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Danforth’s pride gained from being a deputy governor caused him to be bias, which

leads to false judgement, causing all the tragedy and deaths in Salem.


1.“Danforth: Peace, Judge Hathorne. Do you know who I am, Mr.Nurse? …... must be a

wise judge to be who you are …. Danforth: And do you know that near to four hundred

are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?” (Pg.87)

2.DANFORTH: “I will tell you this—you are either lying now, or you were lying in

the court, and in either case you have committed perjury and you will go to jail for it.”

Danforth’s pride gained from being a deputy governor caused him to be bias, which

leads to false judgments, causing all the tragedy and deaths in Salem. “Danforth: Peace,

Judge Hathorne. Do you know who I am, Mr.Nurse? …... must be a wise judge to be

who you are …. Danforth: And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails

from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?” (Pg.87) Danforth is very proud of

his position as he keeps emphasizing his importance by saying “ Do you know who I

am?” Even though Mr.Nurse clearly knows who Danforth is and his importance in

society, Danforth still emphasize that fact to have Mr.Nurse think twice of what he is

about to say. Mr.Nurse than responded “ you must be a wise judge to be who you are”

to please Danforth so he will listen to what he is saying. However, Danforth keeps on

talking about his achievements instead of actually listening to Mr.Nurse, this action

suggests that he is overthrown by his pride and will be bias in judging and making

