English 111



English 111. Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level G, Unit 3. Articulate (v and adj) think: a true art ist would be art iculate. To pronounce distinctly; to express well in words Expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ language clearly and forcefully Syn: pronounce, elucidate, eloquent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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English 111

Sadlier-Oxford VocabularyLevel G, Unit 3

Articulate (v and adj) think: a true artist would be articulate

To pronounce distinctly; to express well in words

Expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ language clearly and forcefully

Syn: pronounce, elucidate, eloquent Ant: mumble, slur; tongue-tied, halting

Cavort: think of cavorting in a cabin

(v) to romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry

Synonyms: gambol

Credence: root word = cred (like incredible) (n.) belief , mental


Synonyms: credit, trust, confidence

Antonyms: disbelief, skepticism, incredulity

Decry: think of crying out the witches! (v.) to condemn,

express strong disapproval, to officially depreciate

Synonyms: denounce, censure, devalue

Antonyms: tout, commend, extol, laud, praise


(v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression

Synonyms: dissimulate, mask, feign

Distraught: think distressed

(adj.) very much agitated or upset due to emotional or mental conflict

Synonyms: frantic, distracted

Antonyms: calm, composed, collected

Eulogy: think of “eu” as a positive word part (n.) a formal

statement of commendation (funeral), high praise

Synonyms: panegyric, encomium, tribute, testimonial

Antonyms: philippic, diatribe, invective

Evince: think of making evident (v.) to display clearly,

to make evident, to provoke

Synonyms: exhibit, manifest, occasion

Exhume: think of digging up an ex-human (v.) to remove from a

grave; to bring to light

Synonyms: disinter, unearth, uncover

Antonyms: bury, inter

Feckless: think of feeble and helpless put together (adj.) lacking in spirit and

strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible; unreliable

Synonyms: feeble, helpless, incompetent, ineffectual

Antonyms: competent, capable, effective

Murky: think of muddy

(adj.) dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and precision

Synonyms: dim, cloudy, unclear

Antonyms: clear, transparent, lucid, limpid

Nefarious: think of Jafar in Aladin (adj.) wicked,

depraved, devoid of moral standards

Synonyms: iniquitous, reprehensible

Antonyms: virtuous, honorable, praiseworthy, meritorious

Piquant: think of picante sauce

(adj.) stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent, appealingly provocative

Synonyms: tangy, zesty

Antonyms: bland, insipid, tasteless, mild

Primordial: think prime-original

(adj.) developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage; fundamental, basic

Synonyms: original, primeval, primal

Propinquity: sounds like proximity

(n.) nearness in place or time; kinship

Synonyms: proximity, similarity

Antonyms: remoteness, distance

Substantive: think of substantial

(adj.) real, having a solid basis; considerable in number or amount; meaningful and on topic

Synonyms: firm, substantial, meaty

Antonyms: imaginary, unreal, meaningless

Unwonted: think of all the synonyms that start with “un” (adj.) not usual or

expected; not in character

Synonyms: unusual, uncommon, unexpected, atypical

Antonyms: usual, customary, typical

Utopian: think of Utopia

(adj.) founded upon or involving a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical

Synonyms: idealistic Antonyms: realistic,


Verbiage: think of lots of verbs

(n.) language that is too wordy or inflated in proportion to the sense or content, wordiness; a manner of expression

Synonyms: verbosity, prolixity, diction, jargon

Verdant: verde = green in Spanish (adj.) green in tint or

color; immature in experience or judgment

Synonyms: artless, naive

Antonyms: scorched, sere, barren, arid

Viscous: think of mucous

(adj.) having a gelatinous or gluey quality, lacking in easy movement or fluidity

Synonyms: gummy, thick

Antonyms: runny, watery, aqueous