Environmental Impact Assessment - Asian Development Bank · Draft Environmental Impact Assessment...


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Environmental Impact Assessment Draft July 2012

PAK: Power Sector Rehabilitation Project (Guddu Thermal Power Station) Prepared by Engconsult Ltd. for the Asian Development Bank


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................. 1-1

1.1 Project Setting ........................................................................................................ 1-1

1.2 Project Description ................................................................................................. 1-3

1.3 Description of Environment and Impacts ................................................................ 1-3

1.4 Proposed Measures to Address Environmental Issues Related to Existing Plant ... 1-4

1.5 Proposed Measures to Address Environmental Issues Related to Reabilitation Project ................................................................................................ 1-4

1.6 Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation ........................................... 1-4

1.7 Grievance Redress Mechanism .............................................................................. 1-5

1.8 Environmental Management Plan ........................................................................... 1-5

1.9 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 1-5

2. Legal and Administrative Framework ................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Statutory Framework .............................................................................................. 2-1

2.1.1 Constitutional Provision .......................................................................................... 2-1

2.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 ......................................................... 2-1

2.1.3 Rules and Regulations under Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 ........... 2-2

2.1.4 Other Relevant Laws .............................................................................................. 2-5

2.1.5 Standards ............................................................................................................... 2-5

2.2 Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation, 2006 ............ 2-6

2.3 Environmental Guidelines ....................................................................................... 2-6

2.3.1 Sectoral Guidelines for Environmental Reports–Thermal Power Stations, 1997 ..... 2-6

2.3.2 Environmental Assessment Procedures, 1997 ....................................................... 2-6

2.4 ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS 2009) ............................................ 2-7

2.5 World Bank/IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008 .................................................................................. 2-8

2.6 Institutional Framework .......................................................................................... 2-9

2.6.1 Sindh Government Institutions ................................................................................ 2-9

2.6.2 International and National NGOs .......................................................................... 2-10

2.7 International Treaties ............................................................................................ 2-10

3. Description of the Project .................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Project Setting ........................................................................................................ 3-1

3.2 Overview of TPS Guddu ......................................................................................... 3-5

3.2.1 Water Supply and Effluents .................................................................................... 3-8

3.2.2 Gaseous Emissions ................................................................................................ 3-9

3.2.3 Solid Waste Disposal .............................................................................................. 3-9

3.2.4 Description of Proposed Rehabilitation ................................................................... 3-9

3.2.5 Project Area of Influence ...................................................................................... 3-10


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

4. Description of the Environment .......................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Physical Environment ............................................................................................. 4-1

4.1.1 Geology .................................................................................................................. 4-1

4.1.2 Topography and Land use ...................................................................................... 4-1

4.1.3 Seismic Intensity .................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1.4 Soil ................................................................................................................... 4-2

4.1.5 Climate ................................................................................................................... 4-5

4.1.6 Water Resources .................................................................................................. 4-11

4.1.7 Water Quality ........................................................................................................ 4-14

4.1.8 Air Quality ............................................................................................................. 4-19

4.2 Ecology ................................................................................................................ 4-23

4.2.1 Methodology ......................................................................................................... 4-25

4.2.2 Vegetation ............................................................................................................ 4-26

4.2.3 Mammals .............................................................................................................. 4-31

4.2.4 Reptiles and Amphibians ...................................................................................... 4-36

4.2.5 Birds ................................................................................................................. 4-38

4.2.6 Fish ................................................................................................................. 4-40

4.2.7 Water Extraction by Power Plant and Water Quality ............................................. 4-42

4.2.8 Critical Habitats .................................................................................................... 4-43

4.2.9 Limitations of the Study ........................................................................................ 4-45

4.2.10 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 4-45

4.3 Socioeconomic Environment ................................................................................ 4-45

4.3.1 Delineation of Study Area ..................................................................................... 4-45

4.3.2 Overview .............................................................................................................. 4-46

4.3.3 Data Collection and Organization ......................................................................... 4-48

4.3.4 Demography ......................................................................................................... 4-50

4.3.5 Ethnicity and Religion ........................................................................................... 4-51

4.3.6 Physical Infrastructure .......................................................................................... 4-52

4.3.7 Social Infrastructure .............................................................................................. 4-54

4.3.8 Economy and Income Levels ................................................................................ 4-55

4.3.9 Agriculture ............................................................................................................ 4-56

4.3.10 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 4-57

5. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures .............................................. 5-1

5.1 Issues Related to Existing Plant ............................................................................. 5-1

5.1.1 Physical Environment ............................................................................................. 5-5

5.1.2 Ecology .................................................................................................................. 5-8

5.1.3 Socioeconomic Impacts ........................................................................................ 5-10

5.2 Issues related to Proposed Plant .......................................................................... 5-10

5.2.1 Physical Environment ........................................................................................... 5-10

5.3 Mitigation .............................................................................................................. 5-12

5.4 Residual Impacts .................................................................................................. 5-12

5.4.1 Ecology ................................................................................................................ 5-15


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

5.4.2 Socioeconomic Impacts ........................................................................................ 5-15

6. Analysis of Alternatives ....................................................................................... 6-1

6.1.1 No Project Alternative ............................................................................................. 6-3

6.1.2 The Proposed Rehabilitation Project ...................................................................... 6-3

6.1.3 Country-wide Impact of Savings and GHG Emissions ............................................ 6-3

7. Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation .................................. 7-1

7.1 Framework for Consultations .................................................................................. 7-1

7.1.1 ADB Safeguard Policy Statement ........................................................................... 7-1

7.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 .......................................................... 7-1

7.2 Consultation Methodology ...................................................................................... 7-2

7.2.1 Stakeholder Consulted ........................................................................................... 7-2

7.2.2 Consultations Mechanism ....................................................................................... 7-5

7.2.3 Consultation Team ................................................................................................. 7-5

7.2.4 Future Consultations .............................................................................................. 7-5

7.3 Summary of Concerns ............................................................................................ 7-6

8. Grievance Redress Mechanism ........................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Framework for Grievance Redress Mechanism ...................................................... 8-1

8.1.1 ADB Safeguard Policy Statement ........................................................................... 8-1

8.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 .......................................................... 8-1

8.2 Existing Practice for Grievance Redress ................................................................. 8-1

8.3 Proposed Mechanism for Grievance Redress ......................................................... 8-2

8.3.1 PCU – Function and Structure ................................................................................ 8-2

8.3.2 GRC – Function and Structure ............................................................................... 8-2

8.3.3 Grievance Focal Points .......................................................................................... 8-3

8.3.4 Procedure of Filing and Resolving Grievances ....................................................... 8-3

8.3.5 Operating Principles for PCU .................................................................................. 8-3

8.3.6 Stages of Grievances ............................................................................................. 8-4

8.4 Stakeholder Awareness .......................................................................................... 8-4

9. Environmental Management Plan ....................................................................... 9-1

9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9-1

9.2 Mitigation Plan ........................................................................................................ 9-2

9.3 Monitoring Mechanism ........................................................................................... 9-2

9.4 Reporting and Feedback Mechanism ..................................................................... 9-3

9.5 Institutional Framework for Implementation of EMP ................................................ 9-3

9.5.1 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building ................................................... 9-4

9.6 Performance Indicators .......................................................................................... 9-4

9.7 Emergency Response Plan .................................................................................... 9-5

9.8 Budget Estimates ................................................................................................... 9-5

10. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10-1


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


Table 2–1: ADB Project Categories ................................................................................. 2-8

Table 2–2: Emissions Guidelines for Boiler (in mg/Nm3) ................................................. 2-9

Table 2–3: International Environmental Treaties Endorsed by Pakistan ........................ 2-10

Table 3-1: Configuration of the plant by Unit ................................................................... 3-5

Table 3-2: Fuel supply requirements ............................................................................... 3-8

Table 3-3: Storage tanks and capacity ............................................................................ 3-8

Table 3-4: List of major rehabilitation works on TPS Guddu ............................................ 3-9

Table 4–1: Soil Analysis Results...................................................................................... 4-4

Table 4–2: Meteorological Stations Nearest To Study Area ............................................. 4-5

Table 4–3: Seasonal Characteristics of Climate of the Study Area .................................. 4-7

Table 4–4: Mean Monthly Temperature Data for Study Area (in C) ................................ 4-8

Table 4–5: Rainfall Data (in mm) ..................................................................................... 4-9

Table 4–6: Mean Monthly Relative Humidity .................................................................. 4-10

Table 4–7: Wind Data .................................................................................................... 4-10

Table 4–8: Indus River Monthly Average Monthly Flow at Guddu Barrage .................... 4-14

Table 4–9: Rationale for Sampling Points for Water ...................................................... 4-15

Table 4–10: Drinking Water and Groundwater Quality Results ........................................ 4-16

Table 4–11: Drinking Water Analysis for Pesticides ......................................................... 4-17

Table 4–12: Effluent Water Quality Results ..................................................................... 4-19

Table 4–13: Stack Emission Results ............................................................................... 4-20

Table 4–14: Ambient Air Quality Results ......................................................................... 4-22

Table 4–15: Noise Monitoring Data ................................................................................. 4-22

Table 4-16: Coverage of Socioeconomic Survey ............................................................ 4-48

Table 4-17: Population and Settlement Size in the Socioeconomic Study Area .............. 4-50

Table 5-1: Potential Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Existing Plant .... 5-2

Table 5-2: Potential Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Proposed Activities ........................................................................................ 5-4

Table 5-3: Input Parameters ......................................................................................... 5-12

Table 5-4: Comparison of Model Results for Existing and Proposed Units against NEQS .............................................................................................. 5-13

Table 6-1: Projected Supply and Demand in NTDC and KESC Systems ........................ 6-1

Table 6-2: Life Cycle Average Cost of Power Generation from the Project ..................... 6-3

Table 6-3: Annual Fuel Consumption, Saving in Fuel Cost and GHG Emissions from the Project ............................................................................................. 6-5

Table 7-1: Stakeholders Consulted ................................................................................. 7-3

Table 9-1: Training Program ........................................................................................... 9-6

Table 9-2: Summary of Costs for Mitigation Measures .................................................... 9-7

Table 9-3: Summary of Costs for Monitoring during Operation ....................................... 9-7


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


Figure 1-1: Satellite View of TPS Guddu ............................................................................ 1-2

Figure 2–1: EIA Review and Approval Procedure ............................................................ 2-4

Figure 3-1: Location of TPS Guddu ................................................................................ 3-3

Figure 3-2: Photographs of TPS Guddu Surroundings.................................................... 3-4

Figure 3-3: Layout map of TPS Guddu ........................................................................... 3-6

Figure 3-4: Satellite View of TPS Guddu ........................................................................ 3-7

Figure 3-5: Study Area Guddu TPS .............................................................................. 3-11

Figure 4–1: Land Use Features in Study Area and Surrounding ...................................... 4-2

Figure 4–2: Environmental Sampling Locations............................................................... 4-3

Figure 4–3: Location of Weather Stations........................................................................ 4-6

Figure 4–4: Surface Water Resources in the Study Area .............................................. 4-13

Figure 4–5: Air Quality Measurement Conditions .......................................................... 4-21

Figure 4-6: Sampling Locations for Surveys for Vegetation, Mammals, Reptiles, and Birds Conducted in June 2012 ........................................................... 4-24

Figure 4-7: Photographs of Habitats in the Study Area ................................................. 4-27

Figure 4-8: Habitat Distribution in the Study Area ......................................................... 4-28

Figure 4-9: Photographs of Common Plant Species in the Study Area ......................... 4-29

Figure 4-10: The Indus River System with Major Headworks ......................................... 4-35

Figure 4-11: Asian Migratory Birds Flyways .................................................................... 4-39

Figure 4-12: Photographs of Some Common Fish Species of the Study Area. ............... 4-41

Figure 4-13: Satellite Views of Settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area ............... 4-47

Figure 4-14: Location of Surveyed Settlements in Socioeconomic Study Area .................. 49

Figure 4-15: Age and Sex Composition of Surveyed Rural Population ........................... 4-51

Figure 4-16: Decision Mechanism in Surveyed Households of Socioeconomic Study Area ....................................................................... 4-52

Figure 4-17: Distribution of Housing Structures by Housing Type ................................... 4-53

Figure 4-18: View of Abode and Masonry Housing in Socioeconomic Study Area .......... 4-53

Figure 4-19: View of Water and Sanitation Facilities in Socioeconomic Study Area ........ 4-54

Figure 4-20: Male-Female Literacy in Surveyed Households .......................................... 4-55

Figure 4-21: Poverty in Pakistan, FY2006 ...................................................................... 4-56

Figure 4-22: Views of Agricultural Field in Socioeconomic Study Area ........................... 4-57

Figure 7-1: Consultation Locations near Project Site ...................................................... 7-4

Table 7-2: Summary of Concerns and How They Have Been Addressed in the EIA ..... 7-7

Figure 7-3: Photographs of the Consultations ............................................................... 7-10

Figure 9–1: Framework for Preparation of EMP during Construction and O&M ............... 9-1


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.









Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


Currency Equivalents (As of July 2012)

Currency Unit – Pakistani Rupee (PKR) 95 PKR = $1


ADB Asian Development Bank AVT Auto Valve Test BMCR Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating BMCR CDM Clean Development Mechanism CER Certified Emission Reduction CMEC China Machinery Engineering Corporation CO Carbon Monoxide DCS Distributed Control System EHG Electro Hydraulic Governing EIA Environmental Impact Assessments EPA Environmental Protection Agency FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization GHG Greenhouse gases GoP Government of Pakistan HHV Higher Heating Value HSFO High Sulfur Furnace Oil IEE Initial Environmental Examinations IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature LUHMS Liaquat University and Health and Medical Sciences MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility MoWP Ministry of Water and Power NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards NOx Oxides of Nitrogen NSDW National Standards for Drinking Water PEPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (1997) PSO Pakistan State Oil PSRP Power Sector Rehabilitation Project RBOD Right Bank Outfall Drain RE Renewable energy RO Reverse Osmosis SMART Self-Monitoring and Reporting SO2 Sulfur dioxide SPS [ADB’s] Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) SSGCL Sui Southern Gas Limited TPS Thermal Power Station WHO World Health Organization WWF World Wide Fund for Nature


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


ADB Asian Development Bank MWth Megawatt thermal input (MWth) mg/Nm3 mg per normal meter cube MW Megawatt mmcft million cubic feet t/d tons per day cumec cubic meters per second cusec cubic feet per second mg/l milligrams per liter kg kilogram t/h tons per hour m3/h cubic meters per hour m/s meters per second mg/kg milligram per kilogram mg/Nm3 milligram per normal cubic meter


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

1. Executive Summary

1. Under the Power Sector Rehabilitation Project (PSRP), Asian Development Bank (ADB) is considering energy efficiency improvement of power generation facilities owned by the GENCO Holding Company through a loan to the government of Pakistan (GoP). The PRSP aims to rehabilitate two public sector power generation facilities located at Jamshoro and Guddu in the Sindh province. Implementation of the PRSP will result in reduced power outages and load shedding which will reduce the need for the industrial sector to resort to costly self or captive power generation and other consumers from incurring cost of alternatives. Engconsult Ltd., Canada is retained by the Ministry of Water and Power (MoWP) of Pakistan to undertake the Diagnostic Study for the GENCOs. As part of the environmental assessment, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required by the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement of 2009 (SPS 2009) for each power station, which require rehabilitation. This EIA completed with support from Hagler Bailly Pakistan covers the rehabilitation of the Guddu Thermal Power Station (Guddu TPS), which is one of the power generation facilities operated by the Central Power Generation Company Limited (also known as ‘GENCO II’) owned by the GENCO Holding Company.

1.1 Project Setting

2. The Guddu power station is located near the confluence of Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. It is situated on the right bank of the River Indus besides the Guddu Barrage at a distance of 10 km east of Kashmor town. Sindh Feeder and Pat Feeder canals flow from east to south-west of the power plant. The nearest airports from the power plant are in Sukkur City at a distance of 120 km towards south and Rahim Yar Khan City at a distance of 70 km towards the east. The plant site is accessible by a metal road, which connects with National Highway N-55 (Figure ‎1-1).

3. Climate in the area is described as arid. The summer period starts in mid-March and is generally dry outside of the monsoon season which lasts from June through September, and is characterized by periods of high wind and more than 55 mm of rainfall. Temperatures peak at an average of 44°C just before the onset of the monsoon in late June. The winter period lasts from December to March and is mild, with daily average maximum and minimum temperatures of 24°C and 9°C, respectively.

4. Irrigation water for agricultural is available from the canals originating from the Indus River at Guddu Barrage. Settlement clusters within the vicinity of the plant can be classified as mostly rural, with two housing colonies for Guddu TPS and NTDC grid station employees where majority of the population in the area resides. The housing colonies are purpose-built, all-inclusive residential developments. The rural residents are dependent on agriculture as a main source of livelihood. Colony residents have better access to social facilities, schools and hospitals.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Figure ‎1-1: Satellite View of TPS Guddu


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

1.2 Project Description

5. TPS Guddu consists of four condensing steam power units and three combined cycle units with a combined installed capacity of 1,655 MW. Two of the steam units with a combined installed capacity of 420 MW operate exclusively on high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO). In addition, a 747 MW combined cycle power is expected to be operational by 2014. Natural gas of medium calorific value is supplied to the plant from nearby gas fields. Fuel oil is supplied by road tankers. Water for cooling and other uses is supplied to the plant from the Sindh Feeder Canal originating from the Guddu Barrage. The cooling system is operated on once-through basis, except for three weeks in the winter when the canals are closed for maintenance when the cooling towers are used. , Drinking water is provided to the colony from the Sindh Feeder CanalFigure ‎1-1. The water is clarified and chlorinated, and supplied through an elevated storage tank. Effluent from the boilers and boiler feed water treatment system is released into an evaporation pond. Effluent from the cooling systems is discharged through outfall channels into the Indus River. Untreated gases from combustion of fuel in the boilers are released through three stacks. The proposed rehabilitation of TPS Guddu includes: replacement of condenser tubes; replacement of convective super heaters; and replacement soot blowing systems. The completed rehabilitation project is expected to increase power generation by 240 MW.

1.3 Description of Environment and Impacts

6. The existing plant is meeting the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) for air, water, effluent and noise. Contamination of the soil from spillage of oil in the oil decanting area located adjacent to the oil storage tanks is superficial and limited to surface. The groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the plant does not show any metal contamination that can be attributed to plant operations. Solid waste from plant repair and maintenance consists mainly of packaging materials, glass wool insulation, and metal scrap. Open dumping of potentially hazardous material was not observed at the site. However, given the prevalence of such practices at other similar GENCO owned plants, further investigations are required to determine use and storage of hazardous materials stored on site, and asbestos use in insulation and in the cooling towers. Untreated waste is discharged through open drains into the land adjacent to the plant housing colony. Household solid waste is also dumped in the open areas inside the colony.

7. The Indus River between the Guddu and Sukkur barrage about 170 km downstream has been declared as the Indus Dolphin Reserve and a wetland of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention1 primarily due to its importance as a habitat for the Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor that is endemic to Pakistan and also included in the IUCN Red List 20122. A number of migratory birds have been reported from the Indus River as it is included in the Indus Flyway, one of the important migratory routes in the Central Asian - Indian Flyway3. In addition to Indus Blind Dolphin, three species are listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List 2012. These include the Blind Dolphin Platanista minor, Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda and the Narrow-headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica. Fishermen operating on small boats depend on the fish catch from the river for their livelihoods.


Ramsar Convention, or Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, Administered by the Ramsar Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland

2 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. ‘www.iucnredlist.org’. Downloaded on 26

June 2012. 3 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species. 1 February 2006. Central Asian Flyway Action Plan

for the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats. New Delhi, 10-12 June 2005: UNEP/CMS Secretariat.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

8. The river water used by the power plant is close to 0.2% of the minimum monthly average level upstream of the barrage and is estimated to increase to 0.5% during the drought periods. This level of change of flow does not cause any significant change in the hydraulic parameters of relevance to the river ecology such as the depth of water, the width of the river, and the area wetted by it. Presently, the effluent water from the Project flows in an open channel which is about 20 m wide for about 0.5 km before flowing into the river. The temperature of the water discharged by the plant was observed to be about only 0.5oC above that of the river water, which was recorded at 35oC in July 2012. The increase in temperature of river water due to effluent water discharged into the river during the canal closure period in winter is expected to be in the range of 3-50C and confined to the area where the effluent channel joins the river. This temperature difference is not significant to significantly impact aquatic river fauna.

1.4 Proposed Measures to Address Environmental Issues Related to Existing Plant

9. Following are the measures proposed to mitigate the impacts from plant operations and solid waste and effluent generated at the plant housing colony.

A spill management plan will be developed to ensure control of minor spills from leaks from the decanting operations as well as transfer and storage of fuel oil.

A hazardous waste storage facility (HWSF) will be developed at the plant near the switchyard to safe disposal of potentially hazardous waste.

A properly designed landfill to cater for the plant needs will be developed.

A wastewater treatment plant will be installed in the housing colony.

1.5 Proposed Measures to Address Environmental Issues Related to Reabilitation Project

10. The rehabilitation and repair activities will generate waste. A waste management plan for the waste has been developed. The equipment removed for replacement will be stored in a designated area. While hazardous materials in the equipment and materials to be removed are not expected, in the event such material is found it will be stored in the hazardous waste storage facility. Material that can be recycled will be sold. There are storage yard available for each unit in the plant. The present equipment stored in the storage yard is not demarcated and labeled. The equipment for rehabilitation shall be stored in properly demarcated and identified areas. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for chemicals, if any, will accompany the consignment and will be available near the storage area at all times.

1.6 Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation

11. As a part of the EIA process, consultations were conducted in July 2012 with the Project stakeholders. Project stakeholders consulted included communities residing near Guddu TPS that can be affected by the Project activities, as well as concerned government departments, such as, irrigation, agriculture, health, wildlife and fisheries, and non-governmental organizations working in the area. The major concerns raised by the stakeholders included generation of effluent and emissions by the plant, which had resulted in deterioration of health and degradation of the agricultural land of the nearby communities, and contaminated fish and aquatic fauna of Indus River which is a Ramsar wetland site. The communities in the plant vicinity required that they should be given preference for the employment opportunities generated under the Project.

12. The Project is designed to meet the required standards for air and water quality to ensure that national and ADB standards for air and water quality are met. An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. Recruitment from local areas will be done on a preferential basis provided the people meet the skill and qualification requirements for the job.

1.7 Grievance Redress Mechanism

13. The grievance redress mechanism for the Project was developed in compliance with the requirements laid out under the national legislation and ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 (SPS 2009). The mechanism comprised of:

14. A Public Complaints Unit (PCU), responsible to receive, log, track and resolve complaints;

15. A Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), responsible to oversee the functioning of the PCU as well as the final non-judicial authority on resolving grievances that cannot be resolved by PCU. Senior plant management, representatives of local government and civil society will form part of the GRC; and,

16. Grievance Focal Points, that are educated people from each community, trained under the Project in facilitating grievance redress for their community members.

17. Under the mechanism, a complaint will first be logged with the PCU. If the PCU is unable to resolve the complaint, the matter will be referred to the GRC. If the GRC cannot resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the complainant, the ADB project team will organize a special mission to address the problem and identify a solution. If the stakeholders are still not satisfied with the reply, they can go through local judicial proceedings.

1.8 Environmental Management Plan

18. A comprehensive environmental management and monitoring plan has been developed. It includes the following:

Identification of institutional responsibilities

Institutional strengthening and capacity building of plant staff and management

Reporting and feedback mechanism

Performance indicators

Environmental Mitigation Plan

EMP for Waste Management

Environmental Monitoring Plan

Construction Management plan

Asbestos Management Plan

Social augmentation plan to support the communities living in the plant vicinity

19. The estimated cost of environmental management and monitoring, inclusive of the proposed measures to address environmental issues related to existing plant and proposed rehabilitation works is US $, is 0.67 million for mitigation measures and US$ 0.02 million for environmental monitoring. Environmental monitoring will include monitoring of the air quality, effluents, groundwater, drinking water and noise levels to check conformity with the NEQS and variations against the baselines prepared as a part of this EIA.

1.9 Conclusions

20. The Proposed Project consists of rehabilitation of the existing power plant to improve the capacity, effeminacy, and reliability of the power plant. As part of the rehabilitation


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

process, the EIA has documented all areas where improvement in environmental performance is required. In addition to alleviating the power shortages in the country and contributing to economic growth, the areas the Project is likely to bring a positive change in the environment are:

Improving the systems and capacities for environmental management and monitoring at the power plant.

Development of a hazardous waste storage facility

Development of a landfill site for colony waste

Treatment plant for colony wastewater

21. The main environmental concerns during rehabilitation, and operations are:

Disposal of waste from rehabilitation work

Occupational health and safety management during construction

22. A series of mitigation and monitoring measures have been included to address the concerns for these measures. Assuming effective implementation of the mitigation measures and monitoring requirements as outlined in the Environmental Management Plan, the adverse environmental and social impacts of the proposed Project are likely to be within the acceptable limits.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

2. Legal and Administrative Framework

2.1 Statutory Framework

1. The development of statutory and other instruments for environmental management has steadily gained priority in Pakistan since the late 1970s. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 was the first piece of legislation designed specifically for the protection of the environment. The promulgation of this ordinance was followed, in 1984, by the establishment of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, the primary government institution dealing with environmental issues. Significant work on developing environmental policy was carried out in the late 1980s, which culminated in the drafting of the Pakistan National Conservation Strategy. Provincial environmental protection agencies were also established at about the same time. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were established in 1993. The enactment of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA), 1997 conferred broad–based enforcement powers to the environmental protection agencies. The publication of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of IEE and EIA Regulations (IEE–EIA Regulations) 2000 provided the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of initial environmental examinations (IEE) and environmental impact assessments (EIA). In addition to the PEPA 1997, Pakistan’s statute books contain a number of other laws that have clauses concerning the regulation and protection of the environment.

2.1.1 Constitutional Provision

2. Prior to the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan in 2010, the legislative powers were distributed between the federal and provincial governments through two ‘lists’ attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal list covered the subjects over which the federal government had exclusive legislative power, while the ‘Concurrent List’ contained subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments could enact laws. The subject of ‘environmental pollution and ecology’ was included in the Concurrent List and hence allowed both the national and provincial governments to enact laws on the subject. However, as a result of the 18th Amendment this subject is now in the exclusive domain of the provincial government. The main consequences of this change are as follows:

The Ministry of Environment at the federal level has been abolished. Its functions related to the national environmental management haves been transferred to the provinces. The international obligations in the context of environment will be managed by various ministries and departments of the federal government.

The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 (PEPA 1997) is technically no longer applicable to the provinces. The provinces are required to enact their own legislation for environmental protection. It is understood that to ensure legal continuity PEPA 1997 continues to be the legal instrument in Sindh for environmental protection till enactment of new law.

3. It is anticipated that the provincial acts will be based on the PEPA 1997 and will provide the same level of protection. The following discussion is, therefore, based on the provisions of PEPA 1997.

2.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997

4. The PEPA 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a broad range of issues and extends to air, water, industrial liquid effluent, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The following articles of PEPA 1997 have a direct bearing on the proposed Project:


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Article 11(1): ‘Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations made thereunder no person shall discharge or emit or allow the discharge or emission of any effluent or waste or air pollutant or noise in an amount, concentration or level which is in excess of the National Environmental Quality Standards…’

NEQS have been established for gaseous emission, liquid effluent, ambient air quality, noise, and drinking water. The proposed project needs to comply with all applicable standards.

Article 12(1): ‘No proponent of a project shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency1 an Initial Environmental Examination or, where the project is likely to cause adverse environmental effects an environmental impact assessment, and has obtained from the Federal Agency approval in respect thereof.’

The EIA of the proposed Project will be submitted to the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval.

Article 12(3): ‘Every review of an environmental impact assessment shall be carried out with public participation…’

The Sindh EPA will organize public hearing for the proposed project.

Article 14: ‘No person shall generate, collect, consign, transport, treat, dispose of, store, handle or import any hazardous substance except–(a) under a license issued by the Federal Agency and in such manner as may be prescribed; or (b) in accordance with the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, or of any international treaty, convention, protocol, code, standard, agreement or other instrument to which Pakistan is a party.”

As per Article 14(1), the requirements of Article 14 are applicable ‘in such manner as may be prescribed’. PEPA 1997 defines that ‘prescribed’ to mean as prescribed under the rules made under the Act. Hazardous Substances Rules were drafted by Pakistan EPA in 2003 but were never notified. Therefore this article of the PEPA 1997 is not enforceable and will not affect the proposed project. However, best industry practice and internationally acceptable guidelines for hazardous substances would be used for the proposed project.

2.1.3 Rules and Regulations under Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2000

5. The IEE–EIA Regulations 2000, prepared by the Pakistan EPA under the powers conferred upon it by the PEPA, 1997 provide the necessary details on the preparation, submission, and review of the IEE and the EIA.

6. Categorization of projects for IEE and EIA is one of the main components of the IEE–EIA Regulations 2000. Projects have been classified on the basis of expected degree of adverse environmental impact. Project types listed in Schedule II of the regulations are designated as potentially seriously damaging to the environment and require EIA, and those listed in Schedule I as having potentially less adverse effects and require an IEE. Thermal power generation of capacity less than 200 MW is included in Schedule I (List of Projects requiring an IEE) whereas thermal power generation of capacity more than 200 MW is included in Schedule II (List of Projects requiring an EIA). ‘Project’ is defined in PEPA 1997

1 The term ‘Federal Agency’ refers to the government agency which has the power or to which the powers have

been delegated to implement the provisions of this act. In case of this project, the concerned agency is the Sindh EPA.


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as ‘any activity, plan, scheme, proposal or undertaking involving any change in the environment and includes… (f) alteration, expansion, repair, decommissioning or abandonment of existing buildings or other works, roads or other transport systems, factories or other installations.’ As the project involves rehabilitation of an existing thermal power plant of capacity larger than 200 MW, it falls within the category of Schedule II and a EIA has been prepared for it.

7. The following sections of the IEE–EIA Regulations 2000 have bearing on the proposed Project’s EIA:

Regulation 6: ‘(1) The Federal Agency may issue guidelines for preparation of an lEE or EIA including guidelines of general applicability and sectoral guidelines indicating specific assessment requirements for planning, construction and operation of projects relating to a particular sector. (2) Where guidelines have been issued under sub–regulation (1), an lEE or EIA shall be prepared, to the extent practicable, in accordance therewith and the proponent shall justify in the lEE or, as the case may be, EIA and departure therefrom.’ The relevant guidelines are discussed in Section 2.3.2 below.

Regulation 8: ‘(1) Ten paper copies and two electronic copies of an lEE or EIA a shall be filed with the Federal Agency; (2) Every lEE and EIA shall be accompanied by (a) an application, in the form set out in Schedule IV; and (b) copy of receipt showing payment of the review fee.’

8. The prescribed procedure for review of EIA by the EPA is described in Regulations 9–14 and is depicted in Figure ‎2–1. The key features are:

On acceptance of the EIA for review, EPA will place a public notice in national English and Urdu newspapers and in local language newspaper informing the public about the project and where it’s EIA can be accessed. It will also set a date for public hearing which shall be at least 30 days after the publication of the notice.

If it considers necessary, the EPA can form a Committee of Experts to assist the EPA in the review of the EIA. The EPA may also decide to inspect the project site.

Article 12(4) of PEPA 1997 binds the EPA to ‘communicate its approval or otherwise within a period of four months from the date the initial environmental examination or environmental impact assessment is filed complete in all respects in accordance with the prescribed procedure, failing which the initial environmental examination or, as the case may be, the environmental impact assessment shall be deemed to have been approved, to the extent to which it does not contravene the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations made thereunder.’ Regulation 11 of the IEE–EIA Regulations 2000, states that the EPA ‘shall make every effort to carry out its review of the EIA within ninety days, of issue of confirmation of completeness’.

Self–Monitoring and Reporting by Industry Rules 2001

9. Under the National Environmental Quality Standards, Self–Monitoring and Reporting (SMART) by Industry Rules 2001, industrial units are responsible for monitoring their gaseous and liquid discharges and reporting them to the relevant environmental protection agency. As fuel and coal fired thermal power plant falls under the Schedule I Category (Category A) of industrial categorization and reporting procedure for SMART, environmental monitoring reports required to be submitted in monthly basis to the relevant authorities. The project proponents will report their emission and effluent to the Sindh EPA in accordance with the rules.


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Figure ‎2–1: EIA Review and Approval Procedure


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2.1.4 Other Relevant Laws

The Forest Act, 1927

10. The act empowers the provincial forest departments to declare any forest area reserved or protected. The act also empowers the provincial forest departments to prohibit the clearing of forests for cultivation, grazing, hunting, removing forest produce, quarrying, felling, and lopping. Vegetation clearing will be required in the site preparation for the power plant but since the area is not declared as a reserve forest this law will have no implication on the project.

Factories Act, 1934

11. Particular sections of the act applicable to this project are:

Section 13(1): Every factory shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain, privy or other nuisance.

Section 14(1): Effective arrangements shall be made in every factory for the disposal of wastes and effluents due to the manufacturing process carried on therein.

Section 16(1): In every factory in which, by reason of the manufacturing process carried on, there is given off any dust or fume or other impurity of such a nature and to such an extent as is likely to be injurious or offensive to the workers employed therein, effective measures shall be taken to prevent its accumulation in any work–room and its inhalation by workers and if any exhaust appliance is necessary for this purpose, it shall be applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust, fume or other impurity, and such point shall be enclosed so far as possible.

Section 16(2): In any factory no stationary internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the exhaust is conducted into open air and exhaust pipes are insulated to prevent scalding and radiation heat, and no internal combustion engine shall be operated in any room unless effective measures have been taken to prevent such accumulation of fumes therefrom as are likely to be injurious to the workers employed in the work–room.

Section 20(1): In every factory effective arrangements shall be made to provide and maintain at suitable points conveniently situated for all workers employed therein a sufficient supply of whole–some drinking water.

Section 26(1) d(i): In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by the safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the parts of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely – (a) every part of an electric generator, a motor or rotary convertor.

2.1.5 Standards

12. The complete set of NEQS is included as Appendix 1. It includes the following type of standards:

Ambient air quality (9 parameters)

Drinking water (32 parameters)

Ambient noise

Industrial effluents (32 parameters)

Industrial gaseous emissions (18 parameters).


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2.2 Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation, 2006

13. The Ministry of Water and Power prepared the Renewable Energy Policy of Pakistan, which envisages mainstreaming of renewable energy (RE) in the development plans of the country. The policy has the following four key strategic objectives:

14. Energy Security: Mainstreaming of renewable energy and greater use of indigenous resources to diversify country’s energy mix and reduce the dependence on a single source, particularly imported fossil fuels, thereby mitigating against supply disruptions and price fluctuation risks.

15. Economic Benefits: When properly assessed for their externalities, renewable energy options can become economically competitive with conventional supplies on a least–cost basis. RE can thus supplement the pool of national energy supply options in Pakistan, expediting economic empowerment, improving productivity, and enhancing income generating opportunities–especially for currently marginalized segments of the population.

16. Social Equity: Pakistan’s present low per–capita consumption of energy can be elevated through greater RE use. Issues relating to social equity–such as equal rights and access for all citizens to modern energy supplies, improved human development indicators, poverty alleviation amongst deprived sections of society, and reduced burden on rural women for biomass fuel collection and use–can also be addressed significantly through widespread renewable energy deployment. RE can thus facilitate social service delivery and help improve the well–being of the country’s poorest, who presently have little or no access to modern energy services.

17. Environmental Protection: Local environmental and health impacts of unsustainable and inefficient traditional biomass fuels and fossil fuel–powered electricity generation can be largely circumvented through clean, renewable energy alternatives. Similarly, displaced greenhouse gas emissions carry significant global climate change benefits, towards which Pakistan has pledged action under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

18. The country encourages all qualifying RE power projects eligible for financing under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to register for Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits with the CDM Executive Board, either collectively or individually.

2.3 Environmental Guidelines

2.3.1 Sectoral Guidelines for Environmental Reports–Thermal Power Stations, 1997

19. The sectoral guidelines deal with major thermal power plants which will be defined as those producing electrical energy from fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil). The guideline is prepared to assist project proponents to identify the key environmental parameters those are required to be addressed to develop mitigation measures and alternatives that need to be considered in the actual EIA.

2.3.2 Environmental Assessment Procedures, 1997

20. The Federal EPA of Pakistan in collaboration of other key stakeholders, including provincial EPAs, other agencies, NGOs, academics and other stakeholders, prepared a comprehensive procedures and guidelines for environmental assessment for development projects in the country. The following are the relevant guidelines applied to the project:

21. Policy and Procedures for the filling, review, and approval of environmental assessments, which sets out the key policy and procedural requirement. It contains a brief policy statement on the purpose of environmental assessment and the goal of sustainable development and also states that environmental assessment be integrated with feasibility studies.


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22. Guidelines for the preparation and review of environmental reports which cover the following:

Scoping, alternatives, site selection, and format of environmental reports;

Identification, analysis and prediction, baseline data, and significance of impacts;

Mitigation and impact management and preparing an environmental management plan;


Review and decision making;

Monitoring and auditing;

Project management.

23. Guidelines for Public Consultation which covers the following:

Consultation, involvement and participation;

Identifying stakeholders;

Techniques for public consultation (principles, levels of involvement, tools, building trust);

Effective public consultation (planning, stages of EIA where consultation is appropriate);

Consensus building and dispute resolution;

Facilitating involvement (including the poor, women, building community, and NGO capacity)

2.4 ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS 2009)

24. As per Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009, depending on the significance of project impacts and risks, the assessment may comprise a full–scale environmental impact assessment (EIA) for category A projects, an initial environmental examination or equivalent process for category B projects, or a desk review. ADB uses a classification system to reflect the significance of a project’s potential environmental impacts. A project’s category is determined by the category of its most environmentally sensitive component, including direct, indirect, cumulative, and induced impacts in the project’s area of influence. Projects are assigned to one of the four categories shown in Table ‎2–1.

25. When the project involves existing activities or facilities, relevant external experts will perform environmental audits to determine the existence of any areas where the project may cause or is causing environmental risks or impacts. If the project does not foresee any new major expansion, the audit constitutes the environmental assessment for the project. The policy principles under the SPS 2009 for environmental assessment are:

Apply pollution prevention and control technologies and practices consistent with international good practice, as reflected in internationally recognized standards such as the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines.

Adopt cleaner production processes, and good practices of energy efficiency.

Avoid or, when avoidance is not feasible, minimize or control the intensity or load of pollutants emissions and discharges, including direct and indirect greenhouse gases emissions, waste generation, and release of hazardous material from their production, transportation, handling and storage.

Avoid the use of hazardous materials subject to international bans or phase–outs.

Use, purchase and manage pesticides based on integrated pest management approaches and reduce reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides


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Table ‎2–1: ADB Project Categories

Category Project Description and Requirements

Category A A proposed project is classified as category A if it is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts that are irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented. These impacts may affect an area larger than the sites or facilities subject to physical works. An environmental impact assessment is required.

Category B A proposed project is classified as category B if its potential adverse environmental impacts are less adverse than those of category A projects. These impacts are site–specific, few if any of them are irreversible, and in most cases mitigation measures can be designed more readily than for category A projects. An initial environmental examination is required.

Category C A proposed project is classified as category C if it is likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. No environmental assessment is required although environmental implications need to be reviewed.

Category FI A proposed project is classified as category FI if it involves investment of ADB funds to or through a FI

2.5 World Bank/IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008

26. The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry–specific examples of Good International Industry Practice. The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by existing technology at reasonable costs. Application of the EHS Guidelines to existing facilities may involve the establishment of site–specific targets, based on environmental assessments and/or environmental audits as appropriate, with an appropriate timetable for achieving them.

27. This document includes information relevant to combustion processes fueled by gaseous, liquid, and solid fossil fuels and biomass and designed to deliver electrical or mechanical power, steam, heat, or any combination of these, regardless of the fuel type (except for solid waste which is covered under a separate Guideline for Waste Management Facilities), with a total rated heat input capacity above 50 Megawatt thermal input (MWth) on Higher Heating Value (HHV) basis. It applies to boilers, reciprocating engines, and combustion turbines in new and existing facilities (Table ‎2–2).

28. Targeting the lower guidelines values and recognizing issues related to quality of available fuel, cost effectiveness of controls on smaller units, and the potential for higher energy conversion efficiencies.

29. Targeting the lower guidelines values and recognizing variability in approaches to the management of SO2 emissions (fuel quality vs. use of secondary controls) and the potential for higher energy conversion efficiencies (FGD may consume between 0.5% and 1.6% of electricity generated by the plant). Larger plants are expected to have additional emission control measures. Selection of the emission level in the range is to be determined by EA considering the project’s sustainability, development impact, and cost–benefit of the pollution control performance.

30. Stoker boilers may require different emissions values which should be evaluated on a case–by–case basis through the EA process.


