Environmental Impact Assessment Berthing Terminal Islands:...


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Environmental Impact Assessment Cruise Berthing Terminal 

for Cayman Islands: 


                                                   PREPARED FOR:

 Prepared by:

Bernadette Charpentier  Peter Gayle 

20 West Kings House Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica W.I.

Voice: (876) 920‐6012; (876) 968‐3174; Fax: (876) 968‐3260 E‐mail: temnster@gmail.com, website: www.temnetwork.com





1  Site Description ......................................................................................................................................... 1 

2  Assessment Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 1 

2.1  Benthic Survey ...................................................................................................................................... 1 

2.2  Coral Reef Community Structure ...................................................................................................... 2 

2.3  Benthic Substrate Composition ......................................................................................................... 3 

2.4  Rugosity ................................................................................................................................................. 3 

2.5  Fish Diversity and Community Structure ......................................................................................... 4 

3  Baseline Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 4 

3.1  Marine Habitat ...................................................................................................................................... 4 

3.2  Benthic Composition ......................................................................................................................... 12 

4  Economic Valuation of Goods and Services ...................................................................................... 27 

5  Environmental Assessment of Project Options ................................................................................. 27 

6  Assessment of Impacts ........................................................................................................................... 32 

6.1  Dredging Impacts ............................................................................................................................... 32 

6.2  Construction Phase Impacts ............................................................................................................. 38 

6.3  Operational Phase Impacts ............................................................................................................... 40 

6.4  Influence of Climate Change on Marine Ecology ......................................................................... 42 

7  Recommended Mitigation ...................................................................................................................... 42 

7.1  Mitigating Construction Impacts ..................................................................................................... 42 

7.2  Mitigating Operational Impacts ....................................................................................................... 50 

7.3  Monitoring during various phases of the project .......................................................................... 51 

8  References ................................................................................................................................................. 53 

Appendix 1: Survey Details ............................................................................................................................ 57 

Appendix 2: List of Fish Species ................................................................................................................... 58 

Appendix 3: Coral Relocation ........................................................................................................................ 59 



1 Site Description The Cayman Islands are located in the western Caribbean Sea between 19°15' and 19°45' N latitude and between 79°44' and 81°27' W longitude. Three low-lying islands make up this island nation: Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. Grand Cayman, the largest of the three Cayman Islands, is 21.7 miles (35 km) long with a surface area of 76 square miles (197 km2) (Bush 1998). The island is surrounded by a narrow insular shelf that supports a variety of reef structures including ‘spur-and-groove’ formations, fringing reefs and patch reefs. There is a shallow reef terrace at a depth of 16-32ft (5-10m) and a deep sloping terrace at 49-66ft (15-20m), which gives way to a steep drop-off occurring at an average depth of 72ft (22m) (DaCosta et al. 2009).

Grand Cayman has very few well-developed, shallow water, nearshore reefs; many of these are located in George Town Harbour (GTH) and form a unique marine ecosystem on the island (Lang and Land 1976). The unique aspect of the reef system in the harbour can be attributed to a combination of ecological and topographical factors. The high relief of the “spur and groove” formations converge into a network of grottos and tunnels that form a complex habitat supporting a diverse assemblage of stony and soft corals, sponges, and an equally diverse population of fish species.

The clear harbour waters allow for the proliferation of healthy coral cover (recruitment, resilience), including the spotty recovery of Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmate (found at one site), both listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and listed on Appendix II of CITES. The reef system, covering the area from Soto’s Reefs located just north of the harbour (e.g. T1-T5, T14) to Eden Rock and Devil’s Grotto to the south, represent a significant proportion of the designated Marine Park Area (MPA) on the west side of the island. The proximity of the reef to the shoreline offers protection from storm waves and likely plays a role in protecting/maintaining the sediment budget (i.e. volume of sand) in the harbour.

GTH reefs are highly valued as a dive "product". Due to the proximity of these reefs to the shoreline, the sites have been long-time favourite dive and snorkelling sites. Unlike some other dive sites on the island (e.g. dive sites along Seven Mile beach to the north, and Armchair Reef to the south) which require boat transportation, the dive and snorkelling sites in the harbour can be accessed easily from shore, making them very popular among cruise ship and overnight tourists who wish to explore Caymanian waters. The GTH reefs offer a wall-like environment in shallow water, with tunnels, two ship wrecks (the Cali and the Balboa), and a great variety of fish.

2 Assessment Methodology

2.1 Benthic Survey An assessment of the marine environment was carried out between June 22nd and July 2nd, 2014. Coral, algae, and fish community structure were examined at 14 sampling sites within George Town Harbour (Figure 2.1). Site selection was based on the need to characterize the reefs and associated communities within and surrounding the footprint of the original project layout, namely MM7D. Given the north-west orientation of the original project layout (MM7D), sampling sites were selected within the project footprint (i.e. T1-T12), and at two additional sites in the immediate vicinity of the project (i.e. T13 and T14) (see Appendix 1 of this report for detailed locations).



Figure 2.1 Fourteen sampling stations were selected in GTH for the purpose of characterizing the benthic substrate, coral cover and recruitment. Fish census was also carried out at each station. The sampling sites were grouped into three distinct areas: a) Soto’s reef (yellow), Balboa reefs (purple) and Eden Rock (red)

2.2 Coral Reef Community Structure The Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocol provides standardized quantitative survey methodology for assessing coral reef community structure. A modified version of the AGRRA protocol (Lang et al. 2010) was used to:

Assess the overall coral community structure and quantify the benthic substrate composition;

Characterize reef fish populations in the vicinity of the project site.



2.3 Benthic Substrate Composition At each site, four 33ft x 3ft (10m x 1m) transects were photographed to assess the benthic substrate composition, coral species abundance and diversity, coral status and coral recruitment. Phototransects were obtained by taking non-overlapping photographs (photoquadrats) along the length of the transect while maintaining a camera-to substrate distance of 1m, to generate ~1m2 photoquadrats of the substrate. Each transect comprised approximately 10 photoquadrats. Transects were photographed with a Canon EOS 20D, 8 megapixel digital SLR camera set in an Ikelite housing.

Photoquadrats were analyzed using the Coral Point Count (CPCe v 3.6) image analysis software designed for enumerating benthic features (Kohler and Gill 2006). For each photoquadrat, 50 random points were generated to characterize the coral substrate; substrate categories included hard ground, rubble, sand, and old dead coral. Coral colonies were classified to genus species level, and the state of the colony (diseased, bleached or dead) recorded. Recent mortality was recognized as any non-living tissue on the colony surface where the corallite structure could still be distinguished and identified to the genus level, and were white or overgrown by a thin layer of filamentous turf algae (Lang et al 2010). Bleaching response for each colony was characterized, with the intensity of colouration ranging from normal colour with no bleaching (NB), to pale or partially bleached (P.PB) and fully bleaching (FB) or recently dead (RD). Gorgonians were identified to genus level while sponges were differentiated into fleshy, encrusting, rope, tube and barrel sponges. Algae were grouped as macroalgae and coralline algae, and identified to genus level where possible.

Coral recruitment was assessed along each transect. A quadrat 9.8in x 9.8in (25cm x 25cm) was placed on the substratum, at two meter intervals along the transect line; all scleractinian corals, up to 1.6in (4cm) in diameter, were enumerated and identified to the genus or species level.

2.4 Rugosity Maximum reef relief, a proxy for rugosity, was measured along a 10.9yd (10m) section of each fish transect. Variable reef topography (rugosity) is a very important characteristic of habitat quality for reef fishes (McCormick, 1994). Areas of high rugosity are likely to provide more cover for reef fish and more surface area for attachment of corals and other sessile invertebrates. Rugosity often correlates well with fish community characteristics, coral cover, spatial and temporal disturbance regime and nutrient uptake. The rugosity of a reef was measured by carefully laying a steel chain along the contours of the reef substrate (Figure 2.2). A 10.9yd (10m) long chain was used in this measurement following the length of the transect tape and the rugosity index calculated as:

Equation 1 C=1-d/L

d=horizontal distance covered by the chain that follows the contour of the reef, and L= horizontal length of the fully extended chain (10m)

Figure 2.2 Schematic showing the placement of the steel chain along the reef substrate in order to obtain a rugosity measurement ( Faud 2010)



2.5 Fish Diversity and Community Structure A visual census of fishes was conducted in the same habitat as the benthic surveys. The AGRRA visual fish census method entails the use of a) belt transects and b) the roving diver technique (RDT) to identify and quantify fin fishes.

At each site, fish abundance and size structure data were recorded along two 2.2yd x 32.8yd (2m x 30m) belt transects. Transects were spaced at least 5.5yd (5m) apart from each other. Fish were enumerated and identified to species level and sizes estimated using a graduated T-bar. Other benthic organisms including urchins, conch and lobster were also enumerated when encountered along transects.

The “Roving Diver Technique” (RDT) was used, whereby divers swam throughout the dive site area and recorded all species encountered, including rarer species that might not have been detected at the transect level. Indicator species or rare species (e.g. parrotfish, snappers, groupers, hogfish, and sharks), along with their approximate lengths, when encountered both within and outside of the transect line were also recorded. Fish species data were recorded along with survey time, and measurement for depth, temperature, and reef relief (proxy for rugosity).

3 Baseline Conditions

3.1 Marine Habitat As noted earlier, the marine habitat sampling sites in GTH were grouped into three areas (Figure 3.1):

1) Soto’s Reef (commonly referred to as Cheeseburger Reef) is located to the north of the terminal, and was represented by sampling sites T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and T14. The segment of the reef that was surveyed covers an estimated 37,545yd2 (31,394m2).

Additional sites, T6 and T7, were surveyed to examine the sandy substrate closer to shore;

2) The “Balboa” Reef, which denotes the spurs located immediately in front of the terminal (within the proposed project dredge footprint), is represented by sites T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 and the wreck of the Balboa. These reefs cover an estimated 72,208yd2 (60,375m2), including spur and groove and mixed patch reef areas; and

3) Eden Rock, a reef formation located to the south of the terminal, represented by sampling site T13 covers an estimated 36,215yd2 (30,281m2).



Figure 3.1 Description of the three reef areas surveyed in GTH. Included are surface area estimations, description of reef type, and coral cover

3.1.1 Soto’s (Cheeseburger) Reef Area

Located just north of George Town Harbour, Soto’s Reef is a topographically complex network of medium to well-developed spurs, ranging in height from 3-6ft to 16-32ft. These spurs are found at a depth of 26-33ft (8-10m) and slope down to 150ft (45m) where they flatten out onto a sandy bottom. These reef formations are “honeycombed” with caverns, grottos, and winding tunnels which provide habitat for a vibrant coral reef community.

In addition to large tarpon that school under overhangs, Hawksbill turtles and yellow rays were frequently observed in the area. T1 (Figure 3.2A), located close to the ship anchoring points near the drop-off, can be characterized as an emerging reef, with low-to intermediate vertical relief (Rugosity index 0.27). Emerging spurs are well formed with clear sandy channels. In some areas patch reefs are starting to coalesce into spurs. On the seaward edge of this area, the coral cover is relatively low and shows signs of sedimentation stress.

In contrast to T1, the reefs located at site T2 (Figure 3.2B), along the north-western edge of Soto’s Reefs, are well developed spurs forming vertical walls that start at a depth of 35ft (11m) and rise up 20-23ft (6-7m). The reef is teeming with large schools of fish that keep the algal cover in check. In addition to healthy coral cover, the reef substrate is covered with crustose coralline algae and has



exposed pavement, which are both essential for coral recruitment. Similar reef topography was observed at T3, T4, T5 and T14 (Figure 3.2 C, D, E) with well-formed spurs giving way to patch reefs and sandy flats. The tops of spurs form platforms that rise up 13-16ft (4-5m), and are just 10-13ft (3-4m) beneath the surface. There is a lot of bare substrate and substrate covered with crustose coralline algae which are ideal for coral colonization. The reefscape is dotted with gorgonians including Briarium, Erythropodium and Plexaurella spp.

Reefs located closer inshore, namely T5 and T14, show signs of stress. This area previously supported A.cervicornis thickets, as evidenced by the characteristic rubble found throughout the site. High algal cover and the presence of Lyngbia are both indicators of localized eutrophication, presumably due to coastal storm water runoff. Combined with permanent mooring sites, it is an area that has high local traffic, including tenders, diving and fishing boats, all of which contribute to the overall stress in the area. A thin film of sediment covers the substrate suggesting that turbidity is an issue in the area. Further inshore, at T6 and T7, there are also signs of eutrophication, with Dictyota and Cladophora patches covering the sandy substrate.








Figure 3.2 The reefscape along Soto’s reef. A) Reefscape found at site T1, B) Threatened species A. cervicornis and O. annularis found along well developed spurs at transects at T2; C) Tunnels at site T3 were teeming with large Tarpon; D)Large O. annularis colonies at T4; E)the abundant coral cover on 16-23ft (5-7m) spurs found at T5



3.1.2 Balboa Reefs

The central GTH reef area located immediately in front of the existing terminal is a mixture of hard substrate and patch reefs closer to shore (T11) but gives way to a more topographically complex reefscape. The T8 site located near the northern pier and close to the wreck of the Cali is a combination of patch reefs and low relief 7-10ft (2-3m) spurs. The overhangs and crevices are inhabited by juvenile fish, shrimp, lobster and urchin species (Diadema, Echinometra). The wreck of the Cali (Figure 3.3) is an old freighter that sank in George Town Harbour. Its broken up hull lies near the port in 26-30ft (8-9m) of water. The ship's ribs are exposed and provide an artificial substrate for hard coral and habitat for reef fish.

At stations T9 and T10 (Figure 3.4) reef topography becomes more diverse and complex, with 10-13ft (3-4m) high spurs and large coral heads, interspersed with patch reefs and longer, low elevation or younger spurs. O.annularis colonies are abundant but do show signs of stress from sedimentation and parrot fish bites. Similarly, the topography at T12 is a combination of spurs and scattered patch reefs with sand channels and sand flats. The notable difference compared to other sites is the abundance of gorgonians, sea rods and sea plumes, as well as the presence of healthy Acropora thickets, juvenile Diadema and Queen Conch. A variety of boulder coral as well fleshy sponges including rope sponge, black and orange ball sponge, and pink vase sponges just to name a few, were common at the site.

