Empower Church Vision Magazine



Whether you're a brand new member, a guest or have been part of this congregation for years, knowing and understanding who we are as Empower Church – The Shire is an important step in growing together with us. In this magazine you will find articles that outline our values and beliefs, as well as our vision for the future. We're glad to have on on board for the journey that God has for this church.

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We’re convinced that eternity is calling your name and wanting to offer you the greatest gift that the world has ever known, and our wholehearted longing is that you would find that gift whilst you’re with us.

Because that ‘Gift’ is why we gather.

‘He’ is why we live.

He, we contend, is the greatest thing that could happen to you.

In His name, we welcome you to Empower Church.

The name above all names.

The name of Jesus.

Luke & Amber

Sermon podcasts now available for all of these great series and more on

Visit empowerchurch-theshire.podomatic.com

We wholeheartedly believe that it’s neither haphazard nor coincidental that you are reading this article; but rather a divine act of providence that God has brought you near to our church family for such a time as this.

We believe that God has a divine plan for your life, and our desire is that you would find it in our company.

Lead Pastors Empower Church - Shire


Time for us to reach out, press in, and believe for breakthrough.

Time for us to dream big, work hard, and connect with our next.

Time for us to take the step, run the race, and live out loud.

We want to welcome you to our new look Vision Magazine, which contains a summary of some of the most important things you need to know to find your place of belonging at Empower Church.

Want to h ar it again?

Every year Empower Church in the Shire reaches thousands of people across the world with its inspiring messages. If you’ve missed a message or would like to hear anything again, the sermon recordings are all available online.


Our genuine hope is that you would find God in our midst… that you would find life, and friendship, and wisdom, and belonging, and strength. We strive to be a church that offers real solutions out of the timeless principles, promises and practices of scripture to your world right now.

We believe that God has something to say to you, and our prayer is that you would hear His whisper in our midst.

It is a group of believers with whom we can link arms and make a positive difference. It is a family of faith in which we can find a place of belonging and a mission entirely worthy of our contribution. The Church is God’s plan advancing in the earth.

Church… [Shudder] just the word can illicit a whole range of reactions can’t it?

Perhaps the word immediately brings to mind images of steeples, stain glass windows, big wooden crosses and pipe organs? Or, if you’ve experienced a more modern church, perhaps the word brings to mind a blaring rock band (also known as ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ to the elderly), impressive multimedia projectors, good coffee at the after service café, and those friendly door greeters who are always trying to hug you.

(hello . . . personal space please!)

Here’s some of the things that the bible says about the church:

BUT, a warning . . .

Church is NOT perfect. God is perfect, Jesus is perfect... but not church. Why? Because the church consists of people. We are all God’s ‘work in progress’, we are all half-painted canvases, we are all seven chapters into a twenty-three chapter story. Our hearts and attitudes swing from triumph to tragedy depending on the day; we’re hopeful, but also hurt; we’re faith-filled, but also foolish; we’re joyful about the present, but a little jumpy about our past. The church consists of puzzling, broken, beautiful, redeemed humans . . . just like you.

Friend, you are so welcome at Empower church – no matter what you background, story, past, or baggage…

there is a place for YOU!

Whatever your image, if it mainly consists of things or a building, or stuff . . . you’ve got a different picture than God. You see, when God thinks of church, He doesn’t just think of the place that you go, He thinks of the people that go there. He doesn’t just think of the things that you do, He thinks of the ones that do it. When God says, ‘church,’ He’s not just talking about a building . . . He’s talking about people. A people once lost, but now found by His grace.

The Church is very important to Jesus, He paid the ultimate price for it:

Keep watch [in the] . . . church of God, which He (Jesus) bought with His own blood. Acts 20:28

Jesus is personally committed to building, protecting, and advancing His Church: I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (Hell) will not overcome it. Matthew 16:18b

Jesus loves the church and is constantly working on making it more righteous and beautiful.

We’d love to invite as a valued guest to one of our a Sunday services soon. For those of us that have already taken that step, we can confidently say that being a part of a church has restored our relationship with God, has deepened our personal confidence and has benefitted our families and relationships powerfully.

That can be your story too… are you ready to come and see for yourself?