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Table ‎2–2: Emissions Guidelines for Boiler (in mg/Nm3)

Combustion Technology/ Fuel

PM SO2 NOx Dry Gas Excess O2 Content


Natural Gas N/A N/A N/A N/A 240 240 3

Other Gaseous Fuel 50 30 400 400 240 240 3

Liquid Fuels (Plant >50<600MW)

50 30 900–1500

a 400 400 200 3

Liquid Fuels (≥600MW) 50 30 200–850

b 200 400 200 3

Solid Fuels (Plant >50<600MW)

50 30 900–1500

a 400 510–


200 6


b 200 6

Source: IFC;s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines, Thermal Power Plants, 2008

Notes: N/A = not applicable; NDA = Non–degraded airshed; DA = Degraded airshed

2.6 Institutional Framework

31. The success of environmental assessment as a means of ensuring that development projects are environmentally sound and sustainable depends in large measure on the capability of regulatory institutions for environmental management. The institutional framework for decision–making and policy formulation in environmental and conservation issues is briefly described below.

2.6.1 Sindh Government Institutions

32. Environment and Alternate Energy Department is functioning as a department of the Government of Sindh since 2002. Sindh EPA operates under this department. It is a monitoring and regulating agency with the following main functions:

Enforcement of PEPA 1997

Enforcement of NEQS

Implementation of Self–Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART)

Review of EIAs and IEEs

Providing advice to the government on issues related to environment

Coordination of pollution prevention and abatement measures between government and non–governmental organizations

Assistance to provincial and local governments in implementation of schemes for proper disposal of wastes to ensure compliance with NEQS

Undertake measures to enhance awareness on environment among general public

Conduct research and studies on different environmental issues

Attend to public complaints on environmental issues.

Carry out any other task related to environment assigned by the government.

33. Sindh EPA will be responsible for the review and approval of the EIA of Guddu Power plant.


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2.6.2 International and National NGOs

34. International environmental and conservation organizations, such as the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), have been active in Pakistan for some time. Both these organizations have worked closely with the government and have played an advisory role with regard to the formulation of environmental and conservation policies. Since the Rio Summit, a number of national environmental NGOs have also been formed, and have been engaged in advocacy and, in some cases, research. The most prominent national environmental NGOs, such as the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) are members of the Pakistan National Committee of the IUCN.

35. Environmental NGOs have been particularly active in advocacy, promoting sustainable development approaches. Much of the government’s environmental and conservation policy has been formulated in consultation with leading NGOs, who have also been involved in drafting new legislation on conservation.

2.7 International Treaties

36. Important international environmental treaties that have been signed by Pakistan and may have relevance to the Project are listed in Table ‎2–3. They concern: climate change and depletion of the ozone layer; biological diversity and trade in wild flora and fauna; desertification; waste and pollution; and cultural heritage.

Table ‎2–3: International Environmental Treaties Endorsed by Pakistan

Topic Convention Date of Treaty

Entry into force in Pakistan

Climate change and the ozone layer

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – the primary objective is the stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

1992 1994

Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – enabled by the above Convention on Climate Change. It has more powerful and legally binding measures. It sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

1997 2005

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer – acts as a framework for the international efforts to protect the ozone layer with a primary objective to protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting from human activities that modify or are likely to modify the ozone layer.

1985 1993

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Ozone Layer and associated amendments – enabled by the Vienna Convention, it is designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of a number of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion.

1987 1993


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Topic Convention Date of Treaty

Entry into force in Pakistan

Waste and pollution

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal– regulates the transboundary movement of hazardous waste and other waste with a stated purpose to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects from generation and management of hazardous waste and other waste. The Convention provides for three sets of measures with binding obligations. These are: Strict control of transboundary movement of hazardous waste; Environmentally sound management of hazardous waste; and Enforcement and implementation of the provisions of the convention at international and national levels.

1989 1994

International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co–operation

1990 1995

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants– seeks to protect human health and the environment from Persistent Organic Pollutants, which are chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically and accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife.

2001 2008


International Convention to Combat Desertification–with an objective to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. It is supported by international cooperation and partnership arrangements, with the aim of achieving sustainable use of land and water resources and sustainable development in affected areas.

1994 1997

Biodiversity and the protection of plants and animals

Convention on Biological Diversity – covering ecosystems, species, and genetic resources and also the field of biotechnology. The objectives are:

conserve of biological diversity;

sustainable use of its components; and

fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources.

1992 1994

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity – addresses potential risks posed by living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology.

2000 2009

Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals – aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range. It is concerned with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on a global scale.

1979 1987

Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation Measures for the Siberian Crane – parties undertake to provide strict protection to Siberian Cranes, and identify and conserve wetland habitats essential for their survival.

1998 1999


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Topic Convention Date of Treaty

Entry into force in Pakistan

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.

1973 1976

International Plant Protection Convention (1997 Revised Text) – to prevent the international spread of pests and plant diseases. It requires maintenance of lists of plant pests, tracking of pest outbreaks, and coordination of technical assistance between member nations.

1951/52 1954

Agreement for the Establishment of the Near East Plant Protection Organization – to establish the Near East Plant Protection Organisation (NEPPO), which promotes international co–operation with a view to implementing International Plant Protection Convention.

1993 2009

Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region and amendments – establishes the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission to review and promote the region’s progress in the implementation of the Agreement. Trade in plants and plant products are regulated by certification, prohibition, inspection, disinfection, quarantine, destruction, etc., as necessary.

1955 (amendment 1967)

1958 (amendment 1969)

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat and associated protocols and amendments – to promote conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance now includes almost 1,800 sites (known as Ramsar Sites). There are currently 19 Ramsar sites in Pakistan.

1971 (amended 1987)

1976 (amended 1994)

Cultural heritage

Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage – requires parties to adapt a general policy on the protection of the natural and cultural heritage, to set up services for such protection, to develop scientific and technical studies, to take appropriate legal, technical, scientific and administrative measures and to foster training and education for such protection.

1972 1976


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3. Description of the Project

1. Under the Power Sector Rehabilitation Project (PSRP), Asian Development Bank (ADB) is considering energy efficiency improvement of power generation facilities owned by the GENCO Holding Company through a loan to the government of Pakistan (GoP). The PRSP aims to rehabilitate two public sector power generation facilities located at Jamshoro and Guddu in the Sindh province. Implementation of the PRSP will result in reduced power outages and load shedding which will reduce the need for the industrial sector to resort to costly self or captive power generation and other consumers from incurring cost of alternatives. Engconsult Ltd., Canada is retained by the Ministry of Water and Power (MoWP) of Pakistan to undertake the Diagnostic Study for the GENCOs. As part of the environmental assessment, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required by the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement of 2009 (SPS 2009) for each power station, which require rehabilitation. This EIA completed with support from Hagler Bailly Pakistan covers the rehabilitation of the Guddu Thermal Power Station (Guddu TPS), which is one of the power generation facilities operated by the Central Power Generation Company (also known as ‘GENCO II’) owned by the GENCO Holding Company.

3.1 Project Setting

2. The Guddu power station is located near the confluence of Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. It is situated on the right bank of the River Indus besides the Guddu Barrage at a distance of 10 km east of Kashmor town. Sindh Feeder and Pat Feeder canals flow from east to south-west of the power plant. The nearest airports from the power plant are in Sukkur City at a distance of 120 km towards south and Rahim Yar Khan City at a distance of 70 km towards the east. The plant site is accessible by a metal road, which connects with National Highway N-55 (Figure ‎3-1).

3. The power plant is located on land elevating between 75.0 to 85.0 meters above mean seal level, sloping gently from north to south. The surrounding area is predominantly plain and the major topographical features are the two irrigation canals (Sindh Feeder Canal and the Pat Feeder Canal) flowing through the area. Soil types range from dark-brown sandy loam in most places to light-brown sand in others. The area’s soil contains adequate moisture and nutrients for agricultural use.

4. Climate in the area is described as arid. The summer period starts in mid-March and is generally dry outside of the monsoon season which lasts from June through September, and is characterized by periods of high wind and more than 55 mm of rainfall. Temperatures peak at an average of 44°C just before the onset of the monsoon in late June. The winter period lasts from December to March and is mild, with daily average maximum and minimum temperatures of 24°C and 9°C respectively.

5. Irrigation water for the agricultural activities is available from the canals originating from the Indus River at Guddu Barrage. Settlement clusters within the vicinity of the plant can be classified as mostly rural, with two housing colonies for Guddu TPS and NTDC grid station employees where majority of the population in the area resides. The housing colonies are purpose-built, all-inclusive residential developments. The rural residents are dependent on agriculture as a main source of livelihood. Colony residents have better access to social facilities, schools and hospitals.

6. Photographs of TPS Guddu surroundings are presented in Figure ‎3-2.


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Figure ‎3-1: Location of TPS Guddu


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Figure ‎3-2: Photographs of TPS Guddu Surroundings

Rural settlement adjacent to the power plant Guddu TPS Housing Colony adjacent to the power plant

Agriculture fields around the rural settlements. Agriculture fields around the rural settlements.

Hospital in Guddu TPS Housing Colony College in the Guddu TPS Housing Colony.

River Indus located towards the east of the power plant. Guddu Barrage on River Indus.


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3.2 Overview of TPS Guddu

7. TPS Guddu consists of four condensing steam power Units and three combined cycle Units that operate on medium calorific value (MCV) gas from Mari, Kandhkot, and Chachar fields. The power Units were installed over a period from 1972 to 1992. The layout of TPS Guddu is given in Figure ‎3-3, and a satellite view of the same image is given in Figure ‎3-4. In addition, a 747 MW combined cycle power plant is under construction at the site, expected to be complete by 2014.

8. Two of the four condensing Units (1 and 2) were designed to operate on pipeline quality natural gas, but due to shortages a mix of fuel gases (Sui, Mari, Tulow, and Kandhkot gas fields) is used. Because of this, the boilers cannot handle high enough volumes of gas to drive the steam turbines, resulting in the Units operating at de-rated loads (from 210 to 130 MW for Units 3 and 4, and 110 to 50 MW for Units 1 and 2). Units 3 and 4 are designed for gas firing with provisions for partial oil firing. The power station is connected to the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) transmission network. The configuration of the plant by Unit and capacity is given in Table ‎3-1.

Table ‎3-1: Configuration of the plant by Unit

Block Unit Capacity (MW) Make Commissioning

Installed De-rated Current

I GT 11 136 80 240 Siemens, Germany


GT 12 136 80

ST 13 143 80

II GT 7 100 95 532 General Electric, USA


GT 8 100 80

ST 5 100 60

GT 9* 100 100 General Electric, USA


GT 10* 100 100

ST 6* 100 90

III ST 3 210 130 260 former USSR 1980

ST 4 210 130 Harbin, China 1985

IV ST 1 110 50 100 M/s. Skoda,


Being Designed



ST 2








Total 2,402 1,125 1,132


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Figure ‎3-3: Layout map of TPS Guddu


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Figure ‎3-4: Satellite View of TPS Guddu


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9. The power station has staff strength of 2,350, most of which live in the residential colonies adjacent to the station. The colonies provide all necessary amenities such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers.

10. Fuel for the power station is high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) supplied by Pakistan State Oil (Karachi) and natural gas from Kandhkot, Mari, and Sui fields. HSFO is transported to the site by tanker trucks. The oil is stored in two underground concrete tanks, and is pumped to above ground storage tanks before use (Figure ‎3-4). Natural gas is supplied to the station through a pipeline system. The fuel requirement for TPS Guddu is presented in Table ‎3-2, and HSFO storage capacity is provided in Table ‎3-3.

Table ‎3-2: Fuel supply requirements

Unit No. HSFO Requirement per day (MT)

Gas Requirement MMCFD

HSD Requirement per Year

3 and 4 188.35 –

1-13 229.394 –

Table ‎3-3: Storage tanks and capacity

Tank No. No. of Tank Capacity (tons) Total Capacity (tons) Fuel Type

1-7 7 5,500 35,000 HSFO

8-9 2 11,320 22,640 HSFO

10, 12 2 9,916 19,832 HSD

11 1 1,107 1,107 HSD

13 1 8,408 8,408 HSD

13 Total 86,987

3.2.1 Water Supply and Effluents

11. Drinking water is provided to the colony from the Sindh Feeder Canal (Figure ‎3-4). The water is clarified and chlorinated, and supplied through an elevated storage tank.

12. Water for cooling purposes is supplied to the plant through the Sindh Feeder Canal. During once-through cooling operation, the total water requirement, including the existing units and under-construction 747 MW Unit (Figure ‎3-4) is estimated at 61.6 cumec, with 59.7 cumec used directly for cooling. The rest of the supply goes towards boilers, water supply for the adjacent housing colony, and other uses. While the canal is closed for about three weeks in January, water is supplied to the plant from the tubewells/turbines installed near the canal. During cooling tower operation, the total water requirement drops to 3.3 cumec. In this case, the water requirement for the plant cooling system is 1.4 cumec. The requirement for all other non-cooling related operations remains unchanged.

13. Total effluent generation of the plant is 60.9 cumec inclusive of the under-construction 747 MW Unit during once-through cooling and 1.7 cumec during cooling tower operations, bulk of which is from the plant cooling system. Location of outfall drains is indicated in Figure ‎3-4. Net plant and housing colony water requirement is estimated at 0.7 cumec during once through operation, and 1.7 cumecs during the cooling tower operation when water is lost from evaporation in the cooling towers. Effluent from the boilers and boiler feed water treatment system is released into an evaporation pond located on the south east corner of the plant (Figure ‎3-4). Effluent from the cooling systems is discharged through four outfall channels along the eastern side of the plant boundary. An additional outfall channel will be built to accommodate the additional wastewater expected upon completion of the 747 MW Unit. The segregation of the boiler related effluents and the cooling system effluents is


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not well managed, and apparently some boiler related effluents are discharged into the drainage channels that carry cooling system effluents.

3.2.2 Gaseous Emissions

14. Untreated gases from combustion of fuel in the boilers are released through three stacks.

3.2.3 Solid Waste Disposal

15. Solid waste from plant repair and maintenance consists mainly of packaging materials, glass wool insulation, and metal scrap. As the plant has operated exclusively on gas until 2007 after which limited firing on fuel oil has taken place, waste from cleaning of boilers commonly observed in Jamshoro TPS and Muzaffargarh TPS was not observed within the boundary of Guddu TPS. While the occurrence of hazardous materials on site is likely, further investigations are required to determine the hazardous materials stored on site, and asbestos use in insulation and in the cooling towers.

3.2.4 Description of Proposed Rehabilitation

The rehabilitation of TPS Guddu includes: replacement of condenser tubes; replacement of convective super heaters; and replacement soot blowing systems. A complete list of all major rehabilitation works is included in Table ‎3-4.

Table ‎3-4: List of major rehabilitation works on TPS Guddu

Item Unit No. Detail of Works/ Spares

110MW (Czechoslovakia make) Unit # 1 & 2

1 1 & 2 Modification / Rehabilitation of Unit No. 1 & 2

2 1 & 2 Condenser tubes Nos. 27400 for both Units

210 MW, Unit No. 3 (Russian Make)

1 3 2nd & 3rd Stage Convective Super Heaters No. 6 & 7

2 3 Soot Blowing System, Shot-Chute System for dual firing

3 3 Modification/Rehabilitation of Air Pre-Heater Sealing System

4 3 Rehabilitation of Open & Close Cycle Circulating Water Pumps, Regulating Valves


4 Modification in Regenerative Air Pre-Heater Heating Elements,

4 Spare parts for Major Overhauling of turbine, etc.

4 Up-gradation of Burner Management System

4 Up-gradation of Turbine H.P. & L.P. By-pass System

4 Up-gradation of Auto Manual Regulating system

4 Fisher Gas Regulating Valves.

4 Replacement of H.P. & L.P. Valves on Steam & Water circuit.


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Item Unit No. Detail of Works/ Spares


1 5 to 10 Rehabilitation of HRSGs Unit Nos. GT 07, GT08, GT09 and GT10

2 5 to 10 Emergency Diesel Generator 2x1000 KV (supply Installation and Commissioning)

3 5 to 10 Major Overhauling of GT08 and spare parts.

4 5 to 10 Miscellaneous Plant equipment

5 5 to 10 Complete CW Pump Open Cycle

6 5 to 10 Complete CW Pump Close Cycle

7 5 to 10 Rehabilitation / Extension of Cooling Tower Unit 5 and 6

8 5 to 10 BFP Complete 02 Sets

9 5 to 10 Rehabilitation and Pigging of Fuel Gas Supply Lines

10 5 to 10 Rehabilitation / Spares of 6.6 KV Auxiliary Supply

11 5 to 10 Procurement of spares for ST 5, 6


11 to 13 Hiring of services for major overhauling of Unit 11, 12 & 13

11 to 13 Procurement of Spares for Steam & Gas Turbines

11 to 13 Procurement of Spares for Diverter Damper and Accessories of HRSG.

11 to 13 Procurement of Field Devices (Instrument)

11 to 13 Procurement of Tubes for Heat exchangers

16. The completed rehabilitation project is expected to increase power generation by 50.5 MW in Block II and 190 MW in Blocks III and IV. Units in Block I will be rehabilitated for reliability, and will see no increase in power production.

3.2.5 Project Area of Influence

17. The population likely to be affected by the Project activities was identified based on an understanding of the potential impacts of the Project. The potential socioeconomic impacts of the Project fall into two categories: the direct socioeconomic impacts, such as, employment generation and skill and technology transfers, and the indirect socioeconomic impacts resulting due to the physical environmental impacts of the Project, such as, land transformation resulting in physical and economic displacement. Project induced changes to the physical environment are expected to reduce with the increased distance from the Project facilities, affecting more the settlements located closer. Since the project involves only rehabilitation work without any additional acquisition of land or boiler conversion to other types of fuel, an area extending to 3km from the plant boundary was considered adequate for the study to collect primary data for assessment of baseline conditions. Indirect impacts of the Project will not only affect the immediate socioeconomic environment of the Project but also diffuse to other parts of Kashmore district and possibly Sindh province. Secondary sources were therefore for consulted for collection of regional data. The Study Area for the project is shown in Figure ‎3-5.


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Figure ‎3-5: Study Area Guddu TPS


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4. Description of the Environment

4.1 Physical Environment

4.1.1 Geology

1. The natural surface soil layers in the project area consist of thin alternating layers of silt, clayey silt and combined. The thickness of soil layers varies from 0.5 to 2.0 m. Substantial disturbance in this layer has occurred due to local farming. This stratum occasionally contains zones of fine sand and very thin layers of tine gravel less frequently.

4.1.2 Topography and Land use

2. The Study Area (Figure 3-5 Section 3 ‗Project Description’) elevation ranges between 75.0 to 85.0 m above mean sea level, sloping towards the Indus River which runs along the eastern section of the Study Area. The Project is surrounded by cultivated land. The area‘s land mass is generally flat, with parcels of minor undulations in some places. Land use in the Study Area can be broadly categorized as:

Agriculture land including cultivated farmlands and orchards;

Settlements including villages and associated structures such as agricultural sheds, places of worship, and other community buildings;

Guddu Barrage and associated irrigation network including BS Feeder canal and the Pat Feeder canal;

Roads, unsealed tracks and paved roads;

Wasteland that includes areas which have been rendered unusable due to water–logging, salinity, or due to other causes like dumping.

Use of land use in the Study Area are given in Figure ‎4–1

4.1.3 Seismic Intensity

3. Pakistan is divided into 15 seismo–tectonic regions.1 According to the Geological Survey of Pakistan classification, the Study Area falls in seismic zone A2. The Munich Re ‗World Map of Hazards‘ classifies the Study Area as Zone 2 while it corresponds to Intensity VII of the Modified Mercalli Scale of 1931.2 The local effect of Scale VII earthquake is described as: ‗Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction, slight to moderate in ordinary structures, and considerable in poorly built or badly designed structures. Chimneys broken. Felt in moving automobiles‘.3 Scale VII corresponds to average peak ground acceleration of 0.10–0.15 g (acceleration due to gravity, which is equal to 9.80 m2/s), and an average peak velocity of 8 to10 cm/s. The peak ground acceleration value for Zone 2A according to the Building Code of Pakistan ranges between 0.08 to 0.16 g.

1 Quittmeyer, R. C. 1979. The Seismicity of Pakistan and Its Relation to Surface Faults in Geodynamics of

Pakistan. Quetta: Geological Survey of Pakistan. 2 Unlike earthquake magnitude, which indicates the energy a quake expends, the Modified Mercalli Intensity

Scale of 1931 is designed to describe the effects of an earthquake, at a given place, on natural features, on installations and on human beings. It has 12 divisions, using Roman numerals from I to XII. I is the mildest—described as: ‗Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable circumstances‘—and XII is the most severe—‗Damage total. Waves seen on ground surfaces. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown upward into the air.

3 United Stated Geological Survey. 1998. http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/intensity/pym/mmi_abbrev.html. Accessed

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Figure ‎4–1: Land Use Features in Study Area and Surrounding

Agricultural Field Rural House

Unsealed Road Guddu Barrage

4.1.4 Soil

4. Soil types range from dark brown sandy loam in most places to light–brown sand in others. The area‘s soils contain adequate moisture and nutrients for agricultural use. The soils are porous and slightly alkaline (pH=7.2) in nature and contain appreciable quantities of organic matter (1.11%) and Organic Carbon (0.64%). As part of the baseline, soil samples were collected from the Study Area for analysis. The soil samples were collected from two points, Soil Sample GSQ1–2 was collected within the plant near oil decanting area to identify any possible seepage and contamination from the operations of the existing plant. Soil Sample GSQ2–2 was taken from an agricultural field, approximately 60 m from the outfall drain and 125 m from the plant boundary to determine any soil contamination. The sampling locations are shown in Figure ‎4–2.


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Figure ‎4–2: Environmental Sampling Locations


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5. The samples were analyzed for metals and petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). There are no regulatory criteria for soils. To provide the context to discuss the soil analysis results for metals and understand if there are any environmental or health risk, the target limit for metals in the soil is set as there times the average abundance of metals in the earth‘s crust. A parameter is considered ‗elevated‘ if its concentration in the soil sample is more than three times its average crustal abundance. Soil analysis results are given in Table ‎4–1. The results of the sample collected within the plant show no evidence of oil contamination at two meters. No signs of metal contamination were observed in the samples. The analysis results of both samples show that the concentrations of all parameters are well below the target limit of three times the crustal abundance.

6. The total petroleum hydrocarbon levels in both the samples drawn at 2 m were found to be below the laboratory limit of reporting (LOR). Given the past fuel use at the Guddu TPS which has been predominantly gas4, contamination of the soil from spillage of oil in the oil decanting area located adjacent to the oil storage tanks is superficial and limited to surface.

Table ‎4–1: Soil Analysis Results

Parameters Units LOR Three times Crustal



Sample ID GSQ1–2 GSQ2–2

Location Oil Decanting Area

Agricultural Field

Moisture @ 103 oC % 0.1 2.2 2.2 11.5

Arsenic mg/kg 1 6.3 <1 <1

Barium mg/kg 5 1,020 19 33

Boron mg/kg 5 26.1 <5 <5

Cadmium mg/kg 0.05 0.5 <0.05 <0.05

Chromium mg/kg 0.05 420 11.4 13.9

Copper mg/kg 0.5 204 3.2 8.7

Iron mg/kg 0.5 189,000 13,100 19,300

Lead mg/kg 1 30 3 4

Manganese mg/kg 1 3,300 179 249

Nickel mg/kg 0.5 270 14.4 17.2

Selenium mg/kg 5 0.225 <5 <5

Silver mg/kg 1 0.225 <1 <1

Zinc mg/kg 0.5 237 12.8 21.1

Mercury mg/kg 0.5 0.267 <0.5 <0.5

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH)

TPH (C6–C9 fraction) mg/kg 5 <5 <5

C10–C14 fraction mg/kg 50 <50 <50

C15–C28 fraction mg/kg 100 <100 <100

C29–C36 fraction mg/kg 100 <100 <100

4 As the power plant is connected to both the national gas transmission network of SNGPL and nearby to gas

fields such as Kandhkot that are dedicated to the power plant, fuel use was entirely natural gas up to 2007. Use of fuel oil started in 2008 following gas shortages, and presently fuel oil constitutes only 10% of the plant fuel use.


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4.1.5 Climate

7. Climate is the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation. The climate of the project area is broadly described as hot and arid.


8. Three weather stations, at Khanpur, Jacobabad, and Sukkur are located within 125 km of TPS Guddu. Coordinates of the Meteorological stations are given in Table ‎4–2 and the location of the weather stations is shown in Figure ‎4–3. The climatic description of the Study Area presented in this section is based on weather data of these stations. The hottest month is June in which the maximum average monthly temperature exceeds 43oC. The winters are mild with temperature dropping to 22 oC in January. The Study Area receives approximately 70 mm of rain annually. Almost 60% of the rain is concentrated in the monsoon months of July and August. A complete characterization of the climate of the Study Area is illustrated in Table ‎4–3. Monthly temperature, rainfall and wind data are provided in Table ‎4–4 to Table ‎4–7.

Table ‎4–2: Meteorological Stations Nearest To Study Area

No. Station Location Elevation (a.m.s.l.


Approx. distance from project area (KM)

Latitude Longitude

1. Khanpur 28.39'N 70.41'E 88.41 meter 71.0

2. Jacobabad 28.18'N 68.28'E 55.00 meter 140.0

3. Sukkur 27.42'N 68.52'E 68.50 meter 160.0

5 a.m.s.l: Above mean sea level


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Figure ‎4–3: Location of Weather Stations


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Table ‎4–3: Seasonal Characteristics of Climate of the Study Area

Season Temperature Humidity Rainfall Wind

Summer (Mid–March to mid–June)

March is the transition period from winter to summer. Daily maximum increases from about 27°C at the start of the month to 34°C at the end. It continues to increase and peaks at 44°C just before the onset of monsoon in late June.

Morning (Evening) humidity decreases from 65% (28%) in March to about 52% (23%) by mid–April. It stays around this figure for about a month and starts increasing in late May and reaches 65% (25%) by June.

5–7 mm of rain falls in February. The rest of the season is dry—monthly rainfall is less than 5 mm.

Wind starts changing direction, from NE to S–SW, near the end of March. The average speed also increases from 3 knots to 4.5 knots by mid–June.

Monsoon (Mid–June to mid–September)

High winds and subsequent rainfall lowers the temperature by 4–5°C in July. The maximum temperature remains around 38°C in August and September.

Moisture associated with monsoon increases humidity to more than 75% in the morning and 40% in the evening during July, August and most of September.

More than 55 mm of rain falls during this period; this accounts for more than 60% of the total rainfall received in the area.

Throughout this period, wind blows from the south at an average speed of 3.5 knots.

Post–Monsoon Summer (Mid–September to November)

The daily maximum temperature drops by more than 10°C from early October to end of November.

Morning (evening) humidity decreases slightly; however, it remains above 70% (30%).

The season is dry. Monthly average rainfall is less than 5 mm.

Average wind speed drops below 2.5 knots. The direction starts changing back to NE by the end of September.

Winter (December to mid–March)

The daily maximum and minimum temperatures average around 24° and 9°C, respectively.

Morning (Evening) humidity increases to nearly 75% (35%) in December but drops to 65% (30%) by end of February.

The season is dry. Monthly average rainfall is less than 5 mm, except February when 5–7 mm of rain is received in the project area.

Mild wind (less than 2.5 knots) blows from northeast throughout this season.


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Table ‎4–4: Mean Monthly Temperature Data for Study Area (in C)

Month Mean Daily Maximum Recorded Minimum Recorded

Maximum Minimum Value Date Station Value Date Station

January 22.3 6.4 32.0 21/1902 Jacobabad –4.0 31/1929 Sukkur

February 24.9 9.2 39.0 26/1928 Jacobabad –2.8 5/1984 Khanpur

March 30.8 14.7 44.0 26/1892 Jacobabad 2.0 9/1979 Khanpur

April 37.4 20.5 48.0 24/1958 Jacobabad 6.5 2/1989 Khanpur

May 42.1 25.1 52.0 27/1914 Jacobabad 11.0 6/1989 Khanpur

June 43.3 28.1 53.0 12/1919 Jacobabad 13.0 10/1977 Khanpur

July 40.3 28.0 52.0 6/1901 Jacobabad 17.0 12/1977 Khanpur

August 38.4 26.9 47.0 7/1918 9/1987

Jacobabad Sukkur

17.5 28/1989 Sukkur

September 37.3 24.3 45.0 16/1936 Jacobabad 14.8 30/1984 Khanpur

October 35.1 18.5 46.0 6/1951 Jacobabad 5.0 3/1968 Khanpur

November 29.7 12.4 39.0 2/1942 Jacobabad 0.6 30/1962 Khanpur

December 23.8 7.4 33.0 19/1943 1/1953

Sukkur Jacobabad

–4.3 25/1984 Khanpur

Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department (1992)


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Table ‎4–5: Rainfall Data (in mm)

Month Mean of Monthly


Mean No. of Rainy Days

Wettest Month on Record Heaviest Rainfall Recorded in 24 hrs

Amount Year Station Amount Date/Year Station

Jan 3.8 0.5 54.1 1957 Jacobabad 28.2 9/1937 Jacobabad

Feb 6.6 0.7 73.7 1906 Jacobabad 45.0 27/1970 Jacobabad

Mar 6.9 0.8 51.9 1982 Sukkur 38.7 15/1956 Jacobabad

Apr 2.2 0.2 58.2 1919 Jacobabad 48.7 21/1919 Jacobabad

May 3.9 0.4 43.2 1974 Sukkur 43.2 27/1974 Sukkur

Jun 3.7 0.3 82.5 1930 Jacobabad 82.5 30/1930 Jacobabad

Jul 29.4 1.5 336.1 1978 Sukkur 184.5 15/1978 Sukkur

Aug 23.0 1.2 298.3 1988 Jacobabad 251.5 7/1988 Jacobabad

Sep 12.8 0.6 155.2 1976 Sukkur 85.1 6/1975 Jacobabad

Oct 1.5 0.1 65.5 1930 Sukkur 62.2 2/1956 Sukkur

Nov 0.8 0.2 63.5 1890 Jacobabad 46.2 28/1890 Jacobabad

Dec 3.5 0.3 80.5 1967 Sukkur 47.0 20/1921 Jacobabad

Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department (1992)


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Table ‎4–6: Mean Monthly Relative Humidity

Month Relative Humidity at 5:00 am (%) Relative Humidity at 5:00 pm (%)

Jan 75.5 35.5

Feb 71.2 32.3

Mar 66.5 28.7

Apr 55.5 21.7

May 51.5 20.0

Jun 62.8 25.3

Jul 73.6 40.1

Aug 77.3 46.1

Sep 78.6 42.5

Oct 74.4 33.6

Nov 76.5 34.8

Dec 79.0 38.9

Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department (1992)

Table ‎4–7: Wind Data

Month Mean Wind Max. Wind Speed (knots)


Speed (knots)


Jan 1.8 N–NE 18.0 Jacobabad

Feb 2.5 NE 18.0 Jacobabad

Mar 2.6 NE 21.0 Sukkur

Apr 2.9 Variable 20.0 Jacobabad

May 3.3 SW–SE–SW 26.0 Khanpur

Jun 4.0 S–SE–SW 56.0 Jacobabad

Jul 3.7 S–SE–SW 44.0 Sukkur

Aug 3.2 S–SE–SW 22.0 Sukkur

Sep 2.6 S–SE–SW 39.0 Sukkur

Oct 1.4 Variable 16.0 Jacobabad

Nov 1.5 NE–NW–NE 19.0 Jacobabad

Dec 1.2 N–NE 22.0 Sukkur

Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department (1992)


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Climatic Classification

9. Various meteorologists have developed classification schemes to describe the local climatic features of Pakistan. Classification based on two of the schemes is described below:

Shamshad (1956) has classified the climate of Pakistan on the basis of characteristic seasons found in the country. Taking into account topography, proximity to the sea, rainfall, temperature, and winds, he has defined eleven climatic zones for Pakistan. Under his scheme, the climate of the project area is classified as ‗subtropical double season hot land.‘ The characteristic features of this climatic zone are low rainfall (less than 250 millimeters per annum), hence the absence of a well–defined rainy season, and high temperatures that increase from east to west. The region west of the Indus River experiences the highest temperatures, as it is cut off from the westerly summer breeze by neighboring hills.

Kazi (1952) divides Pakistan into four major climatic regions, which are further subdivided into 18 micro–regions. Under this classification, the project area falls into the central irrigated plains of the sub–tropical Indus lowlands. The region is characterized by aridity and continentality, with high summer temperatures and late summer rains. Rainfall is less than 250 mm and concentrated in June to September. July and August are the hottest months and October and November the driest. June and January are the hottest and coldest months, respectively. The presence of irrigated fields mitigates the summer heat to some extent.

4.1.6 Water Resources

10. Major water bodies in the Study Area include the Indus River, Guddu Barrage, BS Feeder canal; the Pat Feeder Canal; and the Ghotki Feeder Canal. Ground water is does not constitute a major source of drinking water in the Study Area due to high amount of salinity in ground water. The water resources are briefly described below.

Surface Water Bodies

11. Indus River is the major source of surface water in the region (Figure ‎4–4). The river has an average width of about 500 m during normal flow which may exceed to several kilometers during high floods. The width of the river at Guddu Barrage is 1.35 km. Guddu Barrage, built in 1962, is used to divert water to irrigation canal and for flood control purposes. It provides fresh water supply for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses. Flow of the Indus River in the Study Area is controlled by Guddu Barrage. The function of this barrage is to create a large reservoir to provide water supply for irrigation to adjacent and downstream agricultural lands. The Guddu Barrage and other barrages on the Indus River system have proven very effective in allowing the retention and management of water during dry season.

12. Water is diverted upstream of barrage by large canals; the BS Feeder canal, the Pat Feeder Canal, and the Ghotki Feeder Canal. Water from these canals is used for agriculture and power plant. In addition to these diversions, water is continuously released from the barrage to downstream reaches of the Indus River.

13. The barrage has 64 bays and has the maximum design capacity to discharge is 33,980 cumec (cubic meters per second). The annual flow of Indus River at Guddu barrage is 3,509 cumec. The 18 year monthly averaged flow data for the Indus River recorded from 1986–87 season to 2003–04 season, at Guddu barrage is presented in Table ‎4–8. Average flow is highest in August when it exceeds 10,310 cumecs. In January, the leanest month the average flow is 976 cumecs. Three canals originate from Guddu Barrage, BS Feeder Canal, Pat Feeder Canal on the right bank, and Ghotki Canal the Left Bank. Of these, BS Feeder Canal, Pat Feeder Canal partly falls in the Study Area.


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14. Ground water system in the Study Area is dominated by layered nature of the alluvial material and the proximity to Indus River and BS feeder Canal. Natural ground water elevations in the vicinity of the Project vary in elevation between 75.0 meters amsl during the winter months to 85.0 meters amsl during late summer and early fall. Higher elevations are expected during severe flooding; lower elevations are expected during severe droughts.

15. Generally, ground waters are mineralized; ground water quality decreases (i.e. increases in mineralization) with increasing depth. Very shallow ground waters will be of similar quality to water of the Indus River and BS Feeder Canal. Industrial uses of ground water at existing power plant are limited due to the availability of the surface water and problems in some areas where minerals content is relatively high. However, ground water is an alternative supply source for cooling tower make during low flow/draught conditions.


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Figure ‎4–4: Surface Water Resources in the Study Area


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Table ‎4–8: Indus River Monthly Average Monthly Flow at Guddu Barrage

Monthly Average (1986–2004)

Flow (cumec, m3/s)

Upstream Downstream

Jan 976 709

Feb 1,066 956

Mar 1,239 1,097

Apr 1,641 1,643

May 2,667 2,421

Jun 4,793 3,875

Jul 9,435 8,463

Aug 10,310 9,446

Sep 5,742 5,042

Oct 2,084 1,802

Nov 1,132 949

Dec 1,019 926

Annual 3,509 3,111

4.1.7 Water Quality

16. Rationale for location of sampling points to assess the quality of water in the Study Area is summarized in Table ‎4–9. Location of points where the effluent is released outside the plant boundary is indicated in Figure 3-4 of Section 3, ‗Project Description‘.

17. Three water samples of drinking water were collected from the Study Area, one for drinking water and two for groundwater analysis. The Drinking Water Sample GDW 1 was taken from TPS Guddu Housing Colony to ascertain physio–chemical suitability for drinking. The ground water samples were collected to determine groundwater contamination. Groundwater Sample GGW 1 was collected about 580 m from the Project boundary towards the river bank, approximately midway between the Project and the river from outfall. Groundwater Sample GGW 2 was taken close to the plant boundary and at a distance of 144 m from the river bank. Both the samples were taken at a depth below 10 m. The sampling locations are shown in Figure ‎4–2.

The samples were handled as per United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) sampling procedures. The samples were analyzed by ALS Malaysia, an ISO 17025:2005 accredited laboratory. Various quality assurance measures such as duplicate samples and trip blanks were undertaken. The samples were analyzed for physiochemical parameters, such as pH, dissolved oxygen, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates, and heavy metals (iron, aluminum, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, manganese, mercury, nickel, lead selenium, and zinc). Arsenic content in the drinking water samples was also analyzed.


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Table ‎4–9: Rationale for Sampling Points for Water

No. Type of Sample Sample ID Location Comments

1 Drinking Water GDW1 Power Plant Housing Colony Water Supply

28°25'58.12"N 69°40'54.70"E Sample taken from the overhead storage tank from where the water is supplied to the residents.

2 Groundwater GGW1 Hand pump in agricultural field, 340 m southwest of village Mevo Khan Soomro

28°25'8.18"N 69°41'24.39"E Sample taken to check drinking water quality and relationship if any to contamination from plant effluents

3 Groundwater GGW2 Hand pump in village Bakhshan Shah

28°25'20.10"N 69°42'10.59"E Sample taken to check drinking water quality and relationship if any to contamination from plant effluents

5 Plant Effluent Water GEW1 Outfall drain containing effluent from plant cooling system, Units 1 and 2

28°25'26.69"N 69°41'38.15"E Sample taken to check if there could be a threat to quality of river water from discharge of this effluent into the river.

6 Plant Effluent Water GEW2 Outfall drain containing effluent from plant cooling system, Russian

28°25'42.82"N 69°41'58.59"E Sample taken to check if there could be a threat to quality of river water from discharge of this effluent into the river.

7 Plant Effluent Water GEW3 Outfall drain containing effluent from plant cooling system, 600 MW Unit

28°25'25.50"N 69°41'50.49"E Sample taken to check if there could be a threat to quality of river water from discharge of this effluent into the river.

8 Plant Effluent Water GEW4 Channel containing effluent from plant cooling system of 600 MW Unit leading to outfall drain

28°26'0.49"N 69°41'31.09"E Sample taken to check if there could be a threat to quality of river water from discharge of this effluent into the river.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

18. Following are the key observations from the analysis of the samples:

The physiochemical analysis of the water sample shows that all the parameters are in line with the WHO and NSDW limit for drinking water. The Drinking Water Sample GDW1 from TPS Guddu Housing Colony is well within the limits and physio–chemically suitable for drinking. Table ‎4–10 shows the results of the analyzed samples for drinking. No pesticides were detected in the Drinking Water Sample GDW1 (Table ‎4–11)

Effluent water result of the samples shows the metals concentrations detected are well within the NEQS limit. Table ‎4–12 shows the results of the analyzed samples for effluent.

19. Untreated domestic waste water is discharged from the plant housing colony at two locations indicated in (Figure 3-1 Section 3 Project Description), ‗Land Impacted by Release of Untreated Waste Water from Housing Colony‘.

