ENVIRONMENTAL RF EME SURVEY REPORT · PDF file2 236 East Boundary Road, 2 North Drive Virginia...


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Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the NBNCo installation at

FARADAY (3CAS-51-03-FAR-B) 11 Mount View Road

Faraday Victoria 3451 NSA: 3451002

Report No: 32960-2 (Issue A) 8 May 2014

Accreditation Number: 15500

Separate Attachment ECO 31AOrdinary Meeting of Council 14 October 2014

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 1 of 11


Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the

NBNCo installation at

FARADAY (3CAS-51-03-FAR-B) 11 Mount View Road

Faraday Victoria 3451 NSA: 3451002

Report No. – 32960-2 (Issue A) Measurement date – 14 April 2014 Report date – 8 May 2014 Measurement Officer – Johnny Lim

Nizam Khaja Report prepared by – Johnny Lim

Report issued under the authority of

Johnny Lim Technical Services Manager Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd

This report may not be copied or reproduced in part without the permission of RADHAZ Consulting Propriety Limited.

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 2 of 11


Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 3

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

2. Federal Government Legal Requirements ...................................................... 4

3. Methodology ....................................................................................................... 4

4. Measurement Results ........................................................................................ 6

5. Analysis and Conclusion ................................................................................... 7

6. Glossary and Abbreviations ............................................................................. 7

7. Appendices .......................................................................................................... 8

Appendix A – Measurement Location Details ...................................................... 8

Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results .................................. 10

Appendix C – Measurement Details .................................................................... 11

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 3 of 11

Executive Summary • All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA1 RPS3 General Public

Exposure Limit.

• The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.0135% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 7,400 times below the limit.

• The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0044% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured at Bush Sanctuary Road, south of the NBNCo site. This is more than 22,700 times below the General Public Exposure Limit.

• According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation, RF EME Levels as low as

these found in the survey, are not known to cause adverse health effects. 1. Introduction Mr Joel Rodski, Environmental Planner at Visionstream Pty Ltd2

engaged Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd as an independent consultancy, to undertake post-commissioning Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) measurements at multiple locations around a newly constructed NBNCo site located at 11 Mount View Road in Faraday, Victoria 3451. NBNCo has installed three panel and one microwave dish antennas on a 35m steel monopole which are used to provide NBNCo Fixed Wireless services in the vicinity of the monopole. The post-commissioning measurements were a follow-up to the pre-commissioning measurements (conducted on 3 October 2013). The pre-commissioning measurement results were reported in Radhaz report no: 32960-1(Issue A) dated 21 October 2013 and are attached in Appendix B of this report. The objective of the post-commissioning measurement was to measure the RF EME level emitted by the new NBNCo LTE2300 installation. The measured RF EME levels in the report are compared to the General Public RF EME limits specified by ARPANSA in their RPS3 document.

1 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency – 619 Lower Plenty Road, Yallambie, Victoria 3085 2 236 East Boundary Road, 2 North Drive Virginia Park, Bentleigh East Victoria 3165

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 4 of 11

2. Federal Government Legal Requirements The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has conditions on the operation of radiocommunications transmitters. These conditions regulate the exposure of the general public to RF EME levels produced by all licensed RF transmitters. Licensed RF transmitter operators are required to ensure that the general public is not exposed to RF EME levels from their service in excess of prescribed limits. The prescribed limits are the reference field strength levels from the ARPANSA Radiation Protection Standard RPS3; Standard for Maximum Exposure Levels to Radio Frequency Fields – 3 kHz to 300 GHz (2002). Further information can be gained from the ACMA and ARPANSA web sites: http://www.acma.gov.au/ACMAINTER:STANDARD:pc=PC_2798 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf 3. Methodology

3.1. Measurement Equipment Narda Selective Radiation Monitor (SRM-3000)

Frequency Range 100kHz – 3GHz Serial No. L-0056 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

Narda Isotropic E-field Probe (3AX 75M-3G)

Frequency Range 75MHz – 3GHz Serial No. H-0127 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

3.2. Measurement Method

3.2.1. The RF EME measurements were performed at the same locations as the pre-

commissioning measurement conducted in October 2013. The measurement locations were as follows: • Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole • Location 2: Mount View Rd adjacent to closest residence entrance gate • Location 3: Corner of Mount View Rd and Kennedys Ln • Location 4: Bush Sanctuary Rd, south of NBNCo site • Location 5: At Dishpan Gully, west of NBNCo site • Location 6: Adjacent to Calder Hwy, east of NBNCo site

Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs.

