Email PDF Newsletter SLC Feb 2012


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  • 8/2/2019 Email PDF Newsletter SLC Feb 2012




    February 2012

    Grace =Love

    Romans 5:8

    HHHaaappppppyyy FFFeeebbbrrruuuaaarrryyy!!!

  • 8/2/2019 Email PDF Newsletter SLC Feb 2012



    February 2012

    This is my last monthly report as President of Sierra Lutherans current

    Council. The year has been interesting and challenging. The items of change thathave occurred, and as reported in past reports, have brought me closer to

    God. Since I realized that all changes are in His hands, my life has become much

    less stressful and trouble free.

    The current Nominating Committee has been doing a wonderful and God directed

    job of interviewing and recommending a complete new Board of Elders and

    Administrative Board members. Where their direction will lead them is also under

    Gods hands. Each member of the committee is dedicated to the Lords work and I

    can assure everyone that not one miss-direction will take place. Their decision on

    the slate will probably not have occurred before the Annual Meeting on January29. However, if it does the new slate will be presented for a Congressional vote

    by the Nominating Committee as outlined in the old Constitution. For everyones

    information, the new Constitution places this task in the hands of the Elders. I

    encourage everyone to review the new Constitution regarding these changes.

    My goal for this past year was to attempt to bring unity and harmony to our

    Congregation. This attempt has mostly been met with success. I strongly

    encourage everyone in Sierra Lutheran to make this their New Years

    resolution. Maintain the love in our hearts, as directed by Jesus in the Book of

    John, Chapter 15 verses 12-14; My command is this: Love each other as I have

    loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his

    friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.

    How difficult is this commandment to follow? Obviously, it is quite hard. We all

    tend to hold our egos and desires over those of our friends. I am attempting to

    cast those chains off of my back, as difficult as it has been for me over the past

    year. I want you to all know that I will continue to serve our Lord in any capacity

    that is decided. But whatever the future brings us, I am determined to do my best

    to follow our Lords commandment. Will everyone join me in this effort?

    Our Heavenly Father, we pray for peace and harmony within our congregation andyour church. We seek protection from the devil under your arms of the Father, Son

    and Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Jerry Garwick

    Your Brother in Christ

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    Health Matters by Fran Garwick, NP-C

    Have you ever had sinus problems or sinus pressure? If so, you are not alone. In fact, I have had verypersonal experience with sinusitis until the last few years.

    Many people suffer from sinusitis which is an inflammation of the lining in the sinuses. These can be

    triggered by allergies, colds or an abnormal nasal septum. Smokers with the common cold are more likely to

    suffer sinus infections.Symptoms of sinusitis include pain or pressure in your face or dental pain, colored discharge from the nose,

    fever, persistent stuffiness, loss of smell, fever or fatigue.

    What can you do about sinus problems? Discuss persistent sinus problems or allergies with your health careprovider and get a thorough examination. If you are a smoker, discuss ways to quit. If you get a cold, avoid

    using over-the-counter sinus medication or nasal sprays for more than three days.

    Consider using a sinus rinse product. I never thought I would use one until I had terrible sinus pressure while

    on vacation. Fortunately, I had a sinus rinse kit in my bag which was given to me as a sample to encouragemy patients to use one. I decided that getting rid of the pain in my face would be worth using the rinse (and

    overcoming my squeamishness). I read the box, followed the directions and eliminated my pain. A miracle!

    I continue to use a sinus rinse whenever I feel a cold or facial pain coming on.Now, I advise everyone who has sinus problems to use a sinus rinse. Talk to your healthcare provider and

    consider purchasing a sinus rinse kit. Call me if you have any questions: my home is 323-6603, cell 765-


    Blessings, Fran

    Childrens MinistryLast year we were blessed to partner with Lynda Qualls/Outreach Ministry and make Valentines

    for the patients of Wish-I-Ah. We are looking forward to working with her again this year. Andwhat fun the kids will have making them and what joy the patients will have receiving them. Ibelieve outreach is such a very important part of being a Christian I want to start SLC Sundayschool kids out learning what it feels like to help others. And a no better place then right here in

    their community and hopefully their church soon.

    In Gods Grace,

    Cathy Jolley

    Journey to Jesus...

  • 8/2/2019 Email PDF Newsletter SLC Feb 2012


    Join the ladies of Hope and Joy SaturdayFeb. 11th at noon for a potluck lunch andbible study at the home of LyndaQualls...Please let Lynda know if you willbe attending 855-2686. Bible study will beMiriam, Numbers 12.

