearlShweyi Golf Course inBokpyin on 3 July.

At the ceremony,Township Administrator UNyunt Tin, members ofWomen’s AffairsOrganization, MyanmarMaternal and Child WelfareAssociation and socialorganizations, departmentalofficials and staffparticipated in growing of500 teak, ironwood,mahogany and Gangaw(Mesua ferrea) saplings.

Moreover, Staff OfficerU Htay Win of ForestDepartment and staff sharedknowledge about cultivationtechnology.—Myanma Alin

Thingaha Cup nurtures newgeneration footballers in

Thayawady District

NGAPUTAW, 16 July—The rainy season treegrowing ceremony washeld on the land ofSappada Ordination Hall inSouthern Ward ofNgaputaw Township ofAyeyawady Region on 3July morning.

At the ceremony,

Rainy season tree growingceremony held in Ngaputaw


Collection of tax explained in Bago Township

BAGO, 16 July—BagoTownship Internal RevenueDepartment of Bago Regionof Ministry of Finance andRevenue held a talk on plan

for collection of tax at itsoffice in Bago on 6 Julymorning.

The talk includedtaxation over entrepreneursof stores, department stores,hotels and inns, andrestaurants in line with theprescription of commercialtax.

It was attended by 49entrepreneurs from Bago.Assistant Director Daw AyeAye Maw of Bago TownshipInternal RevenueDepartment explainedmatters related to collectionof tax. A staff officer alsoexplained tasks of theentrepreneurs.—IRD

UMFCCIPresident meets

IndonesianAmbassadorYANGON, 16 July—

Indonesian Ambassador toMyanmar Mr SebastianusSumarsono called onPresident of the Republic ofthe Union of MyanmarFederation of Chambers ofCommerce and Industry UWin Aung, GeneralSecretary Dr Myo Thet, andChairman of MyanmarPharmaceuticals andMedical EquipmentMerchants Association DrWin Sithu at the office of thefederation on 5 July morning.

At the meeting, theycordially discussedpromotion of bilateral tradebetween the two countries,opening of hospital forinvestment matters,opportunity to producemedicines, hotel services,mining and information forother investment matters.


KUNGYANGON, 16 July—Palethwe hybrid paddyplantations are beingcultivated across the nationthanks to high yield of peracre depending on weatherand water. At the same time,Kungyangon Townshipachieves success in growingof Palethwe paddy.

On 5 July, a ceremony toshare cultivation technologyfor extended cultivation ofPalethwe hybrid paddy wasjointly organized by YangonRegion AgricultureDepartment and Sun MoonStar Company at the office ofKungyangon TownshipAgriculture Department.

Deputy Head of YangonRegion Agriculture

Farmlands covered withthriving Palethwe hybrid

paddy plantationsBlood donated at Nay Pyi TawGeneral Hospital (1000-bed)

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—The Blood Donors

Association of the Office ofthe Auditor-General of theUnion organized the blooddonation ceremony for theseventh time at Nay Pyi TawGeneral Hospital (1000-bed)on 13 July morning, attendedby Deputy Auditor-GeneralU Myo Myint.

Also present on theoccasion were Director-General Daw Khin San Oo ofthe Office of the Auditor-General of the Union andofficials, Director-General DrMin Than Nyunt of HealthDepartment, MedicalSuperintendent Dr Daw PhyuPhyu of Nay Pyi Taw GeneralHospital (1000-bed) and in-charge of the blood bank DrHtein Win.

Altogether 40 blooddonor of the Office of theAuditor-General of the Uniondonated blood on theoccasion.—Myanma Alin

Department U Hla Hsanmade a speech. Head ofDistrict AgricultureDepartment U Kyaw Kyawand seed production expertfrom Sun Moon Star Co UAung Myint discussedsharing of technology.

At the ceremony, Headof Township AgricultureDepartment Daw Than ThanHsint explained extendedcultivation of Palethwehybrid paddy in 2012-2013rainy season.

Later, the local farmersobserved thriving ofnurturing Palethwe hybridsaplings in the farmlands offarmer U Win Kyi in KamapaVillage.

Township Agriculture

TREES PLANTED: Aspart of efforts to establish

rural housing andplantations in 2012-2013fiscal year, Staff Officer

U Win Tun of ThaziTownship Forest

Department, staff andlocal people grew

saplings.MYANMA ALIN

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Pyinmana Township of NayPyi Taw Council Area heldthe monsoon tree growingceremony 2012 in thecompound of BasicEducation High School No. 3on 5 July.

It was attended byMember of Nay Pyi TawCouncil Col Myint Aung

Wakema Townshipobserves

InternationalCooperative Day

WAKEMA, 16 July—Aceremony to markInternational CooperativesDay was observed atWakema TownshipCooperative Department ofAyeyawady Region on 7 July.

Chairman of theCooperative Syndicate U TinWin and Staff Officer ofTownship CooperativeDepartment Daw Khin Winmade speeches.

Later, officials presentedprizes to winners in the essay,article, poem and cartooncontests to mark theInternational CooperativeDay.—Myanma Alin

Citizenship scrutiny cards issued to localpeople in Monghsat

MONGHSAT, 16 July—Aceremony to presentcitizenship scrutiny cards to

the local people in 10th-mileChaungzon Village of KyadeVillage-tract in Monghsat

Township of Shan State(East).

At the Village BasicEducation Primary School on9 July morning, DeputyDirector U Khin Soe, Head ofShan State (East) Immigrationand National RegistrationDepartment, explainedmatters related to realizingMoe Pwint-3 Plan, andpresented citizenshipscrutiny cards to 64 localpeople.

Township Immigration

THAYAWADY, 16 July—The Thingaha Cup Men’sOpen Football Tournament,organized by ThayawadyDistrict Sports and PhysicalEducation Committee,kicked off at the districtsports ground inThayawady on 8 July, withan address by DeputyCommissioner U Hla Myo ofDistrict General Admini-stration Department.

Also present on theoccasion were DeputyMinister for Sports U AyeMyint Kyu, Bago RegionMinister for Social AffairsDr Aung Kyaw Oo, RegionMinister for Finance andRevenue U Myint Lwin Oo,Deputy Director of BagoRegion Sports and PhysicalEducation Department UThein Myint, administrators

from eight townships,wellwisher Patron of MinhlaTownship Association U HlaMoe and members, districtlevel departmental officialsand guests.

In the debut, Okkan beatPyay Township 3-2.Altogether 12 football teamsare taking part in thetournament that will last upto 28 July.

