Energy drink research pro forma.pptx (task 1)


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Energy Drink Research

Name: Alan Smith

Created in 1987 by Dietrich Mateschitz, Red Bull is an energy drink sold by Red Bull GMBh. Red Bull are the highest selling Energy drink company in the world and heavy advertising is a major factor to their success.

To quote James O’Brien, a writer for The Content Strategist, “Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage”

This in itself shows the heavy amount of advertising Red Bull does to show off their product. Red Bull are seen as a unique company due to the way they do ‘over the top’ marketing to advertise their energy drink.

They do it differently to their competitors and in fact any other company, however they are receiving all the benefits to it.

With the money they receive from the stunts there are always negative aspects. The company has been criticised for 6 major fatalities’ that have occurred in their stunts and therefore have received criticism in the past on the grounds of health risks.

One of the most notable accidents that has happened in one of many Red Bull stunts was the death of Shane McConkey. He was a professional skier and BASE jumper. On March 26, 2009 he died while skiing in the dolomite mountains, attempting to perform a double back flip. A lot of bad publicity was surrounding Red Bull after the event and now a documentary has been made about the Skiers life.

However this is not related to the energy drink and the European Food Safety Authority state that it is 100% safe.

The Energy drink is aimed at young men that enjoy extreme sports and want to be the best in what they are taking part in, from surfing, skating, F1 racing and mountain biking.

Red Bull does not just rely on the sports themselves to advertise and get the drink promoted, the company uses music and video games also.

The company sponsored Eminem to perform in the ‘EmSee Battle Rap championships’ According to the Red Bull website, Red Bull EmSee is an invitation-only MC battle series designed to find the best freestyle rappers in the country.

The content in a Red Bull can has Caffeine (known for its affects on the body), Taurine (an amino acid), B-Group vitamins( Essential Micronutrients), Sucrose and Glucose (sugars) and Alpine spring water.

The Red Bull website.

The website focuses on the extreme sports that they advertise and take part in.

They have chosen to display an image that with the caption in large, bold white text works very well.

The use of ‘Wings when you need them’ uses the slogan of the drink ‘Red Bull, gives you wings’ to a specific image, like the stunt bike in the air.

This particular image supports the theme of a sporting activity and that of extreme athletes.

The website looks slick, clean and easily visible. These aspects also reflect from the product itself.

It does not go over the top with colour or the technical aspects.

The website keeps to the house style represented in the product as well, using the white, red a blue colours.

This is so the company can be easily recognised and that the consistency will be seen as an act of professionalism.

The website looks aesthetically pleasing and the content itself is very helpful. With it being very clear and concise you can find what you were looking for at the top of the page and not have to look through a large amount of writing to find the answer.

The use of the can being in the image suggests its importance as well as showing the viewer exactly what site they are on.

Being centralised helps the reader absorb all that is happening in the first glance at the website.

When searching about the company, again the same house style has been used. An image and a good use of text provided.

The text is concise just like the text on the packaging of the actual product.

As an energy drink you are looking for something quick, straight to the point and a slogan or two that can make sure the viewer chooses you.

Even when giving the information, it has the required detail but the way in which it is presented makes it look clean and easy to read.

The blue is retained and has different font sizes to show its importance.

The title of ‘26 years and counting’ comes across that the business is happy with how far it is come and still looking forward, wiling to adapt and change with the times to keep the customers and branch out to others.

This is seen with their next page, referring you to their other types of Red Bull energy drinks.

When looking at the history, it touches upon the how the when the drink was first founded, it was created due to inspiration from other drinks and those from the far east.

The text includes many facts and figures to give the viewer of the website the impression that they know so much about the product and therefore when they are telling you how good it is, especially when coming from stars, it must have some truth to it.

Also the idea that they know exactly how many employees they have and that the products are all 100% recyclable, it shows the people behind the drink care and have put a lot of thought into it.

The other Red Bulls made are that of, Sugar Free, Zero Calories and ‘Editions’.Editions focus on the same sporting activities but offer alternative flavors. (Cranberry, Lime & Blueberry)

Red Bull are determined to be the number one energy drink for sporting activities. This is why they are heavily involved in the most extreme stunts known.

