Emergence in pelagic communities* · the resilience of the world’s ecosystems. Without an...


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Like the other papers presented at the 36th Euro-pean Marine Biological Symposium (held in Maó,Minorca, Balearic Islands, 17-22 September 2001),mine is intended as a tribute to the shining exampleand monumental inspiration that the work of DrRamón Margalef bequeaths to us. Of the many spe-cific reasons for celebrating his scientific career, Iselect two above all others. One is his pursuit ofrobust ecological theory: as his ECI Prize Publica-

tion (Margalef, 1997) makes abundantly clear, agrasp is required, urgently and correctly, of themechanisms by which the Earth’s ecosystems regu-late themselves. Without this knowledge, we arefailing to anticipate the impact of our own over-pop-ulous, aspirant, manipulative, destructive species onthe resilience of the world’s ecosystems. Without anunderstanding of their regulatory mechanisms or theconsequences of their exceedence, how can we hopeto determine what is necessary for us to recover agenuinely, ecologically sustainable tenancy in thebiosphere?

The second reason is the linkage between thelucidity of Margalef’s theories and his own deep

SCI. MAR., 65 (Suppl. 2): 5-30 SCIENTIA MARINA 2001


Emergence in pelagic communities*


NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The Ferry House, GB-LA22 0LP AMBLESIDE, Cumbria, UK. Fax: +44 1 539 446 914. E:mail: csr@ceh.ac.uk

SUMMARY: Pelagic systems, those based on the open waters of large lakes and seas, provide excellent opportunities forecological study. This is because, the vastness of the oceans apart, pelagic ecosystems operate on short space and timescales. This affords important opportunities to study the emergence of ecosystems and the basis of striking high-order pat-terns of ecosystem behaviour. The essay seeks an outline of the processes by which the biologies of individual organisms -the largest functional, controlled units in the ecosystem - interact and bias the outcomes in favour of particular network struc-tures recognised by ecologists. Populations build, communities assemble, ecosystems function but always in ways that relateto the match between the adaptations and performances of individual species and the capacities of the environments in whichthey find themselves. The paper attempts to discern the linkages between the biology of individual and the ways that ecosys-tems are put together, between organisms and organisation. Drawing on the advantages of absolutely short generation timesamong the producers, consumers and heterotrophs of the pelagic, I seek to sample the ascendant pathways of ecosystem syn-thesis, noting the energetic decisions which select for particular outcomes. However, the simple organisational state of manypelagic communities reminds us that ascendancy is frequently restrained by a scarcity of resources and tempered by the fre-quent intervention of abiotic factors. The presentation does not seek to prove any point about systems: it attempts to re-affirm what is known about organisational hierarchies; then, using approximate quantities, the points of bifurcation betweenalternative organisational structures are nominated; drawing upon suppositions about the dissipation of energy, the organi-sational underpinning of function at the level of the whole ecosystem is proposed. Corroboration from observations fromthe real world is sought throughout.

Key words: community organisation, assembly rules, pelagic, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacterioplankton, energy thresholds.

*Received December 8, 2000. Accepted January 9, 2001.

understanding of pelagic systems. This is far fromhaving been a unique combination –one immediatelyrecalls the careers of other famous ecological theo-rists like G.E.Hutchinson, the Odums and DavidTilman– but it conforms to a belief of mine that aquat-ic systems make inspiring subjects for ecologicalstudy. The supposition consolidates the valid claimthat, aside from the vastness of the oceans them-selves, aquatic ecosystems function on sufficientlyshort spatial and temporal scales for their high-orderworkings to be amenable to observation and mean-ingful experiment (Reynolds, 1998a). All that is need-ed is an acceptance of the analogies and of the basisfor their interpretation and quantification.

This being so, the first priority is to establish ver-tical connectivities –the nature of the linkagesamong the behaviours of individuals and the struc-tures evident at the level of ecosystems and biomes.Some species-specific autecologies of aquaticorganisms are relatively well-known, often with aclear understanding of their population dynamicsand the features of the environments which mostinfluence them. Good examples include fish (Elliott,1994), invertebrates (such as the “keystone” waterfleas of the genus Daphnia: Haney, 1985) and someplanktic autotrophs (a fine case is the biology ofCylindrospermopsis: see Padisák, 1997). At theother end of this spectrum are some recent conceptsexplaining how ecosystems are organised and regu-lated (see, e.g., Straskraba et al., 1999, and otherpapers in the same series). Such contributions addvalue to the developing sub-discipline of macroecol-ogy (Brown and Maurer, 1989; Brown, 1999) whichidentifies within the large-scale statistical patterns ofspecies distribution, abundance and richness ofspecies, the processes governing the structure anddynamics of complex ecological systems. Excitingas macroecology has become, some ecologistsremain uncomfortable with a deductive but practi-cally untestable model that pitches itself above thereal-world complexitities of variable populationdynamics and other small-scale assembly processesin fluctuating communities. Crucially, however,macroecological approaches to questions about theoperation of the intermediate organisational level–that of the local assemblage of species and itsstructural regulation– seem to promise legitimateand verifiable insights into the ways that the ecolo-gies of individual species slot together into recog-nisable, functionally viable ecological communities(Lawton, 1999). The broad challenge accepted hereis to develop an overview on how pelagic communi-

ties (those of the open water of large lakes and thesea) are assembled.

Thus, the specific aim of this essay is to con-tribute towards the eventual synthesis of a “rulebook” of ecosystem organisation and function. Thesequence of ideas to be developed is founded on a“bottom-up” view of biotic sequestration of rawmaterials by constituent autotrophs and the energeticpotential that is harvested from sunlight. The adap-tations of individual species of autotrophs and therespective fitness features these impart in the face ofintensifying environmental constraints are argued toinfluence strongly both the directionality of auto-genic succession and the responses to allogenicenvironmental forcing. The analogous behaviour ofthe phagotrophs and other microbial consumers ofprimary products are treated in a lesser detail, suffi-cient only to characterise the interactions among thecommunity’s producers and consumers of organiccarbon. The relevance of carbon intensity to thestructure of distinctive pelagic communities is con-sidered towards the end of the essay.

These are large areas of ecology. It is desirable toadopt some overall framework into which to inter-face concepts from ecosystem theory with knowl-edge of the specific adaptations and autecologies ofindividual species and functional groups. The modelI have adopted to provide that framework is an adap-tation of the species exergy plots of Nielsen (1992).


An earlier draft of this paper was titled “The self-organisation of pelagic communities”. It waschanged to the present one because any implicationthat the striking robust and consistent patterns evi-dent in system development conform to some supra-organismic control is a source of deep concernamong practising ecologists. One does not have togo as far as adopting a Gaian interpretation of thebiosphere (Lovelock, 1979) before the suppositionof some internal design to assembling ecosystems isimplicated. The use of terms such as “goal function”(Straskraba, 1980) or, indeed, “self-organisation”(Pahl-Wostl, 1995) to describe the development ofcomplex, networked communities of interrelatedproducers and consumers risks the misattribution ofa system property to some systemic driver. Thehigh-order patterns in pelagic communities are clearenough, with well-rehearsed attributes and process-es (see Reynolds et al., 2000) which are not in dis-


pute. However, it has to be rigourously emphasisedthat the patterns are exclusively contingent on thebehaviours and mutual interactions among the biot-ic components of the ecosystem, that is, the individ-ual organisms making up the specific populationsand the putative multi-species communities. Theecosystem is the sum of the component processescarried out by the aggregate of constituent individu-als. Organisms, indeed, are the largest self-regulat-ing units of assembly with any kind of controlling,reproducible set of genomic instructions. In thedelightful phrase of Lampert and Sommer (1997),we need look “no further [..for system properties..]than the activities of individual organisms”.

This being so, self-organisation is a collectiveoutcome (or “emergent property”) of the aggregateof the independent dynamic responses of individualorganisms to the external environmental conditionsobtaining. These act as a kind of filter, admitting thegrowth of tolerant individuals of suitably pre-adapt-ed species while excluding those that are poorlysuited. Changing environments may result in chang-ing filters which lead towards alternative outcomes,when the identities of the best-fit of the speciesavailable may also be varied (Harris, 1986). Howsuch small-scale responses and interactions of indi-viduals become aggregated and assembled intorecurrent, emergent, high-order structures providesthe central theme of this essay. To build this arounda thermodynamic model permits an approach tocommunity assembly that relates primarily to thefulfilment of functions rather than to the explanationof any particular assemblage. A starting assumptionis made that ecosystems do not necessarily comprisethe species that happen to be the best adapted to theparticular habitat. A preferable analogy is the cre-ation of a series of vacant employment opportuni-ties, each waiting to be filled by able applicants.Changing conditions of employment might deter-mine that only the fittest or most dogged of theapplicants will survive. Yet, here again, we mustreject at once any implication that such opportuni-ties arise other than as a consequence of the infra-structural requirements for efficient organismic pro-cessing of the resources available: there is no central“employment policy”. In this sense, emergentecosystems have much in common with modernmarket-driven macroeconomies. Founded on asound base of natural resources, economies expandthrough the application of labour and the accumula-tion of controvertible wealth. Wealth accumulationpermits diversification as primary products are

exchanged for secondary manufactures and goodsare exchanged for services. Each activity requiresspecialist personnel and each is supported by the pri-mary resource.

The balance of opportunities depends upon theresource availability, the rate of its processingthrough the economy and the burden of non-prima-ry activities that can be borne. Given an adequateresource base of nutrients (=K), ecosystems harvestprimary energy (E) to sustain production (P) and toaccumulate biomass (B). Trading in organic carbonas currency (Corg), primary products support the sec-ondary production of phagotrophic animals and het-erotrophic organisms, within the supply limits thatthe primary (“wealth”) generation can fufil. At thesystemic level, expansion proceeds as a function ofthe capacity of the flux of organic carbon ({Corg}’),the concentration base of other elements or nutrientsinvolved ([K]’), and the integral of harvestable ener-gy flux ({E}*). Thus, assembly may be summarised:

A = f ({Corg}’, [K]’, {E}*) (1)

It is well understood that whereas energy can bestored chemically, its ability to support work is not.Ecosystems run almost exclusively on the short-wavelength solar flux, which is harvested andinvested in high-energy carbon bonds through theremarkably conserved process of photosynthesis.Provided the supply of nutrients, water and inorgan-ic carbon are each adequate to match the potentialrate of fixation, primary production yields around 1kg of carbohydrate per 15 MJ of energy captured(roughly 470 kJ invested per mol Corg fixed). Someof this carbohydrate is re-activated in growth, whichdraws on the store of Corg in the synthesis of proteinsand new cell mass, and will provide the energy todrive the actual building process. All intracellularenergy-consuming processes require the controlledoxidation of the organic carbon bonds, which iseffected in the synthesis of ATP. This is anotherprocess that is highly-conserved among all livingorganisms, everywhere resulting in an irretrievableloss of energy as heat. Primary-producer biomassmay eventually become the carbon substrate of aheterotrophic decomposer or the carbon intake of aphagotrophic consumer. In either case, oxidation ofthe organic carbon content provides the raw materi-al of the growth and reproduction of the consumer,as well as providing it with the energy to use in theassembly of its biomass and in the (usually) signifi-cant effort required to forage for more organic car-


bon. So it is at each link in the food web, residualorganic carbon being gradually oxidised away as itis processed through the prey-predator network. Ateach point, there are decomposer organisms workingon the generated wastes or on the corpses and cadav-ers of expired organismic components and which,thus, eke out the last of the unoxidised carbon tosupply their needs. Ecosystems are simply networksfor dissipating energy.