District SPED

Saplings planted in Pyinmana asmonsoon activity

Township Administrator UWin Ko Ko, Staff Officer UHtaik Lwin Oo of TownshipForest Department,departmental personnel andlocal people planted 1200saplings including 300ironwood, 600 mahoganyand 300 eucalyptus species.

Township Forest

Than, Deputy Director UThan Oo of Nay Pyi TawForest Department,Assistant Director U ThetToe, Township Ad-ministrator U Kyaw Tint,members of socialorganizations, departmentalofficials and students.

They planted over 500saplings.—Township GAD


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Farnborough Airshow wraps up with72-b-USD contracts

The Royal Air Force (RAF) Red Arrows perform duringthe Farnborough International Air Show in Hampshire,

Britain, on 15 July, 2012. The air show was concluded onSunday.—XINHUA

FARNBOROUGH, 16 July—As this year’s FarnboroughInternational Airshowwrapped up on Sunday, ordersand commitments have beenconfirmed worth a total of 72billion US Dollar.

The figures covered 758aircraft and represent a 53-percent increase on the 2010show and close to the 2008figure when sales peaked at8.8. billion dallor.

Airshow organizers,Farnborough InternationalLtd, confirmed that the eventattracted over 1500exhibitors with representa-tion right across the supplychain. Over 70 militarydelegations from 46countries attended with afurther 13 delegations fromthe civil sector.

Over 140 aircraft tookpart in the static and flyingdisplays at the FarnboroughAerodrome including theBoeing 787 Dreamlinerwhich flew on the first three

days of the show — a Boeingand FIA first — and the AirbusA380 in attendance for thefull seven days.

“2012 marks anothersuccessful year for theFarnborough InternationalAirshow. Our growth inexhibitor numbers andcontinued patronage fromorganisations such asEADS, Finmeccanica and

Boeing keeps us at the topof the aerospace eventscalendar”said Shaun Ormrod,Chief Executive of FIL.

The FarnboroughInternational Airshow is aseven-day internationaltrade fair for the aerospaceindustry which is held ineven-numbered years in mid-July at Farnborough Airportin Britain.—Xinhua

Two US states probing banks over Libormanipulation

NEW YORK, 16 July—New York Attorney GeneralEric Schneiderman haslaunched a probe into possiblemanipulation of the Liborbenchmark internationallending rates by global banks,his spokesman said onSunday.

Schneiderman, alongwith Connecticut’s AttorneyGeneral George Jepsen startedthe investigation six monthsago into the possible riggingof Libor, the Londoninterbank offered rate, NewYork Attorney Generalspokesman James Freedlandtold Reuters.

Libor is compiled fromestimates by big banks of howmuch they believe they haveto pay to borrow from eachother. It is used for $550trillion of interest ratederivatives contracts andinfluences rates on manylending transactions,including mortgages, studentloans and credit cards.

A man walks past a branch of Barclays bank in centralLondon, on 28 June , 2012.—REUTERS

“Working together, theNew York and Connecticutattorneys general have beenlooking into these issues forover six months, and willcontinue to follow the factswherever they lead,”Freedland said.

Jepsen’s spokeswomandid not immediately respondto a call and an email forcomment. Barclays Plc, thebank at the center of the Liborscandal, was fined a record

$450 million last month byUS and British authorities formanipulating the rate, but thedeal does not shield Barclaysemployees from criminalprosecution.

The US JusticeDepartment is also buildingcriminal cases against severalfinancial institutions and theiremployees related to themanipulation of interest rates,The New York Times reportedon Saturday.—Reuters

BERLIN, 16 July—German Chancellor AngelaMerkel reaffirmed her supportfor a closer and morecentralized European Unionon Sunday, which should bethe price for Berlin’scontinued aid for indebtedneighbours.

“Without Europe, wecannot represent our values,our ideas and our ideals,”Merkel said in an interviewwith German publictelevision ZDF that was airedon Sunday evening.

In the long run, the EUshould be a closer politicalunion, which has morebinding force over memberstates and could disciplinethose who breach the rules,shesaid. Merkel said the future ofEurope would be thedominant theme in Germany’sfederal election next year,when the chancellor is seekingthe third term.

Voters have to answer

Billionaires seek BP shareholder backing forTNK-BP resolution

A sign board of a BPpetrol station is seen in

Moscow on 1 June,2012.—REUTERS

Dengue mosquitoes found in Nepali capitalKATHMANDU, 16 July—

Significant numbers ofAedes- aegypti and Aedes-albopicitus mosquitoes thatspread dengue andchikungunya have beenfound in Nepali capitalKathmandu in the recentsurveillance carried out byDistrict Public Health Office( DPHO), Kathmandu, localmedia reported on Monday.

According to Monday’sRepublica daily report, theteam led by entomologistSishir Panta that conducted aweek-long surveillance invarious parts of Kathmandu

MOSCOW, 16 July—Thebillionaire co-owners ofAnglo-Russian oil ventureTNK-BP would be willing tosell their stake to British oilmajor BP for cash and stock toput an end to a bittershareholder conflict.

That was the positionpresented by MikhailFridman, one of the quartet ofinvestors who own half ofRussia’s third-largest oilcompany through the AARconsortium, to meetings in

New York and Boston withlarge institutions that own BPstock.

“The message MikhailFridman delivered was thatthe partnership in its currentform has run its course,” AARCEO Stan Polovets said onSunday of the meetings thispast week, which followed upon a series investor briefingsin London in June.

“The shareholders needto find a way to realignownership interests and

eliminate the internalcontradictions that are tearingTNK-BP apart.”

Shareholder relations,which have often been rockyat TNK-BP since BP came inas an equal partner in 2003,worsened last year when theBritish major tried to reach astrategic alliance with state-controlled Russian oil majorRosneft.

AAR blocked the deal inthe courts, successfullyarguing that it violated anexclusivity clause in the TNK-BP shareholders’ agreement.The ensuing fallout has leftthe company without a boardquorum, blocking dividendpayments. Fridman quit inMay as CEO and BP at thestart of June put its stake upfor sale.

Under a timeline set bythe shareholder pact, AAR hasuntil the end of this week toexpress its interest in buying

BP’s stake. BP can negotiatewith other interested partiesbut cannot do a deal with themfor a further 90 days.

AAR will submit anexpression of interest on July19, Polovets said. It would bewilling to buy one-half of BP’sstake in TNK-BP — or a 25percent stake — at a currentmarket price of around $10billion (6.42 billion pounds).

