Enochian Calendar



SImple :) **Compilation of notes I have taken on the calendar over time. Too many references to site.

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Enoch’s Calendar does start on the 4th day of the week, as this is the day that Yahweh assigned the Sun and the Moon and the Stars, their purposes. In it’s primary form, it is 360 days just as the biblical one is. The difference is that it is presented in it’s first stage of intercalation with the rotation of planet earth. Four of the days are intercalory days. The four seasons, each consisting of three 30 day months, had a leap day added at the end of the 3rd month so that each quarter increases from 90 to 91 days. This day was used to calculate the amount of day light in a day in relation to night, to discern which season you are in since seasons like winter have shorter days, etc. So the year increased from 360 to 364 days.

You will notice that each of the 4 quarters are identical in that the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th months start on the 4th

day of the week, and succeeding months also fall identical to the previous quarter.

We will find as we go from quarter to quarter and year to year, that the 4th day of the 1st month is the Sabbath Day. This will ‘always’  be true, in the 1st month of the 2nd , 3rd and 4th quarters and from year to year. So, every Moedim from one year to the next will fall on the same day of the week. Passover will always fall on the 4th day of the week, at the beginning of the day at sunset, the Day of Atonement will always fall on the same day of the week, year, after year, after year. All of Yahweh’s Moedim fall on the same day of the week every year.

In the Enoch Calendar there are 364 days, “exactly”, and in the pagan calendar there are 365.22 days. Which means there is a 1.22 day discrepancy every year. If the calendar is started on the same pagan ‘date’ then an alteration of the Sabbath must be made every year. But we know Yah’s Sabbath NEVER changes. The difference in this 1.22 day corrects itself every 7 years, by simply adding a week. In this way we need not break the 7 day cycle for our Sabbath Day.

Enoch 82:4-6 4 Blessed are all the righteous, blessed are all those who walk In the way of righteousness and sin not as thesinners, in the reckoning of all their days in which the sun traverses the heaven, entering into and departingfrom the portals for thirty days with the heads of thousands of the order of the stars, together with the fourwhich are intercalated which divide the four portions of the year, which5 lead them and enter with them four days. Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in thewhole reckoning of the year: yea, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them6 accurately. For they belong to the reckoning of the year and are truly recorded (thereon) for ever, one in thefirst portal and one in the third, and one in the fourth and one in the sixth, and the year is completed in threehundred and sixty−four days.

The reason why we failed to notice it on its first stage of intercalation from 360 is because leaps are usually applied every so many years. We do not expect to see them inside of each year.

When studying the Enochian calendar one cannot help but notice a strict sabbatic emphasis. There are seven days in the week and there are 52*7=364 days (exactly) in the year. There would be no add-hoc leap-year additions whenever it suited unless the days were in multiples of seven and applied according to a pre-defined sabbatic formula.

We all want a calendar that never changes, but that would require a leap week of seven days to the calendar every six or so years to keep the calendar in step with the solar cycle and to do this, the years would consist of 364 days (52 weeks) or 371 days (53 weeks) on intercalory years. Jean Carmignac, a French scholar (one of the translators), proposed that 7-day additions be made on the 7-year shmita - the religious cycle commanded by Moses.

Calculations for the seventh year having an additional seven days added:

Hence the total number of days per 'week of years' (seven years) was:

2520.......(360*7=2520) plus 28....(4*7=28 added over 7 yrs) plus 7......(added on 7th year) = 2555...(total number of days)

Now, divide 2555 days by seven years. The figure is now equivalent to 365 days per year. Close, but not close enough yet.


Time cycles are strictly sabbatical and always divisible by seven. Leap years would have been added at special sabbatic intervals - 7 extra days every seven years and 14 extra days every forty-nine years. Now calculate the number of days in the Jubilee cycle.

2555.......(1st week years 1-7) 2555.......(2nd week yrs 8-14) 2555.......(3rd week yrs 15-21) 2555.......(4th week yrs 22-28) 2555.......(5th week yrs 29-35) 2555.......(6th week yrs 36-42) 2555.......(7th week yrs 43-49) plus 7......(added on 49th year) = 17892..(total number of days)

Now, divide 17892 days by forty-nine years. The figure is now equivalent to 365.14 days per year

Which brings us to the Equinox

“The change in the earth’s axis becomes obvious when we go to find what day the Equinox does actually occur. According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, this ‘day’ of equal day and night, on the Equator, DOES NOT HAPPEN! However, if we go to 8 degrees North of the Equator, this Equinox is really 3 days in length, and it happens around the end of the first week of March. This is two full weeks before the ‘world’ reckons the Equinox” (The reason why Enoch calendar is 2 weeks behind any other calendar)

We mark the day of the Equinox in Yerushalayim, and on the 1st 4th day of the week, following this Equinox begins the 1st day of the 1st month of Yah’s Calendar. Every year, the month MUST start on the 4th day of the week as that is when the luminaries were in place, and it does perfectly.

The fact that we have this 1.22 day per year discrepancy, will tell us in which year we must make the adjustment, by simply adding 1 week to the end of the year in which the 31 st day of the 12 th month falls after the next Equinox, as we will see in Enoch and Jubilees, the 1 st day of the 1 st month must fall after the Equinox.