Elx Cb All Hba Brocade-fact-Vs-fiction


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Fact Vs. Fiction

What BrocadeDoesn’t Want You to Know


Corporations rely on their Storage Area Network (SAN) inrastructure to run their businesses. Thereore, SAN-related purchases mustbe evaluated careully and IT managers must have accurate inormation when making multi-million dollar purchasing decisions. EmulexLightPulse® Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBAs), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Converged Network Adapters (CNAs) andOneConnect™ Universal Converged Network Adapters (UCNAs) leverage 10 generations o enterprise-class, advanced, eld-proven

technology, providing customers with the highest-quality SAN connectivity solutions that the world’s leading enterprises have come torely upon.

Brocade has been publishing inormation that can be misleading i you don’t have in-depth knowledge o networking technology—knowledge typically possessed by expert technologists who live to design and develop connectivity products. This document is intended tohelp distinguish the acts rom the ction, thus empowering you to make a well-inormed purchasing decision when choosing a SAN FibreChannel HBA, CNA or UCNA product.

Which host bus adapter would you choose or your data center?

Emulex Brocade

Broad market acceptance—Over 7 million ports installed in a widerange o data center environments.

No published installation numbers—installed product over thepast three years in the industry is so low that it is not tracked byindustry analysts. Analysts such as BMO Capital Markets reportedin its 11-20-09 Flash that “Brocade’s HBA eorts have consistently

disappointed.” In addition, recent press reports regarding a potentialsale o Brocade Corporation should be considered. In the event thisdoes happen, will the acquiring company continue to und a poorlyperorming business unit?

Over a decade o experience in Fibre Channel, technology

innovator—Emulex is an industry leader, having pioneerednumerous technologies such as N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) andData Integrity Initiative, and is a leader in convergence with UCNAs.

 Three years’ experience in Fibre Channel HBAs with the rst year’sproduct line consisting o another vendor’s re-packaged product(LSI). This product has since been discontinued so the currentproduct line is about two years old. Brocade touts its experience inthe switch market, which has no bearing on HBA experience.

Investment protection—Emulex HBAs are backward-compatibleacross all generations o HBAs. The common driver modelleverages one driver across all generations o HBAs, CNAs andUCNAs, so your investment in Emulex technology is secure.

Spotty record thus ar- 1st year customers were not supportedwhen Brocade transitioned rom LSI product to their own productand they were let with no upgrade path to Brocade product.

Future-prooed UCNAs—Emulex UCNAs provide IT administratorswith the ability to add FCoE or iSCSI ofoad in the uture i needed.

Brocade does not have the ability to start with basic 10GbE networkinterace card (NIC) support and add FCoE or iSCSI ofoads.

Highest reliability in the industry—10 million hours mean timebetween ailures (MTBF).*

No published MTBF or its HBAs. Recent errata list is signicant—52 items.

Broad OS support or greater interoperability—Signicant,long-term investment in R&D has yielded a solid, market-provendriver portolio supporting a broad range o OS environments andsystem platorms.

· VMware, Solaris, Windows, HPUX, NetWare and Linux

Patchy support—limited hardware and sotware qualications andcertications present a signicant interoperability obstacle or datacenters. Customers must check platorm support careully beorepurchasing, as there are many gaps.

* Based on 2Gb/s and 4Gb/s HBA data.

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Fact Vs. F iction EmulEx


Market Position

1. Fiction—Brocade’s Fibre Channel HBAs are based on nearly

20 years o experience in data center and storage networking,

as well as holding the market share leader position in switches

with 66% share o the market in 2008.

Fact—Although Brocade has 20 years o experience in data center

and storage networking, they have about three years o experience

in the Fibre Channel HBA market. Additionally, any experience that

they might have in the switch market has no impact on their Fibre

Channel HBA business. When Brocade frst entered the HBA market,

they were reselling LSI Logic technology. Ater one year o resellingLSI, they introduced their own technology and abandoned the LSI

product line. In eect, those early customers were abandoned too,

as there was no upgrade path or their products. This is contrary

to Emulex core values, where all drivers are backward-compatible,

ensuring that customers have lietime product compatibility.

Brocade has not been successul in the HBA market and unitsshipped over the past three years have been so insignicant innumber that they are not tracked by industry analysts. This is o aconcern to customers who need to know that their HBA vendorwill be there or them in the uture.