Because we’re ready to welcome you!

Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her . . . to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. (Ephesians 5:25)

Jesus has filled His Church with ‘good things’, for the benefit of its members and the wider community at large:

...We are filled with the good things of Your house, of Your holy temple. (Psalm 65:4b)

Church is a wonderful and powerful thing!

2020 vision


We love our land, we love its Christian heritage, we love that t r a d i t i o n a l J u d e o - C h r i s t i a n values are still for the most part embraced by our residents and are part of our cultural DNA and thinking. But the reality is – you can enjoy the fruits of second and third generation faith without personally being connected to the vine – and that is tragically where the majority of our population lives. Enjoying the good life and good luck of God’s blessing upon us – without personally being connected to His salvation plan through Jesus Christ for our lives – is still a lost life in need of conversion. We as Empower Church are called to do something about this.

1/5th < 14 y.o.

1,100,000visitors p.a





< 2000

Approximately 220,000 people live in the Shire and just under 1/5th of our population is 0-14 years of age, making the biggest harvest point available to us as a church being our children’s ministry! So watch this space for m o r e i n i t i a t i v e s a n d opportunities to engage with the rising generation for Jesus. We must ensure that we ‘direct our children onto the right path, so that when they are older, they will not leave it.’ [Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)]

Of the 220,000 residents of the Sutherland Shire, less than 2000 called themselves Pentecostal – which means that less than 1% of our community is walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit made available to every born again believer. As ‘Empower’ Church – we’re called to do something about this as well!

We believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is an incredible gift available to every believer and essential to victorious Christian living.

In addition to 220,000 residents that we have here - the area also sees approximately 1.1 million visitors each year, particularly in the peak summer season. Meaning that God has placed our church in the very heartland of our harvest.



We#are#now#raising#funds#towards#our#Valiant#Church#Building#fund#where#we#will,#in#the#coming#years,# seek# to# purchase# or# lease# a# permanent# home# for# our#Weekend# Services# and#Mid>week#Vision#and#Opera@ons.###












empower futureV3


WE BELIEVE IN CHURCH COMMUNITY. We as Christians are not supposed to be isolated. On the contrary it is when we are together in unity that we are our most powerful. Biblical Christianity is not isolated Christianity (unless perhaps you’re on the island of Patmos). In the early church we see an account of a vibrant, healthy, caring, embracing family of faith that not only met in the temple courts over the weekend, but also did life together house to house during the week (Acts 5:42). This is one of the greatest keys to healthy church life that there is! Christians loving one another, caring for one another, discipling one another, and using their house as an extension of God’s house! As believers we are commanded to love one another, to show one another hospitality, to teach one another, and to honour Jesus whenever we meet together.

Urban Connections at Empower Church are the strategy by which we outwork these biblical principles. We dream of a church that not only has inspiring weekend worship services, but also mid week connection points in responsible people’s homes where the local church vision can continue to outwork!

The 3 crucial elements of EVERY Urban Connection are:


We want to see people building authentic relationships, standing together in faith, prayer and genuine friendship.


The Word of God is an essential component of an Urban Connection Meeting. It is in this group environment that we can re-emphasise and delve deeper into our Sunday series topics in order to discuss the “How To’s” of applying the taught truth to our lives.


Far from an insular ‘Holy Huddle’, our Urban Connections maintain a passion for outreach and work intentionally on being open to the unsaved, to evangelism, and to inviting others who could find Christ in their midst.

If you’re interested in being connected into one of our amazing Urban Connection please make sure to see one of our INCREDIBLE…


For more information on beginning or joining an Urban Connection please contact Pastor Luke Harris on l.harris@empowerchurch.com.au or contact one of the people on this page for more details on their group.

Leslie & Vera Braganza

Arlene Adriano

Jon Adams Thea Sole & Johanna Hyytinen

Jaco Herholdt

Michael & Sarah Winnett

Scott & Leanne Hurren

John & Ronda O’Bryan

Love and Respect is the single greatest secret to a successful marriage. Psychological studies confirm this secret that has been in plain view in scripture (Eph 5:32-33) for nearly 2,000 years. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. The knowledge of love and respect is the secret to marriage that every couple seeks; yet few couples find.

