Enterprise Architecture Planning Why do it? - Key Concepts & Overview of Approach - Tony Baker,...


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Enterprise Architecture Planning

Why do it?- Key Concepts & Overview of Approach


Tony Baker, MBA, CMC


© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 2

Contents IT Organizational Challenges The Response EA = Four Architectures EAP Essentials Possible EAP Pitfalls

IT Organizational Challenges

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Conflicting Demands Focused on the immediate needs of

users while keeping an eye on the business

vision Responding to a shifting technology

landscape while under pressure for “better,

faster, cheaper”

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 5

IT Management Issues1. Aligning IT and

corporate goals 2. Organizing and using

information 3. Building cross-

functional information systems

4. Using IT for competitive advantage

5. Integrating systems

6. Capitalizing on advances in IT

7. Connecting to customers

8. Updating obsolete systems

9. Creating an information architecture

10. Implementing business reengineering

Source: Computer Sciences Corp.

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 6

IT Management Drivers Deliver business value

Tightly align IT to business objectives Control costs

Squeeze every ounce of leverage from existing and future IT investments

Sense and respond Improve the cross-functional capabilities of

the organization Extend those capabilities outside the

organization to reach clients and stakeholders more effectively

The Response

The Enterprise Architecture (EA)

A logical plan of activities and projects that guides the progression of an organization's information systems and infrastructure from its current state to a desired future state

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Why an Enterprise Architecture? Cohesion and harmony

Avoids “silo” thinking Discipline and accountability

Supportable, informed decisions Cheaper in the long run

Avoids costly “cul-de-sac” directions Increases integration

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 9

Enterprise Architecture Planning Address business needs Develop technical solutions that

make simple things easy hard things possible

Adaptable to evolution of business and technology

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The City Planning Model Cities…

have parks, offices, roads, amenities, hospitals, stores, libraries

are designed to meet varied, disparate needs

Same with IT architectures One-size-fits-all doesn’t work! Must design for flexibility, growth,

emerging needs

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 11

The City Planning Process Understand needs

Recognise that you do not have full control!

Forecast future requirements Build infrastructure

Roads, utilities, etc Impose standards, guidelines

Zoning rules, by-laws, etc

EA = Four Architectures

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Business Architecture High-level goals and objectives Products and services of the business Business processes

Functions and cross-functional activities

Organizational structures Interaction of all these elements

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Application Architecture The automated services

that support the processes presented in the business architecture

Interaction and interdependencies (interfaces) of the applications

Priorities for developing new applications and revising old applications Based directly on the business


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Information Architecture Corporate information model Data management policies Patterns of information use and

production in the organization

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Technology Architecture Desktop and server hardware Operating systems Networks Peripherals Security

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Standards Project management Software development lifecycle Security Database management Technology Data administration Others…

EAP Essentials

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A Myth You can create a detailed enterprise

architecture using a single, large collective effort

Not true! There is no one “answer” The process is evolutionary

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A Better Way Define a goal based on business

priorities Define a series of steps to get there Deliver quick wins early Review often and iterate

Goals change over time The process is a dynamic, moving


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Align Business and IT Business group responsibility

Include and inform IT group early and often

Concentrate on the business Don’t be seduced by flashy technologies!

IT group responsibility Think business first, then technology Don’t invent technology solutions to

non-existent business problems

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 22

Key Elements…1 Integrated

Needs of business stakeholders, the architecture team, and individual project teams are balanced

Iterative Built through a succession of

versioned releases

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Key Elements…2 Actionable

Interim releases can be implemented while advancing the architecture to the overall desired future state

Provides opportunity for feedback and course correction

Prioritized Focus effort in areas that provide the most

value to the business Maintain support to critical business


© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 24

Versioned Releases Keep versions

tightly focused A version may

address just one part of the architecture

“Get it out there, get it validated, don’t make it up!”

Remember: Smaller is better

than larger Understood is

better than unknown

Progress is better than promises

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 25

Tie Projects to the Architecture Develop an architecture framework Concentrate on critical areas and core

processes Define projects with clear, measurable

goals tied to the framework Execute projects & measure success Plan while building; build while planning

© Pentire Consulting, Inc. 26

Managed Action An enterprise architecture must produce

a clear vision actionable deliverables in versioned

releases Don’t expect to have all the answers Concentrate on small, achievable goals

but goals that are part of a larger vision Don’t lose sight of the vision!

Possible EAP Pitfalls

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice.

"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cheshire Cat.

"I don't much care where," said Alice.

"Then, it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

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Red Flags Not tied to business

objectives approach lacks

relevance Lack of clear direction

& goals rudderless

No focus on implementation results take too long

No course correction results don’t meet

needs Too big & complex

risky, costly, unwieldy

Stand-alone solutions perpetuate “silos”
