Environmental pics dn and gl



This is a powerpoint about the environmental shots that we took. It gives you some information about the different people in it. Please take a look!

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Environmental Environmental PhotosPhotosGloria & Diksha Gloria & Diksha

Mrs. Woodward-the Mrs. Woodward-the book worm!book worm!

We Chose her as one of the environmental We Chose her as one of the environmental pictures because her work area is filled with work pictures because her work area is filled with work and papers that show alot of personality. This and papers that show alot of personality. This shows that she is a hard worker. Since she is a shows that she is a hard worker. Since she is a librarian, it is obvious that she loves to read. We librarian, it is obvious that she loves to read. We told Mrs. Woodward to pose like this because told Mrs. Woodward to pose like this because once she is on her computer, she is ready for once she is on her computer, she is ready for work and she is active. It looks as if she likes her work and she is active. It looks as if she likes her job alot! Mrs. Woodward is of course married but job alot! Mrs. Woodward is of course married but it is unknown if she has kids or not.it is unknown if she has kids or not.

Mimi Sam (from Sam’s)Mimi Sam (from Sam’s)

The reason why Ms. Sam is in one of our The reason why Ms. Sam is in one of our environmental pictures is because she has a environmental pictures is because she has a wide variety of objects surrounding herself in wide variety of objects surrounding herself in her work area. There is the stove, drinks, her work area. There is the stove, drinks, snacks and even more. Some of these objects snacks and even more. Some of these objects weren’t in the picture because we wanted to weren’t in the picture because we wanted to get a good angle. Ms. Sam is also from get a good angle. Ms. Sam is also from Malacca but there aren’t any objects or knick Malacca but there aren’t any objects or knick knacks to show that she is. She isn’t marry knacks to show that she is. She isn’t marry yet (notice there’s no ring) but she will in yet (notice there’s no ring) but she will in another year or so.another year or so.


Ms. Paz was chosen as one of the Ms. Paz was chosen as one of the environmental pictures because her job was to environmental pictures because her job was to teach art and there are so many different teach art and there are so many different pieces of artwork that she had in the room. pieces of artwork that she had in the room. Some of the little objects at her desk Some of the little objects at her desk represented where she came from. Ms. Paz represented where she came from. Ms. Paz comes from Chile. We chose her to pose like comes from Chile. We chose her to pose like this because its almost as if Ms. Paz is also this because its almost as if Ms. Paz is also learning art while she is a teacher. But what learning art while she is a teacher. But what she actually was doing in that picture was she actually was doing in that picture was looking at some art supplies and what she can looking at some art supplies and what she can buy here. buy here.

Mr. ThomasMr. Thomas

Mr. Thomas was chosen because the pictures of him working also means that he is a hard worker as well. Plus the wallpapers and posters on his wall are mostly about where he is from and that shows that he is proud of where he comes from. Mr. Thomas is from Texas, USA. The rest of the things on his wall were ironical phrases about teaching. That also shows that he loves teaching. Mr. Thomas works as a humanities teacher. And finally we chose him to pose as if the half of his face was seen because since he was so hard at work he couldn’t look at the camera

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