蓝本字帖 涂⾊纸 - littlechinesechannel钢琴 piano 小提琴 violin [ qí ] 棋 chess 象棋...


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[ wǒ ]

我 I,me

我的 mine, my 我们 we, us

[ nǐ ]

你 you

你们 you 你的 your, yours

[ tā ]

他 he,him

他们 they, them 他的 his

[ tā ]

她 she,her

她们 they, them 她的 her, hers

[ tā ]

它 it

它们 they, them 它的 its

[ mén ]

们 plural marker for

pronouns 我们 we, us 你们 you

[ yé ]

爷 grandpa

爷爷 grandpa

[ nǎi ]

奶 milk

⽜奶 milk 奶奶 grandma

[ bà ]

爸 father

爸爸 daddy

[ mā ]

妈 mom

妈妈 mom

[ bǎo ]

宝 treasure

宝宝 baby 宝贝 treasure; darling

[ hái ]

孩 child

孩⼦ child 小孩 kid

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《Writing Common Chinese Characters》


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[ gē ]

哥 elder brother

⼤哥 eldest brother

[ dì ]

弟 younger brother

弟弟 younger brother

兄弟 brothers

[ jiě ]

姐 older sister

姐姐 old sister 小姐 Miss

[ mèi ]

妹 younger sister

妹妹 younger sister

[ shī ]

师 teacher

老师 teacher 律师 lawyer

[ péng ]

朋 friend

朋友 friend

[ nǎo ]

脑 brain

脑袋 head 电脑 computer

[ liǎn ]

脸 face

笑脸 Smiley face

[ méi ]

眉 eyebrow

眉⽑ eyebrow

[ yǎn ]

眼 eye

眼睛 eye 眼泪 tear

[ bí ]

鼻 nose

鼻⼦ nose

[ zuǐ ]

嘴 mouth

嘴巴 mouth 亲嘴 to kiss

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《Writing Common Chinese Characters》


[ hóng ]

红 red

红⾊ red 红酒 red wine

[ lǜ ]

绿 green

绿⾊ green

[ huáng ]

黄 yellow

蛋黄 yolk 黄油 butter

[ lán ]

蓝 blue

蓝⾊ blue 蓝天 blue sky

[ jīn ]

⾦ gold

⾦⼦ gold ⾦属 metal

[ yín ]

银 silver

银⾊ silver 银⾏ bank

[ nián ]

年 year

年龄 age 年级 grade

[ shí ]

时 time

时间 time 准时 on time

[ chén ]

晨 morning

早晨 morning

[ yè ]

夜 night

夜晚 night

[ suì ]

岁 age

岁数 age 岁月 years

[ mèng ]

梦 dream

梦想 dream 梦游 sleepwalking

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[ chūn ]

春 spring

春天 spring 春节 Chinese New Year

[ huā ]

花 flower

开花 blossom 花园 garden

[ xià ]

夏 summer

夏天 summer

[ cǎo ]

草 grass

草坪 lawn 草原 grassland

[ qiū ]

秋 autumn

秋天 autumn 秋千 swing

[ yè ]

叶 leaf

树叶 leaves 叶片 blade

[ dōng ]

冬 winter

冬天 winter 冬眠 hibernation

[ xuě ]

雪 snow

雪⼈ snowman 滑雪 to ski

[ shù ]

树 tree

树叶 leaves 树林 woods

[ yuán ]

园 garden

花园 garden 公园 park

[ jǐng ]

景 view

景⾊ view 风景 landscape

[ tú ]

图 picture

图片 picture 地图 map

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[ táng ]

糖 sugar

糖果 candy ⼝香糖 chewing gum

[ dàn ]

蛋 egg

鸡蛋 egg 蛋糕 cake

[ yóu ]

油 oil

奶油 cream 汽油 gasoline

[ miàn ]

面 surface

表面 surface 面条 noodle

[ gāo ]

糕 cake

蛋糕 cake 糟糕 terrible

[ bǐng ]

饼 pie

饼⼲ cookie 月饼 moon cake

[ cài ]

菜 vegetable

菜单 menu 蔬菜 vegetable

[ pán ]

盘 plate

盘⼦ plate 光盘 CD

[ fàn ]

饭 rice; meal

吃饭 to eat 饭店 restaurant

[ wǎn ]

碗 bowl

⼀碗饭 a bowl of rice

[ tāng ]

汤 soup

鸡汤 chicken soup

[ guō ]