Clearly the “saer” choice or customers is an established FibreChannel HBA vendor. Customers seeking condence in theirSANs should choose an established HBA supplier with provenmarket acceptance.

Emulex has over a decade o experience in Fibre Channel HBAs. The Emulex LightPulse 8Gb/s Fibre Channel HBAs are built ongenerations o advanced technology. Emulex is recognized ortechnology leadership, interoperability, reliability, supportabilityand manageability. Additionally, Emulex HBAs eature 10 millionhours o eld-proven MTBF, the most reliable in the industry. In asurvey by IT BrandPulse, Emulex 8Gb/s HBAs were ranked rst in

terms o reliability, service and support.


2. Fiction—Brocade oers exible management.

Fact—Brocade’s HCM management utility is not scalable.Brocade adapters must be managed one at a time, whereas withEmulex OneCommand Manager, IT administrators can managemultiple adapters, improving management eciency, time todeployment, and server availability.

Which host bus adapter would you choose or your data center? (continued)

Emulex BrocadeSuperior virtual machine (VM) support:

· Co-creator o NPIV with IBM

· Complete solution or VMware ESXi

· Ability to create more virtual ports (vPorts) than competitive HBAs.For example, in lab trials run with VMware ESX 3.5 Update 2,Emulex HBAs were able to achieve a maximum vPort count o 64.

· Brocade drivers are not in-box; deployment is time-consumingand expensive

· Brocade HBAs are limited to 20 vPorts.

Perormance-proven in the real world—Emulex outperormsBrocade in real-world conditions.

· Up to 33% better CPU eciency

Brocade claims huge perormance numbers that were derived in labsettings. These lab conditions hardly (i ever), exists in the real worldunder typical environments.

Superior management or the enterprise—Saves time andimproves management eciency:

· IT administrators can manage multiple HBAs, UCNAs and CNAsat one time or aster deployment and higher server availability

- Emulex OneCommand™ Manager, successor to HBAnyware,™ provides cross-platorm remote management capabilitities onWindows, Solaris, Linux and VMware environments

- Common driver model leverages one driver across allgenerations o HBAs on a given OS platorm

· Automatic installation with AutoPilot™ Installer- installsEmulex Windows drivers and management applications withseven mouse clicks

· Adapters can be managed with the server online

· HBAs allow no re-boot rmware upgrades across the network

without downtime

· Can only manage one Brocade HBA at a time

· No automated installation

· Server must be taken o-line and an o-line utility (dierent toHCM) must be used to managed adapters in VMWare ESXienvironments

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Emulex also improves server availability by enabling onlinemanagement o HBAs in VMware ESXi environments. With

Brocade, IT administrators will need to take servers ofine, whichimpacts business application availability.

Brocade also continues to tout its end-to-end managementcapabilities, but upon closer examination, it becomes clear thatthis capability requires the integration o HCM into Brocade’sDCFM management application, which can cost upwards o $25,000. Thereore, Brocade’s end-to-end management capabilityis an expensive proposition i DCFM is not already in use.

3. Fiction—Brocade’s Fibre Channel HBAs improve customer

data center end-to-end perormance, simpliy management,

and reduce total cost o ownership (TCO).

Fact—Typically, end-to-end strategies are deployed by leadingstorage vendors such as EMC, HP, IBM and Sun. Emulex wasthe rst HBA vendor to acili tate end-to-end integration byoering a Storage Management Initiative Specication (SMI-S)provider, allowing Emulex HBAs to be managed by third-party-developed tools. Currently, Brocade does not oer an SMI-Sprovider or their HBAs. The Emulex SMI-S provider was usedwith HP Insight Manager to veriy proper conguration o theserver and storage device.

Emulex has integrated Emulex HBA installation and deploymenttools with IBM Remote Deployment Manager (RDM) and HPRapid Deployment Package (RDP). Additionally, Emulex drove thesimplication o deployment and management o Emulex HBAsand Brocade switches.

Emulex approach: Standards-based design—Enterprise SANseature many components, including servers, storage, switches,and sotware. The SAN market was built on open standards.Customers deploy heterogeneous networks and expect to be ableto add in new components without interoperability concerns.