The above model illustrates the linkage ofmacroecological processes to the molecular chem-istry of carbon reduction and oxidation, embracingthe notions of community structure and function interms of thermodynamic exchanges. The quantitiesof energy that are eventually dissipated, either perunit time or per unit area, are influenced by numer-ous factors, not the least being the rate at whichshort-wave radiation is captured and transferred tostore. Just as the growth of organisms requires anincome of energy that, on balance, exceeds the out-going losses, so assembling communities representan accumulating wealth of organic carbon as energyincome exceeds expenditure. In this respect, ecosys-tems appear to contravene basic laws of thermody-namics governing the entropic degradation of ener-gy and matter towards the ultimate equilibrium state.Of course, ecosystems are fully open, dissipativesystems (Jørgensen, 1992) that operate, like water-wheels in a stream, by exploiting the dissipativeflux. More of the flux can be exploited by buildingmore harvesting biomass (more or bigger waterwheels) but the capacity of the flux itself cannot beenhanced (the same amount of water runs throughthe millstream).

A positive balance of energy harvest over the rateof its biotic dissipation may be referred to as exergy(Mejer and Jørgensen, 1979). Sometimes termed“negative entropy”, or “negentopy”, it is a thermo-dynamic measure of the information content of thesystem. The state of living systems may be charac-terised by the level of molecular organisation andinformation represented by their useful gene content(Jørgensen et al., 1995, Jørgensen, 1999). However,it is simpler to adopt the alternative approach ofNielsen (1992) which has the energetic exchanges asits base. Thus, Reynolds (1997a) calculated theexergy-generation capacity of phytoplankton, as afunction of radiant energy income and the energeticcosts of respiration and maintenance of the algaChlorella. The model, reproduced in simplifiedform as Figure 1, supposes a maximum flux of pho-tosynthetically available radiation of 60 mol photons

m-2 d-1 (~ 12.6 MJ m-2 d-1 of photosynthetically avail-able radiation, or PAR) and interpolates the inter-ception of photons up to the areal density of light-harvesting centres that could be simultaneously acti-vated at 20oC (the upper curve, expressed as theequivalent standing-crop carbon). The cost of stand-ing-crop maintenance is calculated as a direct linearfunction of the basal respiration rate of Chlorella.The maximum theoretically sustainable standingcrop is that at the point of intersection. The solutiongiven -10.4 mol cell C m-2 (≈125 g C m-2 or, rough-ly, 2.5 g chl a m-2), compares well to reported natur-al maximal densities of phytoplankton (~50 g C m-2)and active terrestrial plant biomass (~75 g C m-2: seeMargalef, 1997). It is a good deal less than the 20-30 kg C m-2 standing crops of forests, though this is,of course, dominated by the accumulated necromassthat is wood.

The bow-shaped area enclosed between the ener-gy-harvesting capacity and the maintenance costs ofthe autotrophic biomass represents the potentialcompartmental exergy flux. It is a measure of thesystem’s ability to invest in new producer biomass,as represented in eqn (1), and to support the transferof Corg to other levels in the trophic network. Thebow also represents the buffering capacity of thesystem compartment, which enables it to withstanda variable solar energy income as well as consumer-


FIG. 1. – The Nielsen-Jørgensen representation of the potential exer-gy of a system, as the excess energy harvesting capacity relative tothe biomass maintenance costs. The quantification is based on the

physiology of the alga Chlorella (Reynolds 1997b).

forced variations in the active biomass present(Mejer and Jørgensen, 1979; see also Fig. 2). Solong as the net exchanges are positive, the existingstructure has a “cushion” of exergy within which itsbiomass and its further development are wholly sus-tainable (Reynolds, 1997a). The economic analogyof exergy is a budgetary surplus that is available tosupport new growth or to fund the diversification ofsocially valuable but fundamentally non-productiveservice activities.


From the foundation that emergence is dependentupon a positive compartmental exergy flux, the taskis to determine the mechanisms of growth and selec-tion that influence the identity and function of thekey players. In order to do this, however, it is neces-sary to first consider the nature and scale of the for-midable constraints and conditions that pelagic envi-ronments pose to their exploitation by organismsand putative systems. These are suggested to act likea series of “filters”, of differing coarseness, thatselect candidate species on physical, functional andmetabolic criteria.

The “physical constraints” refer to the genericproperties of water and of its motion, as it is movedby gravity, atmospheric forcing and gyratory inertia,from one state to another or from one place to anoth-er. In a fluid which is simultaneously non-compress-ible, relatively dense and viscous, mechanical kinet-ic energy is dissipated through a spectrum of turbu-

lent eddies, the smallest being eventually over-whelmed by the viscosity. The generation and dissi-pation of turbulent kinetic energy in lakes and seas,relevant to their biology, were quantified successful-ly over a decade ago (see e.g., Denman and Gargett,1983; Spigel and Imberger, 1987) and their impor-tance to pelagic ecosystems was quickly diagnosed(Mann and Lazier, 1991; Reynolds, 1994; Catalan,1999). Contention with the combination of turbu-lence and the Archimedean properties of watermakes rigidity a lower adaptive priority than tensilestrength or the ability to escape turbulent shear byexploiting the viscous end of the eddy spectrum(Reynolds, 1998b). It is no coincidence that thedominant life forms of pelagic primary producersshould be almost exclusively pico-, nano- ormicroplanktonic (i.e., < 0.2 mm; the few exceptionsoccupy rather specialised niches) and that they sharethis viscous world with most heterotrophs (bacterio-plankton) and many species of phagotrophs (micro-zooplanktonic protists and rotiferans). Mesoplank-tonic feeders (0.2-2 mm) that exploit turbulence intheir foraging (Rothschild and Osborn, 1988) arebuilt very differently to withstand shear. For largerpelagic foragers, the principal force countering pro-gression through the water is frictional drag, towhich end, the simultaneous investment in powerfulmusculature, streamlined body form and smoothsurface is a long-appreciated adaptation, not just ofpelagic fish but among other large animals too(Bainbridge, 1961).

The “functional level” invokes the major segre-gations in pelagic-role fulfilment, with respect to themovement of organic carbon. The essential distinc-tions are, clearly, among those organisms engaged inits synthesis into primary biomass and those whichconsume it as a delivered product. It may seem triteto be differentiating plants from animals at this pointin the essay but this is an appropriate juncture atwhich to point out that the interactive, trophic rela-tionships struck among the producer and consumercomponents –the food web– is generally recognisedto represent one of the most important filters instructuring pelagic communities (Carpenter et al.,1985; McQueen et al., 1986), as it is elsewhere(Oksanen et al., 1981). Clearly the interactions gobeyond the sequence, carnivore eats herbivore eatsplant: in a three dimensional environment, themeans of foraging and the accessibility of resourcesneed to be reconciled. Food availability and con-sumer ontogeny and electivity are prevalent inpelagic food webs (Pahl-Wostl, 1990). The impor-


FIG. 2. – Assembly of producer biomass (continuous bold line) inrelation to the ability of a fluctuating energy income (thin line) tosustain the mainteance requirements of the biomass. A similar rela-tionship exists between the biomass of consumers and the ability ofthe food resource to meet its maintenance costs. Based on Figure 65

of Reynolds (1997b).

tant trophic relationships in the pelagic are just asmuch networks as they are on the land. The compo-nents of a Planktothrix-Chironomid-Cyprinid foodchain are no more interchangeable with those of amicrobially-mediated picoplankton-calanoid-salmo-nid network than are those of a shrub-aphid-coc-cinellid sequence with those of a grass-zebra-lionlinkage. Functional groups of every trophic levelhave to match the foraging opportunities of the habi-tat and trophic networks inevitably reflect these.

The “metabolic level” is the finest level of filtra-tion, yet it is possibly the one requiring the greatestflexibility of paradigms held hitherto to explainspecies selection. In fact, the same principle holds asfor the two higher levels, that every species willgrow in suitable environments (its spectrum ofrequirements is satisfied) provided it has the oppor-tunity to do so (a viable inoculum is present). Theprominent species are not necessarily the best fittedand, while the opportunity is presented, any of anumber of species may increase simultaneously andwhile individual demands are fully supplied by thecollective resources, they are not strictly competitors(Reynolds, 1984a). This is different from the view,implicit in Tilman’s (1977) resource-ratio hypothe-sis, that the species whose optimum requirementsmatch most closely the conditions obtaining will“outcompete” all others in contention. However,once the supply of one or other of the resources failsto satisfy all the demands of co-habiting species,then there is a competition for limiting resource, andfor which superior uptake affinities or alternativeuptake strategies will single out the fittest competi-tors. Demonstrable limitation of performance is theessential prelude to competition, when the selectivi-ty of the filtration is tightened against less well-adapted contenders.

The difference between the two ideas is narrowand nearly semantic. The principal distinction of thefiltration concept is that it allows more species tofunction in benign environments. This is importantto understanding how species that are not equallycompetitive nevertheless co-exist and, indeed, how ahigh diversity of potentially redundant species canbe maintained. Moreover, the modern view of habi-tat filtration has much in common with the bio-coenotic hypotheses advanced by Thienemann(1918) and others in the early part of the twentiethcentury (for a convenient summary of which, seeLampert and Sommer, 1997). They recognised theassociation of low species diversity with “harsh con-ditions” (i.e, tolerable to relatively few species) but

greater numbers of species (albeit, many of themrepresented by small numbers of individuals) in var-ied environments permitting many species toapproach their optimal performances.

The idea that communities might comprise notmerely the best-fitted species but that they are,rather, near-random assemblages of all but the non-fitted species, is now strongly advocated by, interalia, Keddy (1992: see also Weiher and Keddy,1995), who was motivated by work on wetlandplants, by Kelt et al. (1995), working with smallmammals, Belyea and Lancaster (1999), inspired bystream fauna, and Rojo et al. (2000) analysing phy-toplankton assemblages. Belyea and Lancaster(1999) offer a clear definition of what constitutes an“assembly rule” and discuss which of the rules hith-erto proposed might have most relevance to emer-gence. They accept that many factors shape observ-able communities but that the internal dynamics arethe most influential factors in community building,within constraints imposed by the local environmentand the pool of species available.

The deductions also bring an exciting comple-ment to the approach to habitat classification, pio-neered by Southwood (1977) and Grime (1979).Their templates of available environment anticipatethe delimitation of habitat range occupied by specieswith the appropriate adaptive specialisms. Onceagain, students of the phytoplankton have not beenfar removed from these approaches, which find evi-dent analogies in Margalef’s delimitation of evolu-tionary adaptations (life-forms: Margalef, 1978) andhabitat representations (the “mandala” of Margalefet al., 1979).

