Essential Elements SOIL 5813 Soil-Plant Nutrient Cycling and Environmental Quality Department of...


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Essential Elements

SOIL 5813Soil-Plant Nutrient Cycling and

Environmental QualityDepartment of Plant and Soil

SciencesOklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078email: Tel: (405) 744-6414

SOIL 5813Soil-Plant Nutrient Cycling and

Environmental QualityDepartment of Plant and Soil

SciencesOklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078email: Tel: (405) 744-6414

Arnon's Criteria of Essentiality

1. Element required to complete life cycle

2. Deficiency can only be corrected by the ion in question

3. Element needs to be directly involved in the nutrition of the plant and not indirectly via the need of another organism.

Any mineral element that functions in plant metabolism, whether or not its action is specific (Tisdale et al., 1985)

C, H, O, N, P, and S (constituent of proteins)

Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Mn, Mo, Cu, B, Zn, Cl, Na, Co, V, Si (essential to one or more plants)

'CHOPKNS CaFe MgB Mn Cl CuZn Mo'

MobileNutrientsA.Plant1. deficiency symptoms appear in the lower older leaves

B. Soil

Immobile Nutrients

  A.Plant1. deficiency symptoms appear in the upper younger leaves

B. Soil

Deficiency Symptom Element Mobility Mobility Form taken up

Soil Plant by Plants


Overall chlorosis seen N Nitrogen Yes Yes NO3-,NO2-,NH4+

First on lower leaves

Purple leaf margins P Phosphorus No Yes HPO4=,H2PO4-,H3PO4

Chlorotic leaf margins K Potassium No Yes K+

Uniform chlorosis, stunting S Sulfur Yes Yes(no) SO4=,SO2*

(younger leaves) N*S interaction

Stunting-no root elongation Ca Calcium No No Ca++

Interveinal chlorosis Fe Iron No (ls) No Fe+++,Fe++(veins remain green)

Interveinal chlorosis Mg Magnesium No (ls) Yes/No Mg++

Reduced terminal growth B Boron (NM) Yes No H3BO3°(chlorotic tips)

Interveinal chlorosis Mn Manganese No No Mn++, Mn+++

Wilting, chlorosis Cl Chlorine Yes Yes Cl–reduced root growth

Young leaves, yellow stunted Cu Copper No (ls) No Cu++

Interveinal chlorosis Zn Zinc No (ls) No Zn++in young leaves 

Interveinal chlorosis, stunting Mo Molybdenum Yes/No(ls) No MoO4=

Dark green color Na Sodium No(ls) Yes Na+

  C Carbon CO2

H Hydrogen H2O

O Oxygen H2O


* absorbed through plant leaves

(NM) Non Metal

(ls) Low Solubility

Mo availability increases with soil pH, other micronutrients show the opposite of this.

Immobile nutrients in plant; symptoms of deficiency show up in the younger leaves.

Stage of growth when deficiency symptom is apparent = later stage

What are the Primary Nutrients

needed by all crops

What are the Primary Nutrients

needed by all crops


Nitrogen (N)

Potassium (K)

Phosphorus (P)

Soil (lb/a)*

400 – 8,000

800 - 60,000

400 – 10,000

Crop (lb/a)**




*Range of total amount in soil. From Chemical Equilibria in Soils.W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley & Sons.

**Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel wheat).

Secondary Nutrients Neededby all Crops

Secondary Nutrients Neededby all Crops





Soil (lb/a)*

14,000 – 1,000,000

1,200 - 12,000

60 – 20,000

Crop (lb/a)**



6* Range of total in soil. From Chemical Equilibria in Soils. W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley & Sons.

**Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel wheat).

Micronutrients Needed by all Crops

Micronutrients Needed by all Crops









Soil (lb/a)*

14,000 – 1,100,000

40 – 6,000

4 - 200

20 - 600

4 - 200

40 – 1,800

0.4 - 10

*Range of total in soils. From Chemical Equilibria in Soils. W.L.Lindsay, 1979. Wiley & Sons.

Crop (lb/a)**








**Calculated for 2 ton crop yield (67 bushel wheat).

Review: Nutrients Needed by all CropsReview: Nutrients

Needed by all Crops


Nitrogen (N)

Potassium (K)

Phosphorus (P)


Calcium (Ca)

Magnesium (Mg)

Sulfur (S)


Iron (Fe)

Zinc (Zn)

Manganese (Mn)

Copper (Cu)

Chlorine (Cl)

Boron (B)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Nutrients are grouped according to crop

removal.• Primary (N, P, K).

– Removed in largest amount by crop.• Most commonly deficient.

• Secondary.– Removed in moderate amount by crop.

• Micro.– Removed in minute amount by crop.

Nutrients not found deficient in Oklahoma

crops.• Calcium.

