Eligibility – 1.You must not be a douche bag. 2.You must be in good standing with the TGRC. 3.You...


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Eligibility –1. You must not be a douche bag.2. You must be in good standing with the TGRC.3. You must like football and have a general knowledge of the game.4. You must LOVE tailgating.5. You must consume appropriate tailgate beverages and food. (This excludes pregnant women

and vegetarians – sorry, try again when you spit out that baby and eat some chicken wings)

Expectations of Winners– 6. Conduct yourself as a professional. Meaning never shy away from a tailgating activity

unless there is a serious health concern. Doctors note required.

7. Be an ambassador for the TGRC. Recruit other non douche bag people into the fold. The more the merrier.

8. Display your trophy in the most prominent location in your house. Remove/Discard family portraits and heirlooms, if necessary.

9. Bond with Big Red. This usually takes places during the summer in the form of an Indian sweat hut. You can sit in Big Red in sunny late July until you see the spirit horse come and give you tailgating instruction.

TGRC – Tailgater of the Year

Qualitative -1. Passion –

Do you show up ready to go...ensuring everyone has a great tailgate? Are you ready for a Funday Sunday or are you going thru the motions? Do you punch that hangover in the face and say “Get out of here hangover….I’ve got drinking to do”!!!

2. Attitude –

Are you contributing to a positive vibe or sucking up all the mojo? Are you COM-plaining or ENTER-taining?

3. New Ideas/Concepts – Are you simply executing the tailgate at hand or are you striving to make it

better? Are you waering crazy costumes, are you harassing opposing team colors? Are you pitching ideas for new games, new themes, etc, etc.

TGRC – Tailgater of the Year 2010-2011 Scoring Rules

Quantitative –1. Attendance –

Carolina Panthers home tailgates count. Carolina Panthers away game watches count. Any other Tailgating organized activity counts.

2. Timeliness – You gotta be there. Arriving early, and conversely, tardiness counts.

3. Helping Out – It doesn’t get put together by itself. Helping set up and/or tear down count.

4. Being Douchy – Being a D-Bag(ette) – No excuses for absence/tardiness, No beer/food hogging (fatty),

No mooching, Consistently bringing Douchy friends, No fighting (unless someone needs their ass kicked),

TGRC – Tailgater of the Year 2010-2011 Scoring Rules

Official Flip Cup Rules1. There will be an all Male and all Female team. 2. The winning gender from the previous week determines the amount of players both sides

must have.3. Previous years’ Tailgater of the Year will determine the year long gender Team name.

Available at first Tailgate4. Previous years’ Tailgater of the Year will serve as Week #1 Captains.5. Each week, Jason and April will appoint a different Captain for their respective gender.6. Official game will be begin between 10:00am - 10:30am. Be ready to go.7. The first team to win 5 games will be that weeks winner.8. Beer must can be consumed during an “official” flip cup game. No water/soda/etc due to

unfair advantage with uncompromised mental or physical states.9. Physical interference is not allowed and will count as a loss for the offending team. 10. Performance enhancing substances are perfectly legal.11. All decisions of ties, rules violations, etc. will be handled between the two captains.12. Annual winning gender team name will be inscribed on Trophy.

Rule Change Rationale – Games were taking an extremely long time to organize and conclude. Flip cup will be played throughout the tailgate and should be a great testing/inclusion opportunity for all attendees. By starting the “Official” game earlier with shorter duration…more games can be played and more time to partake in other activities.

Tailgate Rescue Crew Members• Membership: $100/Annual

• Food & Drink to all home games for the current season.

• Donations: $15/Game• Food & Drink for that game.

Again – no one should feel any pressure to do either of these…..if you don’t want to lug crap to the parking lot and you plan on coming out and hanging with us all season….it’s a good deal. If you are only going to select games….. Donate for only the games you attend, it’s still a good deal. But you don’t have to do either. Come hang out and have a good time no matter what. The more the merrier.
