Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


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  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod




    Trauma - Intentional or unintentional

    wounds/injuries on the human body from

    particular mechanical mechanism that exceeds

    the body’s ability to protect itself from injury

     Emergency Management - traditionally

    refers to care given to patients with urgent and

    critical needs. 

    Triage - process of assessing patients to

    determine management priorities.

    First Aid - an immediate or emergency

    treatment given to a person who has been

    injured before complete medical and surgical

    treatment can be secured.

    BLS - level of medical care which is used for

    patient with illness or injury until full medical

    care can be given.


    Set of clinical interventions for the urgent

    treatment of cardiac arrest and often life

    threatening medical emergencies as well as

    the knowledge and skills to deploy those


    De#$ri%%ati&n - estoration of normal rhythm

    to the heart in ventricular or atrial !brillation 

    Disaster - "ny catastrophic situation in which

    the normal patterns of life #or ecosystems$

    have been disrupted and extraordinary%

    emergency interventions are re&uired to save

    and preserve human lives and/or the


    Mass Casua%ty Incident - situation in whichthe number of casualties exceeds the number

    of resources.

    !&st Traumatic Stress Syndr&me -

    characteristic of symptoms after a

    psychologically stressful event was out of

    range of an normal human experience.

    EMERGENCY ' I( IS )*"(+,+ (*+ "(I+(

    (*+ 0"1I23 4SI5+S I( ( 6+.

    EMERGENCY NURSING - It is the nursing care

    given to patients with urgent and critical needs

    EMERGENCY NURSE - has a speciali7ed

    education% training% and experience to gain

    expertise in assessing and identifying patients’

    health care problems in crisis situations

    establishes priorities% monitors and

    continuously assesses acutely ill and

    injured patients% supports and attends to

    families% supervises allied health

    personnel% and teaches patients and

    families within a time-limited

    pressured care environment

    DISASTER NURSING  - a branch of

    emergency nursing% it refers to nurs

    given to patients who are victims of

    whether it is manmade or natural p


    management tool for organi7ing per

    facilities% e&uipment% and communic

    any emergency situation.INCIDENT C"MMANDER - (he hea

    incident command system

    *e must be continuously info

    the activities and informed ab

    deviation from the establishe


     (he emergency nurse has ha

    speciali7ed education% trainin


     (he emergency nurse establi

    priorities% monitors and contin

    assesses acutely ill and injure

    supports and attends to famil

    supervises allied health perso

    teaches patients and families

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    time-limited% high-pressured care


    ursing interventions are accomplished

    interdependently% in consultation with or

    under the direction of a licensed


    "ppropriate nursing and medical

    interventions are anticipated based on

    assessment data.

     (he emergency health care sta8

    members work as a team in performing

    the highly technical% hands-on skills

    re&uired to care for patients in an

    emergency situation.

    atients in the +5 have a wide variety of

    actual or potential problems% and their

    condition may change constantly.

    "lthough a patient may have several

    diagnosis at a given time% the focus is on

    the most life-threatening ones


    +mergency nursing is demanding

    because of the diversity of conditions

    and situations which are uni&ue in the


    Issues include legal issues% occupational

    health and safety risks for +5 sta8% and

    the challenge of providing holistic care in

    the context of a fast-paced% technology-

    driven environment in which serious

    illness and death are confronted on a

    daily basis.

     (he emergency nurse must expand his

    or her knowledge base to encompass

    recogni7ing and treating patients and

    anticipate nursing care in the event of a

    mass casualty incident.

    2egal Issues Includes9

    "ctual 4onsent

    Implied 4onsent

    arental 4onsent

    'G&&d Samaritan La()

    :ives legal protection to the

    rescuer who act in good faith and

    are not guilty of gross negligence

    or willful misconduct.

