Environ: The Principles Which Guide Us




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WWe would like to share with you how the design

concepts which inspire Environ guide the creation

of our unique homes. This booklet is intended

to provide an overview of the quality you can

expect from an Environ home, and the care we

take to provide our customers with a space which

promotes personal well being.

Size, volume, dimensions and style are terms

often used to describe a house, yet it is the

relationship between space and light which

shape our experience of the building and

ultimately turn a house into a home.

A Pattern Language

In the 1970s Professor Christopher Alexander

of the Centre for Environmental Structure at

Berkeley University suggested that certain

patterns exist in the natural environment which

we as humans have an innate physiological

recognition of and positive response to.

Alexander proposed that if these natural patterns

can be mimicked within buildings their inhabitants

will feel a greater sense of connection to the

space and their well-being will be enhanced.

Biophilic Design

Christopher Alexander provides great insight into

the understanding of built form, but it is Frank

Lloyd Wright, the architect of Falling Water - a

house emerging out of a rock face above a

waterfall - who truly demonstrated the importance

of nature in home design. Lloyd Wright’s

structures could be thought of as the precursor to

what is now known as Biophilic Design.

The concept of Biophilia is centred around the

premise that because humans have evolved from

the natural world, the desire for places and spaces

which allow us to connect with nature is deeply

rooted within our DNA. It is now well documented

that humans benefit from direct interaction with the

natural world, including our beloved pets. Whether it

is enjoying the warmth of the sun on a spring day, a

swim in the sea, or a walk amongst trees, connecting

with nature inspires, revives and rejuvenates us in

ways we cannot explain. It dissolves daily tensions

that occupy our lives and bodies, to make way for a

more vibrant state of well being.

Biophilia, when expressed in the built

environment, is referred to as Biophilic Design.

This is an architectural celebration of natural

forms, processes, patterns, qualities and materials,

which leads to dwellings that support productivity

and joyful living through their positive impact on

physical, mental and emotional health. Buildings

based upon Biophilic Design feature both visual

and physical connections to the outdoors.

Ample natural lighting, ventilation from fresh air,

views over landscaped grounds or water and easy

access to outdoor space are all hallmarks of Biophilic

Design, and serve to effectively bring the ‘outside in’.

The need to be connected to nature, and

the benefits this brings, are certainly not new

concepts. Environ has for many years used

Christopher Alexander’s principles, and those of

Biophilia to achieve a host of awards for designs

and developments which connect people to

green space and daylight.

Freshford Mill, Freshford

A A key feature of Environ homes is the provision

of large windows. In years gone by, glazing was

limited since it led to heat loss, however this

lack of focus on fenestration was not generally a

problem since past generations spent more time

outdoors. Our society now spends approximately

ninety percent of its time indoors, which can lead

to adverse impacts on health associated with lack

of contact with natural surroundings.

Let There Be Light!

On a clear day, sunlight is five hundred to a

thousand times greater than artificial light. It is

estimated that by replacing buildings’ electric

lighting with daylight it is possible to reduce

Carbon Dioxide emissions by fifteen million

tonnes every year in Europe. Allowing daylight

to illuminate rooms is beneficial not only for

the planet but also for human well being, since

exposure to natural light is linked to improved

mood, enhanced morale, lowered fatigue and

reduced eye strain. The colour spectrum in natural

light helps our bodies to maintain sleep/wake

rhythms in synchronisation with day and night,

since the blue light of morning helps us to become

alert and focussed, while the red and orange light

of the afternoon and evening triggers the process

of slowing down and eventually sleeping. Contact

with ample daylight is also believed to have an

especially positive impact on those in their mature

years and people who suffer from conditions such

as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

In an Environ home, extensive double or triple

glazed fenestration allows you to enjoy the effects

of natural light and the sense of being connected

to the outdoors without the fear of heat loss.

Environmentally-sound LED lighting provides

additional illumination both indoors and out.

