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Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2




Contents 1

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Part A Proponent information

A1 Name of respondent 4

A2 Address of respondent 4

A3 Content details 4

A4 ABN 4

A5 Proponent’s history 4

Part B Project description

B1 Description of project 5

B2 Demand for proposal 6

B3 Operating method 7

B4 Need for the project 9

B5 Alternatives to the proposal 10

B6 Waste hierarchy 10

B7 Working method 11

B8 Project area 12

Part C Potential environmental effects

C1 Flora and fauna 17

C2 Weed and disease prevention 21

C3 Rivers, creeks, wetlands and estuaries 21

C4 Significant areas and/or land features 23

C5 Coastal Zone 23

C6 Marine areas 23

C7Air emissions 23

C8 Liquid effluent 23

C9 Solid wastes, litter 24

C10 Noise emissions 25

C11Transport impacts 26

C12 Other offsite impacts 27

C13 Dangerous goods and chemicals 27

C14 Site contamination 27 2

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

C15 Resource Issues 28

C16 Cultural heritage 28

C17 Rehabilitation 29

C18 Sustainability 30

Part D Management Commitments 32

Part E Public consultation 33

Figure 1 10 year quarry and landfill plan after page 4

2 Vegetation and drainage management after page 12

3 Traffic management after page 24

4 Quarry and landfill typical section after page 26

Appendix: Tas Land and Forest flora and fauna documentation

Cover photo: View of inert landfill site from the top of the quarry, looking east.

Part A Proponent Information A1 Name of proponent


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd

(The freehold portion of the Mining Lease land is owned by J and A Treloar

Superannuation Fund).

A2 Address of proponent PO Box 21, Sheffield 7306

A3 Contact telephone

Phone: (03) 64911686 Mobile: 0428 140 466 Email: jr@treloartransport.com.au


ABN 83009541986

A5 Proponent’s history

A5.1 Company Information Treloar Transport Pty Ltd is a family business, involved in all facets of

construction, civil contracting, earthmoving and quarrying since 1978. The

company currently has in excess of 35 employees.

Projects include quarry rehabilitation, effluent ponds, siltation control, landslip

control, bridge construction, storm water control, silviculture, forestry road

construction, unsealed road grading and watering, earthmoving and earthworks

for subdivisions, agricultural earthmoving projects, DIER road works, landfill and

environmental projects

Treloar Transport also operates a major quarry and crushing plant for civil


Stream (Class 6)


visual vegetation screening

Directionof Mining









0 50 100 150 200

Section A - A’ 0 50 100 200 250

Scale 1 : 3000 @ A4


10 year quarry plan 2010 to 2020May 2010

Contour Interval 10 metres = AHD

500 m to house

600 m to house

= Gate FIG 1

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

construction materials at Shackley Hill near Sheffield, as well as several smaller

intermittently operated quarries, including the recently purchased Forthside


A5.2 Inert waste landfill operating experience The company has nine years experience in operating inert waste landfills at both

Hillcrest Road in Devonport and at the Shackley Hill Quarry. Treloar Transport

has received no public complaints, Environmental Protection Notices from the

EPA, or adverse comment from Local Government regarding the operation of

these landfills.

The Hillcrest Road landfill and resource recovery centre has a similar intake to

that proposed for the Forthside Quarry landfill. It is located in a Light Industrial

Area of Devonport in close proximity to residential areas.

Part B Project description B1 Description of project The project is located on ML 1704 P/M, which is located at the end of Forthside

Road, in the locality of Forthside, which is 5.3 km SSE of Forth. The lease

contains an active Level 1 quarry, licensed for up to 5000m3 of extraction per


Mining Lease Details: Lease number: 1704P/M Lease area: 12Ha Lease holder: Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Land ownership: J and A Treloar Superannuation Fund 8.081Ha; Crown 3.919 Ha


Expiry: 3rd December, 2014

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Figure One shows the Mining Lease and the proposed development. There is a history of extractive industries in this locality dating back to perhaps the 1950s, and there are a number of disused quarries previously operated by Devonport City Council adjoining this site, some under rehabilitation. The site itself is heavily impacted by previous operations, with unsustainable landforms (steep, erodible slopes), erosion gullies, siltation of existing sediment control structures, and relatively large areas of unrehabilitated disturbed ground. Treloar Transport has recently purchased the Mining Lease and associated freehold land from the previous owners who operated the site intermittently, so having the site actively managed with commitments to improved water management and progressive rehabilitation should lead to improved environmental outcomes. Sections of the Lease will be used as a landfill site for construction, demolition

and solid inert wastes. Typically, material will include excess spoil or excavated

unsuitable material and will comply with the listing of materials suitable for a

Category A Landfill in the Landfill Sustainability Guide, 2004.

B2 Demand for proposal Treloar Transport has an existing inert waste landfill at Hillcrest Road in

Devonport. It is one of the four licensed landfill sites on the North West Coast in

which general inert landfill is recycled and re-used throughout the construction


However, this landfill is approaching the end of its useful life, hence the need for

this replacement landfill at Forthside. There are no other available inert waste

landfills in the Devonport area, and minimising the transportation distance of inert

waste is environmentally responsible.

Based on existing demand at the Devonport landfill, it is estimated that delivered

volumes will be 10,000m3 (15,000 tonnes) per annum. Half of this material will be

from Treloar Transport’s own civil construction projects, with the balance being

from other civil and building contractors and the general public.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Experience gained in operating this landfill for eight years gives an indication that

approximately 20% (3,000 tonnes) of the delivered waste material may be

suitable for reuse, for example as clean fill for other projects, reusable roadbase

materials, and topsoil.

A key advantage for an inert waste landfill being operated by a civil contracting

company is that the company will typically have several projects under

construction at the same time, and can switch material between projects. Reuse

of materials can sometimes be planned in advance. These opportunities for

reuse do not necessarily arise at landfills under the control of municipal bodies or

a third party.

A further advantage is approximately one third of trucks that delver waste

material will collect replacement quarry product – this serves to minimize truck

travel distance and consequently greenhouse gas generation.

B3 Operating method B3.1 Prevention of unauthorised access: Forthside Road is the only access to the site, which is surrounded by steep,

heavily forested terrain, precluding any other access. Note that traffic flows on

this road are minimal as it is a “No Through Road” with only one residence past

the Mining Lease.

The entrance to the site off Forthside Road will be secured out of hours by a

substantial locked gate.

B3.2 Screening of loads: Approximately 50% of the loads will be from Treloar Transport civil construction

projects. This material will be under the control of the company from source to

disposal, with the originating project supervisor screening the material at



Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

The balance of the incoming materials will be from other civil contracting firms

and building contractors (45%) and the general public (5%). The site will be

manned at all times whilst accepting waste from other than Treloar Transport.

Incoming trucks must report to the operator and declare the contents of the load.

Loads whose contents are not known to the driver will not be accepted. All loads

will be inspected by the operator prior to dumping, with the customer’s details

obtained for future reference if a problem is found with the load later. Treloar

Transport commits to removing from site to an appropriate landfill any unsuitable

loads dumped accidently.

B3.3 Operating hours: Operating hours will be as per the existing extractive operation, 0700 to 1700

Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1200 Saturday. The site will not be worked on

Sundays or Public Holidays, unless an exceptional circumstance exists and

permission is obtained from the EPA to work on these days as a short term

measure only.