    F&cus &* Emergency Care

    !reser+e &r !r&%&ng Li*e

     A%%e+iate Su,ering

     D& N& Furt-er .arm

     Rest&re t& "/tima% Functi&n

    G&%den Ru%es &* Emergency C


    - btain 4onsent

    -  (hink of the )orst


    espect ,ictim’s 1oderivacy


    - let the patient see his o

    - 1ake any unrealistic p

    Guide%ines in Gi+ing Emergency

    A 1 "sk for help

     I 1 Intervene

     D 1 5o no 0urther *arm

    Stages &* Crisis

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    >. Anger

    way of handling anxiety and fear

    allow the anger to be ventilated

    ?. Grie* 

    help family members work through their


    letting them know that it is normal and


    C&re C&m/etencies in Emergency Nursing


     riority Setting/4ritical (hinking Skills

     @nowledge of +mergency 4are

     (echnical Skills


    "ssess and Intervene

    C-ec3 *&r ABCs &* %i*e

    " ' Air(ay

    6 ' Breat-ing 4 - Circu%ati&n

    Team Mem$ers


     Emergency Medica% Tec-nician


     Emergency Medicine !-ysicians

     Incident C&mmander

    Su//&rt Sta, 

     In/atient Unit Sta, 

    Emergency Acti&n !rinci/%e

    I4 Sur+ey t-e Scene

    Is the Scene SafeA

    )hat *appenedA

    "re there any bystanders who can helpA

    identify as a trained !rst aiderB

    II4 D& a !rimary Sur+ey - organi7ation of

    approach so that immediate threats to life are

    rapidly identi!ed and e8ectively manage.

    !rimary Sur+eyA 5 Air(ay6Cer+ica% S/ine

    - +stablish atent "irway- 1aintain "lignment- :4S C D E repare Intubation

    B 1 Breat-ing- "ssess 6reath Sounds- bserve for 4hest )all (rauma- repare for chest decompression

    C 1 Circu%ati&n

    - 1onitor ,S- 1aintain ,ascular "ccess- 5irect ressure 

    Estimated B%&&d !ressure

    SITE SB!

    Radia% 7 89

    Fem&ra% 7 9

    Car&tid 7 ;9

    C&ntr&% &* .em&rr-age

    D 1 Disa$i%ity

    - +valuate 24

    - e-evaluate clients 24

    - Fse ",F mnemonics

    E 1 E2/&sure

    - emove clothing

    - 1aintain rivacy

    - revent *ypothermia

    III4 Acti+ate Medica% Assistance

    Information to be elayed9

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    • )hat *appenedA

    • umber of ersons Injured

    • +xtent of Injury and 0irst "id given

    •  (elephone number from where you’re


    I4 D& Sec&ndary Sur+ey

    Inter+ie( t-e !atient

     S ' Symptoms

    " ' "llergies

    1 ' 1edication

    ' revious/resent Illness 

    2 ' 2ast 1eal (aken

    + ' +vents rior to "ccident

    C-ec3 ita% Signs

    4 Triage

    comes from the 0rench word ” trier ” %

    meaning to sort   process of assessing patients to

    determine management priorities Categ&ries:


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    FIRST AIDR&%e &* First Aid

    6ridge the :ap 6etween the ,ictim and

    the hysician  Immediately start giving interventions

    in pre-hospital setting

    a%ue &* First Aid Training Self-help *ealth for thers

    reparation for 5isaster

    Safety "wareness 

    BASIC LIFE SU!!"RT 5 an emergency

    procedure that consists of recogni7ing

    respiratory or cardiac arrest or both the proper

    application of 4 to maintain life until a victim

    recovers or advance life support is available.

    Arti#cia% Res/irati&n

    a way of breathing air to person’s lungs

    when breathing ceased or stopped


    Res/irat&ry Arrest

    a condition when the respiration or

    breathing pattern of an individual stops

    to function% while the pulse and

    circulation may continue.

    Causes: 4hoking% +lectrocution% strangulation%

    drowning and su8ocation.

    )"3S ( ,+(I2"(+ (*+ 2F:S

    . 1F(*-(-S+ and 1F(* E if the pt.

    is an infant

    ?. 1F(*-(-S(1" E used if the pt. has

    a stomaH a permanent opening that

    connects the trachea directly to the front

    of the neck.