But AAR’s preferredoption would be to exchangeits stake in TNK-BP for cashand a stake of 10-12 percent inBP. “It would make moresense for all parties involved,”Polovets told Reuters.

Such a deal would releaseBP from the obligations underthe TNK-BP shareholders’agreement barring it frompartnering with othercompanies in Russia, such asRosneft and gas exportmonopoly Gazprom, Polovetsadded.—Reuters

Merkel urges more Europe,stresses conditioned aid

last week, has submitted itsreport to DPHO on Sundaywith proofs of vectors.

“They brought someAedes-aegypti and Aedes-albopicitus mosquitoesfound in various locations ofKathmandu,” Chief ofKathmandu DPHOMahendra Prasad Shresthawas quoted by the daily assaying showing thespecimens.

Shrestha said that thereport will be forwarded tothe Department of HealthServices and the HealthMinistry.

The DPHO has deployed70 health workers in door-to-door awareness program afterlearning about highprevalence of dengue vectorsin Kathmandu.

Entomologist Pantasaid humidity and risingtemperatures providefavourable environment forthe vectors to spread. Peoplestore water in households dueto water shortage providinghabitat for dengue spreadingAedes-aegypti mosquitoeswhich live in clean water andbite during daytime.


these questions: “what isEurope and what ideas wehave of Europe”, she added.

Merkel stressed thatGermany’s rescue efforts inthe eurozone debt crisis arenot without conditions.Those heavily-indebtednations which receivedlifelines from outside shouldkeep their fiscal targets andaccept more supervision fromBrussels.

Any attempts “saying ‘letus show solidarity butmeanwhile has nosupervision and noconditions’ will have nochance with me or withGermany,” Merkel said.

For Thursday’s voting inthe Bundestag, or the lowerhouse of parliament, on a 100-billion-euro rescue packagefor Spanish banks, Merkel saidshe is confident on securingabsolute majority fromlawmakers.


Nokia cuts price of flagshipsmartphone in half

Nokia Lumia 900 cellphones are shown for salein Carlsbad, California

on 11 April, 2012.REUTERS

NEW YORK, 16 July—Nokia Oyj has cut the US priceof its flagship smartphone inhalf, barely three months afterits launch, in an effort to stanchlosses in market share to rivals

such as Apple Inc and SamsungElectronics Co.

The cost of the Lumia900 Windows phone has beenreduced to $49.99 from $99with a two-year agreement,Nokia spokesman KeithNowak said on Sunday.

Nokia’s phone is sold atAT&T Inc stores. Nowak saidthe price cut “is part of ourongoing lifecycle manage-ment, which is jointly donebetween Nokia and carriercustomers.”

The spokesman also saida price cut is not unusual at

this time in a smartphone’slife cycle, noting thatSamsung has cut the price forits Galaxy S II, launchedbefore the Lumia 900.

Once the world’sdominant mobile phoneprovider, Nokia was late toembrace smartphones, and hasalso been losing market sharein less expensive mobilephones. Featuring a 4.3-inchscreen, 1.4-gigahertzprocessor and 8-megapixelcamera, the Lumia 900 useslargely untried software fromMicrosoft Corp.—Reuters

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

The Republic of the Union of MyanmarMinistry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs

Invitation for Tender to Consultant companies/Organizations whichhave international experience to implement preparation for tender, biddingtender, scrutinizing and selection at international tender bidding in orderto provide postal services by joint venture among Myanma Posts andTelecommunications, and domestic/foreign companies which are provid-ing postal service.

1. It is under process to bid tender and scrutinize by Ministry ofCommunications, Posts and Telegraphs, Myanma Posts and Telecom-munications, Planning and Training Department with the goodwill ofdistribution international status of postal services to public in order toprovide postal service by joint venture with domestic/foreign companieswhich are providing Postal services.

2. In such an implementation, in order to comply with international rulesand regulations for tender bidding, and international standards, to betransparent, it is intended to implement with the international experienceand suggestions of Consultant companies and organizations existingwith international experience which could conduct as Consultant in theprocess of tender preparation, tender bidding, scrutinizing and selection,thus Consultant companies and organizations which are interesting toimplement these works are invited to submit the proposals.

3. This is to announce that Consultant companies and organizations intendedto implement, can submit the tender proposals to the following addressbefore 4:30 pm of 15-8-2012.

Planning and Training DepartmentMyanma Posts and TelecommunicationsCentral Post Office, Nay Pyi TawPhone: 00-95-67-420611, 00-95-67-420622E-mail:

Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs


Consignees of cargo carried on MV OSSIAN VOYNO (12016) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 17.7.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S T.S LINEPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV DELIGHTVOY NO (159) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 17.7.2012 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of H.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256916/256919/256921


Consignees of cargo carried on MV ASIANLEADER VOY NO (19) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 16.7.2012 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W(4) where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: NYK LINEPhone No: 256924/256914

Bank Holiday All Banks will be closedon 19th July (Thursday)2012, Martyr’s Day beingpublic holiday Under theNegotiable InstrumentsAct.

Central Bank of Myanmar

Lemurs the world’s mostthreatened mammal

PARIS, 15 July—Lemurs,the furry apes brought to fameby the Disney animation film“Madagascar”, are the mostendangered mammals onEarth, an International Unionfor Conservation of Natureconference found. An IUCNworkshop met in Madagascarthis week to discuss theworld’s 103 lemur species asconservation deterioratesamid political turmoil that haslasted three years.

“Madagascar has, by far,the highest proportion ofthreatened species of anyprimate habitat region or anyone country in the world. As aresult, we now believe thatlemurs are probably the most

Two red Madagascanlemurs, an endangeredspecies, frolic in a daisy

bed at Doué-la-Fontaine zoo in western


endangered of any group ofvertebrates,” said prima-tologist Christoph Schwitzer,one of the conferenceorganisers.

Over 90 percent of theworld’s lemur species — foundonly on the Indian Ocean island— were upgraded to criticallyendangered, endangered, orvulnerable on the IUCN’sThreatened Species list. Thedestruction of the primates’tropical forest habitat and anupsurge in bushmeat huntinghave depleted lemur numberssince conservation effortsbroke down after a coup in2009, the body said in astatement late on Friday.


1,500 aquarium fish, coralsseized at Manila pier

A visitor views the inside ofan aquarium tank inManila in 2009. Philippineauthorities seized some1,500 live aquarium fish andabout 150 live pieces ofbrain coral at a Manila pierFriday just before they were

to be shipped to Japan.INTERNET

MANILA, 15 July—Philippine authorities seizedsome 1,500 live aquarium fishand about 150 live pieces ofbrain coral at a Manila pier onFriday just before they wereto be shipped to Japan.

