Eng201 Jeetu


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  • 8/10/2019 Eng201 Jeetu


    Ohidur Rahman Jeetu

    ID : 1100000


    Instructor: Mr. Harunuzzaman


  • 8/10/2019 Eng201 Jeetu


    A dream or a nightmare!Ohidur Rahman Jeetu

    Maher couldnt believe what he just heard by his own earsfrom his girlfriends

    best friend! Maher, Im really sorry to say this! But Mithila isnt in love with you

    anymore. Its your insecurity and overly possessive nature pushed her away from

    you. She doesnt even want to talk to you! I hope you understand Maher! Take

    Care of yourself and it was good knowing you! and as soon he was about to say

    Hello. Samia (Mithilas best friend) hung up on his face.

    Maher was still in a shock, he was wearing the red panjabee which his father

    bought him for the last Eidul Fitr. His eyes went all watery, depression gulpedhim from within and he didnt know how to react to the situation as he was

    standing in front of RAK Tower at Uttara. He had nobody to talk to as he was

    more of an introvert, so he didnt have any friend or anyone who can understand

    him other than Mithila, after his father.

    He kept on recalling about Mithilas memoriesfor days and nights which used to

    make him smile momentarily and then sulk him down to his utmost depression. He

    wanted to disappear and never face the world again, but life isnt a movie where

    you can take an easy way out and come back stronger than ever. It takes time toheal ones heart and Mahers worst enemy was the time, as he didnt know how he

    should be passing it by. Months went by, but he still used to recall the times when

    he used to teach three students from Scholastica School to contribute to his father

    and fulfill the wants of Mithila, which used to make him break down in tears. His

    change in nature was quite visible by his father, so his father went up to him to

    have a father-son chat! His father asked him about the reason for him being

    gloomy all the time, but he answered in short by saying that life is just being really

    tough on him and thats something he wont be able to share with his father.His father was silent and probably a bit hurt, because his father still remember the

    times when Maher used to come running to him whenever he used to have the

    slightest scratch in the world and kept on saying Baba look this is the place where

    I got hurt! And Maher didnt use to stop until and unless his father was paying

    attention to him. There was an awkward silence of a couple of seconds and then his

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    father replied with a smile by saying, Let me tell you something you already

    know son! The world isn't about sunshine and rainbows; its a very mean and nasty

    place. It doesn't care how tough you are; it'll beat you down to your knees and keep

    you permanently down to your shadows. Nobody is going to hit you as hard as life.

    But it isn't about how hard you hit back, it's about how hard you get hit and keepon moving forward! How much you can endure and keep on going.

    And that's exactly how it is done my son!"

    His father got up from Mahers bed and switched off the lights without saying

    anything further and walked away from Mahers room, while Maher was still

    thinking about what his father had just told him. But then again, the thoughts of

    Mithila came in like the darkness in his room. He went to his shelf and had two

    sleeping pills, which made him doze off within a couple of minutes and he slept

    like a small baby.

    After a couple of weeks, life had hit him harder just the way his father described on

    that night. His father passed away with a brain stroke! Maher couldnt actually

    believe whether it was a nightmare or it was the life he was living. And as said

    before, he had nobody to go to in Dhaka city after his father. His mom passed

    away while child-birth, since then it was his father who took care of Maher and

    turned him up to be the good looking man he is today. It seemed like the whole sky

    broke down on Maher, first it was Mithila and then his father. He was not being

    able to take it and was almost ready to give up on life, as he went to a nearbymosque and crying to himself by saying, God! Do You even exist? If You do then

    why is it always me? What harm did I ever do to you? He never got his answers!

    Maher was being all upset and feeling lifeless after his Fathers death. Why

    shouldnt he? His Father was the only person who took care of him after his

    mothers death. A teenager of 17 years old, dealing with all the hard times in life

    was being a bit too much for him. He was waiting at the Chittagong Rail Station,

    as he just got down from the train (Coming from Dhaka) and his watery eyes were

    searching for someone who would come and say, Lets go home!But

    unfortunately nobody came.

    Its been only 4 days that his father has passed away and Maher came back to his

    fathers village in hope that there will be some relative of him to give Maher some

    shelter. As he have heard from his father that their village was in Nasirabad,

    Chittagong. So Mahersnext destination was undoubtedly Nasirabad. Once he

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    heard from his father that one of his 3 aunts lived there and the other two passed

    away long ago. Ayyyy Nasirabad...Nasirabad... that was the next thing which he

    heard from the bus-helper and got up into the bus. As the bus started to run

    according to its desired destination, Mahersmind exploded with thousands of

    questions. The first thing which came to his mind other than Mithila, was whetherAunt Rima was still alive, because she probably even dont know about his

    Fathers death.