The most life threatening of events bring the right publicity to the company as these are representing the brand.

Red Bull will invest in people to take part in the certain events as a way of publicity.

Having inspiration people taking part in activities makes the logo virtually impossible to ignore and therefore is the drink that people pick.

The image above is one taken of the well known Red Bull Stratos project.

This was a space diving project by Austrian skydiver, Felix Baumgartner.

On 14 October 2012, Baumgartner flew approximately 39 kilometres from space reaching 1,357.64 km/h.

The event itself cost around £48 million to do, however as the article shows in the subheading, they doubled their investment with the event being labeled as worth £100 Million to the brand.

Stunts like this can have a huge impact on sales and now David Haigh, chief executive at Brand Finance, thinks the Red Bull brand is now likely to be worth at least £5bn.

Sales in 2013 reached 5.387 billion. This was the highest since the drink was released. This is due to the event itself, providing worldwide coverage of the brand.

Sales increase in 2013: India (+55%), Japan (+32%), Turkey (+18%), Scandinavia (+16%), Russia (+13%) and Brazil (+12%)

The Target market of Red Bull can vary between its large use.

For sporting use, the drink is used for those serious about their field and wanting to get the best out of their body.

It is predominantly for males wanting to compete at the highest level.

The age range associated with the sporting side is that of the late twenties.

When looking at the new purpose for the drink, night life, it is considered to be for those of a younger age who want the required energy for their activities. The drink is seen as a very good mixer with other alcohol.

The drink itself does not lean to a gender specific side and over the years has created a much larger demographic. The Energy drink has been drank people aged 14 to 34.

The history behind the Red Bull brand.

The Styria-based entrepreneur and marketer Dietrich Mateschitz created the brand in 1987 and formed a partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhya.

Red Bull, which is often called the ‘Red and Gold’ logo, comprises of two red bulls charging to a gold circle

The Emblem is meant to represent, strength, speed and aggressiveness.(Hence the use in sporting activity)

The Bull implies power and courage.

The use of red suggests emotion and the yellow behind the bulls providing the excellence.

The Blue and white aspects of the design are meant to represent intellect and perfection.

The design itself is a simplistic one, however it does look like an athletes drink.

The shape of the bottle gives you the impression that it is small, easy to carry and a good source of quick energy.

The font used for the Red Bull logo is that of Futura typeface.

The overall look of the energy drink is that it is focused on providing enough advertisement through its wide range of sporting activities and publicity to spend that much time of the can itself.

It is not that colourful and does not catch the eye like many of its competitors but it relies on the content instead.

“Red Bull keeps me focused and energized so that I can compete at my best both on and off the field. It gives me the extra push needed to continually perform at top levels”

Thierry Henry

“Red Bull Energy Drink is a great functional drink which can be really handy just before training or competition. Red Bull gives you wings”

Mark Webber

Factors of Persuasion

Coercive- Where punishment or pain will happen if you do not purchase that product or take part in their service.

In relation to Red Bull, it refers to wings therefore without buying the product you will be at an disadvantage to competitors who have.

Advertising has many factors behind it, the main aspects come under five sub titles.

Reward- Where the buyer is promised something for buying the product- usually a non monetary benefit.

With Red Bull, you are promised wings and a ‘lift’ of energy.

The reward can also be performing to the best of your ability, which is why top sports people represent the brand.

Referent- Where a message on the produce matches the readers values and what they stand for.

When looking into Red Bull, the idea of wings is shared with the target audience as they have identified the energy drink of their choosing for the a particular task.

In more detail, Red Bull is used for extreme sports and which is why they choose to advertise through them rather than commercials.

Expert- An Expert in that field is most often used to try give the potential buyer some comfort that the product is reliable.

Having an honest person selling the product can portray it to be worth buying.

Therefore when Red Bull use established athletes, there respected fields can reflect through onto the drink.

Looking at Thierry Henry in the football jersey, he was well respected in the work for being hardworking, honest and the top at his position. Red Bull using him as a representative is great business due to all strengths being associated with that product.