Table ‎4–10: Drinking Water and Groundwater Quality Results

Parameters Unit LOR NSDW[1] WHO Sample

Sample ID GDW 1 GGW 1 GGW 2

Location Housing Colony

Agricultural field near Village Mevo Khan


Village Bakhshan


Ag µg/l 1 – – – <1 <1

Al µg/l 1 <200 200 <1 – –

As µg/l 1 ≤ 50 10 5 4 4

B µg/l 10 300 300 60 222 90

Ba µg/l 1 700 700 55 73 29

Cd µg/l 1 10 3 <1 <1 <1

Cl mg/l <250 250 55 73 29

Cr µg/l 1 ≤ 50 50 <1 <1 <1

Cu µg/l 1 2,000 2,000 <1 1 <1

F mg/l 0.1 ≤ 1.5 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.8

Fe µg/l 10 – – – <10 <10

Hg µg/l 0.5 ≤ 1 1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Mn µg/l 1 ≤ 500 500 3 91 56

Ni µg/l 1 ≤ 20 20 <1 <1 <1

Pb µg/l 1 ≤ 50 1 <1 <1 <1

Sb µg/l 1 <20 20 <1 – –

Se µg/l 1 ≤ 10 10 <10 <10 <10

Zn µg/l 5 5,000 3,000 8 <5 <5

CN mg/l 0.05 ≤ .05 0.07 <0.05 – –

BOD mg/l 4 – – – – –

COD mg/l 5 – – – – –

NH3 mg/l 0.5 – 40[2] – <0.50 <0.50

Nitrate mg/l 0.1 – – <0.1 – –

CaCo3 mg/l 1 <500 – <1 – –


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Parameters Unit LOR NSDW[1] WHO Sample

Sample ID GDW 1 GGW 1 GGW 2

Location Housing Colony

Agricultural field near Village Mevo Khan


Village Bakhshan


SO4 mg/l 1 – – – 283 39

TDS mg/l 1 <1,000 <1,000 193 669 242

TSS mg/l 4 – 150[3] – – –

Phosphates mg/l 0.1 – –

Odour Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

pH 0.1 6.5–8.5 6.5–8.5 7.2 7 7.1

Residual chlorine

mg/l 0.1 5–1.5 at source


Taste Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Color CU 1 6 – –

Temp. oC – 37.5 37.5

Chloride mg/l 5 12 253 13

Oil & Grease mg/l 1 – <1 <1

Turbidity NTU 0 < 5 NTU < 5 NTU 4 – –

Table ‎4–11: Drinking Water Analysis for Pesticides

Date of Extraction 7/7/12

Method Reference Analysis Description Lab I.D 231943

Sample I.D GDW 1

Units LOR

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Organochlorine Pesticides

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Alpha–BHC ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Beta & gamma–BHC ug/l 10 <10

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Delta–BHC ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Heptachlor ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Aldrin ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Heptachlor epoxide ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Endosulfan 1 ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C 4,4–DDE ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Dieldrin ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Endrin ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Endosulfan 2 ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C 4,4‘–DDD ug/l 5 <5


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date of Extraction 7/7/12

Method Reference Analysis Description Lab I.D 231943

Sample I.D GDW 1

Units LOR

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Endosulfan Sulfate ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C 4,4‘–DDT ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Endrin Ketone ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Methoxychlor ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Organophosphorus Pesticides

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Dichlorvos ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Dimethoate ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Diazinon ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Chlorpyrifos methyl ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Malathion ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Fenthion ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Chloropyrifos ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Pirimiphos ethyl ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Chlorfenvinphos–E ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Chlorfenvinphos–Z ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Prothiofos ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Ethion ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Parathion ug/l 5 <5

USEPA 3570, 8270 C Parathion methyl ug/l 5 <5


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎4–12: Effluent Water Quality Results

Parameter Unit LOR NEQs[1] Sample

Sample ID GEW 1 GEW 2 GEW 3 GEW 4

Location Units 1 and 2

Russian Units

600 MW Unit

Siemens Plant

Ag ug/l 1 <1 <1 <1 <1

As ug/l 1 4 2 19 14

B ug/l 10 6,000 38 41 44 187

Ba ug/l 1 1,500 64 61 81 115

Cd ug/l 1 100 <1 <1 <1 <1

Cl mg/l 5 1,000 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10

Cr ug/l 1 1,000 <1 <1 <1 <1

Cu ug/l 1 1,000 4 1 2 2

F mg/l 0.1 20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4

Fe ug/l 10 2,000 12 31 32 <10

Hg ug/l 0.5 10 0.6 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Mn ug/l 1 1,500 1 1 155 3

Ni ug/l 1 1,000 1 <1 1 <1

Pb ug/l 1 500 <1 <1 <1 <1

Se ug/l 1 500 <10 <10 <10 <10

Zn ug/l 5 5,000 9 10 17 8

Detergents as MBAS

mg/l 0.05 20 0.12 0.17 0.1 0.22

SO4 mg/l 1 600 35 31 28 73

TDS mg/l 1 3,500 154 181 157 338

TSS mg/l 1 150 340 501 372 121

BOD mg/l 5 80 20.17 16.6 21.25 <5.00

COD mg/l 4 150 59.56 50.08 75.2 <4.00

NH3 mg/l <5 40 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50

pH 6 to 10 7.3 7 7.2 7

Chloride mg/l 5 16 12 11 29

Phenol mg/l 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02

Sulphide mg/l 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Temp oC 40 39 39 39.5 39

4.1.8 Air Quality

20. Guddu thermal power plant is the only significant stationary source of gaseous emission in the Study Area. The emissions from plant are mainly sulfur dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM). The major non–stationary source of emission is the highway network.

21. The stack emissions of the plant were monitored for two units that were operational during the field work. The results are presented in Table ‎4–13. The stack emission results


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

show that the stack emissions meet the NEQS. Similarly H2S concentration was not detected.

Table ‎4–13: Stack Emission Results

Parameters After Air Pre–Heater Inlet6

NEQS Unit No.1: 55 MW

Unit No. 2: 60 MW Unit No.4: 130 MW

Flue Temp. °C

112.9 134.0 121.4

Ambient Temp. °C

36.5 35.8 36.7

Oxygen (%) 10.94 11.50 11.20

C02 (%) 7.57 7.15 7.21

CO (mg/Nm


800 58.0 31.8 40.9



82.8 82.8 40.0

NO2 (mg/Nm


0.75 0.37 0.56

SO2 (mg/Nm


2.60 5.20 2.60

(Tons/Day) 5002 90 (At full load)

H2S (mg/Nm


10 0.00 0.00 0.00

1. The NEQS for NO is 130 ng/J of heat input

2. At full plant load of 1350 existing and 747 MW expected

22. To assess the ambient air quality for the Study Area, ambient air quality was recorded at two locations within the project site from July 3 to 5, 2012 (Figure ‎4–2). These locations were selected on their proximity to the plant site and the location of sensitive receptors nearby, such as human settlements (TPS Guddu Housing colony and NTDC colony). The ambient temperature and wind data is presented in Figure ‎4–5. The wind direction was mostly towards the east during the measurement. 24–hour concentrations of SOx, NOx, CO ozone PM10 and SPM were monitored in the Study Area. The results are shown in Table ‎4–14. The average concentration calculated for the 24 hours in season was assumed to represent the entire season. All parameters were within national limits of the ambient air quality except PM2.5. The reason may be due to local dust and emissions. Lead in ambient air was not detected.

6 The MW is the load at which the unit was operating when the measurements were taken, and not

the capacity of the unit.


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Figure ‎4–5: Air Quality Measurement Conditions


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Table ‎4–14: Ambient Air Quality Results

Pollutant Averaging Period



Standard from Jan 1, 2013


Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 24 hours 120 120 ug/m3 36.3 45.6

Nitric Oxide (NO) 24 hours 40 40 ug/m3 9.3 9.3

Nitorgen Dioxide (NO2) 24 hours 80 80 ug/m3 20.1 20.1

Ozone (O3) 1 hour 180 130 ug/m3 12.0 19.0

Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

24 hours 550 500 ug/m3 62.4 41.6

Particulate Matter of less than 10 micron(PM10)

24 hours 250 150 ug/m3 84.0 114.2

Particulate Matter of less than 2.5 micron (PM2.5)

24 hours 40 35 ug/m3 35.4 47.7

1 hour 25 15 ug/m3 70.0 180.0

Lead 24 hours 2 1.5 ug/m3 0.0 0.0

Carbon Monoxide(CO) 8 hours 5 5 mg/m3 2.4 3.7

1 hour 10 10 mg/m3 2.9 3.9

4.1.9 Noise

23. Noise data were collected:

At plant site along with major noise sources; and

Nearest colony receptor

24. Noise data results shows that the noise level at Turbine area is 88.3 dB. The results of noise monitoring are shown in Table ‎4–15. There are no standards for noise levels within the Plant. The noise levels in the residential areas are compliant with the NEQS.

Table ‎4–15: Noise Monitoring Data

Plant site NEQs7 Noise Level (db)

Turbine Area 80 88.3

Control room 65.5

Admin Black 60.6


Employee Colony West Side 658 51.5

Employee Colony South Side 54.3

7 S,R.O. 1062 (I)/2010, National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise

8 Day time limit for residential area


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

4.2 Ecology

25. The Study Area for the ecological study consists of the Thermal Power Station Guddu and a 3 km buffer zone around it to account for an area in which the ecological resources may be impacted by the Project related activities including sound, vibrations, air quality, and water quality. Since the Project involves only rehabilitation work without any additional acquisition of land or conversion to other types of fuel, a buffer zone of 3 km was considered adequate for the study.

26. The Study Area is flat land with an average altitude of about 76.0 to 85.0 meters, sloping gently from north to south. It is situated on the right bank of the River Indus besides the Guddu Barrage. Agricultural fields dominate the northern, western, and eastern sides of the river while the Indus River is located on the eastern side. (Figure 3-5 Section 3, ‗Project Description‘)

27. The specific tasks covered under this ecological study include:

Review and compilation of issues relating to biodiversity and ecology raised by stakeholders during the consultation process (see Section 7, ‗Information Disclosure, Consultations, and Participation).

A review of the available literature on the biodiversity of the Study Area.

Field surveys including:

o Qualitative and quantitative assessment of flora, mammals, reptiles and birds

o Identification of key species, their population and their conservation status in the area.

o Reports of wildlife sightings and fish captured in the Study Area by the resident communities.

Data analysis to determine baseline biodiversity information and to evaluate whether any potential critical habitat and ecosystem services were present in the Study Area.

28. The summer survey was conducted from June 28, 2012 to June 29, 2012. The sampling locations for vegetation, mammals, reptiles and birds are shown in Figure ‎4-6.


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Figure ‎4-6: Sampling Locations for Surveys for Vegetation, Mammals, Reptiles, and Birds Conducted in June 2012


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4.2.1 Methodology

29. The survey was carried out in June to coincide with the summer season when the vegetation has sprouted fully, and the flowering and fruiting conditions of the flora can be observed. In addition, maximum activity of the herpeto-fauna and mammals as well as summer migratory birds can be observed during the summer months. Even though the survey could not observe the winter migratory birds, there is sufficient secondary information available in literature regarding the migratory bird species that visit the Study Area and its vicinity9 and was used in compilation of this report.

30. The Study Area map was marked with a grid of 4 x 4 km and sampling points were marked in the center of each grid square. These sampling points were then adjusted to ensure that all habitats were adequately represented. These points were sampled for ecological resources: vegetation, mammals, reptiles and birds.

31. The sampling methods used for the field surveys along with the literature references used, are described in detail in Appendix 2, Methodology. The following sampling activities for vegetation, mammals, reptiles, birds and fish, were carried out.

Vegetation was sampled via a rapid assessment stratified approach, using three quadrats at each sampling site of 10 × 10 m to measure presence, cover and abundance.

Mammals were sampled using diurnal 300 × 20 m sign survey plots recording footprints, dropping, burrows and dens. The presence and relative abundance of rodents was confirmed by live trapping.

Reptiles were sampled by active searching and visual encounter surveys within 300 x 20 m search plots. Reptile survey data was analyzed for species diversity and abundance.

Birds were sampled from 300 × 50 m plots using binoculars.

A literature review was conducted for the fish fauna found in the, channels, canals and river located in the vicinity of the power plants. Secondary sources including previous EIAs reports were also consulted for this purpose. In addition, anecdotal information regarding the fish species found in the river was collected by a fish expert from fishermen and locals.

32. Google EarthTM images were used to initially delineate spatial distribution of habitat types within the study area. Habitats were classified by geo-morphological and other abiotic characteristics with consideration for variations within habitat types. Geomorphology is an acceptable habitat classification approach in arid landscapes (Swanson et al., 1988)10 (McAuliffe, 1994)11. Observational survey data was also supplemented with interviews of local people and available literature reviews. The results from this data analysis are summarized below.

33. The conservation status of the species identified were determined using criteria set by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN Red List, 2012)12 and the Convention on

9 Pakistan Wetlands Migratory Birds Census Report, 2012.

10 Swanson, F.J., Kratz, T.K., Caine, N., Woodmansee, R.G. (1988) Landform effects on ecosystem patterns

and processes: geomorphic features of the earth‘s surface regulate the distribution of organisms and processes. Bioscience, Vol. 38, No 2 pp 92-98

11 McAuliffe, J.R. (1994) Landscape evolution, soil formation, and ecological patterns and processes in Sonoran

Desert bajadas. Ecological Monographs 64, pp 111–148. 12

IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. ‗www.iucnredlist.org‘. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.


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International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) appendices13. The status of mammals in the Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 200614 was also noted.

34. The presence of critical habitat was determined in accordance with IFC Performance Standards definitions15.

4.2.2 Vegetation

35. The Study Area is composed mostly of agricultural fields, the Indus River and the river bank, as well as some wetlands along the Indus River. Most of the plant species observed in agricultural fields are cultivated. Natural vegetation exists both in the wetlands as well as in the river flood plain. Exotic species mesquites like Prosopis juliflora are present in barren land along the road side and around the settlements. These exotic species have a high growth rate and cover most of the bare land of the area. The Study Area does not support any rare, endemic or threatened plant species. Photographs of different habitats in the Study Area are provided in Figure ‎4-7. A map showing the habitats of the Study Area is given in Figure ‎4-8.

36. During the June 2012 survey, sampling was conducted at 10 points, of which six (6) were in agricultural fields, three (3) in river bank and one (1) in wetland. A total of 15 plant species were observed in the Study Area. During the field survey, most of the observed plant species were common and found in more than one habitat. These include Aerva javanica, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Salvadora persica, Prosopis juliflora, Ziziphus nummularia, Acacia jacquemontii and Calotropis procera. The vegetation of the river bank is mostly composed of perennial shrubs of Tamarix dioica, Typha sp and Alhagi camelorum. Other vegetation species observed in the Study Area include Ziziphus nummularia, Fagonia indica and Tamarix aphylla. Photographs of some of common plant species found in the Study Area are shown in Figure ‎4-9.


UNEP-WCMC. 26 June 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species. 14

Status and Red List of Pakistan Mammals. 2006. Biodiversity Programme IUCN Pakistan. This list is not officially recognized by the Government of Pakistan and is referenced in this report to provide an indication of species that may be assigned a conservation status subject to further research, and evaluation by the Government of Pakistan.

15 Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, January 2012. Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity

Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, International Finance Corporation. The World Bank Group.


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Figure ‎4-7: Photographs of Habitats in the Study Area

a. Agricultural Fields b. River Bank

c. Wetland d. Wetland


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Figure ‎4-8: Habitat Distribution in the Study Area


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Figure ‎4-9: Photographs of Common Plant Species in the Study Area

a. Acacia nilotica b. Dalbergia sisso

c. Leptadenia pyrotechnica d. Aerva javanica

e. Calatropis procera f. Leptadeniya pyrotechnica

g. Tamarix and Saccharum Plant Community h. Saccharum spontaneum


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Habitats Types

37. Based on the geomorphology, soil characteristic (see Section 4.1.4) and vegetation communities observed, the Study Area can be classified into three main habitats, agricultural fields, river bank and wetlands.

Agricultural Fields

38. Agricultural fields constitute 68% of habitat of the Study Area (Figure ‎4-8) and mostly lie in the northern and western side of the Study Area. Agricultural fields are irrigated by canals originating from the Guddu Barrage on the Indus River (Figure ‎4-8). The natural vegetation of this habitat has been almost completely replaced by cultivated varieties of crops. However, some natural vegetation in the form of hedges and bushes is present along the edges of the fields. The dominant plant species observed in this habitat are Prosopis juliflora, Alhagi camelorum, Acacia nilotica, Phoenix dactylifera, Ziziphus mauritiana and Saccharum sp. The vegetation cover varies from 0.2% to 2%. The browsing and grazing pressure on the vegetation is visible. The trees and shrub found in this habitat are also used for fuel wood purposes.

River Bank

39. This habitat constitutes about 7 % of the Study Area (Figure ‎4-8). Some parts of the river bank are brought in to cultivation during the low flood season while most parts are not cultivated at any time of the year. This habitat comes under water during high flood and the vegetation in this habitat is relatively thick with rich floral diversity. The dominant plant species in this habitat include Tamarix dioica, Acacia nilotica, Aerva javanica, Typha sp. and

Alhagi camelorum. Of these plants, the local people use Acacia nilotica and Tamarix dioica as a source of fuel wood. During the June 2012 survey, the grazing pressure observed on the vegetation species in this habitat was higher than that observed in the agricultural fields.


40. This habitat covers 5% of the Study Area (Figure ‎4-8) and can be observed along both sides of the Indus River. The grazing pressure in this habitat was prominent during the June 2012 survey. The overall vegetation cover observed in this habitat was high as compared to other habitats in the Study Area. The maximum vegetation cover observed was 3.3 % during the June 2012 survey. Common plant species of this habitat included Tamarix dioica, Typha sp. and Saccharum spontaneum.

41. Table 1 in Appendix 3 provides a list of plant species observed in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey.

42. Table 2 in Appendix 3 provides a summary of sampling points by habitat type. It presents the vegetation cover, relative cover, frequency, relative frequency, density and relative density and importance value Index (IVI) of plant species.

Conservation and Protection Status

43. No threatened or endemic plant species were observed in the Study Area during the survey nor reported from the literature survey.

Determination: No threatened or endemic plant species are present in the Study Area. None of the plant species observed were endemic, their distribution is not limited to any specific site or habitat type, and their distribution is widespread.


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4.2.3 Mammals

44. A total of 15 mammal species have been reported from the Study Area and its vicinity16. These include members from Family Canidae, Ericinaceidae, Suidae, Herpestidae, Hystricidae, Leporidae. Among the river mammals, a dolphin species from Family Platanistidae17 and an otter from Family Mustellidae18 have been reported from the Indus River mostly upstream of Kotri barrage. Small mammals reported from the Study Area include species from Family Muridae, Sciuridae, Soricidae19. A complete list of the mammals and small mammals reported from the Study Area is provided in Table 3 of Appendix 3.

Overview of Abundance and Diversity

45. During the June 2012 survey, sampling was conducted at 10 points, of which six (6) were in agricultural fields, three (3) in river bank and one (1) in wetland.

46. A total of 12 signs belonging to three (3) species were seen in the Study Area. These included signs of the Asiatic Jackal Canis aureus, fox species Vulpes sp. and Indian Gray Mongoose Herpestes edwardsii. The maximum number of mammal signs were seen in the agricultural fields followed by river bank. The maximum number of signs observed belonged to the Vulpes sp. The maximum abundance was observed at Sampling Point 9 in agricultural fields. The only mammal observed in the Study Area was the Gray Mongoose Herpestes edwardsii.

47. A total of 04 (four) small mammals were trapped in the Study Area. These include Balochistan Gerbil Gerbillus nanus, House Rat Rattus rattus, Indian Gerbil Tatera indica and Soft-furred Metad Millardia meltada.

48. Table 4 in Appendix 3 provides a summary of Sampling Points by habitat type. It presents the sign data for mammals (excluding rodents), abundance and diversity by habitat type for the June 2012 survey. Table 5 in Appendix 3 shows the abundance of mammal signs observed in the different habitats of the Study Area.

Conservation and Protection Status

49. The mammals of conservation importance reported from the Study Area include the Asiatic Jackal Canis aureus, Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis, Indian Crested Porcupine Hystrix indica, Gray Mongoose Herpestes edwardsii, Small Indian Mongoose Herpestes javanicus. Among the river mammals, the mammals of conservation importance reported from the Study Area include the Smooth Coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata and the Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor.

50. The Asiatic Jackal Canis aureus is found throughout the plains of Sindh, as well as areas of Balochistan and the North West Frontier Province20. In the irrigated colonies, there is some evidence that jackals have decreased in number in recent years, which might be the result of increased human disturbances, as well as the effect of chemical pesticides, which are usually highly toxic to mammals. The Asiatic Jackal Canis aureus is included in


Ghalib, SA.,Hasnain, SA. and Khan, AR. 2004. Current status of the mammals of Sindh.J.nat.hist.Wildl. 3(1):16.

17 Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004.Barrages, Biodiversity and the Indus River Dolphin.Pakistan J.Biol.

Sci., 7(5):797-801. 18

Khan, W. A., Akhtar, M., Ahmad, M. S., Abid M., Ali H. and Yaqub A. Historical and Current Distribution of Smooth-coated otter(Lutrogaleperspicillatasindica) in Sindh, Pakistan. Pakistan J. Wildl., vol. 1(1): 5-15, 2010

19 Roberts, T. J. 1997. The Mammals of Pakistan.Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, 5-Bangalore Town,

Sharae Faisal, Karachi.525 pp. 20

Roberts, T. J. 1997. The Mammals of Pakistan.Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, 5-Bangalore Town, Sharae Faisal, Karachi.525 pp.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Appendix III of the CITES Species List21 and listed as Near Threatened in Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 200622. The signs of this species were observed at Sampling Points 7 and 9 in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey.

51. The Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis is generally associated with open country having a scattering of trees and is not found in extensive sand dune area or in forests (Roberts, 1997). It is listed as Near Threatened in the Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 2006 and included in Appendix III of CITES Species List23. The Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis is placed in Appendix III of the CITES list and listed as Near Threatened in the Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 2006. Signs of a fox species were observed in the Study Area at Sampling Points 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 during the June 2012 survey. Even though it is not possible to identify the species from signs alone, keeping in view the geographical location, it is likely to be the Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis.

52. The Indian Crested Porcupine Hystrix indica is listed as Near Threatened in Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 2006. Signs of this species were not seen in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey.

53. The Gray Mongoose Herpestes edwardsii and Small Indian Mongoose Herpestes javanicusi are included in CITES Appendix III. The Gray Mongoose Herpestes edwardsii was seen in the Study Area at Sampling Point 3.

54. The Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List 2012 and Near Threatened in Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 2006. It is included in CITES Appendix II24. This is essentially a plains‘ species found throughout the lower Indus riverine system and up to the outer foothills of the Punjab (Roberts 1997). Gachal and Slater (2004)25 and Gachal et al. (2007)26 reported the distribution of the species from Sukkur to Guddu Barrage. Khan et al., 201027 has reported the Otter from Guddu Barrage on the basis of spraints (scat or dung of the otter) and interviews with the locals. At one time common in the lower reaches of the Indus, particularly around Sukkur, it has become comparatively rare even in these regions largely because of increased human settlement on the banks of the Indus River together with the reduction in habitat as a result of irrigation barrages across the Indus and drawing off of the water for irrigation schemes (Roberts 1997). A high demand for otter skin28 as well as weak enforcement of wildlife laws29 encourages otter hunting. It was not seen in the Study Area during the survey of June 2012.

55. The Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor is listed as Endangered in both the IUCN Red List 2012 as well as Pakistan‘s Mammals National Red List 2006. It is endemic to Pakistan. A high abundance of this river dolphin has been reported from the area between


UNEP-WCMC. 26 June 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species 22

Status and Red List of Pakistan Mammals. 2006. Biodiversity Programme IUCN Pakistan 23

UNEP-WCMC. 14 December 2011. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species. 24

UNEP-WCMC. 26 June 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species 25

Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Barrages, Biodiversity and the Indus River Dolphin. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., 7(5):797-801.

26 Gachal, G. S., Memon, Z., Qadir, A. H., Yusuf, S. M. and Siddiqui, M. 2007. Ecological Impact on the status of

Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata). Sindh Univ. Res. J., 39(2): 19-26. 27

Khan, W. A. , Akhtar M., Ahmad, M. C., Abid, M. Ali, H. and A, Yaqub. 2010. Historical and Current Distribution of Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata sindica) in Sindh, Pakistan. Pakistan J. Wildl., vol. 1(1): 5-15, 2010

28 IOSF. 2008. Alarming Trade in Otter Fur. IOSF. 7 Black Park, Bradford, Isle of Skye, IV49 9DE, Scotland, 11

pp. 29

Khan, W. A. and Hasnain, S. A. 2008. Large Mammals at Indus for All Programme Sites (Unpublished Report). WWF-P, Karachi. 88 pp.


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Guddu and Sukkur Barrage30

. (Figure ‎4-10). About 130 years ago, the Indus Blind Dolphin

Platanista minor was found throughout approximately 3,400 km of the Indus River and its tributaries from the estuary to the base of the foothills of the mountains31. In 2001 a comprehensive survey of the entire range was conducted. The total population size was estimated as 1,100 in approximately 1,000 km of river32. Nearly the entire population (99% of the animals) occurred in only 690 linear km, which implies roughly an 80% reduction in the area of occupancy since the 1870‘s33 . The factors for decline include water pollution, poaching, fragmentation of habitat due to barrages, and dolphin strandings in the irrigation canals34. The survey was repeated in 2006 and an increase in the population was observed. Abundance was estimated as 121 between Chashma and Taunsa barrages, 52 between Taunsa barrage and Ghazi Ghat and 1293 between Guddu and Sukkur barrages. Including an estimate for un-surveyed areas, the Indus Dolphin Platanista minor was determined to number 1600-1750 animals in 200635. Until the 1970s, dolphins were hunted in Sindh36. Hunting was banned by the Sindh Wildlife Act (1972) and, in 1974, the Indus Dolphin Reserve was established between Guddu and Sukkur barrages37. The area between the Sukkur and Guddu barrage has been declared as the Indus Dolphin reserve and a wetland of international importance according to the Ramsar convention38. The Indus Dolphin Reserve stretches a distance of 170 km, from the Sukkur Barrage upstream to the Guddu Barrage (Figure ‎4-10). This particular stretch of the river is very important for the survival of the Indus Dolphin which is endemic to Pakistan and is listed in the IUCN (International Conservation Union) Red List (Braulik et al 2012).


Khan M. Z. 2006, Current status and biodiversity of Indus Dolphin reserve and Indus Delta wetlands (ramsar sites). Proceedings 9th International Riversymposium, Brisbane, Australia, 2006, pp 1-17

31 Anderson, J. 1878, Anatomical and Zoological Researches: comprising an account of the zoological results of

the two expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875 and a Monograph of the two cetacean genera Platanista and Orcella. Bernard Quaritch, Piccadilly, London.

32 Braulik, G. T. 2006. Comprehensive status assessment of the Indus River dolphin (Platanistagangetica

minor). Biological Conservation 129(4): 579-590. 33

Gill Braulik, 2004, Indus river dolphins in Pakistan, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society 34 Roberts, T. J. 1997. The Mammals of Pakistan, Oxford University Press, 448 pp.

35 Khan U., Bhagat H. B., Braulik G. T., Khan A. H (2010) Review of the conservation and establishment of

protected areas for the Indus River dolphin Platanista gangetica minor. In: Final workshop Report Establishing protected area for Asian freshwater cetaceans Edited by Daneille Kreb, Randall R. Reeves Peter O. Thomas, Gillian T Braulik and Brian D. Smith, Yasi Indonesia

36 Pilleri G, Zbinden K (1973−74) Size and ecology of the dolphin population (Platanista indi) between Sukkur

and Guddu Barrages, Indus River. Investigations on Cetacea 5: 59−70 37

Braulik et al, 2012, Robust abundance estimate for endangered river dolphin sub-species in South Asia.in Endangered Species Research Res 17: 201–215

38 Ramsar Convention, or Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, Administered by the Ramsar

Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland


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Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor

Photograph Credit: WWF – Pakistan, WWF-Canon / François Xavier PELLETIER

56. Determination: Two mammals of the Study Area that are included in the IUCN Red List are the Smooth-coated Otter Lutrogale perspicillata and the Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor. The latter is also endemic to the sub-continent. Both these species have been reported from different stretches of the Indus River and their distribution is not restricted to a particular site. However, preserving the habitat of the Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor from any Project related impacts would be of concern.


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Figure ‎4-10: The Indus River System with Major Headworks

Map Source: WWF-Pakistan and Sindh Wildlife Department, 2010, Ecological Impact of Floods: Indus

Dolphin survey Sukkur to Kotri Barrages


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4.2.4 Reptiles and Amphibians

57. Six species of turtles, four species of snakes, five species of lizards and three species of amphibians have been reported from the Study Area. The turtle species include the Brown Roofed Turtle Pangshura smithii, Indian Saw-backed Turtle Pangshura tecta, Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii, Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica, Indian Flap Shell Turtle Lissemys punctata and Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica. The snake species reported include the Banded Racer Coluber fasciolatus, Checkered Keel Back Xenochrophis piscator, Dhaman Ptyas mucosus And Russel‘s Viper Daboia russelii. Common lizards of the Study Area include the Indian Garden Lizard Calotes versicolor, Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard Acanthodactylus cantoris, Punjab Snake-eyed Lacerta Ophisops jerdonii, Bengal Monitor Varanus bengalensis and Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi. Table 6 in Appendix 3 provides a list of reptile species reported from the Study Area.

Overview of Abundance and Diversity

58. During the June 2012 survey, sampling was conducted at 10 points, of which six (6) were in agricultural fields, three (3) in river bank and one (1) in wetlands.

59. A total of 4 reptile individuals belonging to two (2) species were sighted in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey. The species observed include the Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard Acanthodactylus cantoris and Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi. Reptile specimens were observed in the agricultural fields and river bank while no reptiles were observed in the wetlands. The Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard Acanthodactylus cantoris was the most abundantly observed reptile in the Study Area.

60. Table 7 in Appendix 2 provides a summary of sampling points by type of habitat, number of sightings, and the number of species sighted. Table 8 in Appendix 3 shows the abundance of reptiles in the Study Area for all habitat types.

Conservation and Protection Status

61. Among the reptiles of conservation importance, Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii and Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica are listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List 2012, the Brown Roofed Turtle Pangshura smithii is listed as Near Threatened while the Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica is listed as Endangered. Among the species included in the CITES Appendices, Saw-backed Turtle Pangshura tecta, Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii, Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica, Bengal Monitor Varanus bengalensis and Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi are included in CITES Appendix I, Brown Roofed Turtle Pangshura smithii, Dhaman Ptyas mucosus, Indian Flap Shell Turtle Lissemys punctata and Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica are included in CITES Appendix II while Checkered Keel Back Xenochrophis piscator and Russel's Viper Daboia russelii are included in CITES Appendix III.

62. Six turtle species are reported from study area that include Brown Roofed Turtle Pangshura smithii, Saw-backed Turtle Pangshura tecta, Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii, Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica, Indian Flap Shell Turtle Lissemys punctata and Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica. Freshwater turtles are major biodiversity components of the aquatic ecosystem and have much significance due to their ecological position and economic value. The status of Asian turtles is threatened by habitat destruction, large-scale deforestation, chemical pollution and fragmentation of large rivers by


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dams39. The international illegal trade in turtles has additionally sharpened the problem and been implicated as the major conservation threat for most species of Asian turtles40


63. Brown Roofed Turtle Pangshura smithii is found in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan (IUCN). It is listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List 2012 and included in CITES Appendix II. It was not seen in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey.

64. Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica is distributed in rivers of Thailand, India and Pakistan. In Pakistan it is found in Indus and its tributaries (Khan, 2006). It is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List 2012 and included in CITES Appendix II. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

65. Indian Saw-backed Turtle Pangshura tecta is found in the rivers of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nepal (IUCN). It is included in CITES Appendix I. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

66. Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii is distributed in the rivers of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nepal (IUCN). It is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List 2012 and included in CITES Appendix I. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

67. Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica is found in rivers, canals and large lakes throughout India and Pakistan (IUCN). It is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List 2012 and included in CITES Appendix I. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

68. Indian Flap Shell Turtle Lissemys punctata is found in Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Pakistan. It is included in CITES Appendix II. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

69. Other reptiles of conservation importance include the Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi and Bengal Monitor Varanus bengalensis that are included in CITES Appendix I, Dhaman Ptyas mucosus is included in CITES Appendix II while Checkered Keel Back Xenochrophis piscator and Russel's Viper Daboia russelii are included in CITES Appendix III.

70. The Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi has been reported from areas in Central India, to Cholistan, Sind, and the Kharan Desert in Pakistan. It is included in CITES Appendix I. It was observed in the Study Area during the survey of June 2012 at Sampling Point 7 (Khan, 2006)41.

71. Bengal Monitor Varanus bengalensis has been recorded from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri lanka and Pakistan. In Pakistan it is common in the plains of Punjab and Sindh (Khan, 2006). It is included in CITES Appendix I. It was not seen in the Study Area during June 2012 survey.

72. Determination: Four of the reported species are included in the IUCN Red List 2012 while eleven species are included in the CITES Species List. However, their distribution is not limited to any specific site or habitat type, and their distribution is widespread. Therefore, the Study Area is not critical for the survival of these reptile species.


Altherr, S. and Freyer, D. 2000. Asian turtles are threatened by extinction. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter. 1: 7-11.

40 Van Dijk, P. P., Stuart, B. L. and Rhodin, A. G. J, (eds.), (2000). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a

Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs, No. 2; Chelonian Research Foundation.

41 Khan, M.S. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan, Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida,

2006, 310 pp.


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4.2.5 Birds

73. River Indus and its associated tributaries provide an important habitat for both resident and migratory birds. Vegetation on both sides of the river and agricultural areas offer ample habitat and food for many bird species. A total of 37 species of birds were observed during the most recent survey of the Guddu Barrage conducted by a team from the Pakistan Wetlands Programme during 2010-201242. Of these species, 18 are resident bird species that show only local migration. These include Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii, Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis, Dunlin Calidris alpina, Great Egret Casmerodius albus, Little Egret Egretta garzetta, Common Coot Fulica atra, Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus, Brown-headed Gull Larus brunnicephalus, Intermediate Egret Mesophoyx intermedia, Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina, Little Cormorant Phalacrocorax niger, Red-wattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus, River Tern Sterna aurantia, Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis etc43. Table 9 in Appendix 3 provides a list of bird species reported from the Study Area.

Overview of Abundance and Diversity

74. During the June 2012 survey, sampling was conducted at 10 points, of which six (6) were in agricultural fields, three (3) in river bank one (1) in wetlands.

75. A total of 282 bird individuals belonging to 17 species were observed during the June 2012 survey. The maximum bird abundance was observed in the agricultural fields followed by the river bank. The maximum bird diversity was observed in agricultural fields. The most abundant bird species seen in the Study Area was Little Stint Calidris minuta followed by the Little Egret Egretta garzetta and House Crow Corvus splendens. The maximum bird abundance as well as diversity was seen at Sampling Point 6 in agricultural fields.

76. Table 10 in Appendix 3 provides a summary of sampling points by habitat type, number of sightings, and number of species sighted during the June 2012 surveys.

77. Table 11 in Appendix 3 lists the number of birds sighted of each species by habitat type for the June 2012 survey.

Importance of Study Area for Migratory Birds

78. Pakistan gets a large number of guest birds from Europe, Central Asian States and India every year. These birds that originally reside in the northern states spend winters in various wetlands and deserts of Pakistan from the high Himalayas to coastal mangroves and mud flats in the Indus delta. After the winter season, they go back to their native habitats.

79. The bird migratory route from Siberia to various destinations in Pakistan over Karakorum, Hindu Kush, and Suleiman Ranges along Indus River down to the delta is known as International Migratory Bird Route Number 4. It is also called as the Green Route or more commonly Indus Flyway, one of the important migratory routes in the Central Asian - Indian Flyway44. (Figure ‎4-11). The birds start on this route in November. February is the peak time and by March they start flying back home to their nesting and breeding areas. These periods may vary depending upon weather conditions in Siberia and/or Pakistan. As per an estimate based on regular counts at different Pakistani wetlands, between 700,000 and 1,200,000 birds arrive in Pakistan through Indus Flyway every year.45 Some of these birds stay in the lakes but majority migrate to coastal areas.


Pakistan Wetlands Programme. 2012. Migratory Birds Census Report. 43

Grimmett R, Roberts TJ, Inskipp T (2008) Birds of Pakistan, Yale University Press 44

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species. 1 February 2006. Central Asian Flyway Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats. New Delhi, 10-12 June 2005: UNEP/CMS Secretariat.

45 Pakistan Wetlands Programme. 2012. Migratory Birds Census Report.


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Figure ‎4-11: Asian Migratory Birds Flyways

Source: http://alaska.fws.gov/media/avian_influenza/ak-flyway2.gif U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Alaska]

|Author=U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |Date=2008

80. A number of migratory birds have been reported from the Study Area and its vicinity. According to the survey conducted by the Pakistan Wetlands Programme (2012), about 19 migratory birds have been reported from areas near the Guddu Barrage. Some migratory birds reported from the Study Area include Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus, Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata, Common Teal Anas crecca, Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope, Gadwall Anas strepera, Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Common Pochard Aythya ferina, Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius, Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus, White wagtail Motacilla alba, Citrine wagtail Motacilla citreola, Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, and Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda.46

81. A part of the Study Area is declared as a protected wetland Ramsar site47 primarily due to its importance as a habitat for the Indus Blind Dolphin (See Section 4.2.3 for details on mammals). However, it is visited by some migratory bird species and any Project related impacts on these bird species may be of concern.

Conservation and Protection Status

82. There are two birds reported from the Study Area that are included in the IUCN Red List 2012.48 These include the Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda and River Tern Sterna aurantia. The River Tern Sterna aurantia is a common resident species in the area around the River Indus and its tributaries49 and is listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List 2012. The Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red


Pakistan Wetlands Programme. 2012. Migratory Birds Census Report. 47

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

48 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. ‗www.iucnredlist.org‘. Downloaded on 26

June 2012. 49

Grimmett, R., Roberts, T., and Inskipp, T. 2008. Birds of Pakistan, Yale University Press


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List 2012. This species is fairly common in northern Sindh and Punjab50 and is a winter migrant species reported from the Study Area. Both these species were not seen in the Study Area during the June 2012 survey.

83. Determination: One bird species is listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List and one species is listed as Endangered. The area is also visited by some migratory birds. However, the distribution of these species is not limited to any specific site or habitat type and their distribution is widespread. Therefore, the Study Area is not critical for the survival of these bird species.

4.2.6 Fish

84. At least 49 fish species have been recorded from the reaches of the River Indus near the Study Area and its environs.51 These include members from the Family Clupeidae, Cyprinidae, Bagridae, Schilbeidae, Chandidae etc. Common fish species found in the Study Area include Mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala (Morakha), Kurialabeo Labeo gonius (Seereha), Spotfin Swamp Barb Puntius sophore (Popra), Freshwater Shark Wallago attu and the Zig-Zag Eel Mastacembelus armatus (Goj). A complete list of the fish reported from the Study Area and adjoining areas is given in Table 12 in Appendix 3. Photographs of some of the fish species reported from the Study Area are shown in Figure ‎4-12.


IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. ‗www.iucnredlist.org‘. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.

51 Hussain, Z., (1973) Fish and fisheries of the lower Indus basin (1966-67), Agric. Pakistan, (24): 170-188


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Figure ‎4-12: Photographs of Some Common Fish Species of the Study Area.

Reba Carp Cirrhinus reba Kuria Labeo Labeo gonius

Mozambique Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus Rohu Labeo rohita

Freshwater Shark Wallago attu Humped Featherback Chitala chitala

85. Interviews with the fishermen community during the June 2012 surveys revealed that about 100 boats are operating in the vicinity of the Study Area. There is no fishing during the flooding season (June – August) in the Indus River as well as canals. During the non-flooding season the average fish catch is 15 to 20 kg per day per boat. Ten fish species have very high commercial importance and are being harvested by the fishermen community. These include Giant River Catfish Sperata seenghala, Great Snakehead Channa marulia, Catla Gibelion catla, Rohu Gibelion catla, Common Carp Cyprinus carpio, Mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala, Humped Featherback Chitala chitala, Garua Bachcha Clupisoma garua, Indus Garua Clupisoma naziri, Freshwater Shark Wallago attu. Another ten fish species also have high commercial importance. The rest of the reported fish species from the Study Area are not important from the commercial point of view but are an integral part of the ecosystem and food chain.


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86. Fish survival, growth and productivity are dependent on both biological and environmental factors. The latter can be distinguished as edaphic (which includes water quality) and morphometric (which includes lake and stream morphology). 52 The presence of toxic metals can have a detrimental impact on the aquatic fauna including amphibians, fish, algae and aquatic invertebrates.

4.2.7 Water Extraction by Power Plant and Water Quality

87. Water requirements for the project are discussed in Section 3.2.1, ‗Water Supply and Effluents‘. Water for plant use is drawn from the canal on the right bank originating from the barrage. Normal operation of the power plant is on a once through system. During the canal closure period of about three weeks in January The power plant requires about 61.6 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 3.3 cumec on the cooling tower operation when operating at full capacity. Waste water discharge is estimated at 60.9 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 1.7 cumec on the cooling tower operation. Net water requirement of the plant is estimated at 0.7 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 1.6 cumec on the cooling tower operation.

88. River flow upstream of Guddu barrage53 varies from a monthly average level of

10,310 cumec in August, to a monthly average level of 976 cumecs in December. The corresponding figures downstream of barrage are 9,446 cumec and 709 cumec in August and December respectively. Water used by the power plant will therefore by 0.2% of the minimum monthly average level upstream of the barrage. Minimum daily flows in the drought periods can drop to 37% of the minimum monthly average flows. In these conditions, the water extracted by the plant as a percent of the river flow will increase to about 0.5%. This level of change of flow does not cause and significant change in the hydraulic parameters of relevance to the river ecology such as the depth of water, the width of the river, and the area wetted by it.

89. Presently, the water flows in an open channel into the river. The temperature of the water discharged by the plant was observed to be about only 0.5oC above that of the river water, which was recorded at 35oC in the July 2012 survey. This low level of temperature increase is understandable in view of the high flow rate presently being maintained in the once through cooling water system at the plant. During the winter months when the plant operates on the cooling towers, the temperature of cooling water effluent rises to about 10oC above the temperature of the water in the river. The effluent water flows in an open channel which is about 20 m wide for about 0.5 km before flowing into the river. The temperature of the effluent water is expected to drop in this channel given the large surface area available for cooling. In the worst case the effluent flow will be 0.6% of the river flow downstream of the barrage. The increase in temperature of river water due to effluent water discharged into the river during the canal closure period in winter is therefore expected to be in the range of 3-50C and confined to the area where the effluent channel joins the river.