The fish and corals inwater-filled plastic bagsstored in styrofoam boxeswere seized by quarantineofficers, said fisheries bureaulaw enforcement chief AndresMenguito.

He said the fish andcorals were headed for Japanand likely being smuggledbecause there was no permitto export them. Nobody who

had been transporting theaquatic species could befound. “The quarantineofficers were able to inspectthe cargo. Perhaps when theperson in charge of the fishsaw some quarantine officerswere already inspecting, theydisappeared,” Menguito toldAFP. The officer expressedhope suspects could be tracedthrough documents used tobring the fish, hidden insidesome cartons, to the pier.

The export of liveaquarium fish without a permitis forbidden, and gathering orpossessing corals is illegal inthe Philippines. A conviction

for those crimes can lead toup to eight years in prison,Menguito said. Environ-mentalists have previouslywarned excessive harvestingof ornamental fish and othermarine resources from thePhilippines could threaten thecountry’s fish stocks andother sea life.—Internet

Heavy rain plagues South,East China

BEIJING, 16 July —Heavy rain has swept across centraland southern China, killing dozens and forcing thousands toevacuate. Rain-triggered floods have killed 10 people andaffected over 2 million others in central China’s HubeiProvince. Recent rainstorms in Guizhou Province left at least11 people dead and affected nearly a million others. And eastChina’s Anhui Province and central Hunan have also beenbadly affected by extremely heavy rain over the past few days.

It‘s not easy to live a normal life here when your wholecity has been mired in floods for days.

Here in Anyang City in Anhui Province, hundreds ofpeople are still trapped in their houses, waiting to be taken tosafety. Meters-high water forced rescuers to try differentways of reaching to those trapped.

Families’ belongings are also passed out, one thing at atime. Over the course of 3 hours, rescuers managed to takeover 200 people to safe areas. They also brought in disasterrelief goods such as blankets and rice, to help those lefthomeless.—Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 13

New York dog wedding costs$250k

The display windows of retail stores set a weddingatmosphere for Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky in

Rhinebeck New York City on 31 July, 2010.

A New York woman saidshe is throwing a record-setting $250,000 wedding forher dog to benefit the HumaneSociety of New York.

Wendy Diamond,founder of Animal Fair Media,said Thursday night’swedding of her rescuedpooch, Baby Hope, andChilly Pasternak, a Virginiadog chosen in an onlinematchmaking vote, willinclude a $15,000 seven-piece orchestra, a $6,000custom wedding dress and

$5,000 worth of sushi, theNew York Daily Newsreported.

Diamond said about 250humans and 50 dogs areexpected to attend theceremony, which will featureTriumph the Insult ComicDog as a special guest.

“It’s going to be thesweetest wedding — and justone of the funniest eveningsever,” Diamond said. “I neverneed to get married, now,because this wedding haseverything.”

Diamond said the affairis being helmed by HarrietteRose Katz, who planned BillyBaldwin’s wedding to

Woman receives ticketfor cursing

A Grapevine, Texas,mother received a ticket forusing profanity in anargument with anothermother at a water park in frontof children.

Kristy Dugray, 34, saidshe was talking to a womanwhen another motherinterrupted theirconversation, instigating aheated argument requiringmultiple officers to report tothe water park, KXAS-TV,Dallas/Fort Worth reported.

“I have a nice

vocabulary,” Dugray said. “Itjust came out. I told her whatI thought about her ... Shewas telling me how awful Iwas and how I had a horribleheart inside and I was aterrible, ugly person inside.So I told her she was an uglyperson on the outside.”

“It’s just not the kind oflanguage that we felt wasappropriate,” Grapevinepolice Lt. Barry Bowling said.“The cursing was what wasoffensive to not only thevictim but the bystanders whowere in the area at the time.”

Dugray received a ticketfor disorderly conduct. Shesaid she plans fight her ticketin court without cursing atthe judge.

2-faced kitten dies in RI; had 4 eyes, 24 toesA kitten with two faces

born days ago in RhodeIsland has died.

His name was Gemini. Hehad four eyes, two noses, twomouths, two ears and 24 toes— seven on each front pawand five each on the back.

WJAR-TV reportsGemini died Friday. He was

one of five kittens in his litter.He was tiny enough to fit inthe palm of a hand.

His owners inProvidence say he had twotracheas going into onethroat. They fed him by bottlebecause he ate very slowly.

Veterinarian ErnestFinocchio (fin-OH’-kee-oh)

is president of the RhodeIsland Society for thePrevention of Cruelty toAnimals.

He says he’d never seensuch a kitten. He says itcould’ve been twins thatdidn’t separate properly.

Two-faced kittens arevery rare and seldom survive.

Police: Car thief fell asleep atthe wheel


Hollywood, Fla., police said they arrested a teenagerwho passed out drunk behind the wheel of a stolen car.

Police said Nicholas Jackson, 19, was spotted sleepingin the car, with the engine running, Tuesday, the SouthFlorida Sun Sentinel reported.

Officers said Jackson was under the influence of alcohol.Jackson was charged with grand theft auto.

Ice Age beats Spider-Man to top North America box office

This image released by 20th Century Fox shows Sid,voiced by John Leguizamo, center, surrounded by hisfamily in a scene from the animated film, “Ice Age:

Continental Drift.”—INTERNET

LOS ANGELES , 16 July—“Ice Age: Continental Drift,”the fourth of the successful“Ice Age” franchise, beat“The Amazing Spider-Man”to top the North America boxoffice with better-than-expected 46 million US dollarsat the weekend, according to

studio estimates released Sunday.

“Ice Age: ContinentalDrift,” the family friendlyanimation from the 20thCentury Fox, debuted in 3,880theaters of the NorthAmerican market after it hasbeen released in international

territories since the weekendfollowing 29 June. The filmhas drawn huge numbers ofkids and parents to theatersand is on its way to rule all 34global markets with itsshattering opening perfor-mance, despite the fact that theother two 3D animated films“Brave” and “Madagascar 3”are still being screened intheaters.

The fourth installment,like its predecessors full ofhumor and love, has taken inmore than 200 million dollarsbefore it was released in NorthAmerica. The other threeinstallments of the “ Ice Age”franchise has raked in morethan 2.1 billion dollarsworldwide, including nearly600 million in North America.