    0or escue 6reathing "lone9

    ate is

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    okAL thenshakethevictim


    laced Supine on a !rm and Matsurface

    pen the"irway

    • 4heck for foreign bodies then

    remove using !nger sweep• *ead-tilt-chin-lift maneuver

    •  Naw-thrust 1aneuver

    "ssess for6reathing

    • 6ring cheek over the mouth and

    nose of the casualty

    • 2ook for chest movement

    • 2isten for breath sounds

    • 0eel for breathing on your

    cheek (he 4asualty is ( 6reathing9

    :o for*elp

    if someone responds to your

    shout for help send that personto phone for ambulance

    if you’re on your own% leave thecasualty and make the phonecall for yourself

    O never leave if the patient hascollapsed as a result of trauma ordrowning or if the casualty is a child


    G rescue breaths = rescuebreaths

    lacemouth overthe noseand mouthof theinfant

    pinchnose andventilatevia mouth

    look forchest

    seal lipsaround themouth andblowsteadily for

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    when the !rst aider is too exhausted to

    continue when another !rst aider takes over

    when +1S arrives and takes over

    -en t& ST"! C!R:

    S ' S("+FS 6+"(* +S(+5

     ( ' (F+5 ,+ (*+ 1+5I4"2 S+,I4+S

    ' +"( IS +P*"FS(+5 ( 4(IF+

    ' *3SI4I" "SSF1+S +SSI6I2I(3


    I6 0"4(F+

    S(+F1 0"4(F+

    2"4+"(I 0 (*+ 2I,+ S2++

    +F1(*"P% *+1(*"P 

    C.AIN "F SURIAL EARLY ACCESS ' early recognition of

    cardiac arrest% prompt activation ofemergency services

    EARLY BLS ' prevent brain damage% buytime for the arrival of de!brillator


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    4*+S( (*FS(9 used only in patients inadvanced stages of pregnancy or in markedlyobese clients

    a. 4onscious atient standing or sitting• Stand behind the client with arms under

    patient’s axilla to encircle patient’s chest• lace thumb side of !st on the 1I552+

    of S(+F1% grasp with the other hand

    and perform 6"4@)"5 thrust untilforeign body is expelled.


    5. END"TRAC.EAL INTUBATI"NIndications9

     (o establish an airway for patients

    cannot be ade&uately ventilated with anoropharyngeal airway

     (o bypass upper airway obstruction

     (o permit connection to ambubag or

    mechanical ventilator  (o prevent aspiration

     (o facilitate removal of tracheobronchial


    E4 CRIC"T.YR"ID"T"MY •  a puncture or incision of the cricothyroid

    membrane to establish an emergencyairway in certain emergency situations

    where endotracheal intubation ortracheostomy is not possible.

    •  indicated to pts. with trauma to headand neck% and in allergic reactioncausing laryngeal edema

    •  use of gauge . C"NCUSSI"N ' temporary loss of

    consciousness that results in transientinterruption if the brain’s normalfunctioning

    ?. C"NTUSSSI"N ' bruising of the braintissue

    G. INTRACRANIAL .EM"RR.AGE 'signi!cant bleeding into a space orpotential space between the skull andthe brain

    a. Epidural hematoma the most serious type

    hematomaH forms rapid

    results from arterial ble

    forms between the dur

    skull from a tear int thearea

    b. Subdural hematoma forms slowly and resul

    venous bleed   a surgical emergency 

    c. Intracerebral hemorrhage bleeding directly into t


    ALERT: Assume cer+ica% s/ine *rany /atient (it- a signi#cant -eunti% /r&+en &t-er(ise4


    S+45"3 "SS+SS1+(9  4hange in 24 ' most sensit

    indicator in the pt’s condition  4FS*I:’S (I"5 # bradypne

    bradycardia% widened pulse pindicating increased intracranpressure

     une&ual or unresponsive pup

    impaired vision  6attle’s sign ' bluish discolor

    mastoid% indicating a possibleS@F22 0"4(F+

     hinorrhea or otorrhea ' indi

    4S0 leak

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


     eriorbital +cchymosis ' indicates

    anterior basilar fracture

    ALERT: I* $asi%ar s3u%% *racture &r se+eremid*ace *ractures are sus/ected< anas&gastric tu$e>NGT@ is C"NTRAINDICATED


     pen airway by Naw-(hrust 1anuever%suction orally if needed

     "dminister high Mow oxygen9 most

    common death is 4++6"2 "PI"  In general% hyperventilate the patient to

    =-=G bpm% causing cerebralvasoconstriction and minimi7ing cerebraledema

     "pply a bulky% loose dressingH don’t

    apply pressure  I, line of SS or lain 2

     prepare to manage sei7ures

     maintain normothermia


    a. 5ia7epamb. Steroidsc. 1annitol

     repare of immediate surgery if pt.

