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    ACADEMIC YEARS 2018-2019


    Submitted to Fulfillment One the Requirements to Obtain the

    Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Education

    Faculty of Islamic University

    Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


    NIM. TE.140959











    NIM. TE.140959








    Thanks to Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

    For the blessing and leading me

    I could finally finish writing this scientific paper.

    Sholawat to The prophet Muhammad ShalallahualahiWassalam.

    His coming really changed the word.

    Special thanks to:

    My parents (Mr. Fahturaini and Mrs. Rosmawati)

    For always being with and guiding me, your prayers are really powerful.

    My sister Rasada, my brother Athoillah, my young sister Rukoiyah, my young

    brother Ahmad Syafari, you are motivations in my life.

    All my bestfriends, wo’ Nur Hikmah, Beb Dena Nurnisa, Mama Titis Ekarahayu,

    Dedek Wajiha, Busu Lailatul Zuhriah,Tante syefti

    For the friendship we have ever built, yesterday, today, and tomorow.

    Thanks for mr. Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga, MA and miss Juliana Mesalina, M.Pd as

    my advisors, for their guidance, suggestion, and encouragement during the

    accomplishment of my script.

    May Allah SubhanuWata’ala bless us.



    “… Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (urusan dunia) maka bersungguhsungguhlah

    (dalam beribadah), dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah kamu berharap.”

    (QS. Al Insyirah: 6-8)

    “Orang yang banyak tahu tentang orang lain mungkin disebut pandai, tapi orang yang bisa memahami diri sendiri

    itulah orang yang cerdas” (Lao-Tsu)

    “Belajar adalah masalah sikap, bukan bakat”

    (Dr. Georgi Lozanov)

    “Tak ada yang lebih tidak adil dengan perlakuan yang sama terhadap orangorang yang berbeda”

    (Dr. K. Dunn)


    By reciting Alhamdulillahirobbil‟ alamin, with all of mercies and bessing of Allah, finally the writer accomplished this thesis. The objective of this thesis is

    a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education

    Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in the State Islamic

    University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “The Correlation

    Between Students’ Motivation and Their Reading Achievement of SMP 22

    Kota Baru Jambi”

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Amalia Nurhasanah

    M.Hum as the first advisor and Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as the second advisor who

    have given guidance and support to accomplish in this thesis. The writer would

    also like to express many thanks to the following people who have contributed

    much in accomplishing this thesis, namely:

    1. Dr. Hadri Hasan, MA, as the Rector the state Islamic of University STS Jambi.

    2. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, Ph.D, Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd and Dr. Hj. Fadhillah, M.Pd as Rector‟ s assistants I,II, and III The state of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the state Islamic of University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    4. Dean assistants I, II, III of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The state Islamic of University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    5. Amalia Nurhasanah M.Hum, as Chief of English Study Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The state Islamic of University Sulthan

    Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    6. Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga MA and Juliana Mesalina, M.Pd as first advisor and as second advisor.

    7. All lecturers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic of University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

    8. All Teachers in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Mayang Jambi. 9. All Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tarbiyah Islamiyah Mayang Jambi.

    Jambi, Oct 2018





    Nama : Amrina

    Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

    Judul : The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and Their Reading

    Achievement of SMP 22 Kota Baru Jambi

    The objective of this research aims to find out the correlation between

    students‟ motivation and their reading achievement of junior high school

    Negeri 22 Kota Baru Jambi. The type of research to be used is quantitative

    research. The total of the sample was 30 studenst. The data collecting that use

    questionnaire, and the test of reading achievment. The design research to be

    used is descriftive research. Based on the data analysis, it can be conclude as

    follow: The highes score of students motivation at junior high school 22 Kota

    Jambi was 100 and lowest score was 44, with average result was 44,5.The

    highest score of reading achievement at junior high school 22 Kota Jambi was

    100 and lowest score was 44, with average result was 44,6. Based on the

    finding in the previous chapter, l can draw the following conclusions: by using

    the 5 percent and 1 percent level of significancet, it was found that there is a

    significance positive correlation between student motivation with reading

    achievement. The value of correlation coeficient r is 0.434, its means that null

    hyphothesis (Ho) is rejected. Thus the working hyphotesis (Ha) there is a

    significance correlation between the students motivation with reading

    achievement is accepted. In other word, if the student have good motivation,

    they good will have good reading achievement.

    Keywords: Correlational study, students motivation, reading achievement.



    OFFICIAL NOTE.................................................. ..................................... i

    RATIFICATION OF THESIS. .................................................................. ii

    ORIGINAL STATEMENTS ...................................................................... iii

    DEDICATION ............................................................................................. iv

    MOTTO ....................................................................................................... v

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................... vi

    ABSTRAK (Indonesian) ............................................................................. vii

    ABSTRACT (English) ................................................................................ viii

    TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................. ix

    LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xii


    A. Background of the Research ............................................................. 1

    B. Research Question ............................................................................. 3

    C. Limitation of the Research ................................................................ 3

    D. Objectives of the Research ................................................................ 4

    E. Significances of the Research ........................................................... 4


    A. The Defenition of the Motivation ..................................................... 5

    B. Kinds of Motivation ......................................................................... 6

    C. Improving Students‟ Motivation ....................................................... 10

    D. The Defenition of Reading ............................................................... 12

    E. The Importance of Teaching Reading ............................................... 14

    F. Reading Motivation ........................................................................... 15

    G. Study Relevance ................................................................................ 15

    H. Hypoteheses ...................................................................................... 16


    A. Research Design ................................................................................ 17

    B. Place and Time of Research .............................................................. 17

    C. Population and Sample ...................................................................... 18

    1. Popultion ..................................................................................... 18

    2. Samples ....................................................................................... 18

    D. Variable of the Research ................................................................... 19

    E. Instrument of the Study ..................................................................... 20

    1. Questionnare ............................................................................... 20

    2. Specification of the Questionnare ............................................... 20

    3. Reading Test................................................................................ 21

    4. Reliability .................................................................................... 21

    F. Data Collection Tehnique ................................................................. 22

    G. Data Analysis Technique .................................................................. 22

    H. Hypotheses ........................................................................................ 23


    A. Research Finding ............................................................................... 24

    1. The Descrciptive Analysis for Students‟ Motivation .................. 24

    2. The Descriptive Analysis for Reading Achievement .................. 24

    3. Statistical Analyses ..................................................................... 25

    a. Normality test ........................................................................ 25

    b. The Result of Correlation Analysis Between Students‟

    Motivation and Reading Achievement.................................. 26

    c. Regression ............................................................................. 27

    B. Interpretation ..................................................................................... 28


    A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 30

    B. Suggestions ....................................................................................... 30





    Table 3.1 The Illustration of the Group ........................................................ 18

    Table 3.2 Population of the Study ................................................................. 19

    Table 3.3 Specification of Qusetionnare ....................................................... 21

    Table 3.4 Likert Scale ................................................................................... 22

    Table 4.1 Distribution of Students‟ Reading Motivation .............................. 24

    Table 4.2 Freqiency of Strategies.................................................................. 25

    Table 4.3 Test of Normality .......................................................................... 26

    Table 4.4 Correlation between Students‟ Motivation and Reading

    Achievement ................................................................................. 27

    Table 4.5 Model Summary ............................................................................ 28



    A. Background of The Research

    In this country, English is one of main language used in international

    communication. Mastering English means practicing four language skill of

    English very well for example using English someone to explain how and why the

    rain happens. The problem is how he or she gets knowledge, or how she or he

    attains her understanding. The answer is throught four skills,reading, speaking,

    writting, and listening. Here, the researcher emphasizes only one language skill it

    is reading skill.

