Energy efficiency and GHG emissions: Prospective scenarios...


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  • Energy efficiency and GHG emissions:

    Prospective scenarios for the Chemical

    and Petrochemical Industry

    Boulamanti A., Moya J.A.


    EUR 28471 EN

  • This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s

    science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European

    policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European

    Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is

    responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.

    Contact information

    Name: J.A. Moya

    Address: JRC – Institute for Energy, Transport and Climate, P.O. Box 2, 1755ZG Petten, The Netherlands


    Tel.: +31 224 565 244

    JRC Science Hub


    EUR 28471 EN

    Print ISBN 978-92-79-65734-4 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2760/630308

    PDF ISBN 978-92-79-65735-1 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/20486

    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017

    © European Union, 2017

    The reuse of the document is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the original meaning or

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    How to cite this report: A. Boulamanti and J.A. Moya, Energy efficiency and GHG emissions: Prospective

    scenarios for the chemical and petrochemical industry, EUR 28471 EN, doi:10.2760/20486

    All images © European Union 2017, except: cover, both pictures, source:; figure 10, source: IHS

    Market; figure 11, source: 'CCS Roadmap for Industry: High purity CO2 sources' by Carbon Counts Company

    Ltd; figure 13, source: Honeywell International Inc.; figure 14, source:; figure 16, source:

    U.S. Department of Energy, NREL; figures 21 and 22, source: Euro Chlor 2015; figure 23, source: Vinyl Plus;

    figure 24, source: 'Mechanical recycling of PVC Wastes', Study for DG XI of the European Commissions, 2000;

    figure 25, source: VinyLoop Ferrara SpA; Annex 2, all figures, source: American Chemistry Council,

    Energy efficiency and GHG emissions: Prospective scenarios for the chemical and petrochemical


    This study analyses the savings potential of energy consumption and GHG emissions from cost-effective

    technological improvements in the chemical and petrochemical industry up to 2050. The analysis follows a

    bottom-up approach; that is, it is based on information at facility level of existing plants with their production

    characteristics, best available and innovative technologies. The analysis includes 26 basic chemical compounds

    that cover 75 % of the total energy use (including energy used as feedstock) and more than 90 % of GHG

    emissions of the chemical sector in 2013. The bottom-up approach includes an annual cost-effectiveness

    analysis of the uptake of best available and innovative technologies in each facility up to 2050. The projections

    and assumptions used are in accordance with the reference scenario of the European Commission. In absolute

    terms, from 2013-2050 the total energy consumption increases by 39.2 % and the GHG emissions' decrease by

    14.7 %; these values include the effect (and depend on) a demand increase of 45.6 %. In 2050, without any

    technological improvement, the GHG emissions and energy consumption would be 36 % and 4 % higher,

    respectively. The minor effect of technological improvements on energy savings can be partly explained by the

    fact that 73.5 % of the total energy consumed in the manufacturing of the products covered in this study is

    incorporated in the final products, and most of new technologies have an impact on the direct energy use, but

    not on the non-energy use.

  • i


    Executive summary ............................................................................................... 1

    1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4

    2 Overview of the European chemical and petrochemical sector ................................. 6

    2.1 Background of the EU chemical and petrochemical industry in the EU-28 ............ 6

    2.2 Energy consumption and GHG emissions of the EU chemical and petrochemical industry ............................................................................................................ 7

    3 Policy context .................................................................................................. 10

    4 Methodology and current status of the EU chemical and petrochemical industry ...... 13

    4.1 Definition of boundaries .............................................................................. 13

    4.2 Data sources for current technologies........................................................... 16

    4.3 Energy consumption and GHG emissions ...................................................... 17

    4.4 Best available techniques (BATs) and Innovative Technologies (ITs) ................ 18

    4.5 Cross-cutting BATs and ITs ......................................................................... 20

    4.5.1 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) ......................................................... 20 CHP in the European chemical and petrochemical industry ................ 20 Cogeneration as Best available technique ........................................ 24

    4.5.2 Carbon capture and storage as Innovative technology ............................ 26

    4.6 Current status of the EU chemical and petrochemical industry ......................... 27

    4.6.1 Technologies used and Production in 2013 ............................................ 28

    4.6.2 Energy consumption and GHG emissions in 2013 ................................... 31

    5 European chemical and petrochemical industry per product .................................. 34

    5.1 Nitric acid ................................................................................................. 34

    5.1.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 35

    5.1.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 36

    5.1.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 39

    5.1.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 41

    5.2 Ammonia and Urea .................................................................................... 41

    5.2.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 44

    5.2.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 46

    5.2.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 48

    5.2.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 52

    5.3 Steam cracking and Acrylonitrile .................................................................. 53

    5.3.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 56

    5.3.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 59

    5.3.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 62

    5.3.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 64

    5.4 Hydrogen, Syngas and Methanol .................................................................. 66

  • ii

    5.4.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 68

    5.4.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 70

    5.4.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 72

    5.4.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 75

    5.5 Adipic acid ................................................................................................ 76

    5.5.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 77

    5.5.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 78

    5.5.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 80

    5.5.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 81

    5.6 Soda ash .................................................................................................. 82

    5.6.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 83

    5.6.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 85

    5.6.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 86

    5.6.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 88

    5.7 Aromatics ................................................................................................. 89

    5.7.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 91

    5.7.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 93

    5.7.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ......................................................... 95

    5.7.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) .............................................................. 96

    5.8 Carbon black ............................................................................................. 97

    5.8.1 Production processes .......................................................................... 98

    5.8.2 Current consumption and emission levels ............................................. 99

    5.8.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 100

    5.8.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 102

    5.9 Chlor-alkali ............................................................................................. 103

    5.9.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 105

    5.9.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 107

    5.9.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 109

    5.9.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 111

    5.10 Ethylene oxide and Ethylene glycol ...................................................... 111

    5.10.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 113

    5.10.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 114

    5.10.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 116

    5.10.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 117

    5.11 Ethylene dichloride and Vinyl chloride monomer .................................... 117

    5.11.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 118

    5.11.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 119

    5.11.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 121

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    5.11.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 122

    5.12 PVC .................................................................................................. 123

    5.12.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 124

    5.12.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 125

    5.12.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 126

    5.12.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 127

    5.13 PVC recycling .................................................................................... 127

    5.13.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 131

    5.13.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 132

    5.13.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 133

    5.13.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 135

    5.14 Ethylbenzene and Styrene .................................................................. 136

    5.14.1 Production processes ........................................................................ 137

    5.14.2 Current consumption and emission levels ........................................... 138

    5.14.3 Best available techniques (BATs) ....................................................... 139

    5.14.4 Innovative technologies (ITs) ............................................................ 140

    6 Model ........................................................................................................... 142

    6.1 Basic input in the model ........................................................................... 144

    6.2 Step 1: Calculation of operating costs ........................................................ 145

    6.3 Step 2: Production vs expected demand ..................................................... 147

    6.4 Step 3: Cost-effectiveness analysis for integrating BATs and ITs .................... 148

    7 Input scenarios ............................................................................................. 150

    8 Results ......................................................................................................... 151

    8.1 Total energy consumption and GHG emissions trends ................................... 151

    8.2 Results per product .................................................................................. 153

    8.2.1 Nitric acid ....................................................................................... 153

    8.2.2 Ammonia and Urea .......................................................................... 155

    8.2.3 Steam cracking ............................................................................... 159

    8.2.4 Hydrogen and Methanol .................................................................... 162

    8.2.5 Adipic acid ...................................................................................... 165

    8.2.6 Soda ash ........................................................................................ 167

    8.2.7 Aromatics ....................................................................................... 168

    8.2.8 Carbon black ................................................................................... 169

    8.2.9 Ethylene oxide and Monoethylene glycol ............................................. 170

    8.2.10 Ethylene dichloride and Vinyl chloride monomer .................................. 172

    8.2.11 PVC ................................................................................................ 173

    8.2.12 Ethylbenzene and Styrene ................................................................ 174

    8.2.13 Chlor-alkali ..................................................................................... 177

  • iv

    9 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 180

    References ....................................................................................................... 183