My own attempts to discriminate commonbehaviours among the phytoplankton and matchthem, on the one hand, to morphological propertiesand, on the other, to environmental gradients(Reynolds, 1980, 1984a, 1987) are coincidentallyallied. These attempted to convey the profound andpotentially selective constraints on the growth anddevelopment of phytoplankton imposed by theextreme dilution of nutrient resources in openwaters and the impact of light absorption throughin deep mixed layers. The first characterisations ofhabitats were set against axes representing “nutri-ent availability” (y) and “mixed depth” (x). Toemphasise the analogy with Grime’s (1979) work,these were considered pelagic equivalents of(respectively) “stress” and “disturbance”. Morerecently, they have been quantified in terms of theaccessibility of the critical resource (K**, being the


areal concentration of the limiting nutrient, whichcan be phosphorus, nitrogen, iron or othermicronutrient, divided by the product of the depthand the concentration gradient from top to bottom(One is added to the gradient to avoid zero denom-inators; the units cancel to m) and harvestable pro-cessing energy (I**, being the geometric meandaily photon flux divided by the depth of the mixedlayer; units: mol photons m-3 d-1). A wide variety ofphytoplankton has been fitted to this template(Reynolds, 1997b, 1999a).

Most recently, the template has been extended torepresent a wider range of pelagic habitats, definedby axes describing “resource constraints” and “pro-cessing constraints” (Reynolds, 1999b). This widensthe conceptual representation to embrace the foodresources of the consumer trophic levels and theoxidative potential which is required for organicallystored energy content to be realised. The extendedtemplate established “domains” separated by theagent most likely to regulate the metabolism of thesystem. In this way, the constraint of functioning ofthe whole system is interpretable, not just as a prob-

lem of nutrient supply but also of energy input, ofcarbon sourcing and whether the system redoxinhibits the cycling of primary products.

This habitat template is invoked (see Fig. 3a)here to illustrate the patterns of constraint filtration,primarily as they apply to phytoplankton. To moverightwards, in the x direction, continues to representthe increasing severity of the processing constraints,or, in this instance, diminishing access to photo-chemical energy; this makes adequate photosynthet-ic productivity progressively more difficult toachieve. Moving in the y direction from the bottomleft-hand corner follows a gradient of alleviatingseverity of traditional nutrient limitation, to a pointwhere the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus and all theother nutrients is able to sustain a rate of biomasssynthesis which consumes carbon dioxide at a ratewhich exceeds the rate invasion into the water acrossthe surface (it has been calculated that this route cansupply no more than 90-100 g C m-2 y-1: Reynolds,1999b). Even that rate depends upon the mainte-nance of a steep solution gradient. Smaller waterbodies, in which the direct invasive pathway is


FIG. 3. – Development of a habitat template for phytoplankton. The left hand shape is based on the matrix of limnetic metabolic sensitivities(Reynolds, 1999b) in terms of carbon resource (vertical axis) and the rate of its processing (horizontal axis). Starting at a point half way upthe left-hand axis, it is supposed that the supply of carbon and nutrients will saturate the fastest rate of carbon fixation. In the downwardsdirection, nutrient resource availability constrains the biomass assembly; rightwards, the system becomes limited by photosynthesis; upwards,carbon dioxide is the most serious constraint; if the system is relieved by an alternative supply of fixed carbon, processing rates are often con-strained by oxidative potential. Quantifying in terms of carbon, phosphorus availability and the harvestable photon flux, the physiologicalranges of plankton algae can be represented (the middle shape). Each of the three shown is particularly well-adapted to contend with defi-ciencies in the supply of one of the requirements. At optimal supply rates, all three species perform to the best of their abilities. The righthand shape is identical to the centre one but now serves as a habitat template that is populated by functional species associations. These are

identified by the alphanumeric coda developed by Reynolds (1997b).

matched or exceeded by carbon dioxide dissolved inthe inflowing water, or is enhanced by the release ofgas through the photolysis dissolved organic matter(Maberly, 1996; Thomas, 1997; Whitehead et al.,2000), are represented towards the top of the tem-plate, as are the effects of an organic input thatexceeds the capacity for its re-oxidation.

The template is an aid to recognition of the con-straints obtaining in a habitat and provides an index tothe intensity of selective filtration operating and of itssensitvity to variation. Moreover, from co-ordinatesrepresenting a starting position, the impact of emer-gent assembly on the habitat might also be tracked. Toimprove its usefulness in this context, the templatecan be further tuned to the specific site sensitivities,which, for many freshwater habitats, may reduce tothe supply of bioavailable phosphorus, the maximumflux of inorganic carbon and the harvestable light fluxin the mixed layer. This rationale is followed in theconstruction of Figure 3b. The revised templateaccommodates the maximum photon flux ({E}* ~ 60mol m-2 d-1) and a range of carbon dioxide concentra-tions influenced by the solution flux to open watersystems ({C}). Capacity limitation by the supply ofphosphorus (it could just as easily have been nitrogenor any other nutrient) is inserted on the carbon axis inthe appropriate stoichiometric equivalence (1 mol P :106 mol C). To move downwards from this point is toimply increasing risk of phosphorus deficiency; tomove upwards increases the system dependence onexternal supplies of inorganic or organic carbon. Tomove rightwards implies the increasing limitation bylight energy.

The perimeter of Figure 3b can be taken to rep-resent the totality of planktic habitats (at least, withrespect to these three dimensions) and to cover alleventualities from relative plenty to relative famine.The plot is then amenable to the insertion of theoperational ranges and tolerances of particularspecies. Where the species plot embraces the habitatco-ordinates, it may be deemed to be filterable and,thus, its growth is tolerant of the environmental con-ditions obtaining. Outside these bounds, the organ-ism is unable to grow.

To show the principle, three filter boxes areinserted in Figure 3b. The range for Microcystisreflects its shortcomings as a light antenna and of itsrelatively weak affinity for phosphorus at low con-centrations. However, Microcystis is one of theCyanobacteria known to contend with high pH lev-els and micromolar concentrations of carbon diox-ide (Moss, 1973; Talling, 1976), which ability is

now known to be attributable to a very sophisticatedcarbon-concentrating and transport mechanism(Kaplan et al., 1980; Miller et al., 1991; Espie et al.,1991). The range of Microcystis penetrates deeplyinto the low-CO2 regions of Figure 3b.

By analogy, some of the solitary, filamentousforms, like Planktothrix agardhii, are not justdemonstrably good light interceptors (Kirk, 1976;Reynolds, 1989) but they have great flexibility in theamount of photosynthetic pigment they contain and,in some species and subspecies, in the amounts ofaccessory pigments too (Tandeau de Marsac, 1977).The experimental results of Post et al. (1985) pro-vide the data to construct the range of P. agardhiiinserted in Figure 3b.

The represented tolerance of low phosphorusenvironments by Synura is not due just to the alga’shigh affinity for phosphorus (data of Saxby-Rouenet al., 1997) but to its capacity to live phagotrophi-cally on bacteria (Riemann et al., 1995). It should besaid that the capability does not provide a completeexplanation (at 10-9 mol l-1, how do the bacteria takeup sufficient phosphorus?). In the small, vegetalpools in which Synura thrives, however, sources ofterrestrially-formed organic debris are generally dis-proportionately plentiful.

Just to emphasise the point, it is rehearsed againthat Synura cannot even use bicarbonate, Microcys-tis is a very poor light antenna (Reynolds, 1989) andPlanktothrix is, relatively, a phosphatophil. For eachof the specialisms, one of the organisms is superblywell-adapted but it turns out to be a poor competitorin the other domains. Thus, totality of habitats issubdivided into subsections in which the environ-ment sets up functional funnels or “filters”. The “fil-tration” is entirely analogous to classical set theorywherein subsets of datapoints (= organisms) may begrouped together but separated from others by theinserted boundaries. The filter is analogous to theVenn diagram of classical set theory and which ispassed only by species with appropriate adaptationsand which, of course, happen also to be present. Thefirst rule of emergent assemblages is that the com-ponent species must be available in substantial num-bers (“viable inocula”) and that the habitat condi-tions obtaining must be adequate to sustain theirminimal requirements for net biomass increase.

Even without good quantitative data for any but ahandful of other species, experience with designingother templates and accommodating named speciesconforming to one or other of the (alphanumeric)functional classifications (see above and Reynolds,


1997b) permits their distribution in the new templateto be plotted provisionally (Fig. 3c). This version ofthe template is included to assist the next task, whichis to establish the properties of individuals of thevarious species of phytoplankton which contributeto the emergence of the functional guilds of speciesupon which community structures are founded.


An important feature of the habitat template isthat the ranges of species overlap in a domain whichrepresents a general adequacy of resources and pro-cessing energy, wherein almost all species can oper-ate without stretching their specialist adaptations.The converse is that, in such benign environments,just about everything else is capable of attaining itsits maximal performance too. Nevertheless, theseare appropriate co-ordinates at which to observe themechanisms of emergence. With metabolic filtrationat its least exacting, it is predictable that the mostsuccessful organisms, of a pool populated by manypotential contenders, will be those that furnish thelargest inocula (N0) or those that achieve the fastestrates of assembly (r). The connotation, “r-selection”(McArthur and Wilson, 1967), is transparent in thelogistic growth Equation (2):

Nt = N0 e r t (2)

where e is the base of natural logarithms and t is aperiod of time through which r holds. The appropri-ate strategic adaptation under such circumstances isinvasiveness, with the ability to invest in propaguleproduction and the capacity to achieve short genera-tion times distinctive attributes. Invasiveness is syn-onymous with the competitive C strategy in Grime’s(1979) vegetation theory. Usage of the terms, “com-petitive ability” and “a power to outcompete otherspecies” is not consistent among terrestrial and plank-ton ecologists (the latter attribute the title to the even-tual “winner” –Æsop’s tortoise, not the hare, is thebetter competitor). The vital recognition is the com-munal effect of individual species responding idio-syncratically to the growth opportunity with whichthey are confronted. At this point in the template,where nearly all species are able to perform well, thefastest-growing among them are likely to emergedominant. This view of “fitness” is preferable to sup-positions about “competitive” outcomes.

The fastest growing representatives of the plank-tonic C-strategists are the smaller, usually unicellu-lar species, having the high surface-to-volume ratiosthat favour rapid assimilation and conversion ofresources with minimal temperature sensitivity(Reynolds, 1997b). Difficulties persist in the deter-mination of in-situ cell replication rates growth,being generally understood to exceed, sometimesconsiderably, the observable rates of populationincrease [r = {ln (Nt / N0 )}/t]. The latter are net of alllosses befalling intact cells, including mortality, set-tlement and advection. On the other hand, the mea-surement of nutrient-uptake or photosynthetic car-bon-fixation rates, provide supportive capacities:they cannot be, on average, lower than the rate ofgrowth actually achieved but they are naturallycapable of supplying the fastest attainable rates ofcell growth and replication. The latter are best deter-mined in controlled cultures in which all needs aresupplied in excess, under conditions of continuoussaturating light. Species-specific replication ratesmeasured thus are reassuringly consistent. and theyare now known to be reliably predictable from mor-phological properties of the algae (Reynolds, 1989;Reynolds and Irish, 1997). An obvious corollary isthat, so long as the supply of resources (sensu lato,taken to include carbon and the harvestable photonflux) exceeds the demands of the assembling bio-mass, individuals will grow and populations willassemble at the fastest rates that the temperature andphotoperiod will allow.