B3.4 Timeframe of project The project will require some initial development work if approval is given,

namely the development of an access road into the landfill area, installation of

security gates, installation of settling ponds and preparation of the landfill area to

receive material e.g. diversion drains, removal of loose saleable material.

However, this minimal infrastructure would only take a month to install before the

project could commence.

B3.5 Waste types and quantities involved The landfill will typically receive material complying with the listing of materials

suitable for a Category A Landfill in the Landfill Sustainability Guide, 2004.

• Materials will include:


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

• Rock

• Earth

• Clay

• Soils

• Roadbases and gravels

• Inert demolition rubble – bricks, concrete

Based on historical deliveries at the Hillcrest Road landfill, it is anticipated

deliveries at the Forthside Road landfill will amount to 10,000m3 (15,000 tonnes)

per annum, with perhaps 20% of the material being reusable by Treloar

Transport, leaving a nett importation of 12,000 tonnes. The relative composition

of the received materials is variable depending on projects under development.

This results in a net delivered volume of 8,000m3 (12,000 tonnes) per annum.

However, when this material is delivered it is at an average bulk density of

1.5t/m3, compaction from trucks and the loader working over it will increase its

bulk density to 2.35t/m3, reducing the volume to 5,100m3. This proposal is for a

10 year project life (120,000 tonnes), although the site has a potentially longer

life as a landfill.

Received material will be dumped in 2m deep lifts, and compacted by dozer,

wheel loader, and trucks driving over the dumped material. If some material is

failing to compact successfully, then a Treloar Transport roller can be transported

onto site to compact the material further.

B4 Need for the project

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd as a civil construction business generates inert

construction waste that requires disposal off the project sites. As outlined above,

Treloar Transport’s Hillcrest Road landfill in Devonport is nearing the end of its

useful life - the Forthside landfill is intended as a replacement location, not as an

additional landfill.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Dedicated inert waste landfills help to preserve public putrescible landfill

resources by diverting material for reuse or into Type A landfills that are simpler

to operate, require less buffer zone, and require less leachate management.

The closure of the Hillcrest Road facility in the next two years will leave

Devonport without a dedicated inert waste landfill, with the nearest facility being

at Ulverstone. This would lead to longer transportation distances for Devonport

based businesses to dispose of inert waste, with a consequent 10,000 km

increase in the distance travelled by trucks to dispose of waste and greater

greenhouse gas generation.

B5 Alternatives to the proposal Alternatives to the proposal include transporting material to Ulverstone or

developing a new facility on an alternative site. The environmental issues

involved in longer transportation distances are detailed above in “Need for the


This site is already heavily disturbed, and this project will involve a minimum of

further disturbance. The Mining Lease under previous ownership was operated

solely as a Level 1 quarry; runoff and sedimentation control works and

progressive rehabilitation will actually improve the physical environment of the

site. This is preferable to starting a landfill in an undisturbed area. There is

considerable synergy in terms of operating the inert waste landfill in conjunction

with a civil construction materials quarry it minimizes the transportation distance

required to collect replacement construction material, maximizes waste reuse,

and the layout of the quarry means that resource sterilisation is avoided.

B6 Waste hierarchy The Stubbs Road site, under the control of a civil contractor such as Treloar

Transport Pty Ltd, is ideal to maximize the potential of reusing material in

compliance with the waste management hierarchy. For example, topsoil stripped

from subdivision road paths can be reused in quarry rehabilitation, material 10

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

unsuitable on engineering properties for roadbase may be suitable elsewhere as

a landscaping fill material.

This is a key advantage of an inert waste landfill being operated by a civil

contracting company – the company will typically have several projects under

construction at the same time, and can switch material between projects. Reuse

of materials can sometimes be planned in advance. These opportunities for

reuse do not necessarily arise at landfills under the control of municipal bodies or

a third party.

B7 Working method The ground surface of the inert landfill footprint is covered with patchy regrowth

vegetation, which will be cleared, along with soft erosion debris (which may be

saleable) prior to waste deposition beginning. This will ensure a strong key

between the landfill material and the existing ground surface. A bund will be

constructed along the tipping face toe prior to tipping commencing to act as

“catch all” to retain any slumps of mobile material.

The introduced waste will be dumped in 2m high lifts, starting on the western end

of the lowest bench, and retreating to the east. This material will be leveled and

compacted by wheel loader at the end of each day. As it is inert waste, there is

no need for capping material on a daily basis. Gravel obtained from the quarry

will be spread on the road surface as required to provide a suitable travelling

surface for on road trucks.

The 20% of delivered material suitable for reuse will be tipped as directed by the

site operator onto stockpiles located at the entrance to the working bench. The

site operator will be an experienced civil construction operator, who will be further

trained in recognizing material suitable for reuse.

Truck drivers will be instructed not to tip directly over a face unless provided with

a backstop or a spotter.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

B8 Project area B8.1 General description The Lease area is on the crest and southern side of a ridge running

approximately east –west. The catchment valley of Goldie Creek lies at the toe of

the southern side of the ridge, running in a westerly direction. The crest of the

ridge peaks at RL 248, the bottom of the valley of Goldie Creek adjacent to the

western end of the lease is at RL 175. A further ridge, trending in the same

direction, rises higher than the lease just 850m to the south, this ridge cresting at

RL300. The site is thus not visible from any houses to the north, south and east.

The western end of the quarry is visible from Sprent Road, 3.25 km to the west,

see Plate One. The landfill site is not visible from any houses or public roads.

Plate One View of quarry from Sprent Road. (note: 4 x zoom image)

There is one heavily impacted watercourse within the operational area. This

Class 4 stream is the headwater of the Class 2/ 3 Goldie Creek. It does not

exhibit a normal stream flow, being diverted out of its original channel by the

quarry earthworks, and cutting an erosion channel across disturbed ground until

entering the sedimentation dam, see Plate Two. Below the dam it exhibits normal

stream flow characteristics in a relatively undisturbed environment. 12

0 50 100 200 250

Scale 1 : 3000 @ A4


10 year quarry plan 2010 to 2020June 2010

Contour Interval 10 metres = AHD

500 m to house

= GateFIG 2


Quarry vehicles

Stream (Class 6)


visual vegetation screening

Directionof Mining







0 250 500 metersScale 1 : 10000

Johnstone quarry: Vehiclesgiveway to Forthside Road.Treloar & Johnstone vehiclesin radio communication


to quarry



side Road

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

It is intended to control the existing erosion in this stream by constructing bars

acroos steep sections and using armour rock. The scrubby regrowth will be

cleared by these works and the flow redirected to a diversion drain skirting the

bottom of the proposed landfill.

Plate Two – The Class Four “stream”.

There are no wetlands. Vegetation on the lease is Dry Eucalyptus Obliqua forest,

although 90% of the lease area is cleared or disturbed, with Plate Two also

showing typical scrubby vegetation in the footprint of the landfill.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Most of the Lease, plus the land adjoining to the east, north and west is exempt

from Land Capability Classification, with the southern fringe of the Lease and

adjoining land being Capability Class 5. Land zoning is Rural.

Figure Three shows vegetation and drainage management.

B8.2 Buffer distances

The nearest residence to the Mining lease is the house owned by G and B

Russell, which is 600m to the south west of the southern lease boundary and

700m from the proposed landfill. This is greater than the recommended distance

in the Landfill Sustainability Guide of 300m.

The proposed landfill also exceeds with the recommended distance to airfields

(14 km to Devonport Airport, recommended buffer is a minimum of 10 km), and it

will be 200m from the permanent flow of Goldie Creek, beyond the

recommended buffer of 50m.