Figure 3.3 Wreck of the Cali. Near the wreck there is a large (~6.5ft diameter) O. annularis colony that will be destroyed during dredging operations. Relocating a colony of this size is likely not possible without causing extensive damage



Figure 3.4 Balboa Reefs are located immediately in front of the terminal and are all located within the dredge footprint. The diverse coral cover abundance of gorgonians and sponges support an equally diverse fish community



Sitting at a depth of approximately 26-33ft (~8 - 10m), the wreck of the Balboa is a popular dive site where fragments of this 375 foot freighter are strewn across the sand flat. The metal pieces are encrusted with coral, sponge and gorgonians, plumes, sea whips and sea rods, and provide an ideal habitat for a variety of reef fish. Given its location in George Town Harbour, the area is an “oasis” in the midst of a barren sandy terrace. The area has high coral cover and supports a diverse reef community, including meadows of grooved-blade sea whips (Pterogorgia spp.) and a variety of fleshy sponges. The spurs and the pieces of the wreck provide habitat to large schools of Mahogany Snapper, a variety of parrot and other reef fish. The site can only be accessed safely by divers once the cruise ships have sailed and the local “tender” traffic abates (after 6 pm).

Figure 3.5 Wreck of the Balboa lies within the dredge footprint. The wreckage serves as an artificial substrate for a variety of hard and soft corals



3.1.3 Eden Rock

Eden Rock and Devil's Grotto are located immediately south from the proposed CBF. Eden Rock (T13) is a very diverse reef site (Figure 3.6). Reefs spurs form a network of tunnels, grottos and overhangs. Tarpon, bar jacks, various species of parrot fish, file fish, trigger fish and grouper are a common sight. The coral cover is healthy and diverse. The abundance of crustose coralline algae and bare pavement provide suitable substrate for coral recruitment. Diadema were scattered in crevices and under ledges. Precise densities were hard to establish due to their hidden distribution in this type of habitat. What makes Eden Rock and the nearby Devil’s Grotto so unique are the shallow coral canyons that resemble shallow reef environments on the tops of the spurs, but on the sides of these spurs the reef community is reminiscent of deeper wall environments.

Figure 3.6 The well-developed spurs at Eden Rock create canyons that make this site a desirable dive site. The reef formation supports a diverse coral cover (29% cover) and a diverse community of fish



3.2 Benthic Composition An important component of marine benthic assessment protocols entails quantifying and documenting the status of coral reefs under investigation, specifically: a) the standing stocks and condition of functional indicator groups (e.g. corals, crustose coralline algae, macroalgae), b) fish populations (i.e. indicator of herbivory), c) other (e.g. Diadema, also an indicator of herbivory, d) water chemistry (i.e. nutrient levels). These measurements can reveal quantitative tipping-point levels beyond which resilience to undesirable phase shifts begins to become critically reduced (Hughes et al. 2010).

The reef substrate in GTH can be best be characterized as “hardpan”, with shallow (3-6ft) to well-developed (16-23ft) spur and groove formations, surrounded by sandy expanses and channels. Categories recorded in the benthic survey included live coral, gorgonians, sponges, three algal functional groups (macroalgae, crustose coralline algae, turf algae), as well as pavement (or hard ground), rubble, sand, dead coral, and recently dead coral. All transects were positioned along the reef substrate, and not in sandy areas to ensure that cover by sand was not over-represented. Mortality was assigned as a coral condition only when the old dead coral skeleton was still recognizable to genus, whereas other hard substrates were listed as pavement. Mortality status was intended to capture corals that died within the last 2-5 years, since corallite structures become eroded and undistinguishable over time.

The coral cover on George Town Harbour reefs was variable, ranging from 14% to 29%, with an average cover of 20% (SE+/-5.0) across all sites; these values are comparable to average island wide values reported in Bruckner (2010). The abundance of living coral was highest on Eden rock and on reefs near the wreck of the Balboa where the cover was 27% and 26%, respectively (Figure 3.7).

Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are red algae (Order: Corallinales), and these serve as a general indicator of healthy herbivory levels on coral reefs (Littler and Littler 2006). Crustose coralline algae play an important role in coral reef community, first by contributing calcium carbonate to the reef structure and secondly by contributing to ongoing colonization of the reef substrate (Lang et al. 2010). In the GTH surveys, CCA were found at all sites, most frequently encrusting bare substrate on the tops and sides of spurs. The CCA cover was high, ranging from 6% to 27% with a mean cover of 12% (+/- 2.8) supporting the notion of healthy herbivory in the area.

Macroalgal abundance on reefs is used as an indicator of top-down and bottom-up controls that influence benthic community structure. Given their fast growth and turnover rates, high macroalgal abundance on coral reefs can indicate high nutrient levels coupled with inadequate herbivory, which can rapidly lead to reef degradation. Macroalgal cover on GTH reefs ranged from 15% (Balboa Reefs-T12) to 49% (Soto’s Reef – T14), with a mean cover of 25% +/-7.2, which is notably lower than the mean macroalgal cover reported for Grand Cayman (mean for all sites= 46%, Bruckner, 2010). Turf algae, which are multi-specific assemblages of diminutive, filamentous algae that attain a canopy height of 0.04in-0.4 in (1-10mm), covered, on average, 8% of the substrate. The most prevalent fleshy macroalage were Lobophora and Dictyota, which combined, accounted for 34% of the algal cover, while the calcareous Halimeda species accounted for another 30%. Turf algae and CCA contributed an additional 13% and 20% of the algal cover, respectively.

The prevalence of massive corals and calcareous coralline algae relative to the abundance of fleshy macroalgae and algal turfs indicates a healthy, spatially heterogeneous benthic community reflecting low nutrient inputs (Refer to Appendix E-Sediment and Water Quality) and high herbivory (Littler and Littler 2006). On the GTH reefs the coral and CCA cover represent, on average, 32% of the



substrate cover relative to 33% by macroalge and turf algae. This tenuous balance suggests that the top-down control exerted through herbivory is sufficient to offset bottom-up effects of existing nutrient levels. However, it also suggests that the existing steady state is close to the tipping point beyond which rapid reef degradation can occur. Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 describe substrate composition and coral condition for all transects surveyed.

Figure 3.7 Percent cover contribution of key benthic components, including stony corals (live coral), gorgonians, sponges, algal functional groups (macroalgae, turf and crustose coralline algae), and substrate types (sand, pavement, rubble).



Table 3.1 Substrate composition for all transects surveyed in George Town Harbour. Included are the major substrate categories

Coral Cover (%) Gorgonians  (%)

Reef Site Transect # Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE)

Soto's Reef T1 12.9 2.7 3.5 1.9 9.2 2.2 6.0 2.2 23.4 5.9 8.8 4.4 35.5 7.0

Soto's Reef T2 25.3 3.2 0.1 0.1 3.7 1.0 15.8 2.9 16.8 ‐0.9 11.5 2.1 18.2 4.8

Soto's Reef T3 16.1 2.1 0.1 0.1 8.6 1.3 5.4 1.2 18.6 ‐1.5 17.0 1.5 28.3 2.6

Soto's Reef T4 19.6 2.6 0.4 0.2 3.9 0.9 6.6 1.8 18.8 ‐3.2 8.5 0.9 35.5 3.6

Soto's Reef T5 23.0 2.3 0.3 0.1 2.1 0.8 13.5 1.7 37.2 1.2 5.3 0.7 13.1 2.9

Balboa Reef T8 17.3 2.7 1.3 0.6 4.5 1.1 11.9 2.6 26.2 1.6 4.1 0.4 25.5 6.3

Balboa Reef T9 21.9 2.6 0.9 0.4 6.8 1.9 13.1 2.1 27.7 ‐2.1 3.6 1.3 17.8 2.0

Balboa Reef T10 21.8 3.2 0.3 0.2 6.5 1.5 16.9 1.3 17.1 ‐0.3 7.7 1.3 23.0 2.3

Balboa Reef T11 12.3 2.7 1.8 0.4 5.9 1.5 8.1 2.8 18.1 ‐4.0 10.0 1.7 34.5 6.3

Balboa Reef T12 25.9 1.5 3.3 1.2 8.1 0.9 10.2 1.0 15.3 0.5 10.0 2.8 22.8 4.4

Eden Rock T13 27.1 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.7 26.8 10.6 29.8 ‐4.4 2.7 0.9 10.3 6.2

Soto's Reef T14 19.1 2.6 1.3 0.5 4.2 1.0 10.4 3.6 48.6 ‐1.6 5.4 2.4 7.8 3.6

Average % cover across  all  transects 20.2 1.1 5.4 12.0 24.8 7.9 22.7

Crustose Coralline 

Algae (%)





Turf Algae


Sand, Pavement, 

Rubble (%)

Table 3.2 Coral condition observed along transects sampled in George Town Harbour.

Reef Site Transect # Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE) Mean (+/‐SE)

Soto's Reef T1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7

Soto's Reef T2 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 5.0 2.2 8.5 3.5

Soto's Reef T3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.1 5.5 2.8

Soto's Reef T4 1.2 0.7 1.2 0.3 0.7 0.4 6.6 3.9

Soto's Reef T5 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 2.4 1.5 5.6 3.0

Balboa Reef T8 1.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.9 9.4 2.6

Balboa Reef T9 0.7 0.7 5.4 1.1 2.8 1.2 8.0 2.1

Balboa Reef T10 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.4 2.9 0.9 6.7 2.5

Balboa Reef T11 0.0 0.0 2.3 1.0 0.9 0.5 9.2 3.9

Balboa Reef T12 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.5 1.8 0.7 4.4 1.1

Eden Rock T13 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.8

Soto's Reef T14 0.4 0.4 3.1 1.3 0.2 0.2 2.6 2.5

0.5 1.3 1.9 5.7

Coral Disesase (%) Corla Bleaching (%) Recent Mortality(%) Mortality (%)

Average % cover across  all  transects



3.2.1 Coral Species

A total of 26 species of scleractinian and one genus of hydrozoan corals were identified in the GTH phototransects (Figure 3.8). The most prevalent species across all sites were Orbicella annularis, Porites astreoides and Agaricia agaricites. These species accounted for 82% of live coral cover on Soto’s Reef and 79% on the Balboa Reef. At Eden Rock, 84% of the live coral cover was attributed to Orbicella annularis, Porites astreoides, Agaricia agaricites and to Orbicella faveolata colonies. Siderastrea boulders were more abundant among patch reefs inshore whereas Diploria colonies were scattered throughout the reefscape. Acropora cervicornis thickets were observed on low lying reefs, especially around the Balboa. Eden Rock was the only site in the harbour where young Acropora palmata colonies were found. Eden Rock is a healthy coral reef and as such, all measures should be taken to protect this area.

Coral mortality was highest at shallow sites closest to shore (i.e. T8, T9, and T11) at 8.3% compared to 4.4% of the coral cover at T12 located in the vicinity of the Balboa wreck. Average mortality observed on Soto’s Reef was 4.9%, compared to the 1.25% mortality observed on Eden Rock. Higher partial mortality (9.2%) observed on nearshore reefs may be attributed to the re-suspension of sediments, runoff and nutrient loading, all of which can contribute to smother coral colonies.

In August 2014, NOAA listed 20 additional corals as threatened under the Endangered Species Act1; six of these species are found on GTH reefs (Table 3.3). While the announcement did not come with specific restrictions on harming these corals, either directly by harvesting them or indirectly by altering their habitat, it does bring to the forefront the imperious need for protection of these species. Table 3.4 lists coral, algae and percent cover at the three reefs.

Figure 3.8 Percent cover contribution of dominant scleractinian corals found on Soto’s Reefs, Balboa Reefs and at Eden Rock

1 http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/invertebrates/corals.htm



Table 3.3 List of coral species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Five of the seven listed, are present in George Town Harbour

Species Name Soto’s Reef Balboa Reefs Eden Rock

Acropora cervicornis (Staghorn)*2 X X X

Acropora palmata (Elkhorn)*2 - - X

Orbicella annularis X X X

Orbicella faveolata X X X

Orbicella franksi X X X

Mycetophyllia ferox X - -Dendrogyra cylindrus - - -

2 Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata, are both listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and listed on Appendix II of CITES



Table 3.4 List of coral, algae, soft coral species and % cover recorded in phototransects at Soto’s Reef, Balboa Reef and Eden Rock


Orbicella  annularis 6.5 1.7 10.1 2.6 7.1 1.8

Porites astreoides  5.6 1.3 2.0 0.4 10.9 2.2

Agaricia agaricites  3.8 1.2 3.6 0.9 2.4 0.9

Siderastrea siderea  0.5 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4

Orbicella franksi  0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.9

Orbicella faveolata  0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.4 0.9

Porites furcata  0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0

Diploria labyrinthiformis  0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.3

Porites porites  0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4

Favia fragum  0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.6

Montastraea cavernosa 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1

Siderastrea radians  0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0

Millipora sp. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3

Madracis decactis  0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0

Agaricia humilis  0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0

Acropora cervicornis  0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Diploria clivosa  0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3

Diploria strigosa  0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Eusmilia fastigiata  0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Oculina valenciennesi  0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1

Madracis mirabilis 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1

Meandrina meandrites  0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Stephanocoenia intersepta  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Manicina sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Mycetophyllia sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Isophyllia sinuosa  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Acropora palmata 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1


Lobophora sp.  14.1 3.7 12.9 1.9 8.7 3.2

Dictyota sp. 7.1 1.2 6.4 1.8 6.4 3.7

Stypopodium sp. 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0

Other 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4

TURF ALGAE 9.4 2.0 7.1 1.5 2.7 0.9

31.3 7.4 27.4 6.0 18.2 8.2


Halimeda sp. 18.6 3.2 14.5 3.3 30.6 10.4

Galaxaura sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Amphiroa sp. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

Jania sp. 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1

CRUSTOSE CORALLINE ALGAE 9.6 2.2 12.0 2.0 26.8 10.6


Briareum sp. 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0

Gorgonia sp.  0.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pseudopterogorgia sp  0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0

Erythropodium sp 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Plexaurella sp. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Pseudoplexaura sp. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Eunicea sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Plexaura sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pterogorgia sp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Cliona sp. 1.0 0.6 1.7 0.5 0.1 0.1

Encrusting sponges 3.3 0.9 3.4 0.9 1.8 0.7

Fleshy Sponges 1.0 0.4 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.1

Soto's Reef Balboa Reefs Eden Rock



3.2.2 Coral Recruitment

A total of 240 quadrats (5 quadrats along the length of each 32ft (10m) transect) were sampled to estimate the abundance of coral recruits and juvenile corals (0-1.6in)). The abundance was variable within and between sampling sites, ranging from 0 to 6 recruits per 9.8in x 9.8 in (25 x25 cm) quadrat. Of the 12 species that were observed, Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides were most abundant, with recruits found at all the sites (Figure 3.9). Other species included Siderastrea, Orbicella, Diploria and Stephanocoenia. Siderastrea juveniles were most abundant on rocky substrate closer to shore (T11) whereas F.fragum juveniles were common at all sites.

