English Stories



Easy english stories for children under 12. colouring pages and exercises.

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The magic fairy

Don't tell anyone this but I'm a fairy. Nobody knows you see, because I never transform around other people. My name is Pixie and I am a green fairy. You see, in the fairy tribe I come from they have three different types of fairies: the purple fairy, the green fairy and the yellow fairy. The purple fairies are the queen fairies the fairies that live inside the Queen fairies castle. The green fairies are just normal fairies and the yellow fairies are people such as nurse fairies etc... I am glad I am a green fairy because I get to do whatever I like and I have a really nice fairy house inside a giant mushroom. I usually transform at night when nobody is around. I started transforming into a fairy one day when I was about 9 and I think it was because I ate this crab apple and you're not supposed to eat them! I am 11 now so that

was 2 years ago. Now that I'm a fairy it gives me the ability to fly around which is great because at night I go to all my friends houses and check that they are okay. Sometimes if they are having trouble getting to sleep or they are feeling ill or anything I use my magic to help them. The house I go to most often is Amie's house because she's my best friend. There are three different types of magic: the healing magic (that helps people), the touchstone magic (that makes things appear and disappear) and come along magic (that brings you anything you want). This is my friend Ee-oor he is a little pocket dragon not like his cousins who are Wedge dragons (this means they are big and purple!) or like his other cousins who are minute dragons (this means they are almost invisible!) Anyway I just thought you might like to know a few things about what it is like to be a fairy A.Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook. Make a sentence with everyone of them. B.Answer the following questions:

1. What color is Pixie? 2. How many types of fairies exist in

Pixies Tribe? Which are they? 3. When did Pixie start transforming

her self and why? 4. How does she use her powers? 5. What’s Pixies friend name?

C. Make an essay of 10-15 sentences about a magic world of your own.


The Smart Rabbit

One day a rabbit was in the garden eating carrots. When he was about to go home he saw the farmer. So he needed to hide. But where could he hide? The carrots are under the ground only the leaves were out. He could not hide there but the farmer was coming closer to him, then he had an idea to dig a hole and cover the top of the hole with leaves and twigs and wait until the farmer leaves. But the farmer did not leave because he needed some carrots to make soup. Then the rabbit had another idea, he would dig under to the lettuce patch and go home, he will get muddy if he did that but if that was the only way to go home he will do it. And that was the only way to go home. So he did it but by the time he got home he was very muddy and tired. So he went to bed. When he got up he took a bath, when he got out he had a nice meal with his family….

A. Continue the story (10-15 sentences) in your notebook.

B. Make another escape plan from the garden.

C. Answer the following questions: 1. Where was the rabbit? 2. What was the rabbit doing? 3. What idea did he have? 4. How was the rabbit when he arrived home? 5. What did the mouse do when he arrived home?

D. Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook.

Make a sentence with everyone of them.


Pikachu and Jigglypuff Run Away

One day Pikachu and Jigglypuff saw a rainbow and they did not know what it was. They thought it was another Pokemon and they were scared so they ran away and Ash was looking for them. But he couldn't find them anywhere and he asked Misty to help him find Jigglypuff and Pikachu and he asked all the other Pokemon to help him also. He asked Brock and James and Jessie because they were nice today. The other Pokemon were naughty and they ran away too because they didn't want to be with Jessie and James because they didn't know that they were being nice today. They ended up at the pool with Pikachu and Jigglypuff. Ash, Misty, and Brock, and James and Jessie looked everywhere for them but they couldn't find them. So they went and asked the nurse and she came and helped them too. But the nurse couldn't find them either. One of the sick Pokemon named Eevee told the nurse that they might be at the pool.

because that was their favorite place to go when they were scared. The nurse started to walk to the pool with Ash, Misty, Brock, and James and Jessie. Just then a blue hawk named Sandy and his wife named Watery were flying at Pikachu and Jigglypuff. The hawks almost got Pikachu and Jigglypuff. When Ash saw the hawks trying to get the Pokemon he ran to them with James and Jessie and the nurse with Eevee and Misty and Brock. Eevee jumped out of the nurse's hands and bit the hawks and they flew away. Pikachu and Jigglypuff thanked Eevee because she was so nice. They helped her swim in the pool and then she felt so much better. Then all the Pokemon went back to Ash and he told them never to run away again. A. Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook. Make a sentence with everyone of them.

