Embarrassing Bodies - Audience Insight



Our social media research into the audience of UK TV programme, Embarrassing Bodies.

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Precise Brand Insight

Initial analysis into perceptions of Embarrassing Bodies

Contact:Dan MilesNew Business Consultant – Brand Insightdan.miles@precise.co.uk020 7264 4767www.precise.co.uk


Key findings 4

Analysis 5

Conclusions and considerations 9

Appendix 10


Key findings


There was a high level of buzz within social media around

Embarrassing Bodies during the current series – which was

almost exclusively comprised of user-generated opinion –

with spikes in volumes amid the airing of each episode.

There appears to be a morbid fascination driving viewers to watch

and comment upon the programme, with expressions of disgust

the most common type of comment. However, not all expressions

of disgust were positive, with some claiming that they could not

watch the programme because of it.

Other prominent drivers of conversation included the

conditions of the patients in the programme and questions

about why people would go on the programme. Comments

along these themes tended to be derogatory towards the patients,

with viewers claiming that their conditions are disgusting or

shocking, or questioning the logic of being too ‘embarrassed’ to

show a condition to a doctor, but being willing to go on TV and

show it to the viewers.

However, not all discussions about the patients and

conditions were derogatory. There was some evidence that the

programme plays an educational role, and that it had the ability to

make viewers feel better and gain perspective on their own


Dr Christian featured prominently within discussions about the

programme. Comments about his looks were common and some

viewers cited him as their motivation for watching the show.

However, not all comments about the doctor were positive.

Among negative conversations, there were questions about the

concept of the show, as well as more generic comments of

dislike. Even among apparently avid views, there were suggestions

by some that the programme was a ‘guilty pleasure’ rather than

something to be proud of watching. There was also a propensity to

use the programme as the basis of a joke. Despite this however,

there was a significant proportion of positive comments about the

show, along with a large number of recommendations for others to

watch it.

The programme drew a number of Tweets by notable people,

including Michael Owen, Frankie Sandford and David Mitchell.

These comments were re-tweeted by hundred of viewers, buoying

conversations about the programme.

Volume and source structure of conversations







Videos/ Images<1%

Source Structure of Conversations





















































































































Volume of Content Over Time




of s


al m


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There were 209,285 mentions of the Embarrassing Bodies

programme since the beginning of March. The vast majority of

posts were on Twitter and comprised opinions about the show.

Mentions of the show spiked amid each episode, but the average

volume of posts during each show has fallen since the first episode.

The programme was Tweeted about by a number of noteable

people, including David Mitchell (“I used to have some

Embarrassing Bodies. Then I put a patio in and moved house. Can

@DoctorChristian tell if that's true or a lie? #wilty” ), whose post

reached a potential audience of over half a million and was re-

tweeted more than 200 times.

Topics of conversation



Jokes about the programme

Makes me feel normal

Generic positive comments and recommendations

Comments on Dr Christian

Generic negative comments

Why would people go on the show?

Watching/ Want to watch the programme

Comment on/ discussion about conditions

Find the programme disgusting

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Share of topics of conversation surrounding Embarrassing Bodies

Analysis of conversations (i)


Conversations about Embarrassing Bodies within social

media were primarily driven by expressions of disgust,

however not all comments of this type were negative in

sentiment towards the programme. There appears to be a

morbid fascination about the conditions shown in the programme

which causes people to watch it and to comment about it online. A

large proportion of posts simply asserted that the program was

disgusting or made them feel sick (“Embarrassing bodies is the

one of the vilest shows on earth #rank”), but a significant

proportion of these also cited this as a driver to watch it (“can't

wait for embarrassing bodies so i can laugh at people then vomit”).

Other common posts included those which claimed that it was

difficult to eat while watching the show (“Watching embarrassing

bodies whilst eating...well anything...is a VERY bad idea :s”).

