Eruptive malpositioning of the mandibular permanent ... · eruption of at least one permanent...


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PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY/Copyright © 1990 byThe American Academy of Pediatric DentistryVolume 12, Number 6


Eruptive malpositioning of the mandibular permanent,lateral incisors: three case reportsE. Jayni Bradley, DMD Ronald A. Bell, DDS, MEd

AbstractEctopic eruption of the mandibular permanent lateral

incisors involving the loss of the adjacent primary canines isnot uncommon, yet the extreme distalization and transposi-tion of such teeth (partial or true) has been reported infre-quently. Three cases that illustrate various anomalouseruption-exfoliation patterns are presented. Theories thatattempt to explain the etiology of anomalous eruption posi-tions are discussed. However, the multifactorial process ofgrowth and development makes it difficult to identify specificprimary etiological factors. Treatment options also are dis-cussed and illustrated, with emphasis on early orthodonticintervention for optimal results.

IntroductionThe mandibular permanent lateral incisors com-

monly are involved in developmental patterns evi-dencing atypical paths of eruption and anomalous po-sitioning. The anomalous eruption patterns are asso-ciated with over-retained primary incisor teeth, atypicalresorption with premature loss of adjacent primaryteeth, and malpositioning of adjacent permanent teeth.Many approaches have been proposed to describe andexplain accurately the occurrence of the atypical erup-tion and exfoliation patterns, and their clinical impli-cations and management. This paper presents threecases involving displacement of the mandibular per-manent lateral incisors with severe disruption of archintegrity and development. The case reports will beused as a focus for a review of the literature that includesclassification, etiology, and treatment considerations inmanaging anomalous eruption patterns.

Literature ReviewThe terms ectopic eruption and transposition have

been used to describe a wide range of positionalanomalies in tooth eruption and exfoliation patterns.Ectopic eruption has been used to describe an abnor-mality of positioning involving adjacent teeth (Sweet

1939; Ruprecht et al. 1984), and the partial or totalresorption of the root(s) of the associated primary tooth(O’Meara 1962). Schaad and Thompson (1974) Shapira and Kuftinec (1982) did not limit the eruptionpatterns to adjacent teeth, but included any place nor-mally occupied by another tooth that may or may notcause abnormal resorption of a primary tooth. Maderand Konzelman (1979) addressed positional anomaliesin terms of transposition, suggesting that true transpo-sition occurs when one tooth occupies another’s normalposition in the arch. Other authors have used thisextreme form of ectopic eruption (i.e., transposition) describe severe displacement of a tooth having thepotential of developing into true transposition (Platzer1968; Joshi and Bhatt 1975; Winter 1980; Ruprecht et al.1985; Maric 1987). Anything short of this represents partial or incomplete transposition (Mader andKonzelman 1979; Maric 1987). More general descrip-tions, e.g. anomaly of position, atypical path of erup-tion, and even directional adjectives, may be used inreference to eruption displacements in describing in-dividual cases which fall into the gray area between thestrict definitions.

The frequency of eruption anomalies involving ec-topic and transpositional occurrences varies accordingto the terminology chosen by the reporting author, andthe degree of displacement shown in the reported cases.Ectopic eruption patterns involving permanent teethwith associated resorption of adjacent primary teethhave been reported in ranges from 2 to 12%, dependingon the teeth involved. Wessels (1948) found that ap-proximately 12% of 564 patients exhibited ectopiceruption of at least one permanent lateral incisor withthe mandibular permanent laterals most commonlyinvolved, along with atypical resorption or prematureloss of the adjacent primary canines. Sweet (1939),Nikiforuk (1948), Byrd (1954), and O’Meara (1962) found that the mandibular permanent lateral incisors


were the teeth that most often erupted ectopically.O’Meara’s 1962 study of 315 patients with documentedoccurrence of ectopic erupting permanent teeth found30% involved the mandibular permanent lateral inci-sors with no gender preference noted, and an equaloccurrence of unilateral versus bilateral ectopic erup-tion patterns.