锅 pot

⽕锅 hot pot 平底锅 pan

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[ mào ]

帽 hat

帽⼦ hat 帽衫 hoodie

[ yī ]

衣 clothes

衣服 clothes 衣架 hanger

[ dài ]

带 belt

皮带 belt 带来 to bring

[ kù ]

裤 pants

裤⼦ pants 短裤 shorts

[ wà ]

袜 socks

袜⼦ socks

[ xié ]

鞋 shoes

鞋⼦ shoes 拖鞋 slippers

[ qián ]

钱 money

价钱 price 钱包 wallet

[ piào ]

票 ticket

机票 air ticket 支票 check

[ kǎ ]

卡 card

信用卡 credit card 卡车 truck

[ bāo ]

包 bag

书包 school bag 面包 bread

[ yào ]

钥 key

钥匙 key

[ jī ]

机 machine

机器 machine 机会 opportunity

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[ zhuō ]

桌 table

桌⼦ table

[ yǐ ]

椅 chair

椅⼦ chair

[ chuāng ]

窗 window

窗户 window 窗帘 curtain

[ chuáng ]

床 bed

床单 bedsheet 床垫 mattress

[ fáng ]

房 house

房⼦ house 房间 room

[ yuàn ]

院 yard

后院 backyard 医院 hospital

[ jiē ]

街 street

⼤街 street 唐⼈街 Chinatown

[lù ]

路 road

马路 road 路线 route

[ jiā ]

家 family; home

家庭 family 回家 to go home

[ xiào ]

校 school

学校 school 校园 campus

[ chéng ]

城 city

城市 city 长城 the Great Wall

[ guó ]

国 country

国家 country 国际 international

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[ zhǐ ]

纸 paper

卫⽣纸 toilet paper 报纸 newspaper

[ bǐ ]

笔 pen

铅笔 pencil 笔记 notes

[ shū ]

书 book

书架 bookshelf 图书馆 library

[ huà ]

画 painting

油画 painting 漫画 comics

[ qín ]

琴 music instrument

钢琴 piano 小提琴 violin

[ qí ]

棋 chess

象棋 chess 下棋 to play chess

[ gē ]

歌 song

歌曲 song 唱歌 singing

[ wǔ ]

舞 dance

跳舞 dancing 舞台 stage

[ qiú ]

球 ball

⾜球 soccer 地球 earth

[ cāi ]

猜 guess

猜想 guess

[ sài ]

赛 competition

比赛 competition 赛跑 race

[ jiǎng ]

奖 prize

奖⾦ bonus 奖杯 trophy

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[ yī ]

医 medicine

医⽣ doctor 医院 hospital

[ kē ]

科 subject

学科 subject 科学 science

[ shāng ]

商 business

商业 business 商店 store

[ fǎ ]

法 law

法律 law 办法 method

[ yì ]

艺 art

艺术 art

[ tǐ ]

体 body

身体 body 体育 sports; P.E.

[ zì ]

字 character

字母 letter 数字 number

[ cí ]

词 word

词语 words 动词 verb

[ xiàn ]

线 line

线条 line 电线 wire

[ xíng ]

形 shape

形状 shape 形式 form

[shǔ] [shù]

数 数数 to count 数字 number

[ tí ]

题 question

问题 question; problem

主题 topic

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[ jiā ]

加 to add

参加 to participate 加油 to keep it up

[ jiǎn ]

减 to subtract

减少 to decrease 减法 subtraction

[jiāo] [jiào]

教 教书 teaching 教育 education

[ xué ]

学 to learn

学校 school 学⽣ student

[ liàn ]

练 to practice

练习 exercise 训练 training

[ kǎo ]

考 to test

考试 exam 思考 to think

[ tīng ]

听 to listen/hear

听见 to hear 听众 audience

[ shuō ]

说 to speak/say

说话 to speak 小说 novel

[ kàn ]

看 to look

看见 to see 看法 opinion

[ dú ]

读 to read

阅读 to read 读者 reader

[ xiě ]

写 to write

写字 to write 写作 writing

[ xiǎng ]

想 to think

想法 idea 想念 to miss

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[ chī ]

吃 to eat

吃午饭 to eat lunch 小吃 snack

[hē] [hè]

喝 喝⽔ to drink 喝彩 applause

[ chàng ]

唱 to sing

唱歌 singing 合唱 chorus

[ wán ]