    Outreach for the month will bevalentines, body lotions, magazines andsmall stuffed animals for Wish I Ah.

    Happy February from theOutreach Team!!!

    Thank you to each and every one of you who contributed to the hat and glove drive for our local Food Bank this past month. I distributed many of them on

    the 25th of January and all who took them seemed truly pleased. It was so much fun to see their eyes light up when I told them to help themselves to

    whatever they needed. Some could not believe that we were just giving them away. Didn't God GIVE us His only begotten Son? What a great way to sho

    God's love by sharing unconditionally with those in need. Every small gesture has meaning. Never let any of us overlook a chance to be kind.

    This month we will be "acting as St Valentine" by making valentines and bringing small gifts to the patients at Wish-I-Ah. The Sunday School classes will b

    making valentines for the patients as they did last year. I am asking that any of you who would like to be a part of this Outreach project please bring som

    small gifts and place them in the box marked Wish-I-Ah Valentine box. Small toiletries or small stuffed animals would really be a blessing. Socks are

    always needed as well. Be creative! Think what might make some of the patients happy - and then, bring it. Used magazines or books are always a goo

    idea as well. Let's fill up a LOVE box to take over to Wish-I-Ah. What better way to show God's love than to give to those who cannot do for themselves.

    Just want to close with a thank you to my "LOVE class students." We started way back in October and have had so many interruptions but amazingly

    enough everyone has really hung in there. I am in awe of every one of you who have stuck with me through this. What a blessing it has been for me to

    meet with you between services. Each week we have had either 10 or 11 people in attendance and the love and caring has been a true joy!! Outreach

    begins by loving our congregation and our neighbors as ourselves. In this class we are learning to do just that! By thinking of others first, we are all

    realizing how much love comes directly back to us. We always welcome' drop ins' as well. Please stop by when you can. Next class is Feb. 5th. We are

    reading "The Five Love Languages" but no requirements are needed to "drop in." When 2 or more are gathered, He is with us. All of us have truly felt this

    and grown close by our sharing and caring for each other. I also give prizes each week!!

    Wherever you are in the month of February really make a point of sharing the LOVE of Christ with all you meet. There is no act of kindness to small. If each

    of us would make this a priority this month just think of the OUTREACH we can all do. Start today!!!

    Lynda Qualls

    Hope & Joy

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    Keep Your Fire Burning Ministry

    Our motto is Blessed is the cold for they shall find warmth.

    A group of us have been working to provide fire wood for thosewho need help. Mike Jolley cut, split, and dropped off a load of

    firewood at someones house nearby and dropped another load

    at the church. This wood has been available at the church for those

    who need it. We had a wood cut day at John Papes wood pile and

    cut and split 3 truck loads. One of those loads was delivered to a

    single mother with three kids in the Shaver area and another loadwas dropped off at the church. Dave McMullen took the other

    load and split it and has made it available. Those that helped include

    Alan and Sue Gallegos, Edwin and Emily Simpson, Jerry Garwick,Sue Catchpole, and Dave McMullen. Thanks to John Pape for making

    his wood pile available. We had a good time and fellowship. We

    are going to plan another wood cut soon, so if you are interested in

    helping contact Edwin Simpson 559-855-7085 or Alan Gallegos 559-



    Yours In Christ



    Who says parents are dumb?!!!

    A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as

    to when they could discuss his use of the car.

    His father said hed make a deal with his son: You bring your grades up

    from a C to a B average, study you Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then well talk

    about the car. The boy thought about that for a moment, decided hed settle for the

    offer, and they agreed on it.

    After about six weeks his father said, Son, youve brought your

    grades up and Ive observed that you have been studying your Bible, but Im

    disappointed you havent had your hair cut.

    The boy said, You know, Dad, Ive been thinking about that, and Ivenoticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had

    long hair, Moses had long hairand theres even strong evidence that Jesus had

    long hair.

    Dads reply: Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?

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    Kitchen Corner

    Greetings from the pots & pans of our church. This last mont

    weve had a pot luck for Pastor Johns farewell and a breakf

    for the 2nd half of our annual meeting. Thank you to everyon

    involved with these meals. We had ladies making & servingbreakfast burritos for people in line of the food bank. Bless yPeople serving coffee every week. Bless you. People making delivering meals for different families. Bless you. And PLEAS

    continue to pray for Jim & Shirley. Even between trips toStanford with Jim and Jimmy being in the hospital, our siste

    was always concerned she was not there for us and was

    present every moment time would allow. Just take a momenand lift them up to God. It puts a smile on His face.