    List of figures .................................................................................................... 208

    List of tables ..................................................................................................... 212

    Annex 1: Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 216

    Annex 2: Basic chemical product chains ............................................................... 220

    Ammonia ...................................................................................................... 220

    Ethylene ....................................................................................................... 221

    Propylene ..................................................................................................... 222

    Methanol ...................................................................................................... 223

    Benzene ....................................................................................................... 224

    Toluene ........................................................................................................ 225

    Xylene .......................................................................................................... 226

    Chlor-alkali ................................................................................................... 227

    Annex 3: Calculation of national energy mixes ...................................................... 228

  • 1

    Executive summary

    In relation to climate action, there is an overall goal at global level to keep the average

    temperature increase caused by human activities below two degrees Celsius compared to

    pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, EU action alone is not enough, since the EU is

    responsible for only 11 % of global emissions (PBL, 2014). Nevertheless, there is a need

    for further progress in all areas if the EU is to achieve the 2050 goal (EC, 2011a) of

    reducing emissions to 80-95 % below 1990 levels. This document shows what potential

    contribution the European chemical and petrochemical industry could make to achieve

    this goal.

    The first goal of this study consists of performing an in-depth analysis of the current

    technological status of the chemical and petrochemical industry and the second one the

    assessment of potential for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

    reduction up to 2050. In order to achieve these objectives, a bottom-up model has been

    developed at facility level for the EU industry, with 2013 as starting year.

    The chemical and petrochemical industry is very wide, complex and diverse. These

    characteristics, combined with a lack of publicly available data concerning energy use and

    efficiency, the variety of processes for producing even the same compound and the

    possibility of integration with refineries make the analysis of the industry as a whole

    quite challenging. As a result, the assessment had to be restricted to a selection of

    products that are expected to cover at least 70 % of the sector's final energy and non-

    energy use and GHG emissions.

    In total, 26 basic chemical products were included in the analysis, covering chemical

    subsectors such as fertilisers, basic organic and inorganic substances, polymers and

    others. These products were found to cover 75 % of the total energy and non-energy use

    of the industry and the vast majority of the emissions in 2013. For these products, a

    detailed database was compiled, containing information such as the facilities producing

    the 26 chemical products, the production capacities, the processes used, inputs and

    outputs, as well as energy consumption of the processes, GHG emissions and production

    costs. It also includes a list of different technologies that can be applied in the processes

    used and can configure the current pathways so as to improve their performances, from

    the aspect of either energy efficiency or GHG emissions. These technologies can be

    already available or under development and are named best available techniques (BATs)

    or innovative technologies (ITs), respectively. It should be noted though, that this list

    cannot be comprehensive, as for some of them there is no information publicly available.

    In addition, a model was developed in order to analyse the trend in energy consumption

    and GHG emissions to 2050. The model is based on the compiled database and future

    projections that are in accordance with the Reference Scenario of the European

    Commission (EC, 2013). At the core of this model is a cost-effectiveness analysis of the

    potential implementation of the best available and innovative technologies. Making these

    innovations take place can be the way to develop an ambitious policy that in the short-

    term aims for industrial production accounting for 20 % of the EU GDP by 2020,

    compared to around 15 % currently (EC, 2014a). A set of several scenarios was tested in

    order to determine the sensitivity of the chemical and petrochemical industry in key

    factors, such as fuel prices, GHG allowances and the maximum payback time of the

    technologies installed.

    Key conclusions

    The results obtained for the different scenarios are quite similar; meaning that already

    for the assumptions of the baseline scenario - that follows the Reference Scenario (EC,

    2013) - practically all potential savings are materialized. The adoption of best available

    and innovative technologies would mean annual savings of 72.5 MtCO2.eq and 225 PJ

    (5.4 Mtoe) by 2050. With these figures the total energy consumption of the products

    included in this study would increase from 2013-2050 by 39.2 % whereas the GHG

    emissions would decrease by 14.7 %, reaching in 2050 129 MtCO2 and 5515 PJ

  • 2

    (131.7 Mtoe); these values include the effect (and depend on) an increase by 45.6 % of

    the demand.

    The savings in 2050 of 225 PJ (5.37 Mtoe) and 72.5 MtCO2 correspond to 4 % and 36 %

    of the energy consumption and GHG emissions that would be obtained without the

    contribution from the technological improvement. Regarding the small savings in energy

    consumption, it is worth noting that the chemical and petrochemical industry is unique

    among the energy-intensive industries in the fact that most of the energy consumed is

    stored in its products. For the period 2013-2050, the energy incorporated to the final

    products as raw material (that this, as feedstock), passes from 73 % of all energy

    consumed, to 77 %. The marginal improvement of 225 PJ is due to the fact that non-

    energy consumption is not much affected by the new technologies, while it represents

    77 % of the total energy consumption. Most of the about 50 BATs and ITs considered in

    this study reduce the electricity, thermal energy or steam consumed in the processes,

    but not directly the feedstock needed. Out of the total savings of 225 PJ, 16 %can be

    attributed to savings of feedstock, while the rest 84 % (189 PJ in 2050) are savings in

    the electricity or fuels (used for thermal needs or steam). This reduction of 189 PJ

    corresponds to 13 % of the energy that would be consumed by 2050 as electricity, steam

    or heat without the effect of potential technological improvements. The only big changes

    in non-energy consumptions are expected from technologies that replace the fossil

    feedstock with some more sustainable alternative, such as production of hydrogen from

    electrolysis or for chemicals could be produced by biomass.

    The chemical products that have already and will continue, to an extent, to contribute the

    most in savings of GHG emissions are nitric acid and adipic acid. The common

    characteristic of these sub-sectors is the production of nitrous oxide emissions, a

    pollutant with global warming potential(1) equal to 298 and they have a reduction

    potential of more than 75 % and 90 %, respectively. Some other chemical substances,

    such as ethylene, chlorine, ammonia and hydrogen have lower potentials (27 % for

    ethylene, 31 % for chlorine, 54 % for ammonia and 75% for hydrogen), but are playing

    an important role, as they cover about 33 % of the volume of all the 26 chemical


    Regarding technologies resulting in energy or emission savings, the chemical and

    petrochemical industry is far too diverse and complex such as to include them in this

    summary. Nevertheless, there are two cross-cutting technologies worth mentioning:

    combined heat and power (CHP) and carbon capture and storage (CCS). CHP is already

    installed to a large extent in the chemical industry. According to our simulation there will

    be new CHP units installed with total electrical capacity 2750 MW. New CHP is foreseen in

    seven products: adipic acid, benzene, ethylbenzene, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride

    monomer, PVC-S and PVC-E. From the 9.4 TWh/y electricity produced via CHP, only

    12 % is consumed inside the processes, while the excess is sold.

    On the other hand, CCS is foreseen to be installed in all three subsectors that are sources

    of high purity CO2. In the case of ammonia the technology becomes popular only in the

    part of the industry that is not integrated with urea production, but it is only expected, as

    CO2 is usually consumed in producing urea. In the hydrogen industry, about 70 % of the

    facilities install CCS, while in the ethylene oxide subsector 80 %.

    One of the main findings of this study is in line with the need for additional research

    priorities identified in the Energy Union Package (EC, 2015d), such as carbon capture and

    storage, so as to reach the 2050 climate objectives in a cost-effective way. Since a large

    part of the savings uncovered in this study comes from technologies that are not yet

    effectively implemented in the industry, it is clear that both an effective push and

    creating the right conditions are crucial factors for these potential savings to happen. In

    general, it is important that the European chemical and petrochemical industry remains

    competitive, as investments in new technologies depend mainly on this factor.