B8.3 Land tenure of the site ML 1704P/M is of Ha12Ha, with 8.081Ha being freehold owned by the JR and AR

Treloar Superannuation Fund, and the balance being leasehold Crown Land

managed by Forestry Tasmania.

The site has no past history of activities that may have caused soil or

groundwater contamination. It is believed the 1970’s was the peak period for

extraction from the site with material being used for Devonport Airport


The proposed landfill site is on the south side of the Lease, at the toe of an

existing quarry. There is no quarrying activity currently on the landfill footprint,


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

with no further extraction of material possible from this area. Due to topography,

the site is obscured from all neighbours.

There is one residence to the south - west approximately 600m from the Lease

boundary. Other residences are more than a kilometre from the site. The closest

significant sensitive use is Forth Primary School which is 4.6 km to the North –

West, and obscured by several ridge lines.

The finished profile of the landfill will have faces battered back to 1:3 (typical of

the existing terrain), with 7m wide benches every 10 vertical metres to minimize

run – off erosion potential. The completed landfill will be rehabilitated with

suitable native vegetation. Erosion and sediment control measures are

incorporated in the design, including clean water diversions above the landfill.

Figure Three is a plan of sedimentation and drainage management.

B8.4 Description of Soils and underlying rock types: The geology substrate for this area is Lts – Precambrian – Forth metamorphics -

Dominantly Quartzite.

Soil description is moderately well drained soils formed from Precambrian

quartzite. A dark grey sapric sandy loam overlies a greyish brown loamy sand

and a massive, bleached sand densipan. There are abundant quartzite stones

throughout the profile.

Erodibility is rated as Moderate to High.

B8.5 Surrounding land use The land surrounding the lease is undeveloped timbered country, owned by the

Crown and administered by Forestry Tasmania on the northern, eastern and

western sides, and the southern side owned and managed by G and B Russell.

B8.6 Current and historical use of the Mining Lease The current use of the Mining Lease is as a Level 1 Extractive Industry – a quarry

producing up to 5,000m3 of subbase gravel per annum. The land zoning is Rural, 15

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

and the majority of the Lease is excluded from land capability classification,

although a portion of the southern side of the Lease is Capability Class 5.

The footprint of the proposed landfill is in an area where the maximum stone

resource has already been extracted, and is not currently used for quarrying.

B8.7 Map and site plan

Figure One is a site plan showing vegetation, topography, roads, drainage and

mining and filling areas.

Figure Two shows traffic management.

Figure Three shows vegetation and drainage management.

Figure Four is a section showing the interaction between the landfill and quarry


B8.8 Public health

This landfill is strictly for inert waste, with placing of material under continual

supervision. No putrescible (e.g. household waste) or controlled waste (e.g.

tyres, asbestos) will be dumped here. Treloar Transport has a perfect history of

excluding these materials from its Hillcrest Road landfill. The operation of this

landfill will be similarly controlled, with much of the material coming from Treloar

Transport civil construction projects – thus being screened by Treloar Transport

at the point of generation and under control of the company from source to


The site will be manned at all times whilst accepting wastes from the public, thus

ensuring all loads are screened. All trucks entering the site will be required to

stop and declare the contents of their load to the site operator, with unknown

loads not being allowed to tip.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Part C Potential environmental effects C1 Flora and fauna Note: The complete flora and fauna documentation, including the Conserve

Report and Eagle Report was compiled by Tas Land and Forest and is in

Appendix One. Note that this report reflects a worst case scenario whereby 0.65

ha of Obliqua forest was to be cleared, Treloar Transport has altered this

proposal whereby the Obliqua forest will only be minimally impacted by erosion

control works, with a maximum of 0.1 ha affected.

Flora: The native forest area at the toe of the landfill keyed out as Dry-hOB - Heathy E.

Obliqua forest – Dry E.Obliqua forest which does not require further protection

under the RFA or Forest Practices process. Therefore it was determined that this

floristic community was not considered a community requiring further protection

through the Regional Forest Agreement or as a Threatened Community through

the Forest Practices Act process.

From the Conserve report there are no known localities of Threatened Flora

Species within the vicinity of the planned clearing operations.

The Common hemp-bush was not noted in field visits across the site.

Fauna: From the Conserve report there are no known localities of Threatened Species

within the vicinity of the planned clearing operations.

There was no identified potential habitat for threatened species that will be

impacted by the planned clearing operations.

The considered Threatened species are as per the Kindred Threatened Fauna

Manual (map no. 4243) under the Forest Practices Authority.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

There are no nesting or den sites located within the planned clearing area and no

Threatened Species will be impacted by the planned landfill clearing areas.

Management prescriptions to maintain downstream water quality are described

below in further considerations.

The full list of potential Fauna Threatened Species that may occur within this region are:-

giant freshwater crayfish – There are no streams within the planned clearing

areas which have suitable habitat for the Giant freshwater crayfish.

There are heavily modified watercourses related to drainage of the previous

quarry works, however, these watercourses do not contain suitable or potential

habitat for the GFC.

australian grayling - There are no streams within the planned clearing areas

which have suitable habitat for the Australian grayling.

For all aquatic Threatened Fauna species it is considered that there is no

suitable habitat that will be impacted by the planned clearing areas.

It is considered important to maintain downstream water quality with specific

management methods.

hydrobiid snail - there are no streams within the planned clearing areas which

have suitable habitat for the Hydrobiid snail, which is not known within this

stream catchment.

eastern barred bandicoot – There is considered to be potential habitat for this

species in the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry. However,


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

no specific nesting areas were noted, nor was it optimum habitat i.e. grasslands,

tussock, grassy paddocks, reeds or heath within the planned operational area.

There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including

the planned Landfill clearing area to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is

considered that the clearing of the Landfill area will not adversely impact on the

Eastern barred bandicoot.

quoll (spotted-tailed & eastern) - There is considered to be potential habitat for

this species in the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry.

However, no specific nesting areas or Dens were noted within the planned

operational area.

There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including

the planned landfill clearing areas to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is

considered that the clearing of the landfill areas will not adversely impact on the

Quoll (spotted-tailed & eastern).

Tasmanian Devil - There is considered to be potential habitat for this species in

the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry. However, no specific

nesting areas or Dens were noted within the planned operational area.

There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including

the planned Landfill clearing areas to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is

considered that the clearing of the Landfill areas will not adversely impact on the

Tasmanian Devil.

grey goshawk – There is no suitable habitat for the Grey Goshawk which will be

impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing

area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest with a scrubby

understorey with no predominance of Blackwood. No evidence of Grey Goshawk

was noted during the field visit.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

masked owl - There is no suitable habitat for the Masked Owl which will be

impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing

area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest, without

nesting hollows present. No evidence of Masked Owl was noted during the field


northwest velvet worm - There is no suitable habitat for the northwest velvet

worm. The planned clearing area is predominantly Dry heathy obliqua forest.

wedge-tailed eagle - There are two known nests within 850m to the North East of

the planned clearing. The impact of the planned operation to the known nests

was considered in a previous report conducted on the 26/9/2009. See the

attached report and diagrams in Appendix One. Note that the recommendations

within the report were reviewed by DPIPWE’s Bill Brown, who indicated that as

the operations were not line of sight, and given the ongoing and regular use of

this area for ongoing quarry activity (including the much closer quarry of

Johnstone), the landfill was unlikely to pose a threat to these eagle nests.

white bellied sea eagle - There is no suitable habitat for the White bellied sea

Eagle surrounding the planned clearing operation. This site is greater than 5kms

from the coastline or larger water bodies. The Native forest within the clearing

area and surrounding area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina

regrowth forest. Much of the Native forest is sites unprotected from the prevailing


swift parrot - There is no suitable habitat for the Swift Parrot which will be

impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing

area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest with a scrubby

understorey with no presence of E.ovata or E. viminalis. No evidence of swift

parrot was noted during the field visit.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

C2 Weed and disease prevention: Due to this site being an existing operating quarry, the threat of the introduction

or spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi (PC) will not alter in relation to the planned

clearing operation.