The viewers can now see the energy drink as ‘top of the market’

Having Henry playing for a team they have bought, in New York Red Bulls means

constant advertising of the product.

Star Power- Using a well known figure can help bring through the product due to the brand being remembered if they are people who are seen worldwide.

With Red Bull being focused on sports, their main source of advertising is through the sports people themselves.

Using Mark Webber, a well known F1 Driver for the Red Bull team can bring forth the energy drink to the right audience.

As Red Bull targets older males, having a popular figure can help bring that idea through.

The target audience will be watching Webber race and see the well known brand, this will therefore have a psychological impact on them.

If Webber was to win a race, this would reflect well on the drink as people will believe that leads to top performance.

This company was created by former South African Racing driver Toby Scheckter.

He is the son of famous IndyCar series driver Tomas Scheckter. He has just released his company, Scheckter's Organic Beverages Ltd and their first product, Scheckter's OrganicEnergy drink.

“I was tired of drinking ordinary energy drinks full of cheap synthetic ingredients I could not pronounce, so I spent two years sourcing the world's best quality organic ingredients that deliver on taste, sustainability and also give a powerful boost of energy.” - Toby Scheckter

When looking on the website of the drink it is clear what they stand for and what direction they aim to take the product.

In starting our business, our philosophy was and still is quite simple: With the earth providing all the natural, great-tasting ingredients we need, we believe in harnessing these ingredients nature has given us. We asked ourselves, would we rather consume, products derived artificial ingredients manufactured in a lab or products with great tasting ingredients derived from nature? Our answer is in the can!Taking this into account it is clear that the drink has a target market of those who crave the energy that the cans contain but wish to take an organic approach and choose a healthy alternative.

A specific demographic would be that of females aged between 20 and 30. The drink is relatively gender neutral however would lean more towards a female target due to them Being more concerned with their weight and what they consume whereas males do not.

The founder, Toby Scheckter has recently said that the drink is 100% certified and suitable for vegetarians.

The idea came across due a passion for a healthier life style and the company is hoping that idea relates to whom they are aiming towards.

The ingredients in Scheckter's drink are all natural, No preservatives, artificial additives or colours are used. 

The logo of the company is very clean and simple as well as have a certain professional style to it.

The use of the slogan ‘Power OF Nature’ brings in such a wide audience.

The general look of the logo and can itself is not very aesthetically pleasing, the company hopes that, what is stands for and how it makes the product can make up for the lack of colour and detail in it.

The website is full of detail and goes above and beyond to explain, who they are, what they can offer and how they produce the drink.

It is full of life straight from the main menu, the image of the people jumping up symbolises the energy the drink gives and the use of the people particularly can suggest that everyone who consumes the product starts to become healthy.

As the drink lacks the advertising power of companies such as Red Bull, they use the website and other parts of the internet to try and interact with the target market.

Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are commonly used among both small and large businesses as it offers a free and easy way to find out what the specific demographic you aim towards likes, so you can look to relate.

The use of YouTube links in the website implies that the company is up to date and trying to interact with those who are supposed to purchase the organic drink.

Providing a large amount of information can only enhance the reputation of the brand, the more people know about how are making what they consume, the better.

This is due to them feeling more safe and secure and having that knowledge on what they are doing is helping others as well as themselves.

Using Fair trade in the website is a great way to relate to the target audience. This is due to them almost feeling obliged to purchase it- (A coercive way of advertising)

The design of the can looks exactly how an organic energy drink should. It is clean, the required detail without any patterns or shapes.

You can see this through the choice of colours as well, the use of the green instantly suggests the use of fair trade or natural resources, with the red implying the emotion and story that belongs to the company.

With both ‘Organic’ and ‘Energy’ in different fonts as well as different colours, it suggests to the buyer that it has the same energy and content as the usual drinks that are found on the shelf, however this gives a much healthier alternative which is why the target audience is that of an older female one.

However the company does stress that females who are pregnant should not consume the product. The visual use of the leaf on the ‘S’ of Scheckter’s implies that the business and family name are behind the idea.

Which they are. Toby Scheckter was raised on his family's organic farm, Laverstoke Park, one of the world's leading organic farms based in the UK. Involvement in the day to day activities of running this farm gave Toby a deep understanding and appreciation for the process involved in organic produce.