    1 Global warming potential is a relative measure of the heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere. It is a

    comparative measure between each GHG and CO2. Nitrious oxide is 298 times more intensive than CO2.

  • 3

    The realisation of this work by the JRC, although an exhausting exercise, and the first of

    a kind for this industry, can always be extended. For example, most of the results of the

    model rely on factors that are exogenous and do not lack uncertainty. The treatment of

    that uncertainty might deserve some attention that cannot be encompassed within the

    scope of this work. Moreover, the analysis can be examined from additional points of

    view, for example, considering alternative scenarios varying the electricity price

    independently of the fuels prices. This latter scenario could throw additional insight about

    the prospects of the CHP in this industry. Also, additional information about the

    performance of current technologies or upcoming technologies could affect the results


  • 4

    1 Introduction

    During the last few decades, there is increasing concern about climate change, which has

    created international policy responses. Since 2007, it has been agreed under the

    auspices of the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to limit

    global warming to 2oC (EC, 2007a).

    Within this framework, the European Union (EU) endorsed an integrated approach to

    climate and energy policy, in order to mitigate climate change, increase the EU’s energy

    security and to strengthen its competitiveness. To initialise this process, the EU adopted

    a series of targets, known as the "20-20-20" targets, that set three objectives for 2020:

    a 20 % reduction in EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (from 1990 levels); raising the

    share of EU energy consumption produced from renewable resources to 20 %; and a

    20 % improvement in the EU's energy efficiency (EC, 2016a). In a further effort, the

    European Council reconfirmed in February 2011 the objective of reducing GHG emissions

    by 80-95 % by 2050 (EC, 2011a).

    Meeting the ambitions of the EU energy and climate change policy requires changes of

    the European energy system and has a profound effect on its technology mix. The core

    conviction of the EU is that Europe's industrial base should move towards a more

    sustainable future and focus on increased innovation and investment in clean

    technologies and low-carbon energy. The energy-intensive industries are playing an

    important role in this goal, as highlighted by the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) (EC,

    2010b). The chemical industry is one of these activities.

    Chemical products and technologies are used in almost every area of the world economy.

    This characteristic makes the chemical industry complex. The wide range of products and

    technologies poses a challenge for modelling the whole industry. In addition, lack of

    publicly available detailed energy use and energy efficiency data, a large diversity of

    process routes for producing the same product and, in some cases, integration with

    refineries are factors that make the analysis even more challenging. This report is an

    effort to model the chemical industry of the EU.

    The goal of this study consists of two parts: firstly, to perform an in-depth analysis of the

    current technological status of the chemical and petrochemical industry; and secondly, to

    assess the potential for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction up to

    2050. The year of base for our study is 2013, that corresponds to the latest data

    available at the time of writing and the boundary is the European Union's 28 Member


    For the first goal of this study a detailed database is compiled, containing information at

    facility level for the European chemical industry. Specifically, the database includes

    information, such as an overview of the current plants capacities in the EU-28, the type

    of chemical product manufactured, the different processes used to produce these

    chemicals, inputs and outputs, as well as energy consumption of the processes, GHG

    emissions, production costs and technologies already installed in the facilities, for in total

    26 basic chemical products. It also includes a list of technologies already available, as

    well as innovative, which have a potential of improving energy efficiency or reducing GHG

    emissions, with details such as a quantification of their potential, their investment costs

    and year of availability. The components of the database are collected, where possible,

    from both publicly available information and commercial databases. A first version of the

    database and model was provided by RINA VALUES S.R.I. (under contract no. 108530 to

    the European Commission, JRC-IET Petten).

    The model is built up based on the data collected during the first part of the study. It

    estimates the trends in energy consumption and GHG emissions of the industry,

    depending only on a cost-effectiveness analysis of potential technological improvements.

    Other factors, such as potential policy development are incorporated into the analysis

    only to the extent at which they are already considered into the parameters of the

  • 5

    reference scenario of energy and GHG trends in the European Union up to 2050 (EC,


    Besides the basic scenario, which depends on the assumptions of the reference scenario,

    a series of six alternative scenarios are analysed, in order to evaluate the influence of

    some factors in the behaviour of the chemical industry. In three of them, the prices of

    fuels and feedstocks were simultaneously increased to several levels, while in another

    three the price of GHG allowances. All scenarios take for granted that cost-effective

    investments (those whose savings are able to recover the investment costs in less than 2

    years –payback period lower than 2 years) are implemented by the industry.

    This report is divided into eight chapters:

    ● Chapter 2 is devoted to providing an overview of the EU chemical and

    petrochemical sector including its energy consumption and its GHG emissions.

    ● Chapter 3 contains some of the main EU regulations affecting the chemical


    ● Chapter 4 outlines the methodology followed to evaluate the EU chemical industry

    as a whole and demonstrates the state-of-art in the chemical industry in 2013, as

    this is concluded from the analysis of the individual products.

    ● In Chapter 5, the detailed analysis for each product considered is carried out.

    ● Chapter 6 outlines the model developed and used for the analysis and discusses

    the input variables.

    ● Chapter 7 summarises the different input scenarios that were considered for the

    sensitivity analysis.

    ● Chapter 8 demonstrates the results obtained by the simulation and includes the

    discussion of them.

    ● Chapter 9 outlines the major conclusions of this study.

  • 6

    2 Overview of the European chemical and petrochemical


    The chemical industry is one of the largest in the world and a robust sector in Europe in

    terms of productivity and employment. It is also in the root of the several other

    industries. In 2013 its global sales were EUR 3.16 billion (Cefic, 2015) and employed

    over seven million people, while more than 95 % of all manufactured products rely on

    chemistry (IEA, 2013).

    This chapter presents the current state of the chemical industry in the EU. Firstly, some

    general information concerning the industry's global position is provided, followed by

    information about energy consumption and GHG emissions.

    2.1 Background of the EU chemical and petrochemical industry in the EU-28

    In 2013, the global chemical industry showed marks of recovery compared to previous

    years, but the global sales were driven by China and in general by Asia. The chemical

    industry in the European Union represented 1.1 % of EU GDP (EC, 2014a) and in 2013

    accounted for 16.7 % of the global sales (Cefic, 2015). This percentage increases to

    20 % if we also include Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Russia and Ukraine (Cefic, 2015).

    It is a mature and rather stable industry, which recovered relatively well from the

    economic crisis of 2008/2009, with a production level in 2013 9 % below the 2008 peak

    and a world market share 10 % lower than in 2001 (EC, 2014a). In the EU in 2013

    chemical companies employed about 1.2 million (Cefic, 2015).

    Figure 1. EU chemical industry sales in 2013 sorted by country (Cefic, 2015)

    Figure 1 shows the distribution of the EU chemical industry in the 28 member states.

    Germany is the largest chemical producer, followed by France, Netherlands and

    Italy. Total EU chemicals sales were worth EUR 527 billion (2013), but only 26 %

    of these sales were exported out of the EU market (Cefic, 2015). If intra-EU trade

    is included, in 2013 the European Union was the leading exporter, responsible for

    42.5 % of global exports, and the second strongest importer of chemicals in the

    world (after Asia), with a share of 35.3 % (Cefic, 2015).



    France, 14.9%

    Italy, 9.6%



    Spain, 7.4% Belgium, 6.9% United



    Poland, 2.8%

    Austria, 2.6%

    Sweden, 1.8%

    Finland, 1.5% Czech


    1.3% Hungary,

    1.1% Portugal,

    0.9% Ireland, 0.9%

    Others, 3.5%

    Other, 9.2%

  • 7

    Products from the chemical industry are present in the majority of everyday life.