More specific posts commenting on the conditions shown on

the programme were also prominent. Posts of this type ranged

from short sharing the conditions which were shown (“@vmad7

@krustybits74 @EmbBodies :( first patients name was Kirsty and

she had inverted nipples, poor girl”), to longer posts within forums

which discussed the condition in more detail (“There was

something about this on a programme called embarrassing bodies

last week or week before where lady could see her bowel

movements in side of her through the gap! Maybe this is what u

have? Just a guess tho, im certainly no doctor lolxx”).

A similar proportion comprised posts in which people stated

that they are currently watching the programme, or expressed

anticipation. these posts frequently cited the programme as a ‘guilty

pleasure’ and compared it to other shows which they enjoyed but

claimed were ‘rubbish’ (“I swear every week I end up watching

Embarrassing Bodies... #guiltypleasure”). Other posts simply stated

excitement or anticipation before the show, or complained that they

would miss an upcoming episode (“OMG embarrassing bodies is

back soon yass :D”).

There was a high volume of posts questioning the concept of

the show, suggesting that if people were embarrassed about

their condition that they should not want to show it on TV.

Posts of this type tended to be derogatory towards the patients on

the show (“I dont understand how the people on Embarrassing

Bodies broadcast their nasty body to the whole world rather than go

to a normal doctor”).

Other negative comments were driven by posts questioning

why anyone would want to watch the show. Some of these posts

questioned the concept of the programme or how people could

watch it (“RT @skeletonunicorn: omg why would anyone watch

embarrassing bodies out of their own free will ew”), whereas others

cited the programme alongside other programmes they disliked.

Analysis of conversations (ii)


Dr Christian was a prominent feature within conversations

about the programme, drawing both positive and negative

comments from viewers. The majority of posts about doctor was

positive, with his looks a prominent focus (“Wey aye never

realised just how fit Dr Christian off embarrassing bodies is”),

whereas other posts comprised details of where he had been

spotted (“Dr Christian Jessen of Embarassing Bodies just walked

past the @ntcollection stand at @The_RHS Hampton Court...the

celebrity count starts!”). Some viewers even cited Doctor Christian

as a motivation to watch the show (“Embarassing Bodies on a

Monday, Supersize v Superskinny on a Tuesday..just can't get

enough of the gorgeous @DoctorChristian #obsessed”).

Although less common, there were positive comments about

the programme which were not driven by a morbid

fascination of the conditions shown. The ability of the

programme to raise the self-esteem and confidence of the viewer

was a common theme, with viewers claiming watching it made

them feel more ‘normal’ and gave them perspective (“Nothing like

'Embarrassing Bodies' to make you feel good no matter what is

going on in your life at the moment.”). Other positive comments

often comprised recommendations for others to watch the


The programme was used as the subject of a number of jokes,

with people joking about the show and about the patients and

their conditions. These types of posts were driven – in large part –

by the joke “I'm considering going on Embarrassing Bodies.... One of

my testicles is bigger than the other two”. Other posts were again

derogatory about the patients on the show (“#SheAintWifeyMaterial

if she's been on embarrassing bodies”), while others focused there

were also jokes about the doctors (“Doctor on embarrassing bodies

called 'Joy Tickle' hahaha #easilyamused.”).

Conclusions and considerations


The combination of a high volume of buzz and a high

proportion of organic, user-generated conversation suggests

there is a desire among viewers to interact and engage with

Embarrassing Bodies in a social manner. Therefore, there is an

opportunity to develop the social aspects of the programme,

including those that already exist, such as the app. There was

evidence that people are using the app, as it was cited in a

number of comments, but this, along with the programme’s

website, could be developed to encourage engagement during

and outside the programme’s airtime. An in-depth analysis of

comments specifically referring to the programme’s website or app

may provide insight as to what viewers like about the app, and

how it can be improved.