    The old man sitting beside him in the bus with long beard and wearing a panjabi

    was staring at him disapprovingly. The old man probably thought that he was of no

    good. The way he was sittingbent forward with his knees apartmade him look

    somehow dangerous and older than seventeen. Mahers physique structure was like

    an athlete. He had broad shoulders, a well developed masculine body and light

    brown innocent eyes. His hair was black and cut very short. His surname was

    Chowdhury, but he hardly used that full name of his except in the school. His

    classmates used to call him MH and he liked thatname as the name suited him.

    As he got down from the bus, he watched two men with umbrellas cross the small

    bridge and disappears in the direction of the market place, which was at the center

    of Nasirabad. Maher never wanted to come and get settled here in Nasirabad, but

    fate brought him down here in this small village of Chittagong. He went down for

    his pockets and took out the slip of paper in which there was the address of AuntRima, along with that 2 notes of 500 TK came out of hispockets and thats all he

    had with him. He glanced at his watch; it was 10:30 am. He took a Rickshaw and

    headed towards the destination of Aunt Rimas place.

    The house looked like a palace from the streets as the Rickshaw approached

    nearer, seemed like that Aunt Rima and her family are quite rich to afford that

    house. He got down in front of the main gate and rang the bell; the guard appeared

    in that process. Maher enquired, Does Aunt Rima livehere? The guard replied,

    Yes! But who are you? What are you here for?He replied with a mild voice,Please go and tell Aunt Rima that Im her elder brothers son, Maher and her

    brother passed away 4 days ago!

    The guard kept him waiting at the gate and went inside the house, as Maher was

    again lost in his thoughts. He was wondering, what will happen if Aunt Rima

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    doesnt recognize him, or why anybody would like to take responsibility of a 17

    year old guy! As these thoughts were roaming around in his head, a lady appeared

    at the gate. She opened the gate by herself and the first thing she said, You look

    exactly like him! And she broke down into tears and hugged him.

    Aunt Rima seemed to be a very nice person; she seemed to be almost in her sixties.

    Her husband passed away quite long ago and she lives in that house along with her

    only son Saif and some housekeepers. Saif was 28 years old and owns an oil

    company named as J-Oil, which is apparently Saifs fathers business which he

    took over after his fathers death.

    While Maher was sitting on the really cozy sofa and staring at the elegant interior

    of the house, Aunt Rima showed up with some fresh clothes and a towel. Go take

    a shower and then well have lunch together and talk! Listening to that, again

    Maher was brainstorming his ideas about what she meant by saying that they will

    have a talk! Is she going to tell me to go back to Dhaka? But I dont have

    anybody there. What if she tells me to do so?, while walking towards the shower

    his head was literally collapsing of these thoughts and his 17 years old brain wasnt

    ready enough to endure the things which he has been going through for the last 8

    months, since Mithila broke up with him.

    They sat down at the table for lunch and the lunch was served, Maher doesnt

    remember when is the last time he saw so many items of dishes in one single table.At first he was feeling a bit shy, but then he started eating like its the last day on

    earth he is going to live! After the heavy lunch, he went to his room which Aunt

    Rima said that from now on it will be his room, which gave him a sigh of relief to

    his thoughts and he slept like a little child.

    Baba Maher! Wake up its dinner time, and your cousin Saif has returned home!

    Wake Up! Lets go have dinner together! that was Aunt Rima waking Maher up

    in the mildest of her tones. Maher came out of the room to meet Saif, he was of

    average height and shorter than Maher, looked a bit chubby and was bald. Saifgave him a tight hug and said with a big smile, Welcome to the family Brother!

    They sat and had dinner together, finally Maher was feeling that he is safe and he

    doesnt need to worry! Just as that thought came to his mind, Saif asked with

    curiosity, So what are your plans now?

    Maher replied with the tone of the most confused person alive on earth, Umm..I

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    really dont know! Saif replied in an exciting manner, Hey why dont you start

    working in our oil company from tomorrow and youll be even getting paid at the

    end of the month! UmmmTwenty Five thousand Taka! Assistant Manager! Is

    that fine with you lil brother?

    Maher was still confused whether it was a dream or not, he replied Yes Brother!Why not? Saif replied, So Great! See you tomorrow at the office by 12 since its

    your 1stday at work, so I consider you to be a bit late! Saif smiled and winked at

    him. Finally Maher was being able to see a light of hope in his miserable life and

    he couldnt wait for the sun to rise in the next morning!

    Its been 4 months that Maher is working in J-Oil Company and within a short

    time; he took the managerial control from Saif so that now Saif can relax a bit from

    his work. Suddenly one fine morning, Maher wakes up to listen that a marriage

    proposal has arrived for Saif and he will be having his engagement within a week.