A wife has one driving need – to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need – to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Dr. Emerson Eggerich, in his book, “Love and Respect,” refers to this as the “Crazy Cycle.”

Without love from her husband, a wife reacts without respect; without respect from her, he reacts without love; and around and around the Crazy Cycle goes. She needs love just like she needs air to breathe. When a husband denies his wife her deepest need, he will see the spirit of his wife deflate, and she will react negatively. In not meeting her need, the husband is stepping on her air hose. She is not getting the “air” she needs to breathe. The husband needs respect just as he needs air to breathe. He also has an air hose that runs from a big tank labeled “respect.” As long as the “air” is coming through, he is just fine.

How the need for love and the need for respect play off of one another in a marriage has everything to do with the kind of marriage you will have. Unfortunately, marital craziness has thousands of couples in its grip.

The good news is: There is a way out of the “Crazy Cycle.” First, the communication code must be deciphered. Why is communication between husbands and wives such a problem? It is an established fact that we send each other messages in “code,” based on gender, even though it is not our intention. What she says is not what he hears, and what he thinks he heard is not what she meant at all and vice versa. For example, she says, “I have nothing to wear.” She means she has nothing new. He says, “I have nothing to wear.” He means he has nothing clean. As long as spouses do not learn how to decode the messages they are sending to each other, the Crazy Cycle will spin and spin some more.

Always ask yourself: Is what I am about to say or do going to feel unloving to her? Is what I am about to say or do going to feel disrespectful to him? What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Then why not try some Love and Respect.

Rich Relationships Counseling www.richrelationships.com.au

Love & Respect


At Empower Church we are all about loving God, sharing faith, empowering leaders, reaching families & discipling generations. Here’s how we’re going to do it in the season ahead:

in mar!a"


Build our Empower Kids team Outreach Kids Concert in the Cronulla Mall stage late 2014 Increased Scripture involvement in local schools Empower Kids / Young Families resource website, music & clips Explore growth options with bigger space for Sunday Morning Kids programming

How You Can Help:

Join the Empower Kids Team Pray for the Empower Kids Ministry Accompany our mascots for a Sunday afternoon outreach Invite families to church Give financially through our V3 Campaign: Victory Generation


Bi-Monthly 'ELEV8' meeting where we train leaders & volunteers and pray for church vision Launch Bi-monthly ‘U.C. Leaders’ meeting to help connect members & guests through relationship Monthly Training / Collaboration with Urban Connection Leaders

Launch Monthly Band Practices in church hall 4th Sunday of the month

How You Can Help:

Pray for or serve in one of our Sunday afternoon teams… Ministry Leadership Team, Urban Connection Leadership Team, I.N.F.L.U.E.N.C.E.R.S team, Finance Vision Team, Worship Team, ETV team Attend our ELEV8 prayer and training night

3. Outreach to Families through . . .

We believe in our Empower Kids Children’s Ministry. We want to be obedient to the scriptures in training our children and encouraging the next generation to remember their Creator in the days of their youth.

4. Training & Team Building through . . .

After God and His Son Jesus, the most precious resource that we have is the people that call our church home. We are committed to training our volunteers and leaders to be the best that they can be, in life and ministry.

1. Worship & Teaching through . . .

Gathering people for unified:

Celebration Sacrament Service Scripture Spiritual impartation Sending


Launching ETV for Church News and Sermon Media Potentially starting a second Sunday AM service to cater for guests in the near future Increase visibility where we are – permanent signage, A-frame advertisements, bigger greeting & ushering team Greater presence in the mall with Empower Kids mascots, invitations to families, community interaction through ETV

How You Can Help:

Invest in the House through serving in our Service Team, Worship Team, Guest Services, Greeting team, Set up & pack down team & Kids Mascots Participate in our current sermon series through mid-week study and invitation Become raving fans / punctual attendees / passionate promoters of Empower Church and the good news about Jesus Repost/retweet church Social Media promotions for online invitation Financially partner with tithes and offerings, sponsor our media gear and signage, and invite guests to our services