    shows evidence of neurologicdeterioration

    B4 SULL FRACTURES• SI12+ ' closed•  41F5 ' open•  2I+" 0x ' common hairline break% w/o

    displacement of structure

    •  411IF(+5 0x ' splinters or crushesthe bone in several fragments

    •  5++SS+5 0x ' pushes the bonetoward the brain

    •  4"I"2 ,"F2( 0x ' top of the head• 6"SI2" 0x ' base of the skull and

    frontal sinusesALERT:

    •  5amage to the brain is the !rst concern%it is considered a neurosurgical condition

    •  In children% skull’s thinness andelasticity allows a depression w/o abreak in the bone

    CAUSES: Traumatic $%&(s t& t-e -ead< A<se+ere $eatings

    • S/Sx9 scalp wounds% agitation andirritability% loss of consciousness% laboredbreathing% abnormal deep tendonreMexes% altered pupillary and moorresponse

    IF CONSCIOUS: complains of persistent

    locali7ed headacheIF JAE! "ONE F#A$EN%S: may cause

    cerebralbleeding*"2 SI: ' blood-tinged spot surrounded

    by lighterringIF S&'ENOI!A( F) 9 damages the optic nerve

    and maycause 62I5+SSIF %E$&O#A( F) 9 may cause unilateral

    deafness orfacial paralysis


     supporative #mild analgesics  cleaning and debridement of

    If conscious9 observed for ? h

    admit for evaluation  if ,S stable% may go home w

    instruction sheet

    F&r AULT and BASILAR FRACTU  4raniotomy to remove frage



     smotic 5iuretics #1"I(

    increased I4 is presentNURSING C"NSIDERATI"NS:

     maintain patent airwayH nasa

    contraindicated to basilar fx  support with = administrati

     suction pt. through mouth no

    4S0 leak is present  *I*+" ' wipe it% don’t

    blow itB  (*+" ' cover it lightly w

    gau7e% don’t pack itB  osition head on side

     1aintain a supine position w

    elevated to > degrees  don’t give narcotics or sedat

     assist in surgery% maintaining



    •  immediate immobili7ation of

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    •  " 6 4 # Intercoastal paralysis w/diapragmatic breathing$

    SUBSEUENT ASSESSMENT:•  *ypotension% bradycardia% hypothermia

    - suggests SI"2 S*4@ •  (otal sensory loss and motor paralysis

    below the level of injury

    MANAGEMENT:  asotracheal intubation  initaite I, access% monitor blood gas

     indwelling urinary catheteri7ation

     prepare to manage sei7ures

     1eds9 *igh dose steroids and dia7epam


    •  Immobili7ation of spine whileperforming assessment

    •  "64 ' #tongue swelling% bleeding%broken or missed teeth$

    SUBSEUENT ASSESSMENT:•  aralysis if the upward ga7e ' indicativeof I0+I 6I( 0P

    •  4repitus on nose ' indicates nasalfracture

    •  0lattening of the cheek and loss ofsensation below the orbit ' indicates3:1" #cheekbone$ 0P

    • 1alocclussion of teeth% trismus 'indicative of 1"PI22" 0P

    !RIMARY INTERENTI"NS:  Insertion of oral airway or intubation

     asopharyngeal airway should only be

    used if no evidence of nasal fracture or


     "pply bulky% loose dressingH apply ice to

    areas of swelling


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


     Skin (raction ' force applied to the skin

    using foam rubber% tapes  Skeletal (raction ' force applied to the

    bony skeleton directly% using wires% pins%tongs placed in the bone

     I0 ' operative intervention to achieve

    reduction% alignment and stabili7ation  +ndoprosthetic eplacement '

    implantation of metal deviceNURSING C"NSIDERATI"NS:

     +levate to prevent or limit swelling  "pply ice packs or cold compressH not

    place directly in skin  Splint and maintain in good alignment%

    immobili7e the joint above and belowthe fracture

     :ive pain medications as ordered

     "ssist in castingH use the palm of your

    hands in holding a wet cast  "void resting cast on hard surfaces or

    sharp edges

     5o neurovascular checks hourly for the!rst =? hours

     "ssess for 41"(1+( S351+ '

    check for T ’s  If 4ompartment syndrome is suspected%

    do not elevate limb above the level ofthe cast

     otify the physician

     6ivalve the cast

    =. ("F1"(I4 NI( 5IS24"(I - occurswhen the surfaces of the bones forming the

     joint no longer in anatomic position

     "2+(9 this is a medical emergency because of associated disruption of surrounding blood andnerve supplies O Subluxation ' partial disruption of thearticulating surfacesC%inica% Mani*estati&ns:

    •  ain and deformity•  2oss of normal movement

    •  P-ray con!rmation of dislocation w/oassoc. fracture

    1anagement9 Immobili7e part% Securereduction of dislocations manually #usuallypreferred under anesthesia$ursing 4onsiderations9

     "ssess neurovascular status before and

    after reduction of dislocation  "dminister pain medications #S"I5s$

     +nsure proper use of immobili7ation

    device #elastic bandage% splints$

    >. S"I ' an injury to the ligamentousstructure surrounding a jointH usually caused bya wrench or twist resulting in a decrease jointstability

    4linical 1anifestations9•  apid swelling due to extravasation of

    blood w/n tissues•  ain on passive movement of joint•  discoloration% and limited use or


    ?. S("I ' a microscopic tearing of the musclecause by excessive force% stretching% oroveruse

    4linical 1anifestations9•  ain with isometric contracti•  Swelling and tenderness•  *emorrhage in muscle


    C1+SSI #+lastic 6andage$R+S(I4+ #for the !rst =? hrsH < hr on% = hduring waking hours$

    M+5I4"(IS # S"I5s$E2+,"(I

    SF( #Fse of crutches% splints$

    NURSING C"NSIDERATI"NS:  "pply ice compress for the !

    to produce vasoconstriction% dedema% and reduce discomfo

     "pply warm compress after =

    promote circulation and absoto > minutes at a time$

     +ducate to rest injured part f

    to allow healing  +ducate to resume activities

    and to warm up

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    S."C AND INTERNAL INURIESA4 S."C - Inade&uate tissue perfusion% resulting in

    failure of one or more of the 89a. pump failure of the heartb. 6lood volumec. arterial resistance levelsd. capacity of venous beds

    - Can $e c%assi#ed as:". .Y!""LEMIC 5 occurs when

    signi!cant amount of Muid is lost in theintravascular space #+x. *emorrhage%burns% Muid shifts$

    6. CARDI"GENIC 1 occurs when the heartfails as a pump. rimary causes includes1I% dysrhythmiasH Secondary causesincludes mechanical restriction ofcardiac function or venous obstructionlike in 4ardiac (amponade% tension

    pneumothrorax% ,44. SE!TIC S."C 1 from bacteria and

    their products circulating in the blood

    !RIMARY INTERENTI"NS:  "ssess for "64

     esuscitate as necessary

     "dminister = to augment =-carrying

    capacity of arterial blood  Start cardiac monitoring

     4ontrol hemorrhage


    o  "ssess 24% decreasing 24 indicatesprogression of shock

    o  1onitor arterial blood pressure#narrowing pulse pressure% fall in systolicpressure$

    o  "ssess pulse &uality and rate change#tachycardia% weak and thready$

    o  "ssess urinary output #=Gml/hr may

    indicate shock$o  "ssess capillary perfusiono  "ssess for metabolic acidosis due to

    anaerobic metabolism of cellso  "ssess for excessive thirst%

    hyperthermia on septic shockMANAGEMENT:  "dminister = via +( or nonrebreather

    face mask #if intubated% may behyperventilated to control acidosis$

     0luid resuscitation #= large-bore I, lines%

    inger’s 2actate% 6($  Insertion of an indwelling catheter

     1aintain patient in a supine position

    with legs elevated  4ontinue to monitor ,S% +4:% 4,% "6:%

    F% *4(% *gb%and electrolytesH referchanges on the following

     1aintain normothermia #high fever will

    increase the cellular metabolism e8ectsof shock

     1edications9 Inotropics% ,asopressor%

    and "nti-biotics

    ELECTR"CARDI"GRAM- It is a useful tool in the diagnosis of

    those conditions that may cause

    abberations in the electrical activity

    )",+ I(++("(IS9 )",+ 9 "trial 5epolari7ationH !deMectionU )",+9 !rst negative deMection )",+9 !rst positive deMectionS )",+9 negative deMection% afteUS 412+P9 ,entricular 5epo