90. Higher pollutant concentrations can occur in the area immediately downstream of the point of discharge of water by the Project. An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river included in Table ‎4–12 ‘Effluent Water Quality Results‘ shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. The river ecology is therefore not at risk on account of higher point concentrations of pollutants discharged by the power plant into the river.


Howells G.D., David J. A. Brown, Sadler K., ―Effects of acidity, calcium, and aluminium on fish survival and productivity‖, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 34, 1983, pp. 559-570.

53 Data provided by Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) for the period 1986-2004.


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Conservation and Protection Status

91. A total of five fish species reported from the Study Area are included in the IUCN Red List 2012. These include the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio that is listed as Vulnerable as well as four species that are listed as Near Threatened: Mozambique Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, Humped Featherback Chitala chitala, Freshwater Shark Wallago attu and Gangetic Goonch Bagarius bagarius.

92. Other than the Chitala chitala, all the other fish species with conservation importance are common in the Study Area.

93. Determination: There are five fish species reported from the Study Area that are included in the IUCN Red List 2012. However, most of them are commonly seen in the Study Area. Moreover, their distribution is not limited to any specific site or river habitat type and their distribution is widespread.

4.2.8 Critical Habitats

94. Critical habitat is designated by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards54 found below:

Critical habitat is described as having a high biodiversity value, as defined by:

o Areas protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Categories I-VI);55

o wetlands of international importance (according to the Ramsar convention);56

o important bird areas (defined by Birdlife International);57 and

o biosphere reserves (under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme;58

95. The area between the Sukkur and Guddu barrage has been declared as the Indus Dolphin reserve and a wetland of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention59. A section of this reserve falls in the Study Area. According to the Annotated Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance60, this wetland site is defined as follows: ―The Indus Dolphin Reserve stretches a distance of 170 km, from the Sukkur Barrage upstream to the Guddu Barrage near Kashmore. This particular stretch of the river is very important for the survival of the remaining individuals of the Indus Dolphin. This unique species is endemic to Pakistan and is listed in the IUCN (International Conservation Union) Red List. Pond areas near the two barrages also provide habitat to migratory water birds. There are some marshy areas and riverine forests on the adjacent floodplains. The climate is arid sub-tropical and the annual rainfall is about 200 mm. The river is used for fishing, boat transportation and limited recreational activities. The surrounding communities use the water of the river for irrigation and domestic purposes. The area is also home to the historical Sadhu bella, Hindu shrine and Satinjo Astan, Muslim graveyard. The Government of Sindh


Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, January 2012. Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, International Finance Corporation. The World Bank Group.

55 IUCN. 1994. Guidelines for Protected Areas Management Categories. IUCN, Cambridge, UK.

56 Ramsar Convention, or Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, Administered by the Ramsar

Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland 57

Birdlife International, UK 58

Administered by International Co-ordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB), UNESCO. 59

Ramsar Convention, or Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, Administered by the Ramsar Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland

60 The Annotated Ramsar List: Pakistan, 2000, The Annotated Ramsar List Of Wetlands Of International

Importance available at www.ramsar.org


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declared approximately 170 km river stretch between the two barrages as Dolphin Reserve in 1974.‖

96. Habitat of significant importance to Critically Endangered and/or Endangered species: Three species of the Study Area are listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List 2012. These include the Blind Dolphin Platanista minor, Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda and the Narrow-headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica. The Blind Dolphin Platanista minor is not restricted to the stretch of the Indus River included in or near the Study Area and has been reported from other parts of the river as well61. Therefore, the distribution of the Indus Blind Dolphin Platanista minor is not restricted to a particular site and their distribution is widespread. However, preserving the habitat of this species from any Project related impacts would be of concern. The Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda is common in upper Sindh and Punjab and has been reported from other countries including India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh. Therefore, the Study Area is not critical for the survival of this bird species. The Narrow-headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica is found in the rivers of Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and western Malaysia (IUCN Red List 2012). Even along the Indus River, its distribution is not restricted to any one stretch of the river. Therefore, the habitat of the Study Area is not critical for the survival of this turtle species.

97. Habitat of significant importance to endemic and/or restricted-range species: The habitats found on Study Area are homogenous and widespread. They hold no significance for the survival of endemic or restricted range species; or

98. Habitat supporting globally significant concentrations of migratory species and/or congregatory species: A number of migratory birds visit the Study Area. However, there is nothing to indicate that the Study Area is critical for the survival of these migratory birds. Moreover, no mammal species depends on the area for its migration. No significant concentration of congregatory species is present in the Study Area.

99. Highly threatened and/or unique ecosystems: There are no threatened or unique ecosystems in the Study Area.

100. Areas with unique assemblages of species or which are associated with key evolutionary processes or provide key ecosystem services: This situation is not present in the Study Area. While all species are functioning components of ecosystems, there are no unique assemblages of species or association of key evolutionary processes in the Study Area; or

101. Areas having biodiversity of significant social, economic or cultural importance to local communities. Members of the local community are dependent on the river for fishing that provides a source of livelihood for them. Therefore, any Project related impacts on the fish population of the river is of concern. Other than fishing, although, the area is of importance to residents in terms of ecosystem services (such as water and vegetation for grazing), it has no unique biodiversity value of social or cultural importance to the community.

102. Determination: The only critical habitat present in the Study Area is a portion of the Indus Dolphin Reserve that is declared as a wetland of international importance (according to the Ramsar Convention);62


WWF-Pakistan and Sindh Wildlife Department, 2010, Ecological Impact of floods: Indus Dolphin survey Sukkur to Kotri Barrages

62 Ramsar Convention, or Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, Administered by the Ramsar

Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

4.2.9 Limitations of the Study

103. The limitations for the ecological baseline are as follows:

Difficulty in observing large carnivores due to their elusive and predominantly nocturnal nature.

Inability to carry out nocturnal for security reasons

4.2.10 Conclusions

104. This section presents a brief outline of the aspects of Project activities that could have a possible impact on the ecological resources of the Study Area.

105. The water used in the cooling system at the Project is discharged back into the Indus River when the plant is operating on once through basis. Cooling water effluent is also discharged into the river when the plant is operating on the cooling towers for a three week annual canal closure period in January. The effluents meet the NEQS and the content of toxic metals is below those prescribed in the NDWS. However, if this water is contaminated with toxins and heavy metals from accidental or other reasons, it can impact the sensitive ecology of the Indus River which is a Ramsar site. Eventually, the fish tissue can also become contaminated. Any damage to the population of the Indus Blind Dolphin due to accidental or other releases is of concern.

106. The effluent waste being generated by the Project is stored in on site ponds for evaporation. These ponds may attract mammals which could drink this contaminated water and become exposed to health risks. Ingestion by small mammals and birds may also lead to bioaccumulation of toxins within the food chain. Bird species that may be present in close proximity to the site are susceptible to this impact. However, these birds are highly susceptible to disturbance and are likely to avoid areas affected by Project activities. Migratory birds passing the site will also be susceptible to contaminated water during the migration period. Seepage of this effluent waste in to the ground water and washing into the river is also of concern.

107. Adequate and appropriate disposal of solid waste generated by the Project is important. Scavenger mammal species will be attracted to this waste and suffer negative health impacts if the waste contains toxic materials. Leakage of the waste in to the nearby water bodies can have an impact on the aquatic fauna and other faunal species that use this contaminated water for drinking.

108. The flue gas from the Project may contain harmful pollutant gases that may impact the flora and fauna of the area. The migratory and resident birds as well as the reptilian species reported from the Study Area are likely to be affected.

109. Transport of machinery, supplies and fuel to the Project location can result in land disturbance and habitat fragmentation for animals. However, since the Study Area is located in an area that is already disturbed and existing road routes will be used for transportation, this effect is not likely to be significant.

4.3 Socioeconomic Environment

110. Baseline investigations were undertaken to document the existing socioeconomic conditions of the population that can be affected by the Project activities. The results of the socioeconomic baseline investigations are documented in this section of the report.

4.3.1 Delineation of Study Area

111. The Socioeconomic Study Area was delineated to cover the population that is likely to be affected by the Project activities. Potential impacts of the Project on the local environment include disturbances and changes to the physical and socioeconomic


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environment, such as, employment generation and skill and technology transfers, and the indirect socioeconomic impacts resulting due to the physical environmental impacts of the Project, such as, changes in air quality resulting in health impacts and waste generation effecting community land and water use. These impacts are expected to reduce with the increased distance from the Project facilities affecting settlements that are located closer. For this, a study area of three km around the site was delineated, to assess the baseline conditions in the areas likely to be affected by the Project due to its proximity to the Project site. The Socioeconomic Study Area is shown in Figure ‎4-13.

4.3.2 Overview

112. The Project is located in Guddu, Kashmore district of Sindh province. Guddu is situated on the right bank of the Indus River about twelve kilometers from Kashmore, a predominantly Hindu community west of Guddu. The Project site is situated in the center of Pakistan and equidistant from the Sind, Baluchistan and Punjab provincial boundaries. The three districts within Sind province that are proximate to the Guddu Thermal Power Station are; Jacobabad/Kashmore, Sukkur and Shikarpur. The total population of the district is 903,327 persons spread over an area of 5,278 km2.

113. The Socioeconomic Study Area is broadly rural and consists of villages and two staff colonies, which are planned residential colonies established by institutions operating in the Socioeconomic Study Area. Villages are more vulnerable to changes in the socioeconomic environment brought about by the Project, owing to lower income levels and access to facilities in comparison to the colonies. Further details on the conditions in the rural areas are provided in the sections to follow.


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Figure ‎4-13: Satellite Views of Settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area


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4.3.3 Data Collection and Organization

114. Primary data at the settlement and household levels was collected through a survey conducted in June 2012. The rural areas form the more vulnerable population segments of the Socioeconomic Study Area. To determine the prevailing poverty levels in the rural segments, a household survey was implemented, which focused on obtaining information on household income levels, types of occupations and, age and gender profile. In addition to the household survey, a settlement questionnaire was implemented in the rural and colony areas to ascertain presence and accessibility levels to various social and physical infrastructures. The survey coverage is summarized in Table ‎4-16. The surveyed settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area is shown in Figure ‎4-14.

Table ‎4-16: Coverage of Socioeconomic Survey

Rural Colony

Coverage of the Settlement Survey

Total Number of Settlements 20 2

Settlements Surveyed 10 (50%) 2 (100%)

Total Population 23,150 28,520

Population of the Surveyed Settlements 13,940 (60%) 28,520 (100%)

Coverage of the Household Survey

Total Number of Households 7,561 3,600

Households Surveyed 64 (0.8%) 8 (0.2%)

Population of the Surveyed Households a 337 (1.4%) 95 (0.3%)

115. Key secondary sources of information for this baseline study include official statistics, such as maps, census reports and other available documentation were used to understand socioeconomic baseline conditions for the broader region.

116. The discussion in this section has been presented separately for the rural and colony areas of the Socioeconomic Study Area, to capture the differing socioeconomic settings.


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Figure ‎4-14: Location of Surveyed Settlements in Socioeconomic Study Area


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4.3.4 Demography

117. Kashmore district has a population of 903,32763. The population of the Socioeconomic Study Area is 51670 persons, forming 6% of Kashmore district‘s population in the year 2010. The population and settlement size in the Socioeconomic Study Area is given in Table ‎4-17. Up to 55% of the population resides in colonies whereas 45% lives in rural areas. The rural settlements are smaller in size as compared to the size of a typical colony. The average size of a rural settlement is 1,218 persons. In terms of population, Abdullah Bhatti is the largest rural settlement with 3,000 persons and Mohammad Sharif Soomro is the smallest with 150 persons.

Table ‎4-17: Population and Settlement Size in the Socioeconomic Study Area

No. of Settlements

Population Distribution

Settlement Size

Average Maximum Minimum

Rural 20 23150 45% 1,218 3,000 150

Colony 2 28,520 55% 14,260 28,160 360

Socioeconomic Study Area

22 51670 100% 2,460 28,160 150

Household Size

118. The average household size in the Socioeconomic Study Area is 6.8. The average size of a rural household is 6.4 persons, which in comparison to the overall study area is slightly lower. In contrast, the average household size in the colony was 8.6, which is higher than the overall Socioeconomic Study Area. This could be due to the extended family concept that prevails in the area, in which family members other than parents and children are considered part of the household and higher fertility rates.

Age and Gender Profile

119. The population pyramid for the surveyed rural population is given in Figure ‎4-15. The broader base of the age-pyramid specifies a younger population. The median age of the surveyed population was 16 years. Majority of the population falls in the age bracket of 11 to 20 years (20%) and 21 to 30 years (19%). Population above 60 years was found to be only 3%, which suggests a lower life expectancy in the Socioeconomic Study Area.


Pakistan Floods 2010 – Kashmore District Profile. March 2010. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). http://www.immap.org/files/maps/398.pdf (Date Accessed: June 28, 2012)


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Figure ‎4-15: Age and Sex Composition of Surveyed Rural Population

Dependency Ratio

120. The dependency ratio is an age based population ratio between those typically in the working age groups that form the labor force and those in age groups that typically depend on the labor force. Dependents include children below 15 years of age and the geriatric above 60 years, and the labor force is the population between ages 15 and 60. It is expressed as the ratio of dependents to every 100 members of labor force. This may not accurately specify dependency in the population, as it does not incorporate handicapped people or cases of child labor. The dependency ratio in the rural segments of the Socioeconomic Study Area was estimated at 95. This indicates the presence of barely adequate labor-force to provide for the economically dependent.

4.3.5 Ethnicity and Religion

121. The population of the Socioeconomic Study Area is Muslim. Majority belongs to the Sunni sect of Islam and a small percentage of the population belonged to Deoband and Shia sect of Islam. Similar to Sindh, where influence of Muslims saints is stronger in Sindh in comparison to the rest of Pakistan, people of the Socioeconomic Study Area are into saint veneration and often undertake pilgrimage to the graves of their saints.

122. Ethnic differences do not exist in the Socioeconomic Study Area. In the Socioeconomic Study Area, 27 Muslim castes were reported. Of these, Solangi caste is the largest forming 16% of the Socioeconomic Study Area‘s population followed by Soomro and Bhatti caste, each forming 11% of the Socioeconomic Study Area‘s population.

123. The common language spoken in the district is Sindhi. Balochi is also spoken due to a large number of Baloch tribes residing in the district. Saraiki is the main language reported in the Socioeconomic Study Area which is spoken by 83% of the population. Other languages reported include Sindhi and Balochi spoken by 75% and 67% of the population respectively.

124. The society in rural Sindh is patriarchal. A household usually contains two gender-based positions of authority: the first is the position of the head of the household, the oldest, able-bodied male member of a household. The second, which is subordinate to that of the household head, is the position of the senior woman, ideally the wife of the eldest resident

-50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Below 11

11 to 20

21 to 30

31 to 40

41 to 50

51 to 60

Above 60Male



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male. The male members govern household decision making process and are responsible to represent the household in the neighborhood and larger society.

125. Figure ‎4-16 shows the distribution of surveyed rural households by decision-making mechanisms. The information suggests a higher trend in taking consultative decisions. Women and other family members are consulted in matters pertaining to household budget and family conflicts. According to the survey data, only 12% of the household heads took unilateral decisions. Of the surveyed households, 66% took marriage decisions in consultation with daughters in their marriage decisions.

Figure ‎4-16: Decision Mechanism in Surveyed Households of Socioeconomic Study Area

4.3.6 Physical Infrastructure

Accessibility and communication

126. The Project is located along the Guddu Road which connects to the National and Indus highways. Common means of transport involves buses, vans, trucks, cars, pickups, trailers and bikes. Scores of generally overcrowded buses and vans can be counted daily on this road. Other modes of transports include a variety of large domestic animals that are either rudder or pull tow and four-wheeled carts carrying passengers and goods. All the villages in the project area are accessible by unsealed tracks. Black topped roads are only present in the colonies. The major sources of transport in the settlements are rickshaws, chingcis64 and motorcycles while no public transport runs within the Socioeconomic Study Area.

127. All surveyed settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area reported mobile network coverage, which constitutes the main means of communication. Only one post office was reported in Powerhouse Colony.


A motorbike converted into a three wheel passenger vehicle.












Household budgetmanagement

Family conflicts Matrimonial decisions Property and assetmanagement and





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128. All the housing structures in colonies are masonry. The housing structures in the rural areas are also mostly adobe and some are semi-masonry (Figure ‎4-17). View of Abode and Masonry Housing in Socioeconomic Study Area is given in Figure ‎4-18.

Figure ‎4-17: Distribution of Housing Structures by Housing Type

Figure ‎4-18: View of Abode and Masonry Housing in Socioeconomic Study Area

View of adobe structure rural settlement View of masonry structure colony settlement

Water supply system and sanitation

129. Groundwater extracted by hand pumps are the major source of drinking water in the Kashmore district. Motor pumps provide water to the 44% of the urban households and almost 1 % of the rural households. Almost 4% of the households have tap water and none through dug wells.65

130. The populations of rural settlements obtain groundwater mostly through hand pumps. Electrically operated pumps are used to extract water from the canal into the fields for irrigation. Treated water is available in the colonies where there is a centralized system of water supply through overhead tanks.

131. There is no effluent disposal and treatment system reported in the surveyed settlements. According to the findings of the field survey, pit latrine system was available in all rural areas.

132. Nearly all household in the Socioeconomic Study Area have access to pit-latrines. View of pit latrines and hand pump are presented in Figure ‎4-19.


PSLM 2011

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%




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Figure ‎4-19: View of Water and Sanitation Facilities in Socioeconomic Study Area

View of pit-latrine View of Hand pump

Power Supply and Fuel Consumption

133. All settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area have access to electricity and are connected to the national grid. In the rural settlements, firewood is used for cooking purposes. Colonies and have access to the natural gas supply system.

4.3.7 Social Infrastructure


134. The Kashmore taluka has 18-bed taluka hospital and a mother care center in the city along with basic health units in each union council namely, basic health unit Khewali, government dispensary colony-1, basic health unit Gulanpur, basic health unit Muhammad khan Mazari, basic health units Sodhi, basic health unit Bukhsh pura basic health unit Badani, basic health unit Zargarh.

135. No health facility was reported in the rural settlements; people have to travel to the nearest area where medical facilities are available. Health care facility within the colony consists of a hospital. The hospital is fully equipped to deal with occupational hazards and basic preventive medicine and dentistry. Child immunization programs, radical surgery, intensive care facilities and the blood transfusion center are run effectively.

136. Common health problems identified in the Study Area include cold and flu, skin and stomach diseases and malaria. Cold and flu is the most common health problem among all age groups and gender.


137. The district has a total number of 1502 schools, amongst which the primary schools add up to the maximum percentage. Out of 3051 teachers in the district, only 381 are females. Thus the gender imbalance prevails.66 The Socioeconomic Study Area has government and private schools of which five are primary, one higher secondary and three madrassas (religious schools). None of the surveyed settlements reported institutions providing education at the graduate level.

138. The literacy status of Sindh has increased considerably from 45%67 in 1998 to 59% in 2009. Comparatively Kashmore district has a low literacy rate of 39%. It is therefore ranked


District Education Profile 2010-11 67

Census 1998


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19 among the 23 districts of the province. The literacy rate among the males is 57% which is considerably higher than 19% literacy rate of the females. 68

139. The overall literacy of the surveyed settlements in the Socioeconomic Study Area was 44%, which is higher than the literacy rate of the Kashmore district. The literacy rate observed in the surveyed rural households is 32% which is lower in comparison to the literacy rate observed in the colonies which is 73%. In population aged 10 years and above, gender disparity is evident in the rural area (Figure ‎4-20) where the female literacy is four times lower than the male literacy.

Figure ‎4-20: Male-Female Literacy in Surveyed Households

140. The percentage of the males in the Socioeconomic Study Area reported to have a higher educational attainment than the females. In females, highest educational attainment in the rural areas was intermediate (nearly 12 years of schooling), whereas in males, educational attainment up to graduate level (nearly 14 years of schooling) was reported. In comparison, educational attainment was observed to be much higher in the colony areas where the highest educational attainment for both males and females was post graduate level.

4.3.8 Economy and Income Levels

141. Sindh, Pakistan‘s second largest province plays a pivotal role in the national economic and development agenda. The country‘s largest port city, Karachi, is the financial capital of the country. The Province comprises of 23% of Pakistan‘s population and 18% of its land area. It has the highest concentration of urban population at 49%69 as compared to an overall country average of 32.5%, making it the most urbanized province in the country.70 The economy of colonies represents that of the developed Sindh and is largely services-based.

142. The economy of colonies represents that of the developed Sindh and is largely services-based. The rural economy is largely based on laboring services and agriculture. Laborers work on daily wages taking up any labor work available. Types of labor work usually include construction labor.


Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey, 2010-11, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad 69

Government of Sindh Official website, http://www.sindh.gov.pk/aboutsindh.htm, (Date Accessed: September 19, 2011)

70 Pakistan Economic Survey, FY2011, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan












Male Female















Male Female





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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

143. Poverty incidence in Sindh and other provinces of Pakistan is shown in Figure ‎4-21. After Balochistan, Sindh has the highest rural poverty incidence at 31%.

Figure ‎4-21: Poverty in Pakistan, FY2006

144. The poverty line of Pakistan is based on a consumption of 2,350 calories per adult equivalent per day. The latest estimate of the inflation-adjusted poverty line for 2006 as reported in the FY2008 Economic Survey of Pakistan was PKR 944 per adult equivalent per month.71 Inflating this number for inflation estimates from FY2007 to FY2012, the poverty line of Pakistan in FY2012 has been calculated as PKR 1,942. Based on this estimate for poverty line, 48% of the surveyed rural households fall below the poverty line. Poverty levels are lower in the urban and colony areas of the Socioeconomic Study Area.

4.3.9 Agriculture

145. Agricultural productivity in the Guddu area is low because of water logging and high salinity. Aside from subsistence and sharecropping of wheat, there is no large-scale cash-cropping in the Socioeconomic Study Area. There is some mixed farming and rotational cash-cropping of rice, wheat, cotton and chickpeas about eight kilometers east of the Project along the Guddu-Sadiqabad Road. Irrigation water is available from the canals emerging out of the Indus. Views of the agriculture field in the Socioeconomic Study Area are given in Figure ‎4-22.

146. A number of small garden plots are cultivated by staff of TPS Guddu within the TPS housing colony and in some of the outlying settlements. The rural conditions to the north and west of the Project prove too harsh for any viable cropping. Principle crops in the Socioeconomic Study Area are mung beans and fodder in the summer and wheat in the winter. The rural settlements within the Socioeconomic Study Area reported cultivation of Wheat, rice, mung bean and fodder. The yield for wheat was reported as approximately 1100 kg/acre. Fodder is grown during the flood season only.

147. There is a small mango orchard on the eastern side of the feeder canals about 1.5 km from the center of the Project. It is surrounded by dikes (bunds) on three sides. This small grove is anomalously situated far west of Pakistan‘s renowned ‗mango belt ‗which runs


Pakistan Economic Survey, FY2007-08, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan

12% 12%





31% 28%











Punjab Sindh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Balochistan Pakistan




e o

f P




n b





y L





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from Multan in Punjab sown into southwestern Sindh. This orchard near the bund of the Pat Feeder canal near the Guddu Barrage is 150 m wide by 600 m long with elevation ranging from 65 to 75 amsl. There are no crops growing underneath the shade of the mango trees. The property and the trees are owned by the irrigation department and they lease the rights to harvest the trees yearly to a Guddu farmer for the sum of approximately Rs 8,000.

Figure ‎4-22: Views of Agricultural Field in Socioeconomic Study Area

Views of Agriculture Fields

4.3.10 Conclusions

1. The rural segments of the Socioeconomic Study Area are more vulnerable to changes in the socioeconomic environment brought about by the Project, owing to higher poverty levels (48%). Most of these are located adjacent to the Project site, and therefore are likely to receive most of the Project impacts. The living conditions in the rural segments are below par. The rural economy has a simplistic structure, with most employed as laborers or farmers.

2. The colonies constitute the more developed and better-off segments of the Socioeconomic Study Area. People residing in these areas have better access to facilities and higher incomes relative to the rural parts of the Socioeconomic Study Area. Owing to higher education and skill levels prevailing in these areas, they could offer prospective employment for the Project.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

5. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

5.1 Issues Related to Existing Plant

1. Environmental assessment of the projects which involves existing facilities requires that the EIA shall cover the potential environmental impact of proposed activity as well as address any environmental issues of the existing facilities. To realize this, ADB requires that an environmental audit of the existing facilities shall be undertaken to identify past or present concerns related to impacts on the environment, involuntary resettlement, and indigenous peoples and to demonstrate that the past actions were in accordance with ADB’s safeguard principles. If the audit identifies non-conformance, plans for appropriate remedial measure are to be developed to address outstanding issues. An environmental audit of the TPS Guddu was undertaken by Engconsult.1

2. The proposed project consists of rehabilitation of TPS Guddu which will include spare parts replacement of degraded equipment, and major overhauling. Given that the TPS Guddu is in operation since early 1990s, the baseline studies undertaken in the Study Area included identification and documentation of environmental issues attributed to the existing plant. The environmental impacts and mitigation measures discussed in this section are organized as follows:

Identification of impacts of existing plant on the environment. This includes both the ongoing impacts such as deterioration of air quality and the damage that has taken place, for example, contamination of soil.

Assessment of potential environmental impact of the proposed activities including rehabilitation of the existing plant and the boiler replacement.

3. The potential impacts on the Physical Environment in the Study Area are presented in this section. The discussion on each impact includes an explanation of the pathway through which the existing Project and the proposed project can potentially result in the impact. The significance of each impact is rated according to the significance rating mechanism explained above. In this section, the term ‘localized’ is used in the context of the Study Area. In Table ‎5-1, the potential environmental impacts of the existing facilities are discussed. The impacts of the proposed activities are presented in Table ‎5-2. The significant issues are then further discussed in the following sections.

1 Reference


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Table ‎5-1: Potential Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Existing Plant

Project Activity Issue Impacts Risk Discussion

Oil decanting and storage at plant site

Spillage of oil in the decanting and storage area

Contamination of soil in the decanting and storage area

Contamination of the groundwater

Contamination to the surface water from surface run-off from the plant site




The plant was operating on natural gas till 2008; only 10% being used currently is fuel oil. The risk is therefore rated as Low in view of the low volumes of high sulphur fuel (HSFO) oil being handled.

Wastewater discharge from the Plant into the River Indus

Contaminants in the waste water draining into the Indus River adjacent to the plant

Temperature of the effluent water when the plant operates on cooling towers during canal closure period

Impact on the ecology and endangered species in the Indus River which is a Ramsar site

L The effluent is released from the cooling water system which operates normally on a once through basis drawing water from the Indus River through a canal located upstream of Guddu Barrage. The plant operates on a cooling tower system in January for a three week period using groundwater when the canals are closed for maintenance. The effluent meets NEQS in both cases. The quantity of effluent reduces in the winter canal closure period when the plant operates on the cooling towers, and the impact of localized warming of the Indus River water will be minor.

Drainage of boiler related effluents into evaporation ponds located adjacent to the eastern boundary of the plant

Seepage from the pond may impact ground water quality

Drinking water used by the communities outside the plant boundary may be contaminated.

L The condition of the lining and the walls of the plant is not known. However, water samples taken from the hand pumps used by the community do not show contamination.

Cleaning and maintenance of of boiler and other equipment

Waste dumped in open areas within the plant boundary is not classified to identify hazardous components if any. Use of asbestos at plant is likely.

Solid waste dumping in the open area is contaminating the soil and leachate from the sumps which may affect the groundwater

M There is risk of leaching of heavy metals from the waste into soils and getting transported into depressions and water bodies outside the plant boundary. Classification and containment of hazardous waste if any is required


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Project Activity Issue Impacts Risk Discussion

Wastewater generated by plant housing colony

Effluent from colony is released without treatment and does not meet NEQS

Land outside the boundary where effluent is drained is impacted. Farmers that use water for agriculture are exposed to pathogens in the wastewater.

M Waste from a municipal or residential area needs treatment before it can be used for agriculture or released from the boundary of the residential area.

Emissions from the boilers Deterioration of air quality in the surrounding area.

Impact on health of the population residing and working in the plant surroundings.

L The plant meets NEQS for air quality. The plant was operating on natural gas till 2008; only 10% being used currently is fuel oil. The risk is therefore rated as Low in view of the low volumes of HSFO being used.

Disposal of solid waste from housing colony

Colony’s solid waste is dumped in open areas inside the colony boundary

Leaching and run off from the waste can contaminate surface and ground water resources. The waste is an eye sour and causes odour.

M The plant has operated mainly on natural gas, and quantity of waste generated from boiler cleaning and maintenance is not significant..

General plant operations Occupational safety Injuries to plant staff from accidents and lost work hours

M Safety management is standard industry practice and legal responsibility of plant management. Systems, procedures and practices for housekeeping are not documented and formally implemented at the plant.

General house keeping Poor housekeeping can adversely impact the efficiency of environment, health, and safety management at plant.

L Procedures and practices for housekeeping are not streamlined or standardized at the plant.


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Table ‎5-2: Potential Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Proposed Activities

Project Activity Issue Impacts Risk Discussion

Transportation of equipment and materials

Congestion on the transportation route

Traffic delays and accidents L Movement of trucks will be temporary and limited in view of the quantity of the equipment to be transported.

Storage of equipment and materials

Improper storage can result in spillage and leakages

Contamination to soil

Contamination to the surface water in case of runoff from the plant site

Contamination of the ground water

L Hazardous materials are not expected in the equipment and materials that will be installed.

Installation of new equipment Health and safety hazard Injuries to the workers and may cause loss in case of accident

M Systems and procedures developed for the existing plant will be applicable to the rehabilitation project as well.

Disposal of the used equipment

Solid waste generation Soil contamination

Water contamination

Health impacts due to water contamination.

L Hazardous materials are not expected in the equipment and materials that will be removed.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

5.1.1 Physical Environment

4. The potential impacts on the Physical Environment in the Study Area are presented in this section. The discussion on each impact includes an explanation of the pathway through which the existing plant can potentially result in the impact.

Oil decanting

5. The fuel oil used for the power plant since 2008 is transported to the site as possible by rail, and by tanker trucks for the remainder of the way. Given the past fuel use at the Guddu TPS which has been predominantly gas2, contamination of the soil from spillage of oil in the oil decanting area located adjacent to the oil storage tanks is superficial and limited to surface. Surface run-off from the contaminated soil can carry the oil to other areas and affect the surrounding land. A spill management plan will therefore be developed to ensure control of minor spills from leaks from the decanting operations as well as transfer and storage of fuel oil.

Plant effluent

6. Plant effluent include heated once-through condenser cooling water, effluent from cooling tower blow down during the canal closure period in January when once-through cooling is not possible, plant low volume wastes, and additional sanitary wastes. Power plant low volume wastes include floor drain wastes, boiler blow down, softener, regeneration brines, and filter backwash. The effluent discharge may result in:

Contamination of the surface and sub-surface soil

Contamination of the surface water.

Ground water contamination

Cooling water effluent from the power plant

7. Currently the cooling water effluent from the power plant is discharged through four outfall drains into the Indus River (Figure 3-4 Section 3, ‘Description of Environment’) which is a Ramsar site. The results of the effluent water analysis reflect no metal or TDS contamination in excess of the NEQS limits in any of the samples except TSS3. Similarly, the groundwater results also show no metal contamination (Section 4.1.7, ‘Water Quality’).

The water effluent quality will be in accordance with the NEQS

Proper monitoring of the water effluent discharge

Regulated discharge of the treated housing colony effluent for the agriculture activities

Periodic monitoring of the effluent water quality against NEQS is recommended considering the sensitive receptors such as fish in the river and people downstream.

Boiler related effluent

8. The current system is designed to discharge the wastewater from boilers and boiler fed water treatment system to a constructed evaporation pond (Figure 3-4 Section 3, ‘Description of Environment’) located on the east of the plant in the utilities area. There is a

2 As the power plant is connected to both the national gas transmission network of SNGPL and nearby to gas

fields such as Kandhkot that are dedicated to the power plant, fuel use was entirely natural gas up to 2007. Use of fuel oil started in 2008 following gas shortages, and presently fuel oil constitutes only 10% of the plant fuel use.

3 This can be considered as acceptable as the plant is not adding TSS into the liquid effluent discharged by it.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

possibility that some of the boiler related effluent is mixed and drained out with cooling system effluents.

9. The following measures will be undertaken:

The system for drainage of boiler related effluent will be checked and modified if necessary to ensure that the effluent is drained into the evaporation pond and not mixed with the cooling system effluent.

The evaporation pond will be inspected for seepage and potential contamination of the surrounding groundwater.

Municipal Wastewater from Plant Housing Colony

10. The municipal wastewater from the TPS Guddu housing colony is presently pumped out of the colony through the outfall drains (Figure 4-5, ‘Land Impacted by Release of Untreated Waste Water from Housing Colony). The main issues are likely to be with fecal coliform, biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The effluent forms pond and is also used for agricultural purposes by the community located adjacent to the colony boundary. As the farm workers come in contact with the effluent, they are potentially exposed to harmful substances which are likely to affect their health.

11. To address this issue, a wastewater treatment plant will be installed in the housing colony. It will have a capacity to treat about 282 m3/h or 6,800 m3/day of municipal effluent. The effluent after treatment will be provided to the farmers, as now, as they depend on the flow for growing the crops. The treated effluent will also be recycled for non-potable uses inside the colony such as horticulture.

Air emission from stacks

12. The power plant consists of four condensing steam power Units and three combined cycle Units that operate on medium calorific value (MCV) gas. Two of the four condensing Units (1 and 2) were designed to operate on pipeline quality natural gas, but due to shortages a mix of medium calorific value natural gas from various fields located in the proximity of the plant are used. Two of the Units (3 and 4) operate on high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO).

13. Aspects resulting in air emissions are:

Contamination of the ambient air quality

Health impacts from the air emission

Transportation of air pollutants at regional level

14. Cumulative impact on air quality from the existing as well as the proposed 747 MW CCGT unit the commissioning of which is expected in 2014 is discussed in Section 5.2.

Solid Hazardous Waste from the Power Plant Operation

15. Plant generates various types of waste. Some of these are potentially hazardous. Potential hazardous waste include:

Asbestos in the scrap piles located in the plant. Additional asbestos may be discarded during rehabilitation work

Soot removed from the boilers, which is at present dumped in open area near the fuel oil tanks.

16. A hazardous waste storage facility (HWSF) will be developed at the plant near the switchyard to safe disposal of potentially hazardous waste. The measure that will be taken are as follows:


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All potentially hazardous waste in the plant will be identified

Hazardous waste will be segregated from other type of waste

A temporary storage area for asbestos will be developed which will fenced. Access to the area will be control.

An awareness campaign will be undertaken for the workers regarding the hazardous wastes.

Safe handling procedures will be developed for each type of waste. The procedures will be written and will be in English as well as vernacular languages.

All storage areas for the hazardous waste will be clearly marked with a proper hazard sign.

Appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) will be provided to the staff who will be handling the hazardous waste.

Solid waste management of colony and office waste from the power plant

17. There is currently no solid waste management system in place at the Plant. The waste is dumped within the plant boundary and recyclables4 and saleable scrap are disposed of periodically. There are indications that waste such materials containing asbestos may be used in the plant cooling towers as well as for insulation in the boiler systems. There is no municipal solid waste disposal facility available in the vicinity of the plant where the waste can be sent for disposal. Aspects resulting from no solid waste management are:

Contamination of surface and sub-surface soil by leaching from the dumped waste

Contamination of surface water in case of runoff

Transportation of contamination from leaching to the ground water aquifer

Possible attraction of scavengers to the solid waste dumps

Attraction of pests to the waste dumps resulting in spread of disease vectors

General nuisance and odor

18. A properly designed lined landfill for on-site storage of hazardous waste from the plant will be developed.

19. Mitigation measures for municipal solid waste generated in the housing colony and the plant offices will include:

Collection of waste on daily basis from the colony houses and office premises of the plant

Placement of bins in the key area with proper labeling for the type of waste to be thrown in the bin and segregation of waste

Awareness campaigns on municipal waste management including segregation, reuse and recycling

Storage of the waste in a designated landfill located within the housing colony

4 Following the prevailing practice in Pakistan, bulk of paper, plastics, glass, and metals are taken by

scavengers who sell it to the dealers located in nearby towns.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Occupational health and Safety and Housekeeping

20. In general, there is lack health environment and safety procedure at the Plant. This results in unnecessary exposure of the workers to various types of occupational hazards. Use of personnel protection equipment (PPE), safety criteria for heated surface, working at heights and entering confined spaces5 entry are standards procedures worldwide.

21. A complete occupational health and safety management system will be developed at the plant. The components of may include:

Availability and use of PPE

Development of safety standards for heated surface, working at heights at confined spaces, scaffolding, ladders, cranes, and workshop

Training in use of PPE.

Identification of areas in the plant where ear protection is required

Development of general housekeeping procedures. This may include for example, storage yard, signage, demarcation, provision of spill control equipment, provision of waste bin, segregation of waste.

5.1.2 Ecology

This section identifies the potential impacts of the activities of the existing Project activities on ecological resources

Extraction of water from the canal reducing river water volume and affecting aquatic fauna

22. Water requirements for the project are discussed in Section 3.2.1 (Section 3), “Water Supply and Effluents’. Water for plant use is drawn from the canal on the right bank originating from the barrage. Normal operation of the power plant is on a once through system. During the canal closure period of about three weeks in January, the power plant requires about 61.6 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 3.3 cumec on the cooling tower operation when operating at full capacity. Waste water discharge is estimated at 60.9 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 1.7 cumec on the cooling tower operation. Net water requirement of the plant is estimated at 0.7 cumec (cubic meter per second) on once through system and 1.6 cumec on the cooling tower operation.

23. River flow upstream of Guddu barrage6 varies from a monthly average level of

10,310 cumec in August, to a monthly average level of 976 cumecs in December. The corresponding figures downstream of barrage are 9,446 cumec and 709 cumec in August and December respectively. Water used by the power plant will therefore be 0.2% of the minimum monthly average level upstream of the barrage. Minimum daily flows in the drought periods can drop to 37% of the minimum monthly average flows. In these conditions, the water extracted by the plant as a percent of the river flow will increase to about 0.5%. This level of change of flow does not cause and significant change in the hydraulic parameters of relevance to the river ecology such as the depth of water, the width of the river, and the area wetted by it. Therefore, the impact of water extraction activities

5 “Confined space" means a space that:

Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; and Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry); and Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.

6 Data provided by Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) for the period 1986-2004.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

reducing river water volumes and negatively affecting aquatic fauna is only minor in magnitude.

Contaminated cooling water effluent discharged in to the river and canal affecting aquatic fauna

24. Presently, the water flows in an open channel into the river. The temperature of the water discharged by the plant was observed to be about only 0.5oC above that of the river water, which was recorded at 35oC in the July 2102 survey. This low level of temperature increase is understandable in view of the high flow rate presently being maintained in the once through cooling water system at the plant. During the winter months when the plant operates on the cooling towers, the temperature of cooling water effluent rises to about 10oC above the temperature of the water in the river. The effluent water flows in an open channel which is about 20 m wide for about 0.5 km before flowing into the river. The temperature of the effluent water is expected to drop in this channel given the large surface area available for cooling. In the worst case the effluent flow will be 0.6% of the river flow downstream of the barrage. The increase in temperature of river water due to effluent water discharged into the river during the canal closure period in winter is therefore expected to be in the range of 3-50C and confined to the area where the effluent channel joins the river.

25. Higher pollutant concentrations can occur in the area immediately downstream of the point of discharge of water by the Project. An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river included in Table 4–12 (Section 4) ‘Effluent Water Quality Results’ shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. The river ecology is therefore not at risk on account of higher point concentrations of pollutants discharged by the power plant into the river.

Liquid effluent discharge resulting in creation of an attractive nuisance

26. The wastewater from demineralized water during regeneration, sampling water/laboratory drains and boiler blow down, and waste chemicals from laboratory are collected in a wastewater pond and after neutralization disposed of in evaporation ponds (Figure 3-4) These ponds and the overflow from these ponds may attract mammals which could drink this contaminated water and become exposed to health risks. Ingestion by small mammals and birds may also lead to bioaccumulation of toxins within the food chain. Resident and migratory bird species could be attracted to these evaporation ponds while searching for drinking water.

27. All the effluent originating from the boilers, boiler water treatment system, and the laboratory will be piped and routed to the existing site of evaporation ponds. Evaporation ponds will be constructed at the location of the present evaporation ponds to contain the and evaporate the boiler and laboratory effluent resulting in a zero discharge condition.