3.2.2. Under normal operation of the NBNCo LTE2300 installation, its emission level

varies with the traffic level being carried over the network. For the purpose of the post-commissioning measurement, the NBNCo LTE2300 system was configured to transmit with artificial traffic load simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done in order to measure the maximum possible EME levels emitted from the new NBNCo LTE2300 system when in operation.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 5 of 11

3.2.3. The measurement probe was mounted vertically on a tripod at a height of 1.5m above ground level and connected to the Narda SRM-3000 meter using a 1.5m cable for the measurements.

3.2.4. The SRM-3000 meter was configured to measure the RF EME resulting from the

NBNCo LTE2300 services at each of the measurement locations.

3.2.5. Each RF EME measurement was time averaged over a period of one minute with the result recorded as it existed at the time of the measurement. Measurements were conducted between 3:00pm and 4:30pm. The measurement results are reported in Table 1 in Section 4.

RF EME measurements were taken as per Australian Standard AS/NZS 2772.2:2011 Radiofrequency Fields - Principles and Methods of Measurement and Computation – 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Due to the changing exposure limit with frequency, cumulative exposure with respect to the ARPANSA RPS3 limit can only be expressed in terms of percentage of the exposure limits. A reported value of 100 per cent would indicate that the exposure level was at the allowable limit. The exposure limits are shown on Table 7 of RPS3, this can be viewed at: http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf

Refer to Appendix C for additional technical analysis and details relating to the measurement process.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 6 of 11

4. Measurement Results Table 1: Measured EME Levels

Measurement Location

Pre-Commissioning (3 October 2013) 1

Measured RF EME levels (75MHz-3GHz)5

Post-commissioning (14 April 2014) 2,3

Measured RF EME levels (NBNCo LTE2300 services only)

Total RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz)5: (Pre-commissioning + Post-commissioning)

% of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4

Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole 0.00715 0.00037 0.00752 Location 2: Mount View Rd adjacent to closest residence entrance gate 0.0126 0.0009 0.0135

Location 3: Corner of Mount View Rd and Kennedys Ln 0.00264 0.00028 0.00292

Location 4: Bush Sanctuary Rd, south of NBNCo site 0.0039 0.0044 0.0083

Location 5: At Dishpan Gully, west of NBNCo site 0.00169 0.000041 0.001731

Location 6: Adjacent to Calder Hwy, east of NBNCo site 0.00216 0.000048 0.002208

Note: 1. Pre-commissioning measurements conducted on 3 October 2013 includes all services within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band.

Refer to Appendix B for full pre-commissioning measurement results. 2. Post-commissioning measurements measures the RF EME contribution from NBNCo LTE2300 (2302MHz to 2362MHz) only. 3. The measured levels were rounded to 2 significant figures. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density at the respective locations with respect to the ARPANSA General Public exposure

limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The noise floor of the instrument across the frequency range of 75MHz – 3GHz is 0.00157% of the General Public Limit.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 7 of 11

5. Analysis and Conclusion All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.0135% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 7,400 times below the limit. The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0044% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured at Bush Sanctuary Road, south of the NBNCo site. This is more than 22,700 times below the General Public Exposure Limit. According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation (WHO), RF EME Levels as low as those measured during the post-commissioning measurement, are not known to cause adverse health effects. 6. Glossary and Abbreviations

Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Limit

Power Density

ACMA Cumulative RF EME


RF EME is a measure of the radiofrequency energy at a particular location generated by transmitting sources such as antennas. Existing Australian Radiation Protection Standard limits or reference levels for continuous exposure of the general public to radio frequency transmissions. The rate of or the amount of electromagnetic energy flowing through a given area. Australian Communications and Media Authority The weighted sum of all RF EME that occurs in the bandwidth of the measuring instruments, it is expressed as a percentage of the relevant RPS3 limit. Long Term Evolution. A mobile communication technology commonly known as 4G. National Site Archive – An online register of radio sites

