ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


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  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedure September 2008

    Requirements and recommendations: Download and Install Oracle 11g Release 1 in a new Oracle Home and make sure

    there are no relinking errors.

    Install the latest available Patchset from Metalink. (If available .

    Install the latest available !ritical Patch "#date. (If available .

    $ither take a !old or Hot backu# of %our source database (advisable to have cold backu# .

    Pre-Upgrade Steps

    #l%Patch ' )*1+ from Metalink and a##l% it using O#atch ( Patch ',,),,) to the11.1.).' home.

    #l% #atch -,*,'), OPatch for $M "niversal Installer.

    #l% ' ,,') 11.1.).' /"0D $D P&2!H 3OR $/4 11I.

    #l% '5)15'5 &PP44211671151)!"879116 I02$6R&2IO0 $0:IRO0M$02I4 H&:I06 I44"$4 I0 D&2&/&4$.

    In the below section all the ste#s need to be #erformed after having set the environmentof the #revious version of the Oracle Database. 0ote that the database must be running innormal mode in the old release.

    Collecting Pre-Upgrade In ormation:

    1. og in to the s%stem as the owner of the new 11gR1 OR&! $;HOM$ and co#% thefollowing files from the 11gR1 OR&! $;HOM$

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    4tart 4C Plus and connect to the database instance as a user with 4E4D/& #rivileges.2hen run and s#ool the utlu111i.sAl file. Please note that the database should be startedusing the 4ource Oracle Home (*.8.).F or 1).1.).F or 1).8.).F

    @ sAl#lus G< as s%sdbaG4C ? s#ool u#grade;info.log4C ? utlu111i.sAl

    4C ? s#ool off

    Preparing !atabase or Upgrade

    +. !heck for the integrit% of the source database #rior to starting the u#grade b%downloading and running dbu#gdiag.sAl scri#t from below Metalink article

    0ote 55''1).1 4cri#t to !ollect D/ "#grade

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    If the utltBuv8.sAl scri#t identifies columns with time Bone data affected b% a databaseu#grade= then make sure %ou are backing u# the data in varchar8 format before %ou a##l%the #atch and u#grade the database.

    #l% :ersion - 2ime Bone files (#atch 5'+88'- .

    #l% #atch 5,'55', for Oracle S:M 2ime one "#date.

    . 0ational !haracter 4et u#grade. (0o &ction reAuired if we are u#grading from 1).8.F

    ,. Op imi #r S a is ics

    Khen u#grading to Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1 = o#timiBer statistics arecollected for dictionar% tables that lack statistics. 2his statistics collection can be timeconsuming for databases with a large number of dictionar% tables= but statistics gatheringonl% occurs for those tables that lack statistics or are significantl% changed during theu#grade.

    Run the 4cri#t

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    A i& _ yp#;'(O%' OR i& _yp# is =LL?= (O SELEC% 'Analy # abl# "'77 abl#_nam#77'" 0alida # s ruc ur# cascad# in & in0alid_r&:s8'

    9ROM dba_ abl#s-HERE &:n#r;'S

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    4C ? select from dba;8#c;#endingJIf this returns rows %ou should do the following7

    4C ? 4$ $!2 local;tran;id 3ROM dba;8#c;#endingJ4C ? $ $!"2$ dbms;transaction.#urge;lost;db;entr%(GG J4C ? !OMMI2J

    15. Disable all batch and cron obs.

    1'. $nsure the users s%s and s%stem have Gs%stemG as their default tables#ace.

    4C ? 4$ $!2 username= default;tables#ace 3ROM dba;usersKH$R$ username in (G4E4G=G4E42$MG J

    If D$3&" 2;2&/ $4P&!$ is an%thing other than 4E42$M tables#ace= modif% thedefault tables#ace to 4E42$M b% using the below command.

    4C ? & 2$R user 4E4 default tables#ace 4E42$MJ4C ? & 2$R user 4E42$M default tables#ace 4E42$MJ

    1 . $nsure that the aud@ is in the s%stem tables#ace when auditing is enabled.

    4C ? 4$ $!2 tables#ace;name3ROM dba;tablesKH$R$ table;nameLG&"D@GJ

    1,. !heck whether database has an% eFternall% authenticated 44 users.

    4C ? 4$ $!2 name 3ROM s%s.user@KH$R$ eFt;username I4 0O2 0"&0D #assword L G6 O/& GJIf an% 44 users are found then 4te# +1 has to be followed after the u#grade

    1*. 0ote down the location of datafiles= redo logs= control files. &lso take a backu# of allconfiguration files like listener.ora=tnsnames.ora=etc.= from @OR&! $;HOM$.

    4C ? 4$ $!2 name 3ROM v@controlfileJ4C ? 4$ $!2 file;name 3ROM dba;data;filesJ4C ? 4$ $!2 grou#Q= member 3ROM v@logfileJ

    &fter= noting down the locations= 4hutdown the database.

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    @ sAl#lus

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    )&r (ns anc#

    G&racl#@l&cal4&s I$ ! &ra#n0ORACLE_S( ; G&rclI J &rcl %4# Oracl# bas# )&r ORACLE_HOME;/&p /&racl#/pr&duc /22!2/db_2 is

    /u12/app/&racl#G&racl#@l&cal4&s I$

    Upgrading !atabase to 11gR1

    8-. &t the o#erating s%stem #rom#t= change to the @OR&! $;HOM$

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    remaining stored P

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    9&r (ns anc# &rclD/&p /&racl#/pr&duc /22!2/db_2D<

    8 . =p5rad# S a is ics %abl#s Cr#a #d by 4# *MS_S%A%S ,ac6a5#

    If %ou created statistics tables using the D/M4;42&24.!R$&2$;42&2;2&/ $ #rocedure= then u#grade these tables b% eFecuting the following #rocedure7

    $ $!"2$ D/M4;42&24."P6R&D$;42&2;2&/ $(G4E4G=GdictstattabG J

    In the eFam#le= G4E4G is the owner of the statistics table and GdictstattabG is the name of thestatistics table. $Fecute this #rocedure for each statistics table.

    8,. C&n)i5ur# 9in# rain#d Acc#ss & EF #rnal # :&r6 S#r0ic#s -ai in5 )&r a0#Nsc&n)irma i&n?

    8*. !reate a server #arameter file with a initialiBation #arameter file

    4C ? create s#file from #fileJ

    2his will create a s#file as a co#% of the init.ora file located in @OR&! $;HOM$

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    "4$R;3I 2$R eFecutables

    2o obtain a list of the above files= use7

    @OR&! $;HOM$

  • 8/12/2019 ERP 11gR1 Install and Upgrade Procedures


    +5. Re create grants and s%non%ms from adadmin.

    APP !"I#:

    1.Important Metalink Documents:

    "oc I": 4$%&$'.( : Complete Chec)list for *anual +pgrades to ((gR("oc I" : 4'$,&3.( : -racle Applications Release ((i ith -racle ((g R( /((.(.01

    $. 2he following are known issues with $ /usiness 4uite 11i on Database 11g7

    2orms compilation issuesIf %ou encounter a GP