Figure 3.9 Estimated number of recruits per species, per unit area (#/m2) based on quadrats sampled along transects on Soto’s Reefs, Balboa area reefs, and at Eden Rock

3.2.3 Other Species

In addition to coral, other reef fauna encountered during surveys included gorgonians (Table 3.5), sponges as well as fouling species such as the mat tunicates. Urchins, primarily rock boring urchin (Echinometra lucunter) and to a lesser extent Diadema antillarum were present at all sites but were underrepresented in the survey because of their hidden distribution.



Table 3.5 Presence of other fauna observed on transects conducted on GTH reefs were ranked according to the DAFOR scale (D=dominant; A=Abundant; F=frequent, O=Occasional, R=Rare. Organisms listed as ‘Key Coral Reef Species’ in the National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) that are associated with a Species Action Plan (SAP) are identified.

GORGONIANS COMMON NAME Soto's Balboa Eden NBAP Briareum sp. Corky sea finger A F R Gorgonia sp. Common sea fan A F O Erythropodium sp. Encrusting gorgonians A O - Pseudopterogorgia sp. Sea plumes O F - Plexaurella sp. Slit-pore sea rods O F - Pseudoplexaura sp. Porous sea rods - F - Eunicea sp. Knobby sea rods - F - Plexaura sp. Sea rod O F - Pterogorgia sp. Grooved-blade sea O A - SPONGES (S) Aplysina cauliformis Rope sponge R F - Cinachyrella sp. Orange ball sponge R F - Ircinia stobilina Black ball sponge O F O Verongula spp Thick tube sponge R - - Niphates digitales Pink Vase Sponge O O R Chondrilla sp. Caribbean chicken-liver O F - Cliona sp. Boring sponge F F O URCHINS Diadema antillarum Long spined sea urchin O O R Echinometra sp. Rock boring urchin F O R Eucidaris sp. Pencil urchin R R - OTHER Panulirus sp. Lobster O O - SAP Strombus sp. Conch O F R Lima pellucida Bear paw (bivalve) R - - Spirobranchus giganteus Christmas tree worms F F O Neudibranch sp. Sea slugs O O O OTHER

Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle R R - SAP

Urobatis jamaicensis Yellow spotted R R - Dasyatis americana Southern stingray - - R SAP Sepioteuthis sepioidea Caribbean reef squid R R -



3.2.4 Fish Community Structure

Belt transects 98ft x 6.6ft (30 m x 2 m) were surveyed at Soto’s Reef (13 transects), Balboa (11 transects) and Eden Rock (2 transects) in order to estimate the abundance and size structure of the fish population at these sites. A total of 99 species of fish were observed (Appendix 2 to this report). Fish were grouped into 13 functional groups based AGRRA classification. Snapper, parrotfish and damselfish were placed in separate groups.

Niche/habitat preference and feeding behaviour were used as criteria for grouping fast moving, mid-water carnivores together, such as jack, barracuda, tarpon and mackerel, while more sedentary ambush predators (Grouper and Squirrelfish) were placed in a separate group. Bottom feeding goatfish, flounders and rays were assigned to their own group. The category of “Other Fishes” contained much smaller or schooling species such as the Chromis, Grammas and gobies.

A total of 11,705 fish were recorded across the three reef areas, with 5,612 at Soto’s Reef, 5,008 at Balboa and 1,085 at Eden Rock. The majority of the fishes (86.3%) were found in the juvenile (<0.5 cm; 6-10 cm) and intermediate phase (11-20 cm) size classes (Table 3.6).

The average density of fish across all three sites was estimated at 2.17 fish/m2 ,compared to the average value of 1.3 fish/m2 reported by Bruckner (2010) for the Cayman Islands . There were differences between fish density numbers at each site: on Soto and Balboa reefs the densities were 2.7 and 3.1 fish/m2 respectively, compared to 1/m2 at Eden Rock. The difference can be explained, in part by the lower sampling effort at Eden Rock and by the complexity of the site. Transects were sampled primarily on top of spurs where fish were more likely to disperse in response to the presence of divers.

Table 3.6 Numbers of fishes recorded along belt transects in each size class, based on 13 functional groups. “Other” includes 11 species

Total Numbers of Fishes < 0-5

cm 6-10 cm

11-20 cm 21-30 cm 31-40 cm >40 cm


Angelfish_ Butterflyfish 63 83 28 6 0 0 180

Grunt_Bass_ Hamlet 57 109 36 4 1 1 208

Parrotfish 452 486 227 61 16 1 1243

Grouper_Hind_ Squirrel_Soapfish

11 88 63 15 1 5 183

Snapper 158 267 415 23 6 3 872

Moray 0 0 1 1 0 4 6

Wrasse & Surgeonfish 876 820 41 7 1 6 1751

Trumpetfish_ Filefish 7 2 1 1 0 9 20

Porcupine_ Trunkfish_ Pufferfish

98 32 3 1 0 2 136

Damselfish 867 992 11 0 0 0 1870

Goatfish_Flounder_Rays 13 26 42 0 1 1 83

Jack_Chub_Barracuda_ Mackerel_Tarpon

80 4 453 67 3 34 641

Other Fishes 1574 2935 3 0 0 0 4512

SUM 4256 5844 1324 186 29 66 11705



The distribution of fishes between the smaller and intermediate size classes was similar at Soto and Balboa Reefs (Figure 3.10). Higher fish densities were recorded in the smaller size classes and represented by the large numbers of parrotfish, wrasse and other (Blue Chromis) fish. At Balboa Reefs, especially the sites closer to shore, fewer apex predators were observed compared to Soto Reef and Eden Rock. This observation can be attributed to the relatively lower habitat complexity of the inshore patch reef area.

Figure 3.10 Size class distribution of fish species recorded in belt transects on reefs adjacent George Town Harbour, Grand Cayman

All species were pooled into six size classes and their relative abundance examined as a percentage of the total numbers of fish at each site. The largest numbers of fish species were seen in the <2in (5cm) and 2-4in (6-10cm) size classes (Table 3.6). Apart from the generally smaller species such as blue chromis (11%), surgeonfish (15%), damselfish (16%) and parrotfish (11%l), the larger predators



such as snapper (7.5%) and tarpon (5.5%l) were still well represented (from the larger size classes) despite their apparently low numbers (Figure 3.11).

Figure 3.11 Relative abundance of fish /m2 at the three reef sites as a % of the total number of fish

When examined by reef site, the difference in the size structure of certain functional groups was even more evident. For parrotfish, a much higher proportion of juveniles ( <2in and 2-4in) and small IP fishes (4-8in, 11-20cm) were observed on Soto’s Reef compared to Balboa Reefs, and certainly at Eden Rock where they were almost non-existent. The 12-16in (31-40cm) size class was the least well represented size class of the fish observed at all sites.

Snapper populations on Soto’s and particularly Balboa reefs had more individuals in larger size classes (4-8in, 11-20cm) than at Eden Rock where they were few in number and smaller in size. As expected, wrasse, damselfish and other fish (Chromis) were abundant at all locations, particularly at Soto’s Reef; at each site (Figure 3.12 to Figure 3.14) these species represent the majority of the fish in the small size class.



Figure 3.12 Soto’s Reef - Relative abundances of size classes based on total numbers of fish recorded



Figure 3.13 Balboa - Relative Abundances of Size Classes based on total numbers of fish recorded



Figure 3.14 Eden Rock - Relative abundances of size classes based on total numbers of fish recorded

3.2.5 Rugosity

The physical structure of a coral reef habitat fundamentally influences its associated biodiversity and ecosystem function with more complex habitats fostering species coexistence through niche partitioning and provision of refuges from predators and environmental stressors (Alvarez-Filip et al. 2009). Ecological habitats with greater structural complexity provide niche diversity capable of supporting greater species diversity compared to flattened reefscapes. This is especially apparent on GTH reefs where coral mounds aggregate into spurs to give the reefs their morphology and three dimensional complexity. A positive relationship exists between fish species diversity and abundance, and reef areas with the greatest topographical relief and structural complexity (Risk 1971). Structural complexity is typically measured with a reef rugosity index, which is the ratio of a straight line transect to the distance a flexible chain of equal length travels when draped over the reef substrate (Dustan et al. 2013).



The rugosity index is typically classified into three categories, low (≤0.170), moderate (0.170 ≤ 0.275) and high (>0.275) (Faud 2010). In GTH, rugosity values ranged from 0.18 to 0.79 across all transect sites. The average rugosity value at Soto’s Reefs was 0.42 (SD +/- 0.1), 0.47 (SD +/- 0.09) for the reefs in the vicinity of the Balboa Reef, and 0.58 (SD +/- 0.2) at Eden rock. According to Table 3.7, average rugosity at all the sampling sites falls into the high rugosity value except at T1 where the rugosity reflected a more moderate topography.

Table 3.7 Average rugosity index values for all transect sites sampled. The depth values reflect the maximum depth at each site and the recorded depth on top of spurs provides an estimate of spur heights

Site Name Depth (Top of spur) (m) Max Depth (m) Average Rugosity Index

T1 5.5 7.6 0.27 T2 8.5 11.9 0.37 T3 4.6 7.6 0.51 T4 5.8 8.5 0.40 T5 4.6 9.1 0.47 T14 4.3 6.7 0.48 T8 6.1 7.6 0.50 T9 4.6 7.0 0.53 T10 4.0 7.6 0.47 T11 3.7 4.9 0.39 T12 4.6 7.6 0.47 T13 3.0 10.7 0.58

3.2.6 Marine Protected Area

In 1986, several marine conservation laws were enacted on the Cayman Islands in response to unprecedented coastal development. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were created with areas that were designated as marine parks, environmental areas and replenishment zones. Restricted fishing for Nassau grouper at known or potential spawning aggregation sites was also instituted. Along with grouper, lobster (Panulirus argus), conch (Strombus gigas), whelk (Cittarium pica) and several other species were also protected (Cayman Islands Department of Environment, http://www.doe.ky).

Despite it being a multi-use area (i.e. port facility, mooring area, water-sport recreational area, Marine Park, etc.) the reefs in George Town Harbour show remarkable resilience. A benefit of GTH reefs being located within the confines of the marine park is that the de facto fisheries restrictions in the harbour have kept the fish abundance and diversity relatively high. A study assessing the efficacy of the Grand Cayman MPA system examined the “Reserve effect” and the “Spillover” affects to areas outside the MPA (McCoy et al. 2009). The results of their study showed higher fish biomass within MPAs and the exportation of individuals from protected to surrounding areas, thus confirming the value of this resource management strategy. Given that there is not a fishery per se in GTH, the protected status may be contributing to fish populations within the harbour on reef areas outside of GTH.

The value of the ecosystem service provided by GTH reefs is in the role they play providing habitat and spatial heterogeneity that is essential for fish and other reef fauna. Rugosity is frequently used as an indicator of habitat complexity, and appears to be strongly correlated with fish species richness (Alvarez-Filip et al. 2009). Seascape connectivity provides a patchwork of habitat types that are



critical foraging areas, nurseries, and refuge for fish and invertebrates within the marine protected areas on the west side of the island.

3.2.7 Functional Connectivity

The heterogenous reefscape in GTH reefs provides functional connectivity between the reefs north of Soto’s Reef (i.e. 7 Mile Beach) with reef areas in the harbour and that south of the harbour. Functional connectivity describes the degree to which the reefscape characteristics enable or impede movement of fauna among reef patches within and between habitat areas (Taylor et al. 1993). Factors such as distribution of patch reefs, rugosity, quality of habitat and the travel distance between reef patches all influence functional connectivity.

Demographic connectivity refers to the long-distance dispersal of larvae by oceanographic currents which allows for genetic mixing among fragmented local marine populations (Planes et al. 2009); whereas functional connectivity refers to the degree to which a reefscape configuration enables or hinders movement of individuals between patches (Turgeon et al. 2010). The spatial configuration and the quality of the habitat, as well as species specific characteristics such as mobility, habitat range, sex, life stage, all influence how a species behaves in and responds to its habitat. Coral reefs are naturally fragmented habitats made up of solid, architecturally complex reef structures, separated by low-complexity substrata such as rubble and sandy gaps which offer less protection and are associated with higher predation risk (e.g. the scattered patch reefs between the Balboa reefs to Eden Rock). In heterogeneous reefscapes such as are found in GTH, roving fauna encounter habitat patches differing in food quality and predation risk which influence how they move within and between habitat patches. Substrate rugosity and shorter travel distance between reef sections and patch reefs provide greater safety and allow for migration between reef areas.

Functional connectivity has important implications for the functioning of marine protected areas on the island’s west side because spatially clustered segments allow for ecological linkages including migration of individuals during developmental stages as well as during diurnal migration of fauna between habitats (Mumby and Harborne 2006). This is especially relevant for fish species such as snapper (Family Lutjanidae), grunts (Haemulidae) and parrot fish (Scaridae) species as they move from nursery grounds to their adult reef habitats (Mumby 2006), and for fish which move between their foraging grounds and their resting habitats on coral reefs (Burke 1995).

4 Economic Valuation of Goods and Services Healthy coral reefs provide ecosystem goods and services, including: provisioning services, shoreline protection, cultural (recreation and tourism), and existence value. In contrast, unhealthy or degraded reefs are linked to a decline in the natural resources upon which local people are dependent. Based on a preliminary resource valuation, the economic benefit derived from the reefs that lie within the bounds of George Town Harbour has been estimated to be between US$23-26M/year (Refer to Appendix J.2). In contrast, the cost of damages and the cost for coral restoration has been estimated to be between US$239-1,000/m2 (PIANC 2010, Appendix 9, Carnival Damage Cost).

5 Environmental Assessment of Project Options Several cruise berthing facility (CBF) design options were evaluated, and the final option selected on the basis of “avoiding construction in deep waters, while at the same time maintaining a good alignment to the prevailing wind and wave conditions “ (GCI-TOR 2013, p.2). Environmental damage, specifically destruction of the coral reef is inevitable under all CBF design options considered; however, the option selection process took into consideration minimizing direct impact



(destruction of the reef) while ensuring that operational requirements, from the cruise lines’ perspective were met.

The dredge footprint and the estimated reef area affected under option A, B_NE, B_Refined, and option C are summarized in Table 5.1, Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 . The original option (MM7D) called for extensive dredging that would have removed a substantial portion of Soto’s reef (17 ha), and compromised the coastal protection offered by these reefs, especially during nor’westers. In an effort to decrease the need for dredging and the subsequent destruction of the reefs in this area, other design options were put forth. Option A which is similar in impact to MM7D, with a dredge footprint of 15 ha of which 7 ha is coral reef, would have less of an impact on Soto’s Reef and would preserve the coastal protection offered by these reefs (Figure 5.1i). Under option A, 7 ha of coral reef would be impacted directly by dredging, relative to 8 ha under option MM7D.