    Chemistry is involved in different stages of multiple value added chains; it provides

    solutions in several areas, as alternative energy, transportation, buildings,

    pharmaceuticals and information technology. In the EU, about one third of all chemical

    production is consumed by big industrial users (rubber and plastics, construction, pulp

    and paper and the automotive industry), one third goes to the rest of the industrial

    sector (e.g. metal products, textiles, machinery, wood, mineral products etc.) and the

    last third goes to agriculture, health, trade, food, services and other business activities

    (Cefic, 2015).

    According to (Cefic 2015), the position of the EU chemical industry has weakened during

    the last 20 years, especially in comparison with emerging Asian countries and the Middle

    East. Europe's market share nearly halved since 1992, from 35.2 % to 16.7 %, as

    already mentioned. In 2013, China's share increased to 33.2 % compared to 8.7 % in

    2003 (Cefic, 2015). Asian countries have been advancing in sectors such as basic

    chemicals, while the Middle East is increasingly using its feedstock availability in

    petroleum so as to develop polymers and petrochemicals.

    Concerning the future, projecting trends for the chemical industry forecast growth rates

    for the chemicals sales of about 3 % per year to 2050, but not distributed evenly

    geographically (UNEP, 2012). As has been seen from the last decade, countries such as

    Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa have higher growth rates than OECD

    countries. During the period 2012-2020, chemical production was predicted to change

    less than 30 % in Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Western Europe (2) and the United

    States (UNEP, 2012). On the other hand, Latin America, Russia, Korea, Singapore and

    the Middle East had changes between 30 and 40 %, while India had 59 % and China

    66 %.

    2.2 Energy consumption and GHG emissions of the EU chemical

    and petrochemical industry

    The chemical industry consumes energy and raw materials and transforms them into

    products. An important distinction in the use of the different types of energy carriers

    compared to other industries is that energy is used as raw material (or feedstock) and

    also consumed within the own chemical processes (in form of thermal energy or

    electricity consumption). GHG emissions are released when fuels are used for energy

    purposes. However, when fuels are used as feedstock, part of the carbon content may

    end up embedded in the product.

    According to the most recent data (IEA, 2013), the global energy demand of the

    chemical industry was 15 EJ/y excluding feedstock and 42 EJ/y including feedstock,

    corresponding to approximately 10 % of the global energy demand or 28 % of the total

    industrial energy demand (IEA, 2014).

    With the 2030 climate and energy framework, by 2030 the EU aims at increasing energy

    efficiency by at least 27 % (compared to 1990 levels) (EC, 2016b). The European

    chemical industry is already focused on decreasing its total energy consumption and is

    still continuing the efforts to improve its cost-efficient potential by investing in cost-

    effective efficiency measures, for instance by installing Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

    or setting up effective internal energy management systems (EMS). According to (Cefic,

    2015), although production has increased by almost 60 % since 1990, the amount of

    energy consumed in 2012 was reduced by 16 %.

    In 2013, the EU chemical industry consumed 53.952 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe)

    (2 260 PJ) in the different processes, while the total final non-energy consumption

    attributed to the chemical/petrochemical industry and incorporated as feedstock, was

    74.717 million toe (3 130 PJ) (Eurostat, 2016a). As shown in Figure 2, the profile of fuels

    used in each case is quite different. In the case of energy used as feedstock, 81.4 % is

    (2) Western Europe for the chemical studies usually included EU (at least EU15) and Norway or Switzerland.

  • 8

    petroleum products and mainly naphtha (46.9 %), while natural gas is covering 18.1 %

    of the total energy. On the other hand, natural gas (25.2 %), electrical energy (20.9 %)

    and petroleum products (14.2 %) are the main forms of energy used in the processes

    (Eurostat, 2016a).

    Figure 2. Fuels consumed in the European chemical industry as feedstock and in the processes (Eurostat, 2016a)

    As a major energy user, the chemical industry worldwide generates 5.5 % of carbon

    dioxide (CO2) emissions (7 % of the global GHG emissions) and is responsible for 17 %

    of all industrial CO2 emissions (IEA, 2013). According to the European Pollutant Release

    and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), the chemical industry in EU-27 emitted in total 145 Mt

    CO2.eq in 2013 (E-PRTR, 2016). In 1990 this value was 327.3 Mt CO2.eq, which means that

    since 1990 there has been a decrease by 55.7 % of the total GHG emissions (Figure 3).

    If we consider the increase in production, which expanded by 60 % during the same

    period (Cefic, 2015), these results are even more relevant, demonstrating the

    commitment of the EU chemical industry in reducing its carbon footprint. It is interesting

    to note, though, that the application of abatement techniques has decreased N2O

    emissions more than 90 %, while CO2 emissions (3) have decreased only by 9 % (Figure


    (3) These emissions are absolute CO2 and not CO2.eq, so N2O emissions are not already included in them.













    n (






    Feedstock Processes

  • 9

    Figure 3. Comparative evolution of total GHG emissions and absolute CO2 and N2O emissions in

    the European chemical industry in the period 2007-2014 (UNFCCC, 2016)

    More than 70 % of the total GHG emissions were CO2 emissions. The second and third

    most important pollutants are methane and nitrous oxide with 15 201 tCH4 and 24 823

    tN2O respectively (E-PRTR, 2016). The global warming potential of the main GHG gases is

    shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Global warming potential for the main GHG gases

    Greenhouse Gas Formula 100-year GWP

    IPCC1 EC2

    Carbon dioxide CO2 1 1

    Methane CH4 25

    Nitrous oxide N2O 298 298

    Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 22 800 1 Source (IPCC, 2007a) 2 Source (EC, 2014b)

























































    kt C






    All GHG gases



  • 10

    3 Policy context

    Different policies related to environment, climate, energy, product or consumer

    protection have originated legislation relevant for the chemical industry. This chapter

    summarises some basic EU legislation with high impact on the chemical industry, but is

    neither aiming to include all policies affecting the chemical industry, nor explaining them

    in detail; the interested reader can find a more detailed description on the CCA reports

    (EC, 2016c).

    A cornerstone of the European legislation to minimise pollution arising from industrial

    activities is the directives on integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC). The first

    one was adopted in 1996 (Directive 96/61/EC(4) was replaced in 2008 by Directive

    2008/1/EC (5). Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IED) (EC, 2010b), replaced

    the later IPPC Directive and brought together a total of seven directives. It applies to

    industrial installations including those producing organic and inorganic chemicals,

    fertilisers and biocides, pharmaceutical products and explosives on industrial scale by

    chemical or biological processing of substances; and installations refining mineral oil and

    gas. The detailed list of these installations can be found in Annex I of the Directive. These

    installations are obliged to:

    ● take all appropriate preventing measures against pollution;

    ● apply best available techniques (BATs);

    ● cause no significant pollution;

    ● reduce, recycle or dispose waste in a manner which creates least pollution;

    ● use energy efficiently;

    ● prevent accidents and limit their impact;

    ● remediate the sites when the activities are ceased.

    In the framework of the IED and the previous IPPC Directive, reference documents on

    Best Available Techniques (BATs), dedicated to the different types of installations of

    Annex I of these directives, are regularly prepared and updated as a result of exchange

    of information between Member States and the industry. These documents are the main

    reference used by the authorities in the Member States so as to issue operating permits.

    The decision granting a permit must contain a number of specific requirements, including

    emission limit values (ELVs) for polluting substances, based on BATs. The reference

    documents do not propose ELVs, but help to determine the appropriate BAT-based

    conditions or to establish general binding rules under Article 17 of the IED.