    Gods Blessings,

    Mike Jolley

    New Church Hours:

    Mon. Tues. & Thurs9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Wed. & Fri.

    9 a.m. to noon

    There is no way we can every thank God enough for All He hasdone for us. He has provided for us as He promises,

    Matthew 6:25-34, and as He asks us to trust in Him.

    We humbly praise God and thank you for beingHis hands & feet.

    Gods Blessings, Mike & Cathy Jolley

    John 10:27-28New International Version (NIV)27 My sheep listen to my voice; I

    know them, and they follow

    me. 28 I give them eternal life, and

    they shall never perish; no one

    will snatch them out of my hand.

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    n 1517, a firestorm of discussion would erupt that would quickly evolve into what is now called the "Reformation". When a representative of the

    church came to town selling indulgences (for a price a person could secure the release of oneself or another from purgatory or a reduction in

    sentence), Luther could not tolerate the spiritual bondage the people of the church had imposed on them by its leadership. He challenged the

    church's "selling" of what God gave away for free in the Gospel. He posted 95 theses, or statements, on the door of the Castle church in Wittenbe

    o begin discussion on this matter. Soon controversy would erupt. There were those who saw Luther's point. Church leaders saw this as a directchallenge to their authority and station.

    Soon Luther would find himself before the representative of the pope being ordered to recant from his positions and writing on salvation by grace

    and on criticism of those who would lead the church and yet claim authority to sell indulgences and to proclaim other errors in disagreement with t

    Holy Scriptures. His refusal to recant would lead to his excommunication by the Roman church. The leader of Saxony, Elector Duke Fredrick,

    secretly had Luther kidnapped to secure his safety. Hidden away, Luther began translating the Bible into German so that his people could read th

    Word of God and decide on these matters for themselves.

    Luther would spend his life as a vocal leader proclaiming the Gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, as revealed in the Scripture

    alone, because Christ alone accomplished it. He was a prolific writer and preacher who never stopped defending salvation by the grace and merc

    found in Jesus Christ alone.


    Our Lord continues to show his Provision with fresh and new ways to feed His people.

    For the past year the Food Bank averaged 143 sign-ins representing 373 people for the USDA (Saturday)distributions. We continue to distribute food twice each month.

    There are several new developments that have occurred recently:

    The Auberry Ward of the Church of Latter Day Saints donated approximately 13,500 pounds of non-perishable foo

    to the Food Bank last month. Their parishioners were challenged to donate their body weight in food. We hope th

    they found the effort worthy of another round next Christmas and that they eat well this year! We are very gratefufor their generosity and trust in making this large donation.

    The owners of Big Ds restaurant in Prather have made a commitment to supply bulk beans and rice for our

    distribution. The product comes to us in 50 pound bags, which is packaged in 4 cup portions for the Josephs

    Storehouse distribution. Darren and his wife are believers who want to share Gods blessing with this community.We are in the process of applying for the cash rebate that MarVal Markets makes available to local groups. If you

    are interested, save your receipts from MarVal purchases and submit them for us to accumulate and receive a checfor 1% of the receipt value. Victor has been a long standing supporter by supplying the Food Bank with the groce

    bags we use in packaging food.

    Lastly, the portable covers we have used at the Food Bank as well as for outdoor events at SLC were destroyed

    during the wind storm which occurred recently. We plan on replacing ours with a pop-up style to allow indoor

    storage between activities. The Kitchen Committee had graciously allowed us to use their cover for several years

    and that cover was also a total loss. We will be replacing that cover as well.

    Praise be to God for your faithful support and prayers.

    Dave McCann


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    What fun Sallie & Nordines Tuesday Life Group had feeding the youth!

    Pastor Johns Retirement Potluck!

    May God go with you. May He go before you to show you the way. May God go

    behind you to encourage you, beside you to befriend you,

    above you to watch over you, within you to grant you internal peace.

    In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

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    February 2012 Worship Assistants

    Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26

    Altar Guild Shelley/Susan Shelley Shelley/Susan Shelley

    Greeters 8:30am Pam & Joyce R. Alan & Sue Gloria & Fern Chris & Bob

    11:00am Stan Jerry & Fran T. George David & Becky

    Ushers 8:30am Dave & Joni Chris & Bob Jerry & Fran Alan & Sue& & & &Fern Edwin Joyce R Chris

    11:00 am Stan Jerry & Fran T. George David & Becky

    Readers 8:30am Nordine Pam Bob Jennifer11:00 am David J. Jeanie Stan David B

    Gods Word 8:30am ---- ??? ---- ???