Variants of Option B (B_NE and B_ Refined) were put for the as “least impact” options with ~1.2 and 1.5 ha of reef areas to be affected by dredging and construction (i.e. area including pilings and piers) (Figure 5.1 ii and iii). Variants of Option B are favourable from an environmental perspective because they minimize direct damage to the reefs while preserving the ecosystem functionality.

Table 5.1 Project layouts were analysed to estimate the surface area of the reef substrate within the respective dredge footprints

% Coral 




OptionMM7D Option A

Option B 


Option B Shift 


Option C  


Dredge footprint (ha)10‐30% 17.3 15.3 1.5 1.2 12.6

Mixed patch reef (ha)10‐15% 3.2 3.5 0.7 0.7 3.2

Spur and groove (ha) 14‐30% 5.1 3.8 0.9 0.5 2.8

Coral  reef area in the dredge footprint (ha)10‐30% 8.4 7.3 1.6 1.2 6

High Impact Zone (ha)*

Reef area located within  ~200 m of the dredge footprint 14‐30% 6‐7 6‐7 6‐7 6‐7 6‐7

Dredge footprint (acres)42.8 37.8 3.7 3 31.2

Coral  reef area in the dredge footprint (acres)10‐30% 19.8 18 3.9 3 14.8

High Impact Zone (acres)

 Reef area located within  ~200 m of the dredge footprint  14‐30% 15‐17 15‐17 15‐17 15‐17 15‐17

(%) of reef area dredged64.6 56.2 12.3 9.2 46.2

*High Impact Zone : Based on plume model studies (refer to Chapter 11), it is estimated that an additional 6‐7 hectares (orange), primarily reefs located 

within ~200m of the project footprint, (i.e. Soto’s Reef, Eden Rock and possibly Devil’s Grotto) will be subjected to extended periods of lethal/sub‐lethal 

sedimentation and turbidity (shading) during the dredging and construction phases of the project and to chronic sediment re‐suspension during the 

operational phase (Figure 16.13). High coral mortality is likely.


Figure 5.1 Project layouts were analysed to estimate the reef substrate surface area within each of the dredge footprints

I. Option A

This option would destroy the Balboa Reef (T8-T12) and a segment of Soto’s Reef. The reef area within the dredge footprint is a combination of low relief, fragmented patch reefs and high well developed spurs with healthy coral cover ranging from 13-29%. The required dredging would directly destroy 72,324 m² (7ha) of the reef area as well as the wreck of the Balboa and the associated coral community, including extensive settlement by gorgonians and corals.

Given its proximity to the southern arm of the pier, deleterious effects can be expected for T13 (e.g. Eden Rock) during dredging (stress from sedimentation).The proximity of the northern arm of the pier to T1 poses a potential risk to the site from operation during rough (north-westerly) weather (e.g. mooring /pier/line failure). The proximity of Soto’s Reef to the dredge footprint would expose the area to stress associated with chronic sedimentation and decreased water quality, both during construction and operational phases of the project.


II. Option B Least Impact

This layout represents the “least impact” option. The reef area within the dredge footprint covers 1.2 ha. This option would have the smallest dredging footprint, with the least direct damage to the reefs. The objective of this layout was to minimize direct damage to the reefs by reducing the need to dredge and by placing the piers away from the reefs thereby further reducing the potential for direct damage. The pilings used to support the piers would not impact on the functional connectivity of the area. Option B (both variants), while minimising the amount of dredging relative to the other options, still require dredging that would destroy part of T12, a very healthy reef, the wreck of the Balboa and part of T10 (Option B-Refined). As with other options, the proximity of reef areas to any type of dredging and construction is of concern.

III. Option B Refined

The reef area within the dredge footprint and under piers is estimated to cover approximately 1.5 ha. This option was one of the three that were presented to the cruise lines.

For Options B and B_Refined, coral relocation could be used to save the corals within the dredge footprint and to offset some of the damage caused by dredging and construction.



Option C was selected based primarily on operational and financial considerations. The footprint for Option C is approximately 33 acres (13 hectares), including approximately 15 acres (6 hectares) of “coral reef habitat” and the wreck of the Balboa (i.e. Balboa Reefs), as characterized by transects T8, T9, T10, T11, T12 (red areas in Figure 5.2). This includes hard pan and sandy bottom areas located amongst/between the intermittent reef features, as these areas are part of the functional ecosystem within the project footprint. The estimated extent of “coral substrate” within the project footprint that could be harvested for relocation is approximately 10 acres (4 hectares), including approximately 7 acres (3 hectares) of spurs, plus patch reef areas and individual coral heads (refer to Figure 5.3).

The proximity of the dredge area to Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock is a serious concern. Dredging may cause direct damage to the reef formations in these areas, and may also impede the implementation of mitigation measures (silt curtains may drift onto the reef formations during moderate to rough wave conditions).

Further, it is estimated that an additional 15-20 acres (6-8 hectares) of “coral reef habitat” located within 660 ft (~200 m) of the project footprint (i.e. Soto’s Reef, Eden Rock and possibly Devil’s Grotto) will be subjected to extended periods of lethal/sub-lethal sedimentation and turbidity during dredging, and to chronic sediment re-suspension during the operational phase; these areas are designated as high-impact zones (orange areas in Figure 5.2) where high coral mortality is likely.

The assessments of impacts under Option C are discussed in detail in Section 6.

Figure 5.2 Estimated spatial extent of “coral reef habitat” that will be subject to direct and indirect impacts due to project construction and operation (high impact zone was based on dredge plume modelling described in Appendix D.2)



Figure 5.3 Estimated spatial extent of “coral substrate” within project footprint that could be harvested for relocation



6 Assessment of Impacts The proposed cruise berthing facility (CBF) in George Town Harbour (GTH) requires dredging to allow for the construction of near-shore berthing facilities which include the expansion of the existing terminal and the addition of two piers. Coastal infrastructure projects such as the proposed CBF can lead to conflicting priorities between coral conservation and economic considerations. While the economic benefits are easily projected, the negative effects, direct, indirect and cumulative, are harder to quantify. In the case of the CBF, there are concerns that the required dredging, land reclamation and construction activities will not only result in the loss of coral habitat within the project footprint but will also create chronic stress which will result in gradual degradation of nearby reefs.

The extent of damage and the severity of the impacts resulting from dredging and construction are determined by the location and scale of the project, the nature of the resources within the project footprint, the capacity of the environment to absorb and recover from these impacts, the dredging and construction techniques, and the mitigation measures implemented throughout the various phases of the project (PIANC 2010). In accordance with the Terms of Reference, anticipated impacts within the project footprint are discussed for the various phases of the project’s life cycle including the following:

1. Dredging phase

2. Construction phase

3. Operational phase

4. Other impacts-Influence of climate change on marine ecology

6.1 Dredging Impacts Dredging is an essential component of the CBF port construction, however, it constitutes a “major impact vector”(PIANC 2010) because of the corals within and adjacent to the project footprint. Coral reefs are complex three dimensional geological structures formed from the deposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 or aragonite) by corals, coralline algae and other living organisms. These formations are robust and capable of withstanding storms, climatic change and sea level change; however, they are less resilient in the face of anthropogenic stressors. When dredged coral substrate disintegrates into fine particles the resulting colloidal cloud is released into the water column where it can stay in suspension for a long time, and can disperse over large areas under the action of currents, wind and waves (PIANC 2010). The Hydrodynamics and Hydrodynamics and Dredge Plume Modeling section of the EIA presents investigations and mapping of the dredge plume under different flow regimes. Both sedimentation rate (mg/cm2/d) and turbidity (mg/L) are presented.

The overall footprint for the final project layout covers approximately 33 acres (13 hectares) of seabed, of which approximately 10 acres (4 hectares), or 30% of the total footprint, is comprised of “coral substrate” (refer to Figure 6.1). Dredging activities will result in physical and biological changes in the harbour, resulting in direct impacts within the project footprint and indirect impacts on adjacent reefs. Specific environmental impacts of dredging will include the removal/destruction of living coral and associated benthic flora and fauna, destruction or alteration of benthic habitats, removal of feeding and spawning areas, increased turbidity (shading), siltation and deposition of re-suspended fine sediments on nearby coral reefs.



Figure 6.1 Final project layout covers 33 acres of seabed (left), including 10 acres (4 hectares) of coral substrate (right)

6.1.1 Turbidity and Sediment Dispersal

The sedimentation and turbidity impacts associated with the dredging operations are expected to have both short and long term negative impacts on nearby coral reefs. Specific environmental impacts of dredging may include:

Increased turbidity causing decrease in light penetration and smothering of coral;

Short-term decreases in dissolved oxygen levels due to excessive sedimentation;

Dispersal of sediment from the dredge area onto nearby coral reefs (Refer to Appendix D.2);

Release of contaminants from sediment and the ensuing uptake by fish and other biota;

Accidental leaks or spills of dredged materials from equipment during dredging.

While turbidity and sedimentation can be contained to a certain extent, consideration must also be given to the current regimes, which could compromise the efficacy of the sediment curtains by dispersing the fine sediments over nearby coral reefs. In contrast to the short-term impacts from dredging activities, sedimentation and turbidity created by ship propellers and thrusters represent a chronic impact which could affect the water quality in the long term due to the repeated re-suspension of sediments. Flora and fauna, particularly sessile organisms would suffer under conditions that promoted chronic re-suspension of sediments.

6.1.2 Disposal of Dredge Material

Disposal of dredge spoil may cause impacts similar to those associated with the dredging operation. The project plan calls for both onshore use of de-watered spoil as dredge fill and offshore disposal



of dredge material at a location to be determined and approved by appropriate regulatory bodies. The impacts associated with disposal of dredge material in the open sea include turbidity in the water column, smothering of flora and fauna in/around the disposal zone and the possible settlement of dredge spoil over a larger area. Inadvertent spillage or leakage of dredge material, over coral reefs during transit also presents a potential impact (Refer to Appendix D.2).

6.1.3 Impacts of Dredging on Corals

Turbidity refers to the amount of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the water column and the consequent impact of light attenuation (shading) on substrate biota. It is measured via Total Suspended Solids (TSS) as mg/l or NTU’s. Where suspended sediments contain dissolved organic compounds, the impact on biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) can exacerbate the effects on benthic biota within the dredge plume footprint. Sedimentation rate (mg/cm2/day) is defined as the deposition of particulate material onto the substrate. Particles may originate as dredged material, as existing benthic material re-suspended from the seafloor by rough weather or by ship thrusters, or as new imports from terrestrial runoff.

Neither turbidity nor sedimentation constitute biological responses yet the extent of their presence in a reef environment provide lethal and sub-lethal indicators of stress considering their capacity to damage coral tissue. Given the proximity of Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock to the dredging footprint, the following are expected immediate and delayed responses of corals to increased suspended sediment concentrations due to dredging.

Direct loss of coral due to dredging The most obvious and direct impact of dredging is the actual destruction of coral within the project footprint due to the digging/cutting action of the dredge.

Loss of live coral cover and changes in species composition Tolerance limits of corals to turbidity are species-specific and are also influenced by local conditions. Some of the variability in coral response to increases in turbidity and sedimentation can be attributed to coral morphology and spatial orientation, species specific mechanisms for removal of sediment removal, but also to the baseline environmental conditions, the frequency/duration of sedimentation events and the nature of suspended sediments.

In terms of coral species susceptibility to suspended solids, 64% of the coral cover in GTH is represented by species sensitive to sedimentation, including the dominant species, Orbicella and Agaricia species. Other species have an intermediate tolerance and may withstand continuous high levels of particulate stress for a short period of time before succumbing, partially or in full, to the stress. With the exception of P. astreoides the most stress tolerant species are also the least abundant.

High sediment fluxes, be they episodic or chronic in nature, can decrease coral cover and species diversity reflecting species specific tolerance responses. Excessive turbidity and sedimentation due to dredging represent a major stress on coral systems which can impact negatively on the long term resilience of the system. The decline of a reef system under sediment stress proceeds in a series of steps:

Light attenuation due to water turbidity causes shifts in the coral community functioning.

Direct deposition of sediment on coral heads results in a selective loss of coral species that are less tolerant to sediment loading. Over time, this may results in further shifts in assemblage patterns.

Increased potential for further loss of coral cover and a shift in the dominance to species tolerant to high sedimentation.



The dead coral areas become overgrown with an algal-sediment mat and the total available space for coral larvae attachment or asexual coral head expansion is reduced.

Increased susceptibility to pathogens.

Photo-physiological stress and coral mortality Light attenuation is a significant sediment-related effect of dredging on corals, resulting in a decline in photosynthetic productivity. Hard corals form a symbiotic relationship with unicellular algae, commonly referred to as zooxanthellae (genus Symbiodinium). Zooxanthellae are photosynthetically active and transfer up to 90% of the photosynthate to the coral host (Muscatine et al. 1984), providing the energy required for coral calcification. Photo-physiological stress occurs within hours of exposure to elevated suspended solids concentrations, and may lead to reduced fitness of coral colonies or even mortality if the stress persists.

Smothering and mucus productions The amount of sediment accumulation reflects the rates, the type of sediment and the duration of sedimentation, as well as wave/current regimes. The capacity of coral colonies to withstand increased sedimentation depends on the ability of the corals to clear their surfaces of sediments and on the sediment type. While larger sand-sized particles are harder to remove, an accumulation of fine silt on coral surfaces over a given period of time is likely to cause more damage. Corals have a variety of mechanisms, both active and passive, for coping with sediments: they use their tentacles and cilia to brush off fine particles, changing the shape of their surface through stomedial distensions by uptake of water, and capturing of particles in mucus which later sloughs off the colony surface (Rogers 1990). Species specific differences in the ability to reject sediments can be attributed, in part, to differences in calyx and colony morphologies. In general, the stresses due to the settling of particulate matter on coral surface relate to decreased levels of photosynthesis and concurrent increased energy costs associated with elevated rates of respiration due to excessive mucous production and ciliary action required to reject sediments from coral surfaces.

Reduced coral fitness and reduced coral recruitment Delayed non-lethal effects of prolonged exposure to attenuating light conditions, include decreased net productivity of corals, decreased skeletal growth, calcification and tissue regeneration (Meesters and Bak 1993), and decreased resistance to disease (Lesser 2007). The overall reduction in coral fitness due to turbid conditions can lead to delayed mortality of individual colonies, and to subsequent decrease in coral abundance and diversity. Reduced growth rates can aggravate any injuries already present, and decrease the capacity of corals to compete favourably for space with other reef benthos like macroalgae and sponges. Furthermore, increases in sediment input (either in suspension or as accumulating particles) can radically alter the distributions of reef organisms by influencing the ability of their larvae to settle and survive.

