Equity Firms Should Leverage Innovation


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  • 7/23/2019 Equity Firms Should Leverage Innovation


    Equity Firms Should Leverage Innovation

    On the strategy side of our business, we work with many private equity-baked ompanies!

    "e get alled in when the growth tra#etory and investment thesis aren$t being reali%ed as


    "e omplete a diagnosis, based on a holisti evaluation of the market, ompetition, ulture,

    marketing and operations of the firm! &pplying a variety of in-depth primary and seondary

    forms of researh and analysis, we develop a roadmap of real, organi growth!

    'iven the left-brain methods, a le(ion used by the best business shools and the )arvard

    *usiness +eview, the analyti rigor and aurate modeling of probable growth, down to the

    into(iating bar graphs and spreadsheets filed with the right pro(ies, we earn the trust of the

    ompany$s board usually omprised of their biggest investors, assoiates in a private equity

    firm founders and leaders!

    hey know these idioms, share a level of omfort with the form of the presentation, and find

    solae in the fat that we use our mastery of this business shool approah to management

    onsulting! "ithout fail, those who follow our advie perform better in the market!

    hen, we mention the .I/ word and it is as if we are insulted their mothers0 the onversation

    is over! Innovation, too often misunderstood, is not a disease, nor is it an airy-fairy notion! In

    fat, private equity firms should plae an imperative of genuine innovation on the ompanies

    into whih they invest, as it is a real, repeatable and ost-effiient lever of top-line revenue


    1aybe it is beause innovation started in the design and engineering fields, rather than part

    of the ore *-shool business management or finane traks that imprinted their thinking

    about business2

    1aybe it is a shared sense of risk-aversion that wards off anything outside of an industrial-

    revolution era sense of business praties that people prone to 3E work may e(emplify2 1aybe

    they #ust haven$t seen the real and tangible benefits of a disiplined innovation program and

    its bounty firsthand2

  • 7/23/2019 Equity Firms Should Leverage Innovation


    "hatever the reasons for the blank stares and lak of interest in innovation by many 3E firms

    we have met around the globe, we predit that one one ma#or 3E firm retains an innovation

    firm for its portfolio and sees the inremental, breakthrough and disruptive and massive

    growth, that innovation will beome a ore engine of growth in this setor!

    3E firms are slow to hange behavior, given their autious worldview and the gravity of their

    investment0 however, one they find something that works, the whole industry hanges


    'iven that several established innovation methodologies are now being taught in leading

    business shools from 1I to Stanford to +otman and others and that book after book about

    market leaders who use these tehniques are being digested, it is #ust a matter of time! One

    private equity groups understand how innovation works and how it an be used to inspire

    transformative growth, innovation will be one of the foremost toolkits in a segment that

    ignores its power!

    Michael Graber, managing partner of the Southern Growth Studio, can be reached

    at southerngrowthstudio.com.