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 8 of 11

7. Appendices Appendix A – Measurement Location Details Photographs

Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole

Location 2: Mount View Rd adjacent to closest residence entrance gate

Location 3: Corner of Mount View Rd and Kennedys Ln

Location 4: Bush Sanctuary Rd, south of NBNCo site

Location 5: At Dishpan Gully, west of NBNCo site

Location 6: Adjacent to Calder Hwy, east of NBNCo site

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Measurement Locations

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 10 of 11

Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results Table 2: Measured RF EME Levels (Extract from Radhaz Consulting Report #32960-1 (Issue A) dated 21 October 2013)

Measurement Location1

Measured RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz) % of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4,5

Mobile Phone Base Stations2 Broadcast - Services Total3,6

(75MHz-3GHz) VHF TV UHF TV VHF Radio(FM)

1. Adjacent to proposed monopole. 0.000087 0.0001 0.00088 0.0049 0.00715 2. Mount view Rd in front of residence 41 entrance gate. 0.0001 0.00011 0.0015 0.0096 0.0126

3. Corner of Mount view Rd and Kennedys Ln. 0.000098 0.00011 0.00035 0.00084 0.00264

4. Bush Sanctuary Rd. 0.00014 0.0001 0.0012 0.0012 0.0039

5. At Dishpan Gully. 0.00007 0.0001 0.00012 0.00019 0.00169

8. Adjacent to Calder Hwy. 0.000078 0.00011 0.00044 0.00025 0.00216 Note:

1. Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs. 2. Mobile Phone Base Stations includes contribution from all GSM/WCDMA900, GSM/LTE1800, WCDMA850 and WCDMA2100 as

well as any existing LTE2300 services operating in the area. 3. Total RF EME levels include all services operating within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density from all mobile, radio, TV services and 3rd Party services with respect to the

ARPANSA General Public exposure limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The measured levels for individual services were rounded to 2 significant figures and the total across the 75MHz – 3GHz frequency

band was rounded to 3 significant figures. 6. The noise floor of the instrument across the frequency range of 75MHz – 3GHz is 0.00157% of the General Public Limit

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Faraday #32960-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 11 of 11

Appendix C – Measurement Details • The measured value includes the instrument noise. The actual RF EME level will be lower

than the reported values.

• The NBNCo LTE2300 was configured to transmit with full load simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done by activating the AILG (Air Interface Load Generator) feature of the base station with 100% Physical Resource Block load level.

• The SRM3000 meter measures the electric field strength and then converts the levels to the

equivalent power density. • By adhering to documented processes and implementing proven field techniques the

estimated uncertainty budget can be minimised. Measurement expanded uncertainty has been calculated in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

• The expanded measurement uncertainty for the SRM-3000 monitor/probe was calculated as,

U = ±3dB, with a coverage factor k = 2, and a level of confidence of 95%. • All Narda SRM-3000 measurements were recorded as a percentage of the general public

limit of the ARPANSA RPS3 Standard. • RADHAZ Consulting permanently stores all measurement equipment calibration details, site

maps and recorded measurement scans.


Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the NBNCo installation at

TARILTA (3CAS-51-11-TRL-J) Land off Cave Gully Lane

Guildford Victoria 3451 NSA: 3451003

Report No: 32959-2 (Issue A) 7 May 2014

Accreditation Number: 15500

Separate Attachment ECO 31 BOrdinary Meeting of Council 14 October 2014

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 1 of 11


Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the

NBNCo installation at

TARILTA (3CAS-51-11-TRL-J) Land off Cave Gully Lane

Guildford Victoria 3451 NSA: 3451003

Report No. – 32959-2 (Issue A) Measurement date – 14 April 2014 Report date – 7 May 2014 Measurement Officer – Johnny Lim

Nizam Khaja Report prepared by – Johnny Lim

Report issued under the authority of

Johnny Lim Technical Services Manager Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd

This report may not be copied or reproduced in part without the permission of RADHAZ Consulting Propriety Limited.

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 2 of 11


Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 3

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

2. Federal Government Legal Requirements ...................................................... 4

3. Methodology ....................................................................................................... 4

4. Measurement Results ........................................................................................ 6

5. Analysis and Conclusion ................................................................................... 7

6. Glossary and Abbreviations ............................................................................. 7

7. Appendices .......................................................................................................... 8

Appendix A – Measurement Location Details ...................................................... 8

Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results .................................. 10

Appendix C – Measurement Details .................................................................... 11

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 3 of 11

Executive Summary • All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA1 RPS3 General Public

Exposure Limit.

