‘Enchanted Loom’ - Art-science workshop… Crossing the boundaries between science and art.....


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‘Enchanted Loom’ - Art-science workshop…

Crossing the boundaries between science and art..Image credit: Laboratory of Neuro Imaging – University of Southern California and Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Consortium of the Human Connectome Project

Image credit :Christine Daniloff/MIT

“swiftly the brain becomes an enchanted loom, where millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern – always a meaningful pattern”

Sir Charles Scott Sherrington: 1857-1952

An extraordinary man…

A scientist…

Credit Wellcome Images

A box of wonders…

“We must learn to teach the best attitude to what is not yet known”

- What would you like to learn about in science?- What do you think we’ll never fully understand?


Draw around your body and draw and paint in nerves/ muscles..

What do different bits do?

Nerve/muscle portraits…

“all man can do is to move things”

Credit Miles Kelly Art Library, Wellcome Images

Make a bit of brain…“The whole crust of the brain is one thick tangled jungle of exchanges and of branching lines going thither and coming thence”

Draw a neuronMake a bit of a brain

Credit Dr Jonathan Clarke, Wellcome Images

Draw a picture of you and your brain..Imagine what’s happening insideWrite/draw/poetry

Credit Mark Lythgoe & Chloe Hutton, Wellcome Images Credit Patrick Hales, UCL, Wellcome Images

What’s inside your head?

Box of wonders...

Look at brain slices…Make brain art…


“it is as though our mind were a pool of which movements on the surface only are what we experience”

“step by step things shape. There appear, tiny a first, what to the eye of the expert are recognisable as rudiments of parts of the future creature”

With great thanks to:

Recommendations for further links/resources



Courtesy of the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging – University of Southern California and Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Consortium of the Human Connectome Project