玩 to play

玩具 toy 玩笑 joke

[ wèn ]

问 to ask

问题 problem 问候 greeting

[ dá ]

答 to answer

答案 answer 答复 reply

[ pǎo ]

跑 to run

跑步 running 逃跑 to escape

[ tiào ]

跳 to jump

跳舞 dancing 跳⽔ diving

[ zǒu ]

⾛ to walk

⾛路 to walk ⾛道 aisle

[ zhàn ]

站 to stand

站立 to stand 车站 station

[ zuò ]

坐 to sit

请坐 please sit down

[ shuì ]

睡 to sleep

睡觉 to sleep 睡衣 pajamas

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[ bǎ ]

把 to hold

把⼿ handle 把握 to hold

[ dǎ ]

打 to hit

打开 to turn on 打印 to print

[ tuī ]

推 to push

推⼴ to popularize 推荐 to recommend

[ lā ]

拉 to pull

拉伸 to stretch 拉链 zipper

[ bào ]

抱 to hug

拥抱 to hug 抱歉 sorry

[ pāi ]

拍 to pat

拍⼿ to clap 拍照 to take a photo

[yāo] [yào]

要 要求 to request 需要 need

[ zuò ]

做 to do

做事 to work 做饭 to cook

[xíng] [háng]

⾏ ⾏动 action 银⾏ bank

[ qǐng ]

请 please

邀请 to invite 请求 to request

[ bāng ]

帮 to help

帮助 to help 帮⼿ helper

[ xiè ]

谢 to thank

谢谢 thanks

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[gěi] [jǐ]

给 给你 to give you 供给 to supply

[ ná ]

拿 to take

拿到 to get 拿⾛ to take away

[ jiè ]

借 to borrow

借用 to borrow 借⼝ excuse

[hái] [huán]

还 还有 and 归还 to return

[ jì ]

记 to remember

记忆 memory 日记 diary

[ wàng ]

忘 to forget

忘记 to forget 难忘 unforgettable

[ dōng ]

东 east

东西 thing 房东 landlord

[ xī ]

西 west

西装 suit 西瓜 watermelon

[ nán ]

南 south

南极 south pole

[ běi ]

北 north

北美 North America

北京 Beijing

[ tiān ]

天 sky; day

今天 today 明天 tomorrow

[ dì ]

地 ground

地球 earth 地址 address

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[ qián ]

前 front

以前 before 前面 front

[ hòu ]

后 rear

后面 behind 后台 backstage

[ lǐ ]

里 inside

里面 inside 这里 here

[ wài ]

外 outside

室外 outdoor 国外 abroad

[ gāo ]

⾼ high

⾼度 height ⾼级 advanced

[ dī ]

低 low

低级 low level 降低 to lower

[cháng] [zhǎng]

长 长度 length 长⼤ to grow up

[ duǎn ]

短 short

短暂 transient 短期 short term

[ yuǎn ]

远 far

永远 forever 长远 long-term

[ jìn ]

近 near

附近 nearby 近期 recently

[ màn ]

慢 slow

缓慢 slow 慢跑 jogging

[ kuài ]

快 fast

快餐 fast food 快乐 happy

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[ xì ]

细 fine,thin

细节 detail 仔细 careful

[ cū ]

粗 crude; thick

粗糙 rough 粗⼼ careless

[ ruǎn ]

软 soft

柔软 soft 软件 software

[ yìng ]

硬 hard

硬件 hardware 硬币 coin

[ qīng ]

轻 light

轻松 easy 年轻 young

[chóng] [zhòng]

重 重做 to redo 重量 weight

[ hēi ]

⿊ black

⿊板 blackboard ⿊暗 dark

[ bái ]

白 white

白⾊ white 白天 daytime

[ fāng ]

⽅ square

正⽅形 square 长⽅形 rectangle

[ yuán ]

圆 round

圆形 round 圆圈 circle

[ zhè ]

这 this

这个 this 这里 here

[ nà ]

那 that

那里 there 那时 at that time

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[ zhēn ]

真 true

真实 real 真诚 sincere

[jiǎ] [jià]

假 虚假 false 假期 vacation

[ yōu ]

优 excellent

优点 advantage 优先 priority

[chā] [chà] [chāi]

差 差错 mistake 差不多 almost 出差 be on a business trip

[ qiáng ]

强 strong

强⼤ powerful 强度 strength

[ ruò ]

弱 weak

弱点 weakness 虚弱 weak

[dé] [děi]