These assembly rates are simulable by adequatelysensitive and verifiable models (see Elliott et al.,1999a,b). They readily uphold published observationsmade under optimal conditions: many of the familiarsmall, unicellular phytoplankters are capable of dou-bling their mass in under 12 hours, principally as acorrelative of their relatively high surface-to volumeratios. Reported resource-saturated replication ratesof laboratory strains of Chlorella at 20oC are in theregion of r = 1.84 d-1 (21.3 x 10-6 s-1: Reynolds, 1990),which is equivalent to a doubling of biomass every9.05 hours. Analogising growth to carbon dynamics,doubling the mass is equivalent to fixing, assimilatingand deploying 1 mol of new carbon for every 1 mol ofcell carbon represented in N0. The same alga has beenshown to be capable of photosynthesis that will pro-vide this amount of reduced carbon in under 7 hoursand to be able to absorb sufficient carbon dioxide atthe air-water solubility equilibrium in 38 minutes(Reynolds, 1997b). Moreover, the affinity for phos-phorus is such that it would require only 7 minutes at


its maximal uptake rate to assimilate sufficient phos-phorus to maintain the stoichiometric equivalencewith carbon in the daughter cells.

The solar energy required to reduce 1 mol ofinorganic carbon dioxide to carbohydrate is not lessthan 8 mol photons (Falkowski, 1992), while there isa further energy cost attaching to protein synthesis.Empirical determinations of photoautotrophic bio-mass yields do not much exceed the 0.07-0.09 molC (mol photon)-1 measured by Bannister and Weid-mann (1984). Supposing that the formation of 1 molcell C requires the capture of 13 mol photons (2.8MJ) and that the area projected by a single Chlorel-la cell (diameter, ~ 4 x 10-6 m, containing about 0.6pmol C) is 12.6 x 10-12 m2, then the solar fluxrequired to saturate its maximum growth rate at20oC, calculated as 7.8 x 10-12 mol photon per 12.6 x10-12 m2 per 9.05 h, solves to about 19 µmol photonm-2 s-1 (or ~ 4 W m-2 of photosynthetically-activeradiation). While these benign conditions persist,the equivalent carbon-specific resource demand willbe close to 0.01 mol P and 0.16 mol N per mol newphotoautotroph carbon formed. At the same time,each mol of autotroph C added also represents theaddition of 0.2-0.3 g chlorophyll a pigment and acommensurate increase in the potential exergy-fluxcapacity of the assemblage.

A positive exergy flux is essential to buildingautotrophic communities. Just as the most powerfulsectors of the buoyant economy are those whichgenerate the most wealth, so the species contributingmost to the carbon flow through emergent commu-nities need not be the ones with the greatest mass butthose which are the most productive (sensu carbonflux per unit mass per unit time). Analyses of theearly assembly stages (e.g., Rojo et al., 2000) revealno clear patterns in terms of the identity of the mainspecies. While the environmental filter remainscoarse, however, “fitness” (as defined above) soonbecomes the most important determinant of domi-nance. Besides Chlorella and similar unicellularchlorococcal nanoplankters, such genera as Ankyra,Chlamydomonas, the cryptophyte Rhodomonas, thehaptophyte Chrysochromulina and the xanthophyteMonodus, have all been observed at times toincrease in natural plankton at rates exceeding onedoubling per day (Reynolds, 1984b). Some largermicroplankters, including the diatom Fragilaria,whose morphology maintains a high surface area-to-volume ratio, are believed to achieve comparablerates of replication. Interestingly, the fastest rates ofautotroph replication measured in the laboratory

(Kratz and Myers, 1955) have been on picoplank-tonic species. On the other hand, the in-situ replica-tion rates of larger microplankters and colonial algaeare rather slower than Chlorella (at best, doublingevery 1-5 days). Even dividing twice in the time thatsmaller algae divide three times results in only halfthe biomass, assuming initial parity. Overall, earlyassembly mechanisms are biassed towards speciestraits favouring rapid resource acquisition and conversion.

The “early-successional”-stage community ischaracterised by processes leading to the accumula-tion of biomass which, in turn, delivers the means offurther growth and development of the assemblage.This is, of course, a re-statement of long-held under-standing the role of r-selection in early succession(Odum, 1969). Species garnering and allocating themost resource contribute most to the increase in car-bon biomass, to the replication of new generationsand to the communal exergy flux. Subject to thecontinued satisfaction of demand by the resourceand processing fluxes, the cells of other, subdomi-nant, species may behave in an analogous mannerway, each building its own population and, so, con-tributing to the overall producer biomass, withoutrisk of being excluded by resource competition. Themore photosynthetic biomass that is built, thegreater is the aggregate ability of the developingassemblage to intercept energy. The richer is thespecies representation the more varied is the net-work of energy flow and the greater is the informa-tion content.

The coupling of these statements corresponds,approximately, to the principle of optimal ascendan-cy, as formulated by Ulanowicz (1986). The mainreason for invoking it in the context of assemblyrules is that it emphasises again that emergent struc-tures rely wholly on the performances of the com-ponent organisms. It is necessary to point out, how-ever, that it is the “fittest” of the developing popula-tions, developing the biggest share of the total bio-mass, which most influence the mathematical(Shannon-type) diversity of the assemblage. Diver-sity may decrease even while species richness isaccumulating.


Still concentrating on phytoplankton, this sectionattempts to account for emergence trends in sub-


ideal environments when resource or processingconstraints are operative and a more rigourous filtra-tion of adaptive traits applies. The constraints maybe characteristic of the habitat anyway (it is chroni-cally poor in nutrients or energy or both) or it maybe imposed, autogenically, as a consequence of theimpacts by the emergent community. However, theoutcomes are not necessarily the same, and the path-ways to their realisation may differ substantially.Common to all, however, is the selective drive ofascendant processes being biassed towards speciescontributing strongly to the overall exergy flux.

Let us take the example of chronically nutrient-deficient environments. Of those available, thespecies with the fastest metabolism and the highestbiomass-specific potential replication rates, for thenecessary high aspect ratio of cell surface area tocell volume confers the same advantages in theuptake and assimilation of resources: diffusionboundary layers are small and intracellular transportdistances are short (Chisholm, 1992; Reynolds,1997a; Agawin et al., 2000). In large oligotrophiclakes, the main autotrophic biomass continues to berepresented by picoplanktic and nanoplanktic sizefractions, for long periods of time. Part of thisdepends on their escape from herbivory (see later)but a part is simply that too little scarce resource issequestered by, transferred to or otherwise availableto, larger algae. High nutrient affinity and potential-ly rapid translation of energy into functional pro-ducer biomass provide ready and plausible explana-tions for the ascendancy of small algal species inopen pelagic habitats, especially in warm water andunder conditions of high solar flux and resources inexcess of uptake demand.

So, how is it that, in many water bodies, largeralgae or colonial species do dominate frequently?When is larger body size a material advantage?When do large units make the biggest contributionto the exergy flux? There are certainly several con-tributory causes, all of which are consequences ofascendancy. The most cited and most readily under-stood is to do with the relative immunity conferredfrom non-selective feeding by zooplankton (e.g.,Ferguson et al., 1982). Another is the easier disen-trainment from turbulent eddies –which is anotherway of saying that they have greater powers of self-directed movement (migratory velocity and dis-tances travelled in unit time). This permits self-reg-ulation with respect to the underwater light field(Heaney and Talling, 1980; Whittington et al., 2000)and the possibility of gleaning the more remote

nutrient reserves in stabilising water columns(Reynolds, 1976; Ganf and Oliver, 1982; Bormanset al., 1999; Nakano et al., 1999). Yet another is that,in kinetic environments in which disentrainment isdifficult but mixing depth forces phytoplankton tospend a substantial proportion of the daylight periodbeyond the depth of growth-saturating irradiances,attenuated form (that is, size increases in only one,possibly two dimensions, manifest in needle-likecells or chain-forming coenobia) is demonstrablybeneficial to prolonged entrainment and improvedantennal qualities (Kirk, 1976).

In this way, community ascendancy brings in itswake, consequent, or “self-imposed”, environmen-tal changes that alter which organismic propertiesare decisively advantageous. Rapid, opportunistic,exploitative life history strategies are fine for build-ing biomass but increasing augmentation leads tovulnerability to the population responses of filter-feeding phagotrophs; alternatively or additionally,depletion of nitrogen or phosphorus or other nutrientfrom the most attractive parts of the trophogeniclayer will favour the more explorative, gleaner-typestrategies of larger, motile plankton (Anderies andBeisner, 2000) and for which large size and loweredmortality compensate the erstwhile disadvantages ofslow growth rates. They are the planktic equivalentsof Grime’s (1979) stress-tolerant S strategists. Oragain, restrictions on energy harvesting through theimposition of truncated photoperiods, as a conse-quence of seasonally short day-length, increased tur-bidity or deeper vertical mixing, favour antennalspecies. The restricted opportunities for processingthe available resources into new biomass are arguedto be analogous to the frequent habitat disturbancetolerated by terrestrial ruderals, Grime’s (1979) dis-turbance-tolerant R strategists. Relevant planktictraits amount to facultative antennal enhancement -surface-area attenuation, augmentation of photosyn-thetic and accessory pigment deployment.

The point is that the traits which define the fit-ness of individuals and species apply under arestricted set of contingencies. When conditionschange, the advantage moves with the changinghabitat constraints towards species with the appro-priate alternative fitness or competitiveness. Theonly constant is that success tends to move amongthe alternative species available as the adaptationsrequired to develop the highest exergy are alsoupdated by environmental variation. Dynamicadvantage is often transient, provided at certaintimes to C-type strategists, capable of rapid biomass


expansion and, at others, towards the alternative S-strategist adaptations for efficient resource scaveng-ing and biomass conservation. Yet again, the (R-type) ability of certain organisms to maximise exer-gy gains within truncated or intermittent processingopportunities identifies the conditions providing rel-ative fitness over less efficient light-harvestingspecies or poor conservers of biomass. Each of thebroad adaptive strategies can be represented in thecontext of the exergy buffering capacity (Fig. 1),where the filtering role of the habitat constraints isstrongly apparent as an energetic analogue to thehabitat template, and wherein relative competitive-ness is a transient determinand of the environmentand not a constant of some species-specific trait.

Habitat conditions are changed autogenically byemergence: community ascendancy brings in itswake, consequent, or “self-imposed”, progressiveenvironmental changes that alter the organismictraits most advantageous to sustaining growth. Theprogression implies a directionality of trait selectionwhich, of course, may lead to a sequence of distinctfunctional types that is recognised as a species suc-cession. “Autogenic ecological succession” couldjust as easily be styled “emergent directionality”.

Successional sequences in the phytoplankton arerarely predictable in the sense that species composi-tion can be reliably anticipated in advance (save inextremely well-characterised assemblages over veryproximal timescales). However, it is often possibleto account for the sequence of population responsesto environmental changes on the basis of an eco-physiological knowledge of the performance capa-bilities of individual species available (Reynolds,1989, 1998c). The reactivity and sensitivity of extantassemblages to further variability should thereforebe generally predictable from the size of theresource pool and the possible opportunities for itsprocessing, afforded in terms of the exergy flux.