The main motivation to watch the show, and comment on it

within social media, appears to be a morbid fascination with

the conditions of the patients. Expressions of disgust was the

most common type of post, with people sharing the ‘disgusting’

details with others on Twitter. For some, being able to watch the

programme was seen as something to be proud off. However this

disgust was not entirely positive, with others claiming that they

could not watch the show because of it. There was also the

suggestion among some viewers that the show was considered

more as a ‘guilty pleasure’, rather than something to be proud of


Although there was some evidence that Embarrassing Bodies

is raising awareness of the conditions shown, a large

proportion of comments which discussed the conditions was

derogatory towards the patients. The most common driver of

conversations about the conditions was a desire to list shocking or

‘disgusting’ details, rather than to discuss the conditions from a

medical angle. However, there was some evidence that the

programme does play an educational role, with discussions about

medical conditions within forums referring to the show. The

propensity to discuss the conditions included in the programme

within forums suggests that people use it as a source of knowledge,

and are at times using it to self-diagnose themselves and others.

The development of the programme's app and website presents an

opportunity to emphasise the educational role of the programme and

moderate the self-diagnosis of viewers.

It appears the challenge for Embarrassing Bodies may be to

continue to include patients with conditions that draw interest

without sacrificing the patient’s dignity or turning off viewers

by being too shocking. A focus on the educational role of the show

may go some way in counteracting this issue. It may also be useful

to conduct a more in-depth analysis of which specific conditions

generate the most buzz, and which viewers find too shocking.


Influential Tweets


Person Tweet Followers Re-Tweets

Michael OwenNine and a half hours sleep last night. That is my new record. Only downer is I fell asleep just before Embarrassing Bodies came on.

1,190,998 49

Michael OwenEmbarrassing bodies is the best shout so far. If people are that embarrassed why do they let the cameras film them?

1,189,272 324

Frankie SandfordPretty sure we quizzed @doctorchristian allll night about embarrassing bodies... A show u love to hate! It's amaze!

830,096 21

David MitchellI used to have some Embarrassing Bodies. Then I put a patio in and moved house. Can @DoctorChristian tell if that's true or a lie? #wilty

704,075 285

Marcus Collins Gonna vomit! Embarrassing bodies is just too much 693,059 91

Frankie BoyleMadonna's tour looks like its essentially Embarrassing Bodies - The Musical.

638,161 1,746

BBC Radio 1Hi! Grimmy is in for Greg again this wk with more drivetime LOLs. Dr Christian off've Embarrassing Bodies is in later! http://bbc.co.uk/radio1

561,540 2

Charlie BrookerEmbarrassing Bodies Live is about to examine a weeping open wound on a man's arse. Earlier they asked for tit photos from female viewers.

539,616 195

Rochelle WisemanThe programme 'Embarrassing Bodies' really freaks me out but I can't turn it over, It shocks me when they just pull their pants down WOW

498,561 91

Sarah MillicanThanks to Embarrassing Bodies (and @DoctorChristian), I have an excuse to eat more Brussel Sprouts. Sorry to boyfriend.

485,247 18

Supporting verbatim


Find the programme disgusting “Embarrassing bodies...... The most intriguing and disgusting show ever

Oh how I love it”

“can't wait for embarrassing bodies so i can laugh at people then vomit”

“Embarrassing bodies makes me want vomit. Even just reading about

what's going to happen in an episode makes me feel ill.. #EWWW”

“Need to wash my eyeballs after watching embarrassing bodies...why

can't I turn it off?”

“I really don't know why I'm watching embarrassing bodies it turns my

stomach I literally want to be sick :S”

“Embarrassing Bodies is in great form tonight. Ulcerated cheesy smelling

penis's (plural?), messed up tinea afflicted feet; ladies that smell fishy.

It's like watching old people make out; I'm completely grossed out but I

cant help watching.”

“Embarrassing bodies is the one of the vilest shows on earth #rank”

“Embarrassing bodies makes me want vomit. Even just reading about

what's going to happen in an episode makes me feel ill.. #EWWW”

“Watching embarrassing bodies whilst eating...well anything...is a VERY

bad idea :s”

Comment on/ Discussion about condition “@catbeahan Embarrassing bodies...verruca freaky foot


“Tonight's Embarrassing Bodies features a man with "problematic testicles"

- wonder what they do.”

“There was something about this on a programme called embarrassing

bodies last week or week before where lady could see her bowel

movements in side of her through the gap! Maybe this is what u have? Just

a guess tho, im certainly no doctor lolxx”

“Wtf... On embarrassing bodies, there was a woman that puts coffee up her

arse... Why would you ever think to do that???”