• The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.00431% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 23,200 times below the limit.

• The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0006% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured at the Havelock Street lookout. This is more than 166,600 times below the General Public Exposure Limit.

• According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation, RF EME Levels as low as

these found in the survey, are not known to cause adverse health effects. 1. Introduction Mr Joel Rodski, Environmental Planner at Visionstream Pty Ltd2

engaged Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd as an independent consultancy, to undertake post-commissioning Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) measurements at multiple locations around a newly constructed NBNCo site off Cave Gully Lane in Guildford, Victoria 3451. NBNCo has installed three panel and one microwave dish antennas on a 30m steel monopole which are used to provide NBNCo Fixed Wireless services in the vicinity of the monopole. The post-commissioning measurements were a follow-up to the pre-commissioning measurements (conducted on 2 August 2013). The pre-commissioning measurement results were reported in Radhaz report no: 32959-1(Issue A) dated 7 August 2013 and are attached in Appendix B of this report. The objective of the post-commissioning measurement was to measure the RF EME level emitted by the new NBNCo LTE2300 installation. The measured RF EME levels in the report are compared to the General Public RF EME limits specified by ARPANSA in their RPS3 document.

1 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency – 619 Lower Plenty Road, Yallambie, Victoria 3085 2 236 East Boundary Road, 2 North Drive Virginia Park, Bentleigh East Victoria 3165

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 4 of 11

2. Federal Government Legal Requirements The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has conditions on the operation of radiocommunications transmitters. These conditions regulate the exposure of the general public to RF EME levels produced by all licensed RF transmitters. Licensed RF transmitter operators are required to ensure that the general public is not exposed to RF EME levels from their service in excess of prescribed limits. The prescribed limits are the reference field strength levels from the ARPANSA Radiation Protection Standard RPS3; Standard for Maximum Exposure Levels to Radio Frequency Fields – 3 kHz to 300 GHz (2002). Further information can be gained from the ACMA and ARPANSA web sites: http://www.acma.gov.au/ACMAINTER:STANDARD:pc=PC_2798 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf 3. Methodology

3.1. Measurement Equipment Narda Selective Radiation Monitor (SRM-3000)

Frequency Range 100kHz – 3GHz Serial No. L-0056 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

Narda Isotropic E-field Probe (3AX 75M-3G)

Frequency Range 75MHz – 3GHz Serial No. H-0127 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

3.2. Measurement Method

3.2.1. The RF EME measurements were performed at the same locations as the pre-

commissioning measurement conducted in August 2013. The measurement locations were as follows: • Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole • Location 2: Shicer Gully Road, east of monopole • Location 3: Corner of Delmenico St and Parker St • Location 4: Corner of Franklin St and Davis St • Location 5: Midland Hwy, Sports ground • Location 6: Havelock St Lookout

Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs.

3.2.2. Under normal operation of the NBNCo LTE2300 installation, its emission level

varies with the traffic level being carried over the network. For the purpose of the post-commissioning measurement, the NBNCo LTE2300 system was configured to transmit with artificial traffic load simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done in order to measure the maximum possible EME levels emitted from the new NBNCo LTE2300 system when in operation.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 5 of 11

3.2.3. The measurement probe was mounted vertically on a tripod at a height of 1.5m above ground level and connected to the Narda SRM-3000 meter using a 1.5m cable for the measurements.

3.2.4. The SRM-3000 meter was configured to measure the RF EME resulting from the

NBNCo LTE2300 services at each of the measurement locations.

3.2.5. Each RF EME measurement was time averaged over a period of one minute with the result recorded as it existed at the time of the measurement. Measurements were conducted between 1:15pm and 2:30pm. The measurement results are reported in Table 1 in Section 4.