Emulex believes in end-to-end, but our strategy has been to workthrough standards and with key industry partners to develop end-to-end unctionality that can be easily deployed and leveragedacross the SAN. Examples include our activities in security withSupport or FC-SP and the Key Management InteroperabilityStandard (KMIP), data integrity with support or T10 DIF andvirtualization with support or NPIV.

Many o the uture capabilities that Brocade mentions are availablerom Emulex today. For example FC-SP authentication between

the HBA and switch is now exclusively available rom Emulex. Another example is NPIV, or which Emulex developed, drove thestandardization eort and then worked with VMware, MicrosotCorporation and Xen to innovate sotware support.

Brocade HCM—Host Connectivity Manager (HCM) must beintegrated into Brocade’s Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM)application or end-to-end management. Emulex OneCommandManager can also be integrated into Brocade’s DCFM, providingsimilar end-to-end management capabilities. Furthermore, withBrocade’s HCM, IT administrators can only manage one serverat a time, whereas with Emulex OneCommand Manager ITadministrators can manage multiple adapters at one time (i.e.,update adapter parameters).

Universal boot / boot-rom-SAN—Unlike Emulex, Brocade doesnot oer “Universal Boot” support, orcing the IT administrator toinitially identiy the specic type o server hardware platorm priorto installing a boot code.

Furthermore, Brocade’s boot-rom-SAN methodology is alsoproblematic. Brocade adapters will select the rst Logical UnitNumber (LUN) they nd to boot the server rom, whereas withEmulex, the adapter uses the LUN it has been congured to useas the boot LUN. Emulex methodology guarantees access to thecorrect boot device within a dynamic SAN environment, ensuringno disruption to server availabilit y.

 These are just a ew examples o how Brocade’s Fibre ChannelHBA solution lacks the unctionality required to address the needs

o today’s enterprise SANs.


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Fact Vs. F iction EmulEx


4. Fiction—Brocade’s Fibre Channel HBAs oer broad serverand operating system support, including driver support or

Windows, Linux, Solaris and VMware.

Fact—Brocade’s operating system support is limited in platormsupport and capability.

Emulex solutions have a proven track record with SAN hardwareOEMs and sotware vendors. Emulex HBAs have been qualiedand certied on a broad range o ser ver, storage and sotwaresolutions, ensuring seamless integration between existing andnew data center deployments. In sharp contrast, BrocadeHBAs have limited hardware and sotware qualications andcertications, which presents a signicant interoperabilityobstacle or data centers.

Brocade’s interoperability shortcomings include:n No Oracle VM or Oracle Enterprise Linux support

n No solutions or blade server platorms;e.g., no mezzanine card or HP c-Class blades

n No Solaris 8 or 9 support

n Do not support the ull array o Sun maintainability tools—FaultManagement Architecture (FMA) and debug tools (Dtrace)

n HP qualication limited to specic models within the Proliant G5server product line (no Intel Xeon 5500-Nehalem servers)

n No products or PCI, PCI-X 1.0, PCI-X 2.0 bus types

n No UEFI support, outdated user unctionality and restricted

boot-rom-SAN capabilityn No mention o Citrix, Xen Server, and Microsot Hyper-V in its list

o supported OS/Hypervisor environments

 The act remains that data center environments include aset o heterogeneous hardware and sotware platorms, andinteroperability is paramount to ensure ecient management andSAN availability.

5. Fiction—Brocade 400- and 800-series Fibre Channel HBAs

have been tested with servers and storage platorms rom

every major OEM, including EMC.

Fact—Interoperability is clearly a requirement or SAN deploymento an HBA. Customers choosing to use Brocade’s HBAs in servers

are likely to run into “unsupported conguration” issues, as theBrocade’s HBAs are not approved by their service providers. Forexample, the number o HP-supported congurations or Emulexis 109, while Brocade has only 42 supported congurations.

 Another concern is the limited product line. IT departments like touse compatible components, to simpliy deployment, managementand support. Since the Brocade product line only has our PCIeadapters, there is a wide range o servers or which Brocade has nooering including blade servers. For example, Brocade has no blademezzanine adapters or HP c-Class Server Blades and IBM’s Bladesystems. Nor does Brocade oer a PCI-X or PCI ExpressModule™ orm actor HBA.