B. What did you learn from this story?

C. What colors does the rainbow have?

D. Answer the following questions: 1. What did Pikachu and Jigglypuff

see? 2. Who was looking for them? 3. Where did they found them?


The Three Cats One day there were three cats. A white cat, a black cat, and a brown cat. The white cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." The black cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." The brown cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." So they decided to meet at the park. When they got there, they didn't know what to do. The brown cat wanted to roll in the mud, but the black cat wanted to roll in some coal, but the white cat wanted to chase birds. So they had to agree on something. So they agreed to go for a walk. On their way walk they saw a man fixing the phone wires, a man fixing the road, and a man painting his house green. So they stopped walking and started watching him. When he went in to have lunch they knocked over all the paint right on them. When they got home their owners didn't recognize them, so they met at the park again. The black cat said "We need to think of a way to get in our homes." While they were thinking the black cat thought of a way to get in their homes, to rinse themselves off in the river. So she said " We could wash ourselves in the river and get the paint off of us so that our owners will recognize us." So that's what they did but when they got out they were wet. But when they got home their owners recognized them. The owners were happy to see their cats and the cats were happy to see their owners.

A. Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook. Make a sentence with everyone of them.

B. Answer the following questions: 1.What color were the cats? 2.What did the black cat said? 3.What was the man fixing?


Charmander & Clefairy's Walk One day Charmander and Clefairy were walking in the forest to get fruit, when Charmander remembered that he couldn't reach the fruit trees. Then he saw a fairy flying and he did not know how to get her down from the sky, then he had an idea. If he put some food on a flower she will come down to eat the food. But, when she came down Charmander caught her. She called for help but no one heard her, but Charmander said, "don't worry little fairy I won't hurt you. I just need your help to reach the fruit trees because I'm too short. Would you help me to evolve because I get taller?" "Only if you help me pick and carry some blueberries because my little sister is sick and blueberries are medicine for fairies" said the fairy. So they agreed that they would help each other. So he helped her pick some blueberries so she evolved Charmander into Charmeleon and when he was done he carried the blueberries to the fairy's house, and when they got there she invited Charmander and Clefairy for lunch. After lunch they watched a video till it was time to go.

A. Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook. Make a sentence with everyone of them.

B. Answer the following questions: 1.Why did Charmander ask the fairy to help him? 2. What did the fairy do?


Kielbasa One day the Brown family was sitting in their home when all of the sudden Mrs. Brown heard a kittens meow. Now there was a big storm outside so that kitten must of been afraid. Nothing became of that incident that night though. The next day Mrs. Brown's children saw the kitten roam around the street. He actually lived in there yard! All the children got together to catch the cat and give him a home. The kitten was so fast they couldn't get any where near the stray kitten. The kids got there friends together and their friends had no more speed then the Brown children had. They soon cornered the fuzzy kitten but it jumped in to a near by tree! Oh no the children thought. How could they ever get him out of the tree? At dinner Bobby; Mrs. Makely's son was eating his Kielbasa when it came to him. He knew just what to do. He'd use Kielbasa to get the cat from the tree to the house! The next day after school he took some left over Kielbasa out of the freezer and cooked it up. Next he put it on a fancy silver platter. When he was done he shouted "wala, the kittens dinner looks delish!" He then went outside and saw a dog coming toward the tree where the cat sat. The cat jumped off and ran! Then Bobby got his other siblings and his friends from across the street. The dog was gone by the time they got there but the cat was no where to be found. They searched and searched all over until they came to a bed of pine needles under a pine tree. There was an unusual bump of pine needles. Then they saw a kitten jump out and stand there look at them. Bobby ran and got the platter or Kielbasa. He returned with the silver platter in a flash! The cat followed Bobby all the way to the house! Then Bobby put the platter in the house. The cat went in to the house and ate the whole meal. The children went in to hug the cat but it ran under the freezer!!! When he finally came out from hiding Mrs.Brown picked him up and held him in the palm of her hand. The kitten purred lovingly. "I know what we'll call him!" Shouted Bobby. "What?" Asked Mrs.Brown. "Kielbasa" He announced happily.

A. Underline the words you don’t know and translate them in your notebook. Make a sentence with everyone of them.