    Due to the diversity of the chemical industry, there are a several Reference documents

    encompassing all the chemical industry:

    ● large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers (EC, 2007b)

    ● large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – Solids and other Industry (EC, 2007c)

    ● production of Chlor-alkali (EC, 2014c)

    ● large Volume Organic Chemical Industry (EC, 2014d)

    ● refining of Mineral oil and gas (EC, 2015a)

    Besides the IED, the legislation related to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) is

    also important in the effort to combat climate change reducing industrial GHG emissions

    in a cost-effective way. Directive 2003/87/EC (6) and its amendments (Directives

    2004/101/EC, 2008/101/EC and 2009/29/EC) establish a scheme for GHG emission

    (4) Further information: (5) Further information: (6) Further information:


  • 11

    allowance trading that sets a cap in the total amount of greenhouse gases. This cap

    decreases according to the police objectives established. Companies in sectors covered

    by the EU-ETS have to render the allowances of CO2 emitted. Within this limit, the

    companies receive or buy emission allowances that can be traded if needed. Every year

    each company has to cover all its emissions with enough allowances, otherwise heavy

    fines are imposed. Industrial installations that are exposed to a significant risk of carbon

    leakage receive higher share of free allowances, in order to ensure their competitiveness.

    The amount of free allocations of allowances is calculated based on the production of

    each installation multiplied by the benchmark value (7) for the particular product.

    Installations in sectors that are exposed in carbon leakage receive 100 % of this quantity

    for free (EC, 2016d). As a result of this legislation, a price is set on carbon, which

    fluctuates according to the market of trading emission allowances. In 2013 the average

    carbon price was EUR 4.38/tCO2 and its variation during the whole year is shown in Figure

    4 (EEX, 2016).

    Figure 4. Fluctuation of the carbon price is the EU ETS auctions during 2013 (EEX, 2016)

    The sectors included in the EU-ETS are power and heat generation stations, commercial

    aviation and energy-intensive industry sectors (oil refineries, acids and bulk organic

    chemicals, steel and iron production, cement, aluminium and metals, lime, glass, pulp

    and paper etc.), accounting for the CO2 they emit; installations producing nitric, adipic,

    glyoxal and glyoxlic acids, accounting for the N2O they emit; and aluminium production

    sites, accounting for the perfluorocarbons (PFCs). For these sectors, participation in the

    scheme is mandatory with some exceptions (EC, 2015b).

    Besides climate and environmental legislation, the chemical industry is also affected by

    the energy related directives. According to the Energy Efficiency Directive (EC, 2012a) a

    set of binding measures are established to ensure major energy savings for consumers

    and industry alike. Companies are encouraged to monitor their energy levels and make

    audits of their energy consumption to help them identify ways to reduce it. The

    Renewable Energy Directive (EC, 2009a), on the other hand, is promoting the production

    of energy from renewable sources, requiring that at least 20 % of the EU total energy

    needs are covered by renewable by 2020.

    This study is focusing mainly on the energy efficiency and the GHG emissions of the

    chemical industry and therefore, the legislations presented up to this point are the most

    interesting. Nevertheless there is a series of other legislations that the chemical industry

    has to comply with. The Regulation on registration, evaluation, authorisation and

    (7) The product benchmarking values reflect the average GHG emissions of the 10% best performing

    installations in the EU












    n C




    ce (




  • 12

    restriction of chemicals (REACH) (EC, 2006) is affecting directly the chemical industry

    and it renders industry responsible for assessing and managing risks posed by chemicals

    and providing safety information to the users. Other legislation affecting the chemical

    industry concerns restriction of hazardous materials (Directive 2002/95/EC (8)), waste

    treatment (Directive 2008/98/EC (9) and Directive 1999/31/EC (10)), chemical accident

    prevention (Directive 2012/18/EU (11)), water quality (Directive 2000/60/EC (12)) and

    waste water treatment (Directive 91/271/EEC (13)), as well as labelling and packaging

    (Regulation 1272/2008 (14)) and health and safety (Directive 2014/27/EU (15)).

    (8) Further information:

    content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32002L0095&from=EN (9) Further information:


    (10) Further information:

    (11) Further information:

    (12) Further information:

    (13) Further information:

    (14) Further information:

    (15) Further information:

  • 13

    4 Methodology and current status of the EU chemical and

    petrochemical industry

    This study aims to analyse the improvement margin of energy efficiency and GHG

    emissions of the sector up to 2050 for different scenarios. In order to achieve this

    ambitious goal, the first and not minor milestone is mapping the current technological

    status of the chemical and petrochemical industry in the 28 Member states of the

    European Union. The second milestone is the estimation of the future performance of the

    chemical industry up to 2050. The methodology for this second part of the study is

    presented in Chapter 6.

    Two key challenges arise in attempting to fulfil the first milestone: firstly the uncountable

    number of chemical products and secondly the fact that many products are not produced

    by a single production process. Further difficulties are added, due to lack of publicly

    available detailed energy use and energy efficiency data, complex production sites with

    high level of heat integration, high levels of combined heat and power (CHP) potentials

    and in some cases integration with refineries. The heterogeneity of the industry expands

    further due to some characteristics of the industries, such as different levels of

    technological advancement for each process.

    The chemical sector has a long tradition of energy analysis via benchmarking surveys

    (e.g. for ammonia by the International Fertiliser Industry Association and for steam

    cracking by the Solomon Associates) (UNIDO, 2010a), but they are usually confidential.

    Few studies have been found in the literature trying to map the chemical industry.

    Usually the sector is limited to a few large volume products (Phylipsen et al., 2002;

    Neelis et al., 2007), while others include more products and follow either a top-down or a

    bottom-up approach (Saygin et al., 2011; Serpec-cc, 2009).

    In this study, in order to achieve our objective, a bottom-up model has been developed

    at facility level for the EU Chemical Industry. This chapter presents the methodology and

    the model followed. It includes a discussion of the boundaries of the study, a summary of

    the current technologies present in the industry and an explanation of the best available

    techniques (BATs) and innovative technologies (ITs) considered. The last two sections of

    this chapter refer to the methodology applied concerning cogeneration, a technology

    present in the majority of the industries and our approach about energy consumption and

    GHG emissions.

    4.1 Definition of boundaries

    Due to the challenges mentioned above, it would be unrealistic to analyse all chemical

    and petrochemical products. On the contrary, a more realistic approach is to construct

    specific energy consumptions and GHG emissions for key products. The first step of our

    analysis is, therefore, a literature screening within the variety of products, in order to

    select a group of the most important chemical and petrochemical key products that are

    expected to cover at least 70 % of the sector's final energy and non-energy use and GHG


    Data for the total GHG emissions per product is not generally available. The

    benchmarking study by Ecofys on the chemical industry (Ecofys, 2009) includes a

    ranking of the most emission-intensive activities, but it is based on data from

    2007/2008. The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) includes

    much more detailed and up-to-date information (E-PRTR, 2016). The whole of the

    chemical industry in EU27 emitted in total 145 Mt CO2.eq in 2013, while if only selected

    NACE codes are considered (industrial gases, organic and inorganic basic chemicals,

    fertilisers and plastics in primary forms) the emissions add up to 138 Mt CO2.eq in 2013.

    The European Environmental Agency (EEA) reports GHG emissions for the chemical

    industry and some individual categories, as described by IPCC (Table 2) (EEA, 2015). In

    2013, the EU-28 chemical industry reported in total 62 million tonnes CO2 equivalent.

    Besides the chemical industry (as it is defined in the EEA inventory – category 2B in the

  • 14

    reporting format), the boundaries of this study include also emissions from the fuel

    combustion in the chemical industry, which is included in category 1.A.2.c and amounted

    to 75.3 million tonnes CO2 equivalent (EEA, 2015).