Examples of current understanding may beappreciated within the context of equation (1). So faras assembly of the autotrophic community is con-cerned, the flux of organic carbon ({Corg}’) is, ofcourse, predominantly self-driven and, at least solong as photosyntetic reduction and carboxylationrates saturate the growth requirement and the sup-plies of nutrient resources are plentiful, self-limited,at least during daylight (see, e.g., Tortell, 2000).However, the more severe is the diminution of thenutrient pool [K]’ –or, more strictly, the diminutionof the nutrient least available relative to demand– orthe more severe is the restriction of the integrated

energy flux ({E}*), then the more selective theassembly process becomes. The “filtration” exertedby the intensifying environmental constraints refinesthe species-specific performance criteria for contin-ued function and, thus, on the structure of the emer-gent community. Depending upon the property incontention, competition favours those fitter specieswith relevant functional traits.

The traits themselves are also reasonably under-stood. Resource constraints ([K]’ low) invoke twogroups of adaptive specialisms. One of those is pri-marily to do with resource affinity. Excepting theuptake requirements to supply the building of suchspecialist skeletal structures as the siliceous frus-tules of diatoms or the calcareous tests of coccol-ithophorids, the elements needed to assemble proto-plasm are broadly similar for all aquatic organismsand, in the main, have to be derived from the com-mon source of the adjacent medium in which theyare in (often very dilute) solution. There is little evi-dence to suggest that that any given species is lessdependent on the common resource than any other.There are obvious caveats to this statement, such asthe important additional resource opportunity pre-sented to fixers of dissolved atmospheric nitrogen.In general, there is little reason to suppose that thefitness of species is differentiated on the basis oftheir resource requirements. However, it is equallyclear that concentration gradients and the laws ofmolecular diffusion demand that most nutrients haveto be actively captured and transported into the cell.The plasmalemma (cell wall) is equipped with spe-cialised, ligand-specific receptor structures that bindthe target molecule, pending its biochemical transferto an internal biochemical pathway (see Simon,1995). These facilities carry energetic costs, both inconstruction and operation; quite naturally, theirevolution is subject to natural selection, favouringsome resource-uptake specialisms –in which specieshave a relatively high affinity for certain target mol-ecules, but not others– or generalism, in whichuptake affinity is relatively poor.

Emphasis here should be on the adverb, since theability of all planktonic algae to deplete externalnutrient concentrations of certain key ligands toclose to the limits of their analytical detection isenduringly impressive. The concepts of nutrient lim-itation and its role in species selection have beenrefined progressively through physiological experi-mentation and model development (Dugdale, 1967;Droop, 1973; Tilman and Kilham, 1976; Tilman etal., 1982; Rhee, 1982). However, because the criti-


cal behaviour occurs at such low external concentra-tions, the functional understanding of affinity hascome mainly through the fields of biochemistry andmolecular biology. For instance, Falkner et al.(1989) applied force-flow functions derived byThellier (1970) to show that the external concentra-tions of phosphate below which cells of Cyanobac-teria fail to balance its minimal maintenancerequirements fall within a range of 1-50 nmol l-1

(0.03-1.5 µg P l-1). Moreover, the same species ofCyanobacteria are known to maintain full growthdown to external concentrations of 100 nmol P l-1

(~3 µg l-1) without producing any of the regulatorproteins that signal cell starvation and trigger cellreactions thereto (Mann, 1995; Scanlon and Wilson,1999). A new radiobioassay technique (Hudson etal., 2000) concurs with the view that the amount ofphosphorus in the medium supporting active phyto-plankton populations can fall to <1 nmol l-1. Thestudy emphasises the importance of the affinity ofuptake mechanisms and of the opportunism toinvoke them in the face of erratic supplies (Aubriotet al., 2000).

Some of the species of freshwater phytoplanktonthat are found typically in lakes with chronically lowphosphorus concentrations and which, presumably,have high affinity of phosphorus uptake, include thediatoms Urosolenia eriensis, Cyclotella comensisand Aulacoseira distans; desmids of the genus Cos-marium and Staurodesmus and many Chrysophytegenera such as Dinobryon and Synura (Rodhe,1948; Rawson, 1956). However, the low levels tol-erated by some Chrysophyceae is, in part, facilitatedby their phagotrophic capabilities (Riemann et al.,1995). To be capable of ingesting organic particles isan incomplete explanation, in so far as a nutrient-poor habitat is nutrient-poor for all its components -in other words, everything else in the habitat suffersthe same debility. On the other hand, particulatesproduced outside the water body and imported to itimpart a distinctive metabolic carbon base and anequally distinctive user community.

Analogous arguments presumably apply to theability to sequester other nutrients at low concentra-tions. They hold for the scavenging and concentrat-ing mechanisms for carbon uptake (noted in severalCyanobacteria and other diatoms and dinoflagellatesthat can continue to function successfully into thepH range 9.5-10: Talling, 1976). Nitrogen sequestra-tion is likely also to be subject to specialisation,although phagotrophy and the ability to fix gaseousnitrogen are important contributions to the ability to

be able to maintain growth. This recognition hassupported a perception that nitrogen availability actsmore as a selective agent (favouring dinitrogen fix-ers, for instance) than as a capacity limitation onbiomass (Schindler, 1977). However, this supposesthat the atmospheric or organic sources areexploitable: there is clear evidence that the extremeoligotrophy of some lakes in Patagonia owes onlypartly to their depth and low concentrations of dis-solved phosphorus, for producer biomass appears tobe constrained first by nitrogen availability, whichshortfall is not compensated by external loads oforganic nitrogen or by fixation of atmosperic nitro-gen (Soto et al., 1994).

The second group of adaptive specialisms forcoping with diminishing resources involve adapta-tions to improve accessibility to reserves in thewater column beyond the principal sites ofautotrophic uptake. Thus as nutrients are worked outfrom the surface layers of a stratified system by thegeneralist phytoplankton, an increasing advantageaccrues to the species able to undertake substantialmigrations to the greater depths where the availabil-ity of nutrient resources may well persist. In fact, theonly algae known to be able to do this are the larger,late-successional species of dinoflagellate (Cer-atium, Peridinium), motile chlorophyte (Volvox) andCyanobacteria (some Anabaena, Gloeotrichia,Gomphosphaeria, Microcystis); in only in a few ofthese cases has the access been demonstrated to benutritionally beneficial (see above). On the otherhand, the familiar “successional” pathways fre-quently observed do tend towards ultimate domi-nance by one or other of these larger, self-regulatingorganisms.

It has already been acknowledged that ascendantcommunities can just as easily experience con-straints upon processing rates ({E}* low), which, forplanktonic algae, at least, are mainly goverened bythe photon flux rate and the efficiency of energy har-vesting. As with resources, the adaptive advantagesfor low-light species are not about being less energydependent –the energetic investment into one molcell carbon is almost invariable– but in being muchmore effective in intercepting capturing and gather-ing the modest fluxes of energy available. Also aswith resources, separate specialisms seem to distin-guish adaptations for harvesting photons from con-tinuously low fluence rates and those for harvestingphotons in the alternating high and low irradiancesreceived by individuals entrained in deep convectivevertical mixing. However, these properties ovelap


somewhat, to the extent that among the most effi-cient of both types can belong to closely allied taxa.

The generality is that the life forms are mea-sureably good light interceptors. In the underwaterworld of scattering light, the best antennae (in thesense of photon-interceptive surface per unit of cellcarbon) are maintained among small or attenuatedcells and by filamentous coenobia (Kirk, 1975,1976; Reynolds, 1989: > 10 m2 [mol cell C]-1). Themore densely populated with light harvesting cen-tres is the area projected, then the greater is thepotential energy harvest from the flux of photons.Species that have lower light-dose thresholds forthe initiation and maintenance of net growth inmixed layers, which include the diatoms Asteri-onella formosa and Aulacoseira subarctica, thexanthophyte Tribonema aequale and, especially,the cyanobacterium, Planktothrix agardhii (Kirk,1976; Reynolds, 1989) also demonstrate consider-able flexibility in the amount of photosyntheticpigment they maintain (by a factor of up to 9:Reynolds, 1997b). Conversely, the greater is analga’s specific chlorophyll-a complement, thelower is the daily light dose required to support itsnet growth.

Where light levels are continuously low, as instable, deep chlorophyll maxima, the relevant spe-cialism is to exploit as much of the spectrum ofusable energy as possible. This is expressed in thesupport of accessory photosynthetic pigments, espe-cially the phycobilins, which capture the energy ofphotons not absorbed by chlorophyll a. The bur-gundy-red colour attained by deep-stratified popula-tions of Oscillatoria rubescens is one of the mostfamiliar examples of chromatic adaptation (Tandeaude Marsac, 1977): the positive contribution to thegrowth of such populations has been measured, aswell as successfully simulated, by Bright and Wals-by, 2000).

Emergent directionality is subject to environ-mentally imposed inhibitions as well as to inadequa-cies, when tolerance is the selective criterion. Thus,adaptations to withstand or neutralise toxic sub-stances can be highly relevant. High acidity of lakesis sufficiently encountered for distinctive groups ofacid-tolerant species to have been recognised (mosthappen to be Chlorophytes or Euglenophytes). Bio-chemical adaptations for regulating internal pH havebeen described (e.g., Lane and Burris, 1981) butmechanisms to deal with mobilised aluminiumspecies (see, for instance, Nakatsu and Hutchinson,1988) may be decisive.

Subjected to increasing severity of constraints setby resource availability or accessibility, or by theenergy available to convert resources to biomass,organismic preadaptations and facultative adapt-abilities of individual species become increasinglyinfluential in determining the relative (competitive)abilities of individual species to continue function-ing and to determine the structure of the appropriateecosystem component. Moreover, the more severethe constraint, the more selective is its impact andthe more robust is the direction of assemblageascendency. However, the succession of events andtheir eventual outcome outcome is anticipated by theattributes and performance limits of the species thatare available.


Returning to the analogy of a national economy,we have followed development to a state of accumu-lating wealth and labour diversification to a pointwhere it can support exchange of products for ser-vices with other sections of society. However, with-in a finite productive capacity, itself liable to fluctu-ation in supply, conditions for ongoing communalascendency clearly cannot be satisfied indefinitely.Eventually, consumptive demand may come toexceed the supply side of the economy and thesocio-political organisation becomes strained by itsinability to sustain continuous economic growth.Before progressing to the ways that emergent bio-logical structures react to a recession in the curren-cy flow of individuals, it is useful to consider therole of the heterotrophic members of the pelagiccommunity who are not employed in the primarywealth-generating industries.

Pelagic heterotrophs gain energy in two mainways. The more readily comprehended of these isphagotrophy, which is exemplified by the familiarsupposition that zooplankters feed on planktic algaeand fish then feed on zooplankton. So they do but, asa summary of how pelagic systems work, it is dan-gerously unrepresentative of the array of carbon-flow pathways. Many species of the fish to be foundcommonly in the open water, especially in theirjuvenile stages, do feed heavily on crustacean plank-ton if the opportunity arises and is adequately attrac-tive. However, in all but very large lakes, it is evidentthat the macroinvertebrates of the littoral and sub-lit-toral areas represent a more attractive energeticreturn for foraging effort. Piscivorous predators also


tend to follow their prey species to the inshoreregions of the water. Globally, there are other waysin which lacustrine fish may be nourished –from fil-ter-feeding, surface scraping, scavenging and semi-parasitism. Primary planktivory is reduced from anoption to an obligation mainly in very large and verydeep lakes, where, as in the sea, evolutionary adap-tations to maximise the area of foraging for what aretypically sparse resources are prominent.