It is expected that PC hygiene guidelines and management will be in place for

the Industrial site, for the use of existing machinery or the introduction of new

machinery onto the site to conduct the clearing operation.

As a minimum the Tasmanian Washdown guidelines should be applied to any

machinery involved with the planned clearing operations.

Treloar Transport will engage the Woodlands Group to advise on and develop a

weed management program for this site. This weed management program will be

developed before waste deliveries commence to the site.

C3 Rivers, creeks, wetlands and estuaries

There is one heavily impacted watercourse within the operational area. This

watercourse shows evidence of erosion due to the drainage of the previous

quarry works. Within the operational area this heavily impacted class 4 stream

does not exhibit a natural class 4 stream and flow. It is the headwater of the

Class 2/ 3 Goldie Creek. There will be no vegetation clearing within 200m of

Goldie Creek.

A settling pond will be re-established where the heavily impacted class 4 stream

enters a less disturbed and more natural flow pattern. Upstream of this pond, in

order to minimize soil erosion issues the watercourse will be barred, and

overland and downslope flows directed to designated rock lined drainage

channels.There will also be a settling pond installed on the western end of each

landfill bench. All settling ponds will have rock – lined discharge spillways.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

It is expected that there would be an improvement to downstream water quality if

the above management methods are introduced.

Category A landfills are required to have surface water management

infrastructure with capacity to accommodate a 1 in 10 year reoccurrence interval

storm event. The diversion drains should be sized to carry all the runoff

generated in a 24hr period by such an event.

The size of water management infrastructure required was determined by the

Rational Method with the formula Q = 0.278CIA


• C is the runoff coefficient, the average for bare packed rough / smooth soil

is 0.40, from Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, 1992, Department of

Conservation and Land Management

• I is the rainfall intensity in mm/hr, for 24 hours, 1 in 10 year event for

Forthside it is 3.57 mm/hr, obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology IFD

program • A is the catchment area in km2 , the catchment for the settling ponds has

been measured at 17,500m2 or 0.0175km2

Therefore Q = 417m3

This volume will be provided by five settling ponds as shown on Figure 2.

At the end of each fill bench there will be a small (60m3) pond, with the overflow

of these going to a larger pond (200m3). The clean water diversion has an

additional 80m3 pond.

It is proposed that surface water monitoring will be undertaken for the parameters

indicated in Table 4.5 of the Landfill Sustainability Guide. This monitoring will be

six – monthly for the first three years of operation, with the frequency and


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

parameters to be reviewed after that time depending on the results achieved.

The proposed location of the landfill is not below the local water table, as

evidenced by no standing water or permanently swampy ground, even after

periods of heavy rainfall. The water table level is likely to be below the minimum

recommended in the Landfill Sustainability Guide of 2m for an Inert Waste


Due to the inert nature of the materials being received by this landfill, and the

screening processes to be put in place, and the absence of hazardous or

dangerous substances to be stored on site, it is believed that there is negligible

risk of groundwater contamination and no need for groundwater monitoring.

C4 Significant areas and/or land features The Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial Area is indicated as lying approx 400m

to the west of the planned clearing area.

Given the extent of the planned clearing area, and in relation to the existing

impact of current quarry operations, it is evaluated that there will be no impact to

the Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial Area values.

C5 Coastal zone This is not applicable; the proposal is 8km from the coast

C6 Marine areas The proposal is not likely to impact upon sensitive marine or conservation areas,

due to its distance from coastal and streamside areas, and the inert nature of the

landfill materials

C7 Air emissions The emission of pollutants to air will be limited to dust and mobile equipment


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

exhaust. The limiting of materials deposited to inert waste, and the strict policing

of loads, will mean that no odours will be emitted.

Dust generation from the site will be limited by the sheltered nature of the landfill

site and the relatively moist climate of Forthside – an average of 965mm rainfall

per annum and 104 days of 1mm or greater rainfall. The access road past all

neighboring houses is sealed, and a site speed limit of 30kph will be enforced on

the Mining Lease thus limiting raised dust. The unsealed access road is

surrounded by forest vegetation, which will act as a dust filter.

In the unlikely event of weather conditions and traffic intensity resulting in raised

dust being an issue, Treloar Transport has a number of water trucks that can be

used to suppress dust on an “as required” basis.

Mobile plant exhaust emissions will be controlled by maintaining plant exhaust

systems to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

C8 Liquid effluent

The proposal does not result in the discharge of liquids (including to sewer) –

except storm water, which is discussed in C3.

C9 Solid Wastes C9.1 Litter The activity is an inert waste landfill, with putrescible waste prohibited, and all

loads screened before unloading. Treloar Transport has successfully run an inert

waste landfill at Devonport for many years without litter being an issue. The site

will also be routinely tidied with housekeeping a major priority.

However, if litter is inadvertently dumped on site, the landfill location is bordered


0 50 150 150 200

Scale 1 : 3000 @ A4


10 year quarry plan 2010 to 2020October 2010

Contour Interval 10 metres = AHD

500 m to house

= Gate



Quarry vehicles

Stream (Class 6)


visual vegetation screening

Directionof Mining





0 250 500 metersScale 1 : 10000

Johnstone quarry: Vehiclesgiveway to Forthside Road.Treloar & Johnstone vehiclesin radio communication


to quarry



side Road

0820_Traffic_Management_2010.cvx Oct 2010

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

by quarry faces on two sides. The other two sides of the landfill are bordered by

vegetation which will act as a litter trap. In the unlikely event of litter being a

problem, a chain mesh fence will be constructed bordering the southern property

boundary to also trap litter.

Treloar Transport commits to collecting any litter from the site and removing it to

a suitable licenced landfill.

C9.2 General Waste Whilst the site is manned a portable chemical toilet will be provided. General

waste such as food scraps will be taken off site for correct disposal. Major

equipment maintenance will not be undertaken on site – if major repairs are

required to any mobile plant or trucks they will be transported to Treloar

Transport’s maintenance depot at Sheffield. Any waste generated from routine

maintenance will also be removed off site.

C10 Noise emissions

There will be only two noise sources on site. A wheel loader will be used

intermittently to push off dumped loads of incoming material and to compact

dumped material. It will also be used to load out material for recycling. This

machine will not be in constant operation, experience at the Devonport inert

waste landfill indicates that use for 5 to 6 hours a day would be the maximum


The second noise source will be trucks delivering, and to a lesser extent

removing, material from site. These will also be intermittent noise sources.

There are no residences within direct line of site of the proposed landfill. Located

towards the bottom of a natural “amphitheatre”, the site is ideally located to

minimize noise emissions. 25

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

C11 Transport impacts

The budgeted delivery rate of 10,000m3 per annum is equivalent to 1,000 inwards

vehicle movements of 10m3 trucks, per annum. (An assumed average based on

Hillcrest Road experience of delivery vehicles ranging from utilities, trailers, up to

trucks and dogs and semitrailers.)