Case reports of transposition, partial or complete,involving the mandibular permanent incisors and ca-nines are infrequent in the literature. In 14 articlesconcerning mandibular permanent lateral incisoreruption distal to the canine, 18 of 66 reported casesoccurred bilaterally (Rose 1958; Vega 1959; Dixon 1963;Platzer 1968; Taylor and Hamilton 1971; Pifer 1973;Schaad and Thompson 1974; Mollin 1977; Shapira 1980;Kryshtalskyj 1982; Shapira and Kuftinec 1982; Shapiraand Kuftinec 1983; Woelfel 1984; Maric 1987). No gen-der preference was shown in these reports, but therewas a 2:1 ratio of right side to left side occurrence. Thesearticles were clinical case reports that primarily em-phasized the clinical findings and treatment options,which ranged, from extracting the involved incisors, tomaintaining the teeth in the transposed location, torepositioning the teeth in the proper arch alignment.That the occurrence of such extreme positionalanomalies is uncommon is best illustrated by the fol-lowing population surveys. Buenviaji and Rapp (1984)reported that transposed teeth had a prevalence of0.08% in a population of 2439 children, 2-12 years old.Jarvinen (1982) reported a frequency of 0.03% transpo-sition involving the mandibular canine and lateral in-cisor among 13, 712 children, 8-9 years old.

Case 1A 10-year, 5-month-old Caucasian girl was referred

to the Pediatric Dental Clinic of the Medical College of¯ Georgia with a chief complaint of "pain in jaw" and"double teeth." Clinical examination revealed eruptionof the mandibular permanent lateral incisors in a posi-tion lingual to the first premolar on both right and leftsides. The permanent canines were not erupted. Theprimary right canine and both primary lateral incisorswere retained, as were the primary second molars (Figla). The overall mandibular arch length had excessspace, and the developmental stage of the teeth waswithin normal limits. Maxillary arch development waswithin normal limits. The maxillary lateral incisorswere peg shaped. The interarch relationships exhibitedend-to-end molars bilaterally, a 50% overbite, and 4 mmoverjeto Radiographic examination revealed a normalcomplement of teeth, though atypical positioning andsequencing of the permanent teeth were noted, in-cluding rotation of unerupted mandibular secondpremolars (Fig lb). The mandibular permanent lateralincisors showed severe distal tipping, distolingual dis-

placement, and mesiolingual rotation of their crownpositions, while the root apices appeared to be posi-tioned normally relative to the unerupted permanentcanines (Fig lc).

Orthodontic treatment was planned to reposition thelateral incisors in the normal arch alignment. The firstphase of treatment was initiated with extraction of themandibular primary lateral incisors and the remainingprimary canine. For anchorage, the mandibular perma-nent first molars were banded with a soldered facial0.036 stainless steel arch wire with elastic hooks anteriorto the incisors (Fig ld). Edgewise, 0.022 slot bracketswere bonded to the displaced laterals. Using continu-ous elastic modules from the heavy facial arch wire tothe lateral incisor brackets, the lateral crowns weremoved slowly forward with a tipping movement untilthey were aligned in the general arch form. Advantagesof using the facial arch wire with hooks for engaging theelastomeric chain included anchorage, control, avoid-ance of bracketing and orthodontic engagement of nor-mal positioned teeth, maintenance of the labial positionof the permanent central incisors, and allowance of freeeruptive alignment of the buccal segments. After theinitial tooth positioning, the facial arch wire was re-moved and the four permanent incisors and permanentfirst molars were bracketed for leveling and alignment.Progressive arch wire changes from 0.016 nickel tita-nium to 0.020 stainless steel accomplished alignment ofincisors before the canines erupted.

As remaining permanent teeth erupted, brackets wereadded and engaged to correct significant rotations of thepremolars and right canine, and excessive spacing. Spaceconsolidation was achieved on 0.020 round stainlesssteel arch wire using sliding mechanics (Figs le and lf).Active treatment time was 17 months to achieve Class Ibuccal segments.