There is an enormous range of preferred foodsand feeding adaptations among the zooplankton,even in freshwaters where the phyletic representationin the plankton is rather poorer than in the sea.Cladoceran filter-feeders are capable of consuminglarge numbers of planktic algae, provided they are offilterable size and adequately concentrated, but theyconsume all manner of organic particles, includingbacteria and fine detritus. Calanoids are more selec-tive of foods occurring in lower concentrations thancould satisfy the needs of obligate filter feeders. Fewof the many species are exclusively herbivorous.Diaptomids feed extensively on the ciliates and fla-gellates of the microzooplankton, mainly protistansin the size range 20-200 µm. The fascinating diversi-ty of form and feeding adaptations among thephagotrophic protists themselves is only now becom-ing realised (Finlay et al., 1999) but it is already clearthat the organisation of pelagic food webs that resultin its concentration into large macroplankters andnekton is consequent upon the limited opportunitiesfor gathering organic carbon in dilute environmentsand the ways in which organisms have evolved toexploit them (see Sorokin, 1999).

The other main heterotrophic pathway for sec-ond-hand carbon involves the activities of microbes.Once again, functional diversity among the bacteria,archeans and other aquatic microorganisms is strik-ing. Not all of them are strictly heterotrophs: besidesa handful of photoautotrophs, there are manychemoautotrophs who make their living by oxidis-ing sulphur or nitrogen compounds (see e.g. Atlasand Bartha, 1993). Space and the central theme nec-essarily confine the consideration here to the aerobicbacteria that are mainly engaged in the assimilationand oxidation of organic carbon. Some live freely issuspension (bacterioplankton) while others attachthemselves to the surfaces of dead and decomposingfragments of plant and animal cadavers and voidedwastes. Mineralisation through microorganismicactivity is important to the recycling of inorganicnutrients and the renewal of carbon dioxide withinthe water column.

Of particular interest is the abundance of col-loidal and dissolved organic carbon in solution inlakes and in the sea. Often exceeding 1 mg organicC l-1 (Thomas, 1997), it is rarely appreciated that themajor fraction of the organic carbon present inaquatic ecosystems is not in biomass but in solution(Wetzel, 1995). Much of this DOC, even in the sea,is refractory –mainly humic and fulvic substancesderived originally during the breakdown of terrestri-al plants. All natural planktic assemblages also com-prise substantial numbers of free-living bacteria,typically in concentrations covering about twoorders of magnitude, 105.5-107.5 ml-1 (Vadstein et al.,1993). However, there is some doubt about the easeor extent to which bacterial populations exploit thelargest pool of organic carbon: bacterial biomass isscarcely correlated to total DOC availability somuch as to phytoplankton productivity (Bird andKalff, 1984). Moreover, on the premise of experi-ments by Goldman and Dennett (2000), the C:Nratios for oceanic bacterial biomass that are com-monly reported (4.5:1 to 7:1; e.g. Kirchman, 1990)rather indicate that natural bacterial growth is limit-ed by the supply of DOC. It is wrong to suppose thatall planktic bacteria use the same organic substratesas carbon sources or that all are simultaneouslyabundant and simultaneously active. There is abun-dant evidence for the photolytic breakdown ofrefractory DOC into assimilable forms in surfacewaters under high irradiance and for positiveresponses of bacterial biomass thereto (reviews ofThomas, 1997; Cole, 1999). Equally, the numbers offree-living bacteria increase in response to the pro-duction of organic carbon produced by phytoplank-ton (Nakano et al., 1998; Ziegler and Benner, 2000).The implied “leakiness” of organic products fromalgal cells seems, at first sight, unduly profligate andunhelpful to primary anabolism. On the other hand,it is necessary to recognise that, in an oligotrophicenvironment, chronically deficient in other rawmaterials, the potential production of carbohydratecannot be invested automatically into proteins ornew protoplasm, much less into new biomass.Instead, primary photosynthate (or, more likely, PSIintermediates and alternative metabolites, such asglycollate) is necessarily voided from cells as a self-regulatory measure. This low-molecular weightorganic carbon is, nevertheless, readily assimilatedby proteobacteria, flavobacteria and other organismsin the bacterioplankton. Note that Chlorophytesactually oxidise (“photorespire”) glycollate back tocarbon dioxide, which consumes excess intracellular


photosynthetic oxygen in the cell, though thisprocess but does little to benefit heterotrophs in theextracellular neighbourhood!).

The heterotrophic bacteria of the plankton are noless dependent than photautotrophic algae upon asupply of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen,and which bacteria are able to take up at least as effi-ciently as the algae, if not more so (e.g., Gurung andUrabe, 1999). Potentially, a mutualism developsbetween a carbon-limited bacterioplankton and anutrient-limited phytoplankton. The bacteria com-prise an essential sector of the pelagic community,accounting for as much as 25% of the organismiccarbon present in oligotrophic systems (Weisse andMacIsaac, 2000).

Following the recognition of the pivotal participa-tion of microbes in the flow of organic carbon to thehigher trophic levels (“the microbial loop”: Azam etal., 1983), the need to revise the view of energy cap-ture and flow in aquatic ecosystems has become pro-gressively apparent. Only in truly pelagic systems (oflarge, deep lakes and the open sea) is there a substan-tial reliance on in-situ photoautotrophic energy cap-ture. The same systems generally operate under achronic shortage of bioavailable phosphorus (owingto its ready immobilisation on metal oxides, hydrox-ides and clay minerals) and, in the oceans and in lakesin arid regions and low latitudes, of nitrogen. Biolog-ical dinitrogen fixation can overcome one of thesedeficiencies, but it is itself an energy-expensiveprocess and requires the intervention of iron-andmolybdenum-based enzymes (Rueter and Peterson,1987). That these metals tend also to be scarce in thesame types of water rather excludes oceanic nitrogen-fixers (Falkowski, 1997), leaving the prospect of ameagre producer biomass, chronically dilute andalmost continuously resource-deficient. Under suchconditions, it is advantageous to primary producers tobe able to minimise sinking and grazing losses: thisworks in favour of relatively large buoyancy-regulat-ing or swimming microplankters (including the largedinoflagellates), or to be very small and nearly neu-trally buoyant (as are the picoplankters). In fact, inseas and lakes where the resource capacity is habitu-ally insufficient to support a biomass of more than 50µg C l-1 (4 mmol C m-3), picophytoplankton are gen-erally the main primary producers. The biomass ofco-existent bacterioplankton is in a comparable range(20 to 100 µg C l-1, or ≤8 mmol C m-3; Lee andFuhrman, 1987).

The trophic relationships among plankticautotrophs, heterotrophs and phagotrophs impact

upon the relative importance of the carbon pathwaysthrough the pelagic. Productive investment inmicroplankton is most likely to lead to the export ofprimary carbon as a sedimentary flux of moribundand increasingly bacterised algae biomass and/or asthe faecal pellets of the copepods and other plankticconsumers of primary product. The microbial net-work flourishes on (a part of) the relatively verylarge pool of recalcitrant DOC, the downward dis-persion and slow oxidation of which produces mostof the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Near-sur-face photochemical transformation of DOC alsoproduces DIC as well as some low-molecular weightcarboxylic acids (Bertilson and Tranvik, 2000). Thebalance of these processes determines the extent ofthe internal cycling of the fixed carbon and nutrientresources as opposed to its export to depth. In thedeep ocean, with its global-scale circulation, miner-alised carbon and nutrients are ultimately returned tosustain new productive cycles. In lakes between 5and 200 m in depth, the interception of the verticalflux by the profundal sediments interrupts the aquat-ic part of the regeneration cycle by retaining signif-icant fractions of the export flux, at least at the eco-logically-relevant physiological and biogeochemicalscales. Of the organic carbon, some is reprocessedby benthic detritivores, subject to the constraint ofoxidative capacity but the return of some sedimenta-ry nutrients to the pelagic, especially silicon and,often, phosphorus too, may be very slow indeed.This is the main reason why the average phyto-plankton biomass of many such lakes is reasonablycorrelated to the external nutrient load.

More abundant or more freely recycled nutrientslift the ceiling on pelagic primary production. High-er carrying capacity permits a wider functionalwidth to the types of producer organisms that aresupportable and to the variety of animal consumersthat can forage successfully. In turn, generic differ-ences in food-web structure are evident, with conse-quent variance in the principle avenues of carbontransfer.


The recurrent supposition is that reproduciblepatterns in the structure and function of pelagiccommunities to differing fluxes of carbon, nutrientsand processing energy remain the aggregate of theresponses of individual organisms to the driving


variables. This section attempts to show how criticalquantities constrain the activities of major function-al groups of aquatic species and thus influence theachieveable structures of communities.

One such threshold that is well attested providesan illustration of the concentration of appropriatefood particles that must be available to meet themetabolic demands of an active planktic filter feed-er, such as Daphnia. The maximum volume of waterthat can be processed by an individual animaldepends upon its size and the water temperature(Burns, 1969). The amount of water actually filteredis variable but it is close to maximum when all thefood particles are readily filterable but the concen-tration is insufficient to deliver the food requirementfor maximum growth. The size of food particlesingested by Daphnia is also a function of animalsize (Burns, 1968). From a classical series of mea-surements, Lampert (1977) showed that the foodconcentration required to meet the full requirementsof growth and fecundity of the Daphnia, at 20oC, issimilar over a quite wide range of animal size, closeto 0.5 mg C l-1. This is equivalent to a population ofsome 800 Cryptomonas ml-1, or 70 000 Chlorellaml-1, or around 4 x 107 free-living bacteria ml-1.Above saturating food concentrations (0.5-0.7 g Cm-3; see also Jones et al., 1979: 20-28 mJ ml-1), fil-tration rates may slow. On the other hand, food con-centrations of less than 0.08 mg C l-1 fail to satisfyeven the basic respiration and maintenance require-ments of Daphnia: animals starve and young onessoon die (Ferguson et al., 1982). Where food con-centrations habitually fall below 0.1 mg C l-1, Daph-nia spp. are effectively excluded.

Supposing there to be even as much as 100 µgbiomass C l-1 available (say, 200 µg dry mass l-1;with an energy value of ~ 20 kJ per g; Cummins andWuychek, 1971), the potential energetic yield (≤4mJ per ml water filtered) scarcely compensates theharvesting effort. On the other hand, the continua-tion of the microbial loop, through the browsing ofbacteria by phagotrophic nanoflagellates (< 20 µm)and the feeding by small ciliates (generally, << 200µm in length) achieves an experimentally demon-strable emergy and functioning trophic cascade (see,e.g., Simek et al., 1999). The close coupling andfunctional integrity of the microbial loop are knownto achieve a high ecological efficiency of trophiccarbon transfer (10-35%: Gaedke and Straile, 1994).Now, reduced even to 25 µg C l-1 ( ~1mJ ml-1), a sub-stantial fraction of the productive capacity is pack-aged in a size range and at a concentration likely to

satisfy the minimum food requirements of calanoidselective browsers (0.005 to 0.08 g C m-3: Hart,1996). In contrast, at concentrations that are suffi-cient to sustain efficient filter feeding, Daphnia cangrow and multiply rapidly –sufficiently to increasethe aggregate feeding rate by 20% each day, untiltwenty large animals per litre, each filtering 50 ml oflake water per day (or 200 small ones, each filtering5 ml d-1) are statistically capable of sweeping thewater clear not just of its nanoplanktic algae butmost of the components of the microbial loop aswell (Lampert, 1992; Jürgens and Jeppesen, 2000).Plainly, the characteristic structure of the zooplank-ton reflects the abilities of the most successfulspecies present which, in turn, are likely to be thosebest able to fulfil their own requirements against thesustainable food supply. The structure originatesentirely from the activities of the species present.

