ENTRUSTING THE WORD TO FAITHFUL MEN - PART II...Part 2 of the report of our Asia trip. - J. Mark...


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Vol. XXXI No. 5 February 2010

Volume XLI January/February 2017 No. 1


of the Gospel. The remainder of the day was spent in relaxation, fellowship, and more good Indian food.

On Sunday morning, we gathered with the Believ-ers at the Hope Center. Bob and J. Mark both shared from the Word. We also shared in the Lord’s Table. During Sunday School, Rachel read a Bible story to the children and taught them some simple songs. She enjoyed reconnecting with some of them she had met five years ago when we were there.

After saying our good-byes in Nepal, we boarded our flight from Kathmandu to Delhi, India. Leaving late, we missed our 1:15pm connection in Delhi to Hyderabad. Finally leaving Delhi at 5pm, we arrived in Hyderabad by 8:30 and were greeted warmly by Pastor Vijay, Sis. Sukanya, and Bro. Samuel of Hope Outreach Ministries. Some of us were fighting colds and were so glad to collapse into bed about 11:30.

On Saturday, Nov. 10th, we drove to the village of Capol for a building dedication. HOH donors had helped provide funds to finish the meeting place for Bethel Bible Fellowship. Several of our team cut rib-bons to the various rooms of the building. The ribbon cuttings were followed by prayer and singing in each room. Bob Kauffman brought greetings from the USA to the people gathered there and J. Mark shared a mes-sage from God’s Word. We visited with the attendees over a delicious Indian lunch! As I traveled back to Hyderabad with Pastor Vijay and Bro. Samuel, they stopped briefly in Capol village to chat with the village chief. He is a Hindu but is not hostile to the sharing

Bethel Bible Fellowship in Capol Village Rachel with Young Friends

Partially Finished Kitchen / Women Singing at Dedication

Continued on page 2

HOPE HORIZONS is the newsletter of HERALDS OF HOPE, INC. It is mailed free to all those who will care and share.

PO Box 3 Breezewood, PA 15533-0003 717-485-4021 | hope@heraldsofhope.org | www.heraldsofhope.org

In Canada: PO Box 371 Fort Frances, ON P9A 3M7

Many of the members were missing from the morn-ing service because of India’s surprise demonetization of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes. The church members were standing in line at local banks to exchange the

old bank notes for new ones. Our hosts left imme-diately after the service to do their banking in prepa-ration for the events of the next few days. The rest of us enjoyed the afternoon time to

nap, read, etc. We closed the day with meaningful fel-lowship and prayer around the family table.

The morning of November 14th was reserved for the graduation of four pastoral couples from the Hope Bible Training Institute. Each of the students and each speaker for the program donned graduation gowns. After a time of singing, each of the graduating couples gave their testimonies; it was a blessing to hear of God’s leading in their lives and to see their persistence and dedication to finish this 2-year training program.

J. Mark shared the commencement address from I Timothy 1:12-17 under the title, “Confident in Your Calling.” From this text he shared with them three im-portant things to remember: who I was (outside of Christ), who I am (by God’s grace), and who God is (the sovereign King of our lives). Each of these couples is planting a church in an interior, unreached village

and some of them have active out-reach in addition-al villages.

After a deli-cious lunch, the group reconvened for the first ses-sion of the pastor’s conference. The

following day, Tuesday, the conference resumed for two

more sessions. Bob spoke on “The Characteristics of a Godly Leader” and J. Mark shared from Ephesians 4:7-16, “Building the Body of Christ.” At the close of the conference we had the privilege of distributing Telegu language reference Bibles and copies of Dr. J. Otis Yod-er’s messages from the Gospel of John (also in Telegu). There were many expressions of appreciation for the Bible exposition we presented.

Wednesday morning found us headed for the village where Pastor Joshua and his wife are planting a church. They had set up a canopy in the yard and we had a nice little service there. Bob offered some words of encour-agement and J. Mark shared thoughts from Psalm 23. They served us lunch that was very spicy; Ps. Vijay and Bro. Samuel said it was “hot” even for them!

On Thursday, the last day of our time in India, we visited the Isabelle K. Yoder Sewing Center in a village not far from

Vol. XLI January/February 2017 No. 1

Q&A Time After a Session

Reading Scripture in Sewing Center

Graduating Class, Faculty, & Guests

their concept of their Master didn’t include the fact that He was God, the Creator. But that’s what wondering faith is. It realizes there are events and things that exist outside the realm of our human intellect and understanding. We can’t explain them, but we’ve seen them with our own eyes.

What did it take for the disciples to move from wavering faith to wondering faith? It took the realization that they had no power or resources that could help them at this moment. It took their willingness to admit that the situation was hopeless without His intervention. It took their full resignation to the plan, purpose, and power of Jesus. IT WILL BE NO DIFFERENT FOR YOU AND ME! Where is your faith?

Where is Your Faith? continued from page 3

Continued on page 4




Jesus asked the disciples this question in Luke 8:25 in response to their fear of the storm on Galilee. It’s an appropriate question to ask as we begin a new year. Many uncertainties lie ahead but with the Master in our “boat” we can move forward without fear.