RF EME measurements were taken as per Australian Standard AS/NZS 2772.2:2011 Radiofrequency Fields - Principles and Methods of Measurement and Computation – 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Due to the changing exposure limit with frequency, cumulative exposure with respect to the ARPANSA RPS3 limit can only be expressed in terms of percentage of the exposure limits. A reported value of 100 per cent would indicate that the exposure level was at the allowable limit. The exposure limits are shown on Table 7 of RPS3, this can be viewed at: http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf

Refer to Appendix C for additional technical analysis and details relating to the measurement process.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 6 of 11

4. Measurement Results Table 1: Measured EME Levels

Measurement Location

Pre-Commissioning (2 August 2013) 1

Measured RF EME levels (75MHz-3GHz)5

Post-commissioning (14 April 2014) 2,3

Measured RF EME levels (NBNCo LTE2300 services only)

Total RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz)5: (Pre-commissioning + Post-commissioning)

% of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4

Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole 0.0041 0.00021 0.00431 Location 2: Shicer Gully Road, east of monopole 0.0015 0.000096 0.001596

Location 3: Corner of Delmenico St and Parker St 0.0018 0.0001 0.0019

Location 4: Corner of Franklin St and Davis St 0.0016 0.000032 0.001632

Location 5: Midland Hwy, Sports ground 0.0016 0.000094 0.001694

Location 6: Havelock St Lookout 0.0033 0.0006 0.0039 Note:

1. Pre-commissioning measurements conducted on 2 August 2013 includes all services within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band. Refer to Appendix B for full pre-commissioning measurement results.

2. Post-commissioning measurements measures the RF EME contribution from NBNCo LTE2300 (2302MHz to 2362MHz) only. 3. The measured levels were rounded to 2 significant figures. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density at the respective locations with respect to the ARPANSA General Public exposure

limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The noise floor of the instrument across the frequency range of 75MHz – 3GHz is 0.00157% of the General Public Limit.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 7 of 11

5. Analysis and Conclusion All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.00431% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 23,200 times below the limit. The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0006% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured at the Havelock Street lookout. This is more than 166,600 times below the General Public Exposure Limit. According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation (WHO), RF EME Levels as low as those measured during the post-commissioning measurement, are not known to cause adverse health effects. 6. Glossary and Abbreviations

Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Limit

Power Density

ACMA Cumulative RF EME


RF EME is a measure of the radiofrequency energy at a particular location generated by transmitting sources such as antennas. Existing Australian Radiation Protection Standard limits or reference levels for continuous exposure of the general public to radio frequency transmissions. The rate of or the amount of electromagnetic energy flowing through a given area. Australian Communications and Media Authority The weighted sum of all RF EME that occurs in the bandwidth of the measuring instruments, it is expressed as a percentage of the relevant RPS3 limit. Long Term Evolution. A mobile communication technology commonly known as 4G. National Site Archive – An online register of radio sites

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 8 of 11

7. Appendices Appendix A – Measurement Location Details Photographs

Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole

Location 2: Shicer Gully Road, east of monopole

Location 3: Corner of Delmenico St and Parker St

Location 4: Corner of Franklin St and Davis St

Location 5: Midland Hwy, Sports ground

Location 6: Havelock St Lookout

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 9 of 11

Measurement Locations

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 10 of 11

Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results Table 2: Measured RF EME Levels (Extract from Radhaz Consulting Report #32959-1 (Issue A) dated 7 August 2013)

Measurement Location1

Measured RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz) % of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4,5

Mobile Phone Base Stations2 Broadcast - Services Total3

(75MHz-3GHz) TV (VHF and UHF) FM Radio

1. Adjacent to proposed monopole 0.000111 0.0019 0.00094 0.0041 2. Shicer Gully Road, East of proposed monopole 0.000065 0.00022 0.00011 0.0015

3. Corner of Delmenico St and Parker St 0.000066 0.00028 0.00014 0.0018

4. Corner of Franklin St and Davis St 0.000067 0.00023 0.00013 0.0016

5. Midland Hwy, Sports ground 0.000068 0.00026 0.00014 0.0016

6. Havelock St Lookout 0.000124 0.0018 0.00022 0.0033 Note:

1. Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs. 2. Mobile Phone Base Stations includes contribution from all GSM/WCDMA900, GSM/LTE1800, WCDMA850 and WCDMA2100 as well

as any existing LTE2300 services operating in the area. 3. Total RF EME levels include all services operating within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density from all mobile, radio, TV services and 3rd Party services with respect to the

ARPANSA General Public exposure limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The measured levels were rounded to 2 significant figures.

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Tarilta #32959-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 11 of 11

Appendix C – Measurement Details • The measured value includes the instrument noise. The actual RF EME level will be lower

than the reported values.