    Table 2. Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-28 chemical industry (EEA, 2015)

    Emission sector (Category in EEA report)


    (million tonnes CO2.eq)

    1990 2013

    Ammonia production (2.B.1) 32.2 26.9

    Nitric acid production (2.B.2) 49.5 5.0

    Adipic acid production (2.B.3) 57.6 0.6

    Caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production (2.B.4) 4.3 2.3

    Carbide production (2.B.5) 1.7 0.3

    Titanium dioxide production (2.B.6) 0.25 0.29

    Soda ash production (2.B.7) 2.2 2.1

    Petrochemical and carbon black production (2.B.8) 15.5 17.1

    Fluorochemical production (2.B.9) 40.8 2.9

    Other chemical industry (2.B.10) 2.0 4.5

    Total chemical industry (2B) 206.1 62.0

    Fuel combustion – Chemicals (1.A.2.c) 118.5 75.3

    Total 324.6 137.3

    In order to pre-select the key processes included in this study we estimate the

    cumulative percentage of total CO2.eq emissions of the chemical industry, using

    information from (Ecofys and EEA). Table 3 shows the key processes and their role in the

    total GHG emissions of the chemical industry, according to the literature (Ecofys, 2009;

    EEA, 2015).

    Table 3. Ranking of the most emission intensive industries in the chemical industry

    according to (Ecofys, 2009; EEA, 2015)

    Processes GHG emissions

    Share (%) Cumulative (%)

    Nitric acid 3.8 3.8

    Steam cracking 25.5 29.1

    Ammonia 19.6 48.7

    Adipic acid 0.4 49.2

    Hydrogen / Syngas (incl. Methanol) 9.2 58.3

    Soda ash 1.5 59.9

    Aromatics (BTX) 4.8 64.7

    Carbon black 3.4 68.0

    Ethylene chloride / Vinyl chloride / PVC 2.6 70.6

    Ethylbenzene / Styrene 2.9 73.6

    Ethylene oxide / Monoethylene glycol 2.6 76.2

    Chlorine 10.6 86.8

    Other 13.2 100.0

    These key processes lead to a selection of 26 products. Some processes involve only one

    product (e.g. nitric acid, adipic acid, carbon black and soda ash), while other more than

  • 15

    one. From the steam cracking process (SC), the products selected are ethylene,

    propylene, butadiene and butenes, while the main aromatics considered are benzene,

    toluene and xylene. Urea is included in the ammonia process. The detailed list of the

    products included in the scope is shown in Table 4.

    Table 4. Products to be included in this study

    Nr. Product name Molecular formula

    1 Nitric acid HNO3

    2 Ethylene C2H4

    3 Propylene C3H6

    4 Butadiene C4H6

    5 Butenes C4H8

    6 Acrylonitrile C3H3N

    7 Ammonia NH3

    8 Urea CH4N2O

    9 Adipic acid C6H10O4

    10 Hydrogen H2

    11 Methanol CH4O

    12 Soda ash CN2O3

    13 Benzene C6H6

    14 Toluene C7H8

    15 Xylene C8H10

    16 Carbon black C

    17 Ethylene oxide C2H4O

    18 Monoethylene glycol C2H6O2

    19 Ethylene dichloride C2H4Cl2

    20 Vinyl chloride monomer C2H3Cl

    21 PVC-S (C2H3Cl)n

    22 PVC-E (C2H3Cl)n

    23 PVC recycled (C2H3Cl)n

    24 Ethylbenzene C8H10

    25 Styrene C8H8

    26 Chlorine Cl2

    In order to simplify the calculations some basic assumptions have been made:

    ● The plants are operating 24 hours a day during 90 % of the year, unless stated

    differently in the data.

    ● The components in the systems behave as ideal gases or ideal solutions.

    ● In the environmental analysis, only GHG are considered.

    ● If the fuel used for producing thermal energy is not stated clearly in the

    description of each process, natural gas is assumed for the calculation of the

    emission factors.

    ● If in the information available for the different ITs, there is no clear indication

    about the year the investment costs refer to, the assumption will depend on the

    date of the corresponding reference.

  • 16

    4.2 Data sources for current technologies

    The first milestone of this study is a description of the current technological status of the

    industry. In order to perform an in-depth analysis, a bottom-up approach at facility level

    is followed. The current technology pathways used in the industry were considered for

    each key process or products included in the analysis. As a result, a database was

    developed that includes data of 1004 small, medium and large scale chemical plants in

    the EU-28(16). The number of facilities in our study exceeds the ones used to determine

    the value of the benchmarking values used in the carbon leakage provision of the ETS.

    According to the statistical classification of economic activities in the EU, the plants

    selected corresponded to NACE codes that associate with the products preselected. The

    NACE codes included in this study (Table 5) are subcategories of the C20 code

    "Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products" (EC, 2008).

    Table 5. List of NACE codes considered in this study

    NACE code Activity description

    C20.11 Manufacture of industrial gases

    C20.13 Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals

    C20.14 Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals

    C20.15 Manufacture of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds

    C20.16 Manufacture of plastics in primary forms

    The information at facility level about the EU28 chemical industry has been gathered in a

    database that includes information on the production capacity and product manufactured,

    the production pathways, on the energy consumed and on the presence of cogeneration

    units. Most of the plant specific data were provided by (ICIS, 2012) and (IHS, 2015a),

    chemical/petrochemical market information providers, complemented by publicly

    accessible technical or scientific data. Due to confidentiality restrictions, the databases

    contain exclusively data on the processes in use at plant level and installed capacities.

    The information about energy consumptions and emission levels were collected from

    publicly available literature. Emission factors and lower heating (or net calorific) values

    (LHV) of each fuel type considered in this study are according to the 2006 IPCC

    Guidelines (IPCC, 2006a) and the relevant Commission Regulation (EC, 2012b) and are

    shown in Table 6.

    Table 6. Fuel emission factors and lower heating values

    Fuel type Emission factor

    (tCO2/ GJ)

    Lower Heating

    value (MJ/kg)

    Natural gas 0.0561 48.0

    Naphtha 0.0733 44.5

    Heavy fuel oil 0.0774 40.4

    Gas/Diesel oil 0.0741 43.0

    Electricity1 (MWh) 0.465

    Steam2 0.072 1 Source (EC, 2012c) 2 Source (Ecofys, 2009)

    Data about the use of cogeneration units were provided by (ESAP, 2012). This database

    provides technical data on cogeneration systems at unit level, considering units above

    100 kWe.

    (16) For some products (hydrogen and PVC) some fictitious plants were created to represent special cases of the

    industry and as a result the number of the facilities included in the study cannot be directly compared with the actual facilities of the whole chemical and petrochemical industry.

  • 17

    4.3 Energy consumption and GHG emissions

    Due to the fact that neither of the databases (ICIS, 2012; IHS, 2015a) contain

    information about resources, energy consumptions and GHG emissions at facility level,

    the energy consumption per plant and the GHG emissions were calculated according to

    the data collected for each plant and process.

    The energy use for each process can be measured by either the specific energy

    consumption (SEC) or the energy efficiency index -as developed by (Phylipsen et al.,

    2002) and (Neelis et al., 2007) (UNIDO, 2010a). Specific energy consumption is defined

    as the final energy use (fuels, steam or electricity) required to operate a process for the

    production per unit of product, since the fuels enters the factory gate to output of the

    product. On the other hand, the energy efficiency index is used when there is more than

    one product from the process and therefore the total energy use cannot be expressed as

    a function of their total physical output. In this study we use the first type of energy

    indicator; therefore, for each process the SEC is calculated based on the process

    performances according to literature.

    For each plant, the total annual consumption of energy is calculated according to the

    generic formula:

    Total annual energy consumption = SEC * Installed capacity * Load factor

    For the total GHG emissions, we follow the definition used in the EU ETS (EC, 2011b).