The difference in fonts is noticeable and designed so, this is to show bold, powerful and strong ‘Energy’ which is given to you from the drink as well as the soft, subtle and environmentally friendly ‘Organic’ tone which gives you the impression that what you will be drinking will be healthy for you.

The use of lower case for the word ‘Organic’ is important as it is trying to show the message of the company and represent their opinions and ideas. It does not want to be too flashy and over the top and wants to retain the casual, home grown style.

The white background helps bring the words out, in particularly the script style writing underneath the name of the product. The overall look is nothing too bright nor dull but sophisticated with a polished glow.

The content of the drink. It is made with 11% fruit juice, with the unusual lemon, pomegranate, and elderberry.

As well as the most known ingredients, the drink also contains Sparkling water and Organic Asian Panax Ginseng. There is an alternative ‘Lite’ can as well as the original.

Factors of persuasion

Referent- The message or theme that this specific energy drink stands for is that of an alternative source of energy that is healthy and created by only natural substances. Reward- With many of the energy drinks, the reward associated with the drink is not monetary and the bonus you receive is instead a healthier body that has the required energy needed to perform your individual task.

Star power- As the drink is not advertised, they use both the reputation of the name ‘Scheckter’ (Who has am honest, well respected one within the sporting world) and the ethos of the drink.

The drink hopes to use the famous name to attract customers and make them convert to a healthier way of living like Scheckter did after he retired from his sporting activity.

Expert- Using an expert in the sporting world or someone who is understood to know what they are talking about is priceless when informing the target market.

The business has to make the buyer feel safe in what they are drinking, and by using someone they know or have heard of is a good step in doing so.

Scheckter have used this way of persuasion over the others more and this can be seen on the website. (

They have multiple quotes from well established people In the media and from sporting backgrounds on how good the drink is and their first thoughts.

As well as ‘famous’ stars, the website uses customers who have drank it and have something constructive to say.

This is a great way of promotion and persuading customers as people tend to spend a lot of time reading other reviews from people like them using a service or buying a product.

Coercive- The use of fair trade is a good factor to use when advertising products, especially when most of your competitors are not using natural ingredients.

Mentioning Fair trade can make the potential buyer feel obliged to purchase the product as they feel it can help the livelihood of the person who has helped grow some of the product that they are consuming.

“Loving Scheckter’s OrganicEnergy! Perfect for the tough pre-season!” (British and Irish Lions, England and Saracens rugby player)

“A hard working journalist needs a hard hitting energy drink. I choose Scheckter’s OrganicEnergy.” (Leading magazine editor in South Africa)

“If you need a boost for a 5 mile ride or maybe you need a kick to get the workday going after a 4am brick workout, then Scheckter's is the perfect choice.” (Triathlete)

“I love being #PoweredbyNature because it gives me more energy without a crash and it tastes great!” (Championship winning motorcycle racer)

“I love both Original and Lite. It's not often a low calorie version tastes as great as the original.” (Stephanie)

The use of the hashtag helps use Social networking sites such as Twitter to interact with customers, hear their feedback and post their thoughts on the website.

Comparing Red Bull and Schecker’s Organic Energy Drinks

Advertising- One of the major differences between the two. Red Bull use advertising more than any other Energy drink, thus meaning that they are now the most well known and most profitable one. They have such a large market share due to the extreme stunts involved in their campaigns.

Schecker's are the total polar opposite and do not branch out to a world wide audience. They have identified a small section of the market on who they want to target and have a certain way in getting the message through.

Using the internet alone, the company intends to interact with their target audience.

Content- There is a vast difference in what is found in both the Red Bull and Organic cans, the first of which is no additives or artificial colours. Everything is all natural as well whereas Red Bull use many sugars such as glucose and fructose.

Schecker’s energy drink focuses on the home made, natural side of the energy and how it has come about, however Red Bull focus more on the Energy itself and what that can do to your performance, ignoring what it contains and how much caffeine is in the product.

Target Audience- Red Bull targets a more male demographic that are focused on their sporting ability and performing to the top level, hence the use of the sporting stars to promote the drink.