Create Message Notes to aid Urban Connection Leaders Create Media clips to aid Urban Connection discussion Launch more Urban Connections throughout the Shire Increase effectiveness of reporting so we can jointly share testimonies & breakthroughs Ensure that every generation is being effectively cared for and discipled through at least one regular Urban Connection

How You Can Help:

Participate in or apply to run one of our Youth, Young Adult, Adult, Empower Her, Man Up & Young Families Urban Connections

2. Discipleship & Community through . . .

Every member connected relationally in an Urban Connection and encouraged towards living the Empowered Life:

Inspired by God Inviting people to Christ Investing in God’s house Involved in Deep Community Influencing your world





INFLUENCING Your WorldFamily // Friends // Focus areas

We are the influence of Christ going somewhere to happen! Therefore we ought to be lighting up the darkness and making a positive difference wherever we go and in all that we do. Our influence of good starts at home towards our families; and beyond there into the marketplace, workplace, and the mission field that surrounds - we aim to carry the influence of heaven with us. We choose to speak up for those that can’t speak up for themselves, we choose to fight for freedom from oppression where we see it, we choose to actively carry an excellent spirit of influence to our family, friends and life’s focus areas. The world needs us; so we will not hold back.

INSPIRED by GodPrayer // Reading the Word // Holy SpiritIt all starts here… a vibrant devotional life: where you pray with faith, read and apply God’s Word (the Bible), and seek the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This is THE foundational quality of the Empowered Life. As a church we value the miraculous power of God, the voice of the Holy Spirit, building a strong confession of faith, and cultivating a rock solid belief system based on God’s Word. The more effectively we position ourselves for the empowerment, infilling and inspiration of God, the more that we will empowered to live a limitless life, sold out for the cause of Christ.

INVITING People to ChristThrough our Home // Our Church // or a Prayer of SalvationWhat we’ve found in Christ at Empower Church is TOO GOOD to keep to ourselves. We’ve GOT to spread the word. To be a disciple of Christ means to intentionally invite others (friends, family, work colleagues, etc) into finding faith in Christ, and experiencing the power of his House. We believe that one of the greatest gifts we could ever offer somebody is the gift of our invitation to church // to our home to build relationship with us so that we can show them the love of Jesus // or if the opportunity arises – to lead them directly to Christ through a prayer of salvation.

INVESTING in God’s HouseTime // Talent // Treasure

Disciples at Empower Church generously invest their time, talent and treasure in God’s house. We are a tithing people (see Mal 3:10-12) and we are a participating people; for we are stewards, servants, and partners in Christ’s advancing Kingdom. We look for opportunities to roll up our sleeves and serve generously, knowing that we are investing in the greatest cause on the face of the planet – the Church of Jesus Christ. We are not just consumers of God’s house, but rather contributors towards God’s house with our faith, finance, and service.

INVOLVED in Deep CommunitySharing // Caring and // Daring each other on in our Urban Connection Groups

There’s more to church than a great Sunday Service, and Disciples at Empower Church dare to go deeper in community by discovering the power of authentic relationships. In our Urban Connection groups we can together share life and God’s Word with each other, care for each other, and dare each other to reach for all that God has for us. You’ll find us praying with each other, supporting each other through trials, forgiving each other, and serving each other because that’s what family does. Go ahead and find your place of belonging in one of our Urban Connection Groups soon because we are better together than we could ever be separately.

So How Do I Live


We’re glad you asked!!

“Write the vision and make it plain… that he may run who reads it.” (Hab 2:2)

Isn’t it easier to hit the mark when you know what the target is? Isn’t it easier to run with the vision when somebody makes it clear to you?

That’s why at Empower Church we have come up with ‘the Empowered Life’ which is essentially a picture of a disciple of Jesus Christ at Empower Church. It’s our best attempt to clarify the “5 IN’s” that we need to be “All in” as committed disciples of Christ.

So there it is, the “5 IN’s” that we need to be “All in” at Empower Church… now the only question is – will you live the Empowered Life?

Matthew 5:16 (NIV)16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and

glorify your Father in heaven.

ave you ever wondered… so what do I do now? Now that I’ve become a Christian and a member of Empower Church, what part am I supposed to play in God’s plan? What sort of life am I supposed to live? What sort of difference am I supposed to make? H