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Thank youfor savingmy life

The theme of this year’s campaign is “Thank you for saving my life”.

It focuses on thanking blood donors who save lives every day through their blood donations and strongly encourages more people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily and regularly with the slogan “Give freely, give often. Blood donation matters.”

The campaign aims to highlight stories from people whose lives have been saved through blood donation, as a way of motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood and people in good health who have never given blood, particularly young people, to begin doing so.

Activities may include commemorative events, meetings, publication / dissemination of relevant stories on media outlets, scientific conferences, publication of articles on national, regional and international scientific journals, and other activities that would help in promoting the theme of this year’s World Blood Donor Day (WBDD).

Background informationEvery year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need.

Transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and child care and during man-made and natural disasters.

However, in many countries, demand exceeds supply, and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety. An adequate supply can only be assured through regular donations by voluntary unpaid blood donors. WHO’s goal is for all countries to obtain all their blood supplies from voluntary unpaid donors by 2020.

Today, in just 62 countries, national blood supplies are based on close to 100% voluntary unpaid blood donations, with 40 countries still dependent on family donors and even paid donors.

The objectives of this year’s campaign are to:n thank blood donors for their life-saving donations;

n promote regular voluntary unpaid blood donation;

n create wider public awareness of the need for regular donation because of the short shelf-life of blood components and to encourage existing and potential donors to donate blood at regular intervals

n focus attention on donor health and the quality of donor care as critical factors in building donor commitment and a willingness to donate regularly; and

n persuade ministries of health to show their appreciation of regular voluntary unpaid donors and provide adequate resources to provide quality donor care.

Host for World Blood Donor Day events - ChinaThe host country for World Blood Donor Day 2015 is China through its blood center in Shanghai, Shanghai Blood Centre (SBC), also the WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services.

Campaign websitehttp://www.who.int/campaigns/world-blood-donor-day/en/

W rld Blood Donor DayGive freely. Give often. Blood donation matters. 14 JUNE 2015




Domenica 14 giugno Sunday 14th June

Promotori / Promoters

Patrocini / Patronages



In relazione alla straordinaria opportunità for-nita da Expo 2015 a Milano, all’interno della quale per la prima volta nella storia si è de-dicato uno spazio per il sociale, AVIS ha ela-borato il progetto “AVISperExpo: nutriamo la vita”, per approfondire le conoscenze dei cit-tadini sull’alimentazione. In questo contesto, in sinergia con le altre associazioni del dono italiane riunite in CIVIS, con la FIODS, il Centro Nazionale Sangue, SIMTI e ISBT, AVIS ha de-ciso di organizzare un momento celebrativo della Giornata Mondiale del Donatore del 14 giugno, nel corso della quale riunire tutti i visi-tatori/donatori per valorizzare questo impor-tante gesto e per approfondire le tematiche connesse alla donazione periodica, volonta-ria, non remunerata, responsabile, associata e agli stili di vita sani.


In connection with the extraordinary oppor-tunity provided by Expo 2015 in Milan, which for the first time in history features a civil so-ciety pavilion, AVIS has developed the project “AVISperExpo: feeding life“ with the aim of deepening citizens’ knowledge on food. In this context, in synergy with the other main Italian blood donor associations gathered in CIVIS, with FIODS, the National Blood Centre, SIMTI and ISBT, AVIS has decided to organize a celebration event for the World Blood Donor Day on 14th June 2015, which could involve all visitors / donors in order to promote this very important attitude and to study issues related to periodic, voluntary, non-remuner-ated, responsible and associated donation and to healthy lifestyles.

EMO Servizi S.r.l.www.emoservizi.it



Saluti delle istituzioni presenti

Emilia Grazia De Biasi - Presidente della 12ª Commissione permanente (Igiene e sanità) del Senato della Repubblica

Saluti delle associazioni

Maria Teresa Letta (CIVIS) Gianfranco Massaro (FIODS)

“Stili di vita e qualità della donazione di emocomponenti”

Il progetto “AVISperExpo: Nutriamo la vita”. Vincenzo Saturni (AVIS) e Andrea Poli (NFI)

Le società scientifiche. Celso Bianco (ISBT) e Claudio Velati (SIMTI)

Il sistema sangue italiano. Giuliano Grazzini (CNS)

Il volontariato. Gianfranco Massaro (FIODS), Maria Teresa Letta (CRI), Vincenzo Saturni (AVIS), Aldo Ozino Caligaris (FIDAS), Luigi Cardini (FRATRES)

Conclusione dei lavori






Greetings of the institutions

Emilia Grazia De Biasi - President of the 12th permanent Commission oh Hygiene and health of the Italian Senate

Greetings of the associations

Maria Teresa Letta (CIVIS) Gianfranco Massaro (FIODS)

“Lifestyles and quality of blood and hemocomponents donation”

The project “AVISperExpo: feeding life”. Vincenzo Saturni (AVIS) and Andrea Poli (NFI)

Scientific societies. Celso Bianco (ISBT) and Claudio Velati (SIMTI)

The Italian blood system. Giuliano Grazzini (CNS)

Volunteering. Gianfranco Massaro (FIODS), Maria Teresa Letta (CRI), Vincenzo Saturni (AVIS), Aldo Ozino Caligaris (FIDAS), Luigi Cardini (FRATRES)



AVIS Associazione Volontari Italiani del sangue / Italian Volunteer Blood Donors Association

CIVIS Coordinamento Interassociativo Volontari Italiani del Sangue / Interassociative Coordination Italian Blood Volunteers

CNS Centro Nazionale Sangue / Italian National Blood Centre

CRI Croce Rossa Italiana / Italian Red Cross

FIDAS Federazione Italiana Associazioni Donatori Sangue / Italian Federation of Blood Donors As-sociations

FIODS Federazione Internazionale Organizzazioni Donatori Sangue / International Federation of Blood Donors Organizations

FRATRES Consociazione Nazionale Gruppi Dona-tori Sangue delle “Misericordie d’Italia” / National Consociation of Blood Donors Groups of “Miseri-cordie d’Italia”

ISBT Società Internazionale di trasfusione di sangue / International Society of Blood Transfusion

SIMTI Società Italiana di Medicina Trasfusionale e Immunoematologia / Italian Society of Transfu-sion Medicine and Immunohemato-logy

NFI Nutrition Foundation of Italy




