Empowering Binational Migrant Student Learning in the 21 st Century Classroom Webinar Training...


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InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Empowering Binational Migrant Student Learning in the 21st

Century Classroom

Webinar Training

Presented byNancy Murri


InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Welcome Housekeeping Introductions Overview Presentation Wrap-up


Tech Webinar: On-line Publishing

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Understand the foundations for 21st learning Discover better ways to meet the needs of

binational migrant students through technology

Learn more about hands-on integration and technology for effectively teaching binational migrant students

Recognize how binational migrant students can play an active role in their learning

Develop a plan for integrating technology with binational migrant students


Tech Webinar: On-line Publishing

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Check your understanding about technology. Complete the Technology Survey.

After you are through, make a jot dot list of ways you use technology. Keep this as a source of reflection and action for your future instructional planning for your students.

Activity 1

Tech Webinar: On-line Publishing

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Is this 21st Century Learning?


Tech Webinar: On-line Publishing

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

• Design, Invent, Construct

• Analyze, Evaluate, Reflect

• Share, Cooperate, Interact

• Ideas, Questions, Informs


Critical thinking


Foundations for 21st Century Learning

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Let’s Explore!

Discovering the possibilities Voki in the classroom Google docs



Voki free online service lets users to create interactive avatars that can be customized to add voice and other features

Includes learning resources, materials and lesson plans


Interacting in different ways Blogging Storybird


Challenge Yourself to Blog

Education blogging service Share materials Discuss topics Replace your newsletter Share your lesson plans Integrate various resources Get feedback and gather information




Kidblog With teacher

assistance, it offers a safe way for young children to have a classroom connected blog

Other students and parents comment on student work



Storybirds A visual platform where student take art and write

online stories



InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Moving right along . . .

Trying new approaches . . .1. Word clouds2. Create your own comic strip


Make Your Own Comic Strip

Make Beliefs Comix: Multilingual

Choose a character Add talk balloons Select and add other

characters Add objects

Comic Creator

Create title Select number of panels Begin story Select characters Select setting Add captions



Word Clouds

ABCYa.com Wordle

Graphical representation of word frequency

Use to teach vocabulary Illustrate thoughts Generate an

understanding of a concept



Teacher created website with fun educational games

Homepage provides links to six main grade level categories K-5 

Content categories: Letters, Numbers, Shapes, Social studies, Art

Word clouds for kids

Seeing in a new way Scholastic story starters Printing press

Critical Thinking

Scholastic Story Starters1. Students choose one of four themes: Adventure,

Fantasy, Sci-fi, or Scrambler2. Students type name and select grade3. Spin the wheels to generate a random writing

assignment4. Student's pick a template: Notebook, letter,

newspaper, or postcard5. Print completed work

Graphical ToolsClick

Graphical Tools

Printing Press

Designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers


Tech Webinar: On-line Publishing

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

• Voki• Google docs

• Blogging• Storybirds

• Word Clouds• Comic Strips

• Scholastic Story Starters

• Printing Press


Critical thinking


21st Century Learning and Technology

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Looking back at your Technology survey and jot dots . . . What were 3 things that you learned from

participating in the webinar? What are 2 ways to empower your students

learning in the 21st century classroom? What is 1 action to integrate technology in your


Wrap Up

InET Consortium Incentive Grant

Thank you!