“@vmad7 @krustybits74 @EmbBodies :( first patients name was Kirsty

and she had inverted nipples, poor girl”

“Embarrassing Bodies has covered it many times... and it's ALL curable. If I

stank I'd know, and I'd shop at Tesco.com, get them to leave it on the

doorstep whilst I was waiting for the operation.”

“I watched a programme recently - embarrassing bodies in the uk, and the

Dr diagnosed Cervical errosion. Apparently the cervix is responsible for

producing discharge and when its erroded, it produces more.”

“Some women have adams apples too. Seen it on embarrassing bodies.”

Supporting verbatim


Watching/ Want to watch the programme “watching an Embarrasing Bodies marathon so we can diagnose


“I swear every week I end up watching Embarrassing Bodies...


“neeeed an early night but embarrassing bodies live from the clinic is on

tonight!!! #priorities”

“Just discovered the UK show Embarrassing Bodies and have been on a

bit of a marathon the last couple of days.”

“Goes off to watch Embarrassing Bodies, after reading "Bum Funnel" on

first page.”

“Catching up on my share of British TV with Embarrassing Bodies.”

“Ooh yiss Embarrasing Bodies is on tonight #trousercoughs


“EMBARRASSING BODIES IS ON TONIGHT, this is a dream come true


“OMG embarrassing bodies is back soon yass :D”

Why would people go on the show? “Hi I'm to scared to show my vagina to my doctor so I'm going on channel 4

instead on embarrassing bodies, becuase I make sense.”

“Embarrassing bodies: "I've never shown anyone because I look like a

freak“ Ok so instead you'll show the nation? #okbabe”

“Strange how people won't go to their doctors but they will go on

Embarrassing Bodies on national television”

“so embarrasing bodies your to scared to go to the doctors so showin git on

tv makes you feel much more confident”

“Watching Embarrassing Bodies. I don't get it! They can't go to their own

GP but they can go on tv?!!!”

“why would you go on embarassing bodies to show your uneven breasts?

it's quite clear there's only one option to resolve that situation :s”

“RT @sickipediabot: Embarrassing bodies -Too embarrassed to show your

mates in private? Why not go on tv where millions can see”

“Embarrassing bodies- for people who don't know what a local doctor is”

“I dont understand how the people on Embarrassing Bodies broadcast their

nasty body to the whole world rather than go to a normal doctor”

Supporting verbatim


Comments on Dr Christian “@BenJamesAdams has a secret crush on Dr Christian from

Embarrassing Bodies.”

“Embarassing Bodies on a Monday, Supersize v Superskinny on a

Tuesday..just can't get enough of the gorgeous @DoctorChristian


“@mjrobbins do you follow @DoctorChristian from C4's embarrassing

bodies show? He does this all the time "Blueberries are not super


“Dr Christian Jessen of Embarassing Bodies just walked past the

@ntcollection stand at @The_RHS Hampton Court...the celebrity count


“Omg Dr Christian off embarrassing bodies is GAY”

“That doctor off embarrassing bodies really freaks me out! Torso of the

week in #heat ... No doctor should have muscles that big!!”

“Wey aye never realised just how fit Dr Christian off embarrassing bodies


“RT @livv_wright: Omg massive let down that Dr. Christian from

embarrassing bodies is gay!! He's so hot! #cry”

Generic negative comments “There's a tv show called embarrassing bodies? What is wrong with this


“@TheSoup just informed me there's a show called "Embarrassing Bodies".

I say this a lot, but I'm serious this time: Get me off this rock.”

“RT @skeletonunicorn: omg why would anyone watch embarrassing bodies

out of their own free will ew”

“Eeey I tell ya - embarrassing bodies is bloody awful. Dunno why I watch

it!!! Urgh!!!!”

“RT @GeorgiaCraig_: how can anyone watch embarrassing bodies


“There's nothing on Tv at night...Only crap on is Supersize vs.

Superskinny...Hate this program, along with Embarassing Bodies...”