Inadequate disposal of solid waste resulting in creation of an attractive nuisance

28. Solid waste generated by Project activities as well as that from the housing colony is likely to attract scavenger mammal species which can suffer negative health impacts if the waste contains toxic materials. Leakage of the waste in to the nearby water bodies can have an impact on the aquatic fauna and other faunal species that use this contaminated water for drinking. Mitigation measures for appropriate disposal of solid waste from the Project as well as from the housing colony are given in Section 5.1.1.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Flue gas emissions causing air pollution and resulting in loss of biodiversity

29. The plant will meet the NEQS for air quality. The migratory and resident birds that pass through the area and the reptilian species found in the Study Area will therefore not to affected.

Transport of machinery, supplies and fuel to the project location resulting in land disturbance and habitat fragmentation for animals

30. The area occupied by the Project facilities is already a disturbed area where the thermal power plant is operating. Transport of fuel and supplies for the Project does not have a significant impact on exacerbating the land degradation especially since transportation takes place on existing road networks. As mentioned earlier, birds are sensitive and likely to avoid disturbed areas. The reptilian species of concern such as the Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Chitra indica and Indian Desert Monitor Varanus griseus koniecznyi reported from the Study Area have a wide geographical distribution. Therefore, the habitats being disturbed are not considered critical to the breeding, nesting or feeding of this reptile species even though individuals are liable to suffer irreversible short-term harm.

5.1.3 Socioeconomic Impacts

31. The impacts of existing plant relate mainly to generation of effluent and emissions from the plant, which can cause health issues for the local people. The resulting health expenditures can constrain the household budget and reduce availability of income for other expenditures. The poor households can be affected more severely due to this. To ensure that such impacts are avoided, the Project is designed to meet the required standards for air and water quality.

5.2 Issues related to Proposed Plant

5.2.1 Physical Environment

32. The mitigation and management measures for the existing plant discussed above will be applicable to the rehabilitated plant as well. The existing water treatment system will be used for the Power plant. The results of the effluent water analysis reflect no metal or TDS contamination in any of the samples. Similarly, the ground water results also show no metal contamination. Management of solid waste, effluents from the colony, occupational health and safety, and housekeeping proposed for the existing plant will also cover the rehabilitated plant. Issue specific to the rehabilitation that need to be addressed are discussed in this section.

Transportation of equipment to the TPS

33. There will be additional traffic due to the transportation of materials and equipment for the proposed rehabilitation Project through the road network connecting the Guddu TPS to the main transportation routes. The additional traffic volumes will be limited due to the nature of the project which is rehabilitation as opposed to capacity exapnasion, and will occur during the construction period only. The impact will not be significant in comparison to the existing traffic in the area which is mainly rural.

Storage of equipment and materials

34. There are storage yard available for each unit in the plant. The present equipment stored in the storage yard is not demarcated and labeled. All type of equipment and chemicals for each plant is stored at same location. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is not available for any chemical.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

The equipment for rehabilitation shall be stored in properly demarcated and identified areas

Separate storage of each item will be adopted and each area will be marked either on floor or cordoned off by tapes.

Lifting equipment (cranes) used for the equipment will follow the prescribed safety specification.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for chemicals, if any, will accompany the consignment. A copy of the MSDS shall be available near the storage area at all times.

Disposal of Used Equipment

35. The equipment removed for replacement will be stored in a designated area. While hazardous materials in the equipment and materials to be removed is not expected, in the event such material is found it will be stored in the hazardous waste storage facility. Material that can be recycled will be sold.

Air Quality

36. To assess the impact of the plant on ambient air quality, results from an available study were used in which the USEPA’s Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Air Dispersion Model Version 3 (ISCST3) was utilized to model the expected emissions from the power station7. The plant was assumed to be operating at 80% capacity, and the stacks were grouped together and treated as a single point source using the model’s multiple source option1. In addition to the two existing stacks, a third stack for the proposed 747MW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) unit which is currently under construction and is expected to reach completion in 2014 was also modelled.

37. ISCST3 provides hourly and annual averages of pollutants in ambient air and complies with USEPA’s guidelines on air quality models. The model was applied independently for the existing and proposed units. In each case, the model was run once for each of two fuel types: a combination of high speed diesel (HSD) and high sulphur furnace oil (HSFO); and natural gas.

38. Then the data was modelled for four more times, combining the existing and proposed units, and using:

Case 1 – natural gas as the fuel source for both the existing and proposed units;

Case 2 – natural gas for the existing unit and HSD for the proposed unit;

Case 3 – HSD/HSFO for the existing unit and natural for the proposed unit;

Case 4 – HSD/HSFO for the existing unit and HSD for the proposed unit.

Each case is numbered according to relative desirability in terms of air quality, specifically SO2, with Case 1 being most desirable, and Case 4 being least.

39. The input parameters of the model are described in Table ‎5-3 and combined results of the existing and proposed units, with all considered fuel source combinations are then compared with the ambient air emissions standards in the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) and are displayed in Table ‎5-4.

40. Comparing the results of the models with the standards set by the NEQS shows that the power plant (existing plus proposed 747 MW CCGT) stays well within acceptable limits if natural gas or a combination of natural gas and HSD/HSFO is used, i.e. Cases 1, 2, and 3. Optimum performance in terms of emissions quality occurs in Case 1, where natural gas is

7 Hagler Bailly Pakistan (HBP), 2010, EIA of 747 MW (Gross) Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant Guddu

(Appendix C)


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

used in both the existing and proposed units. The worst case scenario in terms of emissions quality is Case 4. In this case, the SO2 concentration for the 24 hour averaging period exceeds the recommended level set by the NEQS. This is not expected to be an issue however, as past records suggest that it is unlikely for the plant to be run only on HSD/HSFO; some units are always operated on gas8. Even in the event of a gas shortage, there will be enough to run the proposed 747 MW CCGT unit on gas, while running the existing units on a combination of HSD and HSFO as is outlined in Case 3.

5.3 Mitigation

41. Efforts could be made to use HFSO with a sulphur fraction of less than 3% to mitigate the level of SO2 emissions. Additionally, extra care needs to be taken to ensure complete combustion of fuel to reduce emission of particulate matter. More caution is required in the month of October, when the ambient air quality is at its lowest.

5.4 Residual Impacts

42. An increase in the concentration of pollutants is expected, however the residual impact will be insignificant.

Table ‎5-3: Input Parameters

Source type Point (multiple source)

Number of stacks 2




Stack height 60 m

Stack internal diameter 6.5 m

Receptor height 2.0 m

Urban/Rural option Rural

Natural Gas

Gas flow rate (at stack temperature) 1,268.67 kg/s

Stack Temperature 102.5 C

365.65 K

Mass emission rate

Nitrogen oxides 15 ppmvd

Particulate matter 3.8 g/s

Carbon monoxide 31.3 mg/Nm3


Gas flow rate (at stack temperature) 1,310.67 kg/s

Stack Temperature 154.1 C

427.25 K

Mass emission rate

Sulfur dioxide 655 g/s

Nitrogen oxides 42 ppmvd

Particulate matter 7.6 g/s

Carbon monoxide 25 mg/Nm3

8 Hagler Bailly Pakistan (HBP), 2010, EIA of 747 MW (Gross) Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant Guddu

(Section 7.4.3)


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎5-4: Comparison of Model Results for Existing and Proposed Units against NEQS

Fuel Pollutant Averaging Time

Incremental from Plant (μg/m


Maximum Concentration (μg/m


NEQS Target Standard (μg/m


Standards Met (Y/N)

Existing Plant

Proposed 747 MW

Case 1


3 SO2 24 hours 0.00 7.66 120 Y

Annual 0.00 7.66 80 Y

CO Annual 0.23 0.22 5000 Y

NO2 24 hours 17.24 28.24 40 Y

Annual 6.21 17.205 40 Y


24 hours 2.71 153.21 250 Y

Annual 0.61 151.52 200 Y

Case 2


6 SO2 24 hours 11.35 19.00 120 Y

Annual 2.07 9.72 80 Y

CO 24 hours 1.05 1.04 5000 Y

NO2 24 hours 0.66 11.65 40 Y

Annual 0.14 11.13 40 Y

PM104 24 hours 0.45 150.95 250 Y

Annual 0.08 150.58 200 Y

9 Natural Gas

10 Particulate Matter


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Fuel Pollutant Averaging Time

Incremental from Plant (μg/m


Maximum Concentration (μg/m


NEQS Target Standard (μg/m


Standards Met (Y/N)

Existing Plant

Proposed 747 MW

Case 3


11 NG

3 SO2 24 hours 111.57 119.22 120 Y

Annual 20.74 28.39 80 Y

CO Annual 0.82 0.81 5000 Y

NO2 24 hours 14.46 25.45 40 Y

Annual 2.70 13.69 40 Y

PM104 24 hours 0.70 151.2 250 Y

Annual 0.13 150.63 200 Y

Case 4



12 SO2 24 hours 292.91 300.57 120 N

Annual 54.15 61.81 80 Y

CO Annual 1.40 1.39 5000 Y

NO2 24 hours 11.95 22.95 40 Y

Annual 2.41 13.40 40 Y

PM104 24 hours 9.02 159.52 250 Y

Annual 1.84 152.34 200 Y


High Sulphur Furnace Oil 12

High Speed Diesel Oil


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

5.4.1 Ecology

43. This section identifies the potential impacts on ecological resources of activities related to Project rehabilitation and upgradation.

44. Following the implementation of mitigation measures listed for the existing plant in Section 5.1.1, there will be no additional impacts on the water volumes extracted from the river, quantity or quality of the water discharged to the river, seepage of effluent from the evaporation ponds or changes in the quantity or quality of flue gas. Other potential impacts are discussed below.

Transport of machinery, supplies and fuel to the project location resulting in land disturbance and habitat fragmentation for animals

45. Transport of supplies for rehabilitation and upgradation of the Project will increase traffic volumes and can result in land disturbance and habitat fragmentation of animals. However, since existing road networks will be used to accommodate the limited additional traffic volumes associated with rehabilitation of the plant, this impact will only be short-term, and is not likely to be significant considering.

5.4.2 Socioeconomic Impacts

46. In general, the Project will result in positive impacts on the local socioeconomic environment. The rehabilitation work will bring improvements in the environment due to reduced emission levels, bringing improvements in the air quality, as discussed in Section 5.1.1. Other impacts include:

Increased power generation due to Project rehabilitation, reducing energy shortfall and reviving associated economy,

Rehabilitation of plant improving plant efficiency and resulting in import bill savings,

Additional employment opportunities, resulting in increased prosperity and wellbeing due to higher and stable incomes of employed people,

47. Each of these is discussed below.

Reduction in Power Outages

48. Pakistan is suffering from an acute energy crisis. The country has recorded a power shortfall of more than 4,500 MW in the year 2012.13 The unreliable power supply is affecting the productive end-uses of power due to which the direct and multiplier benefits of productive activities are foregone and the economy incurs a loss.

49. Due to the planned rehabilitation work at the existing plant, it is expected that its effective capability will increase by 240 MW. The incremental power generated by the Project would be supplied to various sectors that are currently impacted by the power shortages and bridge part of the energy shortfall facing the country; nearly 5.3%. This, in turn, would have a positive impact on the country’s economy through increase in gross domestic product (GDP). The impact will last through the life of the Project and thus, be of a long duration.

Import Bill Savings

50. The power plant currently operates on fuel oil, which is a deficit product in the country. Expensive imports of furnace oil to meet the demand for the fuel in Pakistan contribute to the import bill and thus, adversely affect country’s trade balance.




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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

51. Improvement in efficiency of power plant due to the planned rehabilitation work will result in import bill savings of USD 83 million/year, which represents one percent of Pakistan’s petroleum products’ import bill for FY2011.

Employment Impact

52. The Project will create additional job opportunities. Most of these positions will be skilled, having expertise in handling the new equipment and processes. Unskilled staff will not be required under the Project.

53. The literacy rate in the rural households is at 44% (see Section 4) and educational attainment of most of the population is up to intermediate level only. Given this, it is less likely that they will benefit from the Project employment opportunities. However, the Project will:

Preferentially recruit local candidates provided they have the required skills and qualifications for the announced positions;

Coordinate efforts to recruit unskilled labor, if any are required under the Project, from the adjacent rural areas;

54. The long-term stable incomes of people employed by the Project during operational phase of the Project are likely to lead to improved nutritional status, better housing, access to education and improvement in overall well-being of their families.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

6. Analysis of Alternatives

1. Chronic power shortages in Pakistan are the most serious constraints to the country’s economic growth and job creation. National Electric Power Regulatory Authority’s (NEPRA) ‘State of the Industry Report 2011’ states that, “in spite of addition of new generation capacity of 1,604 MW during 2010-11 in the system, the gap between supply and demand crossed 5,000 MW mark, but it also remained around 4,000 to 5,000 MW for most part of the year. The present gap represents about one third of the total demand in the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) system resulting in seven to eight hours of daily load shedding. The following factors have significantly contributed in increasing the shortages to such staggering levels.

Rapid growth in demand that outstripped the corresponding additions in power generation capacity over the past few years;

Owing to poor maintenance, the GENCOs have lost nearly 35% of their total installed capacity due to plant degradation and are operating at lower availability of around 75% with frequent break downs of generation units when compared to IPPs which are liable to maintain availability of 88% and 85% in their respective contracts under the power policies of 2002 and 1994. By compounding the two factors, the net availability of GENCOs merely stands around 49%, nearly half that of IPPs; and

Excessive and prolonged shut-downs of the Independent Power Producers’ (IPPs) plants resulting from contractual disputes and withholding of payments by the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) constraining their ability to procure fuel or operate the plants.

2. The country has an urgent requirement to generate additional power to feed into the national grid. Table ‎6-1 shows the projections of power supply and demand in the NTDC‘s and KESC's systems indicating that the gap between supply and demand is likely to persist over next few years. Any slippage in the addition of new generation capacity or fuel availability will further widen the gap between supply and demand.

Table ‎6-1: Projected Supply and Demand in NTDC and KESC Systems

Financial Year ending 30



Planned Generation Capability as per


NTDC Projected Demand Growth

Rate (%)

NTDC Projected Demand during

peak hours (MW)

Surplus/ (Deficit) (MW)

2012 18,913 7.6 22,459 -3,546

2013 21,299 7.42 24,126 -2,827

2014 21,668 7.43 25,918 -4,250

2015 30,510 7.7 28,029 2,481

2016 33,335 7.8 28,472 4,863

2012 2,833 5 2,825 8

2013 2,913 5 2,966 -53

2014 3,413 5 3,114 299

2015 3,713 5 3,270 443

Source: NEPRA’s State of Industry Report, 2011

3. This Project involves energy efficiency improvement by rehabilitating the power generation facilities of Guddu Thermal Power Station (TPS) of GENCO II resulting in reduced power outages and load shedding thereby reducing the need for the industrial


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

sector to resort to costly self or captive power generation and other consumers from incurring cost of alternatives.

4. Besides the rehabilitation project, the conversion of the four generation units to coal firing was also considered as an alternative option. Guddu TPS would require around 7,000 tons/day of coal with storage capacity for about 500,000 tons at the plant site. The plant is located at a distance of around 600 km from the ports in Karachi (Figure 3-1 Section 3). In addition to the coal transportation cost, the feasibility for the transportation of such large quantity of coal by rail and road needs to be studied in detail as both rail and road networks are likely to need extensive upgradation to accommodate additional traffic for coal transportation. Given the distance from the ports in Karachi to the plant, low reliability of the rail network and performance of Pakistan Railways, transportation by road will be the only reliable option in the near to medium term, which is less desirable in terms of environmental impacts in comparison to transportation by rail.

5. Alternatives exist for conversion of fuel oil fired steam plants installed closer to the port city of Karachi in the south where the imported coal is offloaded for onward shipment to the users. Upgradation of Jamshoro TPS covering conversion of 2 units of 400 MW capacity to coal firing and installation of a new coal fired power plant of 600 MW capacity is already a part of the Tranche II of the ADB Energy Efficiency Investment Program loan under which this Project is being financed. The Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) is planning to convert 800 MW of its capacity located at Port Qasim just east of Karachi to coal firing. Similar approach can be adopted for the 1,292 MW oil fired power plant owned by HUBCO located west of Karachi. The coastal power plants can utilize sea water for cooling, as opposed to water extracted from canals, rivers, and ground at inland locations.

6. Another alternative that can be considered is to scrap the existing steam units and replace them with new capacity utilizing efficient technologies such as combined cycle gas turbines or Diesel Engines operating on heavy fuel oil. However, the capital cost for replacement of the entire 600 MW capacity of existing steam units would fall in the range of US$700 million which would be difficult to finance under the present financial state of power sector compounded with general investment climate of the country. In addition, new capacity will require a lead time of around 5-6 years against the 1-2 years for the proposed rehabilitation project. In a situation where other projects in the national power expansion plan are struggling to close financing arrangements, replacement of existing capacity at Guddu with new capacity does not appear to be a viable option in the short to medium term time horizon.

7. The combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) Blocks I & II, are in relatively good condition and are operating at reasonable efficiency levels using medium calorific value (MCV) gas from Mari, Kandhkot and Chachar. . The replacement of existing CCGT machines with new machines is therefore not a viable option.

8. In view of above, the proposed rehabilitation project appears to be the only viable option in the near and medium term that allows the restoration of 240 MW of capacity of the existing power plant through an investment of US$83.2 million. In addition, it allows improvement of 1.4% in the thermal efficiency of the entire plant, thereby making substantial fuel savings and providing a low cost option to reduce consumer prices in a relatively short time frame.

9. In view of the above discussion, the economics of the rehabilitation project were analyzed for the following alternative scenarios.

No project alternative

The proposed rehabilitation project


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

6.1.1 No Project Alternative

10. The baseline assumes no project alternative. The plant will continue to generate electricity at low capacity, efficiency and availability on fuel oil resulting in high cost of electricity to consumers.

6.1.2 The Proposed Rehabilitation Project

11. The rehabilitation project includes replacement of critical components and upgradation of instrumentation and control systems at Guddu TPS. The rehabilitation is estimated to cost around US $ 346/kW and will result in restoration of generation output capacity of 241 MW, improve average efficiency from 33% to around 34.3% and increase availability to 85%, subject to supply of natural gas to meet its full requirement. The steam units, however, are not expected to operate at high load factors in the long term in view of the future additions of committed and planned hydroelectric and cheaper thermal power project. Assuming a conservative load factor of 50% for steam units in line with historic averages for fuel oil fired steam units, an average load factor of 74% for the plant, has been assumed for the economic analysis.

12. Table ‎6-2 illustrates the calculation of life cycle average cost for the baseline and the rehabilitation project. The analysis was carried out at the delivered prices of US$696/ton for fuel oil1.

Table ‎6-2: Life Cycle Average Cost of Power Generation from the Project

Cost Parameters Cost Units The Rehabilitation Project

Existing –Natural Gas and Fuel Oil

Project Life Years 20 –

WACC/IRR 15% –

Plant Factor 74% –

Plant Efficiency 34.3% 33%

Fuel Price $/MMBtu 17.04 17.04

Capacity of the Plant MW 1,373 1,132

Capacity Restoration MW 241

Power Plant Capital Cost $Million 83.2 –

Rehabilitation Capital Cost $/kW 346 –

Annualized Capital Cost $/kW 55 –

Capital Cost Cents/kWh 0.19 –

O&M Cost Cents/kWh 0.56 0.56

Fuel Cost Cents/kWh 16.95 17.64

Average Cost of Generation Cents/kWh 17.69 18.20

6.1.3 Country-wide Impact of Savings and GHG Emissions

13. The country-wide impact was calculated for existing operations and the project. The project is estimated to cost US$ 83.2 million to rehabilitate three CCGT and four steam units, thereby allowing restoration of 241 MW capacity and improvement of nearly 1.4% (absolute) in the average efficiency of the power generation units. Assuming the delivered fuel oil price of US$696/ton for steam units and imported Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) price of

1 Corresponding to Brent Crude oil price of US$102/bbl


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US$17.03/MMbtu for CCGT units, the country will realize annual savings of around US$60 million, resulting in a payback period of around 1.4year.

14. Besides generation cost savings, the rehabilitation of six units at Guddu TPS will reduce the CO2 emissions by about 223,271 tCO2e annually, nearly 5% reduction from the baseline emissions. Table ‎6-3 presents the calculation of annual fuel consumptions, savings in fuel cost and GHG emissions from the project.


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Table ‎6-3: Annual Fuel Consumption, Saving in Fuel Cost and GHG Emissions from the Project

Installed Capacity

Load Factor Efficiency Electricity Generated

Capital Cost Fuel Consumptio


Fuel Consumptio


Fuel Cost CO2 Emission (tCO2e)

(MW) GWh ($Million) (MMBtu) (Tons) ($Million) ($Million)

Steam Units 1-4

Existing Units 360 50% 27% 1568 19,687,936 514,155 358 1,526,698

Project 360 50% 30% 1568 32.143 17,781,273 464,362 323 1,378,846

Net Change 2.9% 32.143 (35) (147,852)

CCGT Blocks I & II (Units 5-13)

Existing Units 772 85% 34.5% 5748 56,809,097 56,809 968 2,868,291

Project 772 85% 35.5% 5748 51.089 55,315,349 55,315 942 2,792,872

Net Change 0.93% 51.089 (25) (75,419)

Total Guddu Power Station

Existing Units 1132 74% 33.0% 7316 76,497,033 1,326 4,394,989

Project 1132 74% 34.3% 7316 83.232 73,096,622 1,265 4,171,718

Net Change 1.4% 83.232 (60) (223,271)


RFO price: 696 $/ton

Natural Gas Price (based on imported LNG) 17.03 $/Mmbtu

CO2 emission for RFO: 2.97 tCO2/ton of RFO

CO2 emission for Natural Gas: 0.05 tCO2/Mmbtu of Gas

Capital cost of Conversion: 346 $/KW


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

7. Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation

1. As part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process, consultations are undertaken with communities and institutions that may have interest in the proposed project or may be affected by it. This section documents the consultation process for the EIA of the rehabilitation of Guddu Thermal Power Station (“Guddu TPS”).

2. The public consultations plan will be updated as the EIA progresses and more information on stakeholders is available, and as further rounds of consultations are conducted for the EIA.

7.1 Framework for Consultations

3. The EIA of the Project will be undertaken in compliance with relevant national legislation and in accordance with the environmental and social safeguards laid out under Asian Development Bank‟s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009).1

7.1.1 ADB Safeguard Policy Statement

4. Public consultation is mandated under Asian Development Bank‟s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009).2

SPS 2009 on Pubic Consultations

The borrower/client will carry out meaningful consultation with affected people and other concerned stakeholders, including civil society, and facilitate their informed participation. Meaningful consultation is a process that (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and is carried out on an ongoing basis throughout the project cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people; (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion; (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; and (v) enables the incorporation of all relevant views of affected people and other stakeholders into decision making, such as project design, mitigation measures, the sharing of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues. Consultation will be carried out in a manner commensurate with the impacts on affected communities. The consultation process and its results are to be documented and reflected in the environmental assessment report.

7.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997

5. Public consultation is mandated under Pakistan‟s environmental law. The Federal Agency, under Regulation 6 of the IEE-EIA Regulations 2000, has issued a set of guidelines of general applicability and sectoral guidelines indicating specific assessment requirements. This includes Guidelines for Public Consultation, 1997 (the „Guidelines‟), that are summarized below:

Objectives of Public Involvement: „To inform stakeholders about the proposed project, to provide an opportunity for those otherwise unrepresented to present their views and values, providing better transparency and accountability in decision making, creating a sense of ownership with the stakeholders‟;

Stakeholders: „People who may be directly or indirectly affected by a proposal will clearly be the focus of public involvement. Those who are directly affected may be project beneficiaries, those likely to be adversely affected, or other stakeholders. The identification of those indirectly affected is more difficult, and to some extent it will be a subjective judgment. For this reason it is good practice to have a very wide definition of

1 Safeguard Policy Statement, Asian Development Bank, June 2009

2 Safeguard Policy Statement, Asian Development Bank, June 2009


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who should be involved and to include any person or group who thinks that they have an interest. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult with a representative from a particular interest group. In such cases the choice of representative should be left to the group itself. Consultation should include not only those likely to be affected, positively or negatively, by the outcome of a proposal, but should also include those who can affect the outcome of a proposal‟;

Mechanism: „Provide sufficient relevant information in a form that is easily understood by non-experts (without being simplistic or insulting), allow sufficient time for stakeholders to read, discuss, consider the information and its implications and to present their views, responses should be provided to issues and problems raised or comments made by stakeholders, selection of venues and timings of events should encourage maximum attendance‟;

Timing and Frequency: Planning for the public consultation program needs to begin at a very early stage; ideally it should commence at the screening stage of the proposal and continue throughout the EIA process;

Consultation Tools: Some specific consultation tools that can be used for conducting consultations include; focus group meetings, needs assessment, semi-structured interviews; village meetings and workshops;

Important Considerations: „The development of a public involvement program would typically involve consideration of the following issues; objectives of the proposal and the study; identification of stakeholders; identification of appropriate techniques to consult with the stakeholders; identification of approaches to ensure feedback to involved stakeholders; and mechanisms to ensure stakeholders‟ consideration are taken into account‟.

7.2 Consultation Methodology

6. Consultations with the Project stakeholders were conducted in July, 2012. The main document for distribution to stakeholders during the consultations was the Background Information Document (BID) that informed the stakeholders about the ESIA process and provided a background about the Project. The BID was made available in English and Urdu to suit the language preferences of different stakeholders. The BID for the Project is included in Appendix A.

7.2.1 Stakeholder Consulted

7. Stakeholders are groups or individuals that can affect or take affect from a project‟s outcome. SPS 2009 specifically identifies affected people, concerned nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government as prospective stakeholders to a project. Affected communities include population that is likely to be affected by the Project activities. Potential impacts of the Project on the local environment include disturbances and changes to the physical and biological environment, such as, land transformation, noise disturbances, and air and water quality issues. These disturbances can result in indirect socioeconomic impacts, such as, physical or economic displacement. These impacts are expected to reduce with the increased distance from the Project facilities. Based on this the communities affected by the Project activities (the „Potentially Affected Communities‟) were identified as those located within five km of the Project site. In addition to the Potentially Affected Communities, local government and local NGO officials were also consulted.

8. Table ‎7-1 lists the Project stakeholders consulted. Consultation were conducted in representative number of communities while ensuring that people from various segments of the society participate in the consultation, to ensure proper coverage of possible stakeholder concerns. Figure ‎7-1 shows location of stakeholders consulted from near Project site.


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Table ‎7-1: Stakeholders Consulted

Stakeholder Location


Settlements within three kilometers of the Power Station‟s boundry.

Bakhshan Shah

Mevo Khan Soomro

Abdullah Bhatti

Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Shahanshah Mohallah

Muhammad Yaqoob Soomro

Shah Muhammad Mazari

Muhammad Alam Mirani

Lali Khan Mazari

Plant Housing Colony

Government and related District Coordination Office (DCO), Kashmore @ Kandkot

Executive District Office Health (EDO), Kashmore @ Kandkot

National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC)

Irrigation Department Guddu

Union Council Guddu

Wild Life Department, Guddu

Others (Power station, Fisher folk, and Wildlife experts of private organizations)

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Fishermen, Guddu

General Secretary of Union Employees

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Pakistan Wetlands Programme (PWP), WWF


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Figure ‎7-1: Consultation Locations near Project Site


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

7.2.2 Consultations Mechanism

9. The Potentially Affected Communities were visited and consultations were conducted with the community members within their settlements to encourage and facilitate their participation. Representatives, notables and other interested groups from the Potentially Affected Communities were invited. A total of nine settlements were consulted out of 23 settlements located within three kilometers of the Project Site. Separate consultations were conducted with community women of ten settlements. Coverage was given to the farming and fisher community in the consultations.

10. Letters to inform experts/institutional stakeholders about the objective of the consultation process and to arrange meetings with the stakeholders were dispatched in advance. BID was enclosed with the letters for the information of the stakeholders.

11. The key agenda items for the meetings with the communities, experts/institutional stakeholders and, fishermen communities included:

An overview of the Project description to the community representatives;

Description of the EIA process that will be undertaken for the Project and presentation of a structure of the EIA report to facilitate understanding of the report;

A list of the possible environmental and social impacts of the Project.

7.2.3 Consultation Team

12. An EIA specialist led the team, which comprised of male and female social assistants that were familiar with the area and the local languages.

7.2.4 Future Consultations

13. Further consultations to be undertaken as part of the Project EIA process include feedback consultations and the Project public hearing as outlined below.

EIA Feedback Consultations

14. Feedback consultations will take after preparation of the EIA report. The purpose of the feedback consultations is to inform stakeholders about decisions on Project alternatives and about the predicted impacts and proposed management measures. Comments made by stakeholders will be recorded, which will be included in the final version of EIA. Instead of a BID, a non-technical executive summary of the EIA report will be produced for information disclosure to stakeholders. The EIA summary will be made available to stakeholders in their preferred language.

Public Hearing

15. The Sindh EPA will require that one or more public hearings are held to assess public opinion on the environmental impacts of the Project. Within 10 days of receipt of the EIA report for the Project and subject to acceptance of the EIA for review, the Sindh EPA will notify the Project proponents that one or more public hearings must be held. The Sindh EPA will advertise the public hearings in a newspaper. The legal requirement is advertisement in at least one English or Urdu national newspaper, but in practice, advertisements are usually placed in two national newspapers and also in local newspapers. The public hearings will be held at least 30 days after the public notice. Copies of the EIA report and a non-technical summary have to be made accessible to the public during the notification period.

Consultation beyond the EIA Process

16. The Project management will continue community engagement activities throughout the life of the station. Visits will be undertaken in all the communities twice or more time in


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an year, depending on the number of concerns raised under each consultation. Ongoing community engagement activities relevant to the ESIA include:

Ongoing reporting on progress on the implementation of environmental and social management measures identified during the EIA process and recording of comments on the effectiveness of these measures;

Updating communities about new project developments and recording comments on these; and,

Ongoing operation of the grievance mechanism (EIA Section 8).

7.3 Summary of Concerns

17. Table ‎7-2 summarizes the key concerns emerging from consultations and explains how each concern was addressed in the EIA. The detailed log of consultations is provided in Appendix 5.

18. The photographs of the consultations are given in Figure ‎7-3.


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎7-2: Summary of Concerns and How They Have Been Addressed in the EIA

Issues Raised by Stakeholders Addressed in the EIA

Resettlement and Related

Power station management did not facilitate the community members of Abdullah Bhatti settlement with electricity/gas supply and employment opportunities as promised, after their relocation to the new region. It is reported that the village area of Abdullah Bhatti was occupied for pumping station activities and the villagers were relocated.

No land will be acquired under the proposed Project

Physical Environment and Related

Power station waste discharge should be adequately regulated and disposed to ensure the fertility of agricultural land is not affected.

Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for water quality are met (EIA Section 5)

Noise pollution from the power station should be controlled and regulated to an acceptable level. High level of noise is an occupational hazard for the workers and surrounding community.

Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for noise are met (EIA Section 5)

Water effluents and air emissions discharged from the power station should be mitigated and minimized. All effluents should comply with the National Environmental Quality Standards.

Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for air and water quality are met (EIA Section 5)

Inefficient oil handling in the decanting area has contaminated the soil and caused detrimental effects to the surrounding land.

Mitigation measures have been proposed (EIA Section 5)

Pollutants discharged into water end up in food chain and affect humans. Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for water quality are met (EIA Section 5)

Waste water effluents and air emissions has affected the health of the local inhabitants. It has caused respiratory diseases, skin and eye allergies and hair loss.

Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for air and water quality are met (EIA Section 5)

Ponds developing in the power station locality due to waste water discharge are breeding grounds for disease spreading mosquitoes.

Mitigation measures have been proposed (EIA Section 5)

Settlements in the locality are being affected due to the sewerage system installed for the plant housing colony.

Mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure that national and ADB standards for water quality are met (EIA Section 5)


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Issues Raised by Stakeholders Addressed in the EIA

Resettlement and Related

Groundwater Issues

It is feared that extensive ground water extraction will lead to depletion of the underground aquifer. Mitigation measures have been proposed (EIA Section 5)

Social and Other issues

Long hours of load shedding have caused distress among the locals. The project is appreciated if maintenance would generate maximum power to overcome the load-shedding crisis.

The power station will contribute to reducing the energy crisis in Pakistan through improved efficiency due to rehabilitation work (EIA Section 5)

Skilled jobs cannot be provided to locals because they lack high education. However, locals are facilitated with the unskilled job opportunities.

Recruitment from local areas will be done on a preferential basis provided the people meet the skill and qualification requirements for the job (EIA Section 5)

Children of the community should be allowed to enroll in Plant Housing Colony schools. Under the Project a grievance redress mechanism will be established under which grievances against the Project can be logged (EIA Section 8)

Castes should not be considered while employing the local inhabitants of the area. Recruitment from local areas will be done on a preferential basis provided the people meet the skill and qualification requirements for the job (EIA Section 5)

Power station management consults contractors for hiring labor. The contractors earn a share from every employee‟s income that they have referred. This is an unfair means to hire the workers.

Recruitment from local areas will be done on a preferential basis provided the people meet the skill and qualification requirements for the job (EIA Section 5)

Wildlife/ Biodiversity Issues

During the closure of canals in December, the hot water discharge from the power station increases the temperature of river water. This rise in temperature affects the fish and causes its death. This affect is limited to the canal closure period.

The increase in temperature of river water due to effluent water discharged into the river during the canal closure period in winter is expected to be in the range of 3-5


and confined to the area where the effluent channel joins the river. (EIA Section 5). However, regular monitoring of the effluent water and river water temperature is recommended.

Pollutant contamination from station may affect fish and aquatic fauna of Indus River. An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even


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Issues Raised by Stakeholders Addressed in the EIA

Resettlement and Related

when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. The river ecology is therefore not at risk on account of higher point concentrations of pollutants discharged by the power plant into the river (EIA Section 5).

Pollutant contamination of Indus River ends up in the delta region and may affect the sensitive mangrove ecosystem of the region.

An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. (EIA Section 5).

Migratory birds will not use the polluted water region as staging ground. If they do, pollutants will pose a negative impact on the birds‟ health.

An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. (EIA Section 5). In adition, the air quality standards met the NEQS.

Guddu site is a Ramsar wetland site. It is also a reserve for the Indus Blind Dolphin. Thus all impacts of the project activities on the dolphins and migratory birds are of great concern.

An analysis of the effluent discharged into the river shows that the effluent water meets the limits prescribed by the NEQS, and is expected to meet the limits even when operating on the cooling towers. The concentrations of toxic metals in all liquid effluent streams were also observed to be below the National Drinking Water Standards. (EIA Section 5).

The project management should compensate the community and set up a fund for conservation of regional biodiversity under the Corporate Social Responsibility Programme.

While recognizing that the plant is not significantly affecting wildlife, the suggestion has been noted and will be considered by the TPS Guddu management.


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Figure ‎7-3: Photographs of the Consultations

Consultation with the C.E.O, Power Station Guddu Consultation with Executive District Officer (EDO),


Men consultation at Abdullah Bhatti Men consultation at Bakhshan Shah

Men consultation at Lali Khan Mazari Men consultation at Mevo Khan Soomro

Men consultation at Muhammad Alam Mirani Men consultation at Muhammad Sachal Solangi


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Men consultation at Shah Muhammad Mazari Women consultation at Mohammad Sachal Solangi

Women consultation at Abdullah Bhatti Women consultation at Mevo Khan Soomro


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July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

8. Grievance Redress Mechanism

1. Timely and effective redress of stakeholder grievances contribute to bringing sustainability in the operations of a project. In particular, it will help advocate the process of forming and strengthening relationships between project management and the stakeholder community groups and bridge any gaps to create a common understanding, providing the project management the ‘social license’ to operate in the area. The grievance redress mechanism proposed for the Project will help achieve the objectives of sustainability and cooperation by dealing with the environmental and social issues of the Project.

2. The proposed grievance redress mechanism will be designed to cater for the issues of the people that can be affected by the Project. The population that can be affected by the Project is identified in Section 3.4, Project Area of Influence, and comprises of the people residing within three km of the plant site. The potential impacts of the Project are described in Section 5, Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures.

8.1 Framework for Grievance Redress Mechanism

3. The grievance redress mechanism proposed for the Project will meet the compliance requirements laid out under the relevant national legislation and will be in accordance with the environmental and social safeguards laid out under SPS 2009.

8.1.1 ADB Safeguard Policy Statement

4. Developing a grievance redress mechanism is mandated under SPS 2009.1 The requirements for the grievance redress mechanism under the SPS 2009 are laid out below.

SPS 2009 on Grievance Redress Mechanism

ADB requires that the borrower/client establish and maintain a grievance redress mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of affected peoples’ concerns and grievances about the borrower's/client's social and environmental performance at project level. The grievance redress mechanism should be scaled to the risks and impacts of the project. It should address affected people's concerns and complaints promptly, using an understandable and transparent process that is gender responsive, culturally appropriate, and readily accessible to all segments of the affected people.

8.1.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997

5. The Federal Agency, under Regulation 6 of the IEE-EIA Regulations 2000, has issued a set of guidelines of general applicability and sectoral guidelines indicating specific assessment requirements. Under the regulations and guidelines, no specific requirements are laid out for developing a grievance redress mechanism for projects. However, under its Guidelines for Public Consultation, 1997, the proponents are required to consult stakeholders during the implementation phase of the project. In this regards, it is stated that the representatives of local community partake in the monitoring process to promote a stable relationship between the project management and the community.

8.2 Existing Practice for Grievance Redress

6. Currently, the grievances of stakeholders against the activities undertaken at Guddu TPS are redressed on an ad hoc basis, where any concern that reaches the management’s notice is given attention. The current mechanism is not sufficient for the purpose of grievance redress. Under the consultations, the local communities voiced their concern that

1 Safeguard Policy Statement, Asian Development Bank, June 2009


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their issues were not addressed (see Section 7, Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation).

8.3 Proposed Mechanism for Grievance Redress

7. Under the Project the following will be established or appointed to ensure timely and effective handling of grievances:

A Public Complaints Unit (PCU), which will be responsible to receive, log, and resolve complaints; and,

A Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), responsible to oversee the functioning of the PCU as well as the final non-judicial authority on resolving grievances that cannot be resolved by PCU;

Grievance Focal Points (GFPs), which will be educated people from each community that can be approached by the community members for their grievances against the Project. The GFPs will be provided training by the Project in facilitating grievance redress.

8. Details of the proposed mechanism are given below.

8.3.1 PCU – Function and Structure

9. PCU will be set up as part of the environment, health and safety department2 of the Project. A senior official with experience in community and public liaison will lead the unit. Two assistants, one male and one female will be responsible for coordinating correspondence and preparing documentation work and will assist the senior official. The senior official will be responsible to review all documentation.

10. The PCU will be responsible to receive, log, and resolve grievances. Given that the female community members have restricted mobility outside of their villages and homes, the female PCU staff will be required to undertake visits to the local communities. The frequency of visits will depend on the nature and magnitude of activity in an area and the frequency of grievances.

8.3.2 GRC – Function and Structure

11. The GRC will function as an independent body that will regulate PCU and the grievance redress process. It will comprise of:

Head of environment, health and safety department, Guddu TPS;

Senior engineer that is responsible to oversee the contractors, Guddu TPS;

Two literate representatives from the communities residing near the plant site;

A representative of the local government. In case the local government elections take place, this could be the Naib-Nazim or Nazim (the district governor). If not, this would be the District Coordinating Officer (DCO) or an appointed representative;

Senior member from the local civil society with experience in community relations;

A female member from the local civil society with experience in community relations.

12. The GRC will meet once every three months to review the performance of the PCU; the frequency can be changed depending on the nature and frequency of grievances received. The performance will be gauged in terms of the effectiveness and the timeliness with which grievances were managed. In case there are any unresolved or pending issues,

2 An Environment, Health and Safety Department is not yet in place and is proposed to be set up under the

Project (see Section 9, Environmental Management Plan).


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the GRC will deliberate on mechanisms to resolve those and come up with solutions acceptable to everyone.

8.3.3 Grievance Focal Points

13. The GFPs will be literate people from each community that will facilitate their community members in reporting grievances from the Project. The GFPs will be provided training by the Project in facilitating grievance redress. Each community will have a male and female GFP appointed for this purpose.

8.3.4 Procedure of Filing and Resolving Grievances

14. Grievances will be logged and resolved in the following steps:

Step 1: Receive and Acknowledge Complaint

15. Once the PCU receives a complaint, which could be the complainant giving it in person, via letter or email, through phone call, or through a GFP, an acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint has to be sent within two working days to the complainant. The complainant will be issued a unique complaint tracking number for their and PCU’s record.

Step 2: Investigation

16. PCU will work to understand the cause of the grievance for which the PCU may need to contact the complainant again and obtain details. The PCU will be required to complete preliminary investigations within five working days of receiving the complaint and send a response to the complainant documenting the results of their investigations and what the PCU plans to do ahead.

Step 3: Resolution through PCU

17. Once the PCU have investigated a grievance, it will share with the complainant the proposed course of action to resolve the complaint, should PCU believe any to be necessary. If the complainant considers the grievance to be satisfactorily resolved, the PCU will log the complaint as resolved in their records.