    Reading is one of language skill that is the most important skill for

    foreign language learners because they have little exposure to the target language

    outside the classroom and most their information in English come though reading.

    there were many factors that might influence the quality of reading such as:

    vocabulary, grammar, and motivation to read. However, the writer assumed that

    one of factors that might influence students to read was their motivation. It is also

    important in reading skill because the students‟ reading comprehension might not

    be active if they did not have motivation to learn through reading.

    According to Harmer (2002. P. 3) “the biggest factor that affects the

    students‟ success in learning process is motivation”. Actually, all of students have

    different motivation in learning English such as there are some students that have

    low motivationand there are some students have high motivation. The students

    need motivation when they do something. Without motivation students will

    mostly fail to make the necessary effort. Motivation comes from inside and

    outside of them. Motivation an achievement are interrelated each other. The

    students who have low motivation in learning English will not be interested

    enough and they will not pay attention to their English class.

    Meanwhile the students who have high motivation will push them in

    learning English and will be able to overcome their worry in learning English.

    Gardner (2006, p. 241) states that “students with higher level of motivation will

  • do better than students with lower levels”. Actually, there are many factors that

    make students have low and high motivation in learning English. It can come

    from the environment of the students and also from the way of the teacher teaches

    English in the classroom in which it does not interest them.

    Every student has different perception English subject in their learning

    process. Some students say that English is a difficult subjeck in learning process.

    English should be mastered by students through learning. By mastering English

    students not only can communicate with other people in the word but can also get

    a lot of information and knowledge easily. Although English is very important for

    students, but there still many students who are unwilling to learn English because

    of some factors. Chang (2010) states that the reasons which cause students‟

    weakness for English language learning derived from learners‟ laziness, lack of

    efficiency of the school and also insuficient of parents‟ promotions. Therefore, to

    be succesful in learning process, there are some factor, mental factor, teacher‟s

    personality and motivation. All of them affect the students‟ success in learning

    English, but among motivation, students cannot study seriously although they

    have intellectual factor and it will also affect their achievment.So, in learning

    English students need motivation.

    The statements above, the writer assumes that motivation related with

    aims or objectives. The aims of students who studies hard is for passing the

    exame. It can be said that motivation influenced someone to act.However based

    on the reserachers observastion in junior high school Negeri 22 Kota Baru Jambi,

    the researcher found that there were many students show up in classroom without

    having developed a motivation to learn. They usually manifest themselves in their


    The researcher found the problem faced by students was they lacked of

    motivation. Many students ignored the teacher, mostly they played when the

    teacher was teaching. But some of them still paid attention to the teacher. Many

    students became passive when faced with a reading text. This phenomenon

    influenced students‟ reading comphrehension achievement and as a consequence

    not all Junior High School students‟ scores were good in reading. Based on the

  • information from their English teacher almost half of students get score under 71

    (the minimun mastery criteria). As the result their average scoreof reading was

    low. Their reading achievemennt was below the expectation.

    To overcome the problem, the reseracher then came to realize that

    students needed stimulation to read in learning process. According to Barbara

    larrivee(2006:231), motivation is defined as “emotional tendencies that guide or

    facilitate teaching goalss”. In the classroom, teachers strive to guide students

    towards goals. Realizing the importance of students‟ motivation in reading, the

    researcher tried to conduct this research. The researcher assumed that motivationis

    an internal factor which comes from the students‟ inherent condition that

    influence learning achievement and reading comprehension.

    Therefore, the reason why the researcher conducted the research because

    the researcher wanted to know whether or not there is corelation between students

    motivation and their reading achievement of junior high school Negeri 22 kota

    baru Jambi the title “The Correlation Between Students‟ Motivation And Their

    Reading Achievement.”

    B. Identification of the Problem

    In the preliminary study the researcher found out that the researcher

    found of the students some problem in reading achievement. Most of the

    students at the junior high school 22 Kota Jambi were unable to get learning

    English and to understand get reading achievement.

    C. Formulation of the Research

    Based bacground of the study researcher mentioned the formulation the

    problem is as follow

    1. Is there any correlation between students‟ motivation and their redaing

    achievement of junior high school 22 Kota Jambi.

  • D. Limitation of the Research

    In this research, the researcher limited at 8th

    grades of junior high school

    Negeri 22, and the sample only consisted one class. This research only

    indetified the correlation between students‟ motivation and their reading

    achievement of junior high school Negeri 22 Kota Baru Jambi.

    E. Research Question

    Research question of this research” is there any correlation between

    students motivation and their reading achievement of junior high school Negeri

    22 Kota Baru Jambi?”

    F. Objective of the Research

    This research aims to find out the correlation between students‟

    motivation and their reading achievement of junior high school Negeri 22 Kota

    Baru Jambi.

    G. Significances of the Research

    This research was expected to contributed significanly for the researcher

    could enlarge knowledge and get experience in doing the research. Theoritically,it

    could be useful for English teacher to improve their competency in teaching

    reading. Practically, this thesis can be a reference source for other students of

    English education study program to know about the reading achievement that

    should they know when they decide to be English teacher someday.

    H. Advantages And Disadvantages of Research

    1. Advantages of research

    To know the correlation students‟ motivation and their reading achievement.

    2. Disadvantages of researc

    Don‟t have correlation students‟ motivation and their reading achievement.



    A. The Definition of the Motivation

    Motivation is really needed in teaching and learning process, because it is

    very important to everyone in doing something. Motivasion can also make

    teaching and learing process become more intersting and easier for the students.

    There are some various defenition about motivation. Harmer (2008,p.98) says

    “motivation is some kinds of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in

    order to reach something”. According to Ormrod (2008,p.58) motivation is

    something that animates (energizes), ieads and sustains behavior. Motivation

    makes the students move on, places them in a particular direction, and keeps them

    moving. It means that motivation the thing that pushes students to do something

    and watch over the activity continuously. Motivation will make students feel

    enthusiast and get strong desire to gain their wishes.

    Uno (2013) said that motivation is the basic impluse that drives someone

    to do an activity. Therefore, the good or bad deed of someone depends on

    motivation that drives the action. The students who have high motivation in

    learning will achieve their objective, meanwhile the students who have low

    motivation will not get or reach their objective. So, the thing that students need is

    motivation, because failure or the success of student depend on motivation,

    whether from themselves or from teacher, family etc.

    According to James (2009) “motivation is the idea of someone to do the

    activity and keep their action. Motivation is one of the factor that make students

    success in learning English.According to Jafari‟s (20012) research about

    “motivation, its types,and its impact in language learning”. This research found

    that motivation is avery important and effective factor in the field of learning

    language.Dornyei said that motivation has been widely accepted as one of key

    factors that influences the rate and success of second/foregn language learning.

    Students‟ motivation is a significant part in teaching and learning process, because

  • it is very useful to push the students to get their goal,interest and need in

    learning”. From the defenitions above, it can be concluded that motivation is

    apower for doing something, and it is also ane of the key factor to succes in

    learning process. Motivation has a close relationship with the goal of learning.

    Whether the students want to study hard or not is based on their motivation in

    learning. So, by having good motivation in learning, it can give a good impact for

    the students.

    B. Kinds of Motivation

    According to Ryan & Deci (2000) “motivation is categorized into two

    parts, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation”.