Current vehicle movements are an approximate maximum of 500 per annum

(5,000 m3 of extracted material averaging 10m3 loads).

The additional vehicle movements correspond to an average of one vehicle

inwards for every three hours the landfill is potentially open – considering the

existing extractive activity, given that some trucks will both deliver inert waste and

depart with a subbase load, vehicle movements (expressed in terms of a truck on

site equals two movements), will be one for each hour the site is open.

Based on experience at the Hillcrest Road landfill, the maximum anticipated

vehicle movements would be 8 per hour for short periods.

The other operating quarry in the locality is run by Mark Johnstone. It is a Level 1

quarry, the entrance to which is 620m to the north of the Stubbs quarry entrance.

This private road enters Forthside Road at a T junction. Both companies’ trucks

are equipped with UHF radios, and will be in communication whilst on Forthside

Road as a means of improving road safety.

Figure Two is the traffic management plan.

Treloar Transport drivers will be instructed to limit their speed to 60 kph on that

section of Forthside Road south of the Bellamy Road junction.

Vehicles exiting the landfill and quarry access roads will be required to “Give

Way” to any other traffic. This direction will be supported by standard road


Quarry lifeextraction limit


Sec A

Sec A’

0 10 20 30 40 50meters

Scale 1 : 800

File: 0820_Section_2010.cvx Oct 2010FIG 4

FORTHSIDE QUARRY MINING LEASE 1704P/MQuarry and Landfill Typical Section

October 2010

Sec A’

Sec A

0 50 100 150 200 250metres

See Fig 2Scale 1 : 3000

Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

signage. Forthside Road in this locality is very low traffic flow – it is a “No

Through Road, with only one residence past the accesses to the Mining Lease.

The accesses to the quarry will be graveled and maintained, to prevent the

carryover of mud onto public roads.

C12 Other off-site impacts Sensitive uses such as schools and retirement homes are greater than 4km

distant. The only other potential off-site impact is visual. However, the landfill

activity will not be visible from any houses or public roads. The quarry operation

is only slightly visible as a distant view (3.25km) from the Forth – Sprent Road,

and this visibility will be reduced by rehabilitation plantings to be undertaken at

the western end of the quarry.

C13 Dangerous goods and chemicals The proposal will not involve the storage of dangerous goods or hazardous

substances. Fuels and oils will not be stored on site overnight, but will be brought

to site on an as required basis. Waste oil and used filters generated by vehicle

servicing will be removed from site on the service vehicle. There will an oil spill kit

on site to deal with minor oil spills that might arise, and the fuel truck will also

carry a spill kit. Refueling will be undertaken in the quarry rather than on the

landfill in order to maximize the distance from the watercourse.

C14 Site contamination

C14.1 Past history of site The site has no past history of activities that may have caused soil or

groundwater contamination. It is believed the 1970’s was the peak period for


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

extraction from the site with material being used for the Devonport Airport

redevelopment. There is no evidence of previous structures or storage tanks on


C14.2 Site hygiene Contamination of the site will be prevented by avoiding accepting materials

infested with designated weeds or from areas of P. cinnamoni infection. Treloar

Transport is aware of the significance of having P. cinnamoni - free quarries, and

wishes to protect this status.

C15 Resource Issues There will be no sterilization of stone resources by this proposal. The quarry is

being worked from the top down. As the deposit is on steep terrain, and the

lease is narrow, it is not possible to extract all of the resource from the crest of

the ridge to the toe of the deposit leaving a slope angle that would ensure long

term stability. This is shown on Figure Four.

The toe of the existing face (where the landfill will be developed) will not further

worked for quarry extraction, except for the removal of loose and eroded material

(included in the Level One quarry 5,000m3 yearly extraction limit), to enable the

landfill earthworks to effectively “key into” the existing terrain.

C16 Cultural heritage. C16.1 Aboriginal heritage The guidelines for the Environmental Effects Report noted that Aboriginal

Heritage Tasmania (AHT) has consulted the Tasmanian Aboriginal Site Index

database and AHT records, which indicated no previously recorded Aboriginal

heritage sites within or nearby the proposed impact area. The site has been

heavily disturbed by previous quarrying activities. Although limited amounts of


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

vegetation will be cleared for the landfill footprint (<1Ha), an examination of the

area shows extensive previous excavation earthworks. The footprint of the quarry

will not be expanded beyond what it is now. Due to the level of disturbance it is

considered unnecessary to conduct further field surveys for Aboriginal heritage.

C16.2 Sites of high public interest. The proposal is not located within or adjacent to any sites of scenic, tourism or

public interest. The nearest site of public interest is the Tasmanian Arboretum,

which is 2km to the east, with the Mining Lease not being visible from this site.

C17 Rehabilitation C17.1 Final landform Historical use of the site has resulted in the current heavily disturbed, steep

terrain profile. Treloar Transport intends to work the quarry component of the

operation in a manner designed to terrace the existing steep slopes, minimizing

erosion potential, and ensuring long term stability by reducing the overall slope


The inert waste landfill will be at the toe of the quarry, and will conform with this

rehabilitation principle, consisting of a series of terraces, 7m wide, backsloped at

1:20 into the hill side (to assist in slowing waterflow) at 5m vertical intervals, with

the slopes between at 1v:3H. This results in a final overall slope angle of 15o,

which is comparable to the existing natural terrain. It will be much flatter than the

existing disturbed quarry which has slopes greater than 45o in some sections.

This relatively flat angle, plus water management measures directing flows to

designated rock lined channels, will ensure geotechnical stability.

The footprint of the landfill after ten years of operation will be 6000m3.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Final land uses are limited by the steepness of the site and the surrounding

terrain, with the most appropriate use being wildlife habitat.

Completed landfill sections will be covered with 0.8m of selected clean fill and

topsoil, as per the Landfill Sustainability Guidelines for inert waste landfill. This

material will be sourced from delivered materials.

As the landfill will commence on the western extent of the bottom bench,

progressive rehabilitation will commence as soon as the tipping face has

retreated sufficiently to enable a sufficient area of landfill to be reshaped. It is

estimated approximately 2,000 m2 of landfill will be rehabilated on a yearly

basis. Advice will be sought from Tas Land and Forest and Forestry Tasmania on

suitable local species to be spot planted, as well as a suitable cover crop to

quickly develop a suitable erosion preventing ground cover.

C17.2 Landfill aftercare monitoring Aftercare monitoring will consist of:

• Maintaining the final landform design until an acceptable level of stability is

reached – i.e. adding material to remedy slumps, repairing erosion,

maintaining drains and settling ponds

• Maintaining vegetation – i.e. replanting losses, weed control.

• Monitoring of surface run – off in settling ponds.

This aftercare will continue until the Regulator, in discussion with Treloar

Transport, agrees that a suitable level of stability and rehabilitation standard has

been reached.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

C18 Sustainability Inert waste is a necessary byproduct of all development, whether civil, residential

retail or transportation infrastructure. This proposal represents best practice in

dealing with this waste – disposal of the material in a previously heavily disturbed

area, providing an opportunity to rehabilitate this disturbance that would not

otherwise occur.

