English Placement - csus.edu Placement Your English course placement will depend on your English...


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English Placement

Your English course placement will depend on your English Placement Test (EPT) results and, if applicable, your Directed Self-Placement (DSP) activities. To help select the proper English course, read the information below:

Pathway 1: English Placement into English 5 or 5M

• Your EPT score was 147 or higher, or you were exempt from taking the EPT,

Pathway 2: Course Placement based on Directed Self-Placement activities

• Your EPT score was 146 or below and you completed the Directed Self-Placement activities.

Pathway 3: English Placement into 10/11 or 10M/11M

• Your EPT score was 146 or below and you did not complete the Directed Self-Placement activities.

Enroll in English 5-Accelerated Academic Literacies*

If your first language is not English** select English 5M-Accelerated Academic Literacies for Multilingual Students

You will determine which course or courses to take based on your Directed Self-Placement experience. Ultimately you may select a one semester accelerated class (5 or 5M), a one-semester accelerated class with an additional small group tutorial (5 or 5M + 1X), or a one-year course (10/11 or 10M/11M).

Enroll in English 10 in the fall. You will also be required to take English 11* in the spring.

If your first language is not English** select English 10M. You will be required to take English 11M* in the spring.





Score 1st Semester 2nd Semester

145 or less English 10 English 11*

146 English 5* + 1X

147+ English 5*

ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST (EPT) Multilingual Students

Score 1st Semester 2nd Semester

145 or less English 10M English 11M*

146 English 5M* + 1X

147+ English 5M*

* = Satisfies General Education Area A2

Students who score 146 or below on the EPT must complete either ENGL 10, ENGL 10M or ENGL 5, ENGL 5M by the end of

2nd semester at Sac State to be in compliance with the CSU mandate.

Whether you choose to take the one-semester course (ENGL 5 or 5M) or two-semester sequence of courses (ENGL 10/10M and 11/11M), you may also elect to take a one-unit small group tutorial (ENGL 1X) for additional support in your composition course.

* = satisfies GE area A2.


• I spoke a language besides English growing up, OR, a language other than English is used in my home.

• I am fluent in spoken English but it takes me a long time to read and write English.

• I often lose the meaning when I read because I get stuck on words I don’t understand.

• I want to develop my vocabulary for college level English.

• I would like to take a writing course designed specifically for multilingual students.