Bleaching and coral mortality Bleaching can occur in response to various stressors including prolonged exposure to increased suspended sediment levels. Coral bleaching occurs in corals when the densities of zooxanthellae and/or the concentration of photosynthetic pigments within the zooxanthellae decline. When corals bleach they commonly lose 60-90% of their zooxanthellae and each zooxanthella may lose 50-80% of its photosynthetic pigments (Glynn 1996). If the increased turbidity and sedimentation are short-lived, and the bleaching is not too severe the affected corals usually regain their symbiotic algae within several weeks or a few months. If, however, turbidity and sedimentation persist or become chronic in nature and depleted zooxanthellae populations do not recover, then coral mortality is inevitable.

Increased susceptibility to disease There is a direct link between turbidity and sedimentation due to dredging and increased disease prevalence on adjacent reefs (Pollock et al. 2014). With dredging works anticipated to last 6-12



weeks, the increased turbidity and the resulting stress may make the corals on Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock more susceptible to pathogens associated with coral disease.

6.1.4 Impacts of Dredging on the Coral Reef Habitat

The response of coral reef communities to dredging and port construction depends on the severity and duration of impacts, as well as the baseline ecological conditions of the coral reef community (PIANC 2010). In the case of GTH reef, the reefs are relatively healthy, which is reflected in the biodiversity of the area, the observed coral cover, and the fish populations described in Section 3.2.4. The reefs show resilience in the face of multiple anthropogenic and natural stressors. The anticipated impacts of dredging on the coral community in GTH will be both direct and indirect:

Immediate loss of coral and loss of habitat within the project footprint (direct).

The response of nearby coral reef communities to both transient and permanent impacts resulting from dredging, construction activities and project operations (indirect).

Port dredging and coastal development have negative effects on reef habitats within the project footprint, and carry with them an inherent risk of further ecosystem degradation from factors such as sediment re-suspension, increased water column turbidity, increased nutrient loading and risk of collision damage.

In the context of the CBF, it must be stressed that the proposed dredging and development will destroy a section of a reef that is part of a larger reef continuum that spans the whole western side of the island. We caution against looking specifically at the affected reef area that will be destroyed as the sole measure of impact; this is misleading as it does not account for the disturbance to the immediate marine benthic habitats or for the loss of connectivity of reefs within the marine park, and specifically the degradation of the ecological functionality. Examination of the dredge plume model results suggest that a buffer of 330-660 ft (100-200 m) (high intensity area) should be added to the direct impact area (project footprint) to more accurately represent the reef areas that will be under immediate threat from dredging and construction (Refer to Appendix D.2). Approximately 15-20 acres (6-8 hectares) of reefs that are located in the immediate vicinity of the project footprint will be subjected to a gradient of stress from prolonged exposure to increased turbidity and sedimentation during dredging, construction and operational phases of the project. Anticipated impacts due to dredging are discussed below.

Loss of habitat and habitat complexity Construction of the cruise berthing facility (CBF) in George Town Harbour (GTH) will result in the destruction of corals within the project footprint but it will also impact nearby reef areas, namely Soto’s Reef to the north, and Eden Rock and Devil’s Grotto to the south. Habitat loss has been generally associated with drastic declines in overall abundance and diversity of marine organisms. Generally, the environmental changes associated with the destruction of natural habitats promote the colonization and proliferation of opportunistic species that benefit from disturbed conditions. The effects of habitat loss include:

Coral mortality and loss of habitat complexity Prolonged exposure to high turbidity and sedimentation, during and post-construction can lead to extensive coral mortality. The resulting species and phase shifts can alter the composition and the function of reef communities. Where coral mortality is significant, physical and biological erosion can further weaken the reef structure and break down the three dimensional reef framework, resulting in net reef erosion (Sheppard et al. 2002).



Loss of ecosystem functions provided by the habitat Structurally complex habitats such as coral reefs provide a wide range of ecosystem functions to the environment including nursery grounds, food and refuge provision for other species (fish and invertebrates), sediment trapping, modifying light and hydrodynamic conditions, all of which contribute to the resilience of the system. Habitat loss implies the loss of these resources which would have a negative effect on the productivity of individual species or communities, and possibly the survival of other species. The capacity of reefs to continue to perform key ecosystem functions (e.g. refuge provision, and coastal protection) depends on whether reef architecture persists following the loss of live coral. When the underlying habitat structure is lost ecosystem functions are lost with them.

Loss of coral biodiversity For reef fauna, species richness, abundance and biomass of coral reef fishes and invertebrates are influenced by the complexity of the habitat (Graham and Nash 2013). Stressors such as elevated turbidity and sedimentation can have negative effects on species richness and abundance due to mortality and the subsequent reduction in coral cover, and reduced coral recruitment (Rogers 1990). The required dredging for CBF will not only destroy the corals within the dredge footprint, but the resulting turbidity and sedimentation during dredging will affect highly susceptible coral species, such as Orbicella and Acropora species which are deemed threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Other sessile and mobile species, whose habitat range is within the affected area, will also be subject to sedimentation stress. Following the dredging, the species composition is likely to change from primary framework reef-builders, especially Orbicella annularis, Colpophyllia natans, and Diploria sp., to high sediment-resistant species like Porites astroides, Siderastrea siderea at the stressed reefs.

Loss of fish biodiversity Fish species richness and abundance tend to be associated with reef areas which provide the greatest topographical relief and structural complexity. The loss of architectural complexity due to post-dredging degradation of GTH reefs may drive a decline in diversity of habitat specialists and compromise fisheries abundance and productivity (Graham et al. 2007). Excessive sedimentation can further alter the complex interactions between fish and their reef habitat. Declines in live coral cover and rugosity of the reef are associated with a reduction in both the number of fish species as well as in the abundance of fish. Siltation can also affect recruitment of other species. For example, increased siltation in marine environments is detrimental to post- larval settlement of the spiny lobster (Panulirus agrus), a species found throughout GTH.

Habitat fragmentation and loss of functional connectivity The dredging of the GTH reefs will result in habitat fragmentation of reef area that currently supports a healthy coral reef community. Dredging will compromise the integrity of a network of reefs that connects the reefs north of Soto’s Reef and south of Eden rock (see section 3.2.7) by creating a gap of 1,600-2,000 ft (500-600 m) which will negatively impact the functional connectivity of the area with implications for fish and invertebrate migratory pathways as well as population dynamics. For many reef fish, large open sandy substrates impede movement between reef areas. Large sandy areas act as a barrier and the probability of crossing this barrier decreases as the width increases (Turgeon et al. 2010). Reef fish tend to respond to large open areas through avoidance, rarely moving between reef areas that separated by gaps of 20-110yds. In experimental studies it has been shown that movements for both adult and juvenile reef fish dropped sharply at gap distances between 15-65 ft (5-20 m). The destruction of fish habitat, spawning and feeding grounds, and the disruption of fish migration routes represents a direct long-term negative impact to the fish community in the harbour.

Loss of the Balboa Most of the development options presented call for dredging at the present location of the Balboa. Further investigations need to be carried out at this site with regard to the feasibility of relocating this



wreck which is a designated Archaeological Heritage site. Much of the surface of this wreck supports an extensive population of Gorgonians and sponges. These species play an important role in removing suspended particulate matter from the water column thereby helping to maintain water clarity in the near-shore area.

Loss of ecosystem goods and services The Marine Resource Valuation Report (Refer to Appendix J.2) estimates the value of goods and services provided by the GTH reefs as they stand now, and provides an estimate of the expected economic losses due to dredging and subsequent reef degradation. Ecosystem degradation and the loss of biodiversity weaken ecosystem functioning and resilience, thereby compromising the ability of the ecosystem to continue supporting ecosystem-related goods and services for present and future generations (de Groot et al. 2012). The loss of architectural complexity on the reefs in GTH is likely to have serious long-term consequences on reef biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and associated environmental services, such as fisheries productivity, biodiversity and functional connectivity.

6.2 Construction Phase Impacts In addition to dredging and offshore disposal, two other aspects of the project’s construction phase have been identified as having significant potential to impact the receiving environments in the vicinity of the project footprint:

Land reclamation for and the construction of the landside port facility;

Installation of the pilings and construction of piers.

6.2.1 Use of Dredge Material for Land Reclamation

As previously noted, elevated levels of suspended solids are likely during dredging, as well as during transportation of the material to the reclamation and offshore disposal sites; this can be caused by overflow from barges (or leakage from pipelines. Furthermore, the use of dredge material for land reclamation raises concerns of additional sediment loading into harbour waters that could potentially spread over nearby reefs, adding to the already high turbidity and sedimentation levels that the reefs will be exposed to during dredging

6.2.2 Dewatering of Dredge Material

Dewatering (i.e. the process of draining the water and fine sediments from transport barges and from land reclamation) has the potential to create massive turbidity plumes of suspended sediments in the water column, which could then settle onto the nearby reefs to smother the reef flora and fauna. The inherent risk of containment structures (e.g. bunds) rupturing poses an additional threat to near-shore reef habitats, from excessive volumes of sediment laden dredge material (i.e. exceedance of sediment thresholds).

6.2.3 Infrastructure Construction

The proposed development entails the construction of the cruise ship terminal, piers and associated infrastructure. Impacts to the ecology of the area resulting from the activities associated with the proposed landside development may involve the following:

Installation of pilings and construction of piers The construction of the piers on pilings has been chosen as least damaging design to the marine environment, however, there are several concerns, including:

Damage from the placement of the anchors/spuds of the barge that holds the vibratory pile driver. Given the proximity of the project footprint to adjacent reefs, improper anchorage



and the risk grounding by the barge pose potential risks to the marine environment (e.g. damage to Soto’s Reef).

Potential negative effects of the sound/vibration produced during pile driving on marine fauna. Un-attenuated pile strikes can produce a sound pressure level around 180 dB RMS at a distance of 650-1,000 ft (200-300 m) (California Department of Transportation 2009)3. Exposure to low levels of sound for a relatively long period of time, or exposure to higher levels of sound for shorter periods of time, may result in auditory tissue damage in fish, though recovery is generally possible within 24 hours (Popper et al. 2005). Oscillations induced by high sound pressure levels can cause swim bladders in fishes to rupture (Hastings and Popper 2005). It is likely that most species of fish would swim away from an intense sound source, thereby decreasing exposure to sound; however, larvae and eggs of fish (and also corals) are often at the mercy of currents or move very slowly.

Damage to marine life, alteration of local currents and sediment fluxes.

Structures constructed in the ocean may alter localized currents, resulting in settling out of sediments carried by currents. Water currents and sediment fluxes will change resulting in increased sedimentation rates on nearby reefs which may affect the marine flora and fauna in the area.

Potential impacts from the construction of the pier and the terminal Any construction activities near water, especially the pouring of concrete and placement of scaffolding, where the debris can be washed or swept into the water, can contribute to the degradation of adjacent reefs (i.e. Soto’s Reef, Eden Rock, Seven Mile Beach, etc.).

Change in drainage patterns and resulting impacts on marine ecology The development of the port facilities and the onsite storage of building materials as well as modified drainage patterns have the potential to release larger volumes of sediment laden water into sensitive near shore habitats during heavy rains, especially during the construction phase (See Storm Water Study). The resulting turbidity and sedimentation would negatively impact the inshore water quality and the associated flora and fauna.

Transportation and storage of construction materials Transportation of heavy machinery and building supplies/materials implies heavy traffic on the roads, and this carries possible negative impact including dust, spillage and emissions. Use of uncovered trucks for transporting construction materials as well as improper storage of materials, especially gravel, sand and cement at the construction site could cause inadvertent dispersal of materials during heavy rains or high wind conditions. This would have a localised negative impact on coastal waters; cement raises the pH of the surrounding seawater considerably (Stark 1955), so pier construction has the potential to affect the relatively well-developed coral communities that exist less than 0.6 mile (1 km) down-current of the construction site. Further, improper storage or handling of hazardous or flammable materials, including fuel, paints and solvents, could result in contamination and eventual leaching (or direct runoff) of these substances into the harbour waters.

Disposal of construction debris Each phase of the development will produce solid waste, the disposal of which, if not managed properly could have negative impacts on the site and the surrounding area. Construction materials including concrete waste, wood, steel and packaging plastics which could be dispersed and could end

3 By comparison, large tankers and naval vessels produce up to 198 dB, depth sounders can produce up to 180 dB and even small boats with large outboard motors can produce sound pressure levels in excess of 175 dB (WSDOT 2006).



up blocking drainage channels or creating direct damage to near-shore flora/fauna if not disposed of at an approved disposal site. Construction wastes are of particular concern in the absence of adequate waste management facilities, as it is difficult to monitor discharges and to ensure that hazardous materials do not end up in sewers or as runoff draining into the harbour.

Sewage and garbage disposal Inadequate provision of portable restrooms and garbage dumpsters at the construction site can lead to unsanitary conditions. Resulting impacts would vary from unsightly littering of the site, fly and vermin infestations to increased nutrient loading of coastal areas. It is essential for development plans to examine the carrying capacity of the existing infrastructure in GTH to ensure that they can meet local demands as well as increased demands during peak tourist season. The main objective is to ensure that the sewage treatment, garbage disposal facilities and associated services are capable of handling increases in capacity and that there is no direct discharge of untreated effluent into the harbour.

6.3 Operational Phase Impacts Operation project impacts arising from cruise ship traffic and increased use of the new port facilities may include:

Maintenance dredging While dredging may be viewed as a short term impact, the possible need for maintenance dredging to remove accumulated sediment in the dredge pocket represents a future/ongoing impact that could potentially expose the reef areas to intermittent stress from dredging related turbidity and sedimentation (Refer to Chapters 10 and 11, and Appendix D.2).

Increased turbidity and sedimentation Increased exposure to repeated propeller wash will result in chronic increase in turbidity and re-suspension of sediments which will contribute to ongoing degradation of nearby reefs.

Ballast water and invasive species Cruise ships rely on quantities of ballast water for vessel stabilization. Ballast water discharge is the leading source of non-native or invasive species that enter shallow marine waters.

Cruise ship sewage – black and grey water discharges Cruise ship black water is typically more concentrated than land based sewage and may contain bacteria, pathogens, diseases and viruses requiring treatment prior to its release. Grey water, which represents the largest proportion of liquid waste generated by cruise ships, includes drainage from dishwashers, showers, laundry, baths, galleys, and washbasins. It can contain pollutants such as faecal coliform, food waste, oil and grease, detergents, shampoos, cleaners, pesticides, heavy metals, and, on some vessels, medical and dental wastes. It is estimated that a typical cruise ship carrying 3,000 passengers and crew produces up to 10 gallons of black water per person per day, or 15,000 to 30,000 gallons per day, and 30 to 85 gallons of grey water per passenger per day per person, or 90,000 to 255,000 gallons per day.