18. In case the grievance remains unresolved it will be reassessed and GRC will have further dialogue with the complainant to discuss if there are any further steps, which may be taken to reach a mutually agreed resolution to the problem.

19. For minor grievances, Steps 1, 2 and 3 or Steps 2 and 3 can be merged.

Step 4: Resolution through GRC

20. In case the PCU is unable to resolve the issue, the matter will be referred to GRC. All complaints that could not be resolved within four weeks will by default be referred to GRC. However, the complainant or the PCU can convene the GRC at any point in time, depending on the nature and urgency of the issue.

8.3.5 Operating Principles for PCU

21. The PCU will operate on the principles of transparency, approachability and accountability. To achieve these, the PCU will be required to:

Be equipped to handle grievances in the local languages;

Be equipped to work through all possible modes of communication, such as, emails, by-post and face-to-face meetings at plant site or requiring visits;

Employ female staff, preferably from the nearby communities, to oversee complaints and issues of the female community members.


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Maintain a log of all grievances, with record of the date and time of the complaint logged and stakeholder information, such as, name, designation and contact details;

Provide opportunity to the stakeholder to revert with their comments on the proposed plan of action;

Keep the stakeholder informed of the progress in grievance resolution;

Obtain stakeholder consent on the mechanism proposed to redress the grievance and document consent; and,

Maintain confidentiality of the stakeholder, if requested so.

8.3.6 Stages of Grievances

22. Once a grievance is logged with the PCU, it could acquire the following stages:

Stage 1: it is resolved by the PCU or if not PCU, by the GRC;

Stage 2: If the GRC cannot resolve the issue, it will inform ADB accordingly, and the ADB project team will organize a special mission to address the problem and identify a solution; and

Stage 3: If the stakeholders are still not satisfied with the reply in Stage 2, they can go through local judicial proceedings.

8.4 Stakeholder Awareness

23. The stakeholders will be informed of the establishment of the PCU, GRC and GFPs through a short and intensive awareness campaign. Under the awareness campaign, the proponent will share:

Objective, function and the responsibilities of the PCU, GRC and GFPs;

Means of accessing the PCU and the mechanics of registering a grievance at the PCU, GRC and GFPs;

Operating principles of the PCU, GRC and GFPs; and,

Contact details.

24. Additional awareness campaigns may be organized, if necessary.


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9. Environmental Management Plan

9.1 Introduction

1. The main objective of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to identify mechanisms to implement the environmental mitigation measures discussed in Appendix 6. It is the fundamental tool that ensures that all mitigation measures are consolidated, their implementation responsibilities identified and the resources required to implement the measures are provided. Further, the EMP includes monitoring measures as a feedback mechanism on implementation and effectiveness of the mitigation measures.

2. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared for all the identified environmental impacts during design, pre-construction, spare parts replacement, coal conversion and O&M stages due to implementation of various Project activities. The methodology followed for preparing the EMP is given in Figure ‎9–1 and consists of the following steps:

Deriving mitigation/protection measures for identified impacts,

Recommend mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures for each identified impacts and risks,

Developing a mechanism for monitoring the proposed mitigation measures,

Estimating budget requirements for implementation mitigation and monitoring measures, and

Identifying responsibilities of various agencies involved in the Project for implementation and monitoring of mitigation measures.

Figure ‎9–1: Framework for Preparation of EMP during Construction and O&M


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9.2 Mitigation Plan

3. The mitigation plan prepared in accordance with the above framework is given in Appendix 6 and the key components of the plan are discussed in the following sections. The environmental and social mitigation plan includes the following:

The measures that are required to be implemented during the design, construction and implementation phases of the Project are identified

For each mitigation measure the person responsible to implement and monitor the implementation is identified

The timing to implement and the location to implement

4. The mitigation measures for improvement of environmental performance of the existing facilities are the following:

Development of a hazardous waste handling facility

Development of a landfill site for colony waste

Treatment plant for colony wastewater

5. In addition to the above, specific management plans are developed for areas. These plans are also part of Appendix 6. The plans that have been developed include:

Waste management plan for disposal of replaced parts

Asbestos management plan

Social augmentation plan

6. EMP will be included in all the bid documents of the Project and will become a part of the civil works contract. The strict implementation of the EMP and project management’s strict enforcement of the adequate construction practices and standards will greatly reduce the negative impacts of the Project.

7. In addition to the general mitigation and monitoring plan, management plans for specific areas will be implemented. These include coal dust management plan, ash management plan, and asbestos management plans. These are discussed below.

9.3 Monitoring Mechanism

8. Monitoring of environmental components and mitigation measures during implementation and operation stages is a key component of the EMP to safeguard the protection of environment. The objectives of the monitoring are to (i) monitor changes in the environment during various stages of the project life cycle with respect to baseline conditions; and (ii) manage environmental issues arising from construction works through closely monitoring the environmental compliances. A monitoring mechanism is developed for each identified impact and it includes:

Location of the monitoring (near the Project activity, sensitive receptors or within the Project influence area)

Means of monitoring, i.e. parameters of monitoring and methods of monitoring (visual inspection, consultations, interviews, surveys, field measurements, or sampling and analysis)

Frequency of monitoring (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, annually or during implementation of a particular activity)

9. The monitoring program will also include regular monitoring of construction and commissioning activities for their compliance with the environmental requirements as per relevant standards, specifications and EMP. The purpose of such monitoring is to assess the performance of the undertaken mitigation measures and to immediately formulate


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additional mitigation measures and/or modify the existing ones aimed at meeting the environmental compliance as appropriate during construction. Environmental monitoring program is presented in Appendix 6.

10. During construction, environmental monitoring will ensure the protection of air and noise pollution, community relations, and safety provisions. Post monitoring evaluation will be carried to evaluate the impacts of the Project during first 3 years of operation of the Project. During operation, emissions, air, noise, and waste water quality monitoring and greenbelt development around the plant will be important parameter of the monitoring program.

9.4 Reporting and Feedback Mechanism

11. Contractor shall prepare monthly status reports on the EMP implementation. Such reports must carry information on the main types of activities carried out within the reporting period, mitigation measures applied, and any environmental issues emerged in relations with suppliers, local authorities, affected communities, etc. Contractor’s monthly status reports shall be submitted to the Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC), Guddu TPS and GENCO II.

12. CSC will prepare monthly reports on the status of EMP implementation and environmental performance of the Contractor. These reports shall be based on the Contractor’s reports and their supervision. CSC shall assess how accurate is the factual information provided in the Contractor’s reports, fill any gaps identified in them, and evaluate adequacy of mitigation measures applied by contractor. CSC must highlight any cases of incompliance with EMPs, inform on any acute issues brought up by contractor or revealed by supervisor himself, and propose corrective actions.

13. GENCO II and Guddu TPS will be responsible for enforcing compliance of Contractor with the terms of the contract, including adherence to the EMP. The GENCO II shall report annually to the ADB on the status of environmental compliance of construction works. Such reporting shall contain information on all violations identified and the actions taken for fixing of such cases. PEPCO shall inform the ADB on any major environmental issues at any time, independently from the schedule of regular reporting.

14. After project completion, Guddu TPS will be in charge of the operation and maintenance of the Project. Environmental Department of Guddu TPS will be responsible for compliance with the monitoring plan during O&M (Appendix 6).

15. The effectiveness of mitigation measures and monitoring plans will be evaluated through a feedback reporting system. Measures required in the EMP will be adjusted, if necessary. Feedback and adjustment will be carried out in two tiers. Upon request for EMP modification by the Contractor and GENCO II will review the proposals and consider their acceptance or rejection. GENCO II will consider comments and suggestions from CSC and ADB. Appropriate responses and revisions in the EMP will be implemented, if necessary. The Contractor and Guddu TPS will then implement the modifications.

9.5 Institutional Framework for Implementation of EMP

16. Contractor will be responsible for implementation of EMP during implementation and Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) will be primarily responsible for supervision of monitoring of the implementation of the EMP.

17. The Contractor is recommended to be a compliant of ISO 14001, 2004 Environmental Management System (EMS) certification. The Contractor will be recommended to have one Environmental Specialist and one Occupational, Health and Safety (OH) Specialist, who will be working in close coordination with the CSC and Guddu TPS.


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18. The Contractor will prepare a ‘Construction Environmental Action Plan’ (CEAP) demonstrating the manner in which it will comply with the requirements of mitigation measures proposed in the EMP of the EIA Report. The CEAP will form the part of the contract documents and will be used as monitoring tool for compliance. Violation of the compliance requirements will be treated as non–compliance leading to the corrections or otherwise imposing penalty on the Contractor.

9.5.1 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building

19. Guddu TPS has a laboratory unit responsible for monitoring of environmental conditions at the plant. It is proposed that an Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department to oversee all environmental, health and safety issues during the Rehabilitation and Replacement and Operation and Maintenance stages. This department will be headed by an EHS Manager.

20. A series of following capacity building programs are proposed to the plant managers, supervisors and relevant staff through continuous and oriented trainings by hiring reputable institutions and individual experts. A recommended Training Program is included in Table ‎9-1.

Occupational Health and Safety

Health, Safety and Environmental Auditing

Waste Disposal and Handling (including hazardous waste)

Social and environmental laws and regulations, norms, procedures and guidelines of Government and ADB

Environmental and Social safeguards, their importance and benefits

Implementation of Environmental Management Plan and monitoring plant; ambient air quality monitoring, modelling

Disciplines like Environnemental Management, sustainable development, environnement auditing etc.

Some of the senior representatives should receive environmental and social safeguard training under a recognized program (overseas).

9.6 Performance Indicators

21. The environmental parameters that may be qualitatively and quantitatively measured and compared are selected as ‘performance indicators’ and recommended for monitoring during project implementation and O&M stages. These monitoring indicators will be continuously monitored to ensure compliance with the national or other applicable standards and comparison with the baseline conditions established during design stage. The list of indicators and their applicable standards to ensure compliance are given below:

Stack emissions (SO2, NOx, SPM) – World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008

Ambient Air quality (PM10, PM2.5, , SO2, and NO2) – Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards,(NEQS) 2010

Noise levels – Pakistan National Standards, NEQS 2000

Waste Water Quality – Pakistan National Standards, NEQS 2010

Groundwater Quality (pH, TDS, Cl, HCO3, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, Coliform, oils) – Comparison with Baseline Environment


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Number of identified critical wildlife species and migratory birds in the Guddu Barrage Ramsar site – Comparison with Baseline Environment

9.7 Emergency Response Plan

22. Firefighting system is in place in Guddu TPS with a standard operating procedure, which will be strengthened considering the potential fire from the fuel oil storage and handling.

9.8 Budget Estimates

23. Cost estimates are prepared for all the mitigation and monitoring measures proposed in the EMP. The details of the cost estimates and the budget during construction stage and first three years of operation stage for the mitigation measures are given in Table ‎9-2 and for monitoring measures are given in Table ‎9-3. The total budget for EMP implementation is estimated to be about US$ 0.7 million, which includes US$ 0.67 million for mitigation measures, and US$ 0.02 million for monitoring programme.


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Table ‎9-1: Training Program

Sr Type of Training Training Provided By

Personnel to be Trained

Training Description Period Duration

1 Occupational Health and Safety

External Sources EHS Manager

Plant managers and supervisors

Training should be provided to aware staff to conform to safety codes.

Plant manager should be instructed the mandatory use of PPE by the senior administration during all plant visits. That will attract other junior and maintenance staffs to abide by the rules.

Precautions to be taken for working in confined areas.

Before starting of project activities

Full day (8 hour session)

2 Occupational Health and Safety

EHS Manager Workers


Health, safety and hygiene

Proper usage of personnel protective gear

Precautions to be taken for working in confined areas.

Before starting of Project activities

Full day (8 hour session)

3 Health, Safety and Environmental Auditing

External Sources Staff responsible for inspection/audits

Procedures to carry out Health, Safety and Environmental Audits

Reporting requirements

Before starting of Project activities

Full day (8 hour session)

4 Waste Disposal and Handling

External Sources Relevant Workers

Relevant Staff

As per industry standard practices Before starting of Project activities

Full day (8 hour session)

5 Social &Environmental laws & regulations, norms, procedures and guidelines of Government and ADB

External sources EHS staff

Plant managers and supervisors

Environmental standards and their compliance

ADB and Govt. regulations

Before starting the Project activities

Full day (8 hour session)

6 Implementation of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

External Sources EHS staff

Responsible supervisory staff


Concepts of environmental management and monitoring plan

In the first year after the start of the Project

Full day (8 hour session)

7 Asbestos management External Sources EHS staff

Responsible supervisory staff


As per Asbestos Management Plan (Appendix 9)

Before starting of project activities

Two full day (8 hour session)


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Table ‎9-2: Summary of Costs for Mitigation Measures

No. Mitigation Guddu TPS


1 Hazardous Waste Storage Facility (HWSF) 47,368

2 Colony Waste Water Treatment 622,484

3 Colony Landfill 5,263

Total 675,116

Table ‎9-3: Summary of Costs for Monitoring during Operation

Item Unit Unit Cost US$

Qty Total Cost US$

1 Air Quality Monitoring (3 sites@ yearly over 3 years)

Site 500 9 4,500

2 Surface Water Quality Monitoring (5 sites@ yearly over 3 years)

Site 400 15 6,000

3 Groundwater Quality Monitoring (4 sites@ 3 yearly over 3 years)

Site 600 12 7,200

4 Noise Monitoring (3 sites@ 3 yearly over 3 years) Site 100 9 900

5 Social Augmentation Plan LS 1 1 5,000

Total Budget 23,600


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10. Conclusions

1. The Proposed Project consists of rehabilitation of the existing power plant to improve the capacity, effeminacy, and reliability of the power plant.

2. As part of the rehabilitation process, the EIA has documented all areas where improvement in environmental performance is required. In addition to alleviating the power shortages in the country and contributing to economic growth, the areas the Project is likely to bring a positive change in the environment are:

Improving the systems and capacities for environmental management and monitoring at the power plant.

Development of a hazardous waste storage facility

Development of a landfill site for colony waste

Treatment plant for colony wastewater

3. The main environmental concerns during rehabilitation, and operations are:

Disposal of waste from rehabilitation work

Occupational health and safety management during construction

4. A series of mitigation and monitoring measures have been included to address the concerns for these measures. Assuming effective implementation of the mitigation measures and monitoring requirements as outlined in the Environmental Management Plan (Chapter 9 and Appendix 5), the adverse environmental and social impacts of the proposed Project are likely to be within the acceptable limits.


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Table ‎1-1: NEQS for Municipal and Liquid Industrial Effluents1, 2 (mg/l, unless otherwise defined)

No. Parameter Standards

Into Inland Waters

Into Sewage Treatment


Into Sea( )

1. Temperature increase7 =<3°C =<3°C =<3°C

2. pH value 6 to 9 6 to 9 6 to 9

3. Five-day bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD)5 at 20°C


80 250 808

4. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)1 150 400 400

5. Total suspended solids (TSS) 200 400 200

6. Total dissolved solids (TDS) 3,500 3,500 3,500

7. Grease and oil 10 10 10

8. Phenolic compounds (as phenol) 0.1 0.3 0.3

9. Chlorides (as Cl') 1,000 1,000 SC9

10. Fluorides (as F') 10 10 10

11. Cyanide total (as CN') 1.0 1.0 1.0

12. Anionic detergents (as MBAS)2 20 20 20

13. Sulfates (SO4) 600 1,000 SC9

14. Sulfides (s') 1.0 1.0 1.0

15. Ammonia (NH3) 40 40 40

16. Pesticides3 0.15 0.15 0.15

17. Cadmium4 0.1 0.1 0.1

18. Chromium (trivalent and hexavalent)4 1.0 1.0 1.0

19. Copper4 1.0 1.0 1.0

20. Lead4 0.5 0.5 0.5

21. Mercury4 0.01 0.01 0.01

22. Selenium4 0.5 0.5 0.5

23. Nickel4 1.0 1.0 1.0

24. Silver4 1.0 1.0 1.0

25. Total toxic metals 2.0 2.0 2.0

26. Zinc 5.0 5.0 5.0

27. Arsenic4 1.0 1.0 1.0

28. Barium4 1.5 1.5 1.5

29. Iron 8.0 8.0 8.0

30. Manganese 1.5 1.5 1.5

31. Boron4 6.0 6.0 6.0

32. Chlorine 1.0 1.0 1.0


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1. Assuming minimum dilution 1:10 discharge, lower ratio would attract progressively stringent standards to be determined by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. By 1:10 dilution means, for example that for each one cubic meter of treated effluent, the recipient water body should have 10 cubic meter of water for dilution of this effluent.

2. Methylene Blue Active substances assuming surfactant as biodegradable

3. Pesticides include herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides

4. Subject to total toxic metals discharge should not exceed level given at S. No. 25

5. Applicable only when and where sewage treatment is operational and BOD = 80 mg/l is achieved by the sewage treatment system.

6. Provided discharge is not at shore and not within 10 miles of mangrove or other important estuaries.

7. The effluent should not result in temperature increase of more than 3oC at the edge of the zone where

initial mixing and dilution take place in the receiving body. In case zone is not define, use 100 m from the point of discharge

8. ** The value for industry is 200 mg/l

9. *** Discharge concentration at or below sea concentration (SC)

10. Dilution of liquid effluents to bring them to the NEQS limiting values is not permissible through fresh water mixing with the effluent before discharging into the environment.

11. The concentration of pollutants in water being used will be subtracted from the effluent for calculating the NEQS limits.

12. Modified Benzene Alkyl Sulfate assuming surfacetant as biodegradable.


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Table ‎1-2: National Environmental Quality Standards for Gaseous Emissions

No. Parameter Source of Emission Standards

1. Smoke Smoke opacity not to exceed 40% or 2 on Ringlemann Scale or equivalent smoke number

2. Particulate matter1 (a) Boilers and furnaces:

i) Oil-fired 300

ii) Coal-fired 500

iii) Cement kilns 300

(b) Grinding, crushing, clinker coolers and related processes, metallurgical processes, converters, blast furnaces and cupolas


3. Hydrogen chloride Any 400

4. Chlorine Any 150

5. Hydrogen fluoride Any 150

6. Hydrogen sulfide Any 10

7. Sulfur oxides2, 3

Sulfuric acid/sulfonic acid plants 5,000

Other plants except power plants operating on oil and coal


8. Carbon monoxide Any 800

9. Lead Any 50

10. Mercury Any 10

11. Cadmium Any 20

12. Arsenic Any 20

13. Copper Any 50

14. Antimony Any 20

15. Zinc Any 200

16. Oxides of nitrogen3 Nitric acid manufacturing unit 3,000

Gas-fired 400

Oil-fired 600

Coal-fired 1,200

1. Based on the assumption that the size of the particulate is 10 micron or more.

2. Based on 1 per cent sulfur content in fuel oil. Higher content of sulfur will cause standards to be pro-rated.

3. In respect of emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the power plants operating on oil and coal as fuel shall in addition to National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) special above, comply with the following standards.

4. Pakistan Standards for Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides for Power Plants Operating on Oil and Coal


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Table ‎1-3: Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur Dioxide Background Levels (mg/m3) Standards

Criterion I Criterion II

Background Air Quality

(SO2 basis)

Annual Average

Maximum 24-Hour Interval

Max. SO2 Emissions


Max. Allowable 1-Year Average Ground Level

Increment to Ambient (mg/m


Unpolluted < 50 < 200 500 50

Moderately polluted1

Low 50 200 500 50

High 100 400 100 10

Very polluted2 > 100 > 400 100 10

1. For intermediate values between 50 and 100 g/m3 linear interpretation should be used.

2. No project with sulfur dioxide emissions will be recommended.

Table ‎1-4: Nitrogen Oxides

Annual arithmetic mean of ambient air concentrations of nitrogen oxides (expressed as NO2) should not exceed

100 g/m3 (0.05 ppm)

Maximum emission levels for stationary source discharges, before mixing with the atmosphere: For fuel fired steam generators

Liquid fossil fuel 130 ng/J of heat input

Solid fossil fuel 300 ng/J of heat input

Lignite fossil fuel 260 ng/J of heat input

Table ‎1-5: National Environmental Quality Standards for Motor Vehicle Exhaust and Noise

No. Parameter Standards (Maximum Permissible Limit)

Measuring Method

1. Smoke 40% or 2 on the Ringelmann Scale during engine acceleration mode.

To compared with Ringlemann chart at a distance of 6 meters or more.

2. Carbon Monoxide

Emission Standards:

New Vehicles Used Vehicles

4 .5% 6% Under idling conditions: Nondispersive infrared detection through gas analyzer.

3. Noise 85 db (A) Sound-meter at 7.5 meters from the source.


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Table ‎1-6: National Environmental Quality Standards for Ambient Air

Pollutants Time-weighted Average

Concentration in Ambient Air Method of Measurment

Effective from 1st July 2010

Effective from 1st January 2013

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Annual Average* 80 μg/m3 80 μg/m

3 -Ultra Violet

Fluorescence method

24 hours** 120 μg/m3 120 μg/m


Oxide of Nitrogen as (NO)

Annual Average* 40 μg/m3 40 μg/m

3 -Gas Phase

Chemiluminescence 24 hours** 40 μg/m

3 40 μg/m


Oxide of Nitrogen as (NO2)

Annual Average* 40 μg/m3 40 μg/m

3 -Gas Phase

Chemiluminescence 24 hours** 40 μg/m

3 80 μg/m


O3 1 hour 180 μg/m3 130 μg/m

3 -Non dispersive UV

absorption method

Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

Annual Average* 400 μg/m3 360 μg/m

3 -High Volume

Sampling, (Average flow rate not less than 1.1 m


24 hours** 550 μg/m3 500 μg/m


Respirable particulate Matter. PM 10

Annual Average* 200 μg/m3 120 μg/m

3 -β Ray Absorption

method 24 hours** 250 μg/m

3 150 μg/m


Respirable Particulate Matter. PM 2.5

Annual Average* 25 μg/m3 15 μg/m

3 -β Ray Absorption

method 24 hours** 40 μg/m

3 35 μg/m


1 hour 25 μg/m3 15 μg/m


Lead (Pb) Annual Average* 1.5 μg/m3 1 μg/m

3 ASS Method after

sampling using EPM 2000 or equivalent Filter paper

24 hours** 2 μg/m3 1.5 μg/m


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

8 hours** 5 mg/m3 5 mg/m

3 Non Dispersive Infra

Red (NDIR) method 1 hour 10 mg/m

3 10 mg/m


* Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 instruments in a year taken twice a week 24 hourly at uniform interval

** 24 hourly /8 hourly values should be met 98% of the in a year. 2% of the time, it may exceed but not on two consecutive days.


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Table ‎1-7: National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise

S No. Category of Area/Zone Effective from Ist July, 2010 Effective from Ist July, 2012

Limit in dB(A) Leq*

Day time Night time Day time Night time

1. Residential are (A) 65 50 55 45

2. Commercial are (B) 70 60 65 55

3. Industrial area (C) 80 75 75 65

4. Silence zone (D) 55 45 50 45


1. Day time hours: 6 .00 am to 10.00 pm

2. Night Time hours: 10.00 pm to 6.00 am

3. Silence zone: Zones which are declared as such by the competent authority. An area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals, educational institutions and courts and courts.

4. Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above-mentioned categories by the competent authority.

5. dB(A) Leq: time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A which is relatable to human hearing.


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Table ‎1-8: National Environmental Quality Standards for Drinking Water

Properties/ Parameters Standard Values For Pakistan

Who Guidelines Remarks


All water intended for drinking (e.Coli or Thermo tolerant Coliform bacteria)

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample

Most Asian countries also follow WHO standards

Treated water entering the distribution system (E.Coli or thermo tolerant coliform and total coliform bacteria)

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample

Most Asian countries also follow WHO standards

Treated water in the distribution system (E.coli or thermo tolerant coliform and total coliform bacteria)

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample In case of large supplies, where sufficient samples are examined, must not be present in 95% of the samples taken throughout any 12-month period.

Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample In case of large supplies, where sufficient samples are examined, must not be present in 95% of the samples taken throughout any 12-month period.

Most Asian countries also follow WHO standards


Colour ≤15 TCU ≤15 TCU

Taste Non objectionable/Accept able

Non objectionable/Accept able

Odour Non objectionable/Accept able

Non objectionable/Accept able

Turbidity < 5 NTU < 5 NTU

Total hardness as CaCO3 < 500 mg/l –

TDS < 1000 < 1000

pH 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 – 8.5


Essential Inorganic mg/Litre mg/Litre

Aluminium (Al) mg/1 <0.2 0.2

Antimony (Sb) <0.005 (P) 0.02

Arsenic (As) < 0.05 (P) 0.01 Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries

Barium (Ba) 0.7 0.7

Boron (B) 0.3 0.3

Cadmium (Cd) 0.01 0.003 Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries

Chloride (Cl) <250 250

Chromium (Cr) <0.05 0.05

Copper (Cu) 2 2

Toxic Inorganic mg/Litre mg/Litre

Cyanide (CN) <0.05 0.07 Standard for Pakistan similar to Asian developing


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Properties/ Parameters Standard Values For Pakistan

Who Guidelines Remarks


Fluoride (F)* <1.5 1.5

Lead (Pb) <0.05 0.01 Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries

Manganese (Mn) < 0.5 0.5

Mercury (Hg) <0.001 0.001

Nickel (Ni) <0.02 0.02

Nitrate (NO3)* <50 50

Nitrite (NO2)* <3 (P) 3

Selenium (Se) 0.01(P) 0.01

Residual chlorine 0.2-0.5 at consumer end 0.5-1.5 at source

Zinc (Zn) 5.0 3 Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries

* indicates priority health related inorganic constituents which need regular monitoring.


Pesticides mg/L PSQCA No. 4639-2004, Page No. 4 Table No. 3 Serial No. 20- 58 may be consulted.***

Annex II

Phenolic compounds (as Phenols) mg/L

< 0.002

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (as PAH) g/L

0.01 ( By GC/MS method)


Alpha Emitters bq/L or pCi 0.1 0.1

Beta emitters 1 1

*** PSQCA: Pakistan Standards Quality Control Authority.


1. The existing drinking water treatment infrastructure is not adequate to comply with WHO guidelines. The arsenic concentrations in South Punjab and in some parts of Sindh have been found high then Revised WHO guidelines. It will take some time to control arsenic through treatment process. Lead concentration in the proposed standards is higher than WHO Guidelines. As the piping system for supply of drinking water in urban centres are generally old and will take significant resources and time to get them replaced. In the recent past, lead was completely phased out from petroleum products to cut down lead entering into environment. These steps will enable to achieve WHO Guidelines for Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium and Zinc. However, for the bottled water, WHO limits for Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium and Zinc will be applicable and PSQCA Standards for all the remaining parameters.


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


1. The methodology for the ecological surveys has been compiled to meet the requirements of the ESIA for the Project. The baseline study covers a summer survey as well as information collected from literature sources. The summer survey was conducted from June 28, 2012 to June 29, 2012.

2. The Study Area consists of the area covered by Thermal Power Station Guddu, and a probable impact zone extending 3 km outside it.

2.1 Study Components and Survey Design

3. The proposed study comprised five major components: vegetation, mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Multiple Sampling was conducted during the surveys for this study. Fourteen sampling sites were placed in the project area for the sampling of vegetation, mammals, reptiles and large mammals. Small mammal trapping was conducted at two of these sampling locations.

4. Detailed methodologies for each component of the study are described below:

5. The methodology for this study provides a means to obtain objective data, and to determine the baseline conditions for assessment of the resulting impacts of the Project for the data collected.

2.2 Vegetation

6. Vegetation sampling locations were selected to include representative habitats of the Study Area and to determine if there were any plant species of conservation concern (or critical habitats). Vegetation was sampled using a rapid assessment stratified approach modified from Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 19741.

7. Data was collected from each sampling site by the quadrat method (Sutherland 1997)2 taking 3 quadrats of 10×10 m at each sampling point. The quadrats were positioned in the following manner: one at the start of the transect line, one in the middle (150 m) and one at the end (300 m). The species and canopy cover of each plant in each quadrat was recorded. Additional plant species in the area adjacent to the quadrat present in the quadrat were noted to record the occurrence of the species. Cover, relative cover, density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency percentages and Importance Value Index, IVI, (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974) was calculated for each plant species. Importance Value is a reasonable measure to assess the overall significance of a species since it takes into account several properties of the species in the habitat.

8. The Cover and Relative Cover of species were calculated using the following formulae:

Cover = Total cover (cm) of a specie

Number of plants of a species

Relative Cover = Total cover (sq cm) of all plants of a species x 100

Total cover (sq cm) of plants of all species

1 Mueller-Dombois, Dieterand Ellenberg, Heinz. 1974. Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. New York:

John Wiley & Sons. 547p. 2 Sutherland, W.J. 1997. Ecological Census Techniques a Handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press. 336pp.


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9. The Density and Relative Density of the species in the area was calculated using the following formulae:

Density = Total number of individuals of a species in all quadrats taken

Total number of quadrats taken

Relative Density = Total number of individuals of a species in all quadrats x 100

Total number of individual of all species in all quadrats

10. The Frequency and Relative Frequency percentages of the species was determined using the following formulae:

Frequency = Number of quadrats of occurrence of a species x 100

Total number of quadrats lay out

Relative Frequency = Frequency of a species x 100

Total Frequency of all species

11. Importance Value Index (IVI) of all the recorded species was calculated using the following formulae:

IVI = Relative cover + Relative frequency + Relative density


12. Plants collected were identified following the nomenclature from Flora of Pakistan (Nasir and Ali 1972-19943, Ali and Qaiser, 1995-to date4).

2.3 Mammals

13. The mammal surveys were categorized into a) large mammals, b) small mammals.

2.3.1 Large Mammals

14. The line transects (300 m by 20 m) were placed at each sampling location to record all animals or their signs detected. All the animals sighted, or their signs (foot marks, droppings, dens) were recorded. GPS coordinates of the location and habitat type and state was also documented. Transects were started as early as possible in the day and covered all possible habitat types in order to avoid bias of stratification. In addition to these diurnal search plots, the area was surveyed during the night using spotlights to detect the nocturnal mammals. Live trapping for small mammals was carried out at selected locations at various sampling sites for species identification. Trapped animals were released alive after taking measurements.

15. In addition, incidental sightings of all mammals were recorded; number of individuals, location and habitat type were recorded for each sighting. Anecdotal information regarding specific mammals was collected from the local people and relevant literature was also consulted.

3 S. I. and Nasir. 1972-1994. Flora of Pakistan Fascicles. Islamabad

4 Ali, S. I. and Qaiser, M. 1995 to date. Flora of Pakistan Fascicles. Karachi


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2.4 Live Trapping for Small Mammals

2.4.1 Bait

16. A mixture of different food grains mixed with fragrant seeds was used as bait to attract the small mammals. Wheat and rice was used as food grains while peanut butter, coriander, oats, and onion was used for fragrance. Freshly prepared bait was used on every trapping day. Only a small amount of bait was put on the rear side of the traps. Care was taken while putting the bait on the rear side of the trap to make sure that it was placed properly on the trap platform.

2.4.2 Traps and Trapping Procedure

17. Sherman traps were used for the present study to collect live specimens. Thirty to forty traps were set at a specific area on a line approximately 100–m–long and traps were set approximately 10 m apart. A colorful ribbon that helped to locate traps the next day would be marked each trap. The traps were set in the afternoon and checked early in the morning, ensuring that animals are not killed by heat.

2.4.3 Data Collection

18. The traps were checked the next day as early as possible. The trapped animals were carefully transferred one after the other into an already weighed transparent polythene bag. Utmost care was taken to avoid direct handling and harassing the specimens. The species of the trapped animals were noted. The polythene bag along with the specimen was weighed and the net weight of the animal was noted down in a note book. The sex of the specimens was observed and documented carefully. The important relevant data, such as the date of trap setting, date of data collection, habitat, location, elevation, and weather conditions, was recorded on the spot on a data sheet.

2.4.4 Identification of species

19. The specimens were identified with the help of the most recent keys available in literature. (Roberts 1997)5

2.5 Reptiles

20. The following survey methodology was adopted for the reptiles:

2.5.1 Line transects sampling

21. In the present study, line transects of 300 m long and 20 m wide were placed systematically at each sampling site in the Study Area.

22. In addition to the sightings of individuals, any signs of their presence (burrows, tracks etc.) was also recorded. The coordinates and elevations were recorded using GPS, and other features of interest like habitat type were also documented. Further details on how the observations were made and documented along the line transects are described below:

2.6 Active searching

23. An effective way to survey reptiles is by active searching, particularly during the daytime. The sampling sites were actively searched for all types of reptiles along the line transects. Active searching was carried out in sampling areas with a focus on suitable microhabitats. The species collected or observed during the survey were photographed with a digital camera and necessary field data was recorded.

5 Roberts, T.J. 1997. The Mammals of Pakistan. Oxford University Press Karachi. 525 pp


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2.6.1 Signs

24. The presence of signs such as an impression of body, tail or footprints, fecal pellets, tracks, dens or egg laying excavations, were recorded.

2.6.2 Collection and Preservation of Samples

25. Samples were collected and preserved for identification purposes where the species could not be identified in the field for any reason. Hand picking (using bare hands or with the help of long forceps or a snake clutch) is the most efficient way of collecting different species of reptiles. However, for larger noose traps or other appropriate techniques were used. For handling snakes, especially poisonous ones, snake clutches/sticks were used.

2.6.3 Identification of species

26. The specimens were identified with the help of the most recent keys available in literature (Khan, 2006)6.

2.7 Birds

27. Detecting and identifying birds while walking is subject to bias, care was taken and each sample area was traversed by two persons. The line transects (300 m by 50 m) was placed at each sampling location to record all birds observed. Transects were started as early as possible in the day and late afternoon. The start time and coordinates of starting point were recorded. Transects covered all possible habitat types in order to avoid bias of stratification. The birds were identified using the most recent keys available in literature (Grimmett 2008)7

2.8 Fish

28. A literature review was conducted for the fish fauna found in the canals and river located in the vicinity of the power plants. Secondary sources including previous EIAs reports were also consulted for this purpose. In addition, anecdotal information regarding the fish species found in the river was collected from fishermen and locals.

2.9 Water Sampling

29. Water samples were collected at selected sampling stations for analysis of a range of parameters including Dissolved Oxygen or DO (mg/l), COD, BOD, temperature and metals. Results are presented in Section 4, Description of the Environment.

6 Muhammad Sharif Khan. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar,

Florida, pp. 311. 7 Grimmett, R., Roberts, T., and Inskipp, T. 2008. Birds of Pakistan, Yale University Press.


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Table 1: List of the Plant Species in the Study Area. Surveys conducted June 2012............ 2

Table 2: Phytosociological Attributes of Plant Communities in Habitats in the Project Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012 ...................................................................... 3

Table 3: List of the Mammal Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012 ...... 4

Table 4: Signs Data for Mammals Excluding Rodents, Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type, Surveys Conducted June 2012 .......................................................... 6

Table 5: Abundance of Mammals in the Study Area (for both signs and sightings) Surveys Conducted June 2012 ................................................................................ 6

Table 6: List of Reptile and Amphibian Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012 ............................................................................................................... 7

Table 7: Reptile and Amphibian Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type, Survey Conducted June 2012 ............................................................................................. 9

Table 8: Abundance of Reptiles in the Study Area Surveys Conducted June 2012 ............... 9

Table 9: List of Bird Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012 ..................10

Table 10: Bird Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type Surveys Conducted June 2012 .....14

Table 11: Number of Birds Sighted of Each Species by Habitat Type in the Study Area. Surveys Conducted June 2012 ...............................................................................14

Table 12: List of the fish reported from the Study Area, Surveys conducted June 2012 .........15


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Table 1: List of the Plant Species in the Study Area. Surveys conducted June 2012

Species Life Form Status



Phoenix dactylifera Tree Very common


Ochthohloa compressa Grass Very common

Saccharum spontaneum Grass Very common


Typha sp. Sedge Very common



Aerva javanica Shrub Common

Alhagi camelorum Shrub Common


Calotropis procera Shrub Infrequent

Leptadenya pyrotechnica Shrub Common


Capparis decidua Tree Infrequent


Acacia nilotica Tree Common

Prosopis juliflora Shrub Very Common


Ziziphus mauritiana Tree Infrequent


Salvadora Persica Tree Common

Salvadora oleoides Tree Infrequent


Solanum soratans Shrube Common


Tamarix dioica Shrub Very Common


Tribulus terrestaris Herb Common


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Table 2: Phytosociological Attributes of Plant Communities in Habitats in the Project Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012

Habitat Type Species Name D1 D3 C1 C3 F1 F3 IVI

Agricultural Fields

Tamarix dioica 1.61 39.73 1.55 11.58 0.56 31.25 27.52

Acacia nilotica 0.22 5.48 3.06 3.14 0.17 9.38 6.00

Calotropis procera 0.11 2.74 1.85 0.95 0.11 6.25 3.31

Saccharum spontaneum 0.28 6.85 0.68 0.88 0.11 6.25 4.66

Ziziphus mauritiana 0.06 1.37 41.51 10.66 0.06 3.13 5.05

Alhagi camelorum 0.67 16.44 0.18 0.55 0.11 6.25 7.75

Solanum surretense 0.06 1.37 0.20 0.05 0.06 3.13 1.52

Prosopis juliflora 0.28 6.85 16.94 21.75 0.17 9.38 12.66

Acacia jacquemontii 0.17 4.11 58.41 44.99 0.11 6.25 18.45

Leptadenia pyrotechnica 0.06 1.37 1.27 0.33 0.06 3.13 1.61

Salvadora Persica 0.06 1.37 4.18 1.07 0.06 3.13 1.86

Salvadora oleoides 0.06 1.37 2.87 0.74 0.06 3.13 1.74

Phoenix dactylifera 0.39 9.59 1.02 1.84 0.11 6.25 5.89

Capparis decidua 0.06 1.37 5.75 1.48 0.06 3.13 1.99

River Bank Tamarix dioica 4.11 15.04 2.06 46.25 1.00 50.00 37.10

Acacia nilotica 0.22 0.81 29.95 36.36 0.22 11.11 16.10

Typha sp. 21.11 77.24 0.09 10.64 0.33 16.67 34.85

Alhagi camelorum 1.89 6.91 0.65 6.74 0.44 22.22 11.96

Wetland Tamarix dioica 1.50 33.33 2.09 8.87 1.00 50.00 30.74

Saccharum spontaneum 3.00 66.67 10.74 91.13 1.00 50.00 69.26

C1 Cover: The cover of the plant of a species in a unit area

C3 Relative cover: The proportion of the total of a species to the sum of the cover of all the plants of

all species in the area.

D1 Density: The number of individual of a species counted on a unit area.

D3 Relative density: The proportion of a density of a species to that of a stand as a whole.

F1 Frequency: Percentage of sampling plots in which a given species occurs.

F3 Relative frequency: The proportion of the total frequency of a species to sum of the frequency of all

the species in area

IVI Importance value index: It can be obtained by adding the values of relative density, relative cover

and relative frequency and dividing it by three will give the importance value IVI of the species.


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Table 3: List of the Mammal Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

National Status1 IUCN Status

2 CITES Appendix



1. Canis aureus Asiatic Jackal Near Threatened Least Concern III Observed

2. Vulpes bengalensis Bengal Fox Near Threatened Least Concern III Observed


3. Hemiechinus collaris Long-eared Desert Hedgehog

Least Concern Least Concern Reported


4. Herpestes edwardsii Grey Mongoose Least Concern Least Concern III Observed

5. Herpestes javanicus Small Indian Mongoose Least Concern Least Concern III Reported


6. Hystrix indica Indian Crested Porcupine Near Threatened Least Concern Reported


7. Lepus nigricollis Desert Hare or Indian Hare Least Concern Least Concern Reported


8. Mus musculus House Mouse Least Concern Least Concern Reported

9. Rattus rattus Roof Rat Least Concern Least Concern Reported


10. Lutrogale perspicillata Smooth Coated Otter Near Threatened Vulnerable II Reported

1 Status and Red List of Pakistan Mammals. 2006. Biodiversity Programme IUCN Pakistan

2 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.

3 UNEP-WCMC. 26 June, 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species


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No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

National Status1 IUCN Status

2 CITES Appendix



11. Platanista minor Indus Blind Dolphin Endangered Endangered Observed


12. Funambulus pennantii Palm Squirrel Least Concern Least Concern Reported


13. Suncus murinus House Shrew Least Concern Least Concern Reported


14. Sus scrofa Indian Wild Boar Least Concern Least Concern Reported


15. Pipistrellus kuhlii Kuhl's Bat Least Concern Least Concern Reported


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Table 4: Signs Data for Mammals Excluding Rodents, Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type, Surveys Conducted June 2012

Habitat No. of Sampling Points

Total Sightings and Signs

Density No. of Species

Agricultural Fields 6 7 1 3

River Bank 3 4 1 2

Wetland 1 1 1 1

Total 10 12

Table 5: Abundance of Mammals in the Study Area (for both signs and sightings) Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Total


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1. Canis aureus Asiatic Jackal 2 1 – 3 2

2. Vulpes sp. Fox sp. 4 3 1 8 3

3. Herpestes edwardsii Indian Gray Mongoose 1 – – 1 1

Total 7 4 1 12

No. of Species 3 2 1

No. of Sampling Points 6 3 1 10

Density 1 1 1


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Table 6: List of Reptile and Amphibian Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Pakistan Guidelines




1. Calotes versicolor Indian Garden Lizard Not evaluated Reported


2. Pangshura smithii Brown Roofed Turtle Near Threatened II Reported


3. Duttaphrynus stomaticus Indus or Marbled Toad Not evaluated Reported


4. Coluber fasciolatus Banded Racer Not evaluated Reported

5. Xenochrophis piscator Checkered Keel Back Not evaluated III Reported

6. Ptyas mucosus Dhaman Not evaluated II Reported


7. Pangshura tecta Indian Saw-backed Turtle Least concern I Reported

8. Geoclemys hamiltonii Spotted Pond Turtle Vulnerable I Reported


9. Acanthodactylus cantoris Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard Not evaluated Observed

10. Ophisops jerdonii Punjab Snake-eyed Lacerta Least concern Reported


11. Hoplobatrachustigerinus Indian bullfrog Least concern Reported

4 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.