    1. Intrinsic Motivation

    Intrinsic motivation is a desire that comes from inside of the students

    to do something. Deci and Ryan (2000) said that intrinsic motivation is defined

    as the doing of an activity for its inseparable part of satisfactions rather for

    some separable consequences. According to Uno (2013,p.33) intrinsic

    motivation is motivation that affects someone does something that is really

    based on her\himself and not from outside of her\himself.Santrock (2004) said

    that intrinsic motivation involves the internal motivation to do something for

    her/his own desire. Gage & Berliner say that intrinsic motivation can be found

    as in students‟ interest, need, goal in learning and hobby. So, the students who

    have intrinsic motivation will enjoy and study hard in teaching and learning

    process. According to Harmer (2008,p.98) “intrinsic motivation is motivation

    that comes from within the individual”.So, from all the definitions above,it can

    be concluded that intrinsic motivation is motivation which comes from inside

    of the students to do something. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that is very

    important, because it will make students enjoy and more enthusiasm in


    According to Wu(2003), student has pleasure for second or foreig

    language learning when he/she receives motivation, especially intrinsic

  • motivation because it could be well predicated by perceives second language

    ability and independence.

    According to Ryan & Deci (2000) “learners who are intrinsically

    motivated will be more content in their learning proceses,acquire knowledge in

    a more differentiated and more coherent form,show a long-term remembrance

    of what was learned,apply their knowledge more often than others, show

    higher academic achievement, and perceive themselves as more

    competent.According to Gage & Berliner, P. Kansanen (2002,p.374) “ intrinsic

    motivation can be found such as in students‟ interest, need, and goal of


    First interest, according to Gage and Barliner,P. Kansanen

    (2002,p.374) say interest can refer to selection of stimulation or attending to

    something. It means that interest is the factor which determiners an attitude in

    working or studying actively.for instance; students with an interest in a

    particular subject will maintain to pay attention to it. They feel it make a

    difference to them, they want to become fully aware of its character. The enjoy

    dealing it for their own sake. So, learning process will run well if the students

    will study regularly or effectively and they will be success if they have high

    interest in learning.

    Second is need, according to Vanden (2007,p.612)” need is strained

    situation in human life resulting from suffer loss of something required for

    survival well-being, or personal fulfillment a substance,state or any other

    things”.It means that need a situation in which something necessary.

    Ciccarelli & Npland (2009,p.361) divided need into three types of

    need, thus are;

    a. Need for achievement, involves a strong desire to success in achieving the

    goal, not only realistic ones but also challenging ones

    b. Need of a afflication, people who have high level in this need seek to be

    liked by others and to be held in high regard by thouse around them

  • c. Need for power, power is not about teaching a goal but about having control

    over other people. People who have high in this need would want to have

    influence over other and make an impact on them.

    The last one is goal; it has been said that motivation is closely bound up

    with a person‟s desire to achieve a goal. Students are very aware about the goal

    of learning, or spesicific learning activities, and direct their efforts in achieving

    them. Actully, all of people have a goal in their life, because before they want

    do what they wanted to do, they should decide a goal first. It seems like in

    teaching and learning activity, the students have to know and decide the goal of

    why they learn English or other subjects, because it can be a great motivation

    for them.By knowing their goal in learning they will prepare anything that can

    help them to achieve their goal.

    Actually intrinsic motivation affect students more in learning process. It

    is proved by Demit (2011) that carried out the research about” teachers

    intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation as predictors of students Engagement”. It

    found out that intrinsic motivation significantly affected students engagement.

    Zubairi (2009) in “ motivation to learn a foreign language in malaysia”,

    suggest that compulsory foreign language requirement may have enhanced

    intrinsic motivation. A cited in Lai (2011), Gottfrien (2014), states that

    children who have well developed intrinsic motivation are more likelythan

    others to show strong conceptual learning, improved memory, and high overall

    achievement in school. Morever, there is fundamental difference between

    people who are motivated intrinsically and extrinsiccally in terms of their

    language development. For instance; students with intrinsic motivation are

    better in learning and achieve high level, whereas the students who are

    motivated estrinsically migh face a great risk of academic


  • 2. Extrinsic Motivation

    Extrinsic motivation is contrast with intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic

    motivation refers whenever a activity is done in order to attain some separable

    outcome. There are many explanations about the meaning of extrinsic

    motivation. According to Uno (2013,p.33) extrinsic motivation is the behaviour

    of individuals which only appears because of the punishment or did not appear

    because there is a punishment. Mudjiono ( 2013,p,91) said extrinsic motivation

    is a pushing toward the behavior of someone that comes from outside

    themselves and not inside, some students are motivated to do their activity

    because they want to get reward, praise, and avoid punishment.

    Gage & Brilen, P.Kansanen (2002,p.441) state that extrinsic motivation

    generally caused by the outside factors such as parents, teachers, and


    First is parents; parents are one of the great influence students‟ extrinsic

    motivation in teaching and learning process. So, parents are expected to

    motivate their children in order to reach their goal in learning.Harmer (2014)

    says that students‟ motivation will be in a negative way when their parents are

    very much againts the culture of language. Meanwhile if their parents give

    excessive support of the languages it will have the opposite effect. It means

    that parents have a significant role to motivate their children and they should

    support their children to create their motivation.

    Second is teacher; teacher has an important role in teaching and learning

    process to socialize and create motivation among students. According to

    Wlodkowsi and Jaynes students will continue in their learning and even search

    knowledge under the leading of enthusiastic teachers. Atkison (2002) says the

    teacher motivatio has an important effect on the students and their satisfication

    and fulfillment. So, teacher does not only transfer knowledge to the students,

    but also acts as the motivator who always motivates and support them in

    teaching and learning. The way how make students will be achievement in

    learning; present the intersting material in the good way, the appropriateness of

  • material etc. In language learning, teacher has a significant function and role in

    giving motivation to the students.

    Third is environment; environment can influence students‟ motivation.

    Hunter ( said the situation of environment can push students to do somethig

    and it will affect their learning achievment. So, the good and health their

    environment will give better satisfactory in teaching and learning process.

    Students will be more interested if the environment of the classroom is

    comfortable. So, it can be cocluded that environment is the all things that exist

    around the students,which has correlation and gives nfluences to them.

    In addition, Djamarah (2002,p.141) said the factors that comes from

    outside the students not only teacher and environment but also facilities of the

    school. According to Daradjat (2005), facility is everything that can facilities

    and accelerate the work in teaching the goal. It means that school facilitate are

    everything that can support teaching and learning process success. According

    to Suryosubroto (2014) the complateness of school facilities will increase

    students‟ motivation in learning and can help teacher in implementation of the

    learning process. From the explanation above, it is known that extrinsic

    motivation is all of extern factors that comes from outside of the students

    (reward,punishment, teachers, parents, environment and school facilities)

    which can motivate them in learning.

    Cameron (2001) said that extrinsic motivation could be helpful when

    intrinsic motivation is now. It means that people who do thing which not

    intrisically motivate will lose interest in doing it without extrinsic motivation.

    C. Improving Students’ Motivation

    Increasing students‟ motivation is one of the teachers‟ responsibilities.

    As teachers, they should have strategies in increasing students, motivation.

    According to Marsh (1996) the strategy which can improve students motivation

    are by giving interesting material, setting the good goal and creating conducive

    learning situation.

  • Giving interesting material: according to Brown (2001,p.90) material that

    given the students should be firmly context embedded such familiar situations

    language, character and real-life conversations. By giving interesting material the

    teachers can improve students‟ motivation. The other strategy which also

    important in improving students‟ motivation is setting the good goal, in learning

    process teacher should set the goals that are meaningful,realistic, and achievable

    by students. So, the students will become more motivated because they can see

    instructional goals are relevant to their personal goal. The last strategy is creating

    conducive learning situation, the teacher can create interesting classroom with all

    kinds of visual material to make to be more cmfortable as learnig environment for

    students, the teacher can set the seating arrangement to make students easy in

    receiving material.