Scheckter however, does not fall into a gender specific category and is very neutral, it has been seen to be sold more to women due to the healthy lifestyle, but the company have not intended to aim towards one gender.

Instead they have wanted to focus on organic, vegetarians and people concerned with their health.

Presentation- The way the drinks are portrayed shares a difference. Red Bull focuses on looking very eye catching, hence the use of blue and white with a bold red font for name, Schecker however uses what the company stands for and the subtle use of symbols such as the leaf to demonstrate who the energy drink is aimed for.

Red Bull present themselves as almost overly confident, the way in which the slogan, advertisements and design is laid out, however Scheckter’s energy drink uses a polished tone to the design, does not advertise that greatly and the slogan focuses on bringing their target market together rather than chasing customers.

Monster Energy is an energy drink, launched by Monster Beverage Corporation in April 2002. Like Red Bull, Monster are known for promoting extreme sports such as BMX, Motocross and skateboarding.

However, as well as sports, Monster are known to sponsor multiple musical bands such as ‘The World Alive’.

As the look of the can suggests, the music that they sponsor is all Metalcore. The World Alive are an American Metalcore band that was formed in 2008.

By the look of the design, the music they sponsor and the extreme nature of the sports they take part in the target market is that of males aged 16 to 30. There is a wide age range due to the type of energy it offers and there is a large amount of people interested in the before mentioned activities.

The target demographic will be in the C and D social class categories and live a particular lifestyle of listening to heavy music and taking part in dangerous sports. Monster advertising through the target markets type of genre in music is a great way to interact and see what else their interests are.

The logo of the monster beverage corporation is that of a claw shaped as an ‘M’ for Monster. The use of the claw is implies that an actual Monster has damaged the letter and can, this adding a sense of danger to the drink and therefore giving a certain ‘dark’ stigma to the brand.

As well as Monster Energy, Monster beverage corporation own many other brands of energy drink. In fact, they own 34 different types of energy drink. This shows the companies grasp on the market and owning a great share on it.

The overall look of the drink is that, it stands out due to the dark nature and unique style of the brand. It appeals to its targeted demographic due to similar interests such as the genre of music.

The logo has been seen by many people to look like the Hebrew letter “Vav”. In the Hebrew Alphabet, every letter is also a corresponding number and Vav is the number 6. Thus the three Vavs in a row form 666, which is the Biblical number of the Beast.

Therefore there is a theory in place that the can is almost promoting thedevil. This would support the idea of a rebelling stage for the target audience and go with the idea of extreme sports that can be life threatening. The image on the right has a slogan off ‘Unleash the beast’ this only further supports that idea.

The website is packed with content about both the drink and events they are sponsoring. Potential customers or clients will find.

Underneath the original drink, Monster show their different flavours made. Altogether there are 34 different energy drinks under the name of Monster.

The style of the website corresponds to the message sent out in the can itself. That of a dark, dangerous design. The videos of the latest stunts by the sportsmen is very interesting as they are showing, directly how the influences of the energy drink can help you perform.

Sponsoring such extreme sports helps them get the message out to their target audience through something which they enjoy and have an interest in. This is a better way of promoting the product rather than advertising in places of disinterest.

The website is concise in what it is writing and not over the top or even exaggerating in anything that the brand does.It wants the target audience to understand what they are trying to do and for them to, there needs to be the information but In a manner that keeps their concentration.

The target audience of Young males is an important part to the design and composition of the website.

They need to be interested in what they are seeing, as males arepredominantly better at visually learning and taking certainthings in, the use of the videos to explain the energy drink and what events they are supporting will help them understand.

Having an Aseptically pleasing website can reflect well on thebrand and energy drink itself. This can make the drink come across as exciting and well worth drinking.

The content is as important on the website due to it being a main source of promotion as well as social networking sites.

The way in which the website is laid out makes it easy to use and find something that you are looking for.

The intended audience for the drink is that of males who want to experience high levels of energy whilst taking part in loud, metalcore music events or extreme sports that need the required push to enhance your performance.