The proposal also minimizes the transportation distance required to dispose of

this material, being close to the centre of Treloar Transport’s operations in the

Kentish and Devonport Municipalities. If we assume half of the generated

material would have to travel 10km further to Ulverstone for disposal, assuming

this is 500 x 10m3 loads, with an average truck fuel economy of 2 km/litre this

results in a saving of 27 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum.

The opportunities for reuse of material at this civil – contractor operated site

results in 3,000 tonnes of material being reused on other projects – if we assume

Treloar Transport would have to manufacture this material, at an average CO2

equivalent of 2.3 kg/ tonne (actual figures derived from diesel and electricity

consumption at the Shackley Hill quarry), this results in a further saving of 7

tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum.

Further, up to one third of trucks delivering material to the landfill will collect a

replacement load of quarry material. If these trucks had to travel to the Shackley

Hill Quarry for a replacement load, the extra 10,000km travelled per annum

would result in the generation of a further 27 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per



Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

Part D Management commitments Commitment Responsible

Party Timeframe

1. Maximise the application of the waste management

hierarchy, by reusing as much delivered material as is

suitable for further use. Segregate useful material to

aid future reuse.


and operator


2. Install a substantial locked gate to prevent

unauthorized after hours access.

Management As soon as

access road


3. Man the site at all times whilst accepting loads from

the public, with all loads being visually screened before

and after dumping.


and operator


4. Only accept materials from Category A of the Landfill

Sustainability Guide.


and operator


5. Only operate the landfill according to the approved

hours of operation. Seek approval from the EPA and

Devonport City Council if it is deemed necessary to

operate outside these hours due to exceptional



and operator


6. Adopt Follow the “Tasmanian Washdown

Guidelines” for vehicles being brought to site. Do not

accept weed infested or P cinnamoni contaminated



and operator


7. Adopt a weed management program, designed by a

suitably experienced weed control contractor, prior to

the commencement of landfill operations.


8. Install water management structures before the

operation commences – a downstream settling pond,

clean water diversion channels, and intermediate

settling ponds.

Management Prior to

accepting any


9. Provide a water truck / trailer on site if necessary to Management Ongoing


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2

control raised dust. and operator

10. Maintain a high standard of housekeeping. Install a

chain mesh fence along the southern lease boundary

as a litter trap if necessary, and remove any litter to a

designated landfill.


and operator


11. Store no fuel or Dangerous Goods on site. Management Ongoing

12. Remove any putrescible or maintenance wastes off

site to a licenced landfill.





removed daily

13. Cease work if potential Aboriginal heritage items

are found. Advise Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania.


and operator

Ongoing, cease



14. Provide rehabilitation and after care of the site as

per Section 16 of this SEE.

Management Ongoing

15. Impose a speed limit of 60 kph on Treloar

Transport trucks using that portion of Forthside Road

south of the Bellamy Road junction.


, truck drivers


Part E Public consultation Treloar Transport has consulted with:

• Devonport City Council

• Forestry Tasmania, Bob Hamilton

• The neighbouring landowners Ronald Douglas of 437 Forthside Road and

Mr Fisher also of Forthside Road.


Treloar Transport Pty Ltd Forthside Solid Inert Landfill EER September 2010 Ver. 2


Appendix Tas Land and Forest

Flora and Fauna Documentation Wedge Tail Eagle Management

TAS Land & Forest

P.O. Box 403 Telephone: 03 6423 1280 ACN: 130 770 964 Devonport TAS Facsimile: 03 6423 1282 ABN: 73 130 770 964 7310 E-mail: joe.hawkes@taslf.com.au

Joe Hawkes Kent Lyon Phone: 03 6423 1280 Phone: 03 6423 1280 Mobile: 0438 248 855 Mobile: 0408 248 867 Fax: 03 6423 1282 Fax: 03 64 23 1282 E mail: joe.hawkes@taslf.com.au E mail: kent.lyon@taslf.com.au

Treloars Stubbs Road Quarry clearing Report by Joe Hawkes – Tas Land & Forests

Reviewed as of the 1st of July, 2010

Scope of Report: To investigate the requirements under the Forest Practices Act by Treloars Transport in relation to planned clearing operations adjacent the existing quarry. To evaluate the potential environmental effects under Part C of the Environmental Effects and Report Guidelines required by EPA Tasmania (Environmental Protection Authority) Treloars Transport is planning to clear a small section of Native Forest adjoining the boundaries of an existing Gravel pit area for solid inert landfill. There are no requirements under the Forest Practices Act. A Forest Practices Plan is not required as this operation falls under Mining operations. Description of Soils and underlying rock types: The geology substrate for this area is Lts – Precambrian – Forth metamorphics - Dominantly Quartzite. Soil description as moderately well drained soils formed from Precambrian quartzite. A dark grey sapric sandy loam overlies a greyish brown loamy sand and a massive, bleached sand densipan. There are abundant quartzite stones throughout the profile. Erodibility is rated as Moderate to High, Considerations: Investigation was conducted through the standard Forest Practices processes. A number of reports and maps were generated to evaluate any potential values that may be impacted by the planned operation. Natural Values Atlas, Conserve Map and report, Geology, RFA communities, Google Earth, Threatened Fauna mapping.

Flora: The 0.65ha area is keyed out as Dry-hOB - Heathy E. Obliqua forest – Dry E.Obliqua forest which also does not require further protection under the RFA or Forest Practices process. Therefore it was determined that this floristic community was not considered a community requiring further protection through the Regional Forest Agreement or as a Threatened community through the Forest Practices Act process. There are no known localities of Threatened Flora Species within the vicinity of the planned clearing operations. (as per Conserve report) The Common hemp-bush was not noted in field visits across the site. Fauna: There are no known localities of Threatened Species within the vicinity of the planned clearing operations. (as per Conserve report) There was no identified potential habitat for threatened species that will be impacted by the planned clearing operations by Treloars Transport. The considered Threatened species are as per the Kindred Threatened Fauna Manual (map no. 4243) under the Forest Practices Authority – See attached. There are no nesting or den sites located within the planned clearing area and no Threatened Species will be impacted by the planned landfill clearing areas. Management prescriptions to maintain downstream water quality are described below in further considerations. The full list of potential Fauna Threatened Species that may occur within this region are:- giant freshwater crayfish – There are no streams within the planned clearing areas, which have suitable habitat for the Giant freshwater crayfish. There are heavily modified watercourses related to drainage of the previous quarry works, however, these watercourses do not contain suitable or potential habitat for the GFC. australian grayling - There are no streams within the planned clearing areas, which have suitable habitat for the Australian grayling. For all aquatic Threatened Fauna species it is considered that there is not suitable habitat that will be impacted by the planned clearing areas. It is felt that it is important to maintain downstream water quality. It is felt that specific management is required to maintain downstream water quality. hydrobiid snail - there are no streams within the planned clearing areas, which have suitable habitat for the Hydrobiid snail, the hydrobiid snail is not known within this stream catchment.