    Harmer (2014,p.4) said there are for factors that affect students‟

    motivation in learning language; first, phsyical condition which means the

    atmosphere in the classroom (e.g lighting of the classroom, the number of

    students, small of the classroom, etc). Second, method of teaching which refers to

    the way that students are taugh must affect their motivation. Whenever the

    students feel bored at the teachers‟ method, their motivation would likely be

    decreased. It similar to Harmer (2014,p,5) states that “ if the students lose

    confidence in the method, they will become demotivated”. Third, the teachers are

    as the most powerful factor of students‟ motivation or demotivation. Fourth

    succes which is refers to the appropriate level of challenge designed by the


    According to Williams there are five ingridents to improve studenst‟

    motivation; (1) student: Robert Schuller said” you cannot push anyone up the

    ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.” From the quote the researcher can

    concludes that the other people cannot force someone study hard except from their

    willingness. (2) Teacher: montalvo: students display more motivation benefits

    from the teachers that they like rather than the teachers that they dislike. The role

    of teacher seem to be shifting from preprogrammed knowledge dispensers to

    instead managers of students‟ learning and the learning environment.(3) Content:

  • Olson (2007) note that students‟ motivation depend on the extend to which the

    teacher is able to satisfy the students‟ need for (a) feeling in control of their

    learning, (b) feeling competent ,and (c) feelling connected to others. (4)

    method/proccess: the method or process is the way in which content is presented,

    that is the approach used for instruction.

    Two basic approaches for supporting and cultivating motivation in the

    classroom are; creating a classroom structure and institutional method that

    provides the environment for the optimal motivation, engagement, and learning;

    and helping the students to develop tools that will enable him or her to be self-

    regulated. And (5) Environment must be available, accessible, and caliber that

    contributes to the motivation of the students.So, improving students‟ motivation

    does not only depend on the teachers but also depend on the students/

    themselves.when students have motivation they will reveal some of different

    characteristics such as study hard, more active in classroom and so on.

    Sudirman (2003) there are some characteristics of motivation, they are:

    (a) perseviring face the task, means that people can work continuosly in time old

    or never stopped before completion.(b) Resilient face of adversity means that not

    required a push from outside to perform at their best ( not easily satisfied with the

    accomplishment that have been achieved. (c) Realizing interest in a variety of

    problems for people adult such as development issues, opposition to any acts

    criminal,eradication of corruption etc. (d) prefer to know independently.(e)

    Quickly bored on routine tasks suchs as things that are mechanical,repetitive

    which less creative).(f) can maintain his opinion. (g) Not easy to let go of these

    beliefs. (h) Glad to locate and troubleshoot problems. So, if these characteristics

    are present in a student means that the students has strong motivation in learning.

    D. The Definition of Reading

    Reading is an active process. Patel and Preeven (2008:p.113) stated that

    reading is an active process which consist of recognition and comprehension skill.

    It is also described as a complex process of making meaning from a text, or

  • variety of purpose in a wide range of contexts. The process of reading may be

    broadly classified into three stages:

    a. The first stage is the recognition stage. At this stage, the learner simply

    recognizes what she or he read.

    b. The second stage is the structuring satge. The learner sees the syntactic

    relationship of the items and understands the structural meaning of the

    syntactical units.

    c. The third stage is the interpretation stage. The learner comprhends the

    significance of a word, a phrase, or a sentence in the overal all contex of the

    However, according to Klingner, Vaught and Boardman (2007) reading

    is a process of constructing meaning that can be achieved through dynamic

    instruction among the following aspects: the reader‟s prior knowledge, the

    information suggested by the text, and the context of the reading situatio

    According to Grabe and Stollers (2009,p.11) purposes of reading into

    several points, they are as follows:

    1. Reading to search for simple information

    2. Reading to skim quickly

    3. Readings to learn fron the text

    4. Reading to integrade information

    5. Reading critique texts

    6. Reading for general comphrehensio

    Reading a purpose in mind enables us to focus on the relevant parts of a

    text and to use appropriate reading strategies. Obviously, purposes for reading

    must establish before a selection of reading text. Having a purpose for reading

    will help us to choose the most appropriate method of reading. Through this

    procedure the reader can properly direct his or her attention during the reading.

    Afterward, the stated purpose can be used as a basis for discussion to determine

    whether the reader has achieved the goal or not.

  • A person reads for many purposes, if they read for pleasure they may

    reda quickly or slowly based on the wy they likes. But if they read for information

    such as news, science or some lines which are parts of this study or assignment,

    they read slowly and carefully. In fact there are four types of reading.

    According to Simense (2007,p.149) here are four types of reading:

    1. Skimming

    Skimming is reading fast to get an overview over the text. The goal is to get

    a main idea of what the text is about.

    2. Scanning

    Scanning is reading in search for specific information in the text. It could

    for example be a number in the telephone catalog or a historical date in a


    3. Intensive reading

    Intensive reading is reading carefully to rember the details and

    understanding all the words and meaning.

    4. Extensive reading

    Extensive reading is reading to understand the general meaning of a text.

    According to Simensen extensive reading”usually means silent reading and

    reading for pleasure and enjoyment.

    E.The Importance of Teaching Reading

    According to Mikulecky in mulyani (2011,p.10) there are several reasons

    why why reading is very important to be taught for the students. Firts, reading in

    English helps students think in English. Second, reading in English helps students

    builds their English vocabulary. Third, reading in English may be the only way

    for the students to use English if they live in no-English speaking country. It can

    be concluded that teaching reading will help students to be able to get knowledge

    from written text.

  • In order to help students understand the text more easily is by developing

    techniques of teaching for helping to develop teacher own strategies for making

    sense of the text. In teaching reading, the teacher should be able to findout a good

    strategy that helps the students to understand and compherend the text. Sometime

    students get bored in learning reading,so that they got nothing from the text that

    they have read. Because of that, it is important for teachers to teach reading for

    students by using efective way.It will make the students are motivated. Stimulated

    in studying in order to understand text well.

    F. Reading Motivation

    Reading is one of the four basic language skill, and it is a part of

    component of writting communication. Motivation in reading may be difficult to

    be appeared in life because habits that are not owned or lack of encouragement of

    willingness give to the child. Motivation reading should be taught from an early

    age to children, so that good habits can have children. Reading gives considerable

    benefists in life and tp motivate to reading to children is one of the things that are

    effective to bring good habits.

    According to Tarigan DKK (2011,p.1/2) reading is natural and

    historically. Reading is an activity that is very ancient. The history of human

    civilization is rolling mainly driven by reading. But deflated and inflated

    civilization of a nation is not only determined by the interest and the intensity of

    the reading done by the people, is also determined by other things that is rare, but

    more important steps is the availability of reading materials, teacher reads and the

    freedom to read. The fact that is often complained intensity interest read our

    peoplestill remain very low compared to other developing nations.

    Motivation to read the usual also called interest in reading. Look among

    children, teenagers and students who do not have a lot of motivation / interest in

    reading, due to lack of encouragement were given. If we are aware of the

    importance of reading, of course we can benefits greatly from reading it. Giving

    the little time to read it will not cause a loss in our lives according to Tarigan

  • (2011,p.96) “ Motivation / interest is the character set and experience to force

    someone to seek the facts object of activity, understanding skill, of experience”.