When asking Monster to provide their view on who the drink is aimed at they answered, ‘The target market we are looking at here primarily consists of males from the teen years to the ages of around forty who follow the lifestyle associated with extreme, action, and motor sports that are popular today. When targeting this group of people it is best to appeal to these males’

This idea of males in the extreme, action filled lifestyle comes across well in the branding of the drink and the website as seen before. The product is well advertised due to the Monster logo being worn by every sports person they sponsor.

The style behind Monster is that of a powerful yet unique approach. It uses an iconic shape that represents the brand and energy drink.

The font used on the monster can is that of one relating to the theme and design. It has a surreal edge to it that many of their competitors do not and a slight aggressiveness to be more specific to the targeted audience.

The font remains the same size and style throughout each can to show the house style and make it recognisable. The layout of the can is important because it is the first thing the the potential buyer will notice. As the font is custom designed, it brings a much more creative side to the drink and can influence the audience more.

Having a simplistic composition can help entice the target market more as they are not after anything that looks pleasing but what it stands for.

The Bright ‘M’ on the can demonstrates the buzz consumers get after drinking the product.

The shape of the ‘M’ helps relate to the audience as it uses the claw off a monster. Using a theme like that throughout can interact with their buyers.

The black background on the cans helps bring out the claw and representthe theme of rebellion and action. The use of the dark colours shows thatit is aimed more towards a male demographic.

The caffeine content of most Monster Energy drinks is approximately 10 mg/oz (33.81 mg/100ml). The packaging recommends a certain amount you should consume a day and who should not drink the energy can, such as pregnant women. Monster Cans in the UK however do not have the warning labels.

The ingredients include carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, citric acid, natural flavors and Taurine. They share many aspects to Red Bull content wise, as they re more focused on providing the energy for people rather than where it comes from.

Factors of persuasion

Referent-‘The name Monster is truly fitting for a product that really does “unleash the beast within”. This is a product that empowers its’ users with energy when they are depleted or in need, but with a price that not only they must pay but those around them must pay as well’. That comes from Monster and best describes what they are going for in terms of a message that they are trying to portray.

Reward- The reward related to this drink is that of receiving a much needed boost if you were down and the website helps implies with the imagery that with this energy you can go forth and win any sports competition or game with the use of this drink, the reward starting from the drink but ending in the activity you wanted to use it for.

The name Monster is truly fitting for a product that really does “unleash the beast within”. This is a product that empowers its’ users with energy when they are depleted or in need, but with a price that not only they must pay but those around them must pay as well.

Coercive- Using ‘Unleash the Beast’ is telling the buyer that they can become almost supernatural and very powerful in what they want to do, and can be seen the other direction that, if people do not purchase the drink they will then not receive the powers that drinking Monster can give you.

People will feel obligated to buy because they do not want to feel at a disadvantage to others who do.

Star Power/ Expert Using celebrity or star power will help convince the buyer that the drink does what it says and if they feel that it is worth buying then you feel a trust starting. In relation to Monster, they have used many stars such as, professional skater Rob Dyrdek; Michael Schumacher and Nico Rosberg – the Formula one drivers; and Ricky Carmichael – the American rally driver.

Using these sports people well respected in their field will help entice the target audience as they will feel they can reach that level, ‘Unleash the Beast’ and become something aggressive, powerful and successful within the activity you are doing.

An Expert in the sport or to do with the Energy drink is another clever way to interact with the audience as this will show some honesty in the drink and new potential buyers will feel reassured in what they are looking at.

Vemma nutrition company is a privately held multi-level marketingcompany that sells energy drinks, nutritional beverages and weight management products.

The company was founded in 2004 by Benson K, Lauren and Karen Boreyko. The name Vemma stands for vitamins, essential minerals, mangosteen and aloe.

The energy drink ‘Verve’ is one of several drinks the company, based in America produces. Verve’s idea is to offer an healthier alternative to Red Bull and Monster, the company targets a young age group, some that have just left college and about to take the next steps in adulthood.

However, targeting such a young age range does have it’s difficulties. Verve has recently been in trouble in the press due to a parent claiming that her son had been ‘brainwashed’ by the drink and therefore could not think straight which resulted in dropping out of college. In more detail, a person that purchases the drink will be someone who wants a nutritious and sustained source of energy.