 The Emulex robust product amily is qualied, sold, and supported

by all leading server and storage array vendors. Additionally,Emulex HBAs are on the support lists o all major storage sotwarevendors, and Emulex drivers are in-box or in-distribution rom themajor operating system companies. Customers standardizingon Emulex are condent that they will have an Emulex-brandedFibre Channel solution or all components on their SAN. Similarly,customers know that their Emulex-connected SANs will be ullysupported by all vendors.


Figure 1 Emulex HBAs are ully supported throughout the SAN.

     E   m    u      l   e

   x   F  i  b re Ch a n  n  e   

l     H    B    A     

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Fact Vs. F iction EmulEx



6. Fiction—Brocade has the best Fibre Channel HBA solutionor VMware ESXi environments.

Fact—Background Inormation: VMware ESXi leverages commoninormation model (CIM) to simpliy management within the datacenter by providing a ramework that centralizes managemento CIM-based hardware and sotware components. The CIM iscomprised o two major components, the CIM provider and theCIM client management interace.

n The CIM provider is a sotware layer that interaces with theHBA’s driver and the CIM client management interace.

n  The CIM client management interface is a layer of software

that enables an application, such as OneCommand Manager

or the predecessor HBAnyware product to communicate with

the CIM provider.

The Emulex approach: Emulex oers a CIM provider, as wellas a CIM client management interace, providing a “complete”management solution or VMware ESXi environments.

The Brocade approach: Brocade only oers a CIM provideror VMware ESXi environment. It does not have a CIM clientmanagement interace; thereore, Brocade’s solution is“incomplete” rom a management perspective.

Why should the customer care? At rst glance, the absence o aclient management interace may sound insignicant, but it is not!

With Emulex, data center administrators can manage their HBAs

while the server is online, using the Emulex OneCommandManager application. Conversely, with Brocade, the server mustbe taken ofine and an ofine utility (dierent than Brocade’s HCM)must be used to manage the HBA.

What is the customer impact? Taking a server ofine to perormadapter management is cumbersome and time-consuming. Inaddition, given today’s demanding business environments, this isnot an activity that IT administrators want to perorm. The ollowingdetails the major steps required to do any sort o management ona Brocade HBA within a VMware ESXi environment:

1 Migrate VMs to another server

2 Acquiesce the server

3 Re-boot server into BIOS maintenance mode

4 Use ofine utility tools to make the required change

5 Re-boot server again

6 Migrate over the VMs originally installed on the server

O course, i the server is not remotely accessible or in a locationwith limited technical resources, then a technician must travel to

the site to perorm the tasks noted above. This adds considerablecost and loss o productivity.

 The diagram below clearly shows the shortcoming in Brocade’sHBA oering or VMware ESXi environments:

HBAnyware ManagementApplication

CIM Client Management


CIM Provider 


CIM Provider 


Brocade HCM Application

CIM ClientManagement

 Thereore, by conguring a server with Brocade Fibre ChannelHBAs, you will be:

n Decreasing productivity

n Introducing greater operational risk

n Incurring lost time (personnel)

n Reducing server/application perormance

By conguring servers with Emulex HBAs, the customer canseamlessly manage HBAs and completely avoid the servicedisruptions and costs that would be incurred i the servers werecongured with Brocade HBAs.

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7. Fiction—Brocade claims to have the leading perormancewith a reported 500,000 IOPS, support or more VMs and

maximum per-port IOPS.

Fact—Emulex delivers superior perormance in transactionalenvironments. Emulex conducted a series o benchmark teststo compare the perormance o Emulex and Brocade 8Gb/sHBAs using mixed loads o small and large block sizes. The testswere designed to simulate real-world applications like MicrosotExchange and SQL Server. Under these real-world conditions,Emulex HBAs achieved the ollowing perormance results:

n 67% higher IOPS than the Brocade 815—This is due in part to theFrame Level Multiplexing capability o Emulex HBAs, which allowslarge I/O rames to be processed as multiple smaller blocks that

are interspersed with smaller I/O rames (Windows environment).n 70% aster I/O response time in transactional environments—

Response time was measured as the time required to completea 4Kb or 8Kb read and write with simultaneous 64Kb writeactivity in a Windows environment. This is a critical actor orapplications like Exchange or SQL Server, where interactiveusers are waiting or I/O activity to complete.

n 35% better CPU eectiveness in virtual server environments— This value is particularly critical with server virtualization wherehigher CPU eectiveness enables higher virtualization ratios andgreater cost savings (VMware vSphere environment).