The Sony’s reboot “TheAmazing Spider-Man” was

the second with 36 millionUS dollars at its secondweekend screening, bringingits two-week total to 200.2million dollars in NorthAmerica. With new directorMarc Webb and leads AndrewGarfield and Emma Stone,the film has been enjoying afantastic north American andinternational box officeperformance. The first 3D“Spider-Man” film passed the400-million-dollar thresholdworldwide on 11 July. SethMacFarlane’s “Ted” from theUniversal Pictures, a R-ratedfilm featuring a foul-mouthedbut funny teddy bear, alsoenjoyed another solid week,taking in another 22.1 milliondollars in earnings, bringingits three-week total to over159 million dollars in US andCanadian markets.—Xinhua

Nolan delayed ‘Dark KnightRises’ for Cotillard

This cover image providedby Vogue shows the

August 2012 .INTERNET

NEW YORK, 16 July —It’s possible French actressMarion Cotillard could havebeen replaced as a loveinterest for Christian Bale’sBatman in the movie, “TheDark Knight Rises”

That’s because she wasdue with her first child, a sonnamed Marcel, around thebeginning of filming for thethird installment in thefranchise. DirectorChristopher Nolan tells theAugust issue of Voguemagazine he wanted to“figure it out.” Most of herscenes were pushed back amonth and Nolan made roomon set for Cotillard’s family.

Still, he marveled at theAcademy Award winner’sability to do her job so soon

after giving birth, calling it“amazing to see” anddescribing her as“Superwoman.” Nolan andCotillard also worked togetheron the 2010 film “Inception.”

The August issue ofVogue magazine hits storeson 24 July.—Internet

Springsteen storms throughLondon marathon

US singer BruceSpringsteen performs withthe E. Street Band during

their European tour topromote their latest album

“Wrecking Ball” inFrankfurt on 25 May,


LONDON, 16 July—Anepic Bruce Springsteenconcert in London’s HydePark ended on Saturday withorganisers pulling the plugwith the singer and ex-BeatlePaul McCartney still onstage and playing at fullthrottle after more than threehours of music.

Springsteen had dancedand worked the crowd with

the energy of a man of halfhis 62 years, running throughmost of his classics beforebeing joined by McCartneyto rip through the Beatles’ “ISaw Her Standing There”and “Twist and Shout”.

The pair were stillsinging for 65,000 rained-soaked but rapturous fanswhen the organizers turnedoff the microphones in linewith an agreed 10.30 pmcurfew.

The Hard Rock Callingfestival was the New Jerseynative’s 45th show in a 67-date tour of North Americaand Europe tied to“Wrecking Ball”, a newalbum full of angry songsabout corporate greed andthe plight of ordinary workingmen and women.

Unlike on other dates,when he has introduced newsongs such as “Jack of AllTrades” and “Shackled andDrawn” with commentarieson the economic crisis, heavoided political polemics forthe most part in a city thathas been rocked by a newround of banking scandalsin the past month. The focuswas on having a giant streetparty.

Springsteen openedwith “Thunder Road”,standing alone at themicrophone accompaniedonly by pianist Roy Bittan. Itwas, he noted, the first songhe had played in his debutappearance in London at theHammersmith Odeon in 1975.


Oscar-winning actress Celeste Holm dies at 95

Celeste Holm attends TheAcademy of Motion

Picture Arts And SciencesCelebrates The 65th

Anniversary Of“Gentleman’sAgreement” at

Lighthouse InternationalConference Centre in

April 2012 in New YorkCity. —INTERNET

NEW YORK, 16 July—Oscar-winning actressCeleste Holm — who was theoriginal girl who couldn’tsay no in the musical“Oklahoma!” — has diedaged 95, her family said.

Holm, who won the bestsupporting actress AcademyAward in 1948 for“Gentlemen’s Agreement”and later appeared in “HighSociety” (1956), died at herhome in New York.

She was admitted tohospital a week ago, said herniece Amy Phillips, cited byCNN. “She passed peacefullyin her home in her own bedwith her husband and friendsand family nearby,” she said.

She also garnered Oscarnominations in 1950 for“Come to the Stable,” inwhich she played a French

nun, and in 1951 for “AllAbout Eve,” which starredBette Davis.

The New York-bornactress made her professionaldebut in a production ofShakespeare’s “Hamlet”starring Leslie Howard, andgot her first big part onBroadway in 1940, oppositeGene Kelly. The role whichreally made her name wasAdo Annie in the originalproduction of “Oklahoma!”in 1943, in which she sangthe showstopper, exclaim-ing: “I Cain’t Say No!”

She signed with 20thCentury Fox and went toHollywood to make a seriesof movies starting with“Three Little Girls in Blue”in 1946. “Gentlemen’sAgreement” was her third film.


Cheyenne Phillips.Proceeds from the event

will benefit the HumaneSociety of New York.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Rodgers: Borini can be Liverpool favourite

LIVERPOOL, 16 July —Liverpool manager BrendanRodgers says new signingFabio Borini will be a greatasset for the club in the future.After the Italy internationalsigned a long-term deal tomove from Roma to Anfield,Rodgers said Borini’sversatility would make him a

Fabio Borini previouslyworked with BrendanRodgers at Swansea


fans’ favourite. “I was verykeen to bring him here. Fabiofits the model of what we’retrying to do in building notonly for now, but also for thefuture,” he told Liverpool’swebsite.

“He’s a big talent, 21years of age, he scores goals,and his passion, focus andconcentration is a veryimportant part of his game —and a big part of what youwant from a player.” Borinipreviously worked withRodgers in Chelsea’s youthset-up and more recently whenhe was on loan at SwanseaCity in 2011.Rodgers added:“[Chelsea] took him in fromBologna when he was 16 andhe progressed incredibly wellas a young player to go on toplay for the first team atChelsea.” It didn’t work out interms of he couldn’t agree acontract, but before he left I

took him on loan to Swanseaand he made a big, bigimpression there and reallyhelped us in our promotioncharge that season. “He leftand went away (to Roma) andin the last season he’s doneincredibly well. I think thesupporters will love him. As Isaid, he’s a goalscorer, buthe’s a multifunctional playerwho can play in a number ofpositions — and someone Ibelieve has got great growth.”

Borini, 21, made four first-team appearances forChelsea, before firing six goalsin 12 appearances at Swansea.Rodgers said: “He is arguablythe best physical player I’veworked with in terms of hispace, power and fitness.Mentally, he’s very strong.We’ve got a player who is onthe up and someone who Ithink Liverpool will benefitfrom.”— Internet

Barcelona in60 million-

euro deal forNeymar

RIO DE JANEIRO, 16 July— Barcelona has reportedlywon the race to sign Braziliansensation Neymar bysecuring a 60 million-euro dealfor the striker.