Case 2A 9-year-old, Caucasian boy, presented to the Pedi-

atric Dental Clinic at the Medical College of Georgia. Hewas referred from a private practitioner with a chiefcomplaint of a misplaced tooth. Clinical examinationrevealed eruption of the mandibular permanent rightlateral incisor into the first premolar space (Fig 2a, seepage 384). The clinical crown exhibited mesiolingualrotation and distolabial inclination. The primary rightlateral and primary right canine were retained, whilethe primary right first molar had exfoliated prema-turely. The mandibular dental midline was I mm to theright of the facial midline: no functional deviation wasnoted. The permanent first molars occluded in an end-to-end relationship. Upper arch development andalignment was within normal limits. Radiographically,the mandibular permanent right lateral incisor wastipped severely distally, and the root apex appeared


Fig. la Fig. 1d

Fig. 1b Fig. 1e

Fig. If

Fig. 1c

Fig 1. Bilateral displacement of permanent mandibular lateral incisors of case #1 at the initial clinical examination (1a); initialradiographs including a panorex (1b); and an occlusal view (1c). Treatment was initiated using a soldered labial bow and elastomerics(Id). With eruption of the permanent dentition, treatment advanced to a full bonded arch (1e) and stabilized as shown in thepanoramic radiograph (If).


Fig. 2a Fig. 2d

Fig. 2b Fig. 2e

Fig. 2cFig. 2f

Fig 2. Pretreatment clinical view of case #2 with unilateral displacement of the right permanent mandibular lateral incisor (2a), andpanoramic radiographic view (2b). Initial appliance placement using edgewise appliance and elastomeric chain (2c); applianceadjusted for midline shift with an open coil spring (2d); panoramic radiograph prior to retention phase (2e); post-treatment retainerusing a modified lingual holding arch (2f).


distally malpositioned (Fig 2b). The developmentaltiming and sequencing of the permanent canines andpremolars was within normal limits.

Treatment began with the extraction of the rightprimary canine and primary lateral incisor. The per-manent mandibular first molars were banded, and allmandibular incisors were bonded with an edgewise0.022 slot appliance. The initial arch wire, an 0.020stainless steel with a loop bent distal to the right centralincisor, was detailed for passive engagement of the rightcentral, left central, and left lateral incisor. The loop wasused to attach elastomeric chain to the right lateralincisor for movement toward the proper arch formposition (Fig 2c). Once general alignment of the rightlateral was obtained, the full segment of lower incisorswere engaged with an 0.016 nickel titanium arch wire.Arch wire size was advanced progressively from the0.016 nickel titanium to a 0.020 nickel titanium, and to an0.020 stainless steel. An open coil spring was used on the0.020 stainless steel arch wire from the right first molarto the lateral incisor to promote a dental midline shift tothe left (Fig 2d). Upon proper alignment of the lowerincisors on the facial midline, the edgewise applianceswere removed and a lingual holding arch with a spur tothe distal of the right lateral incisor was used as aretainer (Fig 2e and 2f). Active treatment time was ninemonths.

Case 3A 9-year, 2-month-old Caucasian boy was referred to

the Pediatric Dental Clinic at the Medical College ofGeorgia by the Public Health Department. The chiefcomplaint was "painful, aching teeth." Clinical ex-amination revealed eruption of mandibular permanentlateral incisors into the first premolar space, withlabioversion and distobuccal rotation (Fig 3a). Bothprimary canines and primary lateral incisors were re-tained, with apparent early loss of the primary firstmolars. The permanent mandibular central incisorseach were rotated mesially approximately 45°. Thepermanent first molars occluded end to end. Radio-graphic examination revealed severe distal tipping ofthe mandibular lateral incisors, and distal displacementof their root apices (Fig 3b). The unerupted, developingright and left first premolars, as well as the left perma-nent canine, were tipped distally. The right permanentcanine appeared to be displaced mesially. Initiation ofactive eruption of the permanent canines in associationwith the lateral incisor displacement seemed to be thesource of pain. Tooth size-arch size analysis revealed anoverall arch length deficiency of 5 mm on the right side,and 4 mm on the left side.