    The benchmark values include all production-related direct emissions (the process direct

    emissions and the emissions due to fuel use for energy production). Emissions due to

    electricity used are usually considered outside the boundaries of the benchmark values,

    but are inside for processes where direct emissions and emissions from electricity are to

    a certain extent interchangeable (EC, 2011b). If electricity emissions are included in the

    total GHG emissions or not depends on the product and the distinction is included in

    Table 7.

    In order to convert fuels that are consumed to emissions, emission factors are used. The

    fuel emission factors that are used in this study are the ones mentioned in (IPCC, 2006a)

    and (EC, 2012b) (Table 6).

    Table 7. Benchmark values associated to the products considered in this study (EC,

    2011b; 2012d)

    Product Benchmark value


    Consideration of exchangeability of

    fuel and electricity

    Nitric acid 0.302 Without

    Ethylene 0.702 With

    Propylene 0.702 With

    Acrylonitrile - -

    Ammonia 1.618 With

    Urea - -

    Adipic acid 2.790 Without

    Hydrogen 8.850 With

    Methanol - -

    Soda ash 0.843 Without

    Benzene 1 0.155 With

    Toluene 1 0.155 With

    Xylenes 1 0.155 With

    Carbon black 1.954 With

    Ethylene oxide 0.512 With

    Monoethylene glycol 0.512 With

    Ethylene dichloride - -

    Vinyl chloride monomer 0.204 Without

  • 18

    PVC-S 0.085 Without

    PVC-E 0.238 Without

    PVC recycled - -

    Ethylbenzene - -

    Styrene 0.527 With

    Chlorine 2 1.144 With 1 For aromatics, the benchmark value is expressed in (EC, 2011b) per CO2

    weighted tonne of mix of aromatics (0.0295 tCO2.eq/CWT) and the CWT function for

    aromatic solvent extraction is equal to 5.25. The multiplication of these two values

    results in the value displayed in Table 7. 2 In the case of chlorine, the benchmark value in (EC, 2012d) is 2.461 MWh/tproduct

    and it is converted to 1.144 tCO2.eq/tproduct, by using the emission factor of electricity

    (Table 6).

    As the energy consumption and GHG emissions calculations are based on literature, in

    the model all facilities producing the same product with the same manufacturing process

    have the same specific energy consumption and CO2 emissions. However, benchmarking

    curves for the CO2 emissions, according which the benchmarking values (17) were adopted

    by the European Commission (EC, 2011b) show that no two facilities are similar. This

    information at facility level is used to modify the initial values of CO2 emissions in a

    manner, referred to as calibration that resembles the actual benchmarking curves.

    Calibrated specific CO2 emissions for each plant are estimated by the following equation:

    CO2.p,c = (Capp / Capref)n* CO2.p,o

    where CO2.p,c is the calibrated specific CO2 emissions at plant level, CO2.p,o the original

    specific CO2 emissions of the plant, Capp is the plant capacity, Capref is the plant

    reference capacity and n is a calculated scale coefficient.

    The benchmark values, established by the European Commission for each cluster of

    facilities, relates to 10% of the best performers in terms of CO2.eq emissions. The values

    adopted for each product considered in this study (EC, 2011b; EC, 2012d) can be seen in

    Table 7.

    Benchmarking curves for CO2 emissions and energy consumptions in the chemical

    industry are available only for some of the products (Ecofys, 2009). Capref and n are

    parameters obtained through the model and adopted to fit the given curves. With this

    calibration, each facility of the model is assigned one of the actual CO2 emissions and

    energy consumptions recorded by the industry in 2007/08. This calibration enables the

    model to use values that are quite close to the real ones.

    4.4 Best available techniques (BATs) and Innovative Technologies (ITs)

    According to the bottom-up approach followed, the potential for energy efficiency

    improvement is the difference between the average current energy consumptions and

    the consumption if best available technologies (BATs) or innovative technologies (ITs)

    were implemented in the chemical processes.

    Best Available Techniques (BATs) are different technologies that can be applied in the

    processes used and can configure the current chemical pathways in order to improve

    their performance. According to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) (EC, 2010b),

    BATs are the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and

    their methods of operation. They indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques

    for providing the basis for emission limit values and other permit conditions designed to

    (17) The benchmarking values are used in order to determine the free allocations of allowances under the EU-

    ETS legislation, which is explained briefly in Chapter 3. They reflect the average emissions of the 10% best performing installations in the EU.

  • 19

    prevent or reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole. In the

    present study, BATs are considered to be deployed technologies that can be applied in

    multiple plants and whose integration will enable significant reductions in energy

    consumption or GHG emissions. It should be noted that we follow the term best available

    techniques that is used in the legislation, but we are neither limited nor bound by it in

    the technologies that are taken into consideration.

    Innovative Technologies (ITs) are technologies either under development or applied in a

    small scale, but not yet implemented or well established in Europe. In the IED (EC,

    2010b) they are named "emerging techniques" and are defined as novel techniques, not

    yet commercially developed, that could provide either a higher general level of protection

    of the environment or at least the same level of protection of the environment and higher

    cost savings than existing BATs. For this study, if there is no information about the years

    of expected availability of an IT, that time has been estimated based on the following


    ● If the technology is close to be ready at industrial scale, it is assumed to be

    readily available. (TRL ≥9).

    ● If the technology is still under development, but close to scaling up, then 2020 is

    assumed to be its year of availability (TRL 7-8).

    ● If the technology is still under development, but far from technical implementation

    (3 < TRL ≤6), its year of availability is assumed to be 2030.

    ● If the technology is in the early stages of basic research (TRL ≤ 3), its year of

    availability would have to be after 2040. Nevertheless in most of the cases of so

    early technologies, there is not enough information concerning their performances

    and as a result they fall outside the scope of this study.

    The BATs and ITs considered in this study are analysed per product in Chapter 5. The

    parameters that were taken into consideration for the advantage of using a BAT or an IT

    in a plant are heat and electricity consumptions, feedstock consumptions and GHG

    emissions, all per tonne of product. If a technology leads to reductions in electricity,

    thermal or feedstock consumptions, which will effectively lead to reduction of CO2

    emissions, no additional GHG reduction is taken into consideration, as this would be

    double counting. Technologies, whose improvement potential turned out to be lower than

    3% of the total SEC of the process or have restrictions in their application in the industry,

    are disregarded(18). Concerning innovative technologies, if the availability of it is

    estimated to be further than 2040, they are not taken into consideration in this study.

    As decision making criterion to decide whether an investment in a BAT or an IT is carried

    out we rely on the payback period. This criterion considers feasible investments when

    their investments costs are compensated (paid back) by the annual savings in a less than

    a given number of years (payback period). As a result, information concerning the

    economics of the technologies is also included in the database. This information is

    collected from publicly available sources. In order to compare the different technologies

    and use them in the scenarios, the investment costs should be referring to year 2013 and

    therefore, the historical data collected from the literature needs updating. Cost indices

    are available, so as to estimate the escalation costs over the years. The Chemical

    Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) is published monthly in the journal Chemical

    Engineering and is the index mostly widely used for the chemical industry. For this study,

    the updates are done using annual indices (Chemical Engineering 2009; 2014) and

    according to the following equation (Towler and Sinnott, 2013):

    Cost in year A = Cost in year B * (Index in year A / Index in year B)

    (18) This restriction is applied in this study, as there are no actual data concerning the SEC of the individual

    plants, but only information about the theoretical processes. The SEC calculated for each plant in this study is based on this information and savings that are less than 3% are considered to be too close to the level of uncertainty of the calculation.

  • 20

    When applying this equation and the CEPCI indices, it is important to note that the

    indices refer to USD and therefore, the costs have to be expressed in this currency. In

    this study, if there is no clear indication for the year of reference of the investment costs

    found in the literature, the date of publishing the data is assumed to be the reference.