eastern barred bandicoot – There is considered to be potential habitat for this species in the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry, however, no specific nesting areas were noted, nor was it optimum habitat i.e. grasslands, tussock, grassy paddocks, reeds or heath within the planned operational area. There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including the planned Landfill clearing areas to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is considered that the clearing of the Landfill areas will not adversely impact on the Eastern barred bandicoot. quoll (spotted-tailed & eastern) - There is considered to be potential habitat for this species in the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry, however, no specific nesting areas or Dens were noted, within the planned operational area. There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including the planned Landfill clearing areas to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is considered that the clearing of the Landfill areas will not adversely impact on the Quoll (spotted-tailed & eastern). Tasmanian Devil - There is considered to be potential habitat for this species in the surrounding native forest adjoining the existing quarry, however, no specific nesting areas or Dens were noted, within the planned operational area. There is sufficient retained native forest surrounding the existing quarry, including the planned Landfill clearing areas to offer sufficient habitat for this species. It is considered that the clearing of the Landfill areas will not adversely impact on the Tasmanian Devil. grey goshawk – There is no suitable habitat for the Grey Goshawk which will be impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest with a scrubby understorey with no predominance of Blackwood. No evidence of Grey Goshawk was noted during the field visit. masked owl - There is no suitable habitat for the Masked Owl which will be impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest, without nesting hollows present. No evidence of Masked Owl was noted during the field visit. northwest velvet worm - There is no suitable habitat for the northwest velvet worm. The planned clearing area is predominantly Dry heathy obliqua forest. wedge-tailed eagle - There are two known nests within 850m to the North East of the planned clearing.The impact of the planned operation to the known nests was considered in a previous report conducted on the 26/9/2009. See attached report. Please note that the recommendations within the report were approved by Bill Brown, as the operations were not line of sight and given the ongoing and regular use of this area for ongoing quarry activity. white bellied sea eagle - There is no suitable habitat for the White bellied sea Eagle surrounding the planned clearing operation. This site is greater than 5kms from the coastline or larger water bodies. The Native forest within the clearing area and surrounding area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest. Much of the Native forest is unprotected sites from the prevailing winds. swift parrot - There is no suitable habitat for the Swift Parrot which will be impacted by the planned clearing operation. The Native forest within the clearing area is predominantly E. obliqua or E. amygdalina regrowth forest with a scrubby understorey with no presence of E.ovata or E. viminalis. No evidence of swift parrot was noted during the field visit.

Phytophthora cinnamomi: Due to this site being an existing operating quarry, the threat of the introduction or spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi will not alter in relation to the planned clearing operation. It is expected that PC hygiene guidelines and management will be in place for the Industrial site, for the use of existing machinery or the introduction of new machinery onto the site to conduct the clearing operation. As a minimum the Tamanian Washdown guidelines should be applied to any machinery involved with the planned clearing operations. (See attached additional documentation in regard to Phytophthora cinnamomi hygiene guidelines and management.) Water Quality and Drainage management: - Rivers, creeks, wetlands, estuaries There is one heavily impacted watercourse within the operational area. The class 4 stream is the headwater of the Class 2/ 3 – Goldie Creek. This watercourse has been heavily impacted due to the drainage of the previous quarry works. Within the operational area the heavily impacted class 4 stream does not exhibit a natural class 4 stream and flow. There is evidence of erosion occurring along this watercourse, and adjoining watercourses due to the previous Quarry operations. There is potential to consider establishment of settling ponds along the course of the heavily impacted class 4 stream, to help maintain storm water flows, erosion and maintain water quality. Further drainage measures may be considered necessary, e.g. barring or gripping steeper sections, tacks etc., to minimise soil erosion issues. It is expected that there would be an improvement to down stream water quality if the above management objectives are met. i.e. drainage will be maintained. Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial area: The Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial area is indicated as lying approx 400m to the west of the planned clearing area. The extent of the planned clearing projects, and in relation to the existing impact of current quarry operations, it is evaluated that there will be no impact to the Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial area values.

Summary: There are no requirements under the Forest Practices Act. A Forest Practices Plan is not required as this operation falls under Mining operations. Further considerations: That Phytophthora cinnamomi hygiene management measures are considered for the site. Effective drainage measures are considered for the watercourses to maintain and improve downstream water quality. Joe Hawkes Forest Consultant Tas Land & Forests 0438 248 855

















































10 0













15 0


15 0
























er F

ort h

River F


Melro se C

r eek



Cr e


River Forth

Goldie CreekGoldie Creek

River F


Fulton Creek


er F


Fulton C



ths i

de R


Morris Road


t hsi

de R


Bellamy Road

Melrose Rd Melrose Rd



y R


Melrose Rd








y Road


ot Rd

Wi lm

ot Rd


ot R


Forthside 1















000 5,433,000



0 5,434,0005,


000 5,435,000



0 5,436,0005,


000 5,437,000

0 500 m



Threatened Fauna

Historical Sites

Not coded

Primary all weather 2+ lane arterial road

Single lane all weather minor road

Single lane minor road

Vehicular access track

State Forest Boundaries

50 Metre Contour (25K)

Informal Reserves - MDC

Informal Reserves (Not on State Forest)

Formal Reserves

E. amygdalina - E. obliqua damp sclerophyll

Grass E. viminalis

Wet E. viminalis

Riparian scrub Wilmot



Conservation Inventory Map

NOTE: Map co-ordinates are based on GDA94 Topographic map data is supplied by DPIWE Boundaries may not co-incide due to different capture scales

Scale 1:25,000

Plot identifier: # Conservation Enquiry for 439060_5434985_4500 - jgh - 09/03/2010 04:07:12

(c) Copyright Forestry Tasmania

Prepared by: Joseph Hawkes

Prepared for: Treloars Stubbs Quarry

Date: Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Conservation Enquiry ReportLocation: 439060mE, 5434985mN

Generated Tuesday, 9th of March 2010 - 04:07:47

Please Note:

1. Conservation Enquiry Maps & Reports are to be used for forest planning purposes only and are not for publication.2. While based on the best available information, this inventory may not be comprehensive.3. The absence of recorded sites is not evidence that such sites do not exist in this area.4. The significance of recorded sites should be interpreted by an appropriate expert.5. Positional accuracy generally not better than 100 metres.6. Geoconservation sensitivity scores are ranked from 1 to 10, 1 being the most sensitive to disturbance, 10 being the least sensitive7. Priority communities identified on Conservation Enquiry Maps are those communities identified in the RFA as a priority for protection on Public Land.8. The location of PC Management Areas can be identified via MDC or PC Managemet map compositions.9. This report does not query Aboriginal data.

Threatened Fauna - 25k Mapsheet







Habitat which may contain threatened species

Quolls (Spotted-tailed, Eastern) 4443 LATROBE All wetter forest types coastal heath

and bush-pasture interfaces

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Grey Goshawk 4443 LATROBE

Wet eucalypt forest with blackwood/myrtle understorey blackwood swamp E. brookeriana wet forest melaleuca and leptospermum forest.

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Masked Owl 4443 LATROBE Lowland dry sclerophyll forest with old growth components

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Green And Gold Frog 4443 LATROBE

Permanent and temporary water bodies (streams ponds dams) with vegetation in or around them

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Engaeus Granulatus 4443 LATROBE Moist seeps, flat swampy areas,

drainage lines and stream banks

Known localities Giant Freshwater Crayfish 4443 LATROBE Don River near Devonport

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Eastern Barred Bandicoot 4443 LATROBE

Grassy woodlands native grasslands mosaics of pasture and ground cover including shrubby weeds

Page 1Conservation Enquiry Report

Habitat which may contain threatened species

White-bellied Sea Eagle 4443 LATROBE

Forest with significant old-growth eucalypt component within 5 km of the coast (nearest coast including shores bays inlets and peninsulas) rivers lakes or complex of farm dams

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Giant Freshwater Crayfish 4443 LATROBE

North-flowing streams rivers and other waterbodies including lakes and Arthur River system below about 400 m altitude

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Wedge-tailed Eagle 4443 LATROBE Large tracts (more than 10 ha) of

eucalypt or mixed forest

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Australian Grayling 4443 LATROBE Middle and lower reaches of coastal

rivers including Mersey River

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Grey Goshawk 4243 KINDRED

Wet eucalypt forest with blackwood/myrtle understorey blackwood swamp E. brookeriana wet forest melaleuca and leptospermum forest.