5 UNEP-WCMC. 26 June, 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species


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No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Pakistan Guidelines



12. Euphlyctis cyanophylictis Skittering Frog Not evaluated Reported


13. Nilssonia gangetica Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Vulnerable I Reported

14. Lissemys punctata Indian Flap Shell Turtle Least concern II Reported

15. Chitra indica Narrow Headed Soft Shell Turtle Endangered II Reported


16. Varanus bengalensis Bengal Monitor Least concern I Reported

17. Varanus griseus koniecznyi Indian Desert Monitor Least concern I Observed


18. Daboia russelii Russel's Viper Not evaluated III Reported


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Table 7: Reptile and Amphibian Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type, Survey Conducted June 2012

Habitat No. of Sampling


Total Sightings and Signs

Density No. of Species

Agricultural Fields 6 3 0.2 1

River Bank 3 1 1 2

Wetland 1 – – –

Total 10 4

Table 8: Abundance of Reptiles in the Study Area Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Habitat

















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f H



in w






1. Acanthodactylus cantoris

Indian Fringe-toed Sand Lizard

2 1 – 3 2

2. Varanus griseus koniecznyi

Indian Desert Monitor

– 1 – 1 1

Total 2 2 – 4

No. of Species 1 2 –

No. of Sampling Points 6 3 1 10

Density 0.2 1 –


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Table 9: List of Bird Species in the Study Area, Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Resident/ Migratory

IUCN Status6 CITES Appendix



1. Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher Least Concern Observed Resident


2. Aythya ferina Common Pochard Least Concern Reported Migratory

3. Anas crecca Common Teal Least Concern Reported Migratory

4. Anas penelope Eurasian Wigeon Least Concern Reported Migratory

5. Anas strepera Gadwall Least Concern Reported Migratory

6. Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Least Concern Reported Migratory

7. Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler Least Concern Reported Migratory

8. Netta rufina Red-crested Pochard Least Concern Reported Resident


9. Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night Heron Least Concern Reported Migratory

10. Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret Least Concern Observed Resident

11. Ardea alba Great Egret Least Concern Reported Migratory

12. Ardea cinerea Grey Heron Least Concern Reported Resident

13. Ardeola grayii Indian Pond Heron Least Concern Observed Resident

14. Mesophoyx intermedia Intermediate Egret Least Concern Reported Resident

15. Egretta garzetta Little Egret Least Concern Observed Resident

6 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.

7 UNEP-WCMC. 26 June, 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species


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No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Resident/ Migratory

IUCN Status6 CITES Appendix


16. Porphyrio porphyrio Purple Swamphen Least Concern Reported Resident


17. Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover Least Concern Reported Migratory

18. Hoplopterus indicus Red-wattled Lapwing Least Concern Reported Resident


19. Orthotomus sutorius Tailorbird Least Concern Observed Resident


20. Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian Collared-dove or Collared Dove

Least Concern Observed Resident


21. Corvus splendens House Crow Least Concern Observed Resident


22. Clamator jacobinus Pied Cuckoo Least Concern Observed Migratory


23. Dicrurus macrocercus Black Drongo Least Concern Observed Resident


24. Larus ridibundus Black-headed Gull Least Concern Reported Migratory

25. Larus brunnicephalus Brown-headed Gull Least Concern Reported Resident


26. Merops orientalis Little Green Bee-eater Least Concern Observed Resident


27. Motacilla citreola Citrine Wagtail Least Concern Reported Migratory


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No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Resident/ Migratory

IUCN Status6 CITES Appendix


28. Motacilla alba personata White Wagtail Least Concern Reported Migratory


29. Nectarinia asiatica Purple Sunbird Least Concern Observed Resident


30. Passer domesticus House Sparrow Least Concern Observed Resident


31. Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant Least Concern Reported Migratory

32. Phalacrocorax niger Little Cormorant Least Concern Reported Resident


33. Phylloscopus collybita Common Chiffchaff Least Concern Observed Migratory


34. Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe Least Concern Reported Resident


35. Pycnonotus leucotis White-eared Bulbul Least Concern Observed Resident


36. Fulica Atra Common Coot Least Concern Observed Resident

37. Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen Least Concern Reported Resident

38. Porphyrio porphyrio Purple Swamphen Least Concern Reported Resident

39. Amaurornis phoenicurus White-breasted Waterhen Least Concern Reported Migratory


40. Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt Least Concern Reported Resident



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No. Scientific Name Common Name Conservation Status Observed/ Reported

Resident/ Migratory

IUCN Status6 CITES Appendix


41. Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank Least Concern Reported Migratory

42. Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper Least Concern Reported Migratory

43. Calidris alpina Dunlin Least Concern Reported Resident

44. Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper Least Concern Reported Migratory

45. Calidris minuta Little Stint Least Concern Observed Migratory

46. Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper Least Concern Reported Migratory


47. Sterna acuticauda Black-bellied Tern Endangered Reported Migratory

48. Sterna aurantia River Tern Near Threatened Reported Resident


49. Acridotheres tristis Common Myna Least Concern Observed Resident


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Table 10: Bird Abundance and Diversity by Habitat Type Surveys Conducted June 2012

Habitat No. of Sampling Points

Total Sightings and Signs

Density No. of Species

Agricultural Fields 6 193 32 17

River Bank 3 71 24 8

Wetland 1 18 18 6

Total 10 282 17

Table 11: Number of Birds Sighted of Each Species by Habitat Type in the Study Area. Surveys Conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Habitat




ral F













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1. 1 Dicrurus macrocercus Black Drongo 4 – – 4 1

2. Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret

16 6 – 22 2

3. Acridotheres tristis Common Myna 24 6 – 30 2

4. Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher 5 1 2 8 3

5. Phylloscopus collybita Common Chifchaff 1 – 1 2 2

6. Fulica Atra Common Coot 7 3 5 15 3

7. Pycnonotus leucotis White-eared Bulbul 4 – – 4 1

8. Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian Collared-dove or Collared Dove

2 3 – 5 2

9. Corvus splendens House Crow 24 12 3 39 3

10. Passer domesticus House Sparrow 30 – – 30 1

11. Egretta garzetta Little Egret 32 9 3 44 3

12. Merops orientalis Little Green Bee-eater 2 – – 2 1

13. Clamator jacobinus Pied Cuckoo 1 – – 1 1

14. Nectarinia asiatica Purple Sunbird 4 – – 4 1

15. Ardeola grayii Indian Pond Heron 6 – – 6 1

16. Orthotomus sutorius Tailorbird 4 – – 4 1

17. Calidris minuta Little Stint 27 31 4 62 3

Total 193 71 18 282

No. of Species 17 8 6 17

No. of Sampling Points 6 3 1 10

Density 32 24 18


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Table 12: List of the fish reported from the Study Area, Surveys conducted June 2012

No. Scientific Name Common Name Max. Size(cm)

Commercial Value Conservation Status




1. Mystus bleekeri Day's Mystus 15 Low Least Concern

2. Mystus cavasius Gangetic Mystus 40 High Least Concern

3. Sperata seenghala Giant River Catfish 150 Very High Least Concern

4. Mystus vittatus Striped Dwarf Catfish 21 Low Least Concern


5. Xenentodon cancila Fresh Water Garfish 40 Low Least Concern


6. Chanda nama Elongate Glass Perchlet 10 Low Least Concern

7. Parambasis ranga Glassy Fish 8 Low Least Concern

8. Channa marulia Great Snakehead 180 Very high Least Concern

9. Parambasis baculis Himalayan Glassy Perchlet 5 Low Least Concern

10. Channa punctata Spotted Snakehead 30 Low Least Concern


11. Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique Tilapia 39 High Near Threatened


12. Gudusia chapra Indian River Shad 20 Non Least Concern


13. Aspidoparia morar Aspidoparia Carplet 17 Low Least Concern

14. Gibelion catla Catla 180 Very high Least Concern

8 IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 26 June 2012.

9 UNEP-WCMC. 26 June, 2012. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species


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No. Scientific Name Common Name Max. Size(cm)

Commercial Value Conservation Status



15. Cyprinus carpio Common Carp 120 Very high Vulnerable

16. Osteobrama cotio Cotio 15 Low Least Concern

17. Esomus danricus Flying Barb 9 Low Least Concern

18. Securicula gora Gora Chela 22 Low Least Concern

19. Labeo dero Kalabans 60 Low Least Concern

20. Labeo gonius Kurialabeo 150 Low Least Concern

21. Salmophasia bacaila Large Razorbelly Minnow 15 Low Least Concern

22. Amblypharyngodon mola Mola Carplet 20 Low Least Concern

23. Cirrhinus mrigala Mrigal 100 Very high Least Concern

24. Labeo calbasu Orange Fin Labeo 90 Low Least Concern

25. Labeo dyocheilus pakistanicus

Pakistani Labeo 90 high

26. Cirrhinus reba Reba Carp 30 Low Least Concern

27. Labeo rohita Rohu 200 Very high Least Concern

28. Puntius ticto Scarlet Barb 10 Low Least Concern

29. Rasbora daniconius Scissortail Rasbora 15 None Not evaluated

30. Chela cachius Silver Hatchet Chela 6 Low Least Concern

31. Puntius sophore Spotfin Swamp Barb 17 Low Least Concern

32. Puntius chola Swamp Barb 15 None

33. Barilius vagra Vagra Baril 12 Low Least Concern


34. Glossogobius giuris Tank Goby 35 Low Least Concern


35. Heteropneustes fossilis Stinging Catfish 30 Low Least Concern


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

No. Scientific Name Common Name Max. Size(cm)

Commercial Value Conservation Status




36. Macrognathus aral One-stripe Spiny Eel 35 None

37. Macrognathus pancalus Striped Spinyeel 18 Low Least Concern

38. Mastacembelus armatus Zig-zag Eel 90 Low Least Concern


39. Sicamugil cascasia Yellow Tail Mullet 14 None


40. Notopterus notopterus Grey Featheback 25 Low Least Concern

41. Chitala chitala Humped featherback 120 Very high Near Threatened


42. Colisa lalia Dwarf Gourami 9 Low Not evaluated

43. Colisa fasciata Giant Gourami 12 Low Not evaluated


44. Eutropiichthys vacha Batchwa Vacha 40 High Least Concern

45. Clupisoma garua Garua Bachcha 60 Very high Least Concern

46. Clupisoma naziri Indus Garua 24 Very high


47. Ompok bimaculatus Butter Catfish 45 None

48. Wallago attu Freshwater Shark 240 Very high Near Threatened


49. Bagarius bagarius Gangetic Goonch 250 High Near Threatened


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 25, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


See following page.


June 2012

Background Information Document on the Environmental Impact Assessment

of Rehabilitation of Guddu Thermal Power Plant


Engconsult Ltd., Canada, is retained by the Ministry of Water and Power, Pakistan Government of Pakistan to undertake a feasibility study under the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) loan 2553PAK: MFF0031 Energy Efficiency Investment Program Tranche 1 for Power Sector Rehabilitation Project (PSRP), to rehabilitate three public sector power generation facilities located in Jamshoro, Guddu, and Muzaffargarh. Engconsult has hired the services of Hagler Bailly Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. (HBP) to undertake the necessary studies to prepare Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports, which will evaluate the environmental and socioeconomic factors influencing and arising from the rehabilitation of the power plants.

As part of the EIA process, consultations are undertaken with communities and institutions that may have interest in the proposed project or may be affected by it (the “Stakeholders”). For informed consultations with the Stakeholder, this Background Information Document (BID) has been prepared that provides information on the rehabilitation of Guddu Thermal Power Plant (the “Project”). The document also describes the environmental setting of the Guddu Thermal Power Station (“TPS Guddu”) and the EIA process that is being followed.

The BID is subject to changes as further information on some aspects of the Project becomes available during the course of the EIA.

Project Setting

TPS Guddu is located near the confluence of Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. It falls in Jacobabad district of Sindh province. It is situated on the right bank of Indus River, at Guddu Barrage.

TPS Guddu is located at a distance of 10 kilometre (km) east of Kashmore town, which is headquarter of Kashmore tehsil of Jacobabad district. The plant site is accessible by a metal road, which connects with National Highway N-55, as well as a rail track (Exhibit 1).


Exhibit 1: Location of TPS Guddu


Project Outline

TPS Guddu consists of four condensing steam power plants and three combined cycle blocks. The boiler and steam turbines of the condensing plant operate unreliably and inefficiently, whereas the combined cycle units represent state-of-the-art technology of the late 1980s with design efficiencies close to 40 %.

Briefly, the rehabilitation of TPS Guddu will include spare parts replacement of degraded equipment, major overhauling, replacement of condenser tubes, convective super-heaters, soot blowing system, Modification in Regenerative Air Pre-Heater, and Rehabilitation of HRSGs Unit. Unit-wise major rehabilitation work at the Guddu TPS as is follows:

The rehabilitation of units 1 and 2 of TPS Guddu, which mainly includes the condenser tubes.

The rehabilitation work at Unit 3 includes rehabilitation of 2nd & 3rd Stage Convective Super Heaters, Soot Blowing System, Shot-Chute System for dual firing, Modification of Air Pre-Heater Sealing System, restoration of Open & Close Cycle Circulating Water Pumps, Regulating Valves.

Unit 4 requires the modification in Regenerative Air Pre-Heater Heating Elements, replacement of spare parts for major overhauling of turbine, Up-gradation of Burner Management System, Turbine H.P. & L.P. By-pass System, Auto Manual Regulating system and replacement of H.P. & L.P. valves on Steam & Water circuit.

Units 5–10 include the rehabilitation of HRSGs unit, supply and installation of emergency diesel generator, rehabilitation / extension of cooling tower, and pigging of fuel gas supply lines.

Major project activities during rehabilitation of TPS Guddu are:

1. Mobilization of contractor to the site 2. Transportation of spare parts and equipment to the site from one of the

Karachi ports 3. Removal of degraded equipment 4. Segregation and storage of equipment 5. Disposal of the degraded equipment 6. Overhauling and maintenance work 7. Any environmental remedial works necessary as per the recommendation

of the EIA.

Approach to the EIA

The EIA of the Project will be undertaken in compliance with relevant national legislation and in accordance with the environmental and social safeguards laid out under Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009)1. ADB requires that environmental impacts and risks be analysed for all relevant stages of the project cycle, including preconstruction, construction, operations, decommissioning, and post closure activities such as rehabilitation or restoration. A brief overview of the conceptual components of the EIA process that meets both national and ADB requirements is given in Exhibit 3.

1 Safeguard Policy Statement, Asian Development Bank, June 2009


Exhibit 2: Views of the Existing Thermal Power Plant at Guddu

Environmental Impact Assessment of Rehabilitation of GENCO Plant at Guddu

Exhibit 3: Conceptual Components of an EIA Process

Component Main purpose Activities related to Stakeholder Consultations

1. Scoping Identify the issues on which the EIA should focus.

Identify project alternatives that should be evaluated during the course of the EIA.

Identify institutional and community stakeholders

Engage stakeholders and record issues raised

Provide feedback to the EIA team to incorporate stakeholders’ concern in baseline investigations and impact assessment

2. Baseline investigations

Collect background information on the environmental and social setting of the project.

Incorporate additional issues raised during the baseline survey

3. Impact assessment, studies

Define the potential impacts of the project

Undertake specialist investigations to predict changes to environment due to the project

Determine the significance of the potential impacts

Identify measures for the management of the impacts

Determine the residual impacts of the project after incorporation of the management measures.

Evaluate the overall acceptability of the project (from environmental and social perspectives).

Assess issues raised by stakeholders

4. Mitigation Measures and management plan

Environmental mitigation and monitoring plan will describe the measures proposed to ensure implementation of the mitigation measures identified during the impact assessment. It will include, for example, specific designs and plans, training requirements, resource requirements, monitoring details (sampling locations, methodology, and frequency), review and reporting requirements and budget.

Assess the acceptability and practicability of the proposed mitigation measures

5. EIA Report Preparation

After completion of the assessment, the EIA team will pull together the EIA report. It will contain Executive Summary; Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework; Description of the Project; Description of the Environment; Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures; Analysis of Alternatives; Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation; Grievance Redress Mechanism; Environmental Management Plan; and Conclusion and Recommendation

Provide stakeholders with a feedback on the EIA specifically communicate how the project proponent proposes to address the issues raised by the stakeholders.

6. EIA submittal to regulatory authorities and decision making

Submittal and review of the EIA report by regulatory authorities, ADB and other interested stakeholders. The reviewers will inform about their decision on the acceptability of the Project from environmental and social perspectives and the conditions of approval for the development

Attend the public hearings and respond to the issues raised during the public hearings.

Environmental Impact Assessment of Rehabilitation of GENCO Plant at Guddu

A preliminary list of issues to be addressed during the EIA and specialist investigations is provided in Exhibit 4.

Exhibit 4: Preliminary List of Issues to be Addressed During the EIA

Subject Detail

Preliminary list of issues that will need to be focused on during the EIA

Potential issues where positive impacts need to be enhanced

Reduction in power outages and revival of the affected economies

Potential issues where negative impacts need to be avoided or at least reduced to acceptable levels

Decline in water quality and availability

Contamination of soil

Changes air

Disturbances due to noise and vibrations

Increase in traffic due to Project related transportation

Specialist investigations to be undertaken during the EIA

The need for additional specialist investigations may become apparent as a result of scoping.

Baseline investigations


Climate, meteorology and air quality





Predictive modelling for the impact assessment

Dust and emissions

For more information on the EIA contact

Vaqar Zakaria Hagler Bailly Pakistan

39, Street 3, E-7, Islamabad Tel: +92 51 261 0200 Fax: +92 51 261 0208

Email: vzakaria@haglerbailly.com.pk

Masud Karim Engconsult Ltd

21 Queen Street East, Suite 302 Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6W 3P1

Tel: +1 905 455 7892 Fax: +1 905 455 2351

Email: masud@eng-consult.com

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EH™21 Queen Street East, Suite 302

Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6W 3P1

Tel: +1 905 455 7892

Fax: +1 905 455 2351

Email: masud@eng-consult.com


ÔZ~±yÔZsxW!*Š 15 Ô7f$ 39

+92 51 261 0200 ¯y: +92 51 261 0208 c:

vzakaria@haglerbailly.com.pk Z~é:


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


See following page.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Amdud Shah

Women community members of Bakhshan Shah

Shahnaz Mai/ Samina Bibi/ Bibi Jundal

Electricity and gas provision are very problematic in the settlement. There is no hospital in the locality.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Amdud Shah

Women community members of Bakhshan Shah

Farmana Bibi Health is affected due to the air emissions from the power plant.

Air samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdil Hamid Soomro

Women community members of Mevo Khan Soomro

Bakat Bari Pollution from the power station has led to an increase in the number of mosquitoes. Infants health is affected the most.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdil Hamid Soomro

Women community members of Mevo Khan Soomro

Maron Mai/ Shahzadi/ Bahrawan/ Rahina/ Alam Khatoon.

Air emissions of the power station have led to respiratory and skin allergies. It has also caused hair loss and irritation in the eyes of the local inhabitants.

Air samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdil Hamid Soomro

Women community members of Mevo Khan Soomro

Hasina Villagers should be facilitated from the electricity generated at the power station.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdil Hamid Soomro

Women community members of Mevo Khan Soomro

Somri Mai The project is supported. Noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Khalid Hussain Bhatti

Women community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Parveen/ Sharifaan/ Khatoon/ Sadiqa Mai

Diseases are spread due to the pollution from the power station. Inhabitants, especially children and females suffer from skin allergies and extensive hair loss.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Khalid Hussain Bhatti

Women community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Sheran/ Nasreen Water effluents from the power station are dangerous for the local settlements. It provides a breeding ground to mosquitoes.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Khalid Hussain Bhatti

Women community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Shabana/ Hanifan/ Sharifan/ Zehtoon/ Sadiqa Mai

Power station has no significance for the villagers because they are deprived of the electricity generated from it.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

3-Jul-12 Residence of Khalid Hussain Bhatti

Women community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Akhtiar Bibi/ Yasmeen Electricity should be provided to the local settlements.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Khalid Hussain Bhatti

Women community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Jamila Inhabitants suffer water shortages in the settlement.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Manzoor Ahmed Solangi

Women community members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Rahima Mai/ Zohra Mai/ Shakiran Mai/ Razua/ Rani/ Laila/ Sahiba/ Rasyani

Waste water effluents and air emissions has affected the health of the villagers. It has caused an increase in germs, respiratory diseases, skin allergies and hair loss.

Air and water samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Manzoor Ahmed Solangi

Women community members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Rahima Mai/ Shakiran Mai/ Halima

The local inhabitants are not facilitated from the power station.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Manzoor Ahmed Solangi

Women community members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Khan Zaadi Power station should provide electricity and job opportunities to the locals.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Mehar Ali Mirani

Women community members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Shat Mai Villagers are not facilitated from the power station. Long hours of load shedding is very problematic.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Mehar Ali Mirani

Women community members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Shat Mai/ Shahnaz Mai/ Bahrawan/ Nusrat Mai

Air pollution from the power station has caused skin allergies. Water effluents cause an increase in germs and mosquitoes leading to malaria, diarrhea and hair loss.

Air samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Mahdan Shah

Women community members of Shahanshah Mohallah

Zeenat Mai Long hours of load shedding and pollution from power station has caused distress among the villagers.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

3-Jul-12 Residence of Jamal din Chachar

Women community members of Mirani Mohallah

Wahda Mai There is lack of educational facilities in the settlement. Infants are facing health issues.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdul Razaque

Male members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Muhammad Younis The locals of the area should be provided with job opportunities.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdul Razaque

Male members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Soomar Khan Outsiders are employed in the power station while the local communities are ignored.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdul Razaque

Male members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Imam Ali Ensure the problems of the locals are solved before the commencement of the project.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Abdul Razaque

Male members of Muhammad Suchal Solangi

Muhammad Younis Settlements in the locality are being affected due to the sewerage system installed for the Plant Housing Colony.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Gul Bahar

Male members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Gul Bahar Project activities should be initiated immediately if no adverse effects will be impacted to the local communities.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Gul Bahar

Male members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Zahid Hussain The project is appreciated if maintenance would generate maximum power to overcome the load shedding crisis.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Gul Bahar

Male members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Mohammad Ali Children of the community should be allowed to enroll in Plant Housing Colony schools.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Gul Bahar

Male members of Muhammad Alam Mirani

Gul Bahar Locals of the area should be preferred over outsiders for employment opportunities in the power station.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Dittal Shah

Male members of Shahanshah Mohallah

Syed Dittal Shah Donor organization should ensure employment opportunities for the locals in the power station.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Dittal Shah

Male members of Shahanshah Mohallah

Habibullah Dashti Locals settled in the vicinity of the power station are deprived of basic facilities.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Dittal Shah

Male members of Shahanshah Mohallah

Mohammad Ayoub Soomro

Noise pollution from the power station should be controlled and regulated to an acceptable level.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Dittal Shah

Male members of Shahanshah Mohallah

Syed Dittal Shah Assurance should be provided that the project will overcome the load shedding problem.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Jan Mohammad

Men of Mevo Khan Soomro

Jan Mohammad Employment for the villagers should be ensured because they lack source of livelihoods.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Jan Mohammad

Men of Mevo Khan Soomro

Mohammad Aslam The project itself is necessary, but employment for locals should also be ensured.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Jan Mohammad

Men of Mevo Khan Soomro

Shahid Hussain Waste water effluents of the power station affect the agriculture land during floods.

Water samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Imdad Shah

Men of Syed Bakhshan Shah

Syed Imdad Shah Power station management should provide employment opportunities to the villagers.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Imdad Shah

Men of Syed Bakhshan Shah

Mushtaque Ahmad Members of the community are experiencing 10 to 14 hours of load-shedding every day.

Concern noted.

3-Jul-12 Residence of Syed Imdad Shah

Men of Syed Bakhshan Shah

Abdul Ghafoor The maintenance of the power station to generate power at maximum efficiency will be of great gratification.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Haji Gul Bahar Soomro

Women community members of Muhammad Yaqoob Soomro

Hasina/ Samina Villagers are very disturbed due to long hours of load shedding. A solution should be provided so that local inhabitants can facilitate from electricity.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

4-Jul-12 Residence of Haji Gul Bahar Soomro

Women community members of Muhammad Yaqoob Soomro

Azeema Inhabitants are suffering from skin and respiratory allergies due to pollution from the power station.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Haji Gul Bahar Soomro

Women community members of Muhammad Yaqoob Soomro

Rehmat/ Azeema/ Rabia Mai

Effluent waste water has led to an increase in the number of disease spreading mosquitoes, causing malaria and diarrhea among infants.

Water samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis. .

4-Jul-12 Residence of Haji Gul Bahar Soomro

Women community members of Yaqoob Soomro

Hasina/ Rehmat/ Samina

Power station is not facilitating the locals and there is no hospital or school in the settlement.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Imad Ali Mazari

Women community members of Shah Muhammad Mazari

Rubina Water effluents from the power station are impacting detrimental effects on the crops.

Water samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Imad Ali Mazari

Women community members of Shah Muhammad Mazari

Asma Water discharged from the power station provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes. This has led to spread of malaria and diarrhea among children.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Imad Ali Mazari

Women community members of Shah Muhammad Mazari

Anwar Mai Settlement lacks health care facilities. Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Ali Akbar Mazari

Women community members of Lali Khan Mazari

Sumal Villagers are suffering from respiratory diseases due to pollutant air emissions from the power station.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Ali Akbar Mazari

Women community members of Lali Khan Mazari

Samina/ Effluent water is providing breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Ali Akbar Mazari

Women community members of Lali Khan Mazari

Sahbiran/ Basiran Load shedding issue should be resolved and locals should be given job opportunities.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

4-Jul-12 Residence of Ali Akbar Mazari

Women community members of Lali Khan Mazari

Perveen School is very distant from the settlement. Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Ghulam Nabi Noonari

Women community members of Plant Housing Colony

Azma Job opportunities should be given to the locals. Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Muhammad Aslam Sheikh

Installation of condensing steam technology will ensure minimum emissions from the power station.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Muhammad Khalid TPS Guddu has an inadequate generation capacity due to 550MW of power losses from unmaintained machinery.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Muhammad Aslam Sheikh

No negative impacts of the project activities are foreseen.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Mohammad Ismail

Men of Mohammad Yaqoob Soomro

Mohammad Ismail Soomro

Free of cost electricity should be provided to the communities located within 3km of the power station.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Mohammad Ismail

Men of Mohammad Yaqoob Soomro

Ahmed Bux The settlement is deprived of the electricity generated from the power station.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Mohammad Ismail

Men of Mohammad Yaqoob Soomro

Ahmed Bux Power station should provide employment opportunities to the villagers.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Allah Rakhiyo

Men of Lali Khan Mazari

Allah Rakhiyo Donor organization should ensure job opportunities for the locals.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Allah Rakhiyo

Men of Lali Khan Mazari

Tariq Mehmood Villagers are in favor of the power station, hoping that its renovation will alleviate their problems.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Allah Rakhiyo

Men of Lali Khan Mazari

Doda Khan The power station is posing no effect to the locals. Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Hafiz Mushtaque Ahmed

Men of Plant Housing Colony, Guddu

Bashir Ahmed Employment opportunities for the inheritors of the current workers should be ensured.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Residence of Hafiz Mushtaque Ahmed

Men of Plant Housing Colony, Guddu

Abdul Rehman The law and order situation is very critical in the colony.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

4-Jul-12 Office of the executive district officer, health

District officer, health Dr R K Dara Load shedding issue will be solved if power station generates electricity at its maximum capacity.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the executive district officer, health

District officer, health Dr R K Dara The project activities documented in the background information document are foreseen to have no negative impact on the environment.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the executive district officer, health

District officer, health Dr R K Dara Water effluents and air emissions discharged from the power station should be mitigated and minimized. National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) should be followed for the effluents analysis.

Air and water samples taken from the locality have been sent for analysis.

4-Jul-12 Office of the executive district officer, health

District officer, health Dr R K Dara Project management should ensure that health effects on local inhabitants should be minimized.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the district officer, health

District officer, health Dr Noorudin Daudpoto Regular monitoring of the air emissions should be conducted and NEQ standards should be strictly followed.

Air samples taken from the locality have been sent to for analysis.

4-Jul-12 Office of the district officer, health

District officer, health Dr Noorudin Daudpoto This project should be definitely under taken because it seems to be a solution for the country’s worse energy crisis.

Concern noted.

4-Jul-12 Office of the district officer, health

District officer, health Dr Noorudin Daudpoto Project management should ensure that the local communities are not impacted from the project activities.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Rest room of Irrigation Department

Irrigation department Guddu

Jaipal Das The project is a good initiative and rehabilitation of the power station will increase the efficiency of the energy production.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Rest room of Irrigation Department

Irrigation department Guddu

Jaipal Das The project will overcome the load shedding crisis. Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

5-Jul-12 Rest room of Irrigation Department

Irrigation department Guddu

Jaipal Das The power station will generate electricity from steam and gas, thus will pose no negative impacts on the environment.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Rest room of Irrigation Department

Irrigation department Guddu

Jaipal Das Electricity production from the power station will reinstate the non-operational industries due to energy crisis.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Rest room of Irrigation Department

Irrigation department Guddu

Jaipal Das No negative impact of the project is foreseen. Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of the union council

Union council, Guddu Syed Dittal Shah Rehabilitation of the power station will overcome the load shedding crisis.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of the union council

Union council, Guddu Syed Dittal Shah Maintenance of power station is important to generate maximum capacity of electricity.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

Rehabilitation will increase the generation capacity of the power station.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

The lines dispatching electricity have the capacity to distribute high megawatts of power.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

NTDC foresee no negative impacts of the power station on the environment or the local community.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

Law and Order situation in the area should be improved before the commencement of the project.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

Developmental projects in the area will be hindered due to law and order situation.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

The project will be beneficial for the locality and the country as a whole.

Concern noted.

5-Jul-12 Office of NTDC NTDC Taj Muhammad Soomro, superintendent engineer

Electricity should be provided to the local settlements after the completion of the rehabilitation project.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Nadeem Ahmed Power station is facilitated with expertise to increase efficiency. Unfortunately, government does not release our funds so that we can pay back to Mari Gas, Pakistan Petroleum Limited and SNGPL. If the funds are released, the power station can generate electricity on full capacity due to provision of fuel.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Nadeem Ahmed Power station efficiency will improve if ADB funds the project. This can help overcome the load shedding crisis.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of the CEO TPS Guddu

Thermal Power Station (TPS), Guddu

Nadeem Ahmed Skilled jobs cannot be provided to locals because they lack high education. However locals are facilitated with the unskilled job opportunities.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Shop in Abdullah Bhatti settlement

Male community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Abdullah Bhatti During relocation of the village, job opportunities were promised, but yet not fulfilled by the power station management.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Shop in Abdullah Bhatti settlement

Male community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Mir Aazar Donor organization should ensure employment opportunities for the locals in the power station.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

13-Jul-12 Shop in Abdullah Bhatti settlement

Male community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Mir Aazar Power station waste discharge should be adequately regulated and disposed to ensure the fertility of agricultural land is not affected.

Water samples for analysis are taken from the locality.

13-Jul-12 Shop in Abdullah Bhatti settlement

Male community members of Abdullah Bhatti

Mir Aazar Project management did not fulfill its promise of electricity and gas provision in the new locality where the villagers have been shifted.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani The project is a good initiative and will open gateways of employment for the local people.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani District coordinator officer is not taken into confidence for employment matters by the power station management.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani Project activities might have a few negative impacts on the environment but the positive impacts are greater than the negative impacts.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani Project will surely have positive implications like load shedding reduction and restoration of the nonfunctional industries due to energy crisis.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani Local people should be given job opportunities in the project.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani Castes should not be considered while employing the locals of the area.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Office of DCO, Kashmore @ Kandhkot

District coordinator officer, Kashmore @ Kandkot

Munawar Ali Mithani The project is welcomed as the new machinery will be more users friendly and power situation of the country will improve for sure.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Plant Housing Colony rest house

Wildlife department, Guddu

Abdul Jabbar Mirani Existing project has no negative impact on the wildlife. However it is early to predict the new projects effects on the wildlife.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

13-Jul-12 Plant Housing Colony rest house

Wildlife department, Guddu

Abdul Jabbar Mirani Locals are deprived of employment in the power station. They should be preferred for job opportunities over the outsiders.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Plant Housing Colony rest house

Wildlife department, Guddu

Abdul Jabbar Mirani Power station management consults contractors for hiring labor. The contractors earn a share from every employee’s income which they have referred. This is an unfair means to hire the workers.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Plant Housing Colony rest house

Wildlife department, Guddu

Abdul Jabbar Mirani New machinery will increase power stations efficiency which will help overcome load shedding crisis.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Plant Housing Colony rest house

Wildlife department, Guddu

Abdul Jabbar Mirani Existing station does not impact the dolphins because the number of dolphins has increased from 600 to 918 in the Indus river running from Guddu till Sukkhur.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Fakir Mohammad, Fish contractor, President of Pakistan People’s Party Guddu town and notable

Project is a good initiative. It will be better if locals are provided employment opportunities because it is their right.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Fakir Mohammad, Fish contractor, President of Pakistan People’s Party Guddu town and notable

Settlements in the locality are not facilitated by the electricity generated by the power station.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Fakir Mohammad, Fish contractor, President of Pakistan People’s Party Guddu town and notable

The power station has no negative impact on the fish or the dolphins.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Fakir Mohammad, Fish contractor, President of Pakistan People’s Party Guddu town and notable

Maintenance project will maximize the generation capacity of the power station.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Fakir Mohammad, Fish contractor, President of Pakistan People’s Party Guddu town and notable

Local inhabitants are not provided job opportunities in the new project under construction.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

Fisher folk, Fish contractor/ notable

Pir Baksh Mirani, President Fisher folk, Taluka Kashmore.

During the closure of canals in December, the hot water discharge from the power station increases the temperature of river water. This rise in temperature affects the fish and causes their death. This affect is limited to the canal closure period.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 Otaak of Fakhir Mohammad

General secretary of union employees, Phase three.

Dilbar Hussain Mirani The generation capacity of the power station will increase due to the rehabilitation project and help overcome the load shedding crisis. However the local people are not provided job opportunities in the power station projects.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Air emissions from the power station should be regulated according to the NEQ standards.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Water effluent discharge into river Indus should be monitored.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

It is feared that extensive ground water extraction will lead to depletion of the aquifer.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Waste management within the plant housing colony should be improved.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Inefficient oil handling in the decanting area has contaminated the soil.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report-Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Date Meeting Venue Stakeholder BY: Comments/ Issues raised Response provided

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Solid waste from the project activities should be properly disposed.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Workers within the power station are working without the personal protective equipment. High level of noise is an occupational hazard for the workers.

Concern noted.

13-Jul-12 IUCN office, Islamabad

IUCN Ahmed Saeed, Project Manager, IUCN

Usage of gas fuel is not recommended. Power station should be coal or oil fueled.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Pollutant contamination from station may affect fish and aquatic fauna of Indus river.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Pollutants discharged into water end up in food chain and affect humans.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Pollutant contamination of Indus River ends up in the delta region and may affect the sensitive mangrove ecosystem of the region.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Migratory birds may be affected by the release of the pollutant air emissions from the power station.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Migratory birds will not use the polluted water region as staging ground. If they do, pollutants will pose a negative impact on the birds’ health.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar All gaseous and liquid effluents from the power station should comply with the NEQS.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar Guddu site is included in the Ramsar wetland site. It is also a reserve to the Indus Blind Dolphin. Thus all impacts of the project activities on the dolphins and migratory birds are of great concern.

Concern noted.

16-Jul-12 Office of Dr Ghulam Akbar

Pakistan Wetlands Programme

Dr Ghulam Akbar The project management should compensate the community and set up a fund for conservation of regional biodiversity under the Cooperate Social Responsibility Programme.

Concern noted.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.


1. The environmental management plan includes the following:

Environmental Mitigation Plan

Environmental Management Plan for Disposal of Waste Material

Environmental Monitoring Plan for Construction and Operation

Construction Management Plan

Asbestos Management Plan

Social Augmentation Plan

6.1 Environmental Management Plan

2. The environmental management plan for the project is shown in Table ‎6-1.

6.2 EMP for Disposal of Waste Material

3. As part of the EMMP, the Contractor will prepare an inventory of the waste generated during the rehabilitation and repair activities. The category, source and quantity of the waste will be identified. The hazard or issues associated with each category during disposal and handling and the recommended procedures for handling and storage will be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will test wastes with potential of hazardous or prohibited substances, like PCBs, prior to handling and storage. As most of the waste generated during the rehabilitation activity is expected to consist of worn-out equipment and material, there is very little re-use opportunity. As a standard practice all metal (mainly iron and copper) parts generated as waste during the rehabilitation project will be sold to local dealers for recycling. A recommended waste management plan is included in Table ‎6-2.

4. The environmental management plan includes the following:

Environmental Mitigation Plan

Environmental Management Plan for Disposal of Waste Material

Environmental Monitoring Plan for Construction and Operation

Construction Management Plan

Asbestos Management Plan

Social Augmentation Plan

6.3 Environmental Monitoring Plan for Construction and Operation

5. Monitoring of environmental components and mitigation measures during implementation and operation stages is a key component of the EMP to safeguard the protection of environment. The objectives of the monitoring are to (i) monitor changes in the environment during various stages of the project life cycle with respect to baseline conditions; and (ii) manage environmental issues arising from construction works through closely monitoring the environmental compliances. A monitoring mechanism is developed for each identified impact and it includes:

Location of the monitoring (near the Project activity, sensitive receptors or within the Project influence area)

Means of monitoring, i.e. parameters of monitoring and methods of monitoring (visual inspection, consultations, interviews, surveys, field measurements, or sampling and analysis)

Frequency of monitoring (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, annually or during implementation of a particular activity)


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

6. The monitoring program will also include regular monitoring of construction and commissioning activities for their compliance with the environmental requirements as per relevant standards, specifications and EMP. The purpose of such monitoring is to assess the performance of the undertaken mitigation measures and to immediately formulate additional mitigation measures and/or modify the existing ones aimed at meeting the environmental compliance as appropriate during construction. Environmental monitoring program is presented in Table ‎6-3 and Table ‎6-4.

7. During construction, environmental monitoring will ensure the protection of air and noise pollution, community relations, and safety provisions. Post monitoring evaluation will be carried to evaluate the impacts of the Project during first 3 years of operation of the Project. During operation, emissions, air, noise, and waste water quality monitoring and greenbelt development around the plant will be important parameter of the monitoring program.

6.4 Construction Management Plan

8. The construction contractor will develop a specific construction management plan (CMP) based on the CMP included in the Table ‎6-5. The CMP will be submitted to the TPS Guddu and ADB for approval.

9. The CMP will clearly identify all areas that will be utilized during construction for various purposes. For example, on a plot plan of the construction site the following will be shown:

Areas used for camp

Storage areas for raw material and equipment

Waste yard

Location of any potentially hazardous material such as oil

Parking area

Loading and unloading of material

Septic tanks


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎6-1: Environmental Management Plan

Aspect or Concern Potential Environmental


Environmental Mitigation and Management Measures Institutional Responsibilities

When Implementation Supervision

A. Design Phase

Project disclosure Ensure statutory compliance

with PEPA 1997.

Submit EIA to Sindh EPA and obtain approval. Before start of



Wastewater from

plant operations

Discharge of untreated

waste water will pollute

the surface water and

degrade land

Ensure that the following measures are included in the

project design to endure that effluent discharged meets

NEQS and land degradation from open drainage is


Segregation of boiler related effluents and routing

to evaporation ponds

Revamping of the oil collection system in the

decanting and storage areas to avoid spillage and

addition of oil-water separators

Routing of water from oil-water separators to

evaporation ponds

Before start of

operation Guddu TPS


Soil remediation Soil contamination with

the oil spills and other

existing source creates

an environmental liability

Ensure that the following are prepared:

Detailed plan for bioremediation of contaminated

soils and restoration of contaminated areas

Oil Spill Management Plan

Before start of

construction Guddu TPS GENCO

Colony effluent Effluent is discharged into

the Indus River through

outfall drains where the

downstream population is


Ensure that waste water discharged out of colony

boundary meets NEQS. Prepare the following designs:

Revamping of sewerage system to route waste

water to a common location for treatment

Effluent water treatment plant to meet NEQS

Before start of

construction Guddu TPS GENCO

Colony solid waste Colony solid waste is not Design a landfill to accommodate solid waste from Housing Before start of Guddu TPS GENCO


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect or Concern Potential Environmental


Environmental Mitigation and Management Measures Institutional Responsibilities

When Implementation Supervision

properly disposed creating

a health hazard


Increase awareness to in Housing Colony residents to

promote segregation, recycling, and composting


Hazardous waste Hazardous waste from the

existing plant is not

properly disposed

Design a lined Hazardous Waste Storage Facility for

storage of plant hazardous waste following standard

industry practices to ensure leaching of toxic materials into

soils in avoided.