The Catalan club ishopeful of bringing Neymarto the Camp Nou after theOlympic Games although it isunlikely he will move beforethe 2013-14 season, Lancenetreported.


Errani makes Italian historyin Palermo

PALERMO , 16 July — Sara Errani captured the PalermoOpen on Sunday to become the first Italian ever to win fourWTA titles in a season. Errani, who had already won claycourtevents at Acapulco, Barcelona and Budapest this year, routedeighth seed Barbora Zahlavova Strycova in the final, 6-1, 6-3. “It wasn’t easy like the score looks — Barbora wasplaying very aggressively and it was tough for me,” saidFrench Open runner-up Errani. The previous record for mostWTA titles in a season for an Italian came just last year, asErrani’s best friend and doubles partner, Roberta Vinci, wonthree, at Barcelona, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Budapest.

“I wasn’t thinking about the record today, but I’m veryhappy to have the record — to win four tournaments in aseason is incredible for me,” Errani said. “It’s a magic periodfor me. This year I’ve played some fantastic tennis on clay,losing only a few matches, but I really want to improve myresults on hard and grass.”— Internet

Sara Errani, pictured inJune 2012, captured the

Palermo Open on Sundayto become the first

Italian ever to win fourWTA titles in a season.


The 20-year-old iscurrently contracted withBrazilian club Santos until the2014 World Cup. Barcelona isunderstood to have made adown-payment for the starwhich guarantees his transferto the reigning FIFA ClubWorld Cup champion.

News of the deal followscalls from former Brazilinternational strikers Ronaldoand Rivaldo for Neymar tojoin a European club to fulfillhis potential. The reporteddeal ends the hopes ofChelsea, Juventus and RealMadrid, which have alsoexpressed their interest in thestarlet.— Xinhua

WBA champion Amir Khan (L) of Britain battles withWBC champion Danny Garcia of the US. during their

WBC/WBA 140 pound unification fight at the MandalayBay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada on 14 July,

2012. — REUTERS

Briton Khan knocked out infourth round by Garcia

LAS VEGAS , 16 July — American Danny Garcia knockedout Britain’s Amir Khan in the fourth round to add the WBAlight-welterweight crown to his WBC super-lightweighttitle in Las Vegas on Saturday. Khan, 26-3 (18 KOs), lookedthe superior fighter early on, showing vastly superior handspeed as he landed right hands behind a long jab and openedup a cut on Garcia’s eye with a left hook.

Garcia’s defence remained tight and effective, however,and in the third round began throwing thudding shots toKhan’s body and near the end of the round he landed apowerful counter left hook that dropped Khan hard on to hisback. The Briton struggled to his feet, but was on shaky legsas the bell rang. Garcia dropped Khan again at the start of thefourth with a right hand and as he retreated, Garcia gavechase, launching huge punches as he did so.

A left hand put Khan down once more, and although hebeat the count, referee Kenny Bayless stopped the fightthough the Briton thought the stoppage may have beenpremature.

“I was a little surprised the ref stopped it,” he said. Ithought he was going to let us continue. My mind was clear,and I thought my legs were okay. “(But) it wasn’t my night.I respect Danny. He was countering very well against me. I gota little complacent and he took advantage and he caught me.”Garcia said he had felt the Briton had underestimated him.

“We knew Khan was going to come out fast because hethought I had no power,” said Garcia who improved to 24-0 (15 KOs). “But I waited and stepped up and used the speedand power I have. And it worked.” The loss was Khan’ssecond successive defeat after he lost his WBA and IBF titleson a split decision to Lamont Peterson last December.Peterson subsequently tested positive for synthetictestosterone, which he admitted he took before the Khanfight, and the WBA reinstated Khan as champion onThursday.— Reuters

Berbatov says Ferguson would sell him forfive million pounds

LONDON, 16 July — Manchester Unitedmanager Alex Ferguson is willing to sell out-of-favour striker Dimitar Berbatov for fivemillion pounds, the Bulgarian said on Sunday.Berbatov, who has scored a record 48 goalsfor Bulgaria, has lost his starting spot atUnited even though the club took up an extrayear’s option on his contract in March. Hejoined United from Tottenham Hotspur in2008 for 30.7 million pounds.

“I read the papers and I see they say 10million pounds is my price. I go and talk withSir Alex, and he says to me five million,” the31-year-old Berbatov wrote on his Facebookpage. So who is telling the truth, what do youthink? I love this club but I am not going to beuseful to anyone if I am not playing. And Iwant to play. “But for unknown reasons it’snot going to happen, or my chances will belimited, so it’s better for everyone if we saygoodbye.”

Berbatov scored 14 goals in his firstseason at United and found the target 12times in his second season before finishingthe following campaign as top goalscorer

Manchester United’s Dimitar Berbatovwatches the ball during Paul Scholes’testimonial soccer match against NewYork Cosmos in Manchester, northernEngland, on 5 Aug, 2011.—REUTERS

with 22. However, last season he found himselfbehind Wayne Rooney, Danny Welbeck andJavier Hernandez in the pecking order for astarting place as Ferguson admitted earlierthis year that he would not be able to guaranteethe Bulgarian regular first-team action.


Spain’s Ferrer winsSwedish Open final

BASTAD, (Sweden), 16 July — DavidFerrer has won his second Swedish Open titleafter defeating fellow Spaniard NicolasAlmagro 6-2, 6-2. The No 5-ranked Ferrer wasnever challenged during the clay-court match,which was his 11th career victory overAlmagro.

Almagro has never beaten Ferrer. Ferrerlast won the Swedish Open in 2007. RobertLindstedt of Sweden and Horia Tecia ofRomania won the men’s doubles at thetournament earlier Sunday, defeatingAlexander Peya of Austria and Bruno Soaresof Brazil 6-3, 7-6 (5).— Internet

Spain’s David Ferrer

Chapman wins US Senior Open to jointrio of stars

LAKE ORION, (Mich), 16 July — Roger Chapman earned the right to bementioned in the same sentence with Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player and Hale Irwin.Not bad for a self-described former European Tour journeyman. The Englishmanshot a 4-under 66 on Sunday to win the US Senior Open by two strokes at 10 underat Indianwood. He won the Senior PGA Championship by the same margin twomonths ago on the other side of Michigan. Chapman, Nicklaus, Player and Irwinare the only players to win the US Senior Open and Senior PGA Championshipin the same year. “It’s a true honor,” Chapman said.Before this year, his careerhighlight was a European Tour win in Brazil in 2000.Bernhard Langer (72), Fred


Roger Chapman drives onthe 12th hole during the

final round at the USSenior Open golftournament at the

Indianwood Golf andCountry Club in Lake

Orion, Mich., on 15 July,2012.— INTERNET

Funk (67), Tom Lehman (68) and Corey Pavin(68) finished tied for second at 8-under 272 atthe Champions Tour’s fourth of five majors.Pavin’s two-stroke penalty after his first roundfor hitting a ball that moved a fraction of an inchproved to be costly.

