ERYTHROCYTE INDICES. Is the volume of average red blood cell measured in cubic micron MCV= Packed...


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Is the volume of average red blood cell measured in cubic micron MCV= Packed cell volume x 10/red blood cell count Normal value is 85±8 um3 MCV>normal is called Macrocytes MCV<normal is called Microcytes Normal MCV is called Normocytes,


MCH It determines the mass of haemoglobin in an average erythrocyte.

MCH=Hb concentration X 10/Red blood cell count The normal value is 29±2.5 picogram. An increase in Hb increases MCH which can be

detected in the blood smear by the decrease in the central light area(spheroid shape).

Decrease in Hb or increase in RBC will have less MCH AND increase in central light area.


MCHC= Hb conc. gm/dl x 100/pcv Normal value is 30-36%


The following are the types of anemia and their causes: Normocytic / normochromic (NC/NC) anemia is caused by

sudden blood loss, prosthetic heart valves , sepsis , tumor, long-term disease or aplastic anemia .

Microcytic / hypochromic anemia is caused by iron deficiency, lead poisoning, or thalassemia .

Microcytic / normochromic anemia results from a lack (deficiency) of the hormone erythropoietin from kidney failure .

Macrocytic / normochromic anemia results from chemotherapy , folate deficiency , or vitamin B-12