    G.Study Relevance

    This research abaout the correlation between motivation and learning

    achievement in islamic religious education (research study on orphans in junior

    high school YPMS kedaung tangerang selatan). The writer use questionnaire to

    collected data about motivation in learning, and it also use scale likert in scoring

    data. The writer use class VII and IX junior highschool to be population in her

    reserach and using 31 students to a sample. The sample getting by using total

    sampling technique. Total sample 30peoples. 20 people from class VII and 11

    from class IX . The result of analysis product moment r value= 0,625 and r table

    0,325 with df 31 with calculating of determination result value coeficient

    determines is 39% and t value = 4,18 reseult of this reserach is there strong

    enough significant correlation motivation and learning achievement in the subject

    of islamic religious education in junoir high school YPMS kedaung.

    Isti kharomah (2009) from UIN malang with title : the correlation

    between motivation and learning. It also use scale liker in scoring data. The writer

    user class II madrasah aliyah and devide 2 class junior high school to be

    population in her research and using 66 students to a sample. The sample getting

    by using total samplingtechique. Total sample 66 peoples. 33 peoples fromclass II

    A and 33 from class II B. Those result based on the 0,914 0,232 for

    5% degree of freedom. From this analysis, can be found the significant correlation

    between student‟s learning motivation with the result of study.

    G. Hypotheses

    There are two hypotheses in this research:

    1. Null hypotheses (Ho): there is no a correlation between students‟ motivation

    and their reading achievement.Alternative hypotheses (Ha): there is a

    correlation between students‟ motivation and their reading achievmen



    A. Research Design

    The type of research to be used is quantitative research. According

    Sugiyono (2013:p.13) method of quantitative research is a method research whose

    research data are numbers and analyzed using statistics. Design research to be

    used is descriptive research. According to Gay (in sukardi, 2012:p.166) research

    correlatio is study involving data collection actions to determine wheter there is a

    relationship and the degree of relationship between the two variable or more.

    According to Arief Furhan (1982:p.50),there are four categories of the

    reserach design, they are: experimental reserach, ex-post facto reserach,

    descriptive research, and historical research. In this case, the study is design to

    intend assees the students motivation in reading achievment, can be categorized as

    a descriptive. The descriptive research is design to obtain information concerning

    the current status of phenomenon and it is directed toward determining the nature

    of situation, as it exists at the time of study. In this study, the data will be

    collected are the numbers, so the research design is descriptive quantitative.

    This study dealt with two kinds of variables, they are the students

    motivation as the independent variable. The ultimate purpose of study as

    determines the effect of the independent variable (habit of reading) on the

    dependent variable (inferential reading achievment)

    B. Place and Time of Research

    In this research, the researcher take the place in Grades of junior

    high school Negeri 22 Kota Baru Jambi. This research is quantitative descriptive.

    The researcher take a location it on the basis that a researcher PpL on the

    school,making it easier to search for data. The time arrangement of the research is

    very important to conduct the research and how long the research will be held.

  • C. Population and Sample

    1. Population

    According to Sugiyono (2012:p.117) population is a generalizatio

    region consisting of objects / subjects that have certain qualities and

    characteristic set by the researcher to be studied and the drawn conclusion. So

    the population is not just people,but also objects and other natural

    objects.population is not just the number of objects/subjects studied, but

    includes all characteristics/properties owned by the subject or object. In this

    research take population at eight grade of junior high school Negeri 22 Kota

    Baru Jambi.


    Table Of Population

    No Clasess Number of students

    1. VIIIA 30

    2. VIIIB 30

    3. VIIIC 29

    4. VIIID 29

    Total 118

    2. Sample

    Part of the population were choosen for the data, it is called

    sample,Sukardi (2003:p.54) sample called. According to Arikunto (2010:p. 95)

    if a population of more than 100-150 so reseachers could take sample of the

    population % 25-30. Researchers determine the sample from 27 % of the size

    of the population, with the rest of 30 respondents.

    While the techniques used in the sampling that is technique

    purposivesampling. According to Sugiono(2016,p124) say that purposive

    sampling is units from a prespecified group which are purposively sought out

  • and sampled. The researcher took VIII A as the sample because the researcher

    perceived that VIII A were more motivated than VIII B and VIII C. The total

    of the sample was 30 studenst. So the total of the sample was 30 students.

    a) The researcher writes the name of every class in each piece of paper

    b) Then,the researcher rolls the paper and puts in together in hand

    c) The rolls of paper is shake

    d) The researcher puts the paper down and chooses one of them randomly

    e) The lass in the choosen paper will be the sample to details sample the

    number of students as follows.

    Table 3.2


    No Classes Number Of Students

    1. VIIIA 30

    Total 30

    D. Variable of The Research

    Variable of the research is an attribute or the nature or value of a person,

    object or activity which may have certain defined by the researcher to learn and

    the drawn conclusions. There were two variables in this research, namely

    independent and dependent variable.

    This study dealth with two kinds of variables, they are the students

    motivation as the independent variable and the reading achievement as dependent

    variable. The ultimate purpose of the study as determines the effect the

    independent variable (habbit of student motivation) on the dependent varaiable

    (inferential reading achievement).

  • Instrument of The Study

    Functionally the use of reserarch is to obtain the necessary data when the

    researhers have stepped on the step of collecting information in the field. But it

    should be realized that in quantitative research, making research instruments,

    determining hyphotheses and selection of statistical techniques is including

    activities that mush be made intensively, before researchers enter the field or

    laboratory. Because in quantitative reserarch,reserach instruments should indeed

    be made in advance as intensive completion of research proposals.

    There are several media to collect data in the research process. Some of

    theses media use can be selected one kind, or a combinataion of two media,

    depending on the kind of data expected by the researchers. The data collecting

    media are questionnaire, observation, interview, test, and documentation

    (Sukardi,2003). In this study, the writer uses two kinds of instrument. They are

    questionnaire, and the test of reading achievment.

    1. Questionnaire

    In this research, a questionnaire is used to get the score students‟

    motivation of junior hight school 22 Kota Baru. The ask about the students‟

    motivation covering intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The

    questionnaire was adapted from the Attitude/Motivation test Battery ( AMTB)

    by Gardner (2004). The questionnaire consisted of 36 items. The resercher

    used close-ended since the reseracher provided options in form of likert-scale:

    Strongly Agree,Agree,Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. So, the participants

    only chose one of the options by giving a chechklis.

    2. Specification of the Questionnaire

    The items in questionnaire were about students‟ motivation and their

    reading achievment which were in form of closed-ended questions, it was

    expected that this kind of questionnaire could make the participants easier in

    filling the questionnaire. The following table shows the specification of the

    questionnaire for students‟ motivation to their reading achievement.

  • Table 3.3

    Specification Of Questionnaire

    Variable Component Item

    Students‟ motivation

    and their reading


    Intrinsic 19 items (1-19)

    Extrinsic 17 items (20-36)

    Adapted from AMTB by Gardener (2004)

    3. Reading Test

    The instruments used in this was in the form of a test on reading test

    as a mean of meansuring the student‟s achievement. In general, this instrument

    consist of a number of anouncement which were followed by series of essay

    questions. They are scanning skill, skimming skill, reading detail information

    skill, and reading between line and reference skill. The time allotment of

    reading test was sixty minutes including the preparation and explanation of

    doing the test.

    4. Reliability

    According to Gay (1992) reliability is the degree to which a test

    consistently meansures whatever it measures. To analyze the reliability, the

    researcher used Alpha Croncbach in SPSS. Using the Croncbach Alpha (α), is

    carried out to determine the realibility coefficients of the instruments. As

    Pallant (2001) ideally suggested that Cronbach alpha coefficient of construct is

    0.7. if te each domain obtains the value 0.7, it means that the items in each

    domain are understood by most of respondents. If the fidding is far from the

    expected value 0.7, this might be caused by respondents have different

    perception toward each item of the domain.