Pendant lights are featured over kitchen islands

and tables, floor lights are installed on stairs and

down lighters are carefully positioned over basins.


Whenever possible, Environ homes are

positioned so that the main living areas enjoy a

South-facing aspect in order to maximise natural

light availability. Every resident of our schemes

has easy access to outdoor spaces where they

can enjoy the warmth of the sun, the cool of the

shade and the ambience of the setting.


The views through and out of Environ homes

are of paramount consideration in the design

process. Internal feature windows create a

sense of space within our houses and add to

the light, open feel. Each dwelling is constructed

with the aim of maximising views onto the

carefully landscaped garden, grounds and

local environment.


Our belief in the benefits of extensive glazing is

balanced by a careful consideration for the privacy

of our residents. Studies have linked a perceived

lack of privacy through windows at home to

increased stress levels. As Environ houses are built

with the aim of enhancing well-being, solutions

to maintain privacy are an important feature. For

example, some homes are fitted with switchable

glass that can be changed from transparent to

opaque depending on the occupants’ desire for

privacy. A number of our residences also enable

the owners to choose the degree to which they

interact with the surrounding community by

providing ‘transitional’ living spaces that are open

to public view, such as a front porch, as well as

those that are more secluded and personal.

Energy Efficiency

At Environ, we think that sustainable living,

energy efficiency and well-being go hand in

hand. Many new-build home schemes have

gained their energy conservation credentials

by virtue of airtight construction measures,

however super airtight homes may not

necessarily contribute to either sustainability

or well-being. The lack of fresh air in these

buildings not only necessitates mechanical

ventilation and heat recovery, which increases

energy usage, but may also inadvertently lead

to poor indoor air quality that can adversely

affect health.

By contrast, one of the key features of an

Environ home is the comparatively extensive

use of double or treble glazed windows, which

conserve heat when shut and allow natural

ventilation when open. Our homes are heated

by state of the art gas technology and insulated

to an extremely high specification, in line with

current regulations. We believe this combination

will mean that your Environ home will be

economic to run, simple to heat and cool and

good for both you and the planet.

Climate Control

Our consultants have shown that the most economic

and efficient method to heat a house is through

modern gas technology. When designing a home

it is also important to consider how the building

is to be cooled, especially when large areas of

fenestration are a feature of the space, as these can

cause significant solar gain during summer. Environ

homes make use of exterior shading methods to

filter incoming solar radiation, and windows are built

to offer the desired degree of ventilation, through

manual and sensor-controlled opening.

Sails, Dartmouth

Underfloor heating is a very comfortable choice

to heat a house being a radiant heat rather than

a convected heat, particularly when each room

has individual climatic controls allowing a different

temperature in different zones.

Gas and electric technologies — especially in

the form of a fireplace in the main living spaces —

allow for rapid warming which can be combined

with window-based ventilation, to achieve a home

environment which is appropriate to you.

Indoor Air Quality

Another factor which contributes to Environ’s

belief in the importance of adequate ventilation

within the home is the issue of indoor air quality.

The average person needs approximately thirty

square meters of fresh air per hour to support

healthy functioning. In many modern homes, the

level of air-tightness decreases the volume and

quality of clean air that is available to occupants.

A well-ventilated home provides an

oxygenated environment, which helps maintain

good blood circulation and keeps the mind fresh

and active and skin clear and supple. Ventilation

also aids in the removal of dust, dust mites

and condensation. Allergies to dust mites are

significantly reduced when the relative humidity

inside a building is under 45%.

Ventilation is also key in the removal of

pollutants from the home. Construction materials

such as MDF, paints, furniture, carpets, office

equipment, paper and household cleaning

products emit gasses and other particles, known

as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), into the

air within a building. Studies have shown that air

inside can be five times as polluted as air outside,

with VOC concentrations in winter being three

to four times higher than those in summer. High

temperature and humidity levels inside a home

can also increase the occurrence and potency of

some pollutants. New buildings often contain the

highest levels of VOC.