International Regulations prohibit the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage with a faecal coliform bacterial count greater than 200 MPN per 100 ml, or total suspended solids exceeding 150 mg/100 ml within three nautical miles of shore. According to the cruise line industry, black and grey waters are discharged only when underway and not while in ports. These practices are difficult to monitor, thus making it challenging to confirm whether the companies are in compliance with stated industry policies or international regulations.

Contaminated bilge water and accidental pollution events Bilge water may contain oil or petroleum substances resulting from oil spills and leaks occurring during the use and maintenance of on-board mechanical systems. Illegal discharge of bilge/ballast water by cruise vessels in international or coastal waters, as well as oil spills resulting from collisions



and groundings have been documented extensively because they represent a serious threat to pelagic and coastal marine life. Petroleum pollution is known to have adverse effects on coastal ecosystems and their associated inhabitants including marine mammals, sea birds, fish, and plankton and other invertebrates. Juvenile and larval forms of many species are especially vulnerable to even extremely small quantities of hydrocarbons at low concentrations. Exposure of marine flora and fauna to oil and contaminated bilge products, poses a serious threat to the reef community in GTH.

Potential for vessel grounding during ship berthing The operation of vessels closer inshore, especially during Nor’westers, presents a risks of ship collision or grounding (e.g. due to power or steering failure, mooring line breakage or pilot error). Ship groundings can potentially result in flattening of a reef section and destroying the benthic fauna in the impact area. Further damage to the marine environment can be expected from re-suspension of sediments during rescue or salvage operations, as well as from potential oil, fuel or bilge water spills. The inherent risk of future accidents (i.e. damage from cruise ship groundings) represents a long-term threat with potential for direct impacts to the reef habitat.

Impacts of increased tourism Potential impacts from increased tourism on coastal ecosystems include:

Overexploitation of reef resources;

Damage to remaining coral reefs from divers and snorkelers (potential for exceeding carrying capacity);

Inadequate landside facilities to deal with the sewage and solid waste generated by increased tourist traffic;

Additional demands on potable water;

Associated wear and tear on the surrounding environment;

Increased nutrient loading in and contamination of coastal waters (e.g. hydrocarbon pollution, spills).

Exceeding the carrying capacities of marine sites has the potential to further degrade the marine environment that makes GTH an attractive tourist destination. The Grand Cayman Office of Tourism considers that dive sites can support between 4,500 to 5,000 dives per year before the reefs become seriously degraded.

Cumulative effects Impacts from the construction phase of the pier construction and the impacts from operations will permanently alter the ecological landscape of the area. While it is difficult to provide a full assessment of the magnitude of all potential impact, it is important to note the significant potential for long-term negative cumulative effects. Some of these may include:

Impact of severe storm events on the structure. Destruction of all or part of the proposed facility during storms (i.e. high category hurricanes) could potentially generate large amounts of debris to nearby marine and coastal environments.

Increased potential for pollution and nutrient loading of the marine environment from debris generated by increased number of tourists using the facility; debris will end in the harbour waters where they pose a threat to marine fauna (e.g. birds and turtles ingesting or become entangled in plastic debris), or of being dispersed by currents to reef communities further away.



6.4 Influence of Climate Change on Marine Ecology The main threats to coral reefs include: (i) overfishing and destructive fishing practices, (ii) overdevelopment of coastal areas and the resulting habitat destruction / fragmentation, (iii) watershed and marine based pollution, (iv) disease and (v) climate change. According to The Status of Coral Reefs of the World (Wilkinson 2008), approximately 20% of reefs have been destroyed, 35% are threatened or at a critical stage, and the remaining healthy reefs are under impending threat of climate change. Climate change has been linked to increase in coral diseases (Ruiz-Moreno et al. 2012), and reduced coral calcification due to ocean acidification (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). However, the main climate-related threat to coral reefs is coral bleaching caused by abnormally high sea surface temperature (SSTs) coupled with high solar radiation (Eakin et al. 2009).

Bleaching is a stress response characterized by the disruption of the coral-algal symbiosis due either to the degradation of algal pigments or to partial or complete expulsion of zooxanthellae from the coral host (Douglas 2003). Delayed, non-lethal effects of bleaching include diminished rates of skeletal growth, calcification and tissue regeneration (Mendes and Woodley 2002), impaired reproduction (Szmant and Gassman 1990), and decreased resistance to disease (Lesser 2007). The overall reduction in coral fitness due to bleaching can lead to delayed mortality, and to subsequent decrease in coral abundance and diversity (Loya et al. 2001). Reduced growth rates can aggravate any injurious processes already underway, and decrease the capacity of corals to compete favourably for space with macroalgae and sponges. Bleached colonies can recover after mild bleaching episodes, as temperatures return to their normal seasonal values (Charpentier 2014); however, prolonged bleaching can result in extensive coral mortality and even lead local extinction of thermally susceptible species (Glynn 1996).

Although bleaching due to thermal anomalies is not the only cause of reef decline in the Caribbean (Hughes 1994), the increased frequency and intensity of these large-scale, temperature-induced bleaching events since the 1980s represents a serious threat to coral reefs throughout the basin (Obura and Grimsditch 2009). In the Cayman Islands, mass bleaching events were documented in 1983, 1987, 1991, 1994, 1998 , 2003, 2005 and 2010 – some with increasing severity and variable mortality (DaCosta et al. 2009).

Predictions of continued increase in sea surface temperatures (SSTs), in combination with rising sea-level, and increased frequency of severe storm events have the potential to amplify the impacts of localized anthropogenic stressors (e.g. dredging, coastal development, coastal runoff), and can combine synergistically, to reduce local biodiversity and alter or eliminate important ecosystem functions.

Mitigating impacts of climate change is a challenge that calls on cooperation of the international community, but much can be done at the local scale through imperative conservation of coastal habitats, and implementation of sustainable coastal development strategies which minimize damage to these ecosystems.

7 Recommended Mitigation

7.1 Mitigating Construction Impacts The National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) for the Cayman Islands (DaCosta et al. 2009) establishes baseline information on the status of the country’s biodiversity and outlines an approach for achieving the goal of “no net loss of biodiversity” through:

Preservation of key habitats through Habitat Action Plans (HAPs); and



Preservation of key individual species through Species Action Plans (SAPs).

Habitat preservation is listed as the “backbone” of the NBAP, in that “it carries with it the greatest potential for the preservation of the widest variety of species and functioning ecosystems”.

The most effective way to conserve ecosystem biodiversity is to prevent or avoid destruction, conversion or degradation of a habitats (IFC-GN6 2012; IFC-PS6 2012) . However, when damage is unavoidable, mitigation measures may be implemented and are intended to ameliorate the magnitude of the environmental impacts that have been assessed and identified. The recommended mitigation strategies address impacts from the view of:

Compensating for habitat destruction through coral relocation and habitat restoration (described in Appendix 3 of this report);

Minimizing the project impacts identified in Section 6.

7.1.1 Mitigating Loss of Habitat and Biodiversity / Habitat Fragmentation

Construction of the proposed cruise berthing facility (CBF) in GTH will result in the destruction of approximately 15 acres (6 hectares) of “coral reef habitat” which lies within the project footprint, including 10 acres (4 hectares) of “coral substrate”. The resulting impacts may be mitigated, in part, by undertaking coral relocation and habitat restoration measures. A coral relocation project should be considered only after all least-damaging alternatives have been eliminated as viable options.

The primary objective of a coral relocation project is to transplant corals destined for destruction, to a new site that resembles as closely as possible, the environmental conditions of the donor site. The end goal is to replace the destroyed reef area and its functionality, to maximize the likelihood of survival of transplanted material, and to lay the foundation for restoring biodiversity at the recipient site.

Coral transplantation (See Appendix 3) is currently one of the most widely used reef restoration techniques for minimizing or compensating for coral loss from coastal development projects (Precht, 2006)4. A coral relocation and/or habitat restoration plan should aim to:

Harvest (and relocate) the maximum number of coral units within the dredge footprint (focus on frame builders, threatened and rare species) with consideration given to survivability and recruitment potential of relocated corals;

Establish and maintain diversity and coral cover (# of different species to be relocated) at the recipient site;

Replace lost rugosity / habitat structure at the recipient site;

Relocate other reef components (urchins, crustaceans, gorgonians and sponges). Note, special challenges are anticipated for the relocation of gorgonians and sponges due to their size and fragility;

Select a suitable recipient site to maximize chances of acclimatization and long-term survival of transplanted organisms at the new site (depth, light, wave energy, low anthropogenic impact). Selection of the recipient site can address other compensatory objectives:

4 Precht, W.F. (ed.) (2006) Coral Reef Restoration Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton.



o To replace loss of reef area within the bounds of the marine park (e.g. replacement of reef habitat at a ratio of 2:1 of the area lost to dredging.

o Address other considerations identified in the National Biodiversity Action Plan.

Implement a seascape design for recipient site. Spatial and temporal scales need to be examined to determine how the restoration of a coral reef may impact reef-scale processes and adjacent habitats (at and in the vicinity of recipient site). Structural complexity has a large influence on what types of habitat and what fauna will be supported within the reefscape. As such, a restoration plan should not set out to only replace or re-establish the coral cover, but also the underlying structure (reef substrate) which is the foundation of the coral reef community and sets the stage for post-relocation succession. Consideration should be given to:

o Relocation of large pieces of coral substrate (spur sections) to provide structural complexity and rugosity at the recipient site;

o Use of artificial reef structures (e.g. Biorock) and substrate.

7.1.2 Mitigating loss of the Balboa

Most of the project options presented call for dredging at or in the vicinity of the Balboa. Much of the surface of this wreck supports an extensive population of gorgonians and sponges. These species play an important role in removing suspended particulate matter from the water column thereby helping to maintain water clarity in the near-shore area. Further investigation is required to investigate the feasibility of relocating this wreck which is a designated archaeological heritage site; however, the preferred method would involve the lifting and setting down of large elements of the wreck, so as to preserve, as much as possible, the attached flora and fauna.

7.1.3 Mitigating impacts of dredging and disposal of dredge material

Primary impacts identified in Section 6 relate to dredging of the reef substrate and the subsequent effects of elevated sedimentation and turbidity on reefs adjacent to the project footprint. Various mitigation measures can be implemented to minimize sediment release and the spread of the sediment plume during dredging operations. The following are recommended mitigation measures aimed at minimizing the impact of dredging on reefs adjacent to the dredge footprint:

Dredging equipment Use of appropriate dredging equipment and methods can reduce the level of turbidity during dredging operations. Based on various considerations, a mechanical dredge is the most likely candidate to carry out the dredging for this project. The primary source of turbidity with a mechanical dredging operation is spillage as the grab or bucket is hauled through the water column. It is anticipated that the dredging works will take place over a 12-16 week period. The following recommendations are aimed at controlling the amount of sediment released into the harbour waters and onto sensitive reef areas during dredging:

Monitoring and maintaining the dredging equipment in proper state of repair is essential to prevent leakage from equipment, especially the hopper (transportation) barge;

Dredging to a slightly greater depth than required to reduce the need for maintenance dredging;

Minimizing sediment spill by controlling the production rate, and/or by using a closed grab dredge;

Monitoring the turbidity on reefs in the vicinity of dredging with a view of shutting down if critical levels are exceeded;



Placing turbidity barriers around the dredging areas, and if necessary, doubling the barriers.

Silt curtains Additional turbidity plumes can be expected as the dredge material is transferred at the land reclamation site where seepage is inevitable; furthermore offshore plumes will be generated at offshore disposal locations. There is concern that given unpredictable changes in the current regimes (Refer to Chapter 11 and Appendix D.2) dredge plumes may be carried onto nearby reefs. Silt curtains can be deployed immediately between dredging area and adjacent coral reefs to limit the spread of silt plumes over the reef. Similarly, silt curtains, or more appropriate barriers can be deployed around the land reclamation area to prevent sediments from spreading over nearby reefs. Factors to consider when using silt curtains include:

The deployment of appropriately sized silt curtains such that the lower edge of the curtain extends deep enough into the water column to effectively minimize sediment transport;

The use of double or overlapping silt curtains to contain plumes within the dredge area;

Alternative solutions to be considered:

o Deploying silt skirt around the dredger, or

o Use of air bubble screens.

Timing of dredging operations Dredging related impacts on corals and coral habitats are outlined in Sections 6.1.3. In order to minimize the risk of exposure to concurrent stressors, dredging operations should be restricted to periods when the risk of additional (natural or anthropogenic) stress is minimal;

No dredging during coral spawning season (September-October, March-April);

No dredging during periods of elevated sea surface temperatures when corals are at risk of bleaching (August-October);

No dredging during storm events or when trade winds are strong or during the rainy season when large influxes of fresh water could move significant volumes of sediment laden water from onshore into the harbour waters and onto the reefs.

In addition, dredging should avoid the peak tourist/cruise season (November-April). Based on this information, the May-July period is the preferred window for dredging.

Use of thresholds The potential severity of impacts from dredging and port-related activities is directly related to the intensity and duration of exposure to increased turbidity and sedimentation levels. It is critical to avoid or at least minimize dredging of coral reef habitat. Tolerance limits of corals to turbidity are species specific and are also influenced by local conditions. Corals assemblages that exist in clear water are likely less tolerant to fluctuations in turbidity than are assemblages in turbid environments; SSC in GTH are typically < 5 mg/l (DoE WQ data). Establishing quantifiable, species specific, tolerance limits to increased levels of turbidity and sedimentation can provide an indication of potential impacts of sedimentation levels on the coral reef environment. These thresholds can be used as control parameters for triggering specific management strategies such as reduced production rate or temporary cessation of dredging operations in response to threshold exceedance. In GTH, 64% of the coral cover is represented by species sensitive to sedimentation (Table 7.1). The intrinsic capacity of coral species to survive shading or to resist smothering plays an important role in the eventual impact of suspended sediments on reef benthos.