     ( )",+9 ,entricular epolari7atio

    Nursing Res/&nsi$i%ities duri 4heck order for +4:% in cases

    prepare the machine at the b+

     rovide rivacy

     Instruct patient to lie still and

    movement  emove metal objects on the

    #jewelries$  lace 4hest leads as labeled

    2ead 9 :reen% 2eft 0ooteutrali7er9 6lack% ight foot

    ,9 :reen% midway betand ,?

    ,?9 6rown% Gth I4S% 2eft

    ,G9 6lack% G


     I4S% 2""2

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    ,T9 ,iolet% Gth I4S% 21"2

    B4 BLUNT C.EST INURIES- It is a trauma in the chest without an

    open wound-  usually cause by ,"% blast injuriesSIGNS6SYM!T"MS:RIB FRACTURES: tenderness% slight

    edema% pain that worsens with deepbreathing and movement% shallow andsplinted respirationsSTERNAL FRACTURES: persistent chestpain1F2(I2+ I6 0"4(F+S9

    - 02"I2 4*+S( #loss of chest wallintegrity$

    -  decreased lung inMation%paradoxical chest movements

    -  extreme pain-  rapid and shallow respirations-  hypotension% cyanosis-  respiratory acidosis

    C"M!LICATI"NS:?4 TENSI"N !NEUM"T."RA• a condition in which air enters the chest

    but can’t be ejected during exhalation

    •  (here is lung collapse and mediastinal

    shiftS/Sx9 tracheal deviation% cyanosis andsevere dyspnea% absent breath sound onthe a8ected side% agitation% N,5=4 .EM"T."RA • collection of blood in the pleural cavity%

    usually results from ribs% lacerating lungtisssue or an intercoastal artery

    • It is the most common cause of shock

    following chest trauma=. LACERATI"N &r RU!TURE &*  A"RTA • immediately fatal

    H4 DIA!.RAGMATIC RU!TURE• causes severe respi. 5istressH if

    untreated abdominal viscera mayherniate% compromising both circulation

    and vital capacity of lungs4 CARDIAC TAM!"NADE

    • rapid unchecked rise in intrapericardia

    pressure that impairs diastolic !lling ofthe heart

    • results from blood or Muid accumulation

    in the pericardial sac

    ASSESSMENT AND DIAGN"SIS:•  ercussion9

    - *emothorax9 5ullness- (ension nuemothorax9 tymphany

    •  "uscultation9

    - (ension nemothorax9 1I is deviated- 4ardiac tamponade9 muVed hearttones•  P-ray•  (horacentesis ' yeilds blood and

    serosanguinous Muid•  +4:•  etrograde aortography ' reveals aortic

    laceration•  +chocardiography•  4omputed (omography

    TREATMENT:Simple ib 0ractures

     mild analgesics% bed rest% ap

     incentive spirometry

     deep breathing% coughing an

    Severe ib 0ractures  intercoastal nerve blocks

     position for semi-fowlers% ad

    *emothorax  4hest tube insertion at G th-Tt

    anterior to 1"2  administer I, fuids% =% 6loo

     (ransfusion  (horacotomy


    TREATMENT: (ension neumothorax  insertion of spinal%

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


     if 02F4(F"(I S(S% mechanical

    blockage or lung has already expanded  have an extra bottle with SS% clamps

    and sterile gau7e at bedside  in case of dislodgment% cover the

    opening with sterile/petroleum gau7e toprevent rapid lung collapse

     "ssist with proper positioning

     6ed est


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    peritoneal dialysis% cool Muid bladderirrigation

     5iscontinue active cooling when the

    temp. reaches >W degrees 4elcius  xygenate the pt. via +( or

    nonrebreather mask  1onitor ,S% +4:% and neurologic status

     Start I, infusion using inger’s 2actate

     "nti-pyretics are not useful  Indwelling catheteri7ation

     )0 hypokalemia% metabolic acidosis%


    H4 .Y!"T.ERMIA- It is a condition where the core temp. is

    less than >G degrees 4elcius as a resultin the exposure to cold.