The tooth-jaw size discrepancy, the active eruptionof the canines, and the anomalous tooth positions led toa first recommendation of Phase I orthodontics to opti-

Fig. 3a

Fig. 3b

Fig 3. Bilateral displacement of permanent mandibular lateralincisors, case #3: pretreatment clinical view (3a) and panoramicradiographic view (3b).

mize alignment of the mandibular anteriors in prepara-tion for comprehensive orthodontics. After parentalconsultation, a secondary option was chosen that in-volved extracting the malposed laterals, and futuremonitoring of eruption-alignment patterns. The patientnever returned after the extractions; therefore, follow-up was not possible. While extraction was not the idealchoice, the severe crowding and eruption patterns, andthe parental attitude toward orthodontic treatment,justified removing the severely malposed teeth (Schaadand Thompson 1974; Shapira and Kuftinec 1982).

DiscussionThe normal developmental position of the mandibu-

lar permanent lateral incisor is lingual to its predeces-sor, with an expected lingual eruption pattern (Gellin1961; Lee 1980; Gellin and Haley 1982). As a permanenttooth erupts, the eruptive pathway is delineated by


rapid osteoclastic activity along the cord of dental laminaconnecting the fibrocellular follicle to the oral mucousmembrane (ten Cate 1980). Most authors agree thatlabial migration upon eruption is inherent as long as theroots of the primary lateral incisors resorb and thefunctional forces of the perioral musculature are normal.The normal eruptive patterns may be influenced oraltered by root development patterns, vascular andtissue fluid pressure, periodontal ligament contracture,deficient arch space, selective deposition and resorptionof bone, and developmental anomalies (Sutton 1969; tenCate 1980).

Migration caused by direct displacement may resultfrom a local abnormality, such as the presence of asupernumerary tooth, an odontoma (Shapira et al.1982), or a dentigerous cyst (Joshi and Bhatt 1971).However, these are very unlikely to occur in the anteriormandibular arch; whereas trauma, inflammatory le-sions, or benign nonodontogenic neoplasms are morelikely. The more common explanation is the occurrenceof ankylosed or overreta ined primary teeth. Rose (1958)suggested that their retention could deflect successorsfrom normal eruption paths. When considering man-dibular permanent lateral incisors with their naturallingual positioning, the deep location and long slowpath of eruption of the adjacent developing canine canprovide ample opportunity for such deflection to occur.Each of the cases presented involved retained primaryincisors and primary canines, along with the early lossof the first primary molar associated with the ectopiceruption of the mandibular permanent lateral incisor.Similar cases were reported by Dixon (1963) and Platzer(1968). In the cases described by Dixon (1963) however,only two of 15 had retained primary teeth. It is stillunclear whether retained primary teeth may be theresult, rather than the cause, of ectopic eruption of theirsuccessors. Resorption of a primary lateral may bedelayed because its successor was not in the right po-sition to provide the resorptive pressure; thus, the re-tention is a secondary feature. The rotations of thelaterals observed by Dixon (1963) are noteworthy, as described a pattern of mesiolingual rotation when thelower incisors are in linguoversion to the canines anddistolingual rotation when in a labial position due toroot morphology. An extreme distolingual displace-ment with a mesiolingual rotation may result in pre-mature loss of the primary first molar and blockage ofthe first premolar (Dixon 1963; Platzer 1968). Similarrotational and eruption-exfoliation patterns were ex-hibited in each of the cases reported.

At the time the mandibular permanent central inci-sors erupt, space within the incisor segment can appeardeficient (ten Cate 1980). With the eruption of the lateralincisors, however, the intercanine width increases an

average of 2-3 mm; this helps to relieve lower incisorliability (Baume 1950; Moorrees and Chadha 1965). there is lingual malpositioning of the lateral with areduced wedging effect during its eruption, theintercanine space may not develop to its usual potential.Severe crowding-arch length deficiency was ruled outas a probable cause in Shapira and Kuftinec’s 1982report of seven cases and Taylor and Hamilton’s 1971report of 16 cases, yet all 11 of Schaad and Thompson’s(1974) cases exhibited crowding. Our first case exhib-ited excessive spacing, the second case presented nor-mal arch circumference and tooth sizes, and the thirdcase exhibited severe crowding with an obvious toothsize-arch size discrepancy.