The effects of VOC on human health is difficult

to monitor since they are not regarded as acutely

toxic, but thought to impact on well-being over an

extended time period, during which exposure to

pollutants in other circumstances no doubt affects

an individual. VOC have been linked to nausea,

dizziness, eye, nose and throat irritations, asthma,

headaches, loss of co-ordination, damage to the

liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, reproductive and

central nervous systems, and possibly even cancer.

The risk to children from VOC is believed to

be higher. Whenever possible Environ chooses

products that avoid Volatile Organic Compounds.


Although no regulations exist in the UK

concerning humidity levels within homes, it is

recommended that relative humidity be kept

below fifty percent and bathrooms, kitchens and

tumble driers be vented to outside or via a heat

exchanger/cleaner system. An average family of

four generates about ten litres of water as a result

of their daily activities, and, if allowed to build

up inside the home, this can cause substantial

problems including mould, mildew and increased

dust mite allergies. Environ’s focus on ventilation

and air circulation within the property works to

address these issues before they develop into

problems for home owners.

Electro Smog

The increased use of devices which employ

wireless technology and mains electricity

in the home can lead to the presence of

electro smog inside buildings. Electro smog

results from the invisible electromagnetic

radiation given off by devices such as cordless

phones and baby monitors, wireless routers,

mobile phones, laptops, games consoles and

microwaves, and is responsible for the condition

knowns as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (ES) or

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). Again,

there are few regulations governing electro smog

in the UK, however in Europe, this matter is taken

very seriously, especially with regard to house

design. For example, in Sweden, 285,000 people,

approximately three percent of the population,

are registered as ES and are awarded a disability

benefit from the government.

ES symptoms may be manifested over a short

or long time period, and can include headaches,

sleep disruption, chronic fatigue, skin complaints,

depression, hypersensitivity and altered

behaviour patterns in children.

Research shows that between three and five

percent of the general population in the UK could

be affected by ES. Environ seeks to mitigate

electro smog through the installation of CAT-6

wiring for internet connections, which prevent

radio waves from being emitted outside of the

cabling system.

Intelligent House

Environ endeavours to integrate the latest

home technologies as they change and

become available. Increasingly, building

management systems will allow many tasks

around the home to be controlled remotely —

security can be monitored from a beach in the

Seychelles using a smart phone and lighting

can be set using a digital pad to achieve a

certain mood without having to get off the

sofa. Environ homes feature plenty of well-

placed electrical sockets in each room, so your

appliances can go where you do.

Safety & Mobility

As we age, balance can start to be adversely

affected. It is estimated that around thirty

percent of people aged over sixty-five lose

balance and fall each year, with many of these

Lacuna, Kings Hill

Freshford Mill, Freshford

Kings Hill Park, Kings Hill

Lacuna, Kings Hill

Stonegate, Wye

The Manor, Kings Hill

Conyer Quay, Sittingbourne

Keepers Court, Kings Hill

accidents occurring in the home.

Environ’s houses are designed to minimise the

occurrence of falls in a number of ways.

Slippery or highly polished floor surfaces are

avoided, with non-slip tiles preferred. Where floor

surfaces transition between materials, such as

wood and carpet, we seek to ensure that these

are at the same level.

This applies to thresholds both inside and

outside the house. We also endeavour to provide

sufficient storage areas to decrease the incidence

of clutter which can be a trip hazard.

With age, it can take longer for eyes to adjust to

differences in light levels between spaces, which

can lead to problems when walking into or through

a house at night. Poor depth perception can also

be an issue if an area is not well lit. Stairs are an

especially problematic location in this respect,

and Environ seeks to mitigate risk by installing low

level lighting to each stair tread and introducing

wherever possible a roof light, and a wider than

normal stair case or half-landing between floors.

Bathrooms are another notorious place for falls

to happen — our designs implement a number of

innovative and subtle features to combat this.


Security is of the utmost importance to Environ.

