Elevation Data Task Force: Status Report D. David Moyer Wisconsin Land Information Association...


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Elevation Data Task Force: Elevation Data Task Force: Status ReportStatus Report

D. David Moyer

Wisconsin Land Information Association

February 12, 2003

2003 WLIA 2

Task Force MembersTask Force Members David Moyer, U.S. National Geodetic Survey (NGS), Chair

Harold Charlier, Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) Michael Czechanski, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History

Survey (WGNHS) Phillip Evenson, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning

Commission (SEWRPC) Douglas Fuller, Aero-metric, Inc. Robert Gurda, State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) Fred Halfen, Ayres Associates David Hart, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sea Grant Institute and

Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility (LICGF) Fred Iausly, Dane County Land Information Office Ted Koch, State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) Ed Harvey, Sheboygan County and Wisconsin County Surveyors

Association (WCSA)

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Task Force Members (cont.)Task Force Members (cont.) Al Lulloff, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Kent Pena, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Jerry Sullivan, Wisconsin Department of Administration,

Office of Land Information Services (OLIS) Mark Teuteberg, Oconto County Thomas Tym, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. Michael Bohn, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Paul Hartzheim, Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Darin Henkel, Wisconsin Department of Transportation

(WisDOT) Dennis Kanten, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Tanace Matthiesen, Wisconsin Department of Transportation


2003 WLIA 4

Affiliation of Task Force Affiliation of Task Force MembersMembers

State Agencies – 9– DNR, DOT, GNHS, DOA, SCO, UW

Federal Agencies - 3– USGS, USFS, NRCS, NGS

Private Sector - 3– Ayres, Aerometric, Ruekert & Mielke

RPCs – 2– SEWRPC, Bay Lakes

Counties – 2– Dane, Oconto

Professional Societies –2– WSLS, County Surveyors

2003 WLIA 5

Issues EDTF Needed to Issues EDTF Needed to AddressAddress

Existing elevation data not adequate to meet needs:– Elevation data needed for a large number of

activities across the state– These data need to be detailed and accurate– Currently many geographic areas do not have

accurate and timely elevation data available

2003 WLIA 6

EDTF ObjectivesEDTF Objectives

Inventory current Wisconsin elevation dataIdentify current and unmet applications for

elevation dataReview options for obtaining elevation dataDevelop cost estimates for improving

elevation data and supporting unmet needsMake recommendations to WLIB for

meeting elevation data needs

2003 WLIA 7

EDTF ActivitiesEDTF Activities

Appointed in Spring of 2001 Met approximately once a month (15 meetings

held) Typically 3 hour meetings Working meetings -- reviewed materials prepared

since last meeting and laid out an action plan for the next month – (of 21 members, about 10 have attended most of


2003 WLIA 8

Status of WorkStatus of Work

Final Report has been draftedWaiting for Office of Land Information to

finalize text and graphics for printing and distribution

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Report ContentsReport Contents

A review of the types of elevation data An inventory of elevation data in the state, as of

April, 2002 An overview of user applications and benefits Alternatives for acquiring elevation data Costs (which depend on technology used,

accuracy needed, etc.) Findings and Recommendations

2003 WLIA 10

General ConclusionsGeneral Conclusions

We believe there are several actions that need to be taken to improve elevation data in the State

We will therefore recommend a variety of actions that can be taken by:– WLIB– State Cartographer’s Office– WiDNR– WisDOT

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Findings and Conclusions - IFindings and Conclusions - I

A common, documented elevation database is needed

Elevation data is a critical infrastructure element that should be funded by government

Digital analysis and viewing tools require compatible digital data formats

Evolving technology is providing opportunity for the development of vastly improved elevation data

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Findings and Conclusions - IIFindings and Conclusions - II

“One size fits all” may not be the answerElevation data is a public good resource that

requires a broad fiscal approach– For example, current resources for floodplain

mapping could be spent more effectively– Current documentation of floodplain products

produced needs to be improved

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Findings and Conclusions - IIIFindings and Conclusions - III

Maintenance of elevation data is criticalWLIB’s EDTF is first attempt to address

issue on a statewide basisState agencies should pursue cost-share

opportunities with federal agenciesIn-state firms should be used wherever

feasible, to support Wisconsin’s workforce and economy

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Recommendations to WLIBRecommendations to WLIB

The Elevation Data Task Force Final Report includes a number of specific recommendations, directed to several agencies and boards.

Ted Koch will be discussing the specifics of these recommendations later in this session.

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2003 WLIA 17

Elevation Data Task Force:Elevation Data Task Force:- Recommendations -- Recommendations -

Ted Koch

WLIB Elevation Data Task Force

February 12, 2003

2003 WLIA 18

Recommendations for WLIB: IRecommendations for WLIB: I

Take lead in educating officials of needs and opportunities for elevation data

Support WiDNR floodplain mapping effortsEncourage participation of local

governments in planning/partnership efforts with state and federal agencies

Develop DEM specifications

2003 WLIA 19

Recommendations for WLIB: IIRecommendations for WLIB: II

Establish a Geodetic Standards and Specifications Work Group

Adopt hydro enforcing or similar mechanism to maximize DEM benefits

Determine procedures and hosting agency for distribution of DEM data

Encourage active county support of WI-HMP Encourage use of Wisconsin firms

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Recommendations: SCORecommendations: SCO

Maintain and make available elevation metadata free of charge– Include footprint of DEM and floodplain

mapping project when available– Integrate similar program for tracking

orthophoto and aerial photography projects

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Recommendations: WiDNR - IRecommendations: WiDNR - I

Continue to seek State legislature cost-share funding and lead floodplain improvement effort

Be designated as lead agency for I-Team Plan for DEMs and FPM

Seek Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) relationship with FEMA

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Recommendations: WiDNR - IIRecommendations: WiDNR - II

Take lead on Memorandum of Agreement for CTP to facilitate participation of counties, cities, villages, and towns in floodplain mapping efforts

Make web accessible digital FPM, DTMs, and related elevation data for which WiDNR is custodian

Explore with WisDOT, sharing bridge and culvert data needed to support floodplain mapping

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Recommendations: WisDOT - IRecommendations: WisDOT - I

Continue and accelerate the Wisconsin Height Modernization Program (WI-HMP)

Explore, with WiDNR, sharing bridge and culvert data needed to support floodplain mapping

Continue to pursue earmark funds to support the WI-HMP

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Recommendations: WisDOT - IIRecommendations: WisDOT - II

Compile and make available letters of support for the WI-HMP

Encourage and facilitate county support of the WI-HMP

Encourage the use of Wisconsin firms that are technically qualified and economically competitive

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