Migration of a tooth from its normal path of eruptionexplains partial transposition and misplacement of atooth more than one position away (Mader andKonzelman 1974). Mader and Konzelman (1974) gued that if two teeth were truly transposed, theiranlagens had to be transposed during odontogenesis.Nolla (1960) observed that few corresponding teethdevelop differently between right and left locations ofthe arch. Stafne (1985) suggested that a bilateral oc-currence originated in the anlage stage of developmentand not a change in position in the course of eruption,while a bilateral occurrence in brothers reported byAllen (1967), Joshi and Bhatt (1971), and Newman (1977)are strongly suggestive of heredity. Marks and Cahill(1987) wrote of the genetic control within the dentalfollicle to explain eruption as a localized, bilaterallysymmetrical series of events, and Sperber (1967) con-sidered genetic intervention as a causative factor ineruption anomalies.

The prior discussion of possible etiological factorsoffers speculative explanations, but no firm conclusioncan be drawn given the multifactorial possibilities andthe sporadic, limited number of case reports. Indepen-dent of specific cause, there is the need for clinicalmanagement of the atypical eruption patterns. Thechoice of treatment approach depends upon the degreeof displacement, the arch length discrepancy, locationof the root apex, amount of eruption, overall dentaldevelopment, and patient compliance. Options includeno treatment, removal of malposed teeth, orthodonticintervention, occlusal equilibration, fixedprosthodontics with associated endodontics, and pos-sible surgical transplantation. The latter has not beenaddressed specifically in association with this type ofpositional anomaly, but its potential seems feasible.When there is an arch length deficiency to the degreethat a serial extraction protocol may be indicated, ex-traction of the displaced mandibular permanent lateralincisor may be a viable treatment option when it firsterupts (Taylor and Hamilton 1971; Schaad and


Thompson 1974; Shapira and Kuftinec 1982). When thecanine and lateral incisor are completely transposed, ordemonstrate a great potential for transposition, no in-tervention may be a reasonable course of action, as-suming acceptable function, periodontal health, andesthetics can be achieved with occlusal-incisal reduc-tion and restoration. Extreme adjustments may involveendodontic treatment, crown restoration, and peri-odontal contouring.

Early diagnosis of the atypical eruption patternsusually offers the option of first choice -- the orth-odontic movement of the’displaced teeth into normalarch alignment. Shapira and Kuftinec (1982) addressedthe difficulty of orthodontic repositioning due to thehigh degree of distal displacement, severe rotation, andpotential development of transposition with theerupting canine. If teeth are repositioned, there is astrong tendency for relapse requiring a long retentionperiod. Early identification of the problem before thepermanent canines and the first premolars erupt,however, tends to optimize tooth movements inachieving acceptable alignment, while minimizing se-vere arch collapse and asymmetry. In the two casespresented that involved orthodontic repositioning,simple labial arch wires and/or segmental molar-inci-sor edgewise appliances achieved acceptable archalignments before final arch development.


Eruptive malpositioning, whether it involves ectopiceruption or transposition, can involve any tooth to somedegree. The mandibular permanent lateral incisorsectopically erupt quite frequently with loss of the ad-jacent primary canines, yet their extreme distalmalpositioning with transposition (partial or true) hasbeen reported infrequently. Three cases were presentedthat illustrated various manifestations of these anoma-lous eruption and exfoliation patterns. Numeroustheories exist to explain the etiology of anomalouseruption positions, but it is usually difficult to specifythe primary etiological factor for a particular case be-cause of its multifactorial basis.

Early intervention is recommended, with more lim-ited treatment options available as time progresses.Orthodontic treatment before permanent canine erup-tion can reduce the time and complexity of treatmentinvolved, and return the patient to normal arch align-ment if teeth are not totally transposed or a severe archperimeter deficiency exists.

This case report was conducted in partial fulfillment of residencyrequirements for the Pediatric Dentistry Department at the MedicalCollege of Georgia, Augusta, GA.

The authors thank Ms. Bonita Rouse and Dr. Fouad Salama for theirassistance.

Dr. Bradley is a dental consultant for the East Central District of theGeorgia Public Health Department, Augusta, GA. Dr. Bell is profes-sor, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, College ofDental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston,SC.

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Hepatitis B as serious as AIDSAmericans need to take hepatitis B as seriously as they do HIV infection, according to Dr. Louis W.

Sullivan, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Sullivan, speaking at the National Forum on AIDS and Hepatitis B, said, "Even health care workers,

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