Entering the final round, it seemed as if theonly lingering question was how easily Langerwould win.Langer, though, found out what thefirst- and second-round leaders — Tom Kiteand Lance Ten Broeck — did the previous twodays: It’s not easy to stay consistent atIndianwood.Langer took a four-shot lead intothe final round and closed with a shakyperformance that spoiled his shot at winninghis second US Senior Open.— Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 17 July, 2012 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

(17-7-12 09:30 am ~18-7-12 09:30 am) MST


MYANMAR TV(17-7-2012) (Tuesday)

Focus Myanmar TV ProgrammeWeather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas Weather forecast for 17th July, 2012

* News* Greenish Beauty from

Arid Zone* News* Glance at Naga

Family Life* News* Pa-Auk Forest

Monastery &Meditation Centre

* News* To Turn Out New

Generation Golfers* News* Topic on Journal

“The Consequencesof Climate Change”

* Strategic TourismPlanning forMyanmar

* News* Every Blood Donor is

a Hero* News* Joint Seminar of JICA

and UMFCCI* News* Math Challenge


* Myanmar Movie“Miss Arrogant”

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly Region

Missionary Sayadaw7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy Exercise7:40 am 3. Nice and Sweet Song8:00 am 4. Songs Of Yester Years8:40 am 5. International News4:10 pm 6. Musical Programme4:20 pm 7. Teleplay (Traffic)4:35 pm 8. University of Distance

Education (TV Lectures)-Third Year (Physic)

5:00 pm 9. Songs For Upholding

National Spirit5:05 pm10. The Mirror Images of

The Musicsal Oldies5:15 pm11. One Village & One

Product5:30 pm12. Myanmar Radio And

Television By StateTraditional Orchestra

7:15 pm13. Sing A Song7:35 pm14. “Documentary On

Human Trafficking”8:00 pm15. News16. Bakery World17. TV Drama Series

Sr. No.

Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 27/81 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

2 Kayah 28/82 21/70 Isolated rain or thundershowers (100%)

3 Kayin 28/82 22/72 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

4 Chin 19/66 15/59 Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

5 Upper Sagaing 30/86 25/77 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

6 Lower Sagaing 36/97 26/79 Isolated rain or thundershowers (100%)

7 Taninthayi 29/84 23/73 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

8 Bago 30/86 25/77 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

9 Magway 34/93 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

10 Mandalay 36/97 27/81 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

11 Mon 28/82 22/72 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

12 Yangon 29/84 24/75 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

13 Rakhine 30/86 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

14 Southern Shan 24/75 17/63 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

15 Northern Shan 28/82 22/72 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

16 Eastern Shan 29/84 22/72 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

17 Ayeyawady 27/81 24/75 Fairly Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 32/90 25/77 One or two rain or thundershowers (100%)

19 Neighbouring Yangon 29/84 24/75 One or two rain or thundershowers (80%)

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 36/97 27/81 Isolated rain or thundershowers (80%)

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, weather has been partly cloudy in Lower Sagaing Region, rain or thundershowers have been widespread in Yangon Region, fairly widespread in Bago, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin, Rakhine and Mon States, scattered in Upper Sagaing and Magway Regions, Shan and Chin States and isolated in the remaining Regions and States. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Hkamti (1.66) inches, Maungtaw and Ye (1.50) inches each, Bilin (1.46) inches and Toungoo (1.42) inches.

Bay Inference Monsoon is moderate in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Squalls with moderate to rough seas are likely at times off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (35) mph.

Outlook for sub-

sequent two days Likelihood of increase of rain in the Rakhine Coasts.

Green, green trees in Land of VictorySHWEBO, 15 July— Myanmar women, under the banner

of Myanmar Women’s Affairs Organization, district and town-ship level government staff and member of social organiza-tions totalling1000 led by Chairperson of District WAO DawShwe Si, Assistant Director U Hsan Aung of Shwebo DistrictForest Department, Administrator U Thet Lwin Tun of ShweboTownship and Staff Officer U Ye Lwin of Forest Departmentparticipated in tree-growing ceremony held to the south ofMaha Nandar Lake in Shwebo on 30 June.

They grew 150 saplings of Myanmar’s famous goldenteak,550 neem trees, 55 ironwood trees, 250 eucalyptus, 25Gangaw (Mesua ferrea) saplings, 25 star-flower (Mimusopselengi), 50 Yinmar (Chukrassia tabularis) and 50 Maezali (Cas-sia siamea). —Kyemon

Serena beats jet lag to win Stanford title

Serena Williams of the US poses with the trophy afterdefeating compatriot Coco Vandeweghe during the finals

of the Stanford women’s tennis tournament on the StanfordUniversity campus in Palo Alto, California on 15 July,

2012.— REUTERS

STANFORD, 16 July — Topseed Serena Williamsovercame a week fighting jet-lag to beat fellow AmericanCoco Vandeweghe 7-5 6-3 toretain the Stanford Classic titleon Sunday. Just eight daysafter winning her fifthWimbledon single title,Williams fought off a set pointin the first set beforeovercoming big-servingVandeweghe, who hadreached her first WTA final.The 30-year-old Williamsused her experience andknow-how to race past the 20-year-old, nailing 21 winners.Vandeweghe struck 20winners but also committed25 unforced errors.

Williams, who had beencontending with jet lag muchof the week after travellingfrom London to California, wassatisfied with the title run. “Iplayed well enough to win,but I can do a lot better andplay stronger,” she said. “Butthere are a lot of positives andI was fighting and I didn’tquit. “I survived and didn’tplay my greatest, but mentallyI was there and that reallyhelped me a lot.” Vandewegheserved for the first set at 5-4but could not convert her onlyset point when Williams

Colombiannavy seizes oneton of cocaine

French soldiers attend the annual Bastille Day militaryparade in Paris, France, 14 July, 2012. Under grey sky of

a windy day, French President Francois Hollandecelebrated his first-ever National Day (known outside of

France as Bastille Day) as head of state on Saturdaywith usual pomp, military parade and flight show.