  • E. Data Collection Technique

    In conducting this research, the researcher used questionnaire to

    gather the data.there were some steps that have been done by the researcher.

    1. Asked permission to the teacher to conduct the questionnaire

    2. Gave the explanation about the purpose of this research to the


    3. Distributed of try out questionnaire to participants who don‟t belong to

    the sample

    4. Tested realibility of the questionnaire

    5. Distributed the questionnaire to the participants of this research

    6. Collected the questionnaire

    7. Collected the students‟ reading achievement

    8. Analysis the data

    F. Data Analysis Technique

    The data researcher took 30 students as the sample. After giving the

    questionnaires, the researcher counted and analyzed the result of the

    questionnaires that had been answered by the students as data description. The

    researcher used likert scale in scoring thequestionnaire with the specifications;

    Table 3.4

    Likert Scale

    Optional Score

    Strongly Agree 4

    Agree 3

    Disagree 2

    Stongly Disagree 1

  • To analysis the percentage the researcher will use the following formula:

    NA =

    Where: NA = Final Score

    PS = Score Obtained

    SM = Maximum Score

    The result of this analysis is used to know score the students motivation.

    Table 3.5. the range of score interpretation criteria

    Category Score Interpretation Criteria

    High Motivation 81 % - 100%

    Moderate Motivation 61 % - 80%

    Low Motivation 0 % - 60 %

    (riduwan 2016,p.41)

    To know the criteria from the score, the researcher used the theory

    Arikunto (2009,p.245). He devided the score and criteria as follows:

    Table, 3,6 Categorizing Reading Comprehension

    Number Reading comprhension Category

    1 80 -100 Excellent

    2 66-79 Good

    3 56-65 Sufficient

    4 40-55 Fairly sufficient

    5 30-39 Poor

    (Arikunto, 2009,P.245)

  • G. Hypotheses

    There are two hypotheses in this research:

    1. Null hypotheses (Ho): there is no a correlation between students‟ motivation

    and their reading achievement.

    2. Alternative hypotheses (Ha): there is a correlation between students‟

    motivation and their reading achievment.



    A. Research Findings

    There are three kinds of reserach findings in this study. (1) the

    descriptive statistics for students‟ motivation, (2) the result of reading

    achievement, (3) statistical analysis.

    1. The Descriptive Analysis for Students’ Motivation

    There are 30 eight grade students of junior hight school 22 Kota

    Jambi chosen as sample of study. The 36 items of questionnaire scale reading

    motivation employed to investigated the students‟ reading motivation. It was

    rated by four-point likert scale, “Strongly Agree”, ” Agree”, ” Disagree”.

    “Stongly Disagree”.

    The findings showed that there are 1 students got low motivation with

    percentage 3,3%, 29 students got moderate motivation with percentage 96,7%

    and no one students got high motivation. In conclusion, it was revealed that

    from the questionare, moderate motivation was the most perceived type of

    reading motivation. The distribution of students‟ motivation is presented the

    following table 4.1:

    Table 4.1

    Distribution of students Reading Motivation (Oztruk & Grabuz, 2012).

    Category Frequency Percentage

    High Motivation - -

    Moderate Motivation 29 96,7%

    Low Motivation 1 3,3%

  • 2. The Descriptive Analysis for Reading Achievement

    The 20 items of reading was employed to investigate the reading


    The findings showed that they are no one students got low category, 7

    students got medium category with percentage 23,4% and 23 students got high

    category with percentage 76,6% the distrubution of reading comprhension is

    presented in the following table 4.2.

    Table 4.2

    Frequency of Strategies (Mokhtary & Sheorey, 2002)

    Mean Score

    Category Frequency Percentage

    Global Reading

    Strategies (GLOB) 23 76,6%


    Strategies (PROB) 7 23,4%

    Support Strategies

    (SUP) - -

    Then, the eight grade students of Junior High School Negeri 22 Kota

    Baru Jambi reading achievement are categorized as Global Reading

    Strategies (GLOB) based on skill (Mokhtary & Sheorey, 2002)

    3. Statistical Analyses

    a. Normality test

    This test is carried out in order to check. Whether the data is

    normality distributed or not. To meansure the normality test in this research,

    the writer used SPSS 23version for windows. Indicator testing normality test

    is if the significance value >0,05 then data are normally distributed.

  • Otherwise if the significance value 0,05. It means that

    the data is normally contribute. It can be seen in table 4.3:

    Table 4.3

    Test of Normality

    One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test




    N 30

    Normal Parametersa,b

    Mean 48.47


    Deviation 7.780

    Most Extreme


    Absolute .109

    Positive .055

    Negative -.109

    Test Statistic .109

    Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d

    a. Test distribution is Normal.

    b. Calculated from data.

    c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

    d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  • b. The Result of Correlational Analysis Between Students’

    Motivation and Reading Achievement

    This section answered the first research problem “is there

    correlation between students‟ motivation and reading achievement of the the

    eight grade students junior high school 22 Kota Jambi?” by analyzing the

    result of questionnaire and test reading achievement.

    Based on the result of correlation analysis revealed that the

    correlation coefficient or the r=0,264 0,05,

    the complete calculation can be table 4.4.

    Table 4.4

    Correlation between Students Motivation and Reading Achievement











    Correlation 1 .264

    Sig. (2-tailed) .158

    N 30 30




    Correlation .264 1

    Sig. (2-tailed) .158

    N 30 30

    Then, to find out hyphothesis would be accepted or rejected, the

    writer check the number of significant (sign).if the significant value>0,05

    then Null hyphothesis (Ho) accepted. Otherwise if the significant


  • 0,158 (level of significance 2 tailed), it means that 0,158 >0,05. So, Null

    hyphothesis (Ho) accepted or Alternative hyphothesis (Ha) rejected.

    The Null hyphothesis which said “there is no correlation between

    students‟ motivation and reading achievement”, answered the research

    problem besides, it can be said the correlation students‟ motivation and their

    reading achievement is not significant.

    4. Regression Analysis

    After computing the correlation analysis, then the writter analyzed the

    regression analysis is to know how much contribution of students‟ motivation

    to reading achievement. The writer used SPSS 23 Version for windows. The

    result showed in R square column is 0,070(0,070 100%) or 7%. It means that

    students‟ motivation and reading avhievement. So, alternative hyphotesis

    which said “ students‟ motivation give contribution to reading achievement “

    answered the research problem. To complete calculation can be seen table


    Table 4.5

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square

    Adjusted R


    Std. Error of

    the Estimate

    1 .264a .070 .037 12.223

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Score_Student_Motivation

    B. Interpretation

    In order to strengthen the value of this study, the interpretation are made

    based on the result of data analysis. first,based on the findings of the study the

    result of pearson product moment correlation that there was no significant

    correlation students‟ motivation and their reading achievement of the eight grades

  • junior high school 22 Kota Baru Jambi which indicates that students‟ motivation

    does not have relatioship with reading achievement

    Second, Pearson product moment correlation for reading achievement, it

    was found that there was significant correlation between students‟ motivation and

    reading achievement of the eight grade of Junior High School 22 Kota Jambi.

    which indicates that students‟ had relation to students‟ performance in reading

    achievement. It means that the more often students use students‟ motivation, the

    higher score they would get in reading achievement.

    This is in line with result of study conducted by Sari

    (2017) which is found that students‟ motivation correlate with reading

    achievement. However, there are several reasons followed this result, was a

    significant correlation among students‟ motivation and reading achievement.