    4.5 Cross-cutting BATs and ITs

    4.5.1 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) CHP in the European chemical and petrochemical industry

    Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration is a technology used to improve energy

    efficiency through the generation of both heat and power in the same plant. Heat is

    usually used for processes or space-heating purposes, while electricity can be sold out.

    Since 2004 the European Commission is promoting cogeneration with the issuing of

    Directive 2004/8/EC (19) which have been facilitating the installation and operation of

    electrical cogeneration plants. This action was further strengthened under the energy

    efficiency directive, Directive 2012/27/EU (EC, 2012a), that advices the member states

    to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the potential for the application of high-

    efficiency cogeneration and adopt policies encouraging it.

    In 2013, the total CHP electrical capacity installed in the EU-28 was 112.97 GW, 24.1%

    of which is located in Germany (Eurostat, 2015). In 2013, the share of CHP in the gross

    electricity generation in the EU-28 was 11.7%. Slovakia and Denmark have the highest

    power production share (77.0 and 50.6% respectively), while the lowest were in Greece,

    France and Cyprus (3.4%, 2.4% and 1.4% respectively). Malta is the only EU country

    that does not use CHP. The total CHP heat production was 2899.3 PJ and the total CHP

    electricity generation was 382.0 TWh (Eurostat, 2015). In 2013, the overall load factor of

    CHP units installed in Europe is 0.39 and this value is taken as reference for estimated

    the energy produced by each CHP unit. The load factor is calculated as following:

    Load factorCHP = Total electricity production / (Total CHP electrical capacity * 8 760 h)

    A CHP unit has four basic elements: (1) a prime mover (engine or drive system), (2) an

    electricity generator, (3) a heat recovery system and (4) a control system. The prime

    mover, while driving the electricity generator, creates usable heat that can be recovered.

    CHP units are generally classified by the type of application, prime mover and fuel used.

    The amount of energy produced depends on the Overall Efficiency (OE) (20) of each

    technology. CHP plants generally convert 75-80% of the fuel source into useful energy,

    while the most modern plants reach efficiencies of 90% (IPCC, 2007b). The amount of

    electricity produced is compared to the amount of heat produced and is expressed as the

    power to heat ratio. If this ratio is less than 1, the amount of electricity produced is less

    than the amount of heat.

    Optimal CHP systems are designed as a source of heat, with electricity as a by-product.

    If the electricity demands of the facility are not met with the presence of a CHP unit, the

    additional electricity needed is bought from the grid. Additional heat demand is typically

    supplied by stand-by boilers or boost heaters.

    There are significant economic and environmental advantages to be gained from CHP

    use. Some of these advantages are the following (IEA, 2008; MNP, 2008):

    ● energy production exactly where it is needed;

    (19) Further information:

    content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32004L0008&from=EN (20) Overall efficiency is defined as the sum of electricity and mechanical energy production and useful heat

    output divided by the fuel input used for heat produced in a cogeneration process [EC, 2012a]

  • 21

    ● reduction of transmission and distribution losses;

    ● overall cost savings (for the whole system) for energy use (it should be noted that

    a facility with CHP has to face the extra fuel cost that would not be necessary if all

    power is bought to the grid;

    ● lower CO2 emissions of the system (but not for the facility with CHP unit);

    ● Reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels;

    ● reduced investment in energy system infrastructure, but again the investment

    avoided is in the power system at the partial expense of the cost of the CHP unit;

    ● enhanced electricity network stability.

    Concerning emissions, it is important to note that integration of a CHP unit has a double

    effect. On one hand it leads to increased direct emissions due to the increase in fuel

    consumed to feed the CHP and produce heat and electricity. On the other hand it results

    in a reduction of indirect emissions, thanks to avoiding electricity bought from the grid.

    Energy-intensive industrial sites have been traditional hosts for CHP facilities and

    represent more than 80% of the total global electric CHP capacities (IEA, 2007). In

    general, CHP units are applicable to plants with significant heat demands at temperatures

    within the range of medium or low pressure steam.

    For the chemical industry, the general characteristics are high and medium temperature

    demands; typical system sizes 1-500 MWe, while the typical prime movers are steam

    turbines, gas turbines, reciprocating engines and combined cycles for the larger systems

    (IEA, 2008). In total, high temperature demands make up 43% of the total industry

    demand, while medium and low demands correspond to 30% and 27% respectively

    (Ecoheatcool, 2005-2006). Any liquid, gaseous or solid fuels, as well as industrial process

    waste gases are used as fuel sources and there is moderate to high ease of integration

    with renewables and waste energy.

    Unfortunately, Eurostat has stopped publishing statistics on CHP generation and capacity

    by economic activity. The most recent publication (Eurostat, 2006) refers to data from

    2002 and EU-25. According to those data, the chemical and petrochemical industry had

    in total 17.8 GW installed CHP capacity, when the total CHP capacity in EU-25 was 91.6

    GW. By extrapolation of this correlation, the CHP installed capacity in chemical and

    petrochemical industry in 2013 would correspond to around 22 GW.

    As mentioned earlier, there are four types of typical prime movers:

    ● Steam turbines: It is the simplest cogeneration power plant, where electricity is

    generated from the steam produced in a boiler. They can operate in a variety of

    fuels including oil products, natural gas, solid waste, coal, wood, wood waste and

    agricultural by-products. The capacity of commercially available steam turbines

    typically ranges between 50 kW to more than 250 MW (EPA, 2015). The power to

    heat ratio of these plants is normally 0.3-0.5 (EC, 2009b).

    ● Gas turbines: Gas turbines are typically available in sizes in the range 0.5 MW to

    more than 300 MW and can operate on a variety of fuels such as natural,

    synthetic or landfill gas and fuel oils (EPA, 2015). Usually they are used with heat

    recovery, where heat is generated with the hot flue-gases of the turbine.

    Temperatures can be as high as 430-480oC for smaller industrial turbines and up

    to 590oC for new large central station utility machines.

    ● Internal combustion or reciprocating engines: In these systems, heat can be

    recovered from lubrication oil and engine cooling water, as well as from exhaust

    gases. Chemically bound energy in fuel is converted to thermal energy by

    combustion. They have high single cycle efficiency and relatively high exhaust gas

    and cooling water temperatures.

  • 22

    ● Combined cycle: These plants consist of one or more gas turbines connected to

    one or more steam turbines. The heat from the exhaust gases of the gas turbine

    is recovered for the steam turbine. The advantage of this system is a high power

    to heat ratio and a high efficiency.

    These types of prime movers are further described and compared in the BREF for Energy

    Efficiency (EC, 2009b). Table 8 shows the default values for power to heat ratio

    suggested in Directive 2012/27/EU (EC, 2012a) and the overall efficiencies (IPCC,


    Table 8. Default power to heat ratios and overall efficiencies for CHP technologies

    Type of CHP unit Power to heat ratio

    (EC, 2012a)

    Overall efficiency

    (IPCC, 2007b;

    EC, 2009b)

    Combined cycle gas turbine with heat recovery 0.95 0.85

    Steam backpressure turbine 0.45 0.80

    Gas turbine with heat recovery 0.55 0.76

    Internal combustion engine 0.75 0.875

    Concerning installation costs, they can vary significantly and can depend on geographical

    factors, specific site requirements, whether the system is a new or retrofit application

    and if it includes emission control systems (EPA, 2015). There is definite economy of

    scale, with larger projects having lower costs per kW. The values available in the

    literature (EPA, 2015; Serpec-cc, 2009; IEA ETSAP, 2010) for representative CHP

    systems are summarised in Table 9. (EPA, 2015) includes a detailed breakdo