Exterior doors normally have a treble bolt security

system and all houses are fitted with a burglar

alarm. Most scheme specifications include

intercoms, which enable a visitor to be identified

before opening the door, and outdoor lights are

on sensors. In some cases, garage doors and

gates to the property will be automatic.

Ease of Maintenance

Although no Environ home is the same,

maintenance considerations are always high on

our list of priorities. Some houses are designed to

be almost totally maintenance-free, with powder-

coated aluminium windows, brick, composite

cladding and galvanised gutters. Other homes

feature natural materials to achieve a particular

character, and therefore need a slightly higher

degree of maintenance. These properties are

created with safe and easy maintenance in mind.


Care is always taken to ensure that our homes are

a peaceful retreat. Noise transference from outside

is blocked by the double or treble glazed windows

and the density of the building. Similarly, the floor

structure is designed to prevent noise from being

conducted inside, and wall insulation and dense

internal doors help to ensure quiet, private spaces.


The ideal home maintains the versatility to adapt to

the changing needs of its’ occupants. Sometimes

we need big, open spaces to host a party, while

on other occasions, we seek a cosy nook in which

to curl up and read a book. Environ homes allow

flexible use of space through the installation of

ceiling pocket doors, which disappear into the wall

when open space is called for, and easily slide shut

when more privacy is required.

Space Standards

Homes should be comfortable, spacious and

functional. Often such parameters are ignored in

the UK, with the focus being on fitting as many

rooms as possible into a small space. Houses

are often believed to be better value when they

contain more rooms, however this can come at

the price of a reduced standard of living. Environ

believes that the quality of the space inside a

home is more important than the number of

rooms it contains. Space considerations are

especially pertinent for those downsizing, since

these people generally desire less bedrooms

but still expect sufficient living space. In the

USA, downsizing is seen as a positive move,

an opportunity to create a home to a higher

specification but in a smaller package which

provides a space for family and friends to gather

and enjoy life.


Environ houses are fitted with a range of storage

solutions to decrease clutter and increase the

efficiency and enjoyment of your space. Built-in

closets and wardrobes feature floor to ceiling

doors which enable the full interior to be furnished

with rails, shelves and drawers, allowing maximum

storage with minimum mess. Storage walls,

bookcases, bathroom cabinets, a utility room and

Keepers Court, Kings Hill

a carport with storage pod for bicycles and garden

equipment are all standard features of our homes.


Environ bathrooms provide a luxurious environment

in which to relax and pamper oneself. Italian tiles

and ample mirrors ensure that our bathrooms are

light and airy, and double basins, walk-in showers

and free-standing bath tubs invite you to slow down

and indulge. The provision of storage spaces such

as cupboards and ladder towel rails means that your

bathroom will remain a calm, uncluttered space.


Environ kitchens are designed to be at the heart

of the home; an area in which to gather, relax

and create. Our Cordon Bleu advisor ensures

that the kitchen is highly functional, with the most

efficient use of space possible. The room is split

into zones such as consumable storage, non-

consumable storage, food preparation, cooking

and cleaning.

Features can include quartz worktops, double

bowl sink, hot tap, pop-up sockets, wine rack,

bookshelves, tray space, recycling bins and a

coffee making area which can be hidden out of

sight. Appliances may include a French or American

style fridge/freezer or integrated fridge/freezer unit,

induction hob, electric ovens, microwave or steam

oven and a wine cooler. In the majority of cases,

Sails, Dartmouth

seating is provided around the main island unit,

providing the perfect opportunity to enjoy a glass of

wine while discussing the day’s activities.

Work Area

It is now common for us to bring our business

home, and many people choose to work

from home for at least part of the week. Even

those who are retired often continue to act as

consultants. If space allows, a dedicated study will

be provided, however if this is not possible, the

design will identify a work area which serves the

same purpose. For instance, a space under the

stairs can be fitted out as an office with doors to

hide from view when not in use.