“Whyyyy is that ad for Embarrassing Bodies constantly destroying my tv

viewing experience”

“Watching embarrassing bodies, Jesus Christ, it's horrible.”

“There is actually a TV show called 'Embarrassing Bodies.' I can't even.”

Supporting verbatim


Generic positive comments and recommendations “@screamingsonic you should watch uk tv show embarrassing bodies.

Amazing squeamish show”

“RT @timtamtyla: Embarrassing Bodies is on, I love watching it even

though it makes me sick.”


“OK. I'll admit it. As soon as #TheVoiceAU is finished, I turn over to

Embarassing Bodies #guiltypleasure”

“Just discovered tv show Embarrassing Bodies is a BAFTA awarded

show :-) It's great on reducing #stigma”

“Ah I don't know what it is about Embarrassing Bodies but I find it

strangely fascinating watching ppl reveal everything to national tv”

“Embarrassing bodies is on! Followed by Extreme Makeover - Weight

loss Edition. Yes, I have a love for awful TV.”

“Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies is always good TV. I'm the only one in

my house who can watch it - squeamish fools”

“@zoid9000 You should watch a programme we have over here called

Embarrassing Bodies (-;”

Raises self-esteem “Embarrassing bodies.... The show that puts the significance of a pimple

into perspective.”

“Watching embarrassing bodies and Im blessed to have a great body and

good skin ツツ”

“Embarrassing Bodies is great for raising your self confidence”

“embarrassing bodies makes me feel normal,”

“Nothing like 'Embarrassing Bodies' to make you feel good no matter what

is going on in your life at the moment.”

“Thank you embarrassing bodies for making me feel normal hahaha fricken


“RT @laurenoliverr: watching Embarrasing Bodies almost makes me feel

very lucky to be healthy :')”

“walk'd in the lounge room n the show 'embarrassing bodies is on tv'

presenter: "tonight a man who's penis is literally hard to find"...fat guy: "it's

basically impossible to get any penetration" bahahahahahaha suddenly life

don't seem so bad :)”

Supporting verbatim


Joke “RT @lukedbarnard: I'm considering going on Embarrassing Bodies....

One of my testicles is bigger than the other two”

“#SheAintWifeyMaterial if she's been on embarrassing bodies “

“@Beanabones Im going on Embarrassing bodies , 7 of my fingers are

bigger than the other 5 ...Err thats it ,thought twas funnier yst ..”

“Doctor on embarrassing bodies called 'Joy Tickle' hahaha


“#ICantDateYou If you've been on embarrassing bodies #TooFit “

“When a girl moans about facial hair on embarrassing bodies and she's

called 'TASH' lol !!”

“haha on embarrassing bodies the doctor is interviewing an orange lol “

“@Doilydolly I did that once. Got stuck. Fingers like Allen keys... I'm

thinking of going on Embarrassing Bodies but it's useful on my bike. “

“RT @_PaulClark_: #NoNosDuringSex "Did you see me on

embarrassing bodies the other night?“”

Other “We could all go on embarrassing bodies and get surgery done for free ha!


“we all had a picture with the lady from embarrasing bodies yesterday, was

so funny beth was so excited ! “

“RT @EmbBodies: To take a look at the Embarrassing Bodies ‘Breast

Gallery’ or to upload a photo of your own, go to http://t.co/9LzQ6BV1 “

“Series 1 of @EmbBodies Live from the #Clinic saved NHS £400,000 -

roughly 4 ambulances or 19 nurses starting salaries. http://t.co/kmnarBCE “

“Omg, you can get an embarrassing bodies app! “

“Brilliant app from Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies http://t.co/XYkLtyWA


“RT @macmillancancer: Live breast exam on @EmbBodies Live from the

#Clinic on Channel 4 now info> http://t.co/edHOGMRm Our info on scr ... “

“That Awkward Moment when you're at a music festival and the people

from Embarrassing Bodies appear on stage :L “

Example of #EmbarrassingBodies Instagram images



Contact:James WitheyHead of Brand Insightjames.withey@precise.co.uk020 7264 6316www.precise.co.uk
