Energy From Thorium Foundation Don Larson, MBA, MSME Executive Director Energy From Thorium...


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Energy From Thorium Foundation

Don Larson, MBA, MSMEExecutive Director

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Donald Larson

Energy the solution to poverty, war and the economic crisis.

Executive Director EFTF

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Sustainable Abundance

Energy From Thorium Foundation

In 50 B.C. the Roman Empire had a wood shortage which threatened mining, heating

and construction.

In 1865, Stanley Jevons (one of the most recognized 19th century economists)

predicted that England would run out of coal by 1900, and that England’s factories would

grind to a standstill.

Energy From Thorium Foundation

In 1891, the US Geological Survey announced that there was “little or no

chance” of oil being discovered in Texas.”

In 1939 the US Department of the Interior said that American oil supplies would last

only another 13 years

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Energy drives industry and opportunity

Energy creates wealth

Energy consumption increases standard of living

Energy From Thorium Foundation

Energy From Thorium Foundation

ThoriumA lifetime of energy in the

palm of your hand

Energy From Thorium Foundation

One Life Time of Energy

Energy From Thorium Foundation

LFTR Advantages

Millions of years of fuel

One cu foot of “dirt” = 5 barrels of oil.

10 feet of the Earth = 1 million years of power


Energy From Thorium Foundation

Thank You

There are no shortages, just events needing some applied


