Ersever - A Language You Can Learn in Minutes


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  • 8/10/2019 Ersever - A Language You Can Learn in Minutes


    Ersever - A Language You Can Learn in Minutes

    Created Feb 8, 2010Last Modified Feb 8, 2010

    Ersever - Una Eguangal Ouy Nac Urneal ni Etunimes

    Imagine being able to master a language in just a few minutes. There are few languages that are

    that sophisticated, including the well-known Pig Latin , and the Gibberish Family of languages whichincludes such notable languages as Ubi Dubbi, Oppish, and Double Talk.

    Like these other famous languages, Erserver works by making some simple changes to ordinaryEnglish. The changes are:

    1. Consonant clusters and vowel clusters are reversed intact. For example: "the" -> "eth" not"eht", and "star" -> "rast" not "rats".

    2. "w" and "y" are treated like either consonants or vowels depending on their context. E.g:"youth" -> "thouy" (consonant); "cycle" -> "eclyc" (vowel); "lawyer" -> "reyawl" (mixed).

    3. When a terminal consonant cluster become initial, and is not pronounceable, prefix "u-" tothe reversed word: "start" -> "urtast" instead of "rtast"; "camp" -> "umpac".

    4. When an initial consonant cluster becomes terminal and is not pronounceable suffix an "-e"to the word. E.g: "clamp" -> "umpacle", "bristle" -> "estlibre".

    5. Words with ugly consonant clusters like "ght" are spelled semi-phonetically beforereversing them. E.g: "thought" ("thawt") -> "tawth"; "light" ("lite") -> "etil"; "trough"("trawf") -> "fawtre".

    6. Plurals and verb tense forms are made by first reversing the singular or present tenseform and then adding the appropriate suffix: "children" (child-es) -> uldiches; "followed"(follow-ed) -> "wollofed"; brought (bring-ed) -> ungibred; "bringing" (bring-ing) ->

    "ungibring"; "running" (run-ing) -> "nuring".

    7. An optional refinement is t o remo ve suf fixes befo re reversing and then put them back,reversed. For example: "patiently" (patient-ly) -> "untietapyl" (untietap-yl); "happiness"(happy-ness) -> "yppahssen" (yppah-ssen); "government" (govern-ment) -> "urnevoguntem"(urnevog-untem). This has the advantage of keeping related words together in thedictionary: play, playfull, playfully, playfullness -> yaple, yaplelluf, yaplylluf,yaplellufssen.

    A Sample Text

    Just for fun, here's a sample piece of t ext taken from a large corpus of English text collected byBrown University:

    Sample text from the Brown Corpus:

    The board said it thought it had gone as far as instructed so far and asked for more information to be brought at the next meeting. It was generally agreed that the subject was important and the board should be informed on what was done, is going to be done and what it thought should be done.
  • 8/10/2019 Ersever - A Language You Can Learn in Minutes


    Emplas uxtet mofre eth Nowbre Surpoc:

    Eth urdoab dais ti tawth ti dah enog sa raf sa dectunstri os raf unda deska rof erom niormonfi o eb tawbre ta eth uxten ungiteem. Ti saw yllareneg deegra tath eth uctebjus saw untartompi unda eth urdoab doush eb dermonfi no tahu saw enod, si ungoig ot eb enod unda tahu ti tawth doush eb enod.