得 得到 to get 得 to need to

[ shī ]

失 to lose

失去 lose 失败 failure

[ chéng ]

成 sucess

成功 success 成长 to grow up

[ bài ]

败 failure

失败 to fail 打败 to beat

[ shì ]

事 thing

事情 thing 故事 story

[ qíng ]

情 emotion

情感 feelings 情况 situation

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[ ài ]

爱 to love

爱情 love 爱好 hobby

[ hèn ]

恨 to hate

仇恨 hatred

[ xǐ ]

喜 to like

喜欢 to like 惊喜 surprise

[ pà ]

怕 to fear

害怕 fear 可怕 terrible

[ xiào ]

笑 to laugh

笑话 joke 笑脸 smiling face

[ kū ]

哭 to cry

哭泣 to cry

[ dòng ]

动 active

⾏动 action 活动 activity

[ jìng ]

静 inactive; quiet

安静 quiet 静音 mute

[ huó ]

活 alive

⽣活 life 活动 activity

[ sǐ ]

死 dead

死亡 death

[ shāng ]

伤 wound

伤⼼ sad 伤害 hurt

[ bìng ]

病 illness

病⼈ patient 病毒 virus

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[hǎo] [hào]

好 好的 good; OK 爱好 hobby

[ huài ]

坏 bad

坏⼈ baddy 破坏 to destroy

[ shì ]

是 yes; is/are

是否 whether 但是 but

[ fēi ]

非 no; non-

非常 very much 非法 illegal

[ duì ]

对 right

对不起 sorry 对⼿ opponent

[ cuò ]

错 wrong

错误 error 不错 not bad

[ mǎi ]

买 to buy

买卖 trade 买家 buyer

[ mài ]

卖 to sell

卖⽅ seller 买卖 trade

[ xīn ]

新 new

新鲜 fresh 新闻 news

[ jiù ]

旧 old;used

破旧 shabby 依旧 still

[ fù ]

富 rich

富有 rich 财富 wealth

[ qióng ]

穷 poor

贫穷 poverty穷⼈ the poor

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[ tián ]

甜 sweet

甜蜜 sweet 甜点 dessert

[ kǔ ]

苦 bitter

辛苦 painstaking 痛苦 pain

[ lěng ]

冷 cold

寒冷 cold 冷静 calm

[ rè ]

热 hot

炎热 hot 热情 enthusiasm

[ è ]

饿 hungry

饥饿 hungry

[ bǎo ]

饱 full

我吃饱了 I am full 饱满 plump

[de] [dí]

的 我的 mine 的确 indeed

[ zài ]

在 in, at

在家 at home 现在 now

[ yǔ ]

与 and

参与 to participate

[ hé ]

和 and

你和我 you and me 和平 peace

[dōu] [dū]

都 都 all 首都 capital

[ huò ]

或 or

或者 or 或许 perhaps

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[ hěn ]

很 very

很好 very good 很多 plenty

[ zuì ]

最 most

最好 best 最后 at last

[ cì ]

次 times

第⼀次 the first time 下次 next time

[ zài ]

再 again

再次 once again 再见 goodbye

[ jīng ]

经 through

经过 through 经验 experience

[ jiù ]

就 then

就是 am/is/are 成就 achievement

[ ér ]

⽽ and

⽽且 and 然⽽ however

[ dàn ]

但 but

但是 but 不但 not only

[ bié ]

别 don't

别担⼼ don't worry 别⼈ others

[ què ]

却 but

[ yǐ ]

以 with; by

可以 can/may 所以 so,therefore

[ gāi ]

该 should

应该 should

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[ suǒ ]

所 place

厕所 restroom 所以 so,therefore

[zhe] [zháo]

着 看着 be looking at

着急 anxious

[ huì ]

会 will(aux.)

我会去 I will be there

会员 member

[ bèi ]

被 by

我被打了. I was hit 。

被⼦ quilt

[ gēn ]

跟 with;and

你跟我 you &me

脚跟 heel

[ ràng ]

让 to let

让我进来 let me in让路 to yield

[ shuí ]

谁 who

谁呀? Who is it?

[ nǎ ]

哪 where

哪⼉? where?

[ shén ]

什 what

什么? what ?

[ma ]

吗 (particle)

好吗? Ok? 是吗? Is it?

[ ya ]

呀 (particle)

[ ba ]

吧 (particle)

好吧! Ok! 酒吧 bar

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