Eleonora Escalante, MBA-M...• Social Media is one of the digital technologies which business model...


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Eleonora Escalante, MBA-M.EngStrategic Corporate Advisory Services

Creating Corporate Integral Value (CIV)

Social Media: Predicting the future

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved 19-Jan-2018

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.


Outline Theme 2. Social Media Segmentation.

1. Social Media

Platform Uses

2. Traditional

Segmentation vs. Social

Media Segmentation

3. Social Media



4. Information




4. Content drives

community groups.

Micro segmentation

.5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions


We are here!

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.



We are here!

The Future: Predicting a well fine tuned segmentation using social media5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions

• All generations have to admit that our parents always told us to study math! Now

with the way the world is moving forward, is more important to learn math than


• The future for everyone working with social media information is to learn how to

analyze BIG DATA.

What is big data?

• The actual term “big data” is very recent, the concept was coined by industry

analyst Doug Laney in 2000, and the accepted definition of big data refers to the

three V’s, volume, velocity and variety. (Insights, Insights and Data, 2017). Other

practitioners have added two additional V´s: Veracity and Value.

Volume Velocity Variety

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.


The Future: Predicting a well fine tuned segmentation using social media


We are here!

5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions

• Social Media has created incredible amounts of data. And without being a marketer, remember

I am a Strategist, I know the impact of analyzing GOOD DATA. Now there is accepted that

each year will be more pressure to create and execute marketing strategies backed by

quantifiable evidence.

• Big data is exploding and more social media analytics will be required. All job requirements

are reflecting the relatively new required skills and significantly widening talent gap.

• The era of “Big data” has clearly arrived. Big Data refers to a collection of data sets so large

and complex that it becomes difficult to process using traditional data processing applications.

• The big data problem becomes significantly bigger when we open our eyes to reality: Data is

growing faster than ever before and by the year 2020, Experts are predicting a 4,300 percent

increase in annual data production, estimating 1.7 megabytes of new information will be

created every second for every human being on the planet (Forbes.com, 2017).

Source: “Examining the Data Analytics Skill Gap in Mid-Level Marketing Professionals, Driven by the Continuing

Exponential Growth of Big Data”. By Richard Vaughan. Journal of Business Theory and Practice ISSN 2372-9759 (Print)

ISSN 2329-2644 (Online) Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017.

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.



We are here!

The Future: Predicting a well fine tuned segmentation using social media5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions

• Big data’s biggest impact (38.2%) is in marketing, advanced analytics are used in customer-

facing marketing, sales and customer service departments (Anon, 2017).

• However, big data alone does not translate to improve marketing results, the insights derived

from big data, can have a significant impact on profitability. Insight from big data with a

comprehensive marketing strategy can make a considerable impact in customer retention,

acquisition, engagement and optimization performance.

• Big data can provide insight into where customers are located, what they want, how, when

and where they want to be contacted.

• Big data can identify what influences customer’s brand loyalty and how to increase repeat


• Big data’s biggest impact maybe in determining the optimal marketing campaign spend

across various channels, as well as continuously providing real time analytics on the programs

overall performance and analysis.

Source: “Examining the Data Analytics Skill Gap in Mid-Level Marketing Professionals, Driven by the Continuing Exponential

Growth of Big Data”. By Richard Vaughan. Journal of Business Theory and Practice ISSN 2372-9759 (Print) ISSN 2329-2644

(Online) Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017.

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.



We are here!

The Future: Predicting a well fine tuned segmentation using social media5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions

There are three main types of big data in marketing:

1. Customer data which include behavioral, attitudinal and transactional metrics from

such sources as promotion campaigns, websites, surveys, points of sale, social media,

online communities and loyalty reward programs.

2. Operational data typically includes objective metrics that measure the quality of

marketing processes relating to marketing operations, asset management, budgetary

controls and resource allocation.

3. Financial systems; this category includes sales, revenue, profits and other objective

data types that measure the financial health of the organization (Sas.com, 2017).

Customer Data Operational Data Financial Data

Source: “Examining the Data Analytics Skill Gap in Mid-Level Marketing Professionals, Driven by the Continuing Exponential

Growth of Big Data”. By Richard Vaughan. Journal of Business Theory and Practice ISSN 2372-9759 (Print) ISSN 2329-2644

(Online) Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017.

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.



We are here!

The Future: Predicting a well fine tuned segmentation using social media5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions The explosion of big data created by social media and digital technologies

is pushing us to ask ourselves:

First: We have all this amounts of data in place. What to do with them?

Second: If we decide to analyze Big Data, Are we ready for it? Do we have all the

technical capabilities to do it?

Third: If humans can´t analyze Big Data, are the new emerging technologies the

solution for it? Emerging Technologies such as machine learning, Block Chain,

Cloud Computing and others?.

Fourth: Is the solution to spend in big data and business analytics technology?

Fifth: Why do we need to measure all Big Data? To what extend? Humanly we

can´t force us to become what we are not. We can improve our human

capabilities, but it is important to learn math first.

Sixth: Social Media Segmentation was just a theme to reflect about what is

happening now with the emerging technologies…

Seventh: We can complicate the things more if we don´t set up boundaries first.

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.



We are here!

Summary and Conclusions.5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions

• During Leg 4 we have covered two themes: Porter´s Generic Strategies and Social Media


• We have learned the reasons why Porter´s Generic Strategies are important when looking for

competitive advantage. Remember we have to decide depending on the scope of the market (if

narrow or wide), and three categories are defined: cost leadership, differentiation and focused


• Social Media is one of the digital technologies which business model has been proven on-the-


• My definition of Social Media and the definition of what industry is pending until the last Leg of

the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018. We don´t need to rush.

• Content is the most important thing when it comes to your participation in social media

platforms. Try to be unique and genuine.

When sharing content, we have to recognize the efforts of others by at least giving the reference

or the link where we found the content.

• Big data has to humanize us. There is no hope in human nature if we don´t understand that each

technology is here to help us to be better personas, not the opposite…

• Expect more about these topics in the future… I will continue sailing.

Eleonora Escalante MBA-MEng, Strategic Corporate Advisory Services

© 2017 Eleonora Escalante-all rights reserved

Leg 4. From Melbourne to Hong Kong.


Picture source: http://forfreeblog.blogspot.com


We are here!

5. The Future: Predicting a

well fine tuned segmentation

using social media.

Summary and Conclusions