Table 7.1 Coral species and their contribution to the coral cover in GTH. Susceptibility to SST is characterized for each species. Species designated as threatened under the Endangered Species Act are identified

Species Coral (%) Susceptibility to Suspended Solids

Status Under the NOAA Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Orbicella annularis 8.06 Sensitive Threatened

Agaricia agaricites 3.63 Sensitive

Orbicella franksi 0.53 Sensitive Threatened

Orbicella faveolata 0.45 Sensitive Threatened

Agaricia humilis 0.12 Sensitive

Acropora cervicornis 0.11 Sensitive Threatened

Acropora palmata 0.01 Sensitive Threatened

Siderastrea siderea 0.58 Intermediate

Diploria labyrinthiformis 0.31 Intermediate

Diploria clivosa 0.08 Intermediate

Diploria strigosa 0.08 Intermediate

Siderastrea radians 0.14 Intermediate

Favia fragum 0.20 Intermediate

Manicina sp. 0.02 Intermediate

Isophyllia sinuosa 0.01 Intermediate

Mycetophyllia sp. 0.02 Intermediate Threatened*

Porites astreoides 4.54 Tolerant

Porites porites 0.27 Tolerant

Porites furcata 0.36 Tolerant

Montastraea cavernosa 0.17 Tolerant

Madracis decactis 0.13 Tolerant

Millipora sp. 0.14 Tolerant

Eusmilia fastigiata 0.05 Tolerant

Meandrina meandrites 0.03 Tolerant

Stephanocoenia intersepta 0.03 Tolerant

Madracis mirabilis 0.05 Tolerant     *M. ferox

In general, corals are negatively impacted by sediment deposition rates greater than 10-20 mg/cm2/day and TSS levels greater than 10 mg/l. Most coral reefs adapt to short periods of high loading which can occur naturally during storm events. For example, in GTH, corals are exposed to suspended solid concentrations of 10-20 mg/l for durations of 1-3 days periodically during storm events with sub-lethal effects.



Table 7.2 Response matrix from (Erftemeijer et al. 2012), ranking the relative sensitivity of corals according to their type of response to different levels of turbidity (mg /l) and sedimentation rates (mg/cm2/day)

Response intensity Turbidity level (mg/l) Sedimentation rate

(mg/cm2/day <10 10-20 <10 10-20

No effect Most species Intermediate Most species Intermediate

Sublethal effects (minor) (reduced growth/calcification, mucus production Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Intermediate Sublethal effects (major) (bleaching, tissue damage) Very

sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive Lethal effects (partial mortality) Very

sensitive Very sensitive Very sensitive Sensitive

Lethal effects (mass mortality) Very sensitive

Very sensitive Very sensitive Very sensitive

Thresholds for the management of dredging operations are characterized by a relatively short duration of high concentration plumes (e.g. 10 mg/l). According to the Hydrodynamics and Plume Modelling Study, the results from the turbidity-duration analysis, over a 10-day period, suggest that at lower mass loss number (0.1 kg/s) turbidity levels do not exceed 5-10 mg/l. For higher mass loss number (0.5 kg/s), however, the results indicate that the plume would extend over Soto’s Reef and remain elevated at 10 mg/l for 50% of the time, and across Eden Rock where it would remain elevated at 10 mg/l for 25% of the time. These results indicate that a high production type of operation may have to be avoided in order to keep mass loss numbers down.

For the cutter suction dredge, a 30-day simulation shows an extensive plume with SST levels between 4-20 mg/l extending over most of the harbour, including Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock, with concentrations falling below background levels approximately 1.2 miles (2 km) north of the port and 0.8 miles (1.25 km) south of the port. At these concentrations, sub-lethal and lethal effects can be expected.

The following thresholds were derived from Gilmour et al (2006) corresponding to severity of impacts (Table 7.3):

Suggested thresholds for SST

High Impact:

o 20 mg/l for rolling average over one week

o 50mg/l for rolling average over two days

o 200 mg/l for rolling average over two hours

Moderate Impacts:

o 10 mg/l for rolling average over one week

o 25 mg/l for rolling average over two days

o 100 mg/l for rolling average over two hours



Suggested thresholds for sedimentation

High Impacts:

o 20 mg/cm2/day average over one week

o 50 mg/cm2/day average over three days

Moderate Impacts:

o 10 mg/cm2/day average over one week

o 25 mg/cm2/day average over three days

Given the low background SST and sedimentation values reported for GTH, SST thresholds of 10 mg/l (rolling average over one week) and sedimentation rates of 10 mg/cm2/day (rolling average over one week) should trigger management responses to ensure the values are not exceeded over reef areas adjacent to the dredging works.

Table 7.3 Impact severity matrix for suspended sediments adapted to an estimated 60 days of dredging (adapted from (PIANC 2010).

Severity Definition Dredging Duration = 60 day max.

No Impact xs SS conc. > 5 mg/l for less than 1% of time 0.6 days Slight Impact xs SS conc. > 5 mg/l for less than 10% of time

xs SS conc. >10 mg/l for less than 1% of time 6 days

0.6 days Minor Impact xs SS conc. > 5 mg/l for less than 20% of time

xs SS conc. > 10 mg/l for less than 5% of time 12 days

3 days Moderate Impact xs SS conc. > 5 mg/l for less than 20% of time

xs SS conc. > 10 mg/l for less than 20% of time 12 days

12 days Major Impact xs SS conc. > 25 mg/l for less than 5% of time

xs SS conc. >10 mg/l for less than 20% of time 3 days

12 days

7.1.4 Recommended Monitoring during Dredging Works

To monitor the effects of dredging and construction on adjacent coral reefs, turbidity and sedimentation thresholds have been recommended for receiving waters. Baseline physical conditions, especially turbidity and sedimentation levels, have to be monitored for exceedance during dredging and construction phases in order to trigger adaptive management strategies, as may be required, to ensure compliance. The following environmental indicators will require regularly scheduled monitoring:

Metocean conditions (wind, wave, currents);

Turbidity (NTU) measurements using in situ real-time sensor installed on select spots on Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock;

Sediment samples collected at permanent sedimentation stations (every three days);

Coral condition - photo transects and coral tagging (time series observations);

Direction of the plume (UAV aerial survey -daily);

Monitor for equipment malfunction and accidental dredge spills.



In case of equipment malfunction, immediate cessation of dredging operations until all malfunctions have been remedied;

Cessation of dredging, or decreased dredging rate, or relocation of dredger to another area immediately if concentration and temporal thresholds are exceeded;

Relocation/re-deployment of silt curtains;

Containment of dredge spills and implementation of redundancy and/or back-up solutions to prevent silt plume from spreading over nearby reefs.

7.1.5 Mitigating Impacts from Land Disposal and use of Dredge Material for Reclamation

Use of dredge material for land reclamation presents an additional source of sediment seepage into coastal waters. Implementation of appropriate containment measures, including bunding and silt curtains, is recommended to minimize the silt content in the water discharged from the reclamation area.

7.1.6 Mitigating impacts during the installation of pilings, construction of the pier’s concrete support system and the terminal

Any construction at or near the water’s edge, or where debris can be washed or blown into the water, should be surrounded by silt screens, which must be installed before the work starts. Screens should also be placed around storage areas, to prevent waste from blowing away and to prevent sediment run-off into the sea.

In addition to silt screens, Caymanian building guidelines require that storage areas for sand and soil, and all work areas, must be at least 65 ft (20 m) away from the high water mark, and construction equipment must not be cleaned or washed within 165ft (50 m) of the high water mark.

7.1.7 Mitigating Impacts from Changes in Drainage Patterns

Maintaining storm water drainage systems/areas free of debris is required to minimize surface runoff into coastal waters. Proper storage and cover of construction materials within enclosures or containment berms is needed to prevent or limit sedimentation and blockage of drainage channels. Appropriate use of sediment traps/silt curtains should accompany all approved land reclamation activities along with proper removal and disposal of construction debris.

7.1.8 Mitigating Impacts from Transportation and Storage of Construction Materials

Steps should be taken to ensure that the vehicles used for transporting building materials/debris to and from the site are appropriately covered to minimize dust. Dust producing building materials such as sand or cement should be stockpiled in low enclosures and covered, away from drainage areas where they could easily be dispersed by wind or washed away during heavy rains.

7.1.9 Mitigating Impacts from Disposal of Construction Debris

Development and implementation of a site waste management plan is required to ensure appropriate waste storage areas on the site, including the timely collection and removal of construction debris to an approved dump site. Furthermore, appropriate provisions must be made for the proper collection, storage and removal of hazardous waste.

Providing an adequate number of portable restrooms (chemical toilets or dry composting toilets) and dumpsters combined with regular garbage collection and removal of sewage from the construction site is essential to keeping the construction site clean and pest free. All measures must be taken to



ensure that untreated sewage is not directed into the harbour waters.

7.2 Mitigating Operational Impacts

7.2.1 Mitigation Measures in Relation to Solid Wastes

The solid waste accruing from the general commissioning of the port facilities includes biodegradable and non-biodegradable components. The biodegradable components includes in large part discarded and unconsumed food from restaurants, bars and refreshment stands. The non-biodegradable component relates to packaging materials, construction wastes and damaged and abandoned equipment and equipment parts; a major component of the non-biodegradable wastes includes plastics (e.g. styrofoam). Methods for processing and the subsequent disposal of waste need to be investigated and the most suitable solutions implemented.

7.2.2 Mitigation of Impacts from Sewage

The primary impacts associated with human waste and domestic effluents include: eutrophication or nutrient-enrichment, increased risks of pathogenic diseases, and increases in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The mitigative responses for dealing with these impacts include the application of adequate treatment options (e.g. BESST - Biologically Engineered Single Sludge Treatment Technology) for dealing with effluents. These treatments reduce the levels of macro-nutrients, BOD substances and suspended solids to levels where they do not constitute a threat to human health, or a risk to the integrity of the environment.

7.2.3 Mitigation of Impacts Arising from Cruise Ship Traffic

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is an established United Nations agency that sets standards and adopts regulations that apply to all vessels that operate internationally. IMO’s most important objectives are to improve vessel safety and to prevent marine pollution (www.imo.org).

The MARPOL Convention - The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) sets strict regulatory guidelines for the protection of the marine environment. Regulations covering the various sources of ship-generated pollution are contained in five annexes of the Convention. The annexes that govern cruise industry operations set standards to prevent pollution by oil, garbage and waste and should be used as minimal guidelines for minimizing the impact of cruise tourism at this destination.

The efficacy of proposed mitigation measures is directly linked to the capacity to monitor and enforce the international (IMO) and local laws and regulations pertaining to cruise ship waste management and operation while in waters off Grand Cayman. It is common practice for the cruise industry to rely on Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) or “Environmental Guidelines” established between the cruise ship industry and the government of countries to be visited to define specific environmental practices to be adopted, however MOUs and guidelines do not include provisions for monitoring or for effective enforcement (Klein, 2003). Enforcement presents its own challenges however there are certain measures which ports can take to mitigate cruise related environmental impacts by establishing regulations and enforceable laws, including regular monitoring for compliance and significant penalties for non-compliance.

Mitigating damage to marine ecology Given that the berthing facility is located within the bounds of a marine park, consideration should be given to the concept of environmental compensation where a designated percentage of profits generated by the cruise industry are directed specifically to the support of coral reef restoration projects in the area. Vehicles for this process include the implementation of a regional port fee or



head tax (apart from existing passenger taxes or dockage fees) to support local tourism and environmental restoration/mitigation projects.

Compliance with regulations (Cruise Control, 20025) which specifically prohibits dumping ballast water inside the Exclusive Economic Zone (200 miles from shore) is essential for reducing the risk of introducing invasive species into coastal waters.

Mitigation for bilge and black-grey water discharge Strict international and/or Cayman rules and regulations which require that filtered oily wastes (< 15 ppm oil contents) are discharged at least 12 nautical miles off shore along with “No discharge zones” from 3 to 12 miles from the coast line and the explicit prohibition of the discharge of untreated sewage by cruise ships in Cayman waters is also desirable but again difficult to monitor or enforce.

Solid waste mitigation Requirements for cruise line companies to adopt and comply with MARPOL guidelines pertaining to solid waste disposal regulations should be continued while ensuring that portside waste reception facilities and waste management strategies are adequate to accommodate the waste generated by passengers while onshore. The provision of fee-based waste disposal services (i.e. services not covered by dockage fees) would assist in ensuring proper waste disposal

7.3 Monitoring during various phases of the project The objective of the monitoring program (See Environmental Monitoring Plan) is to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, implementation of the mitigation measures and long-term minimization of negative environmental impacts in the immediate vicinity of the project. The principle underlying environmental monitoring for the proposed project is to observe changes over time that may be direct or indirect consequences of developmental activity. The ecology component of the monitoring program for the CBF development will require ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the impacts on the marine flora and fauna in the area of influence of the project during each phase of the development:

1. Dredging

2. Land reclamation and pier construction

3. Operational

7.3.1 Monitoring During Dredging:

Real-time monitoring during dredging is recommended to ensure that the dredge plumes do not cause preventable damage to nearby reefs. The following parameters should be monitored during dredge works:

Met-ocean conditions (wind, wave, currents);

UAV aerial monitoring of the direction and extent of the plume (daily surveys during dredging operations and off-shore disposal of dredged material)

UAV aerial monitoring of the land reclamation and construction sites in order to detect dispersal or runoff of construction materials;

Turbidity (NTU) measurements using in situ real-time sensor installed on selected spots on Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock (ongoing during project);

5 Cruise Control: A Report on How Cruise Ships affect the marine environment. The Ocean Conservancy May 2002



Sediment samples collected at permanent sedimentation stations (every 3 days);

Coral condition – photo transects and coral tagging (weekly during dredging to establish time-based observations);

Monitor for equipment malfunction and accidental dredge spills (daily).

Monitoring for exceedance of threshold values would ensure that appropriate measures are taken until the turbidity and sedimentation values on nearby reefs return to reasonable levels. Adaptive strategies that should be implemented in the event of threshold exceedance include:

Immediate cessation of dredging operations when equipment failure occurs, until all malfunctions have been remedied;

Cessation of dredging, or decreased dredging rate, or relocation of dredger to another area immediately once concentration and temporal thresholds are exceeded;

Relocation/re-deployment of silt curtains;

Containment of dredge spills and implementation of redundancy and/or back-up solutions to prevent silt plume from spreading over nearby reefs.

7.3.2 Monitoring During Land Reclamation and Pier Construction

Monitoring for turbidity and sedimentation should continue throughout the land reclamation and pier construction phase to ensure that there is no seepage from the land reclamation site, and to ensure proper application of the mitigation measures, including containment bunds and silt curtains. Implementing a regular schedule for sampling (twice per week) at Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock area during the various phases of the development to identify any negative impacts in order to address them at their onset, thus preventing further deterioration of the environment. A monitoring program designed for the construction phase of the project should include but not be limited to:

Ongoing monitoring of turbidity and sedimentation (similar to monitoring during dredging operations);

Monitoring for signs of run-off especially after significant rainfall;

Monitoring the marine community (coral, fish, other) for unusual signs of morbidity;

Monitoring the construction site waste management and disposal.

