Epic Capture the Flag


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  • 8/10/2019 Epic Capture the Flag


    Jacob Lawson

    Period 2

    Odyssey Final Project

    Today is February 15. I'm on a long a treacherous journey. My team's goal is to capture the

    enemy flag. I am only armed with a stick that Jonathon Todd gave to me as a present for being

    nominated as captain. My men are equally armed. If we were going to come back alive home we must

    play it smart. We hear the yell of the enemy forces as the war begins. The enemy has stolen Zhonya's

    Circle. A magical artifact that will make us win the game if we can get recombine it with Doran's Sphere.

    the artifact they are trying to steal

    I had devised a plan for Jeff and his forces to stay in the back side of the battle zone and protect

    the sphere while Jacob and our men go to the front lines. We snuck our way past enemy camps when

    one of our men set off a trap. A we hear the yells and horns of the enemy forces as hundreds of beasts

    ran towards us. All big, fast with deadly precision. They started to invade so I drew my weapon to rise upto the challenge. I used my blade to sweep through them slaying them one by one alongside Jacob and

    our men, when their captain came. The brute mocked and challenged me. I dont take it likely when

    someone damages my pride.

    In my rage and arrogance I chased him to his territory leaving Jacob to take care of the invaders.

    I then found myself outnumbered. The fight began and I slew all but the juggernaut. He stood waiting

    patiently in the back measuring my skills. He had a long, bulky blade to match his figure. He stood

    twenty feet tall, five feet wide, with muscles stronger than stone. He was dressed in thick armor that my

    sword couldn't easily penetrate. I took all of this into account as I engaged the beast. I ran at him with

    my sword drawn in an offensive position. I believed his sheer weight and magnitude of character wouldleave him slow with powerful penetrative strikes that I would be able to easily evade. I was wrong.

    As I made my first strike he parried. Launching my sword out of my hand. I jumped back to

    evade the foe, but was immediately rammed by a thick, solid shoulder. I was throw against the wall,

    breathless. I looked up for a moment to see a towering blade swinging for my head. I had only a

    moment to evade and reacted accordingly. I dodged the towering blow and grabbed the hilt of the

    monstrous blade tearing it away from its master. I then reengage the foe, thrusting his massive blade

    towards his chest. He evades and then just stands the smiling. I take a moment to contemplate what

    was happening, when I feel a sharp pain in my side. I had been stabbed with a poison tipped blade.

    Everything goes dark.

    I awaken to the sound of dripping water and the humid smell of a dungeon. My eyes adjust to

    the dimly lit torch light as I survey my surroundings. I'm surrounded by thick strong wooden bars. I can

    no longer hear the sounds of the battle zone as it dawns on me. I have been taken captive. I must

    complete my conquest to capture the enemy flag and return home safely. For I wish the people of my

    tribe to have the food that the barbarians stole. I had lost all hope. I had failed my faithful friends. Every

  • 8/10/2019 Epic Capture the Flag


    member of my team was outnumbered 100 to 1 and their leader was nowhere to be found. When the

    spark of hope arises.

    The guards that were in front of my fell to the floor with a yell. They were slain by my blade. I

    arise to see Jacob with my sword in hand, gazing down at the men he had just slain. I then ask, " how did

    you fine me?" He replies, " Jeff and Evan took down the brute that captured you and forced him to tellus where you were captive." Jacob then took one of the keys from the fallen guard and unlocked the

    door. "Here's your sword" he said as he handed me my weapon.

    We fought our way through the front doors to see Zhonya's Circle. It was heavily guarded but

    that didnt stop me. I drew my sword and sprinted for the Circle. I evaded enemies as I came closer to

    the ring. When he showed up. Their captain who had mocked and captured me. I ran at him with all rage

    and completely forgot about the ring. I picked up a rock and threw it with all my might. I hit him square

    in the head as he stumbled back. I then drive my sword though a chink in his chest plate to end the

    beast. I then turn around to see all of my men out numbered in a circle.

    My pride had gotten the best of me yet again. I join the ranks of the defensive circle as Jacob

    tells me his plan, " We will make an opening so you can run and collect the Circle. Take it and combine it

    with the Sphere to end the war." A tear runs down my cheek as I realize I will be the only one who

    makes it alive out of my squad. They initiate the plan and I run for the holy artifact. Slaying any enemy

    who stands in my way. I finally become in reach of the artifact when their second captain jumps on top

    of the platform the Circle's on with a sword in hand. He kicks the circle off the platform and knocks my

    sword out of my hand. He then thrusts his sword at me. I have no time to react and close my eyes to

    embrace what comes next.

    I am suddenly thrown to the ground and hear the groan of their captain. I open my eyes to see

    Evan towering over me with their second captain kneeling on the platform limp with a sword throughhis chest. His arm was still holding the hilt of his sword when it dawned on me. Evan had thrown me out

    of the way to take the blow and kill their captain. He fell over as I ran over to him. I removed the sword

    from his chest as he handed me the Circle and said " take this back to the others and win this battle." As

    Evan passed away I took his sword and Circle in hand and ran for head quarters.

    It looked all clear when two small demons appear out of nowhere tripping me. My sword and

    the Circle flew out of my hand when their sharp grasp stung my legs. I was on the boundary of the

    territories and grabbed a metal post on our side. The demons pulled with incredible strength as the post

    creaked. My was holding firm, but the metal wasn't. I reached for the circle and put it in my mouth. I laid

    their my right arm grasping the rod and my left stabbing at them. The rod started belching a creakingnoise. It gave way, allowing the demons to do as they wish with me.

    As all hope is lost I feel a hand. Jeff had grabbed my hand and was pulling with all his might. He

    was then joined by the many of our forces as I was used as a human rope for tug a war. Some more

    demons appeared and a fight broke at as the two lost their grip. Jeff said " Get the Circle to the Sphere

    and recombine them!" I started to say no when Jeff interrupted and said "HURRY!!! DONT LET

  • 8/10/2019 Epic Capture the Flag


    EVERYBODYS LOSS BE IN VAIN! GO NOW!!!" I then ran as I fast as humanly possible. I looked back to see

    Jeff and his men's forces overcome by the small demons.

    I sprinted all the way to the main base to reconnect the artifacts. A holy glow emerged from the

    Circle and Sphere as I recombined them. The game was over and we had won. We rejoiced as we had

    one the war and took part in games and had a feast. We then mourned the many that gave their lives toovercome this evil.