BOGOTA, 16 July—TheColombian navy capturedfour drug-traffickingsuspects and more than oneton of cocaine in a recentoperation along theCaribbean coast, authoritiessaid Sunday.

Colombian DefenseMinister Juan Carlos Pinzonsaid the four were travellingin a speed boat when spottedby a navy helicopter.

The navy unit alerted twofrigates, which then sent otherboats to chase it, Pinzon said,adding that passengers onthe suspicious boat thendumped a number of packagesinto the sea.

“Four people werearrested by National Navyunits, and 81 cocainepackages were recovered,”which contained more thanone ton of cocaine, said theminister.

Pinzon, who did notspecified when the operationwas conducted, said thesuspected drug-traffickersfirst claimed they were CostaRicans, but apparently theywere Colombians.


Bahrain’s traditional marketin Isa Town gutted by massive

fireMANAMA, 16 July—

Firefighters are trying tocontrol a fire that spreadSunday across a traditionalmarket in Bahrain’s Isa Townand destroyed severalshops.

The fire has beencontinuing for over six hoursand roads leading to the areawere blocked by the police asa precautionary measure.

It resulted in major

losses, but no casualties werereported.

The Interior Ministrysaid civil defense team werepresent at the site toextinguish the fire.

This is the second fire inalmost five years that hasdestroyed the row of shops inthe area, which is popular forits flea market and shopsselling furniture and rugs.


ripped a cross court backhandreturn off a second serve.Ittook Williams six break pointsto break back to 5-5, but the 20year-old Vandeweghe finallyhanded it to her when shedouble faulted.

“I been serving well allweek and I still feel like I served

serve in the set and Williamssealed the title with a forehandwinner down the line.

Williams won her 43rdcareer title, tying her with herolder sister Venus for the mosttitles among active playerson the WTA tour. The worldnumber four has now also

pretty well against Serena, butshe’s a great player and shegoing to take advantage ofopportunities, especially onsecond serves on set point,”Vandeweghe said. Williamstook a 3-1 lead in the secondset when Vandeweghe againdouble faulted and while shepushed Williams with herhuge serve and heavy groundstrokes, she could not get abreak point on the Williams

won 28 of her last 29 matches.She will now take a couple ofdays off, play an exhibitionmatch and then head toLondon to prepare for theOlympics where she willdefend her doubles title withVenus and attempt to win thesingles gold. “A gold medalwill mean a lot to me, but Ican’t lay all my hopes anddreams on that,” she said.


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Tuesday, 17 July, 201214th Waning of First Waso 1374 ME

Fourth regular session of first Pyithu Hluttaw continues for ninth day

Fourth regular session of First Amyotha Hluttaw continues for ninth daySix questions answered in today’s session

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July—Pyithu Hluttaw sessioncontinued for the ninth day at Pyithu Hluttaw Building,Pyithu Hluttaw Complex, here, attended by Pyithu HluttawSpeaker Thura U Shwe Mann and 407 MPs.

Six questions were answered and two new proposalsdiscussed at the today’s session.

First, the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker explained his actionsin response to the urgent proposal of Daw Nan Wah Nu ofKunhein Constituency on 13 July and the decision of theHluttaw. The Hluttaw approved to coordinate with whoevercan get sanctions lifted anyhow. In response to the decision,the Speaker met a delegation led by Under Secretary of Statefor Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs Mr RobertD Hormats on 14 July. During the meeting, the Speakerexpressed his thanks to US government for relaxing theeconomic sanctions. But the reliable sources said McCornell and Mrs Feeinstein submitted the proposal to thecongress for replacement of the nine years (period) in 108-61:50 USC letter No 1071 of the Burmese Freedom andDemocracy Act of 2003, for two times on 12 July and thenthe proposal was handed to the financial committee. If theproposal was approved, the period of economic sanctionsagainst Myanmar would reach 2015. So, the Speakerrequested the US under secretary to assist as possibly as hecan in dissuading the proposal. In addition, the Speakertold the delegation that the releasing of economic sanctionswas just for US firms only, excluding Myanmar businessmen,exports and foreign exchange, which was viewed as one-sided action. The Speaker said he requested the US delegation

and US Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Derek Mitchell toreview the case and to take interests of Myanmar citizensand national race people into consideration before Hluttawrepresentatives.

The Speaker in all seriousness urged the MPs to dissuadethe US government from extending the term of sanctions

against Myanmar but persuade it to lift sanctions both fortwo sides and for regular currency exchange in the interestsof the nation and its people, if possible.

Regarding the question of Daw Su Su Hlaing of DagonMyothit (South) Constituency about what measures would

(See page 8)

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July — Amyotha Hluttaw continuedits meeting for the ninth day at Amyotha Hluttaw Hall of theHluttaw Building here today, attended by Speaker ofAmyotha Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint and 209representatives.

In the question and answer session, U Myint Htun ofBago Region Constituency No.11 asked a plan to builda 16-bed hospital in the Village of Zibyugon in LatpadanTownship, Bago Region; Dr Myat Nyanna Soe of YangonRegion constituency No. 4 asked if there is a plan toallow out-service doctors to join post-graduate coursesas in-service doctors; UThan Myint of TaninthayiRegion constituency No. 10 asked if there is a plan tohelp the situation that Taninthayi Hospital is notreliable for patients and to send a surgeon to thehospital and U Mya Ohn of Kachin State constituencyNo 8 asked matters related to upgrading of hospitals inHpa-kant Township.

Regarding the first question, Deputy Minister forHealth Dr Win Myint replied that the dispensary at theVillage of Zibyugon Village has been promoted to a 16-bedhospital. Though the village has agreed to build the buildingfor the hospital on self-reliance basis, the plan has not yetcame into take shape. (See page 9)

The attendees seen at ninth day of Pyithu Hluttaw session.—MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw representatives attending meeting.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 16 July— The public are here byinformed that exceptionally high spring of from 20.0feet to 20.6 feet high above the datum are expected tooccur in Yangon River during the period 19th July to 25th

July 2012. That it is not serious because the high tidehave reached up to 21.7 feet high above datum in the year2010 and 2011, and that the warning is issued onlybecause high tide reaches over 20 feet high above datum,announced the Myanma Port Authority.— MNA

Six questions answered, two new proposals discussed

Warning of high tide

Scientists see AIDS vaccinewithin reach after decades

Rodgers: Borini can beLiverpool favourite


Barcelona in 60 million-euro deal for Neymar


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