Vemma, not only try to sell the drink to these young adults, but they try to tempt them to work for the business. They have been known to offer a high salary which is later proved to be wrong. Vemma have previous for not telling the truth and got in trouble with the Italian government for supposedly taking part in a pyramid scheme.

In short, a pyramid scheme is an action that involves making people pay to join a business of sorts with the promise that they will get a share out of the money they receive from the next recruit. This is seen as a good way to promote the drink within the target market due to people being paid to make their peers drink it and offer a quicker way of advertising.

Vemma’s best way of advertising their product and job roles is through the website and video’s explaining what they could have if they joined or consumed the drink.

Verve’s USP (Unique selling point) is that of offering a different source of energy to those full caffeine and sugar drinks such as Red Bull or Monster.

The drink nourishes, revitalises and supports you with longer lasting, healthier energy.

There are 18 grams of sugar in one verve energy drink, just more than found in one whole apple.Having a low natural sugar or no sugar at all can offer that alterative that other energy drinks do not.

The Verve logo is a custom font. This appeals to the young target market they are aiming at.

Using such an exciting styled font creates the impression that the drink is full of energy and worth drinking to feel it.

The colours used of Orange and White are very unusual for an energy drink and it is maybe because of that Vemma did such a thing.

To make the product stand out from the others on the shelf is a hard task, even more so with the great market share Red Bull and other well promoted energy drinks.

Using a unique colour and font style can target the young adults, in particular females.

The healthy, nutritious alternative appeals more to a female demographic as males are seen to not take in the information and more impulse buy depending on what high end promotion they saw the drink on and what sport they follow.

The overall look of the website is that it reflects the the drink and what they are trying to get across well. It is slick, straight to the point, offers multiple facts and stands out. It also differs to many other energy drink websites by providing links to PDF’s of both what is in their drink and comparing the intake of energy and sugars such as glucose and fructose with other drinks on the market.

Due to the companies lack of advertising, they choose to fill their website with huge amounts of facts and figures to make it impossible not to notice. The use of social media is always important to businesses, however more so with ‘Verve’ as the large majority of their target market are using either Twitter or Facebook.

The composition of the words ‘Minerals’ and ‘Vitamins’ on the page correspond with the quirky font for the title due to their position on the front page. The use of the house style of silver for all the text helps show consistency and professionalism in the brand.

The style of the can focuses on keeping a simplistic yet polished look to it. The use of two colours that would not usually be brought together makes the can eye catching for the potential buyer.

The use of a custom made font shows a creative side to Vemma and their energy drinks.

Many drinks use dull fonts and colours and expect to get noticed buy who they target, which is why many fail to establish themselves.

The colours counter balance each other, with silver representing a rather professional and sophisticated look and the orange being more relative to the young age group they are targeting.

This works because I believe that the demographic they are targeting of young women who want to grow up fast, believe drinking this energy and will give them a better grasp on adulthood, (the use of silver giving them that feeling).

The fonts and sizes change on the can’s layout, with the most important text, the name being the largest and the most unusual.

The name of the company has the next importance and remains in the same colour and shade. The use of the ‘e’ in ‘Vemma’ can be seen as part of the companies logo and therefore another house style that they use throughout each Verve can and the other types they make.

The use of the Exclamation mark on the end of ‘Verve’ is again, in relation to the target audience. With the word appearing to shout it enhances the full can and therefore makes it loud and attractive.

The use of the slogan ‘Insanely healthy energy’ relates to the audience they are targeting by using both, their vocabulary and the nutritious aspect.

The shade of silver alters in the slogan to put enfaces on the ‘healthy’ side.

The can marks this as important due to it being the one aspect of the can and theme that will bring all of the audience together and those who want a healthy lifestyle and still retaining an energy boost from a can.

The sheer size of the text covering all of the can is a great use of the space. This makes it more aesthetically pleasing and not having to fill white space with text or shapes that do not have anything to do with the can, which can take some of the attention away from the text.

Verve has been designed and created for the purpose of someone who wants to build a strong nutritional foundation.