• The NBNCo LTE2300 was configured to transmit with full load simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done by activating the AILG (Air Interface Load Generator) feature of the base station with 100% Physical Resource Block load level.

• The SRM3000 meter measures the electric field strength and then converts the levels to the

equivalent power density. • By adhering to documented processes and implementing proven field techniques the

estimated uncertainty budget can be minimised. Measurement expanded uncertainty has been calculated in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

• The expanded measurement uncertainty for the SRM-3000 monitor/probe was calculated as,

U = ±3dB, with a coverage factor k = 2, and a level of confidence of 95%. • All Narda SRM-3000 measurements were recorded as a percentage of the general public

limit of the ARPANSA RPS3 Standard. • RADHAZ Consulting permanently stores all measurement equipment calibration details, site

maps and recorded measurement scans.


Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the NBNCo installation at

HARCOURT NORTH (3CAS-51-04-HAR-G) 219 Reservoir Road

Harcourt Victoria 3453 NSA: 3453006

Report No: 32961-2 (Issue A) 6 May 2014

Accreditation Number: 15500

Separate Attachment ECO 31COrdinary Meeting of Council 14 October 2014

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Harcourt North #32961-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 1 of 11


Post-Commissioning Measurement in relation to the

NBNCo installation at

HARCOURT NORTH (3CAS-51-04-HAR-G) 219 Reservoir Road

Harcourt Victoria 3453 NSA: 3453006

Report No. – 32961-2 (Issue A) Measurement date – 14 April 2014 Report date – 6 May 2014 Measurement Officer – Johnny Lim

Nizam Khaja Report prepared by – Johnny Lim

Report issued under the authority of

Johnny Lim Technical Services Manager Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd

This report may not be copied or reproduced in part without the permission of RADHAZ Consulting Propriety Limited.

Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Harcourt North #32961-2 (Issue A) May 2014

ISO17025 Accreditation No. 15500 © RADHAZ Consulting Pty Ltd Page 2 of 11


Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 3

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

2. Federal Government Legal Requirements ...................................................... 4

3. Methodology ....................................................................................................... 4

4. Measurement Results ........................................................................................ 6

5. Analysis and Conclusion ................................................................................... 7

6. Glossary and Abbreviations ............................................................................. 7

7. Appendices .......................................................................................................... 8

Appendix A – Measurement Location Details ...................................................... 8

Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results .................................. 10

Appendix C – Measurement Details .................................................................... 11

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Harcourt North #32961-2 (Issue A) May 2014

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Executive Summary • All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA1 RPS3 General Public

Exposure Limit.

• The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.0156% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 6,400 times below the limit.

• The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0059% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured northwest of the monopole on Reservoir Road. This is more than 16,900 times below the General Public Exposure Limit.

• According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation, RF EME Levels as low as

these found in the survey are not known to cause adverse health effects. 1. Introduction Mr Joel Rodski, Environmental Planner at Visionstream Pty Ltd2

engaged Radhaz Consulting Pty Ltd as an independent consultancy, to undertake post-commissioning Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) measurements at multiple locations around a newly constructed NBNCo site at 219 Reservoir Road, Harcourt, Victoria 3451. NBNCo has installed three panel and one microwave dish antennas on a 35m steel monopole which are used to provide NBNCo Fixed Wireless services in the vicinity of the monopole. The post-commissioning measurements were a follow-up to the pre-commissioning measurements (conducted on 2 August 2013). The pre-commissioning measurement results were reported in Radhaz report no: 32961-1(Issue A) dated 12 August 2013 and are attached in Appendix B of this report. The objective of the post-commissioning measurement was to measure the RF EME level emitted by the new NBNCo LTE2300 installation. The measured RF EME levels in the report are compared to the General Public RF EME limits specified by ARPANSA in their RPS3 document.