So why are the perormance numbers that Brocade published

not realized in these tests?Brocade’s numbers are based on a measurement tool calledIOMeter. Based on that perormance, they claimed per ormanceleadership in just about any application. While IOMeter is avalid tool, IOPS perormance is not a representative measure o perormance in vir tual server and transactional environments.Here is why Brocade’s methodology is fawed:

1. You cannot rely on IOMeter benchmark data to supportperormance numbers in virtual server environments. To properlysupport such a claim, you must assess HBA perormance in anenvironment where virtual servers are actually present!

2. The proper benchmark tools must be used to give a meaningulpicture o perormance. For example, a tool called JetStress is the

preerred tool or testing Exchange environments and should beused to validate perormance claims in transactional environments.

 An HBA’s “latency perormance” is what counts in transactionalenvironments. The JetStress benchmarking tool was specicallydesigned to simulate Microsot Exchange workload environments,

providing a more meaningul assessment o an HBA’sperormance. By ailing to use JetStress or similar benchmark

tools to support perormance claims within online transactionprocessing (OLTP) environments such as Exchange or DB2means you are not getting a true perormance number. In thesetypes o highly transactional database environments, databaseadministrators continuously seek to improve I/O response time,as it directly aects user response times. Thereore, I/O responsetime (latency) is the critical perormance metric or databases, notIOPS. Latency is a measure o time needed or a transaction tobe completed by the HBA; thereore, the lower the latency, thegreater the perormance. This is why using HBAs with low latencyis key to improving transactional perormance. See below or moreinormation on latency.

3. CPU eciency must be taken into consideration when

measuring perormance, as it has a direct eect on return oninvestment (ROI). CPU eciency is the HBA’s ability to ofoadI/O-related processes rom the host CPU; it improves the CPU’soverall eciency by enabling more cycles to support greaterapplication workloads. This can signicantly improve ROI byenabling IT administrators to support increasing applicationworkloads without additional hardware investments.

In order or perormance claims to be valid, proper benchmarkingtools and test environments should be used. Showing resultsrom a benchmarking tool not intended to assess perormancein the transactional or virtualized environments does not providemeaningul perormance numbers. In addition, some reportednumbers are valid only under very specic environments, whichrarely, i ever, can be ound in a production SAN environment.

 The Emulex Labs tests depicted above have yielded results thatdisprove our competitor’s perormance claims.

Understanding response time

 The ollowing analogy, using a bus terminal, helps explain whyresponse time is critical within transactional environments.

 The bus terminals represent the HBAs and the passengersrepresent data to be transported.

 You have two bus stations—bus stations B and E. Passengerscontinuously stream in and out o these bus stations. Bus stationE manages to load passengers on and o more quickly andeciently (lower latency); thereore, more buses leave the station,more passengers get processed and there is no passenger

congestion. Bus station B, even though it has aster buses, cannoteciently move the passengers on and o the buses; thereore,ewer numbers o buses arrive or leave the station and ewernumbers o passengers are processed. Bus station B’s inability toprocess the passengers (high latency) not only slows down traveltime, but also causes a backlog o passengers.

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8. Fiction—Brocade is claiming it

has more than twice the IOPS per


Fact—HBAs account or just over1% o server power. This percentagewas derived rom testing on Intel dualprocessor, quad-core servers withEmulex dual-channel HBAs. CPUeectiveness/eciency is a moremeaningul measurement o powersavings than quoting IOPS per watt.By measuring CPU eciency, you canassess an HBA’s ability to ofoad I/Orelated processes rom the server CPU,making more CPU cycles available or

application workload processing.Emulex Lab testing shows that Emulexdelivers superior CPU eectivenesswith 35% greater CPU eectivenessthan Brocade. This means that you willrealize substantial power/cost savings

 at the server level with Emulex by:

n Utilizing lower perormance servers

n Delaying server purchases and runningmore applications on existing servers

Reliability and Operation

9. Fiction—Brocade’s Fibre Channel HBAs oercustomers greater confdence in testing and optimization

or existing SANs.

Fact—Customers seeking condence in their SANs shouldchoose an established HBA vendor with proven marketacceptance.