The functional distinction between the calanoid-microbial loop and Daphnia-nanoplankton associa-tions coincides broadly with the separation of olig-otrophic and eutrophic systems. Annual primaryproduction in lakes where the biomass of phyto-plankton is constrained by a nutrient-controlled car-rying capacity of 0.1 mg C l-1 may nevertheless turnover some 50-100 g C m-2 y-1 (Kirk, 1983), repre-senting ~2000 to 4000 kJ m-2 y-1. Most of this isprocessed by bacteria and the microzooplankton ofthe lake. Supposing a ten-metre productive layer(containing up to 1 g C m-2), the implied power yieldexceeds 2 MJ (g C)-1 y-1. However, the tangible bio-mass that is transferable to trophic levels beyond theinternal cycle cannot, on average, exceed the stoi-chiometric limit of the nutrient-regulated exportflux: an annual loading of 20 mg P m-2 y-1 is scarce-ly capable of supporting a net yield of new produc-er biomass much greater than 1 g C m-2 y-1. The C:Pratio of the phytoplankton in these circumstances, aswell as of the dependent heterotrophs and the chainof phagotrophic consumers will tend to reflect thepoverty of the limiting nutrient.

The phosphorus-determined threshold for lakeeutrophy is generally accepted to be equivalent to aconcentration of 30-35 mg P m-3 which, if fully bio-logically available, will support a maximum bio-mass of primary producers of 1.5 g C m-3. Annualprimary production in eutrophic lakes is generallyestimated to fall within a range 200-800 g C m-2 y-1

(say, 8-32 MJ m-2 y-1), and it is often manifest ascontributing to the sedimentary flux (Jónasson,1996). Again, supposing a 10-m productive layerwith an average fixation of 20-80 g C m-3 y-1, the


annual power yield may well fall below 2 MJ (g C)-1

y-1 but the transferable new biomass is now quitesubstantial. Salomonsen’s (1992) calculations indi-cated the orders of magnitude of volume-specificphytoplankton production in oligotrophic (~100 kJm-3 y-1) and eutrophic (~1000 kJ m-3 y-1) lakes.

Different relationships govern power transfersamong planktic organisms in smaller, shallow waterbodies, where the availability of resources and theopportunities for processing them are substantiallyinfluenced by the proximity of the uppertrophogenic zone to the profundal deposits, to theinterface with the land surface and, especially, to theresources supplied from the hydrological catchment.The latter offers a potential yield of solutes (includ-ing nutrients and gases) and particulates (includingorganic derivatives); warm, insolated shallows allowfaster transformations by a greater variety of life-forms. Beyond a trite statement that such contrastsmay be manifest, there is no ready basis for sum-marising community structure and function in these“smaller water bodies”. Key biota and dominantprocesses are almost infinitely variable among waterbodies, responding to such factors as latitude andaltitude, contiguity and proximity to others; mor-phometry and hydrology; relative transparency,alkalinity and nutrient content; and the efficiency ofinternal resource cycling.

Two general assertions, however, are possible.One is that the system function ceases to be centredexclusively on planktonic primary production: apartfrom the fact that the impact of organic carbon trans-ported from terrestrial ecosystems becomes areallymore concentrated, the potential development ofsubmerged macrophytic marginal swamps and wet-lands represents a quite different aquatic primaryproduct. Accordingly, the range of exploitable foodmaterials available to phytophagous and detritivo-rous phagotrophs, as well as of substrates availableto fungal and microbial heterotrophs, is much widerin these smaller bodies of water. The extent to whichthese alternatives supplement or subsume the contri-bution of planktonic primary production to the nutri-tion of the aquatic consumer community dependsupon the relative magnitudes of the sustaining flowsof carbon and energy.

This is not merely a matter of relating productiv-ity to nutrient loading but rather of understandingthe second assertion: that there is an important func-tional balance to be struck between, on the one hand,the supportive capacity of the open water (not just interms of the fluxes of nutrients and dissolved gases

but also of the driving solar energy) and, on theother, the biotic involvement of the benthic, littoraland catchment in the economy of the plankton. Thisalternative approach to the organisation of aquaticcommunities provides a means of rationalising thelarge number of quantitative studies of the trophicstructures in numerous studies of individual waterbodies or of given functional constituents.

The division between sites whose productivity isdominated by their littoral or benthic communitiesas opposed to their plankton is certain to be blurred.Even quite small water bodies (< 1 km2) seem aslikely to be dominated by a chlorophyte- or Plank-tothrix- phytoplankton as by a macrophytic commu-nity, with its associated fauna (Scheffer et al., 1993).Of considerable current interest are the mechanismsthat trigger state changes among them (Scheffer,1998; see also contributions in Jeppesen et al.,1998). Provided the habitat is amenable, macrophytedominance is favoured by the ability of plants tosequester and retain nutrient resources in biomass(thus to deny it as resource to phytoplankton) and toprovide refuge for filter-feeding microinvertebrates(especially plankton-feeding cladocerans). Theadvantage is lost to phytoplankton at levels of phos-phate saturating the sequestering power of macro-phytes (>150 µg P l-1; Søndergaard and Moss, 1998).

Elsewhere, water depth, substratum type andexposure to wave scour may be decisive in selectingagainst macrophytes. Except where they are in uni-formly or predominantly shallow and, henceamenable to macrophytic establishment across theentire area, the dominance of the limnetic ecologyby littoral primary production might persist in lakesin the range 1-10 km2. However, my calculations inrespect of the annual net production of phytoplank-ton (75-90 g dry mass m-2) in Crose Mere, England,(a small, mainly steep-sided eutrophic lake having amaximum depth of 9 m and an area of only 0.15km2) and the annual biomass generation of macro-phytes in its narrow fringing reedswamp (1.5 kg m-2)were quite comparable when extrapolated to theentire lake (Reynolds, 1979). With progressivelylarger area, the overall contribution of the littoralmust diminish but it is significant that, in theBodensee (Lake of Constance, 540 km2; maximumdepth: 250 m), Müller (1967) was able still todemonstrate the influence of littoral production inthe pelagic food web.

Of course, the scale of the food resource avail-able to planktic herbivores among smaller lakes sub-ject to overriding external nutrient inputs or littoral


processing contrasts with the severe capacity restric-tions of the true pelagic. If the levels of bioavailablephosphorus and nitrogen can be maintained byinflows and by internal recycling at > 3 µg P l-1 and> 25 µg N l-1, then it is inferred from the ideal stoi-chiometry of algal cells that it is possible to accu-mulate a standing crop of photoautotrophs equiva-lent to 0.1 mg C l-1, that is, just sufficient to satisfythe minimum requirements of cladoceran filter feed-ers (Lampert, 1977, 1992). As already indicated, agrowing aggregate concentration of cladoceran filterfeeders compromises the net recruitment rate ofphytoplankton. Against a cell replication rate in theorder of a doubling per day (r’ ~0.7 d-1), algalincrease cannot be contained until aggregate filtra-tion imposes a removal rate of a comparable orgreater magnitude (-0.7 d-1), demanding an aggre-gate filtration rate of more than 500 ml l-1 d-1. In turn,this requires the activity of equivalent of up to 1 mgDaphnia mass l-1, represented by some 10 large (~2mm) individuals of D. galeata or D. pulicaria, orperhaps, 100 smaller animals (< 1.0 mm) per litre.

Should the aggregate filtration rate exceed thealgal recruitment rate, however, rapid depletion ofthe planktic food resource soon follows, with starva-tion of the filter feeders and with mass mortalities,especially among the younger animals (George andReynolds, 1997). Having zooplankton exhaust thephytoplankton to relative clarity of open water is anunstable outcome that must be followed by somerestucturing of the community. On the other hand, ifthere is a substantial alternative supply of detritaland bacterial carbon, originating from the littoralmacrophytes or from adjacent terrestrial habitat,starvation is not inevitable and mass mortalities maybe spared. The quality of food may be poorer but solong as it can support their minimum maintainenacerequirements, the aggregate filtration rates of largecladoceran filter feeders (Daphnia and other speciesdistinctive littoral species, such as Sida and Simo-cephalus spp.) can stop the algae from becomingabundant again.

This behaviour may contribute to the upkeep ofthe low phytoplankton - high water clarity that isassociated with the macrophyte-rich state. However,it is clearly far from being the full story, for the highconcentration of cladocerans comes to constitute anattractive food opportunity for planktivorous fish.From the dry mass-length relations collected by Bot-trell et al. (1976), the numbers of large or smallDaphnia needed to filter 500 ml per litre of watereach day are calculated to be equivalent to approxi-

mately 1 mg dry mass l-1. Again approximating fromCummins and Wuychek (1971), such a populationoffers to an appropriate planktivore, a resource ofsome 20 J l-1.

Now, supposing the measurements of Elliott(1975a,b; Elliott and Hurley, 1999) on captive browntrout (Salmo trutta) to be representative of the dailyenergetic requirements of active fish (between 330 Jper gram fresh weight per day for a 250-g fish and570 J g-1 d-1 for one of 11 g), then the larger fish needsto crop the zooplankton from ~4 m3 of water eachday, while the smaller one requires the harvest from~300 litres. Given pelagic populations of cladocera orcalanoids offering perhaps only one hundredth of thisconcentration, the assertion that planktivores mustforage very large volumes of water (≥400 m3 d-1) or,if the opportunity is open to them, to switch to brows-ing benthic or littoral macroinvertebrates is powerful-ly upheld. Conversely, large populations of Daphniamay be attractive to foraging fish; consumption maybe voracious, leading to abrupt diminution in Daph-nia numbers (Mills et al., 1987). Thus, structuralthresholds have significance in both directions. Plank-tic Daphnia concentrations of the magnitude requiredto control the phytoplankton are sustainable only ifplanktivorous fish are scarce or absent (Kasprzak etal., 1999; Scheffer et al., 2000), certainly less than 10g ww m-3, or if the zooplankton gains adequate pro-tection from planktivorous predators from macro-phytic refugia (Irvine et al., 1990, 1991; Søndergaardand Moss, 1998). In all cases, the sustainability ofcladoceran filter feeders remains dependent upon thesimultaneity of the minimal threshold of filterablealgal, bacterial and detrital particles of ≥0.1 g C m-3.This may be fulfilled frequently (Kamjunke et al.,1999) but, away from shallow margins, the scalingdifficulties of striking and holding a steady state arestrongly apparent.

It becomes clear that deliberate manipulation ofthe food web to control phytoplankton abundancecan be usefully applied only if the phytoplanktonceases to be the major vehicle of primary carbontransfer. Alternatives are identifiable in small, shal-low ponds with a high input of organic carbon andsupplemented by macrophytic autotrophy but not inthe open, unpolluted water of the pelagic. The essen-tial deduction is that the structure of the communitythat may be assembled and the manner in which thelimnetic food-web processes its carbon supply arewholly consequential on the resource flux and on theprocessing capacities of individual organisms thathappen to be present and fitted to the task.