    Also, there was a significant influence of students‟ motivation and reading


    Guthrie, Wigfield, and Humenick (2006) conclude that two of the biggest

    influences on reading are teacher and parents. If the students positively exposed to

    read outside of school, he/she will be are motivated to read in school.

    Many other researchers who have conducted studies in different context

    have reached the same result. The result of their research studies unaniously

    confirmed the positive relationship between the use of students motivation and

    reading achievement ( Zare and Othaman, 2013).

    The significant correlation between the use of students motivation and

    reading achievement shown great importance to train the language learners to use

    the appropriate startegies and employ them as frequently as possible. These

    startegies can lead the reader towards a new u nderstanding of the reading and

    help him/her to comprehend the message of the written text and communicate

    with the author properly. Therefore, it is of great importance for language

    educators to pay attention to their students‟ and train them to employ startegies as

    frequently as possible.

  • Further, students‟ motivation and reading achievement (7%). Students‟

    who have moderate motivation tend to have better reading achievement. Hall

    (2010) argued that there are two factor that influence the students‟ reading

    achievement, reader factor and text factor. Reader factor include the backgroud

    knowledge that reader bring to the reading process as well as the strategies they

    use while readding and their reading motivation and engagement during reading.

    Text factor include the author‟s ideas, the words the author uses to express those

    ideas, and how the ideas are organized and presented. Both reader factor and text

    factor effect achievement.

    In short, the total contibution of students‟ motivation and reading

    achievement showed significant correlation and influence.



    A. Conclusion

    Based on the data analysis, it can be conclude as follow:

    The highes score of students motivation at junior high school 22 Kota

    Jambi was 61 and lowest score was 29, with average result was 48,47.The

    highest score of reading achievement at junior high school 22 Kota Jambi was

    96 and lowest score was 50, with average result was 75,63.The value of

    correlation coeficient r is 0.264, its means that null hyphothesis (Ho) is rejected.

    Thus the working hyphotesis (Ha) there is a significance correlation between the

    students motivation with reading achievement is accepted. In other word, if the

    student have good motivation, they good will have good reading achievement.

    B. Suggestions

    Based on the research that had done, so there is suggestion the can be

    research give, as follow:

    1. The teacher should give motivation to students in learning English

    2. The teacher help the students to improve their reading achievement


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    Isilah data dibawah ini dengan benar.

    A) Informasi latar belakang

    Nama :


    B) Motivasi siswa

    Silahkan baca pertanyaan pada angket ini denagan baik. Beritanda ( √ )

    pada kolom (ST, S, TS, STS) Sesuai dengan jawaban anda.


    S : SETUJU




    S (3)

    TS (2)

    STS (1)

    Intrinsic Motivation

    1. I wish l could speak English fluent (saya berharap saya bisa belajar bahasa inggris dengan lancar)

    2. Learning English is really great (Belajar bahasa inggris sangat menyenangkan)

    3. Studying English is important because it will allow me to be more at ease with people who speak English (Belajar bahsa inggris itu penting karenakan memungkinkan saya lebih nyaman dengan orang -orang yang berbahasa inggris)

    4. I have strong desire to know all aspect of English (saya memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk

  • mengetahui semua aspek bahasa inggris)

    5. I make a point of trying to understand all the English I see and I hear (saya bermaksud untuk mencoba memahami semua bahasa inggris yang saya lihat dan saya dengar)

    6. Studying English is important because I will need it for my career (Belajar bahasa inggris itu sangat penting karena saya akan membutuhkannya untuk karir saya)

    7. Knowing English is an important goal in my life (Mengetahui bahsa inggris adalah tujuan penting dalam hidup saya)

    8. I feel very much at ease when I have to speak English (Saya merasa sangat senang/nyaman keteika saya harus berbicara bahasa inggris)

    9. I would rather spend more time in my English class and less in other clasess (Saya lebih suka menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dikelas bahasa inggris saya dan lebih sedikit dikelas-kelas lain)

    10. I feel confident when asked to speak in my English class (Saya merasa percaya dari ketika diminta untuk berbicara didalam kelas bahsa inngris)

    11. I really enjoy learning English (Saya sangat menikmati belajar bahsa inggris)

    12. If l have to choose, l would spend most of my time learning English (jika saya boleh memilih, saya akan menghabiskan banyak waktu saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris)

    13. I try to make my English much more fluent by working on it almost every day (saya berupaya memperlancar bahasa inggris saya dengan cara menggunakannya hampir hampir setiap hari)

    14. Studying English is important because it will

  • make me educated (Belajar bahasa inggris itu penting karena akan membuat saya cerdas)

    15. I enjoy the activities of our English class more than those of my other classes (saya lebih menikmati kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada dikelas bahasa inggris daripada di kelas lain)

    16. I plan to learn as much English as possible (saya berencana untuk belajar bahasa inggris sebanyak mungkin)

    17. I really work hard to learn English (saya benar-benar bekerja keras untuk belajar bahasa Inggris)

    18. When l am studying English, l ignore distractions and pay attention to my work (Ketika saya belajar bahasa Inggris, saya mengabaikan gangguan-gangguan dan memperhatiakan pekerjaan saya)

    19. English is one of my favorite subjects (Bahasa inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran kegemaran saya)

    Extrinsic Motivation

    19. My parents try to help me to learn English (Kedua orangtua tua saya mencoba membantu saya untuk belajar bahasa inggris)

    20. I lok forward to going to class because my English teacher is so good (saya ingin dating ke kelas bahasa Inggris karena gurunya sangat baik)

    22. I think my English teacher is very good (saya pikir guru bahasa Inggris saya sangat baik)

    23. My parents feel that it is very important for me to learn English (Kedua orang tua saya merasa bahwa sangat penting bagi saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris)

    24. My English teacher is better than any of my other teacher (Guru bahasa Inggris saya lebih baik dari pada guru-guru lain)

    25. I think my English class is enjoyable

  • (saya piker kelas bahasa Inggris saya menyenangkan)

    26. Speaking English anywhere makes me feel confident (Berbicara bahasa Inggris dimana saja membuat saya percaya diri)

    27. My parents feel that I should continue studying English by taking English major at University (Kedua orang tua saya merasa bahwa saya harus melanjutkan belajar bahasa Inggris dengan mengambil Jurusan bahasa inggris di University)

    28. English is a very important part of the school programme (Bahsa inggris adalah bagian sangat penting dari program sekolah)

    29. My parents urgen me to seek help from my teacher if l have problems with my English (Kedua orangtua saya mendorong saya untuk meminta bantuan dari guru ketika saya mempunyai masalah dengan bahsa inggris saya)

    30. I like my English class so much, I look forward to studying more English in the future ( Saya sangat menyukai kelas bahsa inggris saya, saya ingin belajar bahasa inggris lebih banyak lagi dimasa depan)

    31. My parent are very interested in everything l do in my English class (Kedua orangtua saya sangat tertarik dengan semua yang saya lakukan didalam kelas bahasa inggris saya)

    32. My English teacher is a great source of inspiration to me ( Guru bahasa inggris sayaadalah sumber inspirasi yang baik bagi saya)

    33. My parents encourage me to practice my English as much as possible (Kedua orang tua saya mendorong saya untuk berlatih bahasa inggris sebanyak mungkin)

    34. I really like my English teacher

  • (Saya sanagat menyukai guru bahasa Inggris)

    35. I feel pleased if someone ask me something in English (Saya merasa senang jika seseorang menanyakan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris)

    36. My English teacher presents materials in an interesting way (Guru bahasa lnggris saya memberi/menyajikan materi dengan cara yang menarik)

  • Soal Reading Comprehension

    The text below is for number 1 – 8

    Read the following announcement and answer the questions.