– Liming prevents Ca deficiency.

• Manganese.

• Copper.

• Molybdenum.

Nutrients seldom found deficient in Oklahoma

crops.• Magnesium.

• Sulfur.

• Iron.

• Zinc.

• Boron.

• Chlorine.

Magnesium and Sulfur deficiencies.

• Occur on deep, sandy, low organic matter soils in high rainfall regions with high yielding forage production.– Storage capacity for Mg and S is

low.– Large annual removal of


Magnesium Deficiency in Alfalfa.

Sulfur Deficiency in Corn.

Overall light green color, worse on new leaves during rapid growth.

Overall light green color, worse on new leaves during rapid growth.

Sulfur Deficiency in Wheat.

Overall light green color, worse on new leaves during rapid growth.

Magnesium and Sulfur additions.

• Lime, especially dolomitic, adds Mg.

• Rainfall adds 6 lb/acre/yr of S.– Like 120 lb of N (crop needs 1 lb

S for every 20 lb N).

Iron deficiencies.

• Limited to high pH soils and sensitive crops.– West-central and western Oklahoma.

– Grain sorghum, sorghum sudan, and wheat (also pin oak, blueberries and azaleas).

– Crop symptoms are chlorosis between veins of newest leaves.

Iron Deficiency in Corn.

Note yellowing (chlorosis) between veins.

Iron Deficiency in Peanuts

Note yellowing (chlorosis) between veins of newest leaves.

Correcting and Minimizing Iron

Deficiency in Crops.• Select tolerant varieties and

crops.• Incorporate several tons of

rotted organic matter per acre of affected soil.

• Use a foliar spray of 1 % Fe as iron sulfate.– Usually will require repeat

spraying and will not be economical.

Zinc deficiencies.

• Usually found in high pH, low organic matter soils, and sensitive crops.– Pecans, corn, soybeans and

cotton.– Crop symptoms are shortened

internodes and bronze coloring.

Zinc Deficiency in Cotton (Mississippi)

Zinc Deficiency

in Corn (Kansas).

Note short internodes (stunted plants).

Note “bronze” coloring of leaf.

Correcting Zinc Deficiency in Crops.

• Broadcast and incorporate 6 to 10 lb of Zn as zinc sulfate preplant.– This rate should eliminate the

deficiency for 3 to 4 years as compared to 1 to 2 lb applied annually.

• Foliar apply low rate to pecans annually.

Boron Deficiencies.

• Occasionally found in peanuts grown in sandy, low organic matter soils.– Responsible for “hollow heart”.

Correcting Boron Deficiency in Crops.

• Apply ½ to 1 lb B according to soil test.– May be applied as addition to N-

P-K blend or foliar spray in-season.

– Excessive rates may kill crop.

• Applications may be needed each year.

Chlorine Deficiency.

• Occasionally found in wheat grown in sandy, low organic matter soils.

Chlorine Deficiencies.

• Symptoms are yellow “blotches’ on mature leaves.

Chlorine Deficiencies.

• Limited to areas where potassium (K) fertilizer is not used.– K fertilizer is usually potassium chloride.– Soil test Cl is < 20 lb/acre in top 2 feet.

Nutrients often Deficient in Oklahoma crops.

• Nitrogen (N).– Legumes like soybeans and

alfalfa get their N from microorganisms (rhizobium) that fix N from the atmosphere.

• Phosphorus (P).• Potassium (K).

Nitrogen Deficiency.

• Shows up as chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip of the oldest leaf.– Progresses toward the base of the leaf along the midrib (corn).– Chlorosis continues to the next oldest leaf, after the oldest leaf

becomes almost completely chlorotic, if deficiency continues.

Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn.

chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip of chlorosis (yellowing) at the tip of the oldest leaf.the oldest leaf.

Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn.

Chlorosis continues Chlorosis continues to the next oldest to the next oldest leafleaf

Potassium Deficiency.

• Common in crops grown in weathered soils developed under high rainfall.– Symptoms are chlorosis at the tip of the oldest

leaf (like N), that progresses toward the base along the leaf margins.

Potassium Deficiency.

• Common in crops grown in weathered soils developed under high rainfall.



K Usually adequate

K Usually deficient

Potassium Deficiency.

– Chlorosis at the tip of the oldest leaf progressing toward the base along the leaf margins (corn, alfalfa).

Phosphorus Deficiency.

• Deficiency in Oklahoma cultivated soils is related to historical use of P-fertilizers.– P builds up in soils when high-P, low-N fertilizers are the only input.

• 10-20-10 and 18-46-0.

• Deficiency symptoms are purple coloring and some yellow on lower (oldest) leaves.

Phosphorus Deficiency.

purple coloring and purple coloring and sometimes yellow on sometimes yellow on lower (oldest) leaves.lower (oldest) leaves.