This principle is fully consistent with the conceptof a functional habitat template populated by appro-priately-adapted species and according to contingentrules of assembly. The community structure is rea-sonably predictable from the supportive capacity ofthe habitat (Southwood, 1977; Lamouroux et al.,1997).

A provisional guide to the carbon thresholds in thestructuring of pelagic ecosystems is presented in Fig-ure 4. The various trophic levels are shown against alogarithmically-scaled spectrum of useable carbon.The entries conform to the discussion in the text.


Emergent communities acquire a structure andorganisation dominated by the best-adapted, high-est-exergy species under the environmental condi-tions obtaining. The principles of maximum ascen-dency and the maximum power determine the struc-

tural and functional make-up of the community.Thus it is that the best-fit species in each tangibleniche is expected to rise to a steady-state dominancethat, theory demands, excludes all inferior competi-tors, though always within the abiotic resource- andprocessing-rate limits. Usually, this means that K-selected “gleaners” begin to exclude the r-selected“opportunists” (Tilman, 1977; Anderies and Beis-ner, 2000).

The fact that most of the living world and, mostobviously, the conspicuously variable environmentof the plankton, fails to comply with any such pre-dicted ideal has long been a fascination to ecolo-gists. The short temporal scales that characterise thelives of planktic organisms have perhaps contributedmost to the recognition of what Hutchinson (1961)referred to as the “paradox of the plankton” –it actu-ally applies to all immature (sensu being far short ofself-determined steady state) biotic communities–although they have also facilitated the developmentof several explanative hypotheses. In essence, theseacknowledge that food-web interactions promote


FIG. 4. – Carbon- and energy-flow constraints in the structuring of emergent pelagic communities. Accepting that the amount and distribu-tion of native carbon sources vary over several orders of magnitude, phytoplankton composition varies with the carbon dynamics, while theconcentation of food particles determines the type and productivity of the zooplankton and, in turn, the resource and its relative attractiveness to fish. Shaded areas represent the transition but is generally close to a carbon availability of 0.01 mmol l-1 in each instance.

co-existence (Paine, 1966); that co-existence is pos-sible through the simultaneous physical or physio-logical niches (Tilman, 1977); and that temporalvariability keeps renewing some resource or pro-cessing capacity (Connell, 1978).

These explanations are not mutually exclusive.However, conspicuous variability in the physicalhabitat and the sometimes quite rapid restructuringof the planktic components of the community areintuitively supportive that periodic restructuring ofthe habitat is symptomatic of “disturbance”. Theordered progress of emergent community assemblyis stopped, diverted or completely usurped by thedecisive intervention of external factors. Moreover,this can happen repeatedly, so that the frequency ofdirectional change becomes a factor favouring thecoexistence of an unexpectedly large number ofpotentially competing species. Infrequent distur-bances allow community emergence to progresstowards a competitive exclusion of all but the mostsuccessful “gleaner” species and very frequent dis-turbances are tolerated only by a few opportunists.At intermediate frequencies, a larger number ofspecies are permitted to co-exist.

This is the essential provision of Connell’s(1978) intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH);the idea does have earlier provenance (Wilkinson,1999), it is Connell’s articulation by which it is bestknown. There is little difficulty in understanding theintervention of catastrophes, from fires and stormsto volcanic eruptions and lava-flows, arresting, notto say obliterating, the development of self-organis-ing terrestrial vegetation and re-opening the landsurface to colonist plants. The pelagic analogues ofsevere flood and storm events as mechanisms re-set-ting pelagic successions were promoted in Reynolds(1980). Stochastic, smaller-scale forcing may createjust the fluctuating environment which prevents theexclusion of opportunist (“C”) strategists by (R- orS-strategist) gleaners Anderies and Beisner, 2000).However, these possibilities invoke an assumptionthat there remain simultaneous sources of invasivespecies, which also rather implies that there has tobe a continuity of disturbances and a continuum ofpatches in different stages of maturation, amongwhich invasive species may migrate. It is self-evi-dent that were this not true, opportunism (r-selec-tion) would have no viability as an adaptive strategy.This view of patch dynamics is explicit in Connell’s(1978) hypothesis and it is implicit in Hutchinson’s(1961) proposed explanation of the diversity para-dox, which refers to “contemporaneous disequilib-

ria”. Thus, dispersal constraints are as important tocommunity assembly as are the inevitability of self-organisation and the stochasticity of external distur-bances.

Careful analysis of structural changes in the phy-toplankton has uncovered other interpretative com-plexities. Not the least of these is that external forc-ing has no unique scale and certainly no uniqueresponse. Storm events do not necessarily break thecurrent species dominance while, elsewhere, rela-tively trivial events lead to upheavals of speciescomposition (see, for instance, Jacobsen and Simon-sen, 1993). Indeed, external forcing relevant to theplanktic organisation comes with variable intensityand at a variety of temporal scales. Some, associat-ed with the shift of seasons and interannual differ-ences, occur at scales (100-1000 d). Equally, indi-viduals of a single generation may be subjected tothe variability in the intensity of wind mixing and today-time cloud cover, as well as the alternationbetween night and day. It is at this scale that plank-tic light-harvesting takes place and thus, it is thisscale which most affects the dynamics of the speciespresent (Huisman et al., 1999). The way these fac-tors are integrated over a generation or two clearlydo influence the environment perceived by the indi-viduals, which will set distingishing limits togrowth, which will shape the ascendant communityand which may well constitute decisive environmen-tal selectivity. Quite manifestly, such developmentsare not self-organised, but are allogenic conse-quences of environmental variability.

Two other contributions serve to improve thegenerality of a theory of ecological disturbance. Oneconcerns the importance of distinguishing clearlybetween the biotic response –the observed distur-bance– and the external forcing that precipitates it(Juhász-Nagy, 1993). For example, wind-mixingmay have much less effect on the functioning ofphytoplankton in a clear, nutrient deficient lake thanin a turbid, eutrophic one. Equally, strong mixingwill have little lasting effect on the species composi-tion of a turbid, eutrophic lake if it blows for one daycompared to the effect of the same wind if it persistsfor a week. Arguments concerning the distinctionsamong the intensity, frequency and persistence ofdisturbance can be addressed, not merely by sepa-rating cause and effect but to compare them in com-parable units. To be able to make preliminary evalu-ations of the energy harvest of pelagic photosynthe-sis and its simultaneous losses to maintenance and,thus, to estimate the margin of exergy buffering


against external forcing (Reynolds, 1997b) providesthe second promising dimension to modelling dis-turbance reactions in the plankton.

These developments also offer the prospect oftesting quantitatively the relationship between dis-turbance and the structural re-setting that favours amore primitive and less self-selected community.The present hypothesis indicates that by resistingsevere or continuous resource competition or anybias in favour of a particularly efficient processing,species filtration can also be less exacting and anyselective advantage is traded through the assemblageas a whole, before any has the opportunity toexclude others.

The diversity thus maintained provides mayalternative options and pathways for moving carbonthrough the ecosystem, while the relative immaturi-ty of the system (where potential exergy is muchhigher than maintenance costs) favours its readyreturn to net productivity after each critical forcing.These communal traits are frequently advanced asthe benefit of efforts to maintain a high species rich-ness but it is just as probable that diversity and highareal productivity (sensu conversion of resource tobiomass per unit area per unit time) are consequen-tial upon a variable but positive exergy flux. The dis-tinction is not entirely academic but with the currentfocus, quite properly, on the mechanisms and eco-logical importance of a high natural biodiversity(e.g., Huston, 1994; Lawton et al., 1998; Waide etal., 1999), the small temporal scales of the diversityfluctuations in relation to the internal organisation ofplanktic communities seem apposite and worthy offurther detailed study.


This dissertation has sought an explanation ofthe ways in which planktic communities are assem-bled, essentially on the backs of the biologicalresponses of individuals of particular speciesattempting to grow and multiply in environmentsthat are not necessarily altogether favourable tothem. The short generation times of planktic organ-isms provide appropriate and sensitive indicators ofthe ways in which assemblages respond to a back-ground of fluctuating resource constraints and pro-cessing opportunities. Analysis at the appropriatetimescales reveals that planktic systems generallyoperate in conspicuously variable environmentswhich are, by degrees, sometimes replete in meet-

ing biotic demands placed upon them, sometimesstressed by resource inadequacy and sometimes sodisturbed that the exploitative opportunities areshort or intermittent. Thus, emergent behaviour iscorrespondingly shaped by species responses thatinvest maximum ascendant power into biomass, orthat are efficient in resource uptake and conserva-tion, or those that are efficient in processingresources during very limited opportunities.


TABLE 1. – Emergence in planktic communities. Summary of statements

1. Component species must be present in substantial numbers(“viable inocula”) and that these must find the conditions obtainingto be adequate to meet their minimal requirements for net biomassincrease.

2. Early assembly is biassed towards species-specific adaptive traitsfavouring rapid resource acquisition and conversion; that is, r-selec-tion predominates in early succession (Odum, 1969).

3. The more photosynthetic biomass that is built, the greater is theaggregate ability of the developing assemblage to intercept energy.The richer is the species representation the more varied is the net-work of energy flow and the greater is the information content.

4. Relative high nutrient affinity and potentially rapid translation ofenergy into functional producer biomass provide ready and plausi-ble explanations for the ascendancy of small algal species in openpelagic habitats, especially in warm water and under conditions ofhigh solar flux and resources in excess of uptake demand. Invasive,opportunistic nanoplanktic or small microplanktic species are fre-quently found to dominate.

5. The advantages of small size persist under a wide range of cir-cumstances. However, larger, more conspicuous components of theplankton often emerge to account for relatively more of the plank-tic producer biomass than do the nanoplankton.

6. Community ascendancy brings in its wake, consequent, or “self-imposed”, progressive environmental changes that alter the organ-ismic traits that are decisively beneficial to growth.

7. Organismic preadaptations and facultative adaptabilities of indi-vidual species become increasingly influential in determining therelative (competitive) abilities of individual species to continuefunctioning and to determine the structure of the appropriateecosystem component. Moreover, the more severe is the constraint,the more selective is its impact and the more robust is the directionof assemblage ascendancy. However, the succession of events andtheir eventual outcome is anticipated by the attributes and perfor-mance limits of the species that are available.

8. The structure of the community that may be assembled and themanner in which the limnetic food web processes its carbon supplyare wholly consequential on the resource flux and on the processingcapacities of individual organisms that happen to be best fitted tothe task.

9. The filter behaves as does the Venn diagram of classical set the-ory: it is passed only by species with appropriate adaptations andwhich, of course, happen also to be present.

10. Individuals of a single generation may be subjected to variabil-ity in the intensity of wind mixing and to day-time cloud cover, aswell as the alternation between night and day. It is at this scale thatplanktic light-harvesting takes place and, thus, it is this scale whichmost affects the dynamics of the species present

While the relatively simple organisational stateof many pelagic communities reflects their vulnera-bility to change and emphasises the fragility of inter-nal processes in the face of a physically dynamic,abiotic environment, the patterns are sufficientlyclear for it to be possible to abstract some draft rulesof emergence. The statements in Table 1 are culledfrom sectional conclusions or observations italicisedin the text. Refinement of these statements may behelpful to the interpretation of emergence in othersystems. For the present, it will be sufficient to haveits proposed application to pelagic communitiesexplored and tested, by real experiments and realis-tic simulations.


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