1 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency – 619 Lower Plenty Road, Yallambie, Victoria 3085 2 236 East Boundary Road, 2 North Drive Virginia Park, Bentleigh East Victoria 3165

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2. Federal Government Legal Requirements The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has conditions on the operation of radiocommunications transmitters. These conditions regulate the exposure of the general public to RF EME levels produced by all licensed RF transmitters. Licensed RF transmitter operators are required to ensure that the general public is not exposed to RF EME levels from their service in excess of prescribed limits. The prescribed limits are the reference field strength levels from the ARPANSA Radiation Protection Standard RPS3; Standard for Maximum Exposure Levels to Radio Frequency Fields – 3 kHz to 300 GHz (2002). Further information can be gained from the ACMA and ARPANSA web sites: http://www.acma.gov.au/ACMAINTER:STANDARD:pc=PC_2798 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf 3. Methodology

3.1. Measurement Equipment Narda Selective Radiation Monitor (SRM-3000)

Frequency Range 100kHz – 3GHz Serial No. L-0056 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

Narda Isotropic E-field Probe (3AX 75M-3G)

Frequency Range 75MHz – 3GHz Serial No. H-0127 Calibration Date 20/04/2012

3.2. Measurement Method

3.2.1. The RF EME measurements were performed at the same locations as the pre-

commissioning measurement conducted in August 2013. The measurement locations were as follows: • Location 1: Adjacent to NBNCo monopole • Location 2: East of monopole within cider farm • Location 3: Far east of monopole within cider farm • Location 4: Reservoir Road northwest of monopole • Location 5: Reservoir Road southwest of monopole • Location 6: Corner of Calder Hwy and Market St

Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs.

3.2.2. Under normal operation of the NBNCo LTE2300 installation, its emission level

varies with the traffic level being carried over the network. For the purpose of the post-commissioning measurement, the NBNCo LTE2300 system was configured to transmit with artificial traffic loading simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done in order to measure the maximum possible EME levels emitted from the new NBNCo LTE2300 system when in operation.

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3.2.3. The measurement probe was mounted vertically on a tripod at a height of 1.5m above ground level and connected to the Narda SRM-3000 meter using a 1.5m cable for the measurements.

3.2.4. The SRM-3000 meter was configured to measure the RF EME resulting from the

NBNCo LTE2300 services at each of the measurement locations.

3.2.5. Each RF EME measurement was time averaged over a period of one minute with the result recorded as it existed at the time of the measurement. Measurements were conducted between 11:00am -12:15pm. The measurement results are reported in Table 1 in Section 4.

RF EME measurements were taken as per Australian Standard AS/NZS 2772.2:2011 Radiofrequency Fields - Principles and Methods of Measurement and Computation – 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Due to the changing exposure limit with frequency, cumulative exposure with respect to the ARPANSA RPS3 limit can only be expressed in terms of percentage of the exposure limits. A reported value of 100 per cent would indicate that the exposure level was at the allowable limit. The exposure limits are shown on Table 7 of RPS3, this can be viewed at: http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rps/rps3.pdf

Refer to Appendix C for additional technical analysis and details relating to the measurement process.

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4. Measurement Results Table 1: Measured EME Levels

Measurement Location

Pre-Commissioning (2 August 2013) 1

Measured RF EME levels (75MHz-3GHz)5

Post-commissioning (14 April 2014) 2,3

Measured RF EME levels (NBNCo LTE2300 services only)

Total RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz)5: (Pre-commissioning + Post-commissioning)

% of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4

Location 1: Adjacent to monopole 0.0076 0.00038 0.00798

Location 2: East of monopole within cider farm 0.0032 0.0035 0.0067

Location 3: Far east of monopole within cider farm 0.0028 0.00036 0.00316

Location 4: Reservoir Road northwest of monopole 0.0097 0.0059 0.0156

Location 5: Reservoir Road southwest of monopole 0.0091 0.0023 0.0114

Location 6: Corner of Calder Hwy and Market St 0.0027 0.000027 0.002727

Note: 1. Pre-commissioning measurements conducted on 2 August 2013 includes all services within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band.

Refer to Appendix B for full pre-commissioning measurement results. 2. Post-commissioning measurements measures the RF EME contribution from NBNCo LTE2300 (2302MHz to 2362MHz) only. 3. The measured levels were rounded to 2 significant figures. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density at the respective locations with respect to the ARPANSA General Public exposure

limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The noise floor of the instrument across the frequency range of 75MHz – 3GHz is 0.00157% of the General Public Limit.