    -  > compensatory mechanisms9a. shivering ' produces heat thrumuscular activityb. peripheral vasoconstriction ' todecrease heat lossc. raising basal metabolic rate

    NURSING ALERT:•  +lderly are greater risk for hypothermia

    due to altered compensatorymechanisms

    •  +xtreme caution should be used inmoving or transporting hypothermic pts.%because the heart is near !brillationthreshold

    CLINICAL MANIFESTI"NS:•  slow% spontaneous respirations

    •  heart sounds may not be audible even if its beating

    •  6 is extremely diXcult to hear•  !xed dilated pupils% no pulse% no 6H

    initiate 4•  drowsiness progressing to coma•  shivering is suppressed on temp. below

    >=.> degrees

    •  ataxia•  cold diuresis•  fruity or acetone odor of breathG"AL &* MANAGEMENT: Re(arm(it-&ut /reci/itating cardiacdysr-yt-mias4

    MANAGEMENT:  assive +xternal ewarming #temp

    above =D degrees$- emove all wet clothing% and replace

    with warm clothing-  rovide insulation by wrapping the

    patient in several blankets-  rovide warm Muids

    5isadvantage9 slow process  "ctive +xternal ewarming #temp above

    =D degrees$- rovide external heat for patient- warm

    hot water bottles to the armpits% neck% orgroin

    -  )arm water immersion- 5isadvantages9


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


     +ndotracheal intubation with ++

     ,S% check degree of hypothermia

     ewarming procedures

     Intravascular volume expansion and

    inotropic agents  +4:

     Indwelling catheteri7ation

     :( insertion


    •  "64•  Identify the poison• btain blood and urine testsH gastric

    contents may be sent to laboratory•  1onitor neurologic status•  1onitor Muid and electrolytes

    :++"2 I(+,+(IS9•  Initiate large-bore I, access% monitor

    shock•  revent aspiration of gastric contents by

    positioning head on side•  1aintain sei7ures precaution

    1II1II: "6S(I  "dministration of activated charcoal

    with a cathartic to hasten secretion.  Induction of emesis with syrup of

    ipecacH done only in patients with goodgag reMex and is conscious.

     "dult dose is > ml by mouth followed

    by = glasses of waterH edia dose is. *emodialysis ' to purify and accelerate

    the elimination of circulating toxins.?. epeated dose of charcoal.G. roviding an antidote ' antidote is a

    chemical or physiologic antagonist thatwill neutrali7e the poison.


    . (o cleanse stomach before enprocedures.

    ?. (o remove li&uid or small parmaterial from the stomach4

    NURSING C"NSIDERATI"NS  Insertion of :( or :(.  lace patient on left lateral p

    head lower

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    -  4arbon monoxide exerts its toxic e8ectsby binding to circulating hemoglobin toreduce the oxygen carrying capacity ofthe blood.

    -  4arbon monoxide and hemoglobin is= ' > times aXnity compared tooxygen and hemoglobin.

    -  4reation of carboxyhemoglobin

    resulting to tissue anoxia.CLINICAL MANIFESTATI"NS-  espiratory depression% stridor.-  4onfusion progressing to coma.-  *eadache% muscular weakness%

    palpitation% and di77iness.-  Skin is pink in color% cherry red% or

    cyanotic.-  "6:9 carboxyhemoglobin level is ' ?R severe carbonmonoxide poisoning.

    MANAGEMENT:  rovide

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    sudden withdrawal from prolongedintake of alcohol.

    • Symptoms begins as early as ? hours

    after reduction of alcohol intake andpeaks at =? - ?D hours but may last upto = weeks.

