Enterprise Resource Management in Healthcare: from Vision to Reality Anush Avramenko Finansu...


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Enterprise Resource Management in Healthcare: from Vision to Reality

Anush AvramenkoFinansu Tehnoloģijas

Know your needsKnow your needs!!

Want to earn


Plan and control more

Why ERP?

Finansu Tehnologijas

Time is ripe!Time is ripe!

Gartner Hype Cycle for Healthcare Providers Applications Finansu


By:• Formalisation of workflows• Process optimisation• Managing information as an asset

Why Healthcare Should Care?Why Healthcare Should Care?

Through:• Creating an effective organisation• Reduction of the management burden• Increased productivity of personnel• Significant cost savings

To: Increased focus towards health delivery

Quality Costs

Finansu Tehnologijas




Registration and Scheduling Systems


Finansu Tehnologijas

Clinical Information Systems•Electronic medical records•Computerized physicians order entry•Laboratories•Surgery•Radiology

Microsoft Dynamics

To To Respond Respond EEffectivelyffectively

• Proven experience in other industries

• Proven experience in other countries

Finansu Tehnologijas

• Fits your business• Fuels your business productivity

• Familiar to your people • Enables your decision making

Innovations don’t make diference, Innovations don’t make diference, the people who use it – do!the people who use it – do!

Next StepsNext Steps

Finansu Tehnologijas