At Jesus’ command the disciples got into the boat with Him to cross the lake. Their’s was a willing faith, with no record of hesitation. Many of them had been on this lake numerous times; some of them spent most of their life on or near it.

Most of us are like the disciples. It’s not too hard to exercise faith in the everyday experiences of life. As long as the situation is familiar, and we’re comfortable in the routines of life, we don’t think too much about the need for faith. But what happens routines are upset and things begin to spiral out of control?

As the boat is making its way across the lake, Jesus falls asleep. While He’s sleeping, a violent storm swept down upon the lake. The boat is quickly filling with water. They’re in danger of being completely swamped by the waves! Notice the wavering faith of the disciples. They awoke Jesus with the words “Master, Master, we are perishing!” What had started out as a routine crossing of the lake quickly became a life-threatening situation.

You and I know what it’s like to “sail along” comfortably through life enjoying the presence of Jesus, the fellowship of our companions, and the beauty of our surroundings - and WHAM! We get hit with a storm that seems to come out of nowhere. Our previous confidence in God is forgotten in our moment of crisis, even to the point where we despair of life itself.

I am so glad that Jesus doesn’t desert us in our times of wavering faith. He doesn’t scold or belittle or punish – He just offers what is needed in the moment of crisis; just like He did for the Twelve. But He does pose the question, “where is your faith; in your capabilities or Mine?”

Jesus’ response to the cry of the Twelve moved them from wavering faith to wondering faith. They realized they were in the presence of the One whose power was beyond human comprehension. Before this,

We pray you are enjoying a good start to your New Year in following the path of Jesus!

We thank each of you who gave generously toward our year-end bud-get needs. However, we fell $63,000 short of meeting our projected 2016 income budget. We thank God we had some reserve funds from previ-ous years to pay the bills.

The Board recently approved a re-duced 2017 Budget and postponed a decision on a Ministry Partner request to sponsor a 3 week Bible School for Pastors in Nepal based on our current financial situation.

Yes, we have many open doors of opportunity. For many listen-ers among the unreached people groups, our broadcasts are their spiritual nourishment, like the fol-lowing response to our Hausa broadcast:“Your programs have be-come spiritual food for us as access to a church service is so difficult where we live.”

We also receive many requests from Seekers, new and persecuted Believers, and faithful Ministry Partners for more Bible teaching broadcasts, for more personal copies of God’s Word, and for more Bible teaching and evangelistic literature.

If God calls you, your Business, or Church to share a generous gift or commit to regularly support a broadcast in this new year, it would be greatly appreciated and help give us direction on how to respond to further opportunities.

All For God’s Glory, Bob Kauffman



Continued on page 2J. Mark Horst, PresidentHERALDS OF HOPE, INC.

Sincerely in the HOPE of the Gospel,

Hyderabad. Mrs. Yoder is the wife of the founder of Heralds of Hope, Dr. J. Otis Yoder. The ladies in the sewing center happily showed samples of their work to us and we had a snack together. Most of the ladies who go through the sewing classes come to faith in Christ, along with learning a marketable skill. This has been a very effective form of outreach.

In the late afternoon we visited Fort Golkonda; wow, what a place. It is a huge fortress that was built by the Kakatiya Dynasty in the 1300’s. Its outer wall stretches ten kilometers and encloses numerous bas-tions, towers, cisterns, mosques, and stables. It would take days to explore the whole site, so we only got a small glimpse of it.

Since our flight was scheduled to leave Hyderabad at 3:30am on Friday, we tried to get a little rest before

departure. Prior to leaving for the airport, Pastor Vijay read a Psalm and we all prayed together. We said our good-byes with a mixture of sadness and rejoicing.

We give glory to God for any good resulting from our trip. And we extend a hearty THANK YOU to you, our HOPE family members whose prayers ac-companied us and whose financial gifts made the trip possible. In both Nepal and India we saw much evi-dence of the impact of your partnership. If you would like us to show pictures and give a report of this trip in your church, please let us know. We’d be glad to do that for you. May God bless you abundantly as we la-bor together, entrusting the Word to faithful men.

Part 2 of the report of our Asia trip. - J. Mark HorstPhotos: J. Mark Horst, Rachel Horst, Singapogu famliy

Bob & Donna Presenting Gifts after Conference

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What’s Inside: A Study of the Eight Covenants - 251 pages.

This book is an expository study of Biblical texts presenting the eight covenants. This study of “The Divine Timeline of History” aims to show God’s purpose in the cove-nants, their forward movement of history, and their linkage to each other by and in-depth examination of each one as God made it. In addition, to show their relation and complete fulfillment in the last covenant predicted by the prophet Jeremiah.

To order your copy of Who Manages History, call our offices 717-485-4021, or toll free 1-866-960-0292, or email hope@heraldsofhope.org

Pastor Joshua’s Village Meeting

At Fort Golkonda

Left: A Pastor Sharing a Word of TestimonyRight: Sharing in the Village Meeting