

English Project Magazine

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World's Mysteries

Atlantis the lost City

Pag 1-2

The Bermuda Triangle

Pag 5-6

BigfootPag 7-8

The Monster of the Loch Ness

Pag 3-4

Atlantis the lost City

"Atlantis ... the lost city" is one of the oldest myths and is based on the story of a flourishing civilization that lived in an "island beyond the Pillars of Hercules" and was told by Plato, the which in turn quoted the source as historian Solon, who 200 years before in Egypt had heard about the destruction of an island "west".

Thus, Plato became

the myth of the island

destroyed in a parable

about a civilization

that blinded for his

own power and

splendor, challenges

to the same gods, and

it was destroyed in

one day and one

night, because of

volcanic activity, on

the year 9500 BC (the

date varies between

10,000 and 8,500).

Since the last century the

history of Atlantis began

to be taken seriously by

many people,

and then become part of

the literature para

scientific, along with

UFO's, the Bermuda

Triangle or the lost


Many authors have

devoted a lot of books

to try to demonstrate,

often incurring errors


archaeological and

historical sites, that

there was Atlántida and

sank under the sea,

which was the cradle of

a highly advanced

civilization; perhaps of

extraterrestrial origin

and that the great

civilizations such as

Egypt or their


According to historian Otto

Muck, Atlantis was a

paradise warm - warm,

fertile plains, mountain

ranges which abounded in

the forests of valuable

timber. It was a land rich in

copper, tin, gold and silver.

There was so much wealth

in these lands, and so

much excellence in its

climate, its population grew

rapidly, reaching the 60

million inhabitants!

Nessi a mystery

Because Not too much

people has seen Neisse and

some persons say that

Neisse and other monsters

are the protectors of the


NessieThe Loch Ness Monster, also referred to as "Neisse",

is a creature or group of creatures said to live in Loch

Ness, a deep freshwater lake (known in Scotland as a

loch) near the city of Inverness. Neisse is generally

considered a lake monster. Along with Bigfoot and

Yeti, Neisse is perhaps the best-known mystery in

cryptozoology. "Neisse" was born by a journalist in a

newspaper article in 1933 after the first modern

sighting of a monster in loch ness was reported. The

oldest sighting on record dates back to AD 565 when

St Columba was said to have seen a large monster in

the water. Since the first newspaper report thousands

of sightings have been reported on the loch and on

land, many report the long neck and head emerging

from the loch, others see moving shapes and objects

on the loch surface or a large beast crossing the road

in front of them.

Bermuda triangleThe Bermuda Triangle

(also known as Devil's

Triangle and

Devil's Sea) is a nearly half-


square-mile (1.2 million

km2) area of

ocean roughly defined by


Puerto Rico, and the


tip of Florida. This area is

noted for a high

incidence of unexplained


ses of ships, small boats,

and aircraft..

The Bermuda Triangle has become

popular through representation by the

mass media, in which it is a

paranormal site in which the known

laws of physics are either violated,

altered, or both.

While there is a common belief that a

number of ships and airplanes have

disappeared under highly unusual circumstances in

this region, the United States Coast Guard and others

disagree with that assessment, citing statistics

demonstrating that the number of incidents involving

lost ships and aircraft is no larger than that of any

other heavily traveled region of the world.


Descends, more or less, from wildmen stories of the indigenous population of the Pacific Northwest. Its origins are difficult to discern as the legends existed prior to a single name for the creature.The legends differed in their details both regionally and between families in the same community. Similar stories of wildmen are found on every continent except Antarctica. Ecologist Robert Michael Pyle argues that most cultures have human-like giants in their folk history: "

We have this need for some larger-than-life creature.Most members of the Lummi would be able to tell a tale about Ts'emekwes, the local version of Bigfoot. The stories were similar to each other in terms of the general descriptions of Ts'emekwes, but details about the creature's diet and activities differed between the stories of different familiesThe stories were similar to each other in terms of the general descriptions of Ts'emekwes, but details about the creature's diet and activities differed between the stories of different families

• Gimnasio Los Pinos 5a

Editors : Angela Lucia Pinilla

Laura Daniela Trillos

Karen Sofía González

Juan Nicolás Rodríguez