    But that breaks Mahers heart a bit, because he wont be attending the wedding of

    his beloved cousin, as he is supposed to go to Malaysia for 2 months for a business


    So as it was planned, Aunt Rima negotiated the marriage of her son, Saif and as

    per the schedule he was married to Tashfiaa distant relative of Aunt

    Rima. Tashfia was a pretty girl of twenty one years old. She was fair in

    complexion. She had big eyes, long hairs and charming face, youthfulness prevailsall around her body. The day she came she took the charge of the house from her

    mother-in-law. She said to her, Now you can take rest, I will do everythingall

    household works besides cooking.Aunt Rima was very pleased with Tashfias

    behavior and dealing so nicely in the first instance. After the death of Aunt Rimas

    husband she was the monarch of all she surveyed. Meanwhile, Tashfia got to know

    all about the other family member from her husband, her mother-in-law and

    pictures about her brother-in-law, Maher. Moreover, Saif never thought of having

    such a beautiful wife. He couldnt imagine the pleasure he realized sleeping with

    her at night. She appeared to be very lovingly as well as very co-operative in all

    that he wanted from her.

    Saif and Tashfia were having a really healthy and smooth marital life as it was only

    the 2ndmonth after their marriage, and they even started to think about family

    planning. One fine morning, while Aunt Rima was sleeping and Saif was out for

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    the office at J-Oil Company, the door bell rang. Tashfia was at the kitchen and ran

    towards the door to open it, it was Maher at the footsteps.

    Tashfia giggled at Maher and in a friendly tone winked at him by saying, So you

    are my handsome Brother-In-Law, huhh? Welcome back home Mister!Maherlost his senses when he was face to face to his pretty Bhabi (Sister-in-Law). He

    was so excited that he caught hold of her wrist, but his Bhabhi pushed him out in a

    single stroke. He never thought of it, he fell down. His Bhabhij laughed at him the

    moment he fell down to the ground.

    The monthly income of Maher was being high as he now even owns a business of

    his own, where he goes to Malaysia after every 6 months to trade in fashion

    accessories and sell them. Maher was doing really good with his business, as he

    opened 6 outlets of his own brand named as Mahers Wear! Something strange

    was happening to Maher, he forgot about all the favors this family did to him after

    his fathers dead andmade up his mind to persuade his Bhabhi at any cost. Staying

    home was better than going out when the better thing at cheaper rate was available

    at hand in the house. He started bringing chicken kebab, chicken chilly and chicken

    do piazza at dinner from the nearby hotel. Now he started paying even more

    respect to all- his cousin, Aunt Rima and even the old guard at the gate, who works

    for them. Everybody was astonished to see how responsible Maher has become

    within such a short timeunbelievable!

    Saif suddenly fell really sick and he was under treatment of a local physician. His

    one of the heart valve was not functioning properly. The pressure that he had had

    during the course of intercourse continuously for a month, he realized acute chest

    pain in the morning when he got up from bed. He was taken to the doctor, after

    examining all the reports the doctor referred him for treatment in Birdem hospital

    at Dhaka. Within a couple of days, Saif went there and was advised for surgery. He

    was admitted then and there. Maher and Aunt Rima were there to look after him

    while Tashfia was being home alone.

    After staying there for 3days at a stretch, Aunt Rima ordered Maher to go back to

    Chittagong as Tashfia was being alone all by herself. Maher came back soon to

    manage his own business and his brothers too. Tashfia expressed her desire to go

    to Dhaka. Maher said, Brother will be coming after ten days, he is alright. The

    operation was successful, artificial valve has been planted in place of the damaged

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    one, dont worry at all. After a week Iwill be going and will take you along with

    me. Dont worry at all. Relax!

    Whole day Maher used to be busy in his outlets dealing with the customers. One

    day in the evening he closed the shop and went back home. Tashfia prepared him

    food, while they were eating and watching television, Maher stood up and came infront of Tashfia. He pierced his eyes into hers and asked her, Do you like me?

    Tashfia was kind of shocked by Mahers approach and was almost calm and quite

    throughout the whole time, not speaking anything though he put a number of

    queries irreverently. Tashfia completely avoided the question as she stood up by

    saying, I need to call up mother and check on Saif! She walked away. Later on,

    at the dinner table, again there was an awkward silence in the atmosphere. None

    was speaking to each other and Maher could literally hear the sound of the food

    going down his throat to his stomach.

    It was way passed the bed time, Maher was not being sleepy and all he could think

    of was Tashfia at that moment. He stood up from the bed and got out of the room

    to silently walk toward Tashfias bedroom.He peeped into his Sister-In-Laws

    room and found out that she was also awake like him. As a test check he knocked

    the door. Tashfia opened the door and asked with all the thirst in her eyes, What

    do you want? That look on her face gave Maher the confidence to ask, Do you

    mind if I come in? Tashfia said nothing and walked to her bed by keeping the

    door open.

