Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


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  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    1 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies

    Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm

    Kimberly-Clark (www.kimberly-clark.com) is a leading brand in the consumer packaged goods (CPG)

    space. They have been in business for 140 years and serve its brand in more than 175 countries.

    The main objective of this consulting assignment was to develop a strategy and roadmap for

    building K-C IT Services (ITS) capability and infrastructure to deliver applications on smartphones

    and tablets.

    Need of an Enterprise Mobility Strategy

    Mobility is a journey, not destination.

    The implementation of mobility solutions requires enterprises to build capability and strategy to

    synthesize many essential mobility requirements e.g. devices, networks, applications, integration

    with complex data systems, workflow, identification of the right mobile device management

    (MDM) and middleware (MEAP) platforms etc. There arrives need for an enterprise to identify its

    mobile users, understand their needs, assess various mobility parameters and their impact, and

    build a well-defined mobility strategy and roadmap for mobility adaption.

    Endeavour played a mobile systems integrator (MSI) role and advised K-C to articulate its mobility

    vision, strategy and implementation roadmap. Endeavours domain experts and thought leaders

    helped K-C executive management optimize their total cost of ownership (TCO) by bringing best

    mobility practices, vertical depth and mobility expertise.

    MOA Services Offered by Endeavour-The Mobility Company

    Endeavours Mobile Opportunity Assessment (MOA) program specifically caters to this need of

    enterprises. Endeavour is advising several fortune 500 firms and billon dollar brands to help them

    go mobile. We do this with our 3-step MOA process. Our vertical experts and mobility analysts

    assess your people, processes and technology from a mobility perspective and arrive to a well-

    defined mobility strategy and roadmap for mobility adaption and execution. Our Advisory Services


    Mobility Vision, Implementation Roadmap Mobile Security Strategy Mobile Digital Marketing Strategy Enterprise Mobile Compliance (HIPAA, GxP, FDA etc.) Build vs. Buy MEAP Identification, Selection, Integration & Migration Mobile Device Management (MDM) Mobile ROI / TCO Analysis & Telecom Expense Management Mobile Technology Validation (native vs. web vs. hybrid; SoMoClo; online vs. offline) People, Process & Technology Roadmap Mobile Applications Strategy (Internal vs. External)

  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    2 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies

    Case Study: Mobility Strategy Advisory for Kimberly-Clark

    As a 1st

    step towards mobility adaption, K-C decided to take a holistic approach towards mobility

    and build an enterprise mobility strategy and roadmap that could help K-C decision makers identify

    TCO and understand the ROI from mobile implementation before starting to invest into various

    mobile applications. The challenges include:

    What is needed at K-C in terms of people, process and organization capability to developmobile applications?

    How to develop the IT Services (ITS) departments capabilities and infrastructure to developand deliver mobile applications?

    Knowhow on Enterprise Mobility, the factors influencing enterprise mobility and theirimpact. What does it take to enable enterprise mobility at global scale?

    Selection of the right device management tools; Build vs. Buy analysis of mobile middlewareand device management platforms.

    Building Mobile Software Development Life cycle for ITS. Application Distribution Strategy. Firms Global Mobile Digital Marketing Strategy, Needs and Application possibilities for


    IT Governancecompliance against firms security policies. Telecom expense management and data optimization. Applications Strategy and Identification e.g. Internal vs. External. What are the costs and ROI of enterprise mobile development?

    Mobile Opportunity Assessment - Endeavours Approach

    Endeavour followed a 3 step MOA process and worked closely with K-C executive management

    and various business teams to understand, analyse and recommend a mobile implementation

    roadmap for mobility adaption at K-C.

  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    3 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies

    Value Gained by Kimberly-Clark

    Endeavour helped K-C articulate a mobility vision, strategy and roadmap to establish an

    effective foundation for mobile application delivery at K-C. The deliverables were in the form

    of a strategy report, proof of concepts for quick-win applications, and phased wise

    implementation roadmap followed by an executive presentation to the K-C execution team.

    Below are the areas that Endeavour assessed and analyzed as part of this assessment.

    Mobile Device and User Management Strategy and Process

    Ensure that the introduction of new mobile devices is implemented seamlessly into the K-C

    ITS environment. This requires extending the existing infrastructure to enable Mobile Device

    Management, Mobile User Management, and key elements of application provisioning.

    Projects to evaluate several software productions and solutions available for BUY vs. BUILDdecisions will need to be undertaken as a priority.


    Ensure that security policies, standards, and a framework are defined from Day 1. The goal

    was to ensure adoption of K-C ITS security policies already in place in the K-C Mobility

    environment. This is then implemented as a key first set of project deliverables along with

    first set of mobile applications being developed.

    K-C Mobile User Categorization

    The Mobility User (both internal and consumer) is defined and categorized, and a clear

    understanding of what they need in terms of mobile applications is documented to guide

    future development.

    Mobile Applications Strategy and Quick-Win Projects

    Over the short term, K-C needs to collect Mobile application needs based on its own

    categorization of users and other dimensions such as functions and type of applications

    (content, transaction workflow, and analytics). This should also extend to the consumer

    application needs. This starts with the development of the quick win application projects,and then extends to other applications.

    Define and Develop the K-C Mobile Enterprise Applications Platform

    Define the roadmap for building the K-C Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) and

    integration to both front-end and back-end K-C Enterprise applications. The MEAP will

    consist of both in-house developed modules and purchased tools and products that are

    integrated into the existing K-C ITS infrastructure.

  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    4 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies

    K-C Mobile Applications Development Process and Environment

    The Mobile Applications Development Process will include the following:

    Life cycle and phase of mobile applications development at K-C Applications Project Planning, Portfolio Management, and Governance Applications Distribution methodology Plan and Needs for K-C Test Lab and Development Environment

    Sourcing Model

    K-Cs people and skill building plan for growing mobile capabilities within K-C: Over the short

    term, this may involve outsourcing for key skills and then building over the long term to bring

    some or all aspects in-house.

    Cost and Budget Outlays to Realize the Application Mobility Roadmap

    The roadmap included a budgetary exercise to layout the cost aspects of developing the


  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    5 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies

    About Endeavour

    Endeavour is a specialist mobility company and has been exclusively focused on mobile solution

    development since 2002. Based on our growth over the last decade we are confident that our role as the

    Mobility Services Company that acts as the Mobility Integrator to enterprises is critical to the enterprise

    mobile ecosystem. Our vision is to be the world's best "Mobility Integrator", and our strategy is to do this


    Enabling our People. By enabling our people to keep pace with the latest in mobility technology andbecome thought leaders in their areas of specialization

    Helping Customers. By proactively going to our customers and helping them drive business value fromMobile enablement.

    With over a decade of proven mobility expertise, enabling award-winning customer deployments,

    Endeavour is evolving into one of the largest independent enterprise mobility companies globally.

    Explore more about us @www.techendeavour.com

    Drop in an email to interact with our experts:experts@techendeavour.com

  • 7/31/2019 Enterprise Mobility Advisory for Leading Fortune 500 CPG Firm


    6 2012, Endeavour Software Technologies