Empowerment Session VI



Empowerment Session VI. Today’s Agenda. Involvement Commitment Ceremony Dinner Experience Review Learning Styles Creative Problem Solving. Please Stand. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EmpowermentSession VI

Today’s Agenda

Involvement Commitment CeremonyDinner Experience ReviewLearning StylesCreative Problem Solving

Please Stand

I ____________, being of sound mind and hungry body, realize that in order to extract the richest morsels of marrow from my culinary education that I must be dedicated beyond the classroom. To do so, I hereby commit myself to ____________________.

On this 7th day of October, 2009.

Dinner Experience Review• In groups of 4-5 people. Take 10 minutes to

create a poster that describes your dinner experiences.

• Include:– The name of the place that you went (Only Words)– The 3 best things about each experience (no words)– The 3 things you noticed that needed the most

attention (no words)• Identify one person in your group to share your

poster with the class

The Learning Styles

• Visual• Auditory• Tactile/Kinesthetic

Visual Learning• learn through seeing...                    • body language• facial expression • prefer sitting at the front • may think in pictures • learn best from visual displays (Unlike this slide)

including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. 

• During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.

Visual Learning

• What are the Benefits of Visual Learning?• What are its Drawbacks?

Auditory Learning• Verbal lectures• Discussions• Talking things through and listening to what

others have to say• Interpret the underlying meanings of speech

through nuances. • Written information may have little meaning

until it is heard. • Reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.

Auditory Learning

• What are the Benefits of Auditory Learning?

• What are its Drawbacks?

Physical Learningtactile/kinesthetic

• Hands-on approach• Actively exploring the physical world

around them. • May find it hard to sit still for long

periods • May become distracted by their need

for activity and exploration.

Physical Learning

• What are the Benefits of Physical Learning?

• What are its Drawbacks?

Creative Problem Solving

• Break into four teams

• 5 minutes to plan• 120 seconds to build• Requirement:

– Tallest structure possible using only paperclips and index cards


• What is one great thing you discovered today?

• What is your homework for next session?