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Masked Owl 4243 KINDRED Lowland dry sclerophyll forest with old growth components

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Northwest Velvet Worm 4243 KINDRED Wet forest with rotting logs and woody

ground litter

Habitat which may contain threatened species

White-bellied Sea Eagle 4243 KINDRED

Forest with significant old-growth eucalypt component within 5 km of the coast (nearest coast including shores bays inlets and peninsulas) rivers lakes or complex of farm dams

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Quolls (Spotted-tailed, Eastern) 4243 KINDRED All wetter forest types coastal heath

and bush-pasture interfaces

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Australian Grayling 4243 KINDRED

Middle and lower reaches of coastal rivers including Leven River and Forth River below weir

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Giant Freshwater Crayfish 4243 KINDRED

North-flowing streams rivers and other waterbodies including lakes and Arthur River system below about 400 m altitude

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Wedge-tailed Eagle 4243 KINDRED Large tracts (more than 10 ha) of

eucalypt or mixed forest

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Eastern Barred Bandicoot 4243 KINDRED

Grassy woodlands native grasslands mosaics of pasture and ground cover including shrubby weeds

Page 2Conservation Enquiry Report

Habitat which may contain threatened species

Hydrobiid Snails 4243 KINDRED Immediate catchment of the stream in which known locality occurs


There are no records for this theme within this area.

Threatened Flora





There are no records for this theme within this area.

Threatened FaunaSPECIES


B4 Wedge-tailed Eagle 439776 5435489 Melrose Creek - Don River S nest (#1737)

B4 Wedge-tailed Eagle 439905 5435665 Melrose Creek (Don River) nest (#922)


There are no records for this theme within this area.


There are no records for this theme within this area.


8115.80 Healys Gulley Forest Primary Industry; Timber Getting 439612 5434483 Sketch Mapping 6

(+/- 100m)


There are no records for this theme within this area.


NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y


NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

Page 3Conservation Enquiry Report

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y

NW 57 Melrose-Paloona (Eugenana) C Y


SOP19 Central Highlands Cainozoic Glacial Area POLYGON ZZZZZZZ Very large/terrain 5


There are no records for this theme within this area.

Page 4Conservation Enquiry Report









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Cr e


River Forth

Goldie Creek

Goldie Creek

River F


River Forth

Fulton Creek


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Fulton Creek

Fulton C


Bellamy Road



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Forthside 1




Morris Road

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000 5,433,000



0 5,434,0005,


000 5,435,000



0 5,436,0005,


000 5,437,000

0 500 m

Not coded

Primary all weather 2+ lane arterial road

Single lane all weather minor road

Single lane minor road

Vehicular access track


50 Metre Contour (25K)

Private Land

Category C Karst

Karst - Catchment




4241 4441





Karst Map

NOTE: Map co-ordinates are based on GDA94 Topographic map data is supplied by DPIWE Boundaries may not co-incide due to different capture scales

Scale 1:25,000

Plot identifier: jghmcekstc2008.

Prepared by: Joseph Hawkes

Prepared for: John Treloar

Date: Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Raptor Nest Activity Assessment Form

- Ground assessments are ONLY to be conducted between

• 11 - 22 September 2006 • 13 - 24 November 2006

- Ground assessments are NOT to be conducted if the weather is cold or wet. - Time within 100m of the nest not to exceed 20 minutes and time within 200m of the nest not to exceed 1 hour. Nest Number: 922

Date: 25/9/2008

Observer Name and Contact Details:

………Joe Hawkes 11 Cromwell Crescent, Devonport, Tas, 7310.

Location Name: …………………Melrose Creek., (Don River)

Environmental Variables Estimated Temperature: ……15 degrees……….. Fine/Overcast/Showers (Please circle)

Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

Grid Reference Datum (circle): GDA AGD Easting … 439905………………………mE Northing ……5435665…………………….. mN (As currently recorded) Note adjusted co-ords: Easting … 439860………………………mE Northing ……5435634…………………….. mN (these were estimated from GPS points away from nest, i.e. not confirmed however, little bit closer than currently recorded)

(hh:mm) (hh:mm

Start Time: 11 : 30

Finish Time: 12 : 30

Duration (mins): 1 hour

Nest Description: (Write a description of what was observed e.g. indicate quality, nest composition, colour, shape, size, condition.)

…Quality and condition of nest looked good, brown sticks that looked relatively fresh, shape of nest rounded from view point, looked small in size, majority of nest was brown in colour. No white wash was noted around nest or limbs, or on main trunk, base of tree not visual away from nest. One side of the nest was rounded however, possibly looking like this side of the nest hadn’t been built up, possibly keeping the nest small in size, it did not appear that there was any specific collapse of nest. It was difficult to determine the width of nest with time availability. There did not appear to be any fines particularly, the composition appeared to have larger and coarse size branches.

Were any of these observed on the nest? (tick box if present

Green Leaves Fresh (brown) sticks √ White wash (droppings) Prey remains Bird on nest or nearby (note age if possible)

Bird Activity Observed: (Write a description of what was observed e.g. Two birds soaring over the nest, bird carrying sticks)

……No bird activity observed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………

Specialist Use Only Activity Classification Active Not in use Requires Confirmation

Raptor Nest Activity Assessment Form

- Ground assessments are ONLY to be conducted between

• 11 - 22 September 2006 • 13 - 24 November 2006

- Ground assessments are NOT to be conducted if the weather is cold or wet. - Time within 100m of the nest not to exceed 20 minutes and time within 200m of the nest not to exceed 1 hour. Nest Number: Newly located nest

Date: 25/9/2008

Observer Name and Contact Details:

………Joe Hawkes 11 Cromwell Crescent, Devonport, Tas, 7310.

Location Name: ……2nd nest - Melrose Creek., (Don River)

Environmental Variables Estimated Temperature: ……15 degrees……….. Fine/Overcast/Showers (Please circle)

Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

Grid Reference Datum (circle): GDA AGD Easting … 439776………………………mE Northing ……5435489…………………….. mN

(hh:mm) (hh:mm

Start Time: 12 : 40

Finish Time: 13 : 20

Duration (mins): 40 mins

Nest Description: (Write a description of what was observed e.g. indicate quality, nest composition, colour, shape, size, condition.)

…Quality and condition of nest looked good, brown sticks that looked relatively fresh, majority of nest was brown in colour. White wash noted under nest, good structure, flat pad, moderate size, composition of larger branches noted from viewpoints, difficult to ascertain finer branches and lining, from distant viewing the pad looked well established and flat with finer lining. Again difficult to be definite, however, appeared to have white coloured object on nest.

Were any of these observed on the nest? (tick box if present

Green Leaves Fresh (brown) sticks √ White wash (droppings) √ Prey remains Bird on nest or nearby (note age if possible)

Bird Activity Observed: (Write a description of what was observed e.g. Two birds soaring over the nest, bird carrying sticks)

……No bird activity observed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………

Specialist Use Only Activity Classification Active Not in use Requires Confirmation

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