7.3.3 Monitoring During Operational Phase

Long-term monitoring of the reef community The protocol for monitoring long-term changes on Soto’s Reef and Eden Rock is essential for the ongoing management of the reefs in GTH. Establishing fixed transect sites to generate time series data on the coral communality to monitor for changes in:

Physical conditions (water chemistry, turbidity, sedimentation, DO);

Benthic substrate composition (e.g. coral to algal phase shifts);

Coral cover and species abundance;



Coral condition including disease, bleaching and mortality;

Coral recruitment;

Fish community.

Semi-annual monitoring would allow the DoE to assess the long-term impacts of the project on the reef communities and to implement additional mitigation if required (e.g. imposing regulations for minimizing propeller wash, use of tugboats for incoming ships, minimizing coastal runoff, etc.).

Monitoring cruise ship operations Monitoring cruise ships for compliance with international and CI rules and regulations pertaining to discharge effluents, waste disposal, air quality, and other pertinent indicators is essential for protecting the habitat in GTH. If not already implemented, monitoring should include:

Compliance with specific mitigation measures as outlined in Section 7.2 Mitigating Operational Impacts;

Compliance inspections for illegal ballast/effluent discharge within harbour waters;

Compliance inspections pertaining to cruise ships waste management practices while in Cayman waters;

Requirement for cruise ship vessels to keep and make available to port authorities logs documenting the discharge or disposal of all oily waste, including bilge water.

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Appendix 1: Survey Details Summary of the GTH survey protocol



Appendix 2: List of Fish Species Common names of fish recorded during the GTH surveys

Angelfish_Butterflyfish Snapper_Tang Damselfish French Angelfish Mahogany Snapper Yellowtail DamselfishQueen Angelfish Mutton Snapper Bicolor Damsel Rock Beauty Schoolmaster Snapper Duskey Damsel Banded Butterflyfish Yellowtail Snapper Threespot Damsel Foureye Butterflyfish White Snapper Beaugregory DamselLongsnout Butterflyfish Glasseye Snapper Sunshine Damsel Spotfin Butterflyfish Blue Tang Longfinned Damsel

Doctorfish Sargeant Major Grunt_Bass_Hamlet OceanBlack Margate Black Durgon Goatfish_Flounder RaysBluestriped Grunt Ocean Triggerfish Yellowtail Goatfish French Grunt 3 Spot Goatfish White Grunt Hogfish Peacock Flounder White Margate Puddingwife Southern Stingray Harlequin bass Slippery DickIndigo Hamlet Spanish Hogfish Other Fish Butter Hamlet Yellowhead Wrasse Blue Chromis Parrotfish Creaole wrasse Brown Chromis Midnight Parrotfish Bluehead Royal Gramma Princess Parrotfish Ocean surgeon Bridled Goby Queen Parrotfish Arrow Blenies Rainbow Parrotfish Trumpetfish_Filefish Saddled Blenny Redband Parrotfish Orangespotted Filefish Sand Tilefish Yellowtail Parrotfish Scrawled Filefish Duskey Jawfish Redtail Parrotfish Trumpetfish Bluethroat Pike Stoplight Parrotfish Hawkfish Striped Parrotfish Porcupine_Trunkfish Pufferfish Cuttlefish Bucktooth Parrotfish Porcupinefish Razorfish Grouper_Hind_ Squirrelfish_Soapfish Bandtail PufferfishBlack Grouper Sharpnose Pufferfish Jack_Chub_Tarpon

d k lConey Spotted Drum Bar Jack Graysby Spotted Trunkfish Horse-eyed Jacks Nassau Grouper Smooth trunkfish Bermuda Chub Tiger Grouper Moray Eels Great Barracuda Yellowmouth Grouper Green Moray Eel Tarpon Lionfish Goldentail Eel Mackrel Scorpion Fish Viper EelBlackbar Soldierfish Purplemouth EelSquirrelfish Soapfish



Appendix 3: Coral Relocation

DRAFT: Coral Relocation Plan- Task list

The principal objective of a coral relocation project is to relocate corals destined for destruction to a new site, in a manner that will resemble as closely as possible, the donor site in habitat complexity, diversity and functionality. The end goal is to replace the destroyed reef area at a rate resulting in not net loss of ecosystem value (Precht, 2006)6. A coral relocation project should be considered only after all least-damaging alternatives have been eliminated as viable options. The following list is by no means an exhaustive list of the criteria underlying the design and implementation of an effective coral relocation plan. It is intended as the starting point of a plan that must have to be tailored specifically to the GTH reefs within the dredge footprint, and the restoration objectives identified for this project. A restoration plan should not only set out to replace or re-establish the coral cover, but also the underlying structure (reef substrate) which is the foundation of the coral reef community and sets the stage for post-relocation succession.

1. Restoration design and specific environmental objectives (DoE):

a) Determine and prioritize goals of project :

i. to maintain diversity and resilience (# of different species to be relocated)

ii. maintain coral cover

iii. replace lost rugosity / habitat structure

iv. replace loss of reef area within the bounds of the marine park

v. other considerations identified in the National Biodiversity Action Plan.

b) Relocate maximum number of coral units within the dredge footprint (focus on frame builders, threatened and rare species) with consideration given to survivability and recruitment potential of relocated corals.

c) Relocate other reef components (urchins, crustaceans, gorgonians and sponges). Note that special challenges are anticipated for the relocation of gorgonians and sponges due to their fragility.

d) Relocate large pieces of coral substrate (spur sections) to provide three dimensional habitat at the recipient site. Identify a method for breaking up spurs into sections that can be relocated.

6 Precht, W.F. (ed.) (2006) Coral Reef Restoration Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton.



e) Seascape design for the recipient site. Spatial and temporal scales need to be examined to determine how the restoration of the coral reef may impact reef-scale processes and adjacent habitats (at and in the vicinity of recipient site). Structural complexity has a large influence on what types of habitats and what fauna will be supported within the reefscape.

The design portion of a coral relocation plan entails:

i. Site mapping, mapping of individual corals (significant due to species, size, other) at the donor site;

ii. Relocation of the Balboa;

iii. Use of natural substrate (sections of spur or boulders) or artificial structures (e.g. Biorock).

f) Other - special site specific considerations identified during the Scoping/Design phase.

2. Scoping impact site

The dredge footprint will have to be delineated (using a grid system) and the coral, coral substrate, and other components identified. This step is essential for:

a) Estimating how many reef components (coral, gorgonians, sponges, urchins, lobster, conch, etc.) will be relocated,

b) Identifying and marking large/ecologically important coral colonies, important sections (structure or high coral cover) of buttress, and recommending best means of detaching or sectioning the affected colonies, for transportation to recipient site,

c) Determining the manpower, boats, and equipment that will be required to execute the harvesting, transportation, and relocation.


Hand held underwater hydraulic cutters, chain saws and/or disc saws to cut boulders loose from bottom, u/w jacks, chisels, hammers, pry bars, etc.

Underwater drills/ corers for creating attachment points, ropes, lift bags, metal mesh baskets, hooks, rebars, etc.

Epoxy, cement, screws, other mechanism for attachment as deemed necessary.

Boats/barges for pulling mesh baskets suspended by lift bags, pontoon racks or barges with shaded tanks and flowing seawater for relocation of colonies, etc.

3. Identify recipient site (DoE)

The recipient site has to be selected to maximize chances of acclimatization and long-term survival of transplanted organisms to a new site (depth, light, wave energy, low anthropogenic impact). Selection of the recipient site can address other compensatory objectives such as the environmental retribution ratio, for example 2:1 replacement of the area lost to dredging.

Gridding of the donor and recipient sites to allow for:

Systematic harvesting of reef biota,

Ensuring availability of adequate hard substrate at the recipient site to receive transplanted material,



Identifying optimal location, including depth and orientation, for transplanting coral components,

Monitoring during and after transplanting.

4. Coral harvesting

The minimum diameter of hard corals to be harvested must be determined and approved by the DoE (e.g. 5 – 10 cm diameter). Where possible, individual colonies will be detached from the substrate (using hammers, chisels or pry bars) or with a 20 cm buffer (using hydraulic chain saws and disc saws). Where possible, larger coral substrate units (segments of spur with numerous colonies) should be removed to provide habitat complexity (rugosity) at the recipient site. Harvesting of gorgonians and sponges presents specific challenges and will require a tailored methodology. Artificial reefs can be used in re-establishing rugosity. Transporting harvested material

Harvested material will be transported to recipient sites in metal baskets, floated sub-surface using lift bags, or by a barge, in holding containers with running sea water.

5. Reattachment

At the recipient site, reattachment positions will be selected to resemble reef conditions at the harvest site (side vs top of spur, etc.). Prior to reattaching colony, the surface will be prepared to ensure proper adhesion using epoxy, cement or pins. Attachment of colonies has to be consistent with original depth, as well as orientation of colony, and appropriate (species specific) distance from other colonies must be ensured.

6. Long-term monitoring and adaptive management

To ensure proper harvesting/relocation, the efficacy of transplantation has to be monitored during every step of the process. To monitor long-term success, a post-relocation monitoring plan is recommended. Data must be collected to characterize biotic and abiotic associations which can yield additional information about coral relocation and ecosystem response over time).

7. Other

Success of relocation depends on a number of factors, but especially on proper training of divers who are tasked with either harvesting or reattaching the colonies. A training workshop is recommended, and should entail in-class training as well as in situ demonstrations. Realistic timelines will need to be set for survey, training and relocation activities.

8. Cost

One of the most challenging aspects of coral restoration is estimating the cost of material and operational costs associated with the various stages of the process. Some of the factors that determine the overall cost is the distance between the donor and recipient sites), the restoration and transplantation techniques (hydraulic tools vs hand tools), cost of labour (equipment and training) and availability of supporting infrastructure (boats, etc.) (Precht 2006).

The cost of coral relocation is highly variable. Based on previous coral restoration undertakings, the cost can range from ~US$250/m2 to ~$1,800m2, with a median value around US$1,000/m2. The median value based on published cases corresponds to the value recently estimated by the Department of Environment, in the case of anchor damage caused by the Carnival Magic cruise ship7.

7 http://www.cayman27.com.ky/2014/11/27/putting-a-price-tag-on-carnival-magic-reef-damage



In the case of GTH reef relocation, there are two aspects of the project that will require special consideration in the design phase: 1) relocation of coral on spurs (larger spur segments); and 2) relocation of the wreck of the Balboa. The manner in which these are handled will greatly influence the overall cost of the coral relocation/restoration project in GTH.

Summary of references describing coral restoration projects and the standardized cost per m2

From : The effectiveness of coral reefs for coastal hazard risk reduction and adaptation Filippo Ferrario, Michael W. Beck, Curt D. Storlazzi, Fiorenza Micheli, Christine C. Shepard, Laura Airoldi Nature Communications 5, Article #:3794, 2014

Restoration technique

Location Source (refs) YearOriginal cost ($ m−2)

2012 Unit cost* ($ m−2)

2012 Linear unit cost† ($ m−1)

Paving slabs+chain-link fencing


Clark, S. & Edwards, A. J. An evaluation of artificial reef structures as tools for marine habitat rehabilitation in the Maldives. Aquat. Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 9, 5–21 (1999).

1994 40 62 620

Armorflex Maldives Clark and Edwards 1999 1994 103 159 1,590Armorflex+coral transplantation

Maldives Clark and Edwards 1999 1994 151 233 2,330

Concrete Blocks Maldives Clark and Edwards 1999 1994 328 508 5,080

Concrete structures+coral transplantation


Spurgeon, J. P. G. & Lindhal, U. inCollected Essays on the Economics of Coral Reefs ed. Cesar H. S. J. 125–136CORDIO, Department for Biology and Environmental Sciences, Kalmar University (2000).

1991 550 927 927

Concrete structures+coral transplantation

Florida Spurgeon et al 200 1994 10,000 15,500 155,000

Rock stabilization Indonesia

Fox, H. E., Mous, P. J., Pet, J. S., Muljadi, A. H. & Caldwell, R. L. Experimental assessment of coral reef rehabilitation following blast fishing. Conserv. Biol. 19, 98–107 (2005).

2005 5 6 60

Reef Ball Various Fox et al 2005 2005 40 47 470

EcoReef Various Fox et al 2005 2005 70 82 820Biorock Various Goreau, T. J. & Hilbertz, W. Marine ecosy2005 1.6–110 129 20–1,290

239.2$                      Low

1,765.3$                  High

1,002.3$                  Median Based on preliminary spatial analysis of Option C, the reef area within the dredge footprint consists of approximately 3 hectares of spur and groove and approximately 3 hectares of patch reefs (numbers to be confirmed).The cost of associated with relocating the wreck of the Balboa and the spur sections would require specialized equipment for sectioning and dislodging large pieces of coral and sections of the wreck. For the patch reefs, the cost would be primarily labour, subsistence (food, accommodation, etc.) and support cover (boats, SCUBA, etc.)


i. In the absence of specific methodologies and quotes from contractors, the cost of moving the spurs and the Balboa is based on the value of restoring 1 m2 of damaged reef area;

ii. The cost estimates below include capital and operational expenditures; iii. The cost does not include use of artificial structures (e.g. Biorock) or substrate.



Reef Description

Estimated Area of Coral Substrate

(m2) Complexity/Equipment

Assumed Unit Cost (US$)/m2

Estimated Cost ($US millions)

Spur and groove, Balboa

28,000 (7 acres) High/specialized equipment, barge $250-1,000 $7 to 28M

Patch reefs 12,000 (3 acres) Low/hand tools/baskets, air bags $250 $3MTotal 40,000 (10 acres) $10 to 31M The overall restoration cost will be influenced by factors listed below: 1. Location of the site: GTH reefs are easily accessible however the distance to the recipient site is not known and will determine logistical costs. 2. The operation The scale and complexity of operation will be based on the conservation objectives set by the DoE:

Relocation of the ship wreck; Relocation of spurs sections; Relocation of patch reefs; Methodology for transplant of harvested material; Use of artificial substrate; Cost of local labor and materials; Weather conditions.

3. Conditions at the site Recipient site suitability is based on the following factors:

Water depth; General exposure (e.g., wind, tides, waves); State of existing topography and substrate Existing habitat/species present (threatened

species, urchins, conch, lobster, etc.); Assessment of adjacent areas in terms of potential influence on the recipient site.

Next Steps The relocation/restoration costs in this document are based on published cases and would require further investigation (Design/Scope) to determine the resources required for restoring the equivalent area of the reef, which is currently slated for destruction due to dredging. The Terms of Reference for the coral relocation program will be determined by the DoE in accordance with the conservation objectives outlined in the Biodiversity Action Plan.
