English language color expressions


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  • 8/14/2019 English language color expressions



    Blue-blooded:aristocratic, noble, high-class, refined

    Blue-chip:top-class, topnotch (informal, first-rate, top-grade, n!mber one (informal

    Blue-collar worker:laborer, hand, "or#hand, dr!dge, "or#er, emplo$ee

    Blue-penciled:censored, c!t, e%p!rgated, changed, amended

    Blue ribbon:a"ard, trib!te, credit, commemoration, remembrance, medal, badge, certificate, degree

    Blue-eyed boy:darling, s"eetheart, dear, lo&e, belo&ed, pet, hone$ ('S informal

    Feeling blue: depressed,do"n, sad, !nhapp$

    Once in a blue moon:rarel$, !ncommonl$, occasionall$, once in a "hile, no" and then, seldom

    Red-alert:"arning, signal, alarm, siren, heads-!p

    Red carpet:"elcome, greeting, sal!tation, sal!te, hospitalit$, preferential treatment

    Red herring:deco$, tric#, plo$, l!re, di&ersion, de&iation, de&ice

    Red light:reection, disappro&al, th!mbs do"n (informal, no, ref!sal, prohibition, declining

    Red tape:formalities, b!rea!crac$, paper"or#, official proced!re, r!les and reg!lations, proced!res,

    reg!lations, r!les

    Red-blooded:&igoro!s, strong, rob!st, heart$, l!st$, hale

    Red-letter day) special da$, da$ to remember, t!rning point, occasion

    Red-faced:bl!shing, fl!shed, embarrassed, s"eating, ashamed

    Red-handed: in the middle of an act, committing a crime, la"brea#ing, offending, &iolating, offense

    Red-hot:b!rning, boiling, si**ling (informal, fier$

    Red-top:ne"spaper, tabloid, doc!ment, man!script, thesis, essa$, article, piece, lect!re

    Red rag:to pro&o#e

    In the red:o&erdra"n, in debt, insol&ent, bro#e (informal, in arrears, ban#r!pt, indebted+nton$m) in the blac#

    See red:lose $o!r temper, lose it (informal, be enraged, go "ild, rage, lose $o!r head

    +nton$m) calm do"n

    Green:rather ine%perienced, immat!re, innocent

    Green about the gills:na!seo!s, seasic#, !nsettled, odd, grogg$, "oo*$, sic#, ill !ncomfortable, do!btf!l, d!bio!s, !nsettling, tro!bling

    Green around the gills:ill, !n"ell, bad, pale, tasteless, bi*arre, na!seo!s, bored, sic# and tired, fed !p, had it

  • 8/14/2019 English language color expressions


    Green light:go ahead (informal, O (informal, th!mbs !p (informal, permission, consent, appro&al

    Green with enyor Green-eyed:ealo!s, resentf!l, spitef!l, gr!dging, en&io!s, possessi&e

    !hite as a sheet:bloodless, non&iolent, peacef!l, pale, anemic

    !hit lie:!ntr!th, half-tr!th, lie, tall tale, falsification

    !hite lightening:nonsense, silliness, fiction, gibberish

    !hite line:starting point,point of depart!re, reference point, reference line, starting position, *ero

    standard, model, criterion, starting point, !alit$ chec#

    reference,control, chec#, set of data, set of &al!es, set of res!lts

    bo!ndar$, bo!ndar$ line, line, peripher$, limit

    !hite collar:professional, managerial, management, salaried, office, e%ec!ti&e, administrati&e

    !hite-knuckle:e%hilarating, frightening, terrif$ing, e%citing, adrenaline-charged, ner&e-rac#ing

    !hitened: o&er!sed,old, ancient, age-old, stale, "orn, "orn-o!t

    !hitewashed:o&ercome, o&erpo"ered, o&er"helmed, con!ered, cr!shed, ro!ted

    "o show white flag:to s!rrender, to ma#e a peace offer

    !hitewash) misrepresent, co&er !p, conceal, e%plain a"a$, s"eep !nder the carpet, e%c!se

    #itch-black:blac#, dar#, in#$, et-blac#, pitch-dar#, black as night, !nlit

    Black eye:br!ise

    Black humor

    Black look: dirt$ loo#,glare, fro"n

    Black magic: sorcer$,"itcher$

    Black out:faint, pass o!t

    Black tie:dinner ac#et, t!%edo, t!% (informal

    Black-and-blue:br!ised, aching, h!rt, in!red, battered, beaten

    Black-and-white:straightfor"ard, categorical, !ncompromising, in "riting

    Blackball:e%cl!de, ban, #eep o!t, bo$cott, blacklist, gi&e the cold sho!lder

    Blackmail:e%tortion, briber$, corr!ption, e%traction, protection, coercion, threat

    Blackness:dar#ness, hopelessness, depression, melanchol$, pessimism, anger, f!r$

    Blacktop:asphalt, tar, bit!men, tarmac

    In the black:sol&ent, in the mone$, in credit, in clo&er, fl!sh (informal

    Black market

  • 8/14/2019 English language color expressions


    Brown: tanned, s!nb!rned, bron*ed

    Brown study:da$dream, dream, trance, m!sing, contemplation

    Browned-off:anno$ed, fed !p (informal, irritated, disco!raged

    Brownout:po"er c!t,po"er fail!re

    #ink:fl!shed, red, ros$, glo"ing, bl!shing, r!dd$, health$-loo#ing

    #ink slip:firing (informal, discharge, ob loss, dismissal

    In the pink:&er$ fit

    Siler screen:film, mo&ie, motion pict!re, cinema, big screen, mo&ie ind!str$

    Siler-tongued:elo!ent, smooth-tal#ing, pers!asi&e

    Gold brick:fa#e, fra!d, fool.s gold, forger$

    Gold digger:greed$ person

    Golden age:pea#,best of times

    Golden opportunity:chance, ad&antage, brea# (informal, chance of a lifetime, good fort!ne