Unlike Brocade, which has a ew years o Fibre Channel HBAexperience, Emulex has been in the HBA market or over adecade. Globally deployed, Emulex Fibre Channel HBAs serve thestringent networking requirements or a broad range o customersranging rom small to medium enterprises to Fortune 100companies. Providing unparalleled reliability, perormance andinteroperability customers have condently deployed Emulex Fibre

Channel HBAs throughout their SAN.In terms o reliability, the Emulex highly integrated design minimizes

onboard components, while advanced error-checking and recovery

methods assure robust data integrity. This reliability can be

measured in the feld where the Emulex 8Gb/s LightPulse amily o 

HBAs have demonstrated a MTBF o over 10 million hours.

 Additionally, Emulex sotware architecture is proven, with keyeatures like a common driver model, enabling customers todeploy one driver across multiple generations o Emulex adapters.

When it comes to oering condence or your enterprise data,there is no better choice than Emulex.

10. Fiction—Brocade is touting that it has removable small

orm-actor pluggables (SFPs) where other competitors do not.

Fact—Most, i not all, 8Gb/s Fibre Channel HBA designs useremovable SFPs (transceivers). O the major 8Gb/s Fibre ChannelHBA vendors, Brocade is currently the only vendor that ispositioning removable SFPs as having a serviceability benet.

 This statement could not be urther rom the truth, and thereasons why are discussed below.

With Brocade, the customer:

n Loses sourcing fexibility; they are orced into a single sourcesituation. Conversely, Emulex has qualied multiple SFP vendorsor better fexibility and cost.

n Ends up paying more because their solutions are not as

cost-eective.n Is exposed to availability issues and greater downtime. I the HBA

has ailed, then the HBA has ailed. Customers are typically notinterested in attempting to isolate and identiy the componentthat has caused the ailure.

 The logic here (returning the entire HBA vs. just the SFP) is thatthe customer should not be made responsible or troubleshootingthe HBA. I the HBA has ailed, then it is not a good use o thecustomer’s time to attempt to assess whether ailure was causedby the HBA’s transceiver(s) or other components.

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©2010 Emulex, Inc. All rights reserved. This document reers to various companies and products by their trade names. In i not all cases, their respective companies claim these designations as trademarks or registered trademarks. This inormatis provided or reerence only. Although this inormation is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time o publication, Emassumes no responsibility or errors or omissions. Emulex reserves the right to make changes or corrections without notice

 This report is the property o Emulex and may not be duplicated without permission rom the Company.


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Fact Vs. F iction EmulEx


Unlike Brocade, Emulex placeshigh priority on customer care.

Even though Emulex 8Gb/s FibreChannel HBAs use removableSFPs, Emulex requests that theentire HBA be returned insteado just the SPF(s). This not onlyollows industry service bestpractices, but also provides theollowing benets:

n Relieves the customer romperorming troubleshootingtasks—Most customers do nothave the necessary diagnosticresources to determine i the

cause o ailure was due to theHBA’s transceiver (SFP) or othercomponents.

n Improves server availabilitythrough installation o aully tested, actory-certiedreplacement HBA—I thecustomer simply replaces theSFPs on the HBA, then there isno guarantee that the issue willnot persist.

n Enables proper root cause assessment—Emulex has the toolsand knowledge base to assess the root cause o an HBA ailure.

11. Fiction—Brocade states that it has automated SAN boot,

whereas Emulex does not.

Fact—Brocade HBAs select the rst LUN they nd to boot theserver. Emulex HBAs use the LUN they have been conguredto use; this approach ensures the correct boot device within adynamic SAN environment.


12. Fiction 15—Brocade has stated that they oer live, e-mail

or Web support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week,

365 days a year, whereas Emulex does not oer this support.

Fact—Emulex has live, e-mail or Web support available 24 hours aday, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

13. Fiction—Brocade has stated that they oer advance

replacements with ree shipping, whereas Emulex does not.

Fact—Emulex has an advanced replacement option availableupon request. Return shipment costs are paid or standardproducts (non-OEM-branded).

14. Fiction—Brocade oers a three-year warranty,

competitive HBAs do not.

Fact—Emulex oers a three-year warranty on standard products(non-OEM-branded). Products purchased through Emulex OEMsare entitled to the OEM warranty period.