    Maher was thinking that if he makes a move then Tashfia wont be able to deny

    him! Well being a girl, who would deny a handsome guy at like Maher! That over-

    confidence made Maher to enter the room and sit beside Tashfia. She was turning

    her face the other side, Maher approached nervously and holds her hand. He could

    hear his heart-beats; it kept on beating fast and was getting faster. He was thinking

    whether Tashfia could hear his heartbeats or not, it was that loud!

    Tashfia turned around and asked while breathing heavily, Whyare you doing this

    Maher? What will happen if everyone gets to know about this? Maher was silent

    for a couple of seconds, then a rush of blood flowed all throughout his veins and he

    replied, Nobody needs to know about this right! Its only you and me tonight! I

    dont want to let go off this night like this! We both know what we want, so why

    are we acting this nave? Tashfia said nothing, while she was looking into his eyes

    for quite a long time and the heavy breathing continued of hers. With the passion

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    of thunderstorm, Maher closed his eyes and approached for Tashfias lips to kiss

    them, she never said no to it. Within a few minutes, Maher actually realized that

    its happening!Maher was exploring the lust which he was having all this time for

    his attractive 21 years old Sister-In-law, Tashfia. They ended up having a vigorous

    and wild intercourse session, and obviously it was the craving for lust which waspulling them towards each other more and more as the night was still young. They

    explored all the unknown ventures throughout the night and cuddled themselves to


    This thing went on for the next couple of days and nights as well. The hesitation

    part certainly swayed off between the two. After 4 more days, Aunt Rima gave a

    call on Mahers cell phone number and asked him to show up at Dhaka with

    Tashfia as Saif came back to his senses. The doctor ordered Saif to have a

    complete bedrest for the next one month or so. The next morning they started for

    Dhaka and came back home the next day along with Aunt Rima and Saif. Since

    they got back home, Maher and Tashfia were being a bit too friendly and that kind

    of started bothering Saif. For no specified reason, Saif started doubting on his wife

    and Maher, as Saif had a bitter experience about illicit relationships, learnt from his

    fathers case.So he started keeping sheer watch on them and their activities. He

    pretended to have slept deep. But within a short range of time, Tashfia was more

    alert about all this and Maher too.

    One day Saif saw them talking something confidentially. He was sure that there

    was illicit relationship in between the two but without evidence he couldnt say

    anything. Such things can never be concealed for a longer period of time; the truth

    comes out sooner or later. He talked to her mother about this. Aunt Rima also

    confirmed that she has been noticing Tashfia and Maher being a bit cozy together

    when nobody seems to be around. Aunt Rima and Saif planned together about

    catching them red handed. One evening Saif said to his wife that he wouldnt come

    that night as he had to attend a late-night party. In fact he didnt go there, stayed at

    a friends house.

    At midnight Saif entered the house, the gate was opened by Aunt Rima and she

    was waiting for his return as Saif made a phone call to his mother before returning

    home. As soon as Saif returned, Aunt Rima confirmed that she saw Maher entering

    Tashfiasbedroom at the middle of the night. Saif along with his mother rammed

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    down the door and saw both on the same bed, quite naked while having the

    intercourse. Saif got furious, as if a demon has gotten into him. Saif caught them

    by their necks, beat them severely, dragged them outside and abused them and it

    went on and on, until both of them cried and begged for forgiveness. Saif made up

    his mind on the instant that he will be giving Tashfia a divorce, but he still couldntforgive Maher due to what he witnessed by his own eyes. Saif kicked Maher as

    hard as he could in the lower abdomen area, while Maher fell flat on to the ground.

    Saif ordered her mother to go away from there. Aunt Rima was furious too, she

    grabbed Tashfia by her hair and both of them went away from the room. It was

    only Saif and Maher being alone in the room now! Saif punched Maher on the face

    and asked him, Why man? After all the favors me and my mother did to you!

    Why? he kept on hitting Maher and he started bleeding severely. Suddenly

    something came into Saifs mind, he ran out of the room and into the kitchen. Saifreturned with a large bottle of kerosene and poured all over Mahers body! He

    strokes the match stick and threw it toward Maher without even thinking anything,

    as he said Meet you in Hell!

    Mahers whole body was on fire, as Saif locked him from the outside and let him

    burn to death!

    As a writer I have nothing left to tell my readers furtherno comments from my

    side! But my readers can conclude by deciding whose fault it was and who were

    accused of in the story for such a tragic end. Was it Aunt Rima and Saif fortrusting a Stranger way too much? Or was it Maher who took advantage of the trust

    of the people who gave them an amazing life? Or was it Tashfia who didnt let

    Maher down when he approached?