    ALC"."LISM 1 a c-r&nic disease &r

    dis&rder c-aracteried $y e2cessi+ea%c&-&% inta3e and inter*erence in t-eindi+idua%s -ea%t-< inter/ers&na%rea%ti&ns-i/ and ec&n&mic *uncti&ning

    - C&nsidered t& $e /resent (-ent-ere is 4? &r ?9 m% *&r e+ery ?999m% &* $%&&d

    -  At 4? 5 4J< t-ere is %&(c&&rdinati&n

    -  At 4J 5 4H< t-ere is ata2ia< trem&rs<irrita$i%ity< and stu/&r

     At 4H and a$&+e< t-ere is

    unc&nsci&usnessC"MM"N BE.AI"RAL !R"BLEMS: K D0s



    ."22F4I"(IS #,ISF"2 "5 ("4(I2+$I4+"S+5 ,I("2 Si:ST+1SS)+"(I: "5 SI+F+



    5 I+00+4(I,+ I5I,I5F"2 4I:

    DRUG "F C."ICE *&r a+ersi&n t-era/y &*an a%c&-&%ic:

    5 DISULFIRAM >anta$use@Instruct patient to avoid% when taking5isul!ram9

    MF(* )"S*",+ (*+ 4F(+ 425 +1I5I+SF5 S"F4+S 1"5+ F 0 )I+FFI( 02",+5 +P("4(SA0(+S*",+ 2(ISI+:"S@I 5F4(S

    MANAGEMENT:  rotect patient from injury% dia7epam or

    phenytoin for sei7ure control asprescribed.

     1onitor ,S every > minutes.

     Fse a non-alcohol skin preparation%

    draw blood for measurement of ethanolconcentration% toxicologic screen forother drug abuse.

     1aintain electrolyte balance and

    hydration.  bserve for hypoglycemia.

     "dminister thiamine followed

    parenteral dextrose if liver glydepleted.

     :ive orange juice% gatorade%

    carbohydrates to stabili7e blo  lace patient in a private roo

    close observation.

    BE.AI"RAL EMERGENCIES - It iserious disturbances of behavior% a8

    thought that makes the patient una

    with his life situation and interperso


    ?4 I"LENT !ATIENTS- Is usually episodic and is a m

    expressing feelings of anger%

    hopelessness about a situatioManage t-r&ug-: a. +stablish control% keeping the do

    and be in clear veiw of sta8 

    b. "sk if he has a weapon% avoid touagitated pt.c. "dopt a calm% nonconfrontationald. rovide emotional supportH 4ISIS


    J4 SUICIDE- Fltimate form of self-destruct

    helpL- 1ajor Interventions9 +,+(



  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    K4 Sie: Ru%e &* nine 

    "ssessment  4hildY >yearsold 


    *ead andneck 

  • 8/20/2019 Emergency and Disaster Nursing Rod


    if no water is readily available%

    remove clothing immediately asclothing soaked with hot li&uidretains heat

      F%ame Smother the Mames with a coat or

    blanket% get the victim on the Mooror ground #stop% drop% and oll$

    revent victim from running If water is available% immediately

    cool the burn area with water If water is not available% remove

    clothingH avoid pulling clothingacross the burnt face

    4over the burn area with a loose%

    clean% dry cloth to preventcontamination

    5o not break blisters or apply

    lotions% ointments% creams orpowder

      Air(ay if face or front of the trunk is

    burnt% there could be burns to theairway

    there is a risk of swelling or air

    passage% leading to diXculty inbreathing

      Sm&3e in-a%ati&n Frgent treatment is re&uired with

    care of the airway% breathing andcirculation

    )hen = in the air is used up by

    !re% or replaced by other gases%the oxygen level in the air will bedangerously low

    Spasm in the air passages as a

    result of irritation by smoke orgases

    Severe burns to the air passages

    causing swelling and obstruction ,ictim will show signs and

    symptoms of lack of =. *e mayalso be confused or unconscious

      E%ectrica% check for K5angerL

    turn of the electricity supply if

    possible avoid any direct contact with the

    skin of the victim or any

    conducting material tovictim until he is discon

    once the area is safe% c

    "64s if necessary% perform r

    breathing or 4  C-emica%

    0lood a8ected area wit

    =-> min emove contaminated

    If possible% identify the

    for possible subse&uenneutrali7ation

    "void contact with the

      Sun$urn +xposure to ultraviolet

    natural sunlight is the of sunburn

    :eneral skin damage a

    eventually skin cancer  (he signs and symptom

    sunburn are pain% rednfever