    To all first grade students, please join one or two of the extracurricular activities

    offered by the school below:

    Activities Day Time Place

    Scouts Saturday 15.00 – 17.00 School Yard

    Badminton Tuesday 15.00 – 16.30 School Gymnasium

    Tae Kwon Do Thursday 15.30 – 17.00 School Gymnasium

    Music Friday 15.00 – 16.30 School Hall

    Dancing Wednesday 16.00 – 17.00 School Hall

    See your class captain for registration.

    Student Organization Supervisor


    1. What is the announcement about? 2. Who writes the announcement? 3. Whom is the announcement for? 4. What information do you find in the announcement? 5. When do students practice scouting? 6. Where do students play badminton? 7. What time does the music class start? 8. What time does the dancing class end?

    The text below is for number 9 – 13

  • Read the following announcement and answer the questions.

    Committee of ‘Class Meeting’ Sport Competition

    SMP 11


    For all students of SMP 11, please join the ‘Class Meeting’ sport competition. It

    will be held on 22 – 25 June 2017.

    Each class must participate in these branches of sport:

    1. Badminton (Men/Women Double) 2. Futsal (Men) 3. Basketball (Men/Women)

    Each class can only send a team for each sport number.

    Please register your teams to OSIS secretariat before 20 June 2017 at 2 p.m.

    Chairman of Committee

    George Adam

    9. Who writes the announcement? 10. When will the sport competition be held? 11. How many branches of sport are there? 12. How many team can each class send for each sport number? 13. Where can someone register for the competition?

  • The text below is for number 14 – 18

    Read the following text and answer the questions.


    If you are sick, you need to see a doctor. When the disease is a bit serious, you

    need a treatment at a hospital. What is hospital? Hospital is a licensed place where

    sick or injured people have medical treatment from doctors or nurses. Hospital can

    be categorized into two major groups: general hospital and specialized hospital.

    General hospital is a medical facility which is set up to treat any kind of

    disease and injury. A general hospital is typically the major health care facility in

    its region. Usually, it has a large number of beds for intensive care and long-term

    care; and specialized facilities for surgery, plastic surgery, childbirth, and so forth.

    Therefore, general hospitals usually have many wards. Some of the common

    wards are maternity ward, orthopedic ward, and pediatric ward. Larger cities may

    have many different hospitals of verying sizes and facilities

    Specialized hospital, on the other hand, is a hospital where patients of only

    certain diseases of injuries can have medical treatment. Children hospital, for

    example, can only give medical treatment to children. Adult patients cannot be

    well served there. Obstetric hospital is the one specialized for pregnant women.

    Meanhile orthopedic hospital gives high quality service to patients who have

    problems with their bones.

    14. What is the purpose of the text? 15. What is hospital? 16. According to the passage, how many types of hospital are there? What are


    17. To what type of hospital does children hospital belong? 18. Who gets treatment in an orthopedic hospital?


    1. The announcement is about the extracurricular activities. 2. Student Organization Supervisor, AnisaYuniarti, writes the announcement. 3. The announcement is for all first grade students.

  • 4. The information that I can find is the extracurricular activities that can be chosen by the first grade students.

    5. The students practice scouting on Saturday. 6. The students play badminton at School Gymnasium. 7. The music class starts at 15.00. 8. The dancing class ends at 17.00. 9. The chairman of committee, George Adam, writes the announcement. 10. The sport competition will be held on 22 – 25 June 2017. 11. There are three branches of sport. 12. Each class can only send a team for each sport number. 13. The students can register for the competition at the OSIS secretariat. 14. The purpose of the text is to describe about hospital in general. 15. Hospital is a licensed place where sick or injured people have medical

    treatment from doctors or nurses.

    16. There are two types of hospital. They are general hospital and specialized hospital.

    17. Children hospital belongs to specialized hospital. 18. Patients who have problems with their bones get treatment in an

    orthopedic hospital.

  • Appendix 3


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    Valid 50 2 6.7 6.7 6.7

    57 1 3.3 3.3 10.0

    61 2 6.7 6.7 16.7

    64 2 6.7 6.7 23.3

    69 2 6.7 6.7 30.0

    71 2 6.7 6.7 36.7

    75 4 13.3 13.3 50.0

    79 5 16.7 16.7 66.7

    82 2 6.7 6.7 73.3

    86 3 10.0 10.0 83.3

    89 1 3.3 3.3 86.7

    92 2 6.7 6.7 93.3

    96 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

    Total 30 100.0 100.0



    N Valid 30

    Missing 0

    Mean 75.63

    Median 77.00

    Std. Deviation 12.453

    Variance 155.068

    Range 46

    Minimum 50

    Maximum 96

    Sum 2269

  • Appendix 4


    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    Valid 29 1 3.3 3.3 3.3

    34 1 3.3 3.3 6.7

    36 1 3.3 3.3 10.0

    39 2 6.7 6.7 16.7

    43 2 6.7 6.7 23.3

    44 1 3.3 3.3 26.7

    46 2 6.7 6.7 33.3

    47 1 3.3 3.3 36.7

    48 3 10.0 10.0 46.7

    49 2 6.7 6.7 53.3

    50 2 6.7 6.7 60.0

    51 2 6.7 6.7 66.7

    52 1 3.3 3.3 70.0

    53 2 6.7 6.7 76.7

    55 2 6.7 6.7 83.3

    58 1 3.3 3.3 86.7

    59 3 10.0 10.0 96.7

    61 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

    Total 30 100.0 100.0



    N Valid 30

    Missing 0

    Mean 48.47

    Median 49.00

    Std. Deviation 7.780

    Variance 60.533

    Range 32

    Minimum 29

    Maximum 61

    Sum 1454

  • Appendix 5

    One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test



    N 30

    Normal Parametersa,b

    Mean 48.47

    Std. Deviation 7.780

    Most Extreme Differences Absolute .109

    Positive .055

    Negative -.109

    Test Statistic .109

    Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d

    a. Test distribution is Normal.

    b. Calculated from data.

    c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

    d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  • Appendix 6






    Score_Student_Motivation Pearson Correlation 1 .264

    Sig. (2-tailed) .158

    N 30 30



    Pearson Correlation .264 1

    Sig. (2-tailed) .158

    N 30 30

  • Appendix 7

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square

    Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the


    1 .264a .070 .037 12.223

    a. Predictors: (Constant), Score_Student_Motivation


    Name : Amrina

    Birtday : female

    Gender : Pagar puding 16 April 1995

    Address : Pagar puding Muara Tebo

    Graduated : 2018

    Email : aamrinaam@gmail.com

    No hp : 082281864496

    Education Experience

    1. SDN 97/ Pagar Puding muara Tebo Ulu 2007

    2. MTs Bustanul Huda Pagar Puding Muara Tebo Ulu 2011

    3. Madrasah Aliyah Bustanul Huda Pagar Puding Muara Tebo

    Ulu 2014

    Motto :

    “Never give up, keep try, and pray”

    Jambi, november 1, 2018



  • JUDUL SKRIPSICHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research B. Identification of the Problem C. Formulation of the Research D. Limitation of the Research E. Research Question F. Objective of the Research G. Significances of the Research H. Advantages And Disadvantages of Research

    CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. The Definition of the Motivation B. Kinds of Motivation C. Improving Students’ Motivation D. The Definition of Reading E.The Importance of Teaching Reading F. Reading Motivation G.Study Relevance

    CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Design B. Place and Time of Research C. Population and Sample D. Variable of The Research E. Data Collection Technique F. Data Analysis Technique G. Hypotheses

    CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATION A. Research Findings B. Interpretation