    Computer 8:30am Sam Sam Sam Sam11:00am Shelley Shelley Shelley Shelley

    Communion 8:30am John & Lori Dave & BevAssistants & Fern & Joyce R

    11:00 am T. George Fran

    Prayer 8:30am Yes YesStations

    If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you,and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles (855-5703) of the change.

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    ~ February 2012 ~

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    112:00 noon- Mens Prayer

    meeting-Big Ds

    7:00pm- Life Group Pape


    7:00-8:00pm-Beginning Guitar,

    T. George

    26:30am-Youth Bible

    Study(Boys)-Youth Room

    6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary

    7:00pm-Kitchen Meeting

    7:00pm- AA MeetingRoom 2

    Tom Catchpole-Birthday

    3 4Donalee Townsend-Birt

    Justin Coburn-Birthday

    58:30am-Celebration Service

    0:00am-Sunday School

    0:00am-Life Group-elasquez-Library

    1:00am-Heritage Service

    63:15-7:30pm-Free Falling

    (Middle & Senior

    High Ministry)5:15pm-Youth Dinner

    7:00 pm-AA Meeting-

    Room 2

    76:00am-Mens Bible Study

    Workroom Simpson

    12:30pm-Womens Group-Library Karp & Sanders

    7:00pm-Life Group- Bookwalter


    812:00 noon- Mens Prayer

    meeting-Big Ds

    7:00pm- Life Group Papehome

    96:30am-Youth Bible

    Study(Boys)-Youth Room

    6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary7:00pm- AA MeetingRoom 2

    10 119:00am-Joseph Store H

    9:00am-Clothes Closet

    12:00 noon-Hope & JoyQualls Home

    12:30am-Celebration Service

    0:00am-Sunday School

    0:00am-Life Group-


    1:00am-Heritage Service

    amantha Flanagan-Dupree


    133:15-7:30pm-Free Falling

    (Middle & Senior

    High Ministry)

    5:15pm-Youth Dinner

    7:00 pm-AA Meeting-

    Room 2

    146:00am-Mens Bible Study

    Workroom Simpson

    12:30pm-Womens Group-

    Library Karp & Sander

    7:00pm-Life Group- Bookwalter


    *Birthday (See Below)

    1512:00 noon- Mens Prayer

    meeting-Big Ds

    7:00pm- Life Group Pape


    7:00-8:00pm-Beginning Guitar,

    T. George

    Ann Smith-Birthday

    166:30am-Youth Bible

    Study(Boys)-Youth Room

    6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary

    7:00pm- AA MeetingRoom 2

    17 18

    19:30am-Celebration Service

    0:00am-Sunday School0:00am-Life Group-


    1:00am-Heritage Service

    203:15-7:30pm-Free Falling

    (Middle & SeniorHigh Ministry)

    5:15pm-Youth Dinner

    7:00 pm-AA Meeting-

    Room 2


    6:00am-Mens Bible StudyWorkroom Simpson

    12:30pm-Womens Group-

    Library Karp & Sanders

    7:00pm-Life Group- Bookwalter


    229:00am-Food Bank

    9:00am-Clothes Closet

    12:00 noon- Mens Prayer

    meeting-Big Ds

    7:00pm- Life Group Pape


    236:30am-Youth Bible

    Study(Boys)-Youth Room6:30pm-Praise Team-Sanctuary

    7:00pm- AA MeetingRoom 2

    Edwin Simpson-Birthday

    24 25Vance Fleming-Birthday

    26:30am-Celebration Service

    0:00am-Sunday School

    0:00am-Life Group-


    1:00am-Heritage Service

    273:15-7:30pm-Free Falling

    (Middle & Senior

    High Ministry)

    5:15pm-Youth Dinner

    7:00 pm-AA Meeting-

    Room 2

    286:00am-Mens Bible Study

    Workroom Simpson

    12:30pm-Womens Group-

    Library Karp & Sanders

    7:00pm-Life Group- Bookwalter


    2912:00 noon- Mens Prayer

    meeting-Big Ds

    7:00pm- Life Group Pape



    th-Birthdays-Pat Kelley-Shirley Leckie-John Pape

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