Emotions and Learning Styles: Why these are important Chapter Two- Supplement McGraw-Hill/Irwin


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Emotions and Learning Styles:Why these are


Chapter Two-Supplement


Types of Personalities

Extroverted vs. Introverted

Sensing vs. Intuitive

Thinking vs. Feeling

Judging vs. Perceiving


Personality Traits

• Personality Traits – Enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in

certain ways that can be used to describe the personality of every individual

• Managers’ personalities influence their behavior and approach to managing people and resources


Warning, Warning, Warning!


The Myers-Briggs model defines personality by a limited number of traits. There is no flexibility when identifying personalities. Not all traits are good or bad, depending on the role, job or task required.


Brief Overview

Extroverts vs. Introverts: Personalities that are more outgoing, social and assertive versus those that are more reserved and prefer supporting roles

Sensing vs. Intuitive: Sensing personalities prefer routines, schedules and order; Intuitive types tend to focus on the larger picture


Brief Overview (con’t)

Thinking vs. Feeling: Those who use practical knowledge and logic versus relying on values and emotion

Judging vs. Perceiving: Those who prefer control and structure versus those who prefer flexibility


Traits that Enhance the Workplace

Extroverts: Enhance performance as they are social and assertive. They encourage others to work together and facilitate group performance. They lead and manage.

Intuitives: Enhance performance by moving away from details, concentrate on organizational goals and are responsible for initiating the group process.


Traits that Enhance the Workplace

Thinkers: Have positive effects on the organization, as they stay away from personal values and emotion. They rely on logic and reason for problem solving.

Perceivers: Are more flexible and spontaneous, enabling creativity and long-term group dynamics.


Traits that may Hinder the Workplace

Introverts: Managers may need extra time to encourage and identify skills of these employees

Sensing: They create structure and routine, but--they may become too rigid

-they may inhibit overall creativity-they increase conflict.


Traits that may Hinder the Workplace

Feeling: There is a fine line between sensitivity and emotion in the workplace. Managers must work hard to obtain a good balance.

Judging: These personalities want control and can create conflict with fellow workers, managers and leaders as well.


Looking Ahead: Diversity

Different personality traits and diverse demographics represent the ideal scenario. The unique characteristics of each individual helps facilitate goal setting and clear decision making . Diverse opinions enable all relevant factors and issues to be considered and evaluated.


In Conclusion

1. What personality types would be part of your “ideal management team?”

2. Is it possible to work with all personality types?

3. As a manager, why is it important to understand different personality types or learning styles?