The content of the drink is not that of an organic option such as ‘Schecker's’ and is not a pure caffeine drink, nor is it like Full Throttle that uses the wrong type of energy for you to work on.

Verve, uses 80 milligrams of caffeine, it is still a large amount for an energy drink, however it is required for the long duration of energy that is needed from the target market.

Especially when aiming the drink towards young adults who may need it for staying awake and studying.

Therefore, having sugars and content that gives you more energy than you need for sporting activities do not have to be used for revision purposes.

Providing a drink that does not go overly heavy on the caffeine can be a great way to target an audience as ‘extreme sports’ is not the only the purpose for an energy drink.

This is why, Vemma have created another type of can for adults that need an energy boost without having coffee.

The image on the right is a coffee version of the original, provides the same alertness as a coffee can give you but without the large serving.

Verve Mojoe, as it is called appeals to adults who are seeking a sustained energy boost.

The drink offers an alternative natural coffee blend that tastes good.

Having another type of product can help entice more customers and build the brand to make it stronger and possibly start to advertise globally rather than just in America and their website.

It is understandable that Vemma wanted to create a coffee tasting energy drink due to coffee sales alone being a $30 billion dollar industry.

Factors of persuasionReward- The reward that a can of ‘Verve’ brings you is explained in the slogan itself.

‘Insanely Healthy Energy’ it is a reward that when you buy it you will feel like you are building a good balanced, healthy lifestyle as well getting that energy you need to get through the day.

In more specific terms, the ‘School or college day’ due to the target audience being in that age group.

Referent- The message behind the brand and drink is that they want to reach an age group that is most often ignored due to health concerns, however it is a demographic that can build a strong business due to the huge demand.

Having an energy drink specifically designed towards the younger age range can make them want to buy the drink more than something that is less relevant to them such as one for extreme sport athletes.

Designing one where it is targeting the health cautious females that need the energy to get through the day can be a good way to be successful.

Coercive- Using the slogan and theme spread across the website of a much greater alternative that gives you energy but through a more health wary manner.

This alones makes the audience who were buying the more ‘extreme drinks’ rethink if they actually burn off that energy, and think about a better source of getting the fuel they need to carry on going.

Giving the audience something to think about is great way in making them choose your product, rather than spending millions on advertising and promotional stunts such as Red Bull, it is better to make the potential buyer more aware of what they are drinking.

Expert- Having people that know the drink or have consumed it can be great way to entice the audience more.

Given that the drink is a small size and not one of Red Bull reputation, having people who are well respected can be harder, however the use of quotes taken from social media and placed on the website can show the buyer what they are missing.

Star Power- The persuasive factor with this drink can be that, the magazine ‘Ms Fitness’ awarded the energy drink ‘Verve’ product of the year. This can make a huge impact on the sales due to many of their target audience reading the article on it.“After taking Vemma and Verve for just 13 days, my husband and I are both experiencing thrilling results. My husband is more energetic!** Vemma is changing our lives in more ways than one!–

"Workouts Are Easier To Get Through..."With Verve I have so much more energy, my head is always clear and I'm so focused. I notice that my workouts are easier to get through and I have more stamina”

Comparing Monster and Verve

Target Audience- Monster are targeting younger males that take part in extreme sports and listen to metalcore music whereas the energy drink Verve targets towards females of a young age group that take part in fitness activities and are more concerned about their health.

Advertising- Monster use the stars, musicians and athletes they sponsor as their promotion, whereas Verve use the website and their own target market to sell the drink to each other using the idea of a pyramid scheme.

Using the website and selling from there allows them to convince the audience and write about the product and what it offers rather than just sitting on a shelf.

Monster sponsor events that that they feel their target audience will take part in and from that then choose the drink as they feel it is more suitable to them. Verve has a more hands on approach, where they advertise directly to the audience and go to schools or colleges with the drink.

Website- The websites have different approaches on how to show the information. As Monster are more of a male orientated brand, they use more of a concise way of presenting the details. Most of the information is explained using videos to help keep audience entertained and keep their focus.

Verve use a less aggressive approach, fill the website with facts and figures and then links to PDF documents with more extensive information on the product.