Before start of

construction EPC Contractor GENCO

B. Construction and Implementation Phase

Disposal of replaced

spare parts

Generates wastes such as

Iron, cooper, electronics

and oil

Ensure that the waste is disposed as per the Waste

Management Plan.

Construction EPC Contractor Guddu





Construction activities

although temporary can

potentially have adverse

impact on the


Ensure that a detailed Construction Management Plan

(CMP) based on the skeleton plan included in Appendix 6

is developed.

Ensure that the CMP is implemented




EPC Contractor

EPC Contractor





C. Operation and Maintenance Phase

1. Water and Effluent Waste

1.1 Waste water

from plant

Pollution of receiving

water bodies

Regulation of the use of effluent water for agriculture and

provision of outlets to farmers under agreements for water

use with permission from the Irrigation Department;

Treatment of low–volume wastewater streams that are

typically collected in the boiler and turbine room sumps in

conventional oil–water separators before discharge;

Treatment of acidic low–volume wastewater streams, such

as those associated with the regeneration of makeup

demineralizer and deep–bed condensate polishing



Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect or Concern Potential Environmental


Environmental Mitigation and Management Measures Institutional Responsibilities

When Implementation Supervision

systems, by chemical neutralization in–situ before


Pretreatment of cooling tower makeup water, installation of

automated bleed/feed controllers, and use of inert

construction materials to reduce chemical treatment

requirements for cooling towers;

1.2 Storm Water Typically storm water

runoff contains suspended

sediments, metals,

petroleum hydrocarbons,

coliform, etc.

Storm water should be separated from process and

sanitary wastewater streams in order to reduce the volume

of wastewater to be treated prior to discharge

Surface runoff from process areas or potential sources of

contamination should be prevented

Oil water separators and grease traps should be installed

and maintained as appropriate at refueling facilities,

workshops, parking areas, fuel storage and containment


Adequate storm drains will be constructed along the

boundary of the plant area and within the plant area to

drain off the storm water during monsoon period.


2. Fugitive Emissions

2.2 Emissions from


Provision and periodic inspections of mechanical seals in


Preventive maintenance of valves, flanges, joints, roof

vents of storage tanks; and

Submerged filling of liquid fuel storage tanks.


4. Air and Noise pollution

4.1 Air Pollution Changes in ambient air Regular Monitoring of ambient air quality is recommended Guddu TPS EPA


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect or Concern Potential Environmental


Environmental Mitigation and Management Measures Institutional Responsibilities

When Implementation Supervision

quality due to stack


and presented in the environmental monitoring plan.

4.2 Noise pollution Noise from the equipment The occupational noise exposure to the workers in the form

of 8–hourly time weighted average will be maintained well

within the 60 dB (A)). Acoustic enclosures will be provided

wherever required to control the noise level below 60 dB

(A). Anywhere not possible technically to meet the required

noise levels, personal protection equipment will be

provided to the workers.


5. Health and Safety

5.1 Boilers Higher Exposure to

electric and magnetic


Identification of potential exposure levels in the workplace,

including surveys of exposure levels in new projects and

the use of personal monitors during working activities;

Training of workers in the identification of occupational

EMF levels and hazards;

Establishment and identification of safety zones to

differentiate between work areas with expected elevated

EMF levels compared to those acceptable for public

exposure, limiting access to properly trained workers;

Implementation of action plans to address potential or

confirmed exposure levels that exceed reference

occupational exposure levels developed by international

organizations such as the International Commission on

Non–Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), the Institute

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Personal

exposure monitoring equipment should be set to warn of

exposure levels that are below occupational exposure

reference levels (e.g., 50 percent). Action plans to address

occupational exposure may include limiting exposure time



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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect or Concern Potential Environmental


Environmental Mitigation and Management Measures Institutional Responsibilities

When Implementation Supervision

through work rotation, increasing the distance between the

source and the worker, when feasible, or the use of

shielding materials.

Heat Exposure Regular inspection and maintenance of pressure vessels

and piping;

Provision of adequate ventilation in work areas to reduce

heat and humidity;

Reducing the time required for work in elevated

temperature environments and ensuring access to drinking


Shielding surfaces where workers come in close contact

with hot equipment, including generating equipment, pipes


Use of warning signs near high temperature surfaces and

personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate,

including insulated gloves and shoes.



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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎6-2: EMP for Disposal of Waste Material

Sr Material Waste


(Kg) Final Disposal Method Associated Risks Recommended Procedure

1 Iron Material returned to Store as unserviceable

Scrap Store


Equipment and parts may be contaminated with oil or other liquids. This may pose hazards during recycling and/or melting.

Separate contaminated parts and ensure disposal contractor cleans and removes contaminations before recycling equipment.

2 Copper Recycling

Scrap Store

Copper wires and tubes may be covered with insulation and may pose hazard if melted.

Separate insulated copper from rest and ensure disposal contractor removes it before recycling.

3 Other Materials

Material returned to Store as unserviceable

Scrape Store



Some waste materials may contain hazardous materials (such as mercury and lead) which may pose health risks if not handled or disposed of properly.

All hazardous substances such as lead and mercury will be identified and separated.

Ensure waste contractor disposes hazardous materials in accordance with accepted methods.

4 Wood, Cotton, Plastic, Waste and Packing Materials



Burning of wood, paper, plastic and other materials may cause air pollution

Littering due to improper disposal

Ensure waste contractor disposes all non–recyclable plastic wastes and other non–recyclable materials at land disposal.

5 Electronics Material returned to Store as unserviceable

Some electronic equipment may contain toxic materials and pose a health risk if opened or dismantled.

Ensure Contractor disposes equipment properly and equipment is opened only under guidance of qualified professional.

6 Insulation Material Re–used


Burning may cause air pollution.

Littering due to improper disposal

Ensure Contractor disposes insulation properly at landfill site.

7 Oil Recycling Contractors May cause contamination of soil or waterways Ensure properly certified recycling contractors are used.

8 Concrete Landfill or reuse as for filling None Ensure safe storage till disposal

1 To be determined by Contractor


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Table ‎6-3: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Construction and Operation

Parameter Location Means of Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency

Implementing Supervising

Handling and Storage of spare parts and equipment at plant

Work Sites Visual inspection Daily Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

Top Soil Construction areas Top soil of 0.5 m depth should be excavated and stored properly

Beginning of earth filling works

Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

Erosion Construction areas and material storage sites

Visual inspection of erosion prevention measures and occurrence of erosion

Monthly Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

Hydrocarbon and chemical storage

Construction camps Visual Inspection of storage facilities Monthly Contractor CSC

Local Roads Approach Roads Visual inspection to ensure local roads are not damaged

Monthly Contractor CSC

Traffic Safety Haul Roads Visual inspection to see whether proper traffic signs are placed and flagmen for traffic management are engaged

Monthly Contractor CSC

Air Quality (dust, smoke) Construction sites Visual inspection to ensure good standard equipment is in use and dust suppression measures (spraying of waters) are in place.

Daily Contractor CSC

Material storage sites Visual inspection to ensure dust suppression work plan is being implemented

Monthly Contractor CSC

Noise Construction sites Visual inspection to ensure good standard equipment are in use

Weekly Contractor CSC

Waste Management Construction camps and Visual inspection that solid waste is Monthly Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu,


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Parameter Location Means of Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency

construction sites disposed at designated site External Monitor

Drinking water and sanitation

In construction sites and construction camps

Ensure the construction workers are provided with safe water and sanitation facilities in the site

Monthly Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

Rehabilittion of Work Sites All Work Sites Visual Inspection After completion of all works

Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

Safety of workers At work sites Usage of Personal Protective equipment

Monthly Contractor CSC, TPS Guddu

During Operation and Maintenance

Waste Water After waste water treatment and at the final disposal point

Heavy metals Annually TPS Guddu through recognized laboratory

External Monitor

Stack Emissions Prior to pre–treatment in ESP and FGD and At the exit of the stack

Continuous monitoring using on–line equipment during operation phase (SO2, NOx, CO, PM10 and PM2.5) and exit gas temperature and velocity.

Quarterly TPS Guddu External Monitor

Ambient Air quality At the baseline monitoring sites

24 hours air quality monitoring of PM10, PM2.5, , SO2, NO2 and CO

Annually TPS Guddu through recognized laboratory

External Monitor

Groundwater At the baseline monitoring sites

Sampling and Laboratory analysis Annually TPS Guddu through recognized laboratory

External Monitor

Noise Quality At the work areas, control rooms and nearest residential areas

Hourly, day and night time noise levels (dB) monitoring using noise meters

Annually TPS Guddu through recognized laboratory

External Monitor


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Table ‎6-4: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Replacement of Equipment and Parts

Sr Activity/ Phase Monitoring/ Inspection Monitoring Indicators Measures Responsibility

1 Transportation of parts and equipment

Trucks used for delivery of parts and new equipment will be monitored to ensure they meet emissions and noise standards

Results of noise and emissions tests

Ensuring trucks used for delivery are compliant with emissions and noise standards.


2 Handling and Storage of parts and equipment at plant

A detailed monitoring checklist will be prepared and inspection/monitoring shall be carried out during following times:

Before storage of equipment and parts in storage area

During unloading of equipment and parts

Periodically to ensure compliance

After removal of equipment

In case of accident or noncompliance

Certification for cranes

MSDS sheet availability in storage area

If there are chemicals or hazardous materials present, MSDS sheets shall be available in the storage area and accompany the equipment.

Storage of new equipment and parts in separate and identifiable areas that are properly sectioned.

Cranes for lifting heavy equipment must follow proper safety procedures.

TPS Guddu

3 General Rehabilitation and Replacement Activities

A detailed monitoring checklist will be prepared and inspection/monitoring shall be carried out during following times:

Monitoring of noise level prior to start of work activities.

Monitoring of noise level during work activities.

Before beginning of work activities, work site shall be inspected

Periodically during work activities to ensure compliance

In case of accident or noncompliance

Readily available First–Aid kits and fire extinguishers

Proper usage of personal protective equipment

Proper installation of scaffolding in high work areas

First Aid Kits and fire extinguishers at all work areas.

Hearing protection if noise levels start to exceed 60 dBA.

Providing workers and staff proper personal protective equipment and training in use of the Equipment.

Installation of scaffolding for work areas more than 1 m high.

TPS Guddu EHS Manager



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Sr Activity/ Phase Monitoring/ Inspection Monitoring Indicators Measures Responsibility

4 Working in tight spaces, low light conditions and other specialized work

A detailed monitoring checklist will be prepared and inspection/monitoring shall be carried of the following:

Entrance of confined work site

Temperature of confined area

The presence of fumes

Equipment availability

Temperature measurement of area

Visual Inspection of working area

All work areas that have tight spaces, low light conditions and other specialized work shall be identified.

Temperature of all confined work areas should meet working standards

Adequate lighting will be provided

In case of risk from fumes and in confined work areas proper ventilation will be made.

TPS Guddu EHS Manager


5 Waste Disposal and Management

If required, audit recycling contractors

Detailed waste inventory which includes type and quantity of waste and disposal mechanism

Properly certified contractor

Appropriate clauses in contracts with contractor

Detailed waste inventory

See “Waste disposal Plan” EHS Manager

Recycling Contractor

Store Supervisor


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Table ‎6-5: Construction Management Plan

Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure

Vegetation clearance

Minimize vegetation clearance and felling of trees

Removal of trees should be restricted to the development footprint.

Construction activities shall minimize the loss or disturbance of vegetation

Use clear areas to avoid felling of trees

A procedure shall be prepared to manage vegetation removal, clearance and reuse

Inform the plant management before clearing trees

Cleared areas will be revegetated

3.2 Poaching Avoid illegal poaching Contractual obligation to avoid illegal poaching

Provide adequate knowledge to the workers relevant government regulations and punishments for illegal poaching

7.2 Discharge from construction sites

Minimize surface and ground water contamination

Reduce contaminant and sediment load discharged into water bodies affecting humans and aquatic life

Install temporary drainage works (channels and bunds) in areas required for sediment and erosion control and around storage areas for construction materials

Prevent all solid and liquid wastes entering waterways by collecting waste where possible and transport to approved waste disposal site or recycling depot

Ensure that tires of construction vehicles are cleaned in the washing bay (constructed at the entrance of the construction site) to remove the mud from the wheels. This should be done in every exit of each construction vehicle to ensure the local roads are kept clean.

7.3 Soil Erosion and siltation

Avoid sediment and contaminant loading of surface water bodies and agricultural lands.

Minimize the length of time an area is left disturbed or exposed.

Reduce length of slope of runoff

Construct temporary cutoff drains across excavated area

Setup check dams along catch drains in order to slow flow and capture sediment

Water the material stockpiles, access roads and bare soils on an as required basis to minimize dust.

Increase the watering frequency during periods of high risk (e.g. high winds)

All the work sites (except permanently occupied by the plant and supporting facilities) should be reinstated to its initial conditions (relief, topsoil, vegetation cover).

8.1 Excavation, earth works, and construction yards

Proper drainage of rainwater and wastewater to avoid water and soil

Prepare a program for prevent/avoid standing waters, which Construction Supervision Contractor (CSC) will verify in advance and


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure


confirm during implementation

Establish local drainage line with appropriate silt collector and silt screen for rainwater or wastewater connecting to the existing established drainage lines already there

8.2 Ponding of water

Prevent mosquito breeding

Do not allow ponding of water especially near the waste storage areas and construction camps

Discard all the storage containers that are capable of storing of water, after use or store them in inverted position

Reinstate relief and landscape.

9.1 Storage of hazardous and toxic chemicals

Prevent spillage of hazardous and toxic chemicals

Implement waste management plans

Construct appropriate spill containment facilities for all fuel storage areas

Remediate the contaminated land using the most appropriate available method to achieve required commercial/industrial guideline validation results

10.1 Land clearing Preserve fertile top soils enriched with nutrients required for plant growth or agricultural development.

Strip the top soil to a depth of 15 cm and store in stock piles of height not exceeding 2m and with a slope of 1:2

Spread the topsoil to maintain the physio–chemical and biological activity of the soil.

The stored top soil will be utilized for covering all disturbed area and along the proposed plantation sites

Topsoil stockpiles will be monitored and should any adverse conditions be identified corrective actions will include:

o Anaerobic conditions – turning the stockpile or creating ventilation holes through the stockpile;

o Erosion – temporary protective silt fencing will be erected;

Avoid change in local topography and disturb the natural rainwater/ flood water drainage

Ensure the topography of the final surface of all raised lands are conducive to enhance natural draining of rainwater/flood water;

Reinstate the natural landscape of the ancillary construction sites after completion of works

12.1 Construction vehicular traffic

Control vehicle exhaust emissions and combustion of fuels.

Use vehicles with appropriate exhaust systems and emission control devices.

Establish and enforce vehicle speed limits to minimize dust generation

Cover haul vehicles carrying dusty materials (cement, borrow and quarry) moving outside the construction site

Level loads of haul trucks travelling to and from the site to avoid spillage

Use of defined haulage routes and reduce


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure

vehicle speed where required.

Transport materials to site in off peak hours.

Regular maintenance of all vehicles

All vehicle exit points from the construction site shall have a wash-down area where mud and earth can be removed from a vehicle before it enters the public road system.

Minimize nuisance due to noise

Maintain all vehicles in good working order

Make sure all drivers comply with the traffic codes concerning maximum speed limit, driving hours, etc.

Avoid impact on existing traffic conditions

Prepare and submit a traffic management plan

Restrict the transport of oversize loads.

Operate transport vehicles, if possible, in non–peak periods to minimize traffic disruptions.

Prevent accidents and spillage of fuels and chemicals

Restrict the transport of oversize loads.

Operate transport vehicles, if possible, in non–peak periods to minimize traffic disruptions.

Design and implement safety measures and an emergency response plan to contain damages from accidental spills.

Designate special routes for hazardous materials transport.

12.2 Construction machinery

Prevent impact on air quality from emissions

Use machinery with appropriate exhaust systems and emission control devices.

Regular maintenance of all construction machinery

Provide filtering systems, duct collectors or humidification or other techniques (as applicable) to the concrete batching and mixing plant to control the particle emissions in all stages

Reduce impact of noise and vibration on the surrounding

Appropriately site all noise generating activities to avoid noise pollution to local residents.

Ensure all equipment is in good repair and operated in correct manner.

Install high efficiency mufflers to construction equipment.

Operators of noisy equipment or any other workers in the vicinity of excessively noisy equipment are to be provided with ear protection equipment

The project shall include reasonable actions to ensure that construction works do not result in vibration that could damage property adjacent to the works.

12.3 Construction activities

Minimize dust generation Water the material stockpiles, access roads and bare soils on an as required basis to minimize dust.

Increase the watering frequency during periods


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure

of high risk (e.g. high winds).

Stored materials such as gravel and sand should be covered and confined

Locate stockpiles away from sensitive receptors

Reduce impact of noise and vibration on the surrounding

Avoid driving hazard where construction interferes with pre– existing roads.

Notify adjacent landholders or residents prior to noise events during night hours

Install temporary noise control barriers where appropriate

Avoid working during 21:00 to 06:00 within 500m from residences.

Minimizing impact on water quality

Stockpiles of potential water pollutants (i.e. bitumen, oils, construction materials, fuel, etc.) shall be locate so as to minimize the potential of contaminants to enter local watercourses or storm-water drainage.

Storm-water runoff from all fuel and oil storage areas, workshop, and vehicle parking areas is to be directed into an oil and water separator before being discharged to any watercourse.

An Emergency Spills Contingency Plan shall be prepared.

15.1 Siting and location of construction camps

Minimize impact from construction footprint

Arrange accommodation in local towns for small workforce

Locate the construction camps at areas which are acceptable from environmental, cultural or social point of view.

15.2 Construction Camp Facilities

Minimize pressure on local services

Adequate housing for all workers

Safe and reliable water supply.

Hygienic sanitary facilities and sewerage system.

Treatment facilities for sewerage of toilet and domestic wastes

Storm water drainage facilities.

In–house community entertainment facilities.


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Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure

15.3 Disposal of waste

Minimize impacts on the environment

Ensure proper collection and disposal of solid wastes in the approved disposal sites

Store inorganic wastes in a safe place within the household and clear organic wastes on daily basis to waste collector.

Establish waste collection, transportation and disposal systems

Ensure that materials with the potential to cause land and water contamination or odor problems are not disposed of on the site.

Ensure that all on-site wastes are suitably contained and prevented from escaping into neighboring fields, properties, and waterways, and the waste contained does not contaminate soil, surface or groundwater or create unpleasant odors for neighbors and workers.

15.4 Fuel supplies for cooking purposes

Discourage illegal fuel wood consumption

Provide fuel to the construction camps for domestic purpose

Conduct awareness campaigns to educate workers on preserving the protecting the biodiversity and wildlife of the project area, and relevant government regulations and punishments on wildlife protection.

15.5 Site Restoration

Restoration of the construction camps to original condition

Restore the site to its condition prior to commencement of the works

16.1 Construction activities near religious and cultural sites

Avoid disturbance to cultural and religious sites

Stop work immediately and notify the site manager if, during construction, an archaeological or burial site is discovered.

It is an offence to recommence work in the vicinity of the site until approval to continue is given by the plant management.

Maintain appropriate behavior with all construction workers especially women and elderly people

Resolve cultural issues in consultation with local leaders and supervision consultants


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Aspect Objective Mitigation and Management Measure

17.1 Best practices

Minimize health and safety risks

Implement suitable safety standards for all workers and site visitors which should not be less than those laid down on the international standards (e.g. International Labor Office guideline on „Safety and Health in Construction; World Bank Group‟s „Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines‟) and contractor‟s own national standards or statutory regulations,

Provide the workers with a safe and healthy work environment, taking into account inherent risks in its particular construction activity and specific classes of hazards in the work areas,

Provide personal protection equipment (PPE) for workers, such as safety boots, helmets, masks, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, full–face eye shields, and ear protection.

Maintain the PPE properly by cleaning dirty ones and replacing them with the damaged ones.

17.2 Water and sanitation facilities at the construction sites

Improve workers‟ personal hygiene

Provide portable toilets at the construction sites and drinking water facilities.

Portable toilets should be cleaned once a day.

All the sewerage should be pumped from the collection tank once a day into the common septic tank for further treatment.

6.5 Asbestos Management Plan

10. Asbestos is recognized internationally as a hazardous material because it can present a risk to human health. In many jurisdictions asbestos is classified as hazardous and is a controlled chemical waste or a hazardous waste because if it is mishandled it can release airborne fibers that are known to cause asbestosis and have also associated with other lung diseases and cancer. All forms of the asbestos mineral will release asbestos fibers if broken up and all types of asbestos containing material (ACM) will release asbestos fibers to some degree if damaged or abraded.

11. Asbestos has been widely used in numerous types of materials, usually because of its good qualities as a thermal insulation material. Asbestos has also been used extensively in numerous types of cement materials, pipe insulation plaster and in refractory brick work. Asbestos is often used because of its good qualities as a thermal insulation material but it is also useful as a binder to form complicated cement shapes and durable pipes. The amounts of asbestos used vary from product to product but certain types of asbestos cement can contain more than 50% asbestos. When bound in the cement matrix the asbestos is generally considered safe. However over time the cement surface can become corroded or abraded leading to the release of asbestos fibers. The surface of the ACM, such as pipe and corrugated sheets can gradually become more friable and release asbestos fibers. Exposure to chemicals and moisture also affects the rate of deterioration of ACM as they gradually wear out or become more fragile. The removal and replacement of ACM also give rise to some release of fiber as it is almost impossible to remove more fragile old material without breaking them. Therefore in addition to giving rise to a controlled waste the removal of the ACM can also easily lead to the release of asbestos fibers if the removal is not conducted under controlled conditions.


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12. This plan has been prepared because the ACM is present in the power plants which may be broken or cracked during the rehabilitation work. The procedures to be adopted are outlined in this framework by reference to known asbestos in ACM. This framework should be applied whenever any ACM is identified. Prior to any removal work asbestos investigation should be carried out to check if there is any likelihood of ACM being implicated.

6.5.1 Requirement for Asbestos Management

13. Best practice asbestos management usually entails several stages. Survey and investigation are the first steps in which all structural elements, fixtures and fittings are checked for fibrous materials that are potentially asbestos. Samples are taken under controlled conditions and an accredited laboratory analyses the samples using polarized light microscopy. The type, location and condition of asbestos is assessed to undertaken a hazard assessment. If asbestos needs to be removed an asbestos abatement plan is usually prepared to cover removal with detailed work specifications for specialist contractors. In all cases the asbestos should be labeled and safety procedures instigated to prevent disturbance, until such time as it can be removed safely.

14. There are as yet no statutory controls on hazardous waste in Pakistan. The Hazardous Substances Rules were drafted in 2003 but were never brought into force. Asbestos waste is listed in the draft Hazardous Substances Rules 2003. If enacted the HSR would require an entity licensed under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 to have a waste management plan for any listed hazardous substance..

15. Therefore as there are as yet no local standards for asbestos control in Pakistan, any known asbestos waste requiring removal should be disposed of following best international practice.

6.5.2 Responsibilities/Authorities of Various Agencies

16. Potential environmental liabilities with respect to asbestos associated with subprojects will be minimized by implementing the requirements of the AMF and by prescribing the selection of alternative non-asbestos materials (section D and Appendix 2). All measures shall be in line with ADB‟s SPS 2009, the GOP‟s regulations and guidelines, the Environmental Assessment Review Framework and the Guidance on Environmentally Responsible Procurement1.The subprojects shall only involve asbestos activities that follow the AMF.

17. TPS Guddu will:

Prepare an asbestos investigation report (AIR) before undertaking any work on a equipment or work area.

Ensure that adequate sampling and analysis has been carried out to ensure all environmental liabilities with respect to asbestos have been identified, review the asbestos assessments AIR and submit the AIR to ADB.

Set up the buffer store facility and ensure that all contractors have been briefed as to the presence of ACM in the subproject works and the nature of the hazards posed by the type of asbestos present.

Ensure that the contracts have specified the asbestos management procedure (AMP) to be used in the construction of the subproject to control environmental liabilities to acceptable levels.

Ensure that the required mitigation measures during construction and the AMF are included in the bidding document of the subproject and that the all bidding contractors have access to the IEEs and EMP.


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Ensure the selected contractor has made adequate provisions (including human resources, materials methods and training) to carry out works in line with the AMF as a payment milestone. have access to the IEEs and EMP

Ensure that the asbestos abatement procedures, including all proposed mitigation measures and monitoring in Table ** are properly implemented.

Monitor the implementation of AMPs and present its monitoring report.

6.5.3 Minimizing Asbestos Liabilities

18. Potential environmental liabilities with respect to asbestos associated with subprojects will be minimized by taking the following measures:

Implementing the requirements of the AMF and by prescribing the selection of alternative non-asbestos materials.

Where ACM must be disturbed in a equipment the ACM shall only be removed under controlled conditions for disposal in line with the provisions of the AMF or any rules subsequently promulgated by the Sindh EPA.

All Contractors shall agree through their agreement to carry out the asbestos abatement procedures in line with the procedures included in the AMF.

Conducting sampling of potential asbestos containing materials (ACM) and compiling an asbestos investigation report (AIR) with adequate implementation.

6.5.4 Monitoring During the Construction Period

19. Monitoring during construction will be the responsibility of the CSC. The CSC may acquire the services of an Asbestos Specialist. The monitoring will relate to compliance with construction contracts. The Asbestos Specialist will inspect the ongoing works regularly and systematically; checking that the above-mentioned the asbestos abatement mitigation measures specified in the AMP have been implemented effectively during the design and construction stages of the project and ensure the implementation and effectiveness of mitigation measures. Reporting will be to the TPS Guddu on a regular basis and to ADB semi-annually.

20. The CSC will also be responsible for coordinating and supervising monitoring of asbestos abatement, quality control, and writing the periodic progress reports on implementation of the AMF.

6.5.5 Asbestos Abatement Procedures Removal of ACM

21. The principle will be that asbestos cement pipes shall be carefully excavated, lifted on to plastic sheets for wrapping, wrapped in polythene and sealed with duct tape and then lifted and lowered on to the transport lorry for transport to the designated storage area or landfill.

22. The procedure shall follow the measures indicated below: Preparation

The Contractor shall make available the materials in Section **.

The Contractor shall be prepared and agree to remove and transport, on lorries covered with tarpaulins, all the ACM, from the site to the designated facility or secure temporary store to await disposal.


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The Contractor shall provide approved protective clothing to all workers. Protective clothing shall consist of an approved disposable full body coverall, with head cover. Hard hats and boots shall also be made available to all workers by the Contractor.

Workers handling the ACM shall wear approved half face dust masks protective coverall and goggles. The Contractor shall ensure all workers wear the protective clothing provided. Abatement Method

The ACM shall be removed in sections carefully using manual labour and hand tools to expose the old ACM so that it can be lifted carefully to avoid cracking as far as possible. Any accidentally fractured loose pieces of asbestos picked up and stored in plastic bags or barrels and sealed.

The drums / barrels to contain the fractured pieces of ACM shall be made of plastic or metal. If made of some other material the drums / barrels shall be lined with two layers of 0.15mm polythene sheeting. When the drums are full the plastic lining shall be folded over the pipe segments and secured in place with duct tape and the lid placed on the drum and secured in place with duct tape.

Before commencing with the removal of the ACM the surface of the asbestos shall be wet. Any dry areas of exposed existing ACM shall be sprayed with water (preferably containing a wetting agent) to reduce fibre release. The wetting agent shall be of a correct mix and concentration in accordance with the manufacturer‟s instructions as specified under materials (Section 9.6.6).

The wetting solution (amended water) shall be sprayed using equipment capable of providing a „mist‟ application to reduce the release of fibers. The existing asbestos material shall be sufficiently saturated to wet it thoroughly. The existing asbestos material shall be sprayed repeatedly during the removal processes to maintain a wet condition and to minimize asbestos fibre dispersion.

The fixed asbestos cement pipes shall be carefully separated and prized off any supporting brackets and separated from any attached asbestos cement pipes or cement screed base and taken up in manageable sections taking care not to drop, crack, break or damage the asbestos cement pipes. POWERED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (such as backhoe) SHALL NOT BE USED TO REMOVE THE ASBESTOS PIPES because this will increase the risk of cracking and fibre release.

The asbestos cement pipes shall then immediately be wrapped in two layers of polythene or smaller pieces can be double bagged and goose neck tied with duct tape and the polythene shall be wet wiped clean.

The bottom 10cm of soil below the old ACP shall be assumed to be contaminated with asbestos fragments or fibers and shall be loosened and shoveled or picked up and stored in plastic bags or barrels and sealed as ACM.

The bottom 5cm of soil below the old ACM pipe, loose debris and rubble will be removed to create a level floor to the trench and to designate the completion of the removal work

The exposed surfaces of the partially wrapped pipes and the surface of the trench to be sprayed with adhesives (PVA) to be used as “lock down” on surfaces during the final clean up of the area. This is to bind any traces of asbestos fibre which may remain on exposed surfaces.

All wrapped asbestos cement packs shall be transferred to the lorries for immediate transportation to the temporary buffer store to await disposal. All wrapped asbestos cement packs shall remain at the temporary buffer store and not be removed


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July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

The workers shall immediately wet wipe down the overalls and mask and wash hands and face and any accidentally exposed areas of skin to decontaminate. The dust masks and overalls, gloves, wet wipes and any other litter shall then immediately be double bagged and goose neck tied for disposal as asbestos waste.

The CSC will then carry out a visual inspection to certify that all visible asbestos cement pipe and fragments have been removed to a satisfactory standard. If the visual inspection indicates a satisfactory standard all the asbestos cement packs shall be counted and picked up and transferred to the lorries for transportation to the temporary buffer store to await disposal.

The CSC will then carry out a reassurance visual inspection to certify that all remaining polythene packs and equipment and visible asbestos has been removed to a satisfactory standard and proper decontamination of tools and equipment has taken place.

The CSC will then check and record the number of packs of waste transferred to the lorries are the same as those that arrive at the temporary buffer or landfill using a trip ticket system.

The CSC will monitor and periodically audit the buffer store and landfill security to ensure no pilfering or theft of the stockpiled waste.

6.5.6 Materials and Equipment Containment Materials

At least two layers of transparent plastic (0.15mm thickness low density polythene (B.S.4932:1973) shall be used for wrapping the ACM in sizes which minimize the need for jointing. Polythene transparent bags and containers used for packing of asbestos waste should be able to resist puncturing by the sharp edges of the asbestos cement.

The wrappings shall be carefully joined and sealed with wide duct tape, spray adhesive capable of sealing adjacent sheets of polythene and facilitating attachment of polythene to the asbestos cement. The adhesive agents should be capable of adhering and maintaining the wrapping in place under both wet and dry conditions.

Pipe sections and fragments of 2m or less shall be completely wrapped in polythene or collected in polythene bags. Pipe sections and fragments of greater than 2m shall have the end up to 1m and any cracked or broken areas completely wrapped in polythene. Intact pipe sections greater than 2m shall have the ends end up to 1m and any cracked or broken areas completely wrapped in polythene.

The access to the asbestos waste shall be guarded at all times by security personnel. Wetting Agent and Lock Down

It is strongly recommended to apply amended water containing a wetting agent on the asbestos materials prior to removal so as to minimize the release of asbestos fibers during the removal process. Electrical equipment is not likely to be present in the excavated trenches but if electrical cables are present these should be de-energized and isolated prior to the application of wetting agents.

The recommended wetting agent for the amended water to enhance penetration should be 50% polyoxyethylene ester and 50% polyoxyethylene ether or equivalent. The wetting agent shall be diluted in accordance with the manufacturers‟ instructions. As a fall back option household washing up detergent mixed at 10% to amend wetting water can be substituted


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Water based polyvinyl acetate adhesives (PVA) to be used as “lock down” for spraying on to surfaces during the final clean up of the area shall be able to bind traces of asbestos fibre which may remain on exposed surfaces. The adhesive shall be dyed to indicate where it has been sprayed and facilitate a check as to whether they have been applied or not and to facilitate cross-checking at a later stage. Lifting Gear & Ladders

All lifting appliances, i.e. wire slings, ropes and chain blocks, must comply with the local construction sites safety regulations. Valid test certificates must be kept on site for checking at all times.

Ladders shall be used in line with general safety procedures. Joints and ends of ladders, scaffolds and parts of lifting gear where appropriate shall be sealed with tape to prevent the incursion of asbestos fibers and finished to create a smooth surface to facilitate cleaning. Respirators (dust mask)

The respirators to be provided by the Contractor shall be of an approved type contained appropriate for protection against the level of asbestos fibers reasonably expected in the particular stage and environment of work. In this case half face dust mask shall be required.

The Contractor shall provide disposable paper respirators to all workers with a protection factor of 4 (e.g. recommended 3M8812 or equivalent).

The respirators shall be removed when wet and be treated as contaminated waste. A new half face dust mask shall be provided to each worker prior to each shift, and the Contractor shall hold sufficient spare masks on site at all times for replacement purposes. Protective Clothing

The Contractor shall provide approved protective clothing to all workers. Protective clothing shall consist of an approved disposable full body coverall, with head cover. Hard hats and boots shall also be made available by the Contractor. Coveralls will be of a disposable type:

o made from material which does not readily retain asbestos dust and

o prevents, so far as is reasonably practicable, dust penetration;

o is close fitting at the neck, wrists and ankles; and

o without external pockets or unnecessary pleating or accessories.


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

Preferred disposable coveralls, mask and sprayer Workers handling drummed high risk friable asbestos


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Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

6.6 Social Augmentation Plan Scope of Accruing Social Benefits

23. There have been impacts in the natural as well as social environment due to the operation of the power plant within the project influence area. The people living within the vicinity of TPS Guddu are mostly poor. Taking this point into consideration some social benefits in terms of environmental enhancement are proposed in the EMP. The proposed social augmentation/enhancement measures are explained below: Educational Facilities

24. There are a number of primary schools in the villages within the Project influence area. Besides, there are some private primary schools where only financially solvent families can afford their children for better quality education. Poor families have to send their children to the government schools where the classrooms are overcrowded because the numbers and sizes of the rooms are insufficient.

25. As a result, educational standards are generally low and overall performances of the children are often poor. The EMP proposed financial assistance to the Education Department for constructing additional few classrooms to the nearest schools and providing them with necessary furniture and equipment. The same schools can also be used in the afternoons for adult education, community training, and other collective activities. Agricultural Training

26. Agriculture is a major economic activity in the Project influence area. Most of the people are serving either as a sharecropper or working as land labor. The people reported that they had mainly inherited rather than acquired knowledge on farming, and any attempt to pursue that would be appreciated by them. Therefore, it is proposed that farmers will be provided relevant training on modern agriculture.

27. A need assessment will be carried out before imparting such training by an NGO(s) with the support of the Agriculture Department. The nature of training would largely depend on the ecological setting, availability of water, technology, interest and ability to produce different crops, etc. The training will be imparted by a professional organization or an experienced NGO in agricultural promotion, and previously worked with the farmers in Sindh province. Skills Training and Capacity Building Activities

28. Having limited land and water resources and agricultural activity, in addition to agriculture the people in the TPS Guddu area depend on employment in public and private sectors, industrial and construction labor work, and small scale business activities for earning their living. Women prepare some traditional embroidery items to sell in the local markets to supplement their family incomes. The Project will contribute in economic activities by supporting skills training and capacity building activities for these poor communities, especially for the women and youth. By doing this, the project would be enabling the poor families to enhance their earnings and living standards. Training programs will focus in skill development in construction and power industries. Health Care Facilities

29. People living in the area are devoid of good quality health care system. In case of suburban and rural communities in the villages around Guddu TPS, communities during consultation indicated that the government health facilities are insufficient and inefficient, mainly because of lack of qualified doctors and quality medicines. The people requested


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd.

for creating an opportunity for their health care under the proposed project. It is proposed to establish basic clinic and paramedic to check condition of the health of the people three times a week, so that their needs for primary health care are taken care of. In addition, the project will attempt to provide financial and technical assistance on health issues of rural communities in the project influence area to impart training through an experienced NGO and, especially to traditional birth attendants and in preventive measures against water–borne diseases, mother–and–child care, and the like. Tentative budget for social benefits to be accrued

30. The proposed Social Augmentation Plan (SAP) will cover social enhancement measures to the project influence communities. It includes all costs including construction of facilities, fixtures and furniture and all other administrative and operation costs such as hiring of implementing NGO(s), and monitoring of the implementation arrangements by the consultants. The total estimated budget for the SAP is US$ 0.328 million, as presented in Table ‎6-6.

Table ‎6-6: SAP Implementation Cost Estimates

Activity Social Augmentation and Monitoring Costs

Unit Quantity Cost in US Dollars

Rate Amount

Social Augmentation Costs – Civil Works

Construction of additional Rooms in Schools No. 6 3,860 23,160

Fixture/Furniture for Classrooms No. 6 2,150 12,900

Clinic of Primary Health Care (with Fixture & Furniture) No. 3 3,800 11,400

Sub–total (a): – – – 60,412

Operational Costs of Project Provided Facilities

NGO Implementation Years 3 30,000 90,000

Education Material for adult Education Years 3 800 2,400

Operational Costs of 3 Primary Health Clinics Years 3 4,800 14,400

NGO Training Services (3 Trainers) Years 3 2,100 6,300

Primary Health Training Equipment & Material Sites 2 2,100 4,200

Skills Training for Women and Youth Sites 2 2,100 4,200

Farmers' training in modern agriculture Sites 2 800 1,600

Gender Development & HIV/AIDS training (Basic) Sites 2 800 1,600

Sub–total (b): – – – 124,700

Social Monitoring during and after Project's construction

Social Development Specialist MM 3 2,100 6,300

Domestic Social Development Specialist MM 12 6,000 72,000

Furniture & Computers for Database/Monitoring Site 1 3,000 3,000

Social Monitoring Reports (5 bi–annual, 1 final) Reports 6 600 3,600

Sub–total (c): – – – 113,100

Total Itemized Costs (a+b+c): – – – 298,212

Admin. Costs & Contingency (10% of Total Itemized Cost):

– – – 29,821

TOTAL ESIMATED COST: – – – 328,033


Energy Efficiency Investment Program Project Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report–Guddu

July 18, 2012 Engconsult Ltd. Implementation and Operation

31. Proposed facilities under the social augmentation program require proper operation and maintenance. The following section discusses the operational procedure and maintenance of the facilities. Setting up the Facilities

32. All facilities proposed under social augmentation program will be created and implemented by the project authority in association with a local NGO or local government in close collaboration of the beneficiary. Involvement of beneficiary from the beginning of the augmentation work is critical as without their active involvement the design and implementation will not be as per the desire of the targeted people. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method may be used while designing the facilities to identify the possible locations and scope of operation and maintenance as well as management. Selection of NGO

33. Selection of NGO will be done based on their capacity, experience, and interest. Organizations that have experience of carrying out similar assignment will be given priority as operation and management of such types of jobs require capacity and tenacity. There are some good NGOs operating in both Rahim Yar Khan and Sukkur areas as reported by the stakeholders. A short list of those NGOs can be made first and then proposal may be sought from them for the work. Consultant will prepare a TOR containing the descriptions of all works that will be carried out by the selected NGO(s). The TOR will be included as part of Initial Poverty and Social Assessment Report. Operation of the Adult Learning School

34. An experienced NGO will be recruited for the first three years to operate the adult learning school and then hand over the operation to the Local Government Organization such as Union Council or other suitable public or private organization. Selected NGO will identify a teacher from the nearby area or to engage someone, such as the wife of a TPS Guddu staff, who would be interested in the job. Imparting Training

35. The targeted people will be trained on modern agricultural practices, health care, sanitation, gender and development and HIV/AIDS. They will be given training on the modern techniques and methods of agricultural production including marketing to make them able to know about the market prices of different agro produce. On the other hand, since the rural people often suffer from different health hazard because of the lack of basic health care knowledge, it would be beneficial for them to impart training on those issues. The training will be a part of preventive rather than curative measures. All the trainings including good agricultural practices, health care, gender and development, and HIV/AIDS related issues will be conducted by the selected NGO(s). The training will be provided by both male and female trainers, as some of the issues are more suited for female trainers compared to the male trainers.

36. Before conducting the training, the NGO will perform a needs–assessment to prepare the training modules. Based on the module, a manual will be prepared in local languages covering the scope, needs of the training, and the training techniques.