Interior Decor

Environ works hard to craft a stunning light

and airy interior in our homes. Key features

include white Shaker-style doors with matching

architraves and skirtings, Italian door furniture

and radius hinges in polished chrome and crisp

white walls and ceilings. Oak flooring is fitted

to many of the living areas, with soft-shaded

carpeting to bedrooms and Italian tiles to

bathrooms. Some feature walls are panelled and

staircases vary between solid and open tread.

We always carefully co-ordinate the colours

of flooring, tiles and kitchen areas to ensure a

seamless appearance.

Keepers Court, Kings Hill


Our homes are designed fully ready for you to

move in and unpack. Bathroom cabinets, mirrors,

soap dishes, coat hooks, door mats, racking and

shelving in wardrobes, bookcases, shaker peg

rails and cutlery inserts are all provided to make

you instantly feel at home.

Outside Space

All our homes maximise on exterior views, using

large windows to frame the landscape which

allows residents to experience the outdoors

inside, enjoy the changing seasons and benefit

from the enhanced well-being associated

with natural elements and light. Environ’s

landscape designer creates gardens which are

complementary to their setting, be they formal

or informal, wild flower or parterre. Communal

spaces between buildings may include vegetable

gardens, orchards, butterfly gardens, ponds,

lakes, bog and water gardens, woodlands and

prairie planting. Wildlife is encouraged and

celebrated through the provision of habitats, and

we like to think that our homes become part of a

much wider ecosystem.

The Room Outside

At Environ, we truly believe that the garden

is an extra room, forming part of the home.

Oaks Hamlet, Kings Hill

Oaks Hamlet, Kings Hill


Built-in garden seating

Our gardens are lovingly crafted to provide a

functional, low-maintenance and sustainable

space in which to unwind, play and appreciate the

beauty of nature.

In order to invite maximum use of the garden,

Environ homes are designed to have easy

access to the outside, with beautiful Domus

tiles flowing from interior to exterior, and a

series of transitional spaces such as porches,

verandahs and balconies which tempt residents

out of doors.

As we see at Chelsea Flower Show every year,

small gardens are often very beautiful, and in the

UK, space is often at a premium. We believe in

creating highly functional small gardens which

allow ample room for beauty. Environ gardens

feature lush planting and splashes of colour

throughout the year, raised beds, comfy seating,

a tap, lighting, electrical sockets and storage

solutions for toys, games and seat cushions. Our

gardens can be customised to your requirements,

with a wide range of options to choose from

including outdoor sculptures, mirrors, shade sails,

barbecues and fire pits. The room outside is

always created with children in mind, and provides

a safe, fun environment for the next generation to

play and learn. Environ’s gardens are equally well-

equipped to provide a sophisticated entertainment

and outdoor dining space.

Environ is committed to sustainability and

gardens are often furnished with water butts

to collect rainwater for irrigation, a screened

waste recycling area, and a clothes drying

facility. Plantings are selected to thrive in the

increasingly unpredictable British climate, with

drought-resistant species favoured, as they

perform well even in times of water restriction.

Gravel and paving are often selected in place of

large expanses of lawn, in order to minimise the

need for watering in the garden, and cut down

on the use of costly and unsustainable fossil fuels

to mow the grass. Less lawn area also means

less mud when heavy rain is forecast. In some

gardens, vertical planters are installed, which hold

summer salads and herbs.

The best thing about an Environ garden is

that they are very low maintenance. With your

own individual pruning guide provided on

handover, all you need is some secateurs to

convince your envious friends that you have

green fingers! We believe our gardens provide

a delightfully therapeutic space to enjoy nature

with a glass in hand.

Bespoke Options

Environ homes are designed to have their own

individual character, however purchasers have

the ability to further customise their dwelling

through choosing from a range of options, some

of which are included in the house price, while

others are extra. Options available will vary by

scheme dependent on the standard specification

of that particular scheme.

Freshford Mill, Freshford

Lacuna, Kings Hill

Freshford Mill, Freshford

Oaks Hamlet, Kings Hill

01225 864429 | info@environcommunities.com