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5. Analysis and Conclusion All measured RF EME levels were well below the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. The highest cumulative RF EME (all services across 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band) level measured across the specified measurement locations was found to be 0.0156% of the allowable ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit. This is more than 6,400 times below the limit. The highest RF EME contributed by the new NBNCo installation measured across all measurement locations was 0.0059% of the ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit, measured northwest of the monopole on Reservoir Road. This is more than 16,900 times below the General Public Exposure Limit. According to ARPANSA and the World Health Organisation (WHO), RF EME Levels as low as those measured during the post-commissioning measurement are not known to cause adverse health effects. 6. Glossary and Abbreviations

Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF EME) ARPANSA RPS3 General Public Limit

Power Density

ACMA Cumulative RF EME


RF EME is a measure of the radiofrequency energy at a particular location generated by transmitting sources such as antennas. Existing Australian Radiation Protection Standard limits or reference levels for continuous exposure of the general public to radio frequency transmissions. The rate of or the amount of electromagnetic energy flowing through a given area. Australian Communications and Media Authority The weighted sum of all RF EME that occurs in the bandwidth of the measuring instruments, it is expressed as a percentage of the relevant RPS3 limit. Long Term Evolution. A mobile communication technology commonly known as 4G. National Site Archive – An online register of radio sites

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7. Appendices Appendix A – Measurement Location Details Photographs

Location 1: Adjacent to monopole Location 2: East of monopole within cider farm

Location 3: Far east of monopole within cider farm

Location 4: Reservoir Road northwest of monopole

Location 5: Reservoir Road southwest of monopole

Location 6: Corner of Calder Hwy and Market St

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Measurement Locations

Post-Commissioning Measurement Report – Harcourt North #32961-2 (Issue A) May 2014

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Appendix B – Pre-commissioning Measurement Results (Extract from Radhaz Consulting Report #32961-1 (Issue A) dated 2 August 2013) Table 2: Measured RF EME Levels (Extract from Radhaz Consulting Report #32961-1 (Issue A) dated 2 August 2013)

Measurement Location1

Measured RF EME Levels (75MHz-3GHz) % of the RPS3 General Public Exposure Limit4,5

Mobile Phone Base Stations2 Broadcast - Services Total3

(75MHz-3GHz) TV (VHF and UHF) FM Radio

1. Adjacent to proposed monopole 0.00012 0.0023 0.0039 0.0076

2. East of monopole within cider farm 0.000099 0.00044 0.0015 0.0032

3. Far east of monopole within cider farm 0.000075 0.00038 0.0011 0.0028

4. Reservoir Road northwest of monopole 0.00016 0.0058 0.0025 0.0097

5. Reservoir Road southwest of monopole 0.000097 0.0012 0.0067 0.0091

6. Corner of Calder Hwy and Market St 0.00015 0.00059 0.0008 0.0027 Note:

1. Refer to Appendix A for measurement location details and photographs. 2. Mobile Phone Base Stations includes contribution from all GSM/WCDMA900, GSM/LTE1800, WCDMA850 and WCDMA2100 as

well as any existing LTE2300 services operating in the area. 3. Total RF EME levels include all services operating within the 75MHz to 3GHz frequency band. 4. Percentages based on the measured power density from all mobile, radio, TV services and 3rd Party services with respect to the

ARPANSA General Public exposure limits. A value of 100% indicates the RPS3 General Public Limit. 5. The measured levels were rounded to 2 significant figures. 6. Note that the description for measurement location 4 and 5 in the pre-commissioning measurement report #32961-1 dated 2 August

2013 was incorrect. Table 2 above shows the correct descriptions.

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Appendix C – Measurement Details • The measured value includes the instrument noise. The actual RF EME level will be lower

than the reported values.

• The NBNCo LTE2300 was configured to transmit with full load simulating a system operating at full capacity. This was done by activating the AILG (Air Interface Load Generator) feature of the base station with 100% Physical Resource Block load level.

• The SRM3000 meter measures the electric field strength and then converts the levels to the

equivalent power density. • By adhering to documented processes and implementing proven field techniques the

estimated uncertainty budget can be minimised. Measurement expanded uncertainty has been calculated in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

• The expanded measurement uncertainty for the SRM-3000 monitor/probe was calculated as,

U = ±3dB, with a coverage factor k = 2, and a level of confidence of 95%. • All Narda SRM-3000 measurements were recorded as a percentage of the general public

limit of the ARPANSA RPS3 Standard. • RADHAZ Consulting permanently stores all measurement equipment calibration details, site

maps